
The intent of the Public Input Session is to allow the public to address Council on matters of interest that are not already being addressed in the Council meeting or other boards and commissions of which Council is a member.
The Public Input Session will run from 5:00 p.m. to 5:15 p.m., following the adoption of the agenda.
It is strongly recommended that people pre-register for this session.
Members of the public wishing to address Council during the Public Input Session may:
1. register online prior to 12:00 p.m. the day of the Council meeting by filling out the registration form online on the Town of Stony Plain website:
MEETING DATE: April 2, 2024
SUBJECT: NeighbourLink Parkland
Members of NeighbourLink Parkland will present Council with an update of their 2023 activities.
NeighbourLink Parkland is a Christian resource network and non-profit charity funded by the support of the community - local churches, organizations, and individuals. NeighbourLink Parkland opened its doors on March 1, 2000 and has been responding to the needs of the community ever since. They assist individuals who are unable to access the usual government assistance, have exhausted other resources and are falling through the cracks in the system. They react immediately and offer hope to the hurting. Each situation is assessed, and help is provided in several ways. They strive to meet every individual with kindness, dignity and compassion. Services include:
• Assistance with basic necessities
• Financial Assistance
• Information and referral services
• Volunteer Services
*This is not an exhaustive list of services provided, but the most common.
Stony Plain Strategic Plan 2024-2027:
• Community Development
o Fostering a sense of community belonging and inclusion.
This item will be included in the Council Highlights news release.
1. Presentation
Prepared by: Sharida Csillag, Community Development Officer, Community and Social Development
Reviewed by: Lisa Gilchrist, General Manager, Community and Social Development
Approved by: Tom Goulden, Chief Administrative Officer
20 Member Churches collaborating together to serve the community
Funded by our local churches and supporters who believe in the work at NeighbourLink Parkland
Community support organizations
Alberta Parenting for the Future
Bredin Centre for Career Advancement
Meridian Housing Foundation
Native Counselling Services of Alberta
Parkland Food Bank
Parkland Pregnancy Support Centre
Pay Forward Kindness Society
Safe Horizons Domestic Violence Program
Victim Services Society
Connecting the right resources to those who need them most.
Church Outreach Programs
20 member churches
Auggie’s Café
Community HELPS Team
Food for the Soul
Garments of Praise
Grace’s Table
Late Night Café
St. Andrew’s United Church Thrift Shop
Health Services
Mental Health & Addictions
Westview Health Centre
Westview Primary Care Network
Emergency Health Centres
Government Services
Alberta Works
AB Children’s Services
Spruce Grove FCSS & Outreach Program
Stony Plain Social & Community Development
The Town of Stony Plain
Parkland County FCSS School Counsellors and Teachers
Parkland School Division
Evergreen School Division
Protective Services
RCMP and Peace Officers
Safe Horizons Domestic Violence
We then meet with clients to provide support and direction
Our office receives referrals and requests for help every day.
On average we receive more than 600 calls for help every month .
What are some ways that we help?
Helping to Navigate Service Agencies
Help Closet Program
Furniture Donation Program
Financial Assistance
Our Volunteers make our work possible
Helping our community by delivering much needed programs.
Delivering foodbank hampers
Even with a dramatic increase in need, NeighbourLink Parkland continues to serve.
From January to December 2023 NLP received 7,414 calls for service.
We have served this community for the last 24 years and we look forward to planting seeds of Change and Hope for many years to come.
We are happy to take your questions
MEETING DATE: April 2, 2024
SUBJECT: Red Brick Common
Melissa Hartly, Managing Director of Red Brick Common, will provide an update of 2023 activities
Red Brick Common, formerly known as the Multicultural Heritage Centre, is located in the heart of Stony Plain. They promote community connections through the operation of a museum, public art gallery, adult and children programming, family events, as well as cultural and agricultural programs.
Stony Plain Strategic Plan 2024-2027:
• Community Development
o Developing cultural aspects of our community
o Celebrate our community through the promotion of local art, culture, and history.
This item will be included in the Council Highlights news release.
1. Presentation
Prepared by: Christina Michaud, Legislative Coordinator
Reviewed by: Teresa Olsen, Acting Manager, Corporate Services
Approved by: Tom Goulden, Chief Administrative Officer
Programs and Services
• Public Art Gallery
• Museum
• Archives & Wild Rose Library
• Community Gardens
• Organic Master Gardener
• Art Classes & Workshops
• Children’s Camps
• School Programs
• Mural Tours
• Gift and Vintage Shops
• Toy Library
• Gym & Classroom Rentals
• Wedding Venue
At our heart we are an Agricultural Society
The objective of an agricultural society is: “to encourage improvement in agriculture and enhance the quality of life of people living in the community by developing educational programs, events, services, and facilities based on the needs of the community.”
Community events are the heart of what we do.
The children’s art and culture programming that we do are fine examples of the staples in our community programming.
The funds we receive from Town of Stony Plain may only represent a small percentage of our annualoperating budget; but these funds are one of the few sources we have that are undesignated. They are therefore critically important to us.
In addition to staffing cuts, it has been important to develop additional revenues.
Facility rentals, user fees, government grants, corporate sponsorships, and the sale of part of our lands to explore a partnership with the Town have been instrumental keeping us solvent.
• Refinement of programming
• Focus on programming that relates to the needs of the community
• Develop new revenue streams
• Decrease operational costs through review and on-going spending analysis
• Do less and do it better
AT 5:00 PM
Mayor: William Choy
Deputy Mayor: Harold Pawlechko
Justin Anderson
Pat Hansard
Justin Laurie
Melanie Loyns
Eric Meyer
Town Manager: Tom Goulden
General Manager, Community and Protective Services: Karl Hill
General Manager, Community and Social Development: Lisa Gilchrist
General Manager, Planning and Infrastructure: Brett Newstead
General Manager, Strategic Services: Brenda Otto
Acting General Manager, Corporate Services: Teresa Olsen
Legislative Coordinator: Christina Michaud
Kinsmen Club of Stony Plain: Ed Berney
Members of the Kinsmen Club of Stony Plain
Mayor William Choy called the March 4, 2024 Governance & Priorities Committee Meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Adoption 05/03/24/SP
Moved that the March 4, 2024 Governance & Priorities Committee Meeting Agenda be adopted as presented
Mayor William Choy requested Deputy Mayor Harold Pawlechko preside as Chair of the Governance and Priorities Committee meeting. Deputy Mayor Harold Pawlechko assumed the Chair.
Minutes Adoption 06/03/24/SP
Ed Berney was present in Council chambers to share the 2023 successes of the Kinsmen Club of Stony Plain.
5.1 Governance & Priorities Committee Meeting Minutes –February 5, 2024
Moved that the February 5, 2024 Governance & Priorities Committee Meeting Minutes be accepted as presented.
ToSP Boards & Committee Governance Framework 07/03/24
6.1 Town of Stony Plain Boards and Committee Governance Framework Overview
The Acting General Manager of Corporate Services gave an overview of the report.
That the Town of Stony Plain Boards and Committee Governance Framework overview be accepted for information.
Deputy Mayor Harold Pawlechko relinquished the Chair, and Mayor William Choy resumed as Chair of the Governance and Priorities Committee Meeting.
Mayor William Choy declared the March 4, 2024 Governance & Priorities Committee Meeting adjourned at 6:19 p.m.
Mayor William ChoyMEETING DATE: April 2, 2024
SUBJECT: Canadian Award for Financial Reporting
The Town has been awarded the Canadian Award for Financial Reporting (CAnFR) for the 2022 Annual Report.
That the Canadian Award for Financial Reporting for the Town of Stony Plain 2022 Annual report be accepted.
In June 2023, the Town submitted the 2022 Annual Report for consideration by the Government Finance Officers Association for their Canadian Award for Financial Reporting (CAnFR) program. The Annual Report represents the Town’s twelfth submission to the award program.
Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada awarded a Canadian Award for Financial Reporting to the Town of Stony Plain for its annual financial report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022. The Canadian Award for Financial Reporting program was established to encourage municipal governments throughout Canada to publish high-quality financial reports and to provide peer recognition and technical guidance for officials preparing these reports.
To be awarded a Canadian Award for Financial Reporting, a government unit must publish an easily readable and efficiently organized annual financial report whose contents conform to program standards. Such reports should go beyond the minimum requirements of generally accepted accounting principles and demonstrate an effort to communicate the municipal government’s financial picture, enhance an understanding of financial reporting by municipal governments, and address user needs.
A Canadian Award for Financial Reporting is valid for one year only. We believe our 2023 report will continue to conform to the Canadian Award for Financial Reporting program requirements and will be submitted in June 2024 to GFOA to determine its eligibility for another award.
Accounting & Financial Reporting Policy C-FS-028
Stony Plain Strategic Plan 2024-2027:
• Governance and Priorities
o Embrace a priority and performance measurement culture and link our strategic vision and decision-making processes with our financial realities.
Council meetings are live streamed and available for viewing on YouTube. This agenda item will be included in the Council Highlights news release along with a full news release and social media post.
1. Canadian Award for Financial Reporting Certificate 2022
2. Government Finance Officers Association Press Release
Prepared by: Tessa Hoffman, Accountant
Reviewed by: Teri Stewart, Manager of Financial Services
Reviewed by: Teresa Olsen, Acting General Manager, Corporate Services
Approved by: Tom Goulden, Chief Administrative Officer
For its Annual Financial Report
for the Year Ended
December 31, 2022
Executive Director/CEO
March 7, 2024
For more information, contact:
Michele Mark Levine, Director/TSC
Phone: (312) 977-9700
Fax: (312) 977-4806
(Chicago) - The Canadian Award for Financial Reporting has been awarded to Town of Stony Plain, Alberta by Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) for its annual financial report. The Canadian Award for Financial Reporting Program was established to encourage municipal governments throughout Canada to publish highquality financial reports and to provide peer recognition and technical guidance for officials preparing these reports. Its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management.
The annual financial report has been judged by impartial Canadian Review Committee members to meet the high standards of the program, including demonstrating a constructive “spirit of full disclosure” designed to clearly communicate the municipality’s financial story and to motivate potential users and user groups to read the report.
Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) advances excellence in government finance by providing best practices, professional development, resources, and practical research for more than 21,000 members and the communities they serve.
MEETING DATE: April 2, 2024
SUBJECT: Cemetery Update
During the 2024-2026 Corporate Plan meetings, Town Council directed Administration to bring back a report on the cemetery to provide an update on implementation of processes that could commence in 2024. As outlined within this report, Administration will commence a number of initiatives throughout 2024 that will move the project forward including improved communications to create better public awareness on the status of the project.
That the Cemetery Update be accepted for information.
The Town of Stony Plain has been carefully planning for the development of the future cemetery over the course of several years, recognizing its significant value to the community Town Council’s 2024-2027 Strategic Plan designates the cemetery as a strategic priority, emphasizing the goal to establish a “non-denominational municipal cemetery that provides a range of final resting options”. This priority focuses on long-term planning supported by best practice to improve and develop infrastructure and amenities that meet the needs of our current and future residents. Since 2019, Administration has taken significant strides toward transforming the cemetery project into a reality and while progress slowed during the pandemic, this project has remained a priority for Council through future budget commitments and for Administration in developing a clear path to completion.
During the 2023-2026 Corporate Plan meetings in November 2023, Council directed Administration to bring forward an update on the Town’s Cemetery Project as follows:
“That Administration be directed to bring back a report, including budget implications, prior to the end of Q1 2024, related to the status of implementing administrative processes related to the Cemetery that could commence in 2024.”
Since the passing of the Corporate Plan, Administration has continued to prioritize work related to the cemetery project and bring forward an update that provides Council the next steps that will be taken to make the cemetery a reality for the Town. While some key milestones of the project are completed, such as the detailed design of phase 1, a number of administrative steps remain underway to allow future services to the cemetery to take place.
A question was previously posed to Administration in relation to cemetery plot pre-sale opportunities. Through consultation with the Province, the Town received specific guidelines that outlined the process for the sale of cemetery plots, specifying minimum requirements that would need to be met. These include details such as the location and dimensions of all plots, provisional and final cemetery certificates (with the latter being necessary for burials), and approval from Alberta Health Services.
In addition to these baseline requirements, Administration acknowledges that a fully constructed cemetery is required to engage in sale transactions. The Town requires, and is actively working on, a Cemetery Bylaw, a fee schedule, the development of terms of reference, and contracts for purchasers in order for the Town to be
prepared for the opening of the cemetery. Furthermore, a dedicated resource is essential for interacting with purchasers during the point of sale and consultation process, and development of Purchaser Information Packages will be required
With respect to the use of funds received from any plot sales, staff members have confirmed that funds generated must be placed in deferred revenue until the plots become accessible for use. This approach means that presale revenue cannot be used to offset the costs associated with cemetery construction. Instead, once the cemetery is opened, any funds collected from plot sales would be directly allocated to cover the operational expenses of the cemetery.
Currently the Town’s approved Corporate Plan for 2024-2026 has the cemetery construction commencing in 2025 with a 2026 completion date. Further recognizing the importance of this project and the long lead time to this service being operational, Administration will be completing several initiatives to support this project in 2024. This includes developing a communications strategy to provide continuous updates to the community on the progress of the cemetery project to inform residents who have been patiently waiting for a status update Administration will also continue to seek required provincial approvals, develop administrative processes, and finalize a draft Cemetery Bylaw.
Over the longer term, key documents will be brought forward for Council approval ahead of the 2026 opening, including a Cemetery Bylaw and future fees and charges related to cemetery operations. Administration will also be working to complete the tender documents and tender process to procure and manage a contractor to deliver the final project as directed by Council.
Administration remains committed to completing the Cemetery Project within the timelines of the current corporate plan. The ongoing support from the Council, as they patiently assist the community during this process, is greatly appreciated.
• Cemetery Master Plan
• Cemeteries Act, RSA 2000, c. C-3
Stony Plain Strategic Plan 2024-2027:
• Governance and Partners
o Enhance our organizational excellence and resiliency through improved service efficiency and effectiveness.
• Supportive Infrastructure
o Build a non-denominational municipal cemetery that offers diverse final resting options.
The Town is committed to keeping the public informed throughout the cemetery construction process and following its completion. Administration will seek those that are specifically interested in plot purchases and compile a direct contact list to ensure they receive updated information on a timely basis. Communication will include but is not limited to; full news releases and Council Highlights following Council meetings with cemetery agenda items and a section of the Town website dedicated to the project along with regular updates.
Some of the project work identified for 2024 will be completed through existing staff resources while certain aspects will be provided through consultant services through utilization of operating budget
Recommendations for next steps resulting from the progress made during 2024 will be considered in the 20252027 corporate plan.
1. Cemetery Update Presentation
Prepared by: Brett Newstead, General Manager, Planning & Infrastructure
Reviewed by: Teri Stewart, Manager, Financial Services
Reviewed by: Teresa Olsen, Manager, Legislative Services
Approved by: Tom Goulden, Chief Administrative Officer
1. 2. 3. History
Discussion on Sales
Close 4. Next Steps
The Cemetery is a significant Council Priority, highlighted in the Towns 2024-2026 Corporate Plan as:
“Build a non-denominational municipal cemetery that provides a range of final resting options”
The Town of Stony Plain has been diligently developing its future Cemetery over a number of years. Since 2019, Town staff have completed:
1) The Cemetery Master Plan
2) Subdivided the Cemetery Site
3) Engaged with Residents via open houses
4) Completed the Phase 1 Design
5) 90% Complete the Tender Package
Town staff have been investigating what would be needed to commence any sales for the Cemetery. From the Province, the Town was advised at minimum, the following is required:
• A Detailed Plot Plan with Location and Dimension of all plots for sale
• Not Completed
• Provisional Cemetery Certificate
• Currently Expired
• Final certificate required for any burials to occur
• AHS Approval
• Requires additional geotechnical water investigation
Staff have confirmed that funds received from any presale of plots must be placed in deferred revenue. Costs collected on sale of plots are directly applied to the operational costs of the cemetery.
Some of the project work identified for 2024 can be completed through existing staff resources while certain aspects will be provided through Consultant services.
Recognizing that Town Council and Residents see this as a priority, Town Administration will be initiating the following in 2024
1. Increasing Communications to residents on progress with the Cemeter y Project
2. Completing key administrative milestones ahead of construction
Council accepts the report as presented
Town Administration is working to bring this strategic priority to reality for Town Residents and Council
Improving communications on progress and improving visibility of the project is a key goal ahead of its construction.
Town Staff will also continue to work to complete milestones that will permit the full service of the Cemetery as part of the Corporate Plan