Adding a news item walkthrough Step One: Go to the main Kawartha Lakes homepage and press “Control Control” on your keyboard. Step Two: Log into the back end of iCreate. From there, select the “home” icon from the main menu at the top to the brought into the iCreate editing module.
Step Three: From the left hand side menu, select “News”. Make sure you are on the “City of Kawartha Lakes” website by checking your website name at the top left.
Confirm the website
Step three: select news
Step Four: Select “Add” at the top left of the news page list to begin to create your news item. Step four: create a news item page
Step Five: Create your news item by completing the “Create New Page” form. Please ensure the following fields are completed correctly: • • • • • • • •
Vertical: News Template: News Page Name: [Type the name of the news item here] Ex. Shout out to Public Works File Name: This will automatically populate based on the page name above. Select the “Featured” box to ensure the news item shows on the homepage under the rotating green bar Categories: This is where you will select the news feed the item goes into. For example, Shout Out messages go under “Applause” Tags: Enter the keywords associated with your news item. The tag feature will pull up any tags previously used. Description: Enter a brief description of what the news item is about. For example, “Shout out to Public Works” would say “A thank you note from a resident to our Public Works Team.”
Step Six: Select “save changes” to save the news item. Click on “Edit the new page” to move onto the next step to build the news item.
Step Six: Edit the new page Step Seven: Build your news item as a page. Just like any other page on the website, your news item will now be populated with the full toolbar options. To begin, start with the feature image (if applicable) by clicking on “Edit Feature Item”. Use the file image manager to upload your picture into the news item. Do not forget to put your alternative text. The feature image will be the preview image that displays on the news search page.
Step Eight: Click on the “Editable” space to begin building the news item. If you have a feature image, you must also insert the photo into the text body in order for the image to display on the page. Do this by using the image uploader button on the toolbar. After you insert the image, you may begin typing in the news release content. You can use the toolbar to insert your news content from the “paste from word” feature. Step Nine: Once you have added in your content, hit save from the tool bar options. To preview the news item, select “control control” on your keyboard. Step Ten: Send your news item to approval (or publish) your news item by clicking the Publish button.
DO NOT SELECT “Send Email Notification to Subscribers”.