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2013 2016

Table of contents

Mayor’s message


Strategic areas


Community Development


Economic Development


Environment and Sustainable Development


Municipal Infrastructure


Municipal Leadership and Management


Partnerships 11

Our mission We offer services to our residents to ensure a high quality of life.

Our vision The City of Dieppe’s strong Acadian pride is reflected in its hospitality towards all. It is a great place in which to live and raise a family thanks to its careful development and concern for the environment.

Our values

The City of Dieppe values:

Pride We are proud of our Francophone Acadian heritage and our ability to provide service in both French and English. Integrity We are honest and open in all our dealings.

Excellence We strive to do things well and professionally. Respect We respect the people we serve and with whom we work. This respect helps to foster a spirit of mutual cooperation.

Transparency We apply transparency to all decisionmaking processes. We accept that we are accountable to our community for all of our decisions. Ecology Environmental consciousness guides our actions.

Mayor’s message

I am pleased to present the City of Dieppe’s 20132016 Strategic Plan. Over the past few months, city council has been conemplating our municipality’s future. We took our responsibility very seriously – that is, to focus on the major areas that could affect our city over the next 10-12 years.

This strategic plan reflects the vision, objectives and strategies of elected representatives, in consultation with city staff, which will lead us toward success. It is an essential tool for elected representatives, city staff and residents as we aim for the future through attaining our goals.

As a modern and urban municipality, we have a duty to be aware of what is going on around us. This includes collaborating with our partners and ensuring our city’s ongoing development.

Our strategic plan is revised annually. It outlines objectives, strategies and measurements regarding six areas:

With the arrival of the provincial regionalization of services, major changes are coming to municipalities over the next year. We want to be proactive, protect our interests and our community’s assets and ensure the City of Dieppe’s continued progress. The tremendous growth we have experienced over the past decade is a sign that our city is progressing well. Our residents tell us that they are very happy and proud to live in Dieppe. As a city council, our responsibility is to continue offering quality services that respond to the needs of our residents.

- community development - economic development - environment and sustainable development - municipal infrastructure - municipal leadership and management - partnerships On behalf of city council, I encourage you to read this document and share our journey toward becoming a model city that is reflective of modern and urban trends. For more information on our strategic plan, please contact us at info@dieppe.ca or call us at 506.877.7900.

Yvon Lapierre Mayor


Strategic areas

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Dieppe residents are proud of their community and recognize the importance of contributing to its development. They value its francophone identity, Acadian heritage, vitality, family-friendly initiatives and its array of bilingual services. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Development has been the growth engine for Dieppe for several years. We recognize that it is essential to continue on this path in a sustainable and affordable manner. The Municipal Plan and the principles of sustainable development will guide our decisions and our investments. ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT The City of Dieppe benefits from wonderful environmental features such as its foliage, green spaces, marshes and the Petitcodiac River. We plan on maintaining, protecting and enriching these enviable environmental assets.

MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE The ability for people to get around is particularly important to residents. They also value quality and diversity in their municipal infrastructure. The city seeks, therefore, to use all of its assets and to maintain them in good repair. When necessary, this infrastructure will be expanded in a responsible and sustainable manner. LEADERSHIP AND MUNICIPAL MANAGEMENT We seek to serve our community in an efficient and effective manner, as well as benefiting from sound financial management. Not only must our services meet the expectations and needs of our residents, but they must also be delivered on time, be of high quality and be affordable. PARTNERSHIPS We can achieve all our objectives when we work together toward a common goal. This is why the municipality promotes synergy between all pertinent parties in order to maximize Dieppe’s potential.






Promote service and program offerings founded on needs analyses and long-term planning.

MAIN STRATEGIES 1.1 Establish leisure services master plan 1.2 Develop the arts and culture sector Performance indicators (measurables): • • • • •



Percentage of progress regarding recommendations in the leisure services master plan Percentage of residents’ satisfaction when surveyed regarding programs offered Estimated percentage of residents who participate in programs offered Number of new partnerships established, maintained or improved Examples of new programs established in the arts and culture area

Encourage and facilitate community engagement toward the advancement of quality of life and promote an increase in Acadian pride.

MAIN STRATEGIES 2.1 Encourage and increase public and civic participation 2.2 Promote the Francophonie, Acadian culture, and heritage 2.3 Develop social and family-friendly policies Performance indicators (measurables): • • • •


Percentage and level of pride of residents surveyed Estimated percentage of residents who volunteer Examples of involvement or contributions where the municipality played a major role in advancing the Francophonie, Acadian culture, or heritage Examples of community participation toward the advancement of quality of life





Promote and support the development of a downtown that stimulates economic and social activity.

MAIN STRATEGIES 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

Densify the downtown zone Complete Place 1604 Develop a renewed approach to downtown development Attract new businesses

Performance indicators (measurables): • •

Number and description of projects undertaken in the downtown zone Value of building permits issued for new construction projects in the downtown zone Total number and estimated percentage of Dieppe residents living in the downtown zone Total number of jobs in the downtown zone Number of new businesses establishing themselves in the downtown zone Total number of businesses in Dieppe’s downtown

• • • •



Promote the maximum use of municipal land while taking into account future needs.

MAIN STRATEGIES 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4

Plan for expansion of municipal boundaries Revise of municipal plan Promote and energize approach to developing undeveloped land Pursue growth geared toward 60:40 ratio between residential and non-residential sectors

Performance indicators (measurables): • • • •

Cumulative ratio between the residential and non-residential sectors Annual ratio between the value of building permits for new construction in residential and non-residential sectors Number of undeveloped acres of land Number and description of projects undertaken on vacant land






Ensure the integration of the principles of sustainable development in current and future growth projects.

MAIN STRATEGIES 1.1 Raise awareness and educate the community’s business people regarding sustainable development principles 1.2 Promote public transit 1.3 Improve public transit Performance indicators (measurables): • • • • •



Examples of green decisions taken by city council Estimated number of annual public transit trips Number of variances Number of modifications to the land use plan and the zoning map Total number of multifamily and residential units

Emphasize and promote environmental protection and sustainable development in order to make Dieppe a leader in the field.

MAIN STRATEGIES: 2.1 Adopt and periodically revise the green plan 2.2 Plan to increase green coverage 2.3 Significantly increase the use of renewable energy used by the municipality and the community Performance indicators (measurables): • • •


Examples and descriptions of green initiatives undertaken Percentage of green plan recommendations implemented Estimated percentage of municipal land under green cover





Pursue improvements to the road transportation system as well as the efficient movement of people and vehicles.

MAIN STRATEGIES 1.1 Improve traffic in the Dieppe Boulevard / Harrisville Boulevard area 1.2 Find a permanent solution to the flooding problems and the quality of Acadie Avenue in the Chartersville Marsh area 1.3 Pursue improvements to municipal streets 1.4 Lengthen Dieppe Boulevard Performance indicators (measurables): • •

State of street infrastructure based on the maintenance criteria report Percentage of satisfaction of residents surveyed in regards to street quality and in regards to traffic



Pursue improvements to municipal infrastructure in order to respond to the current and future needs of residents.

MAIN STRATEGIES 2.1 Adopt and implement a master plan for municipal infrastructure 2.2 Pursue the construction and opening of a satellite fire station 2.3 Decide on the use of land adjacent to the Centenaire Arena, including the future of the facility itself 2.4 Pursue autonomy in regards to water supply Performance indicators (measurables): • • •

Percentage of municipal infrastructure master plan recommendations implemented Number, list and descriptions of infrastructure requiring major repairs, modifications or replacement in the next five years Examples of city council initiatives or decisions that improve accessibility






Promote and support an approach aimed at the continuous improvement and efficient management of resources.

MAIN STRATEGIES 1.1 Implement a corporate plan 1.2 Innovate and mobilize human, material, financial and technological resources 1.3 Move to a collaborative approach at the staff level 1.4 Increase the portion of the general operating budget dedicated to capital projects 1.5 Quality control in service delivery 1.6 Improve management of requests Performance indicators (measurables): • • • •



Cost of municipal services per $100 of assessment Absentee rates per employee category Degree of employee satisfaction per employee category Percentage of requests resolved

Promote teamwork and decision-making guided by a visionary approach.

MAIN STRATEGIES 2.1 Clarify and raise awareness of roles and responsibilities 2.2 Promote and express our organizational values through our daily actions Performance indicators (measurables): • • •


Percentage of strategic plan recommendations implemented Examples of decisions proving leadership and vision Fiscal capacity





Encourage and promote collaboration between the various levels of government as well as other public and private organizations regarding Dieppe’s development.

MAIN STRATEGIES 1.1 Reach a multi-year agreement with the Province of NB regarding designated highways 1.2 Attract federal offices to Dieppe 1.3 Promote partnerships with the public and private sectors 1.4 Contribute to the Greater Moncton Sewerage Commission’s (GMSC) Belliveau Creek sewage collection project 1.5 Increase in revenue sources or financing from the various levels of government or other public or private organizations 1.6 Plan and prepare the implementation of new regional commissions in regards to changes to local governance Performance indicators (measurables): • • • • •

Percentage of operational budget coming from provincial and federal governments Total amount of new revenue coming from provincial and federal governments Examples and descriptions of participation by public organizations in municipal growth projects Partnerships reached with the public and private sectors Percentage of annual capital budgets covered by the provincial and federal governments.


Ville de Dieppe 333 Acadie Avenue 506.877.7900 info@dieppe.ca dieppe.ca

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