BCY5 - Online Symposium

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LIVE WEBCAST: 10-11 October 2020 www.e-ESO.net Co-Chairs: O. Pagani, CH S. Paluch-Shimon, IL ScientiямБc Committee: F. Cardoso, PT N. Harbeck, DE - A.H. Partridge, US F.A. Peccatori, IT - E. Senkus, PL


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FOREWORD Breast cancer in young women is a complex disease, occurring when these women are at the peak of their reproductive years, family life and careers. Being a somewhat rare disease, the optimal management of these patients is based on scientific data derived from clinical trials mostly conducted on older women. Many aspects of breast cancer in young women are therefore poorly understood (e.g. etiology and biology among others) and research is much needed in this field. In addition, young women have many years ahead of them to suffer the long-term effects of treatment and specific survivorship issues (fertility and job among others). The international health situation forced us to turn the in-person BREAST CANCER IN YOUNG WOMEN FIFTH INTERNATIONAL CONSENSUS SYMPOSIUM into a virtual event. It will be a challenging opportunity for updating the available evidence on this field and generating future research concepts and collaborations. We have done our best to design and build a virtual meeting able to keep the interactive, international, and collaborative spirit. It will cover challenges and opportunities in different cultural and economic settings, follow-up care, guidelines, and challenges in the management of ABC in young women. It will also include a Consensus Session that will form the basis for a Consensus Guidelines manuscript to be published after the Symposium. We hope that you will decide to join us online and contribute to further develop the understanding and treatment of this disease.

Olivia Pagani On behalf of the Co-Chair and the Scientific Committee Members


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LEARNING OBJECTIVES • In depth learning and update of the scientific and clinical aspects of breast cancer in young women • Highlight the importance of multi-disciplinary management • Focus on clinical research priorities and future perspectives, involving patients’ advocates in setting the agenda • Participate in the discussion of consensus guidelines

MAIN TOPICS • Biology • World perspective in epidemiology and treatment • Hereditary breast cancer • Loco-regional therapy • Systemic therapy • Psychosocial aspects and survivorship

PARTICIPANT’S PROFILE • Medical oncologists • Surgeons • Gynaecologists • Radiation oncologists • Breast radiologists • Onco-geneticists • Pathologists • Nurses • Patient advocates • Psycho-Oncologists


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FACULTY O. Abulkhair, King Abdulaziz Medical City for National Guard, Riyadh, SA B.O. Anderson, University of Washington, Seattle, US G. Bianchi Micheli, Southern Switzerland Breast Center (CSSI), Viganello, Lugano, CH I. Bozovic-Spasojevic, Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia, Belgrade, RS M. Braun, Shani Shaare Zedek Medical Centre, Jerusalem, IL F. Cardoso, Champalimaud Clinical Center, Lisbon, PT M.J. Cardoso, Champalimaud Clinical Center, Lisbon, PT E. Copson, University Hospital Southampton, Southampton, UK G. Curigliano, European Institute of Oncology, Milan, IT S.B. Kim, Asan Medical Centre, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, KR N. S. El Saghir, American University of Beirut Medical Center, Beirut, LB A. Eniu, Riviera-Chablais Vaud-Valais, Breast Unit, Vevey, CH T. Ferreiro, Baby Beatles, Barcelona, ES J.E. Garber, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, US K. Gelmon, BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver, CA O.D. Gentilini, IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, Milan, IT N. Harbeck, University of Munich (LMU), Munich, DE B. Kaufman, Sheba Medical Center, Ramat Gan, IL M. Lambertini, Policlinico San Martino Hospital – University of Genoa, Genoa, IT Q. Liu, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, CN S. Loibl, German Breast Group, GBG Forschungs GmbH, Neu- Isenburg, DE J. Merschdorf, Young Survival Coalition, New York, US O. Pagani, European School of Oncology, Bellizona, CH S. Paluch-Shimon, Shani Shaare Zedek Medical Centre, Jerusalem, IL A.H. Partridge, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, US F.A. Peccatori, European Institute of Oncology, Milan, IT G. Pruneri, National Cancer Institute - Foundation IRCCS, Milan, IT A. Richetti, Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI), Bellinzona, CH E. Senkus, Medical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, PL B. Sirohi, Max Institute of Cancer Care, New Delhi & Gurgaon, IN T. Spanic, Europa Donna Slovenia, Ljubljana, SI V. Sulosaari, University of Turku, Turku, FI I. Vaz-Luis, Gustave Roussy Institute, Villejuif, FR


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LIVE WEBCAST PROGRAMME Saturday 10 October 12:00 - 15:35 SESSION 1: OPENING + CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES IN Chair: O. Pagani, CH DIFFERENT CULTURAL AND ECONOMIC SETTINGS [LIVE] S. Paluch-Shimon, IL KEYNOTE LECTURE: Young women with BC: challenges and opportunities in high-income countries [PRE-RECORDED] 12:35 Round table: BCY in Far East [LIVE] Moderator: A. Eniu, CH KEYNOTE LECTURE: Presentation by young patient [PRE-RECORDED] 13:40 Round table: BCY in Middle East [LIVE] Moderator: E. Senkus, PL KEYNOTE LECTURE: Life-style habits and interventions in young women with breast [PRE-RECORDED] Moderator: V. Sulosaari, FI

A. Partridge, US

S.B. Kim, KR - Q. Liu, CN B. Sirohi, IN T. Ferreiro, ES O. Abulkhair, SA N.S. El Saghir, LB - B. Kaufman, IL E. Copson, UK

14:50 Roundtable: Strategies to support breast cancer F.A. Peccatori, IT care in low- and middle-income countries [LIVE] B.O. Anderson, US Moderator: I. Bozovic-Spasojevic, RS F. Cardoso, PT 15:45 - 17:20 SESSION 2: CHALLENGES IN THE MANAGEMENT OF ABC IN YOUNG WOMEN [LIVE] Terminal care and end of life issues [PRE-RECORDED]

Chair: F.A. Peccatori, IT K. Gelmon, CA

Can you go through the rain without getting wet? M. Braun, IL Compassion fatigue in the oncology setting [PRE-RECORDED] What is new in the management of ABC in young F. Cardoso, PT women: highlights from ABC5 [PRE-RECORDED] 16:50 Discussion with all the session speakers [LIVE]


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Chair: A. Richetti, CH M.J. Cardoso, PT O. Gentilini, IT

Sunday, 11 October 11:00 - 13:40 SESSION 3: WHAT SHOULD WE CHANGE IN BCY5 GUIDELINES? [LIVE]

Chair: S. Paluch-Shimon, IL

Tumor biology [PRE-RECORDED]

G. Pruneri, IT

Familial and hereditary breast cancer [PRE-RECORDED]

J.E. Garber, US

Preoperative systemic treatment [PRE-RECORDED]

N. Harbeck, DE

Adjuvant chemo- and targeted therapies [PRE-RECORDED]

G. Curigliano, IT

Adjuvant endocrine therapy [PRE-RECORDED] O. Pagani, CH BC during pregnancy [PRE-RECORDED]

S. Loibl, DE

13:10 Discussion with all the session speakers [LIVE] 14:00 - 15:40 SESSION 4: FOLLOW-UP CARE [LIVE] Fertility in mutation carriers [PRE-RECORDED]

M. Lambertini, IT

Survivorship issues in clinical research [PRE-RECORDED]

S. Paluch-Shimon, IL

e-PROMS: do they really change patient care? [PRE-RECORDED] Moderator: I. Vaz-Luis, FR


Chair: A. Partridge, US

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15:05 Discussion with all the session speakers [LIVE] 15:35 Closing remarks [LIVE]

O. Pagani, CH S. Paluch-Shimon, IL


CONSENSUS PANELLISTS O. Abulkhair, SA G. Bianchi, CH F. Cardoso, PT M. J. Cardoso, PT G. Curigliano, IT J.E. Garber, US K. Gelmon, CA O.D. Gentilini, IT

B. Kaufman, IL S.-B. Kim, KR Q. Liu, CN S. Loibl, DE J. Merschdorf, US S. Paluch-Shimon, IL O. Pagani, CH A.H. Partridge, US

F.A. Peccatori, IT G. Pruneri, IT E. Senkus, PL B. Sirohi, IN T. Spanic, SI V. Sulosaari, FI

All the contents will be recorded and accessible via the e-ESO website after the event (registration to access the contents will remain open).


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REGISTRATION AND GENERAL INFORMATION Registration for the event is free but mandatory. Online registration is available at www.e-ESO.net. CONFIRMATION OF REGISTRATION Registration will be confirmed by e-mail. ORGANISING SECRETARIAT Organisation and Programme Francesca Marangoni (1) - fmarangoni@eso.net - +39 02 85464525 Faculty Dolores Knupfer (2) - dknupfer@eso.net - +41 91 8200952 Registrations Corinne Hall (1) - chall@eso.net - +39 02 85464522 (1) ESO - Via Turati, 29 - 20123 Milan, Italy (2) ESO - Piazza Indipendenza 2 - 6500 Bellinzona, Switzerland OFFICIAL LANGUAGE The official language will be English. No translation will be provided. CME ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATES Participants will be issued a certificate of attendance. Application for CME recognition will be submitted to the Accreditation Council of Oncology in Europe (ACOE). The American Medical Association (AMA) and the Accreditation Council for Continuous Medical Education (ACCME) designate this type of educational activity for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA category 1 credits per hour of activity. ESMO-MORA credits will be granted by ESMO. ESCO CREDITS The Symposium enables ESCO students to earn ESCO credits and therefore access more ESCO benefits. Full and active participation in the Symposium earns participants 9 ESCO credits. Visit www.esco.org for information on how to join ESCO.


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