e-ESO - Past results and future plans

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past results and future plans MARCH 2021

Introduction The global situation of the last year has changed the teaching scenario of the entire European School of Oncology forcing the cancellation of all the in-person activities and the organisation of a new online offer that saw the growth of the number of e-ESO sessions and the birth of many other online initiatives. The figures show that the provided materials have been well received and this gave us the boost to move forward and think of new ways to reach our audience and continue being useful to them.



In order to inform our audience about our rich educational offer and to engage them as much as possible, we have renewed our weekly newsletter. Recipients are invited to take part in our sessions and to actively participate in our initiatives (call for clinical cases, register to the online courses, complete our pathways, etc.).


SUBSCRIBERS Considering opening and engaging rates, our newsletter is labelled as "hot list" that means that our users are very active


OPEN RATE More than 3740 emails



The new trio logo exemplifies the important link that unifies all the three entities: ESO, e-ESO and ESCO. This last year has demonstrated that these three worlds are not separate at all and have a common vision: To ensure that all cancer patients have access to unbiased and evidencebased







professionals (ESO vision). We can

achieve this goal by providing inperson education (ESO), or online education pathway macro

(e-ESO), (ESCO).











boosting our educational possibilities to the top. Over






transformed some of its in-person events





ESCO has offered a series of online eESO sessions dedicated only to ESCO Members; e-ESO has welcomed four ESCO members into the e-ESO Team. We all include initiatives from the other two entities in our newsletters and we feel that we are giving brand new “lymph” to our students.


e-Sessions e-Sessions are free, single educational lectures conducted live on the internet and are offered without any commercial sponsorship. Each 45-minute e-Session is presented by leading oncology experts. Our e-Sessions are interactive and you're encouraged to ask questions. Questions sent before and during live e-Sessions will be answered live by our experts. Questions received after the e-Session will be answered by email. We organise sessions that cover many aspects of the vast world of oncology: in 2019 we

have offered 54 sessions while in 2020 we have increased the offer to 109 sessions.


e-Sessions 2019 Average Live views: 17,24 Average Total views: 137,07

2020 Average Live views: 28,86 Average Total views: 139,26

We need to consider that, despite the fact that we have doubled the number of offered sessions in 2020, we have managed to increase the average of views (it means that the number of attendees has increased a lot). Moreover, we need to consider the fact that sessions held in January 2019 have been available for 2 years while sessions held in December 2020 have been available for just few months. This detail reinforces the impression that 2020 numbers are extremely positive. In 2021, we are working in the path that we have walked in 2020 and will probably have around 80/100 sessions (work in progress). Formats of sessions: e-Grandrounds; Clinical case discussions (call for cases + clinical case discussion for 2020 MCOs’ participants); Highlight sessions; Sessions for ESCO members; Guidelines presentations.



Pathways are e-ESO's easy and ready-to-use series of e-Sessions, covering various important areas of oncology. With Pathways our e-Sessions are specially selected and arranged to guide your study through different topics. Each Pathway is made up of a series of concise but mandatory e-Sessions (minimum 6, maximum 10 per Pathway). Registered students receive regular updates about their Pathways status. Once a Pathway has been completed, they are notified and awarded an e-ESO Certificate of Participation. A completed Pathway is worth 2 ESCO credits. At the moment we have more than 50 pathways ready to use and some more are on their way.


Courses An e-ESO Course is a series of online lectures, pre-recorded videos and panel discussions with world-class oncology experts specifically created for an area of study. To participate students must register for the Course. Registered students are notified about upcoming online lectures and also have access to the Course’s archive of material for up to a year after the live webcast. Students registered for an e-ESO Course receive an e-ESO Certificate of Participation. Select events also assign CME credits (1 credit per hour of course).

Up to now we have released 4 online courses: 1. BCY5 WORKSHOP FOR PATIENTS AND PATIENT ADVOCATES: What you should know about breast cancer in young women Live webcast: 3 October 2020 Registered participants: 465 - Total views: 843 2. BCY5 - Breast Cancer in Young Women: Fifth ESO-ESMO International Symposium Live webcast: 10/11 October 2020 Registered participants: 1274 - Total views: 5,030 3. Neuro-Oncology: multidisciplinary management of adult brain tumours Live webcast: 11, 12, 13 December 2020 Registered participants: 823 - Total views: 5,256 4. 5th ESO-ESMO-RCE Clinical update on RARE ADULT SOLID CANCERS Live webcast: 16/17 January 2021 (pre-recorded materials available from 1 December) Registered participants: 893 - Total views: 9,081 All these courses have explored the different possibilities offered by our platform: o A mixture of live interventions and pre-recorded lectures; o Live panel discussions; o Clinical case presentations by event participants; o Interactive workshops; o Pre-recorded lectures published in advance to give time to the audience to get prepared for live discussion. All the courses have been attended by people from literally all over the world. Feedbacks from participants have been extremely positive and the vast majority of attendees explained they liked our formats and enjoyed the possibility of attending our courses from home. We have focused our efforts in trying to keep the events as much interactive as possible, despite the online format. It seems that participants have appreciated that as you can see in the post-event survey results showed below.




Courses All these events have been forced to be transferred online due to the current global situation and in 2021 we have already planned to transfer other events that we cannot hold in person: 1. 19th ESO-ESMO Masterclass in Clinical Oncology Live webcast 6/7 March 2021 2. 9th ESO-ESMO Arab and Southern European Countries Masterclass in Clinical Oncology Live webcast 10/11 April 2021 3. 6th ESO-ESMO Latin-American Masterclass in Clinical Oncology Live webcast: 24/25 April 2021

Masterclasses are our flagship events and take place every year for a selected number of participants. Interaction is one of the main targets of these events. Unfortunately last year editions could not be performed (we compensated creating two pathways especially dedicated to the topics of the masterclasses) but this year we have decided to modify the programmes and try to have the events online anyway. A long series of pre-recorded lectures have been released and participants will have to watch them before the foreseen live webcasts in order to be able to ask questions and take part in the discussions. All the selected participants will be connected both audio and video during the events so that they can intervene at any time and have to present a clinical case (divided into small groups). Depending on the pandemic situation, it is possible that other 2021 masterclasses will be transformed into online events but in the meantime we are working to other online activities: - Two courses on rare tumours (Head and Neck and Sarcomas); - Two courses on pathology; - One course on breast cancer in the elderly; - One refresher course. The advantages of online events are at different levels: - The cost of the events is much lower; - The audience of the event (if open to the public, unlike masterclasses that are for selected participants only) is extremely vast that means that we manage to reach a lot of people who do not usually attend our events, but who are in need of education; - The material of the events can be left at complete disposal of the audience for future reference and participation (CME accreditation lasts one year).


SHoRt Animation Videos We have explored the world of short animation videos to present quick and easy educational pills. Four videos have been prepared and offered to the audience for their use. Positive feedback has been received but we think that this alternative educational tool cannot become our main focus due to its disadvantageous cost/benefit ratio. We will keep this possibility open in case we have new, interesting hints that might be suitable.



As the e-ESO project has incredibly grown in the years, expanding its offer and becoming a reference point for many health professional’s education, it has become necessary to renew the website to make it more technically updated, easy to navigate and appealing. The new website is arriving soon.


FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS and PLANS COMBO COURSES The new website will provide the possibility to manage the brand new “combo courses” developed to offer a more complex kind of education made of sequential steps that include different kind of events: in person and online courses blended together. The umbrella event will consist of different blocks and every block will be a single event with its own specific details and modalities. Here you have an example of combo course published on the ESO website:


FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS and PLANS PODCASTS We have received the input from our audience that sometimes it is hard to find the time to dedicate to our e-ESO sessions. The e-ESO Team suggested we try to explore the possibility of providing podcasts that our audience can listen to while driving, for example. Therefore we have started moving in this direction and the first podcasts will be released soon. The format we have decided to suggest is the following: 1 topic; 1 Expert; 5 questions; 3 minutes per answer = about 15’ minute per podcast We have started involving the e-ESO team in the creation of the first podcasts but will soon send out a call for suggestions to the e-ESO global family and then select the most interesting proposals that we will get.

COLLABORATION WITH INTERNATIONAL ENTITIES e-ESO has always collaborated with international entities to foster multi-disciplinarity in oncology. Therefore we have been partnering with ESMO, EONS, ESTRO, SIOPe, Young SIOPe, SIOG, EUSOMA, ERN PaedCan, EURACAN, CNAO and Menarini International Foundation, and we always look for other possible collaborations that might improve the quality of our educational offer.

We do not know when the current situation will end and we will be back to what we used to consider “normal live” but we feel that some parts of our lives will be changed forever. We will certainly come back to in-person events, but we will never abandon the advantages of online education and therefore e-ESO will continue exploring all the technical possibilities and innovative features to give the best educational experience with the best possible outcomes to all our users. Wherever they are in the world!


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