Annual report on the achievement of strategic plan objectives
333 Acadie Avenue, Dieppe, N.B. E1A 1G9 telephone: 877.7900 info@dieppe.ca dieppe.ca
Mission, vision and values
Our Mission We offer services to our residents to ensure a high quality of life.
Our Vision The City of Dieppe’s strong Acadian pride is reflected in its hospitality towards all. It is a great place in which to live and raise a family thanks to its careful development and concern for the environment.
Our Values
The City of Dieppe values:
Pride We are proud of our Francophone Acadian heritage and our ability to provide service in both French and English. Integrity We are honest and open in all our dealings.
Excellence We strive to do things well and professionally. Respect We respect the people we serve and with whom we work. This respect helps to foster a spirit of mutual cooperation.
Transparency We apply transparency to all decisionmaking processes. We accept that we are accountable to our community for all of our decisions. Ecology Environmental consciousness guides our actions.
Table of contents Our mission
Our vision
Our values
Mayor’s message
Chief Administrative Officer’s message
Our strategic areas Community development Economic development Environment and sustainable development Municipal infrastructure Leadership and municipal management Partnerships
8 10 12 14 18 20 22
Mayor’s message On behalf of Council, I am pleased to present the City of Dieppe’s 2013 Annual Report. Our Annual Report serves to inform you about our accomplishments, measures put in place and results over the past year, all of which come from the strategic action areas outlined in our Strategic Plan. These areas include community development, economic development, environment and sustainable development, municipal infrastructure, leadership and municipal management, and partnerships. Citizen engagement is very important to City Council. I invite you to attend our public participation processes on various issues in the coming months. It is also important to applaud the dedication of employees and City Council members for the work accomplished in 2013. As well, thank you to all our valued citizens for the confidence you have shown us. It is a privilege to serve you.
Yvon Lapierre Mayor of Dieppe
Chief Administrative Officer’s message This Annual Report contains an overview of our accomplishments, performance indicators and results obtained in 2013. We are proud to offer very high quality services and programs to our residents. Here are a few of our successes: l Growth of the non-residential sector and ratio
improvement l Web broadcast of city council meetings l Traffic improvements at the intersection of
Champlain Street and Dieppe Boulevard (Phase 1) l Planting of more than 200 mature trees l Hosting the Circus Festival and FrancofĂŞte in Dieppe l Start of the Lean Six Sigma project aimed at
improving our processes and optimal utilization of resources The quality and delivery of services are important guides for city management in our mission. City staff demonstrate tireless commitment in all the services we offer whether internally or to residents. In fact, it is indeed thanks to our staff that we have achieved tangible successes on behalf of our community.
Marc Melanson Chief Administrative Officer
Our strategic areas 2013 Mayor and Council have agreed upon the City of Dieppe’s direction in one unanimous voice. The Strategic Plan defines six areas for which objectives and priorities are developed. This Plan allows Council and city management to focus its efforts in order to fulfil the municipality’s vision. Our projects and accomplishments are laid out in the following pages.
1 Economic development 2 Environment and sustainable development 3 Municipal infrastructure 4 Leadership and municipal management 5 Partnerships 6 Community development
Objective 1 Promote services and programs based on needs analysis and longterm planning.
Community development Dieppe residents are proud of their community and recognize the importance of contributing to its development. They value its francophone identity, Acadian heritage, dynamism, family-oriented atmosphere and its array of bilingual services.
Our accomplishments in 2013 l Revised four policies supporting leisure services programs l Developed and adopted of two new policies – cultural policy and
festivals policy l Updated facility reservation and online program registration system l Organized first dog day l Received provincial accessibility award from Premier of New Brunswick’s
council, municipal category
Performance indicators MEASURES RESULTS l Percentage of fulfilment of recommendations
l 15.25% of master recreation plan l Percentage of satisfaction of residents surveyed l A total of 97% indicated they were satisfied, in regards to services offered* 80% of whom said they were very satisfied. l Number of new partnerships signed, maintained l 5 or improved New: - Agreement with Hockey Dieppe Memramcook Inc. for the operation of the canteen at the Arthur-J.-LeBlanc Centre. Maintained: - Partnership agreement with Salon du livre de Dieppe Inc. - Partnership agreement with International du cerf-volant de Dieppe Inc. - Partnership agreement with FrancoFête en Acadie - Partnership agreement with Circus Stella (Dieppe Circus Festival) l Examples of new programs established or
l Adoption of $25,000 budget for new initiatives in arts initiatives promoting arts and culture and culture in 2014 l Creation of works of visual art at Place 1604 l Partnering with École Amirault’s Génie Art Program and artist Suzanne Cormier-Dupuis (creation and presentation of a work of art at the Operations Centre)
*We surveyed participants in four leisure programs: Playful Renardi, Children’s Festival, Renardi Summer Camps and the Wednesday Show.
Objective 2 Encourage and facilitate community engagement toward quality of life improvement and promotion of Acadian pride
Our accomplishments in 2013 l Established “citizens’ budget” concept called Budget Dieppe l Hosted ‘Le réseau pour les arts et la culture du Québec’ conference l Bid to hold the annual general meeting of the Les Arts et la Ville organization
in 2015 l Collaborated with the organization of the commemorative ceremony for the
Battle of Britain l Partnered with ‘Legs for Literacy’ race l Established a strategy and action plan aimed at attracting large events
promoting La Francophonie l $317,580 in subsidies to eight community organizations supporting the arts
and culture sector and the hosting of events in Dieppe l $208,622 in subsidies to approximately 30 community organizations l Contributed $50,000 to the Université de Moncton’s Excellence campaign
(year 10/10 in 2013) l $16,500 subsidy to nine community organizations supporting the non-profit
sector and the hosting of major sports championships
Performance indicators MEASURES RESULTS l Examples of involvement or contribution where
l Bids by the municipality to host the following events: the municipality played an important role in the - 2015 Les Arts et la Ville symposium promotion and advancement of La Francophonie - 2016 Éloizes or the Acadian culture and heritage - 2017 Jeux de la Francophonie canadienne (jointly with the City of Moncton) - 2019 National Acadian Day as part of the 2019 World Acadian Congress l Examples of community participation toward quality
l Establishment of community gardens of life improvement l Involvement of neighbourhood residents during process of planning for new Le Faisan Park l Support provided to a group of residents in regards to developing a splash park in Dieppe l Support provided to Tennis Dieppe in regards to a future indoor tennis project l Support provided to Baseball Dieppe in regards to their future infrastructure needs
Objective 1 Promote and support the development of a downtown in order to stimulate economic and social activity.
Economic development Development has been the growth engine for Dieppe for several years – and we recognize that it is essential to continue to manage it in a sustainable and affordable manner. The Municipal Plan and sustainable development principles will guide our decisions and investments.
Our accomplishments in 2013 l Significant increase in the number of renovation
projects l Supported interested entrepreneurs in the
development of land located downtown l Hosted and provided technical support to the Relay for
Life at Place 1604 l Developed a natural outdoor skating rink at Place 1604
Performance indicators MEASURES RESULTS l Number and description of projects undertaken
l 79 projects, 54 of which were for in the downtown zone renovations and the other 19 for signage. This represents a significant increase compared to 2012, with an additional 23 projects being undertaken. l Value of building permits coming from new l Total of $980,000. Decrease from 2012 construction in the downtown zone when we had a bit more than $3 million. However, we expect a recovery in 2014.
Objective 2 Promote maximum usage of current municipal land while at the same time planning for future uses.
Our accomplishments in 2013 l Improvement in the ratio between the residential and non-residential sectors l Began process with provincial government to expand the municipality’s
administrative boundaries l Created charge area for infrastructure on the periphery of the Dieppe Boulevard
extension between Melanson Road and LeBlanc Road l Prepared preliminary study for the Municipal Plan revision l Created a variety of Geographic information Systems maps noting the
municipality’s tax base, i.e. developed land vs. vacant land per sector
Performance indicators MEASURES RESULTS l Cumulative ratio of building permits between residential
and non-residential sectors
Residential sector
Non-residential sector
2013 67.54% 32.46% 2012 67.99% 32.01% 2011 67.68% 32.32% The goal remains a ratio of 60% residential and 40% non-residential. l Annual ratio of the value of new construction permits
between residential and non-residential sectors.
Residential sector
Non-residential sector
Percentage 42.67%
Number of permits 442
Permit value $19,195,015 $25,789,141
l Number of acres of undeveloped land
l 11.2 km2
- vacant residential land - vacant commercial land - vacant industrial land
- 2.9 km2 (26.9%) - 0.9 km2 (34.6%) - 7.4 km2 (44.8%)
Environment and sustainable development
The City of Dieppe enjoys an excellent environment with foliage, green spaces, marshes and the Petitcodiac River. The City is committed to maintaining, protecting and enriching this attractive environment..
Objective 1 Ensure the integration of sustainable development principles in growth projects.
Our accomplishments in 2013 l Construction of two retention ponds in the Village Gauvin
subdivision (Note: the retention ponds help to clean the water from runoff before it reaches the Chartersville Marsh) l Training and awareness of staff on principles of densification l Created a Geographic Information System map identifying parks, green spaces, trails and public transit
Performance indicators MEASURES RESULTS l Examples of green decisions taken by city council
l Establishment of a community tree planting program l Paperless regular council meetings l Estimated number of annual public transit trips
Estimated number of annual trips/resident
Estimated total number of trips
103,058 (estimated population of 24,000 residents)
no statistics due to work stoppage
161,346 (estimated population of 23,000 residents)
132,919 (estimated population of 22,000 residents)
118,809 (estimated population of 21,125 residents)
95,415 (estimated population of 20,250 residents)
Public transit resumed service in January following a work stoppage that lasted approximately seven months – from June to December 2012. This work stoppage had a significant negative impact on users. This may explain in large part the decrease in the number of trips by residents in 2013. However, we did implement major changes to the Dieppe system beginning in September 2013, after which we noticed a small increase in revenue. This indicated to us that the changes seemed to please users and that we are on the right track. The Canadian Urban Transit Association’s goal is 30 annual public transit trips per person by 2040. The average number of trips by public transit in 2007 was only 15 per small community of less than 50,000 residents. If you compare these targets with Dieppe, we have a major challenge in increasing public transit use.
Performance indicators MEASURES RESULTS l Number of variances
l Considerable reduction in the past year, down Why is measuring this important? It indicates trends from 35 to eight in 2013. in regards to the adherence to – and pertinence of – the requirements under the zoning bylaw. l Number of modifications made to the land use plan
l Slight reduction from 2012, from six to four in and zoning map 2013. Why is measuring this important? It indicates trends in regards to development and adherence to the Municipal Plan and zoning bylaw.
l Total number of multifamily and residential units
l According to the 2011 Census, 54.3% of private households lived in detached homes while 45.7% of households lived in multifamily-type units.
Type of residential construction
New Brunswick
% Number
Canada Number
Single detached dwelling
Semi-detached dwelling
Apartment (building five storeys or more)
Apartment (building less than five storeys)
Mobile home
9,280 100.0 314,005 100.0
Apartment, duplex Other attached detached dwelling
13,320,615 100.0
Objective 2 Encourage and promote environmental protection and sustainable development, making Dieppe a leader in the field.
Our accomplishments in 2013 l Eco-energy renovations to the Boys and Girls Club of Dieppe (recovered exterior,
gymnasium lights) l Participated in NB Power’s Power Shift Project aimed at using wind energy as the source
of power at the Arthur-J.-LeBlanc Centre, City Hall and the Dieppe Aquatic and Sports Centre l Planting of 70 trees and shrubs and 1,550 seedlings by residents as part of an econeighbourhood project in the Le Village subdivision l Planted 76 trees at Rotary St-Anselme Park as part of the TD / Trees Canada National Tree Day l Planted 70 trees along Dieppe Boulevard, Paul Street and at the Dieppe Aquatic and Sports Centre l Training and awareness of staff in regards to idling of municipal vehicles l Printing of a number of articles about the environment in DieppeMAG l Various presentations to the community (schools, annual convention of CommunautĂŠs et loisir Nouveau-Brunswick, Dieppe Market)
Performance indicators MEASURES RESULTS
l Examples and descriptions of green initiatives undertaken
l Created a community tree planting program l Converted employee pay stubs from paper to electronic format
l Estimated percentage of municipal
l No percentage was available during preparation of the 2013 Annual
land under green cover
Report. We can state that there has been a major reduction in green cover over the past decade. However, the implementation of a tree planting program is aimed at ensuring a new green cover for future generations.
Municipal infrastructure The ability to get around is particularly important for residents who also want quality and diverse infrastructure. Therefore, the municipality is committed to using all its assets, to maintain them in good repair and, as required, to enlarge them in a responsible and sustainable manner.
Objective 1 Continue improvements to the road transportation system in order to allow for the efficient movement of people and vehicles.
Our accomplishments in 2013 l Repaved Gould, Thibodeau, and GaspĂŠ Streets l Concluded the first phase of widening Dieppe Boulevard
between Champlain Street and Highway 15 l Installed traffic lights on Dieppe Boulevard at the intersection
of Chartersville Road and Rufin/Aquatique Streets l Invested $1.7 million in surface reconstruction of paved
municipal streets l Increased bus frequency and establishment of a shuttle service
Performance indicators MEASURES RESULTS l Condition of street infrastructure based on the
l A street audit was redone in 2013 on main
maintenance criteria report
arteries. We determined that the quality of our streets deteriorated despite adding 5.5 km of streets since 2010. Streets considered to be in very good and good condition went from 87% to 79%. Streets considered to be in poor and very poor condition went from 7% to 11%.
Objective 2 Continue improvements to municipal infrastructure in order to respond to current and future needs of residents.
Our accomplishments in 2013 l Replaced 2.6-km sanitary sewer crossing the Chartersville Marsh l Constructed 1.8 km of trails along the Chartersville Marsh l Replaced 1.4 km of water mains and repaved Gould, Thibodeau and Gaspé Streets l Installed water main on Dieppe Boulevard extension between Melanson and
LeBlanc Roads l Replaced main sanitary sewer (340 m) along Dolbeau Street l Began construction of new fire station based on sustainable development
principles l Continued planning process for replacement of Centenaire Arena l Completely reconstructed tennis courts on Cousteau Street l Constructed new Le Faisan Park l Reconstructed playgrounds (Centrale Park and Rita MacNeill Accessible
Playground) l Extended construction of L’Étoile trail l Connected trails: Bourque-Maurice-Boisée, Melanson-Richard (Le Faisan Park), and
Performance indicators MEASURES RESULTS l Number, list and descriptions of infrastructure
l Total estimated at $38 million
requiring major repairs, modifications or replacement in the next five years l Examples of council initiatives or initiatives to improve
l Installed tactile plates at intersection of Champlain/ accessibility Acadie l Installed secure crosswalks, audible signals and tactile plates along with new traffic lights on Dieppe Boulevard at the intersections of Chartersville Road and Rufin/Aquatique
Leadership and municipal management
Objective 1 Promote and support an approach aimed at the continued improvement and efficient management of our resources.
We seek to serve our community in an efficient and effective manner, as well as to benefit from sound financial management. Our services must respond to the expectations and needs expressed by our residents. These services must also be delivered in a timely manner, be of high quality and affordable.
Our accomplishments in 2013 l Started Lean Six Sigma project aimed at improving our
processes and optimizing the utilization of resources l Increased the operational budget in order to undertake capital
projects that will allow us to reduce our borrowing and costs associated with debt repayment l Continued the asphalt preservation program aimed at prolonging the lifespan of our street by aiming for “the right intervention at the best location at the best time�
Performance indicators MEASURES RESULTS l Municipal services costs per $100 assessment
2012 Comparison
Fredericton $1.67
l 2013: $1.71 l 2012: $1.75
Our accomplishments in 2013
Objective 2 Encourage teamwork and decision-making guided by a visionary approach.
l Continued process aimed at protecting an underground source of
water for the area l Ratified collective agreements with two of the municipality’s unions l Contributed financially to, participated in, and collaborated on the
development of the ‘Destination 2040’ regional transportation plan
Performance indicators MEASURES RESULTS l Percentage of realization of objectives in
l no results in %. However, management finalized the
strategic plan
preparation of a quarterly report aimed at providing an overview of the progress of each strategy. The identification and details of success indicators are continuing among the departments. It should be noted that this is a new approach that requires fundamental change at the level of the organization’s culture.
l Examples of decisions reflecting leadership
l Investments in regards to exploration for a possible and vision source of water l Fiscal capacity
l Dieppe’s fiscal capacity is favorable when compared to New
Brunswick’s other cities. The value of assessment per capita is higher, which brings in better return on investments per dollar invested. The tax rate also confirms this because it is the second-lowest rate among New Brunswick cities. In conclusion, the higher the tax base, the lower the tax rates are for the same fiscal needs.
Property tax base
Population Assessment Tax rate 2011 per person
Rank per tax rate
Fiscal capacity
Saint John
Partnerships We can reach our objectives when we work together toward a common goal. This is why the municipality encourages synergy between all stakeholders in order to maximize Dieppe’s potential.
Objective 1 Encourage and promote collaboration between the various levels of government and other public and private organizations in regards to Dieppe’s development.
Our accomplishments in 2013 l Municipal contribution totalling $1.1M, or 60% of improvement
costs to the Province of New Brunswick’s designated highways located within Dieppe’s boundaries, specifically the widening of the portion of Dieppe Boulevard between Champlain Street and Highway 15 as well as the start of preliminary planning toward the reconstruction of Acadie Avenue and Amirault Street in the Chartersville Marsh area l Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency subsidy of $201,000 toward renovations to tennis courts as part of the Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund l Canadian Heritage subsidy of $11,000 toward Canada Day celebrations l Regional Development Corporation subsidy of $10,700 as part of the tripartite program for development of school yards. l Canadian Heritage subsidy of $5,000 for the Wednesday Show series of concerts l Government of New Brunswick subsidy of $4,500 for the Wednesday Show series of concerts l Submitted funding request to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Green Municipal Fund for various City of Dieppe projects l Submitted funding request to Efficiency NB for various municipal projects l Partnered with TD Bank and Trees Canada for the tree planting project at Rotary St-Anselme Park
Performance indicators MEASURES RESULTS l Percentage of annual general operations budget
coming from federal and provincial governments
l 2% l 2.23% l 2.43%
$871,177 (2013) $925,642 (2012) $944,352 (2011)
l Percentage of annual capital budget coming from
l 3.45%, or $425,000 out of a budget of $12,318,494
provincial and federal governments l Examples and descriptions of participations by
l Le Village eco-neighbourhood project with the organizations in City of Dieppe growth projects participation of the Université de Moncton’s Groupe littoral et vie l Construction of a single-family home in partnership with Habitat for Humanity l Reconstruction and improvements to the École Ste Thérèse school yard in partnership with the school’s parents’ committee l Partnerships with private and public sector
l Financial contribution to PASCAN for the establishment of new flights to and from the Greater Moncton International Airport l Agreement with a developer aimed at extending the water main on the future section of Dieppe Boulevard between Melanson and LeBlanc Roads l Agreement with a developer aimed at extending the main sewer line under Dolbeau Street during construction of the new street
333 Acadie Avenue, Dieppe, N.B. E1A 1G9 telephone: 877.7900 info@dieppe.ca dieppe.ca