Kevin Ashe
mayor@pickering.ca pickering.ca
Regional Councillor - Ward 1
Maurice Brenner
Regional Councillor - Ward 2
Linda Cook
Regional Councillor - Ward 3
David Pickles
City Councillor - Ward 1
Lisa Robinson
During distribution of this guide, applications are accepted and a random processing system is utilized. Participants must meet program age requirements by the first class.
Details on refunds, withdrawals and transfers can be found online at pickering.ca/registration.
Financial assistance for recreation programs is available for Pickering residents. For details contact Angela Lajoie at 905.420.4660 ext 3255 or email alajoie@pickering.ca
City Councillor - Ward 2
Mara Nagy
City Councillor - Ward 3
Shaheen Butt
Online at pickering.ca/active
Browse, search, and register for programs and activities quickly and easily.
At Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex, 1867 Valley Farm Road Cheque, MasterCard, Visa, and Interac is accepted for in person payments
Completed registration form with payment (cheque or credit card) to: Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex 1867 Valley Farm Road, Pickering, ON L1V 3Y7
Completed registration form with payment (cheque or credit card) at: Pickering Civic Complex - Central Tower (outside, between City Hall and the Library) One The Esplanade, Pickering, ON L1V 6K7
Registration for non residents starts June 13
Detailed information and downloadable registration forms are available. pickering.ca/registration | 905.420.4621 | registration@pickering.ca
We are committed to meeting the needs of our growing community and providing accessible programs, Accessibility services and resources to all of our residents. pickering.ca/accessibility
Our Camp Staff have been carefully selected, and are trained and qualified leaders of summer fun!
Staff are certified in Standard First Aid & CPR-C, have completed courses in “High Five” Principles of Healthy Child Development, and have satisfactory police check with vulnerable sector screening. Visit the camps page online for complete details, pickering.ca/camps
week 1 T-F July 4 - July 7*
week 2 M-F July 10 - July 14
week 3 M-F
week 4 M-F
week 5 M-F
week 6 T-F
week 7 M-F
week 8 M-F
week 9 M-F
July 17 - July 21
July 24 - July 28
August 1 - August 4
August 8 - August 11*
August 14 - August 18
August 21 - August 25
August 28 - September 1
*note: week 1 and 6 are short weeks (4 days only)
Campers must be minimum age at start of camp. Registration for campers with special needs requiring additional staff support must be submitted by May 26, 2023.
Please contact Registration for details, by phone 905.420.4621, or email registration@pickering.ca.
Campers may be be dropped of at their specifc camp location, or at the CHD Recreation Complex for transport to the various camp locations. Busing is available for northern residents (Seaton and Dufns).
These 2 day, half day camps are big time fun for your little one, and a great introduction to camp.
Each week is a brand new theme with lots of fun activities to get little campers excited and participating in arts, crafts, dance, and more.
CHD Recreation Complex - Creative Centre 9:00
weeks 1 -
School is out and its time to enjoy summer! Enjoy a fun flled week full of all of our best camp activities including swimming, outdoor activities, dance, sports, arts and crafts!
Campers will enjoy a week of fun and creativity while For campers who seek a day flled with exploration and exploring the magical world of dance. Bollywood, Line discovery! Crafts, outdoor games, camping skills, archery, Dance, Folk Dance, Hip Hop, and more! New music, new and creek walks are part of the fun. Special themes and dance styles, and a new performances each week. fresh activities ensure each week is a new adventure.
Summer fun on stage! Campers learn singing, dancing, and acting skills while exploring a diferent theme each week. They will also create their own props for an end of
This camp offers a wide variety of crafts, games and Don Beer Arena activities designed to showcase your child’s creativity.
week performance.
Drama & dance will be explored and lend hand to inspiring imagination. Special theme days will bring
Every day is a new adventure as we discover, learn, and
experience the nature around us! Our environmental
journey will lead us down many exciting paths as we
focus on a diferent area of interest each week.
Campers are encouraged to “show of what they got” in
this high energy camp! They will learn new breakdancing
moves and techniques that will be sure to impress at our
end of session dance battle.
CHD Recreation Complex - Dbls Squash Courts
9:00 am - 3:15 pm Available weeks 2, 3, 4, 7, and 8
Bdance week 2 Jul 10-Jul 14 43279 $235.00
Bdance week 3 Jul 17-Jul 21 43280 $235.00
See what it takes to be a frefghter! Campers will
Bdance week 4 Jul 24-Jul 28 43281 $235.00 learn the basics of fre cause and prevention, fre
Bdance week 7 Aug 14-Aug 18 43282 $235.00 safety, frefghting equipment and its usage, and the
Bdance week 8 Aug 21-Aug 25 43283 $235.00 importance of teamwork! The week concludes with a Jr. Firefghter Graduation Ceremony.
Dr. Nelson F. Tomlinson Community Centre (Claremont)
9:00 am - 3:15 pm Available weeks 3, 6 and 7
JrFire week 3 Jul 17-Jul 21 42735 $260.00
JrFire week 6 Aug 8-Aug 11 42736 $210.00
JrFire week 7 Aug 14-Aug 18 42737 $260.00
2 weeks only! Designed for beginners and skateboard lovers alike. Campers will enjoy daily skateboarding with support from intructors that will allow them to progress skills, and build self-confdence through this exciting sport. Participants must bring their own skateboard and helmet (mandatory). Additional safety gear is recommended.
CHD Recreation Complex Arena - O’Brien Room A & B
9:00 am - 3:15 pm Available weeks 4 and 8 SkBrd
Campers will have the opportunity to explore various creative medium. Throughout the week they will discover and build with clay, try various techniques and learn to “paint like a pro”. Campers will also have the opportunity to go swimming and participate in other active games throughout the day.
CHD Recreation Complex - Arts Studio 9:00 am - 3:15 pm Available weeks 1 - 9
Campers will participate in a variety of hands-on activities and projects to grow their skills in science, technology, engineering, and math. A whole week of exciting discovery, learning and fun!
East Shore CC - Youth Room
9:00 am - 3:15 pm Available weeks 3, 7
Ste week 3 Jul 17-Jul 21 43284 $235.00
Ste week 7 Aug 14-Aug 18 43285 $235.00
*This camp will be ofered weeks 3 - 9 , details to follow at pickering.ca/active*
This extended camp program is ofered before and after our full day camps for those parents and guardians that need a little more time each day. Staf keep things fun and interesting by ofering diferent activities & crafts than what is ofered in the day camp programs.
Children are dropped of and picked up at the Rec Complex - West Salon. Campers will be transferred to the appropriate camp or camp bus for the start of the day, and back to the Rec Complex at the end of camp.
Morning hours: 7:00 am - 9:00 am
Afternoon hours: 3:15 pm - 6:00 pm
Note: Extenda Camp is not available for Mini Sampler, or Fitness camps. CHD Rec Complex Available weeks 1 - 9
For the camper who loves being indoors and out, and being active in a wide variety of sports! Each session campers will choose their favourite sports, and the week will be geared around those choices. Special theme days and diferent activities each session make for a new game each week.
Dunbarton High School - Gym
CHD Recreation Complex - East Salon (wk 8 )
9:00 am - 3:15 pm Available weeks 2 - 8
This camp is designed for teens looking to learn more about being physically ft. It includes an active as well an educative class component with elements of proper gym etiquette, training principles and proper equipment use. Campers will learn how to enhance their muscular endurance, aerobic capacity, agility, fexibility, and other performance measures. Campers will learn safe and efective techniques for working out taught by trained ftness professionals and gain an understanding of the basic exercise science behind their bodies’ actions. In addition to workout time on/with equipment, campers may also participate in other activities such as swimming, yoga, cycling and more.
Upon successful completion participants are eligible to access the Health Club via youth membership at the CHD Recreation Complex.
This camp is designed for youth with disabilities, looking for an active, engaging, and social summer experience. Campers can expect a week of arts, games, sports, ftness, and other recreational / social activities.
CHD Recreation Complex - Child Supervision Room
9:00 am - 3:15 pm Available weeks 1 - 9
Excep week 1 Jul 4-Jul 7 42785 $235.00
Excep week 2 Jul 10-Jul 14 42786 $235.00
Excep week 3 Jul 17-Jul 21 42787 $235.00
Excep week 4 Jul 24-Jul 28 42788 $235.00
Excep week 5 Aug 1-Aug 4 42789 $235.00
Excep week 6 Aug 8-Aug 11 42790 $235.00
Excep week 7 Aug 14-Aug 18 42791 $235.00
Excep week 8 Aug 21-Aug 25 42792 $235.00
Excep week 9 Aug 28-Sep 1 43271 $235.00
Please note: Campers must be able to manage changing and toileting independently, unless attending camp with a personal support staf.
Application deadline is Monday, May 26, 2023.
If your child has a disability that requires additional staf support, please clearly state this on your application form. This will enable your child to have a positive and supported camp experience.
Extra support at camp is generally required according to the following criteria:
• A physical, developmental and/or learning disability exists, afecting mobility, communication, comprehension and/or interactions
• Extra support/assistance is required at home for basic care such as dressing or toileting
• Extra support is required at school
To ensure the successful integration of children with special needs (requiring additional staf support) at camp, please note the following information:
1. Parent/guardian will be required to complete a Participant Profle prior to registration being confrmed. This will assist staf to determine that the camp program is suitable for your child, and to identify any accommodations that may be required.
2. Applications will be processed as received, and Pickering residents will receive priority spaces.
3. Up to 4 weeks of camp are provided with additional staf support. Additional weeks are available, however, additional staf support must be arranged by parent/guardian.
Non-residents will be eligible for any remaining camp spaces only after all Pickering residents have been processed.
Applications will not be accepted after the application deadline has passed. Contact Program Registration for more information or to register.
905.420.4621 | registration@pickering.ca
Learn skills such as goal setting, communication, leadership, healthy living, and resume building to help you prepare for your future. This two week program includes learning the principals of healthy child development, and earning a certifcation in Emergency First Aid and CPR, along with hands-on training.
week 1: in class at East Shore CC
week 2: hands on camp time at CHD Recreation Complex
Two sessions available this summer.
Learn what it is like to work in a Summer Camp setting. This program is geared towards teens who are interested in developing leadership, communication, and program planning skills. Participants receive a letter with their total hours volunteered that can be used towards the community service requirements for high school graduation. Please note: Participants will require a completed Police Check to volunteer at camp.
At Camp Assistant Counsellors will
• assist and interact with all campers, including special needs campers
• assist and have opportunity to run camp activities
• swim daily
Step1 Choose and register for a training session: CHD Recreation Complex - Meeting Rooms 2 & 3
Step 2 Book your volunteer experience (min.4 wks):
Register for camps and leadership programs online at pickering.ca/active
Registration starts June 1.
Please note:
Only program participants will be permitted into the Program Area (parents/caregivers will only be permitted for Parent & Tot programs and unregistered siblings will not be permitted into the space).
Parent & Tot
P&T Bouncin’ Buddies 2 - 3.5 yrs
This action-packed program emphasizes fun, learning through play and social interaction at a progressive pace, which will aid in developing better motor skills and self confdence among other children. Your child will build strength, balance and coordination as they enjoy our mat room. This program is perfect for the tot with plenty of energy!
CHD Recreation Complex - Mat Room
W Jul 12-Aug 23 10:00 am-10:45 am 7wks 43402 $65.00
Kids in Action 4 - 6 yrs
Children will enjoy one hour of Creative Play and one hour of Kindergym, with specialized instruction for each. This active program is terrifc for energetic children.
CHD Recreation Complex - Creative Centre & Mat Room
T Jul 11-Aug 22
pm-8:30 pm
Tots in Action 3 - 5 yrs
Children will enjoy one hour of Creative Play and one hour of Kindergym, with specialized instruction for each. This active program is terrifc for energetic children.
CHD Recreation Complex - Creative Centre
T Jul 11-Aug 22 4:00 pm-6:00 pm 7wks 43400 $98.00
Jumpin’ Jax 3 - 4 yrs
You child will learn basic movement patterns through music, exercise, gymnastics and play. They will start to develop balance, strength, fexibility and co-ordination, all without parental participation. A fun class to burn energy and meet new friends. CHD Recreation Complex - Mat Room
Th Jul 13-Aug 24 9:30 am-10:30 am 7wks 43406 $74.00
Junior Gymnastics 4 - 6 yrs
This action packed program exposes children to fundamental gymnastic skills through emphasizing fun, ftness, and friendship!
CHD Recreation Complex - Mat Room
Superkids 3 - 5 yrs
Prepare for action in this super training class! Balance, climb, crawl, jump, run, and master the obstacles! Skills developed in this class can help prepare children for participation in various sports activities while having a heap of fun!
CHD Recreation Complex - Mat Room
Superheroes in Training 4 - 6 yrs
Each week soon-to-be-heroes will train hard, completing various obstacle courses that will enable them to defeat the villains and save the world. Throughout the program, various crafts will be completed to develop and enhance their unique superhero persona!
CHD Recreation Complex - Creative Centre
Superheroes in Training 5-7 yrs
Each week soon-to-be-heroes will train hard, completing various obstacle courses that will allow them to defeat the villains and save the world. Throughout the program, various crafts will be completed to enhance and build their unique superhero persona!
CHD Recreation Complex - Creative Centre
Basketball Fundamentals 6 - 8 yrs
This program teaches the fundamentals of basketball. Participants will learn the importance of defense, passing and rebounding as well as develop skills in ball handling, shooting, form, and footwork. Every week will end with a mini game. Participants will be grouped based on age and skill level.
East Shore CC - Gymnasium
W Jul 19-Aug 23 6:15 pm-7:15 pm 6wks 43992 $47.00
Basketball Fundamentals 9 - 12 yrs
This program teaches the fundamentals of basketball. Participants will learn the importance of defence, passing and rebounding as well as develop skills in ball handling, shooting, form, and footwork. Every week will end with a mini game. Participants will be grouped based on age and skill level.
East Shore CC - Gymnasium
W Jul 19-Aug 23 7:30 pm-8:30 pm 6wks 43993 $47.00
Basketball Skills & Drills 7 - 11 yrs
This program is for those that know the fundamentals of basketball. Participants will learn the importance of dribbling, ball handling, shooting, form, and footwork. Players will work individually on skills under the instruction of a qualifed and enthusiastic leader.
East Shore CC - Gymnasium
F Jul 21-Aug 25 6:00 pm-7:30 pm 6wks 43991 $66.00
Cirque d’Kids 6 - 10 yrs
A fusion of circus arts, gymnastics and pure fun !Come clown around and get ft while you learn some fun new skills and make new friends. Imagination and creativity are encouraged. Parents and grandparents will enjoy our ‘Greatest Show on Earth’ performed during our last class.
CHD Recreation Complex - Mat Room
Sa Jul 15-Aug 26 10:15 am-11:30 am 7wks 43937 $80.00
Girls Gymnastics 7 - 11 yrs
Participants develop gymnastics skills in a fun and safe environment. Emphasis on safety and correct form. Floor, bars, beam and vault training.
CHD Recreation Complex - Mat Room
Th Jul 13-Aug 24 2:00
Gymnastics 6 - 8 yrs
Learn gymnastics in a fun and safe environment. Emphasis on safety and correct form. Floor, bars, beam and vault training.
CHD Recreation Complex - Mat Room
Sa Jul 15-Aug 26 11:45 am-1:00 pm
Junior Ninja 5 - 7 yrs
Train like a ‘NINJA’ in one action packed class! Balance, climb, crawl, jump, run and MASTER THE OBSTACLES. Develop skills that can prepare for participation in other sports while having a HEAP OF FUN!
CHD Recreation Complex - Mat Room
W Jul 12-Aug 23 12:45 pm-1:45 pm 7wks 43404 $74.00
Th Jul 13-Aug 24 12:30 pm-1:30 pm 7wks 43408 $74.00
Sport FUN-Damentals 4 - 6 yrs
Children will have a tons of fun while learning the fundamentals of throwing, catching, hitting and kicking a ball. Some of the activities will include indoor soccer games, basketball, dodgeball, tag, octopus and other fun games that will give kids both fun and ftness!
East Shore CC - Gymnasium
Ultimate Ninja 7 - 11 yrs
43994 $62.00
Train like a ‘NINJA’ in one action packed class! Balance, climb, crawl, jump, run and MASTER THE OBSTACLES. Develop skills that can prepare for participation in other sports while having a HEAP OF FUN!
CHD Recreation Complex - Mat Room
Yoga 6-10 yrs
Yoga not only promotes strength and fexibility in a growing body, it also cultivates a sense of balance and respect for the world around children. In this class kids are introduced to basic yoga poses and meditative practices through: creative movement, conscious breathing, songs, games and storytelling.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio C
Zumba Kids® 5-10 yrs
This class is a rockin’, high-energy dance party packed with kid-friendly choreography. Kids will get the chance to have fun and socialize with friends while they jam out to their favorite music. Classes incorporate key childhood development elements such as leadership, respect, team work, self-esteem, memory, creativity, coordination, and balance.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio A
Teen Strength Training 13- 17 yrs
Learn how to train large muscle groups as well as safe techniques for efective exercising. This program includes an educative class component with elements of proper gym etiquette, training principles and proper equipment use. Workout time on cardio equipment, various weight machines and free weights are taught by a trained ftness professional to ensure teens get a chance to apply class skills practically and safely. Upon completion, participants 13-15 yrs old are eligible to be tested- a successful pass means you are ready to purchase your youth health membership at the Rec. Testing is completed during the last class of the session and is not mandatory for those 16 and older. Appropriate workout attire required.
CHD Recreation Complex - Program Room C
T,Th Jul 4-Jul 13 4:00 pm-5:30 pm
T,Th Jul 18-Jul 27 4:00 pm-5:30 pm
T,Th Aug 1-Aug 10 4:00 pm-5:30 pm
T,Th Aug 15-Aug 24
This power style yoga includes standing postures, balance poses, followed by basic relaxation and breathing techniques. Special emphasis is on improving focus and concentration, self-esteem, and a healthy body image. No previous yoga experience is required.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio C T Jul
Babysitter Training Course 11 - 15 yrs
This program is designed youth to learn the skills through to provide care for younger children as well as prevent and respond to a variety of emergencies. With a certifcate awarded upon course completion this program will also allow youth to better promote themselves to prospective parents as a qualifed babysitter. Please bring a doll or stufed animal to each class as well as a pen/notepad.
CHD Recreation Complex - Meeting Room 2 and 3
Sa May 13 9:00 am-4:00 pm 1wks 42524 $66.00
Principles of Healthy Child Development (PHCD) is a 4-hr Parks & Recreation program for youth 15 and older who are interested in working with children. The program focuses on understanding children and how to design programs and environments that support healthy child development. Many organizations require this certifcation for employment when working with children 6 - 12 years.
CHD Recreation Complex - Arena - O’Brien Meeting Room B
Sa May 27 9:00 am-1:00 pm 1wks 42578 $86.50
Pottery - Wheel Beginner 18+
This program covers wheel work and hand building using various techniques. Clay and tools extra. Please note: All clay must be purchased through the City of Pickering Art Studio
CHD Recreation Complex - Arts Studio
T Jul 11-Aug 22 6:30 pm-9:30 pm
Th Jul 13-Aug 24 6:30 pm-9:30 pm
Pottery - Wheel Intermediate 18+
This program is designed for those who have taken the beginners program or who have pottery experience, and will cover wheel throwing, handbuilding, and glazing techniques. Students will learn the basics to be able to work on functional pottery pieces. Please note: all clay must be purchased through the City of Pickering Art Studio
CHD Recreation Complex - Arts Studio W Jul 12-Aug 23
Basketball Drop-in18+
This drop-in opportunity ofers an evening of fun, friendly, semicompetitive basketball games. Some basketball experience is recommended, but not required.
East Shore CC - Gymnasium
Friday evenings 8:30 pm-10:00 pm $5.00 per visit
Note: pay by debit/credit only at location
Pickleball Drop In 18+
Enjoy the game you love on four courts, with opportunity to play three days each week for 9 weeks, in 3 hour time slots. No need to book in advance, just register and show up during the times available. Registration is required in order to play.
East Shore CC - Gymnasium
Work on personal pottery projects with guidance available from qualifed instructors. Annual Membership is required. To be a member you must be 16+, and have previously completed a minimum of two 10-week programs within the studio.
CHD Recreation Complex - Arts Studio
Summer Schedule July 11 - Aug 24
Tuesday 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Wednesday 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Thursday 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Annual Membership $32.00 | Open Studio Fee $7.50 per hour
Art in the Park 55+
Take part in a new Art in the Park project each week. Supplies are provided. Please note class is ofered outside, weather permitting.
George Ashe LCC - Basketball Court
F Jul 14-Jul 14 10:00 am-12:00 pm 1wks 45369 $15.00
Crocheting - Introduction 55+
For beginners or as a skill refresher; this class teaches the basic stitches, how to change yarn colours, and basic patterning. Equipment needed: bring your own 5.5 to 6 mm crochet hook and 4ply worsted yarn to class.
George Ashe LCC - Youth Room
Sa Jul 15-Aug 19 10:00 am-12:00 pm 6wks 45280 $33.00
Guitar - Level 2 55+
For participants that have the basic fundamentals of playing and are looking to build, and advance their guitar skills.
George Ashe LCC - Russel Franklin Room
Th Jul 6-Aug 17 12:45 pm-1:45 pm 7wks 45283 $51.00
Guitar 55+
Learn the fundamentals of guitar playing, including how to handle, and tune the guitar. Participants will develop performance skills while learning to read music and play popular songs.
George Ashe LCC - Russel Franklin Room
Th Jul 6-Aug 17 2:00 pm-3:00 pm 7wks 45284 $51.00
Sewing 55+
Learn something new, brush up on skills, or get assistance completing a sewing project in this open level program. The Instructor will provide a list materials list to purchase for class. Sewing machines provided, or bring your own if preferred.
George Ashe LCC - Helen Paris Room
M Jul 3-Aug 14 3:30 pm-5:30 pm 6wks 45298 $55.00
Clog Dancing - Beginner 55+
Beginner dancers to learn their basic steps. Participants will complete dance routines to a variety of songs.
George Ashe LCC - Helen Paris Room
M Jul 3-Aug 14 1:30 pm-2:30 pm 6wks 45275 $26.00
Clog Dancing - Intermediate 55+
This program is designed for intermediate dancers who know their basic steps. Participants will complete dance routines to a variety of
George Ashe LCC - Helen Paris Room
M Jul 3-Aug 14 12:15 pm-1:15 pm 6wks 45276 $26.00
Fusion Line Dance - Beginner 55+
Participants will learn and strengthen knowledge of introductory line dance patterns in this fun and easy beginner class. Dances taught range from country, waltz, rumba, merengue to hip hop. No experience or partner required.
George Ashe LCC - Russel Franklin Room
F Jul 7-Aug 18 1:45 pm-2:45 pm 7wks 45281 $31.00
Fusion Line Dance - Intermediate 55+
Participants continue to strengthen their knowledge and experience dancing to a variety of introductory line dance patterns. Dances taught range from country, waltz, rumba, merengue to hip hop. No experience or partner required.
George Ashe LCC - Russel Franklin Room
F Jul 7-Aug 18 12:30 pm-1:30 pm 7wks 45282 $31.00
Latin Line Dance - Level 1 55+
This beginner class gives participants the opportunity to learn dances such as the Cha-cha, Merengue and Salsa without needing a background in dance. The music is upbeat and we dance to current and classic songs. No partner required.
George Ashe LCC - Russel Franklin Room M Jul 3-Aug 14 2:00 pm-3:00 pm
Latin Line Dance - Level 2 55+
For those who have completed level one or have dance experience. This class gives participants the opportunity to learn more complex routines including the Cha-cha, Bachatta, Merengue, Charleston, and Salsa. No partner required.
George Ashe LCC - Russel Franklin Room M Jul 3-Aug 14 12:30 pm-1:30 pm
Latin Line Dance - Level 3 55+
For those who have completed level 2 or have dance experience. This class gives participants the opportunity to learn longer and more complex routines. No partner required.
George Ashe LCC - Russel Franklin Room M Jul 3-Aug 14 11:00 am-12:00 pm 6wks 45288 $26.00
Line Dance 55+
Learn line dance steps to a wide range of music including contemporary, country, mambo, modern, rock & roll, tango, waltz and the classics, all in a fun, relaxed, social setting. No partner required.
East Shore CC - Community Room
*NEW* Hand Knitting 55+
Beginner to experienced - all are welcome. Learn basic hand knitting stitches and advanced stitches to enhance your style. Learn how to read and understand patterns, abbreviations, and the stitch methods.
George Ashe LCC - Youth Room
Sa Jul 15-Aug 19 12:30 pm-2:30 pm 6wks 45272 $33.00
Bingo in the Park - Session 1 55+
Playing for the Outside Square...”Knock at the door... its B number 4!” Fresh air and weekly bingo games for lots of social fun and prizes! Bring your own dabber. Please note: this outdoor program is weather permitting.
George Ashe LCC - Basketball Court
W Jul 5-Jul 5 10:30 am-11:30 am 1wks 45370 $10.00
Learn to Play Golf 55+
For those looking to take up golf, or in need a refresher; the focus will be on the basics; stance, grip, and swing. Participants will also learn about the diferent clubs used (driver, hybrids, putter, etc). All equipment will be provided, or feel free to use your own.
George Ashe LCC – Russel Franklin Room
Pickleball - Level 2 55+
This popular sport is a combination of table tennis, tennis and badminton. It is easy to learn, fun, and great exercise. For more advanced players.
George Ashe LCC - Paris and Franklin Rooms
F Jul 7-Aug 18 3:15 pm-5:15 pm 7wks 45292 $40.00
Pickleball 55+
This popular sport is a combination of table tennis, tennis, and badminton. If you are looking for some fun and great exercise, you will fnd it in this easy to learn game. Participants play at their own pace.
George Ashe LCC - Paris and Franklin Rooms
W Jul 5-Aug 16 3:00 pm-5:00 pm 7wks 45294 $40.00
The City ofers a variety of free or low cost recreational opportuinities for our older adult community.
Seniors’ Centre Without Walls (free phone in programs)
Connect with others and enjoy some social fun from the comfort of home. These weekly sessions are phone in programs (no computer / internet required). See website or call for schedule.
Spotlight Series Seminars (free local guest speakers)
Featuring interactive seminars on various topics of intest to older adults. See website or call for schedule.
55+ Exclusive Seasonal Events
Seniors’ Month Big Band & Celebration
Sunday, June 11 | 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm | CHD Recreation Complex
Tickets are $7.00. On sale now at East Shore CC, George Ashe CC, and CHD Recreation Complex.
pickering.ca/adults55plus | 905.420.6588
Rouge Hill Seniors’ Club
905.420.4660 ext 6103 | George Ashe LCC | 470 Kingston Road West
South Pickering Seniors’ Club
905.420.5049 | spsc753.com | East Shore CC | 910 Liverpool Road
Claremont Golden Age Seniors’ Club
905.649.2320 claremontgoldenageclub@gmail.com
Claremont CC | 4941 Old Brock Road, Claremont
Pickering Lawn Bowling
905.995.8774 pickeringLBC.ca
East Shore CC | 910 Liverpool Road South
tai-chi, yoga, Pilates, and, sports conditioning movements to help increase your fexibility, relieve pain in your muscles and joints as well as build strength using your own body. Movements can be done standing, on the foor, or using a chair.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio C
T Jul 4-Aug 22 6:00 pm-6:50
Cycle Fit 13+
A cardio workout with varying speeds and resistance levels provides a diferent ‘ride’ every time.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio B
Barre & Balance 13+
This class incorporates the disciplines of yoga, pilates and ballet to perform a variety of strength and balance exercises to increase range of motion, mobility and confdence.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio A
Barre Sculpt 13+
Combining attributes of Pilates, barre, and functional ftness training, while incorporating small movement to fatigue the muscles and large range of motion to elevate the heart rate. We use a variety of equipment, such as bands, balls, light dumbbells and the barre.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio A
Cardio Box 13+
This class is a full-body workout that engages every muscle group, with a strong focus on your core. Structured in three “rounds” that include shadow boxing with intervals of bodyweight exercises, core work and a great stretch to leave you drenched in sweat! The rapid cardio boxing movements can also help improve fexibility, endurance, balance, and coordination.
CHD Recreation Complex - Studio A
T Jul 4-Aug 22 6:00 pm-6:50 pm
Circuit Training 13+
Develop your strength and aerobic ftness with exercises performed in succession and minimal rest. Your heart rate remains elevated in this high intensity class.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio A
W Jul 5-Aug 23 9:30 am-10:20 am 8wks 44378 $82.00
Essentrics® Gentle Stretch 13+
This class is a low-impact total body workout that combines elements of
Cycle Pump 13+
Cycle Fit and Pump It Up all in one! Improve your cardio on the bike while also building strength and core doing of-bike muscle conditioning. Challenge your ftness level with this high energy, calorie-burning class.
Dynamic Core 13+
A combination of muscle endurance exercises focusing on core muscle groups which include, lower back, abdominals, and oblique muscles.
Complex - Fitness Studio B
Furry Friends Fit Club Walking Program 18+
This program is open to anyone. Participants may walk with or without their dogs, and they will be led by an instructor through various trails in Pickering. Each week will be a diferent location/trail. There will also be coaching for those wishing to run.
Interval Challenge 13+
This class alternates intervals of cardio and strenght conditioning to give you a full body workout using a variety of equipment.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio A
Mobil-lates 13+
This class is a combination of joint mobility work, stretching and muscle release tequniques with pilates principles. Equipment such as foam rollers, bands, and bars are used in active, dynamic , and passive psitions to help achieve improved range of motion, balanced muscle activation, and decreased muscle soreness.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio C
Pilates 13+
Core strength is the foundation of Pilates. Includes elements of standing as well as mat work. Modifcations and various equipment are provided to challenge participants of every level and ability.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio C
*New* STRONG Nation® 13+
Using only your body weight, you will test your strength and stamina in a powerful cardio and muscle-conditioning session in one, all led by original music designed for the workout.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio B
Sunrise / Sunset Yoga & Meditation 13+
Pilates Reformer 18+
The reformer provides a fnely tuned exercise resistance that allows individuals to work very precisely in developing good postural alignment, core strength, and fexibility.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio A
This class is an introduction to yoga in the use of therapy. Each class includes static and fowing yoga postures, diferent breathing tecniques, sound and a guided meditation. This class is for personal maintenance, self-education and general well being.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio C
Pound® 13+
Channel your inner rockstar with this full-body cardio jam session inspired by the infectious, sweat-dripping fun of playing the drums. Using Ripstix®, lightly weighted exercise drumsticks, torch calories and drum your way to a leaner, slimmer physique while rocking out to your favourite music! CHD
Total Barre 13+
This program is a low impact, total body sculpting workout that combines ballet, yoga, pilates, eccentric movements and weight training. You will stretch, strengthen and sculpt your muscles while burning calories. No previous experience necessary and all age groups are welcome.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio A
Total Muscle Challenge 13+
Challenge yourself in this high-intensity, timed workout. Improve strength, stamina, and explosive power with a workout that changes every week. Finishing time depends on the individual.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio B
Pump It Up 13+
This class focuses on weight bearing strength exercises that are challenging, safe, and functional. We may incorporate the use of: dumbbells, bars, plates, and steps/benches.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio B
Yoga - Asana, Pranayama, Meditation 13+
This class explores 3 elements of yoga; Asana, postures & movement patterns, Pranayama, breathing techniques, and Meditation, centering the mind. We will look at each element separately as well as a complete therapeutic fowing practice, weaving all three elements together.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio C
Socacize® 13+
This class is a creative blend of authentic Caribbean and African dance techniques, in harmony with efective ftness moves, resulting in a unique, non-judgmental and exhilarating dance ftness program for all ftness levels. Get ready to sweat with this fun flled, total body jam session!
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio A
W Jul 5-Aug 23 7:00 pm-7:50 pm
Step 13+
This classic choreographed aerobic exercise class provides a full body cardio workout while also toning your legs. Modify intensity by adjusting your speed, step height and movements.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio A
Th Jul 6-Aug 24 8:30 am-9:20 am
Yoga - Gentle 13+
Learn basic postures, stretches and breathing techniques. Gentle Yoga helps you sleep better, maintain body tone and relieve tension. Appropriate for pregnant women.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio C
Yoga - Hatha 13+
This class uses the practice of static postures and breathing techniques to help you stretch and breathe your way to greater harmony and energy as you reduce stress, align your body, and deepen your inner peace.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio C
P&T Baby Bootcamp 6 wks - Prewalking
An energetic, full body postpartum workout with components of strength, power, agility, balance, cardio and core designed specifcally to help you shed some baby pounds. Your baby is also a key element in the class!
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio A
W Jul 5-Aug 23 11:45 am-12:35 pm 8wks 44403 $82.00
Yoga - Vinyasa 13+
This class is a dynamic, fowing form of yoga smoothly linking your body movements to your breath. You’ll be guided in a series of poses that will move you through the power of inhaling and exhaling.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio C
P&T Postnatal Pilates 6 wks - Prewalking
This class will help realign the post-baby body by strengthening the abdominal and core muscles while encouraging proper alignment of the pelvis, back and shoulders. Props will be used, and baby will be involved in the movements.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio C
P&T Yoga - Parent & Baby 6 wks - Prewalking
Yoga - Yin 13+
Yin is a relaxed, passive style of yoga that involves holding poses for longer durations and increasing your inner awareness while also stretching deeper connective tissues.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio C
Yoga for Beginners 13+
Feel confdent on your mat as you learn the foundation of traditional yoga postures, breathing techniquis and mindefulness. Increase your phuysical strength, balance and fexxibility and gain hte skills to manage modern day stress toincrease your overall health.
CHD Recreation Complex
Yoga in the Park 13+
Enjoy the outdoors in this Hatha style yoga class in beautiful Esplanade Park. Breathe and stretch your way to greater harmony and energy as you reduce stress, align your body, and deepen your inner peace. Please dress according to the weather.
Esplanade Park - Gazebo
Zumba® 13+
Fuses hypnotic Latin rhythms with easy to follow moves to create a dynamic ftness program that will blow you away. This caloric-burning, body-energizing, awe-inspiring movement class is meant to engage the body and excite the mind!
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio A
Each class includes both fowing yoga movements and slow exercises for strength and awareness. Throughout the class, you will have the option to involve your baby in the movements.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio C
Prenatal Yoga 18+
This class is specifcally geared to your needs at this special time by: opening and strengthening the pelvic area, helping with balance and overall strength, promoting extensive relaxation with breathing exercises, and enjoying restorative poses to help reduce joint, ligament and muscle tension.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio C
Stroller Fit 18+
This beginner to intermediate ftness program allows parents to enjoy the fresh air while getting in shape with their child. The class includes a warm up, a power walk, a body weight exercise component and cool down. Participants should wear exercise clothing dependent on the weather, running shoes and bring a stroller for their child.
CHD Recreation Complex - Lower Concourse
Early Riser 18+
Exercising before work helps wake you up, gets you mentally prepared for the day, and jump-starts your metabolism. Set your alarm for this energizing group training class, incorporating elements of cardio, muscle strength & endurance.
CHD Recreation Complex - Small Group Training Room
Fitness Training 101 18+
New to the gym environment? Know some equipment, but would like
to know more and be confdent in using the facility on your own? This program provides an educational and functional hands-on component each class with elements of proper gym etiquette, training principles and proper equipment use. Workout time on cardio equipment, various weight machines and free weights are taught by a trained ftness professional to ensure you get a chance to apply class skills practically and safely.
CHD Recreation Complex - Small Group Training Room
Sa Jul 8-Aug 26 10:30 am-11:45 am 8wks 44391 $130.00
Posture Perfect 18+
Learn functional exercises that will help you improve your posture and body alignment. After a self-assessment, each class will work on restoring your postural alignment using tools such as lacrosse balls, foam rollers, resistance bands and dumbbells.
CHD Recreation Complex - Small Group Training Room
W Jul 5-Aug 23 9:30 am-10:30 am 8wks 44417 $104.00
Use It & Lose It 18+
A weight loss program designed to increase strength, endurance, cardiovascular ftness and athletic performance. Challenge yourself with dedication and watch your body transform.
CHD Recreation Complex - Small Group Training Room T Jul
Weekend Warrior 18+
A fun and engaging exercise program designed to increase your power and strength. This class focuses on varied functional movements with moderate to high intensity efort. It incorporates the best aspects of sport, weightlifting, running and agility. Every class is flled with a diferent exercise routine that will surely challenge the body and mind.
CHD Recreation Complex - Small Group Training Room
Arthritis Dance Fit 55+
This dance ftness program is choreographed to maximize fun while increasing range of motion, agility, balance and strength. Regular participation in this class may help decrease pain, swelling and stifness related to osteo-arthritis, rheumatoid-arthritis and is also suited for those with fbromyalgia. This partially seated program leverages various equipment to improve overall quality of life. No experience required.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio A
Chair Yoga 55+
Work it! 18+
This program is designed to work you out! Sweat, laugh, and get ft all in a fun one-hour circuit class. No ftness experience required.
- Small Group
This is a unique yoga positions and poses through creative use of a chair. Poses are done seated on the chair or the chair is used for support during standing and balance poses allowing for greater stability to help you feel supported and safe.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio C
CC - Community Room
Cycle Fit 55+
This is a 30 minute class with music you will love and want to sing along with. This fun and efective cardio class will safely build cardiovascular endurance and confdence. You will be shown proper setup and will feel comfortable to cycle at your own pace.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio B
Fit Fusion 55+
This class is great for beginners and older adults, as its movements
have no bouncing or heavy stepping. The workout incorporates various types of equipment to focus on coordination, balance, and muscle strength. The class fnishes with stretching and postural exercises
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio A M
and muscle conditioning designed to tone your body while burning calories.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio A
M Jul 10-Aug 21 11:45 am-12:35 pm 6wks 44466 $46.00
Aging Stronger 55+
Keep Fit 55+
This class has all the components you need to keep active as you age. It begins with low impact, easy to follow cardio followed by muscle conditioning, and fnishes with stretching. Get the kinks out and loosen up those muscles!
East Shore CC - Community Room T
LCC - Franklin Room
Pilates for Strong Bones 55+
This Osteo-friendly class makes the use of chairs as well as standing work to help strengthen the core, improve balance and maintain bone density.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio C
Stretch & Strengthen 55+
This workout uses various types of equipment to focus on coordination, balance, and muscle strength. It fnishes with stretching and postural exercises.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio A
George Ashe LCC - Russel Franklin Room W
Yoga 55+
This Hatha style Yoga class is designed for those seeking to increase and maintain joint mobility while also increasing strength and improving balance. Healthy older adults with no major joint or medical conditions will enjoy this program.
CHD Recreation Complex - Fitness Studio C
W Jul 5-Aug 23 11:30 am-12:20 pm 8wks 44462 $61.00
F Jul 7-Aug 25 9:30 am-10:20 am 8wks 44461 $61.00
Zumba Gold® 55+
This class is catered for those looking to spice up their ftness routine with a little Latin favor! Zumba Gold® fuses Latin rhythms and simple dance moves to create a one of a kind ftness program that is fun and works! The class incorporates intervals of fast and slow rhythms
Resistance exercises are known to increase the strength of your muscles, maintain the integrity of your bones, and improve your balance, coordination, and mobility. In addition, it can help reduce the signs and symptoms of many chronic diseases. This program includes an interactive, educative class component with elements of training principles and proper exercise techniques for older adults with our professional ftness staf. Take your frst step towards aging stronger.
CHD Recreation Complex - Program Room C
Forever Young 55+
For those who have completed the Aging Stronger program, or have strength training experience, this class gives you the opportunity to continue learning more advanced training techniques in a group setting. This is an active class without an educative component.
CHD Recreation Complex - Small Group Training Room
Pickering is home to 2 indoor pools
Chestnut Hill Developments
Recreation Complex
1867 Valley Farm Road
An 8 lane, 25 metre pool with a diving well and shallow pool.
655 Sheppard Avenue East
A 6 lane, 25 metre pool with a diving board.
• Children 7 years of age and younger must be directly supervised (regardless of swimming ability) in the pool, by a responsible guardian 16 years of age and older. Direct supervision is defined as “within arm’s reach”. Maximum of 2 children to 1 guardian.
• Children between the ages of 8 and 9 who cannot pass a swim test to the lifeguard’s satisfaction must be supervised by a responsible guardian, 16 years of age or older, maximum of 4 children per guardian. Children who pass the swim test will receive a card as proof of completion for future swims.
*For the swim test children must swim 10 metres of the pool, tread water for 30 seconds, swim 15 metres of the pool.
• All swimmers who are not toilet trained are required to wear diapers that are designed for pool use.
• Children 7 years of age and younger cannot be left unattended on the deck. Please inquire about our child supervision hours with the front desk staff at the Recreation Complex.
• All participants must change from street clothes to a clean, appropriate swimsuit that is suitable for a public family environment. Additionally, participants may choose to wear long sleeved shirts or t-shirts, shorts or tight fitted leggings over their swimsuit. Clothing must allow the swimmer to participate safely.
• Appropriate bathing suit attire is required in the pool and on the pool deck. Street clothes and shoes will not be permitted on the deck or in the shower area. Patrons wearing street clothes are welcome to watch from the viewing area.
• People with serious medical conditions should be accompanied by an individual knowledgeable of their condition and responsible for their direct supervision.
• No unauthorized coaching or teaching in the pool.
• Recreational swimming hours may be changed due to swim meets or rentals. Changes to pool schedules will be posted one week prior to change if possible.
• Please help prevent pool foulings by eating after swimming or at least one hour before.
• Please shower before entering or re-entering the pool.
• All persons entering the pool area must pay admission.
Public swim hours may be changed due to holidays, swim meets, or rentals. Changes will be posted one week prior where possible.
1867 Valley Farm Road | 905.683.6582
CHD Recreation Complex Pool is an 8 lane, 25 metre pool with diving well and training pool.
July 3 - September 3, 2023
Summer Monday to Friday Saturday and Sunday
Lane Swim 6:00 am - 8:30 am
am - 1:00 pm*
*shared pool use with programs | ** at least 1 lane will be availale
Dunbarton Indoor Pool
655 Sheppard Avenue East | 905.831.1260
Dunbarton Indoor Pool is a 6 lane, 25 metre pool with diving board.
July 4 - August 25, 2023
Summer Monday to Friday 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Open Swim
A fully accessible and barrier-free change; the completely private changing rooms, and washrooms, allow for use by all persons, including guests with disabilities, members of all gender identities, families, and those requiring additional space and privacy.
Features & Functions:
• 23 Private change stalls including 4 oversize change rooms, and 3 accessible shower stalls.
• 150 lockers of various dimensions, including 96 digital lockers that you can program with your own code or use a regular padlock.
See website for additional information, membership, and options.
Circle swim is enforced to accommodate more swimmers. Children must be able to swim lengths confdently.
This is a great time for families to enjoy our pools. Children 7 years of age and under must be directly supervised (regardless of swimming ability), in the pool, by a responsible person, 16 years of age and older. Direct supervision is defned as “within arms reach”.
See website for complete details and Rules and Regulations for recreational swimming.
• 8 washrooms including 3 fully accessible washrooms, 1 equipped with a shower.
• 3 shower stalls include doors, one of which is an accessible stall.
• Bathing suit dryer.
• 8 change tables, and an electric lift change table.
Individual change stalls provide privacy and modesty for all guests. They are designed with high partitions and no gaps between the individual panels. All guests are required to be clothed at all times in the common areas of the change room, including the shower area.
Change stalls may not be reserved, nor may clothing be left in the stalls. Bring a lock to secure your valuables or use the locks provided.
The use of recording devices including cell phones and cameras are prohibited in the change rooms and washrooms of all City of Pickering facilities.
The creation of this change facility is aligned with the City of Pickering’s values of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
The City of Pickering has moved to Lifesaving Society Learn to Swim programs. Swim for Life focuses on the development of fundamental swim strokes and skills for learners of all ages and abilities as well as valuable Water Smart® education that provides information, experiences, and key messages to help everyone make safe choices when in, on, and around water.
Red Cross Preschool / Swim Kids Lifesaving Society Swim For Life
If you were in Register now for
Starfish Parent & Tot 1 (4 - 12 mos)
Duck Parent & Tot 2 (12 - 24 mos)
Sea Turtle / Parent & Tot 3 (2 - 3 yrs)
Sea Otter Preschool 1 (3 - 5 yrs)
Salamander Preschool 2 (3 - 5 yrs)
Sunfish Preschool 3 (3 - 5 yrs) (Swimmer 1 / 6 - 13 yrs)
Crocodile Preschool 4 (3 - 5 yrs) (Swimmer 1 / 6 - 13 yrs)
Whale Preschool 5 (3 - 5 yrs) (Swimmer 2 / 6 - 13 yrs)
Swim Kids 1 Swimmer 1 (6 - 13 yrs)
Swim Kids 2 Swimmer 2 (6 - 13 yrs)
Swim Kids 3 Swimmer 3 (6 - 13 yrs)
Swim Kids 4 Swimmer 4 (6 - 13 yrs)
Swim Kids 5 Swimmer 4 (6 - 13 yrs)
Swim Kids 6 Swimmer 5 (6 - 13 yrs)
Swim Kids 7 Swimmer 6 (6 - 13 yrs)
Swim Kids 8 Rookie Patrol (Swimmer 7) (6 - 13 yrs)
Swim Kids 9 Ranger Patrol (Swimmer 8) (6 - 13 yrs)
Swim Kids 10 Star Patrol (Swimmer 9) (6 - 13 yrs)
Youth Swim Program (12 - 16 yrs)
When registering
Please ensure that you read the course description and prerequisites before enrolling. If you are still unsure of the appropriate level we can arrange for an assessment by one of our aquatic staff. Refunds are not issued for enrolling in the incorrect level or a level that was not recommended.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s lessons, please do not hesitate to talk to the on-deck supervisor immediately. We appreciate your feedback and can usually solve your concerns as soon as we know about them.
Just a swimsuit and a towel. All children who are not toilet trained are required to wear a plasticized bathing suit or plastic pants over their bathing suit - no disposable diapers.
Plan your schedule carefully. There are no make up lessons or credits for missed classes. If we need to cancel a class due to inclement weather, pool fouling, etc., we will do our best to reschedule it at the end. If we cannot reschedule the class you will be credited for the missed lesson.
Experience has shown us that your child is better able to concentrate on lessons without additional on deck distractions. Viewing is available in the area upstairs at the Recreation Complex or the foyer at Dunbarton Pool. We suggest not to leave the premises as lessons run for 30 or 45 minutes. Open House takes place on on the last day of lessons. During this time you are welcome to remove your street shoes and stay on the pool deck.
Please help us to prevent cancellations by feeding your child after lessons or at least one hour before.
Due to the large number of program participants, we are unable to accept requests for specific instructors.
Your name will be added to the wait list for your first choice only. You may add your name to a wait list using Active Net without making a payment.
These lessons ofer a high quality and social learn to swim experience in small group settings. They are ofered once a week and are 30 - 45 minutes in duration.
Semi Private classes guarantee a maximum of 3 participants per class, are 1/2 hour in duration, and are ofered once per week for 10 weeks. These low ratio classes are ofered at both pools. Learners of all ages and all swim levels may take advantage of Semi Private instruction. Internet registration is now available for semi private programs.
Private lessons are a great alternative to group or semi-private lessons. Private classes guarantee a maximum of 1 participant per class, are 1/2 hour in duration, and are ofered once per week for 10 weeks. All Lifesaving Society programs are ofered as well as Adult and Youth swim levels.
An opportunity for parents and children to enjoy structured in-water interaction in a fun and social setting. Focusing on the importance of play and developing water positive attitudes and skills, children gain valuable exposure to being in and around the water. Parents will learn to be Water Smart to keep themselves and their child safe in any aquatic setting. Activities and progressions are based on developmental stages. Register in the level appropriate for your child’s age.
Parent & Tot 1 4 - 12 mos
Parent & Tot 2 12 - 24 mos
Parent & Tot 3 24 - 36 mos
Summer Session
Choose daily classes for 1 week or weekly classes for the whole summer.
Provides children with an early start in learning to swim. Children will have fun while gaining foundational water skills and become comfortable in the water. Water Smart education is incorporated into all Preschool levels to support children in learning how to keep themselves safe in and around the water.
Preschoolers will be assisted by their instructor when learning to enter and exit water safely, jump into chest deep water, and put their faces in the water to blow bubbles. Becoming comfortable with foats and glides, and moving safely in shallow water will help them gain confdence with their water skills.
Preschoolers will work on becoming more independent with their water skills. Some of these skills include jumping into chest deep water unassisted, submerging and exhaling underwater, and foating and gliding with various buoyant aids.
Preschoolers will kick and glide on their fronts and backs. They will work on retrieving objects from the bottom in water that is waist deep, and work towards mastering their foats, rollovers, glides, and kicks. In this level they work their way into deeper water for practice on entries.
Preschoolers will gain some independence in deep water. They will practice jumps into deeper water and get out by themselves , sideways entries, and opening their eyes underwater. Swimmers will work on completing 5m of front crawl and treading water.
Preschoolers will work on being able to support themselves treading in deep water for 10 seconds and complete 5m swims with front crawl and back crawl. They will practice forward roll entries into deep water, learn to whip kick and be introduced to interval training.
One week
Recreation Complex
Provides a 6-level learn to swim program for children. There is a prominent focus on in-water swimming practice as swimmers learn fundamental strokes and skills, mastering them as they progress through the program. Swimmers also learn how to be safe in, on, and around the water through Water Smart education incorporated into every level.
Beginner swimmers will become comfortable with safe entries, treading water, opening their eyes underwater, and breath control. They will learn their foats, rollovers, glides, and kicks from front to back.
Swimmer 2
Swimmers will jump into deeper water, learn sideways entries and treading water. Swimmers will also be introduced to whip kick, swim 10m on their front and back crawl and be introduced to interval training.
Swimmer 3
Swimmers will dive and do forward roll entries, handstands in shallow water and in water front somersaults. They will work on 15m of front and back crawl, more whip kick and interval training.
Swimmer 4
Swimmers will complete standing dives, tread water for 1 minute, and work towards being able to swim underwater for 5m. In addition to improving their front crawl, back crawl, and whip kick, swimmers will be introduced to breaststroke.
Swimmer 5
Swimmers will master shallow dives, tuck jumps, eggbeater kick, and in water backward somersaults. Technique and endurance will also receive greater focus as swimmers will need to complete longer distance swims and interval training for all their strokes.
Swimmer Program Group Lessons
Swimmer 6
Swimmers will work towards mastering stride entries, compact jumps, and lifesaving kicks. They will also refne their strokes to increase their swimming strength, power, and endurance - critical for success in the 300m workout required to complete the level.
One week
CHD Recreation Complex
Once per week
Swimmer 4 Group Lessons
Once per week
One week
CHD Recreation Complex
The Lifesaving Society’s 3 level Canadian Swim Patrol program is for swimmers who are ready to focus on developing strength and
profciency while introducing the challenging world of lifesaving.
$44.00 Swimmers will have fun enhancing their capability in the water, 44663 $55.00 increasing their physical conditioning, and learning lifesaving
$55.00 judgment. Each level will continue to develop swimmers’ strokes
$55.00 and provide a skill foundation that will prepare them for success in
$55.00 the Society’s Bronze Medal Awards. Each level of the Canadian Swim 44727 $55.00 Patrol program has three modules: Water Profciency, First Aid, and 44738 $55.00 Recognition and Rescue.
44756 $55.00
44770 $55.00
44783 $44.00
44793 $44.00 Rookie Patrol lays the foundation of the Swim Patrol program. It
44814 $55.00 includes stroke refnement, ftness, frst aid, and lifesaving. Swimmers
44830 $55.00 will focus on front and back crawl, and breaststroke. Fitness challenges
44840 $55.00 include a 350 m workout and 100 m timed swim. Swimmers will learn 44851 $55.00 about assessing conscious victims, contacting EMS, and treatment for bleeding and an introduction to lifesaving skills, including self-rescue techniques, victim recognition, and using throwing assists.
43642 $88.00
Stroke refnement and underwater profciency continues to be a focus in Ranger Patrol as it is critical for supporting swimmer ftness. Swimmers can expect their ftness levels to increase as they work towards a 200 m timed swim. First aid includes assessment of unconscious victims, treating for shock, and procedures for obstructed airways. Lifesaving skills are expanded to include object support and non-contact rescues with a buoyant aid.
Star Patrol will prepare swimmers for the Bronze Star Award. Strokes will continue to be refned through completion of 100 m swims. Swimmers will be challenged with a 600 m workout, 300 m timed swim, and a 25 m object carry. First aid at this level focuses on treatment of bone and joint injuries, and respiratory emergencies like asthma and allergic reactions. Lifesaving skills include in water defense methods, rolling over and supporting victims in shallow water, and removing victims from shallow water.
Bronze Star 10 - 12 yrs
Bronze Star is the frst level in the Bronze family and an excellent preparation for Bronze Medallion. Candidates perform self rescues, lifesaving strokes and ftness swim drills and challenges. Registrants should be 10 -12 yrs and have a minimum of Swim Kids 7 or Canadian Swim Patrol experience would be an asset.
Helping adults achieve swimming goals; from beginners to stoke improvement. Adults will work to gain confdence in the water, develop smooth recognizable strokes, and improve their water ftness. Water Smart education is incorporated into all levels.
Adult swimmers will work towards being able to complete short distance swims (10-15 m) on their front and back. They will work through swimming stroke fundamentals such as foats, rolls, glides, and kicks. Swimmers will develop their underwater skills as they continue to build their confdence in the water.
Adult swimmers will practice diferent entries into deep water including dives, rolls, and tuck jumps (cannonballs). As they work on building strength and endurance, they will aim to be able to tread water for 1-2 minutes. New underwater skills are introduced such as handstands in shallow water and front somersaults (in water). Swimmers will achieve the Swim to Survive standard by being able to roll into deep water, tread water for 1 minute, and swim 50m. In addition to improving their front crawl, back crawl, and whip kick, swimmers will be introduced to breaststroke.
Swimmers will work towards mastering front crawl, back crawl, and breaststroke. Challenging skills such as shallow dives, stride entries, and compact jumps will be completed as well as a focus on developing lifesaving kicks. Swimmers can expect to improve their ftness levels as they work on completing 300m workouts and 25-50m sprints.
Daily Classes
Private lessons are a great alternative to group or semi-private lessons. Private classes guarantee a maximum of 1 participant per class, are 1/2 hour in duration, and are ofered once per week for 10 weeks. All Lifesaving Society programs are ofered as well as Adult and Youth swim levels.
The path to an exciting and rewarding career in Aquatics starts here!
Bronze Medallion & Emergency First Aid 13+
Bronze Medallion challenges the candidate both mentally and physically. Judgment, knowledge, skill, and ftness form the basis of the training. Candidates acquire the assessment and problem solving skills needed to make good decisions in, on, and around the water. For successful completion, candidates must complete an endurance swim of 400 metres in 12 minutes prior to the end of the course. Requirements to register: must be 13 years of age by exam date or have successfully completed the Bronze Star award. This course is a prerequisite for Bronze Cross.
Bronze Cross 14+
This course begins the transition from lifesaving to lifeguarding and prepares candidates for responsibilities as assistant lifeguards. Candidates strengthen and expand their lifesaving skills and bigin to apply the principles and techniques of active surveillance in aquatic facilities. Bronze Cross emphasizes the importance of teamwork and communication in preventing and responding to aquatic emergencies. An endurance swim of 400 metres must be completed by the end of the course in order for candidates to be successful. Registration requirements: must have Bronze Medallion and Emergency First Aid, and be 14 years of age by exam date. Proof of requisites will be required at frst class.
Dunbarton Indoor Pool
M-Th Jul 17-Jul 27
pm-7:00 pm
This course prepares the instructor to teach and evaluate the swimming strokes and skills found in the Swim for Life swim program. Candidates acquire teaching methods, planning skills, and stroke development drills and correction techniques. Upon successful completions, candidates are qualifed to teach the Lifesaving Society Swim Program. 100% attendance is required at all sessions is required. Prerequisites: 15 years of age by the end of the course and have Bronze Cross certifcation.
Dunbarton Indoor Pool M-F Aug 21-Aug 25 1:00 pm-6:00 pm
National Lifeguard pool certifcation required to work at most pools. It is designed to develop the fundamental values, judgment, knowledge, skills and ftness required by lifeguards. The National Lifeguard course emphasizes the lifeguarding skills, principles and practices, and the decision-making processes that will assist the lifeguard to provide efective safety supervision in swimming pool environments.
Prerequsite: 15 years of age, Bronze Cross award and Standard First Aid from a recognized organization. 100% attendance is required.
Dunbarton Indoor Pool
Aquaft - Basic 15+
Take advantage of the unique benefts of water exercise to create a low impact program that is excellent for those with arthritis, back problems, osteoporosis, pre/post natal, and for those who work out regularly or for those who have not been active in awhile. These classes stress cardiovascular and muscular endurance, strength and fexibility using a variety of basic moves. Work at your own pace and bring a water bottle to stay hydrated.
CHD Recreation Complex
Dunbarton Indoor Pool
Enroll in 2 Aquaft classes and receive 15% of. Email registration@pickering.ca for coupon code. This ofer cannot be combined with any other ofers or discounts. Only 1 discount will be applied. Eg. Seniors or multi-class discount
View and register for programs online. pickering.ca/active
1867 Valley Farm Road, Pickering, ON L1V 3Y7
905.683.6582 | pickering.ca/ft
Monday to Friday 6:00 am - 10:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday 7:00 am - 5:00 pm
Health Club
• Cardio Room and selectorized strength machines
• Weight Room & indoor running track
Fitness Studios
• 3 dedicated Fitness Studios
Swimming Pool
• 25 metre swimming pool with diving well and children’s training pool
Indoor Courts
• 2 racquetball/handball courts
• 6 singles & 2 doubles squash courts
• 4 tennis courts
We are proud to be a recognized CSEP Certified Fitness Centre. Our trainers are certified Personal Trainers who work with individuals to meet their healthy lifestyle goals using an evidence informed approach acquired through post secondary education and training. The following services are offered by our trainers:
Personal Training
Buddy Personal Training
Small Group Personal Training
Fascial Stretch Therapy
Pilates Reformer (private or semi-private)
Private Yoga Therapy
Visit our website or contact the Fitness Department for details. 905.683.6582 ext 3247 | fitness@pickering.ca
Membership is the easiest and most cost efective way to enjoy ongoing access to the facilities at the Rec Complex and are available as a Seasonal (3 month) or Annual (12 month) membership.
Various membership options are available for the Health Club, ftness classes, racquet sports and swimming pool.
• All memberships include public swimming.
• Members 18+ have access to membership change rooms, whirlpool, steam room, and sauna.
*Monthly payment plans are available on annual memberships. Details are on our website or visit the rec complex to find out more.
On sale and valid May 1 to September 4 · $175.00 (current student ID required from a recognized Canadian university or college) This membership is geared towards college or university students and includes ftness classes, cardio & weight rooms, the pool during public swim times, and members change rooms.
Book a free introductory tour and orientation of the Health Club facility. Fitness Staf will acquaint you with our facility, demonstrate various pieces of Health Club equipment, and give a brief overview of Health Club etiquette to help you get started.
Show & Tell sessions can be booked for Sunday afternoons, Tuesday evenings and Thursday mornings. Call to reserve your spot, 905.683.6582
Members may book courts up to 7 days in advance.
Non-members may book courts up to 24 hours in advance.
Call to book 905.831.1730
Online (Members) prc.gametime.net
• 2 racquetball/handball courts
Rates per 1 hour court booking:
Prime time: $16.00 per court
Non-prime time: $14.00 per court
Court fees waived with membership.
• 6 singles & 2 doubles squash courts
• On site Pro Shop
• On site Squash Pro, Nicole Pirko
Rates per 1 hour court booking:
Single Courts
Prime time: $16.00 per court
Non-prime time: $14.00 per court
Doubles Squash Courts
Prime time: $32.00 per court
Non-prime time: $28.00 per court
Court fees waived with membership.
• 4 tennis courts
• On site Pro Shop
• On site Tennis Pro, Dave Ochotta
Rates per 1 hour court booking:
Prime time: $35.00 per court
Non-prime time: $28.00 per court
50% court fee reduction with membership.
Information on upcoming clinics and lessons will be posted on the Racquetball Page at pickering.ca/fit.
Squash Pro: Nicole Pirko
905.683.6582 ext 3236 | nicolepirko@gmail.com
The Pro Shop is located across from court 3 in the Squash Corridor ofering various squash and racquetball products, as well as 48 hour restringing service. Contact Squash Pro for more information.
This is a great way to get involved in the club and meet players of the same level. We have a very active singles and doubles house league playing in two sessions; September to December, and January to April. All levels, from beginner to advanced are included, and you may join the league at any time. Contact Squash Pro for more information.
The Toronto and District League consists of teams from clubs in and around the Toronto area who play against each other every week. The Pickering Squash Club has doubles and singles teams for men and women from level “E” to level “A”, as well as “Masters”. This is a great opportunity to visit other clubs, have competitive matches and meet new players at your level from around the city. The hosting team provides dinner and refreshments for the visiting team. Cost: Team divides cost of hosting their guests.
We host a variety of doubles and singles tournaments for all levels of players from absolute beginners to very advanced level players. These include “handicapped friendlies”, three day weekend club or city wide tournaments, and weeklong club and major championships. Check the information board for all upcoming events.
Adult Singles: 40 min. private lesson $50.00
Package Rate (4 lessons) $180.00
Adult Doubles: 60 min. lessons $60.00 (3 players / $20 each)
Juniors: 40 min. private lesson $40.00
Semi - Private: 40 min. lesson $55.00 (2 players / $27.50 each)
Package Rate (4 lessons) $200.00
Adult beginner and intermediate single and doubles clinics are held every month all year round. 60 minute sessions are held on various days and times. Morning, daytime, lunchtime and evening clinics are all available throughout the year.
Fee: $70.00 per clinic
Beginner Adult Squash Clinics
This clinic is ideal for those wanting to learn the basic strokes such as forehand, backhand, serve, and drop shot. Participants also learn the basic rules and strategies of squash. All equipment can be provided.
Wednesdays 6:20 pm - 7:20 pm 4 wks $70.00 hst incl.
Session 3 July 4, 11, 18, 25
Intro to Doubles Squash Clinics
This clinic is intended for adults who are new to the game of doubles squash and are looking to learn strategies, techniques, accuracy and shot selection. Improve your game and fitness level while enjoying the benefits of learning in a group setting.
Tuesdays 7:20 pm - 8:20 pm 3 wks $60.00 hst incl.
Session 3 July 4, 11, 18
Friday Morning Doubles Round Robin 8:30 am - 10:30 am
Contact Squash Pro for details, nicolepirko@gmail.com.
Beginner Women’s Daytime Squash Clinic
Wednesdays 9:30 am - 10:30 am 4 wks $65.00 hst incl.
Session 1 May 3, 10, 17, 24
Session 2 June 7, 14, 21, 28
Contact Squash Pro to register for all Squash clinics and lessons.
905.831.1711 ext 3235
The Pro’s Choice is located across from the net posts on court 1, ofering a wide variety of tennis accessories and 1 day tennis racquet re-stringing service. You can demo the latest racquets on site during your court hour. Contact Tennis Pro for more information.
• Register for tennis lessons at the Complex - Front Desk
• Lessons are payable by cheque to Pickering Tennis or by etransfer to payments@pickeringtennis.com.
• Instructors will contact participants to confrm registration
These classes will teach the fundamentals of forehand, serve, backhand, and volley. Class size will be limited to a small group of 4 - 6 students per instructor. Classes are 5 weeks in length.
Tu Jul 11 - Aug 8 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm $98.00
W Jul 12 - Aug 9 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm $98.00
Tu Jul 11 - Aug 8 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm $98.00
W Jul 12 - Aug 9 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm $98.00
Participants will learn the basics of forehand, backhand, serve, and volley. More advanced techniques and strategies may be covered if time permits. This program allows for the playing of games and the establishment of a "network"of tennis friends. Classes are 7 weeks in length. Cost is $93.00. Beginner
Note: No classes Aug 5 (civic holiday)
How you participate is your choice:
1. Register for one of our programs. (See the Fitness pages for registered programs).
2. Pay-as-you-go and enjoy one class at a time.
3. Purchase a Fitness Membership
Current schedule is online pickering.ca/fitness
This is a sample schedule only. See current schedule at pickering.ca/Fitness Group
Membership Classes
*Only for Registered Group Fitness classes scheduled at CHD Recreation Complex. Does not include Pilates Reformer or family fitness classes.
Barre & Balance: This class incorporates the disciplines of yoga, pilates and ballet to perform a variety of strength and balance exercises to increase range of motion, mobility and confidence.
Barre Sculpt: Combining attributes of Pilates, barre, and functional fitness training, incorporating small movement to fatigue the muscles and large range of motion to elevate the heart rate. Also using a variety of equipment, such as bands, balls, light dumbbells and the barre.
Cardio Box: A full body workout that engages every muscle group, with a strong focus on your core. Structured in three “rounds” that include shadow boxing with intervals of bodyweight exercises, core work and a great stretch to leave you drenched in sweat!
Cardio Dance Kick: A high energy class that features cardio kickboxing combinations and body-sculpting dance moves. Enjoy the ultimate cardiovascular challenge that’s a unique blend of total body cardio and strength/core work.
Circuit Training: Develop your strength and aerobic fitness with exercises performed in succession and minimal rest. Your heart rate remains elevated in this high intensity class.
Fit Fusion 55+: This class is designed for older adults as it consists of low impact movements with little to no bouncing. It’s a blend of cardiovascular and muscular strength, finishing off with a full body stretch.
Interval Challenge: This class alternates intervals of cardio and strength conditioning to give you a full body workout using a variety of equipment.
Pound®: This full body cardio jam session is inspired by the infectious, sweat - dripping fun of playing the drums. Using lightly weighted exercise drumsticks, torch calories and drum your way to a leaner physique.
Socacize®: This class is a creative blend of authentic Caribbean and African dance techniques, in harmony with effective fitness moves, resulting in a unique, non-judgmental and exhilarating dance fitness program for all fitness levels.
Step: This is a classic choreographed aerobic exercise class. You’ll get a full body cardio workout while also toning your legs. Modify intensity by adjusting your speed, step height and movements.
Step & Strengthen: This class fuses together the cardio benefits of a step class and the muscle building benefits of a strength training class. Get everything you need in one high-energy, total body workout.
Stretch & Strengthen: This workout uses various types of equipment to focus on coordination, balance, and muscle strength. It finishes with stretching and postural exercises.
Total Barre®: This class integrates elements of Pilates, dance, and strength training to create a high - energy and dynamic class. Emphasizing correct biomechanics with the power of music to increase strength, flexibility and stamina.
Zumba | Zumba Gold: Fuses hypnotic Latin rhythms with easy to follow moves to create a dynamic class that will blow you away. Zumba Gold is designed for older adults.
Cycle Fit | Cycle Fit 55+: A cardio workout with varying speeds and resistance levels to provide a different ‘ride’ every time. Cycle Fit 55+ is designed for older adults.
Cycle Pump: Cycle Fit and Pump It Up combo. Improve your cardio on the bike while also building strength and core doing off bike muscle conditioning. Challenge your fitness level with this high energy, calorie burning class.
Dynamic Core: A combination of muscle endurance exercises focusing on core muscle groups which include, lower back, abdominals, and oblique muscles.
Pump It Up: This class focuses on weight bearing strength exercises that are challenging, safe, and functional. We incorporate the use of: dumbbells, bars, plates, and steps/benches.
STRONG Nation®: Using only your body weight, you will test your strength and stamina in a powerful cardio and muscleconditioning session in one, all led by original music designed for the workout.
Total Muscle Challenge: Challenge yourself in this high - intensity, workout. Improve strength, stamina, and explosive power with a workout that changes every week.
Chair Yoga: This is a unique yoga style that adapts yoga positions and poses through creative use of a chair. Poses are done seated on the chair or the chair is used for support during standing and balance poses.
Essentrics® Gentle Stretch: A low impact total body workout combining elements of tai-chi, yoga, pilates, and sports conditioning movements to helpincrease flexibility, releive pain in muscles and joints as well as build strength using your own body.
Mobilates: This class is a combination of joint mobility work, stretching and muscle release techniques with pilates principles. Equipment such as foam rollers, bands and balls are also used in active, dynamic and passive positions to help you achieve improved range of motion, balanced muscle activation and decreased muscle soreness.
Pilates: Experience this mind/body movement focusing on the pilates principles of centering, breath, concentration, control, precision and flow. Includes elements of standing as well as mat work.
Pilates for Strong Bones: This Osteo-friendly class makes the use of chairs as well as standing work to help strengthen the core, improve balance and maintain bone density.
Sunrise/Sunset Yoga & Meditation: This class is an introduction to yoga in the form of therapy. Each class includes static and flowing yoga postures, different breathing techniques, sound and a guided meditation.
Yoga 55+: This Hatha style Yoga class is designed for those seeking to increase and maintain joint mobility while also increasing strength and improving balance. Healthy older adults with no major joint or medical conditions will enjoy this program.
Yoga - Asana, Pranayama, & Meditation: This class explores 3 elements of yoga; Asana, postures & movement patterns, Pranayama, breathing techniques, and Meditation, centering the mind. We will look at each element separately as well as a complete therapeutic flowing practice, weaving all three elements together.
Yoga - Gentle: Learn basic postures, stretches and breathing techniques to help you relax and de-stress. This class is appropriate for pregnant women.
Yoga - Hatha: This class uses the practice of static postures and breathing techniques to help you stretch and breathe your way to greater harmony and energy as you reduce stress, align your body, and deepen your inner peace.
Yoga - Vinyasa: This class is a dynamic, flowing form of yoga smoothly linking your body movements to your breath. You’ll be guided in a series of poses that will move you through the power of inhaling and exhaling.
Yoga - Yin: Yin is a relaxed, passive style of yoga that involves holding poses for longer durations and increasing your inner awareness while also stretching deeper connective tissues.
We are making changes to better serve our community. Due to declining use of the Child Supervision Service at CHD Recreation Complex, the City of Pickering is exploring program options for the use of this space to better meet the needs of our community. Changes in current service are expected starting June 1, 2023. pickering.ca/childsupervision
1 Month Pass · $40.00
1 Month Pass · $40.00
On sale May 1 - May 31, 2023.
Includes unlimited group ftness classes, cardio room, weight room, racquetball & squash, and pool during public swim times.
• Pass is valid for 4 weeks from day of redemption.
Must be redeemed by August 1, 2023.
• Optional $10.00 card purchase for use of member change rooms, sauna, steam room & whirlpool (18+).
• Available to anyone 16+. Limited to one special per person.
On sale and valid May 1 to September 4 · $175.00
(current student ID required from a recognized Canadian university or college)
This membership is geared towards college or university students and includes ftness classes, cardio & weight rooms, the pool during public swim times, and members change rooms.
On sale June 1 - June 30, 2023. Includes unlimited group ftness classes, cardio room, weight room, racquetball & squash, and pool during public swim times.
• Pass is valid for 4 weeks from day of redemption.
Must be redeemed by September 1, 2023.
• Optional $10.00 card purchase for use of member change rooms, sauna, steam room & whirlpool (18+).
• Available to anyone 16+. Limited to one special per person.
All prices listed above are subject to applicable tax
1867 Valley Farm Road | 905.683.6582 | pickering.ca/ft
It’s a great time to become a member.
Waterfront paid/permit parking is in effect annually, from May 1st to October 1st.
After concluding the first year of its Waterfront Parking Permit Program, residents, businesses, and visitors were invited to participate in an end-of-season review.
Public input and lessons learned helped shape recommendations for improvements for the 2023 program.
Pickering residents are able to obtain a waterfront parking permit free of charge – registration is now available.
For program details visit pickering.ca/WaterfrontParking
TD Summer Reading Club
Canada’s biggest, bilingual summer reading program for kids of all ages returns to Pickering Public Library. Registration begins June 26th, at all library locations.
Join us for our Summer Reading Club
Kick-Off Party on Saturday, July 8th from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm in Esplanade Park, behind Central Library.
The 5-Minute Film Festival is back!
Filmmakers of all ages are invited to create and submit their own short 5-minute films. Workshops and events are planned throughout the summer, and a closing gala will take place on Saturday, September 25th, from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Please visit www.5mff.ca for more details on how you can participate.
Last dance until fall:
Each summer we recognize beautiful gardens around Pickering. Join like minded residents and enter to win fantastic
Tuesdays & Saturdays at Claremont CC
Wednesdays & Thursdays at West Shore CC from 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Participants must be 7+ with parental signed waiver to particpate.
Visit our webpage for complete details. pickering.ca/skateboarding
What is it? No-cost recreation services offered by the City, for Pickering residents 13 - 19 yrs. Weekly programs & activities take place at local community centres and high schools providing a variety of active, fun and social experiences. See the schedule below.
Free Teen events and contests are also hosted throughout the year.
How Do I Participate? You must be a Free Teen Member to participate. Membership is free. Membership applications are available online or at our programs. A parent/guardian signature will be required.
Wednesday 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Thursday 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Dunbarton HS
Dunbarton HS Basketball
George Ashe LCC Learn to play: Darts & Billiards 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Friday 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Membership is required to participate (it’s free) - see website for details.
East Shore CC Basketball, Breakdancing, Games Room
Dunbarton HS Basketball
Saturday, July 1
12:00 - 5:00 pm | Esplanade Park
Join us this Canada Day in Esplanade Park. Daytime include family friendly games and activities, entertainment, food trucks and more.
7:00 - 10:00 pm | Kinsmen Park
Celebrate Canada’s birthday with live entertainment and FIREWORKS! Fun for the entire family. Free to attend. Full event details to come at pickering.ca/canadaday.
Thursdays at Millennium Square from 7:00 - 9:00pm Sundays in Esplanade Park from 2:00 - 4:00pm
Join us all summer long to enjoy a variety of live music each week! Bring your lawn chair and blanket. A complete line-up will be released on our website late Spring 2023.
August 11-13, 2023 | Esplanade Park
You’ll want to bring your friends and family to Esplanade Park for some unbelievable food! We’re transforming the park to a foodie haven, jam-packed with a children’s village, eating challenges, live entertainment stage and cold beer. As always, admission is free and we’ll be beefng up the park with some good tunes. Check out pickeringfoodtruckfestival.com for full event details.
Thursday, August 17 and Friday, August 18
7:30 | Esplanade Park
Driftwood Theatre Presents returns again this summer with a new theatrical performance! Enjoy a play in the park with your friends. Tickets will be announced soon. Details will be posted at pickering.ca/events and on our social meda.
Nestled on the banks of Duffins Creek, Pickering Museum Village is the largest open air museum in Durham Region. It consists of 19 heritage buildings, gardens, and orchards. Pickering Museum Village is a community hub where people come together to learn, share stories, and build relationships through progressive, fun, and vibrant experiences.
Family Favourites being offered this summer:
Garden Gnomes & Fairy Homes
Izzy’s Mystery Adventure
Junior Carriage Painter
Junior Blacksmith
All Around Fun for everyone:
Churn it up!
Ice Cream Social
Bootlegger’s Escape Escape the Forest
Registration for our programs must be done in advance. Visit our website or call 905.683.8401