Novelties 2016 2017

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Novelties 2016/2017

Via Cassanese, 108 - 20060 Vignate (MI) - ITALY Tel. +39 02 9508031 - Fax +39 02 95364012 -

A changing vision of the office space


A changing vision of the office space

Novelties 2016/2017


a changing vision of the office space

multi office & soft office We have accepted the challenge: to no longer see the office space as an environment with predefined rules, but instead as an ever developing space, agile and quick to change, in relation to working needs that are always changing. This is how we developed furniture collections designed to be used in shared arrangements with multiple users, or with different purposes from one another, flexible and easy to transform. In this new scenario, even the characteristics of each product must be designed in a transversal and essential manner - guaranteeing a good level of quality and highperformance technological solutions, offering an all-round product that is not too specifically aimed at an individual purpose.


Abbiamo raccolto la sfida: non vivere più l’ufficio come un ambiente dai canoni predefiniti, ma come uno spazio in continuo divenire, agile e svelto al cambiamento, in funzione di necessità lavorative sempre mutevoli. Nascono così collezioni di arredi studiate per essere utilizzate in condivisione da più utilizzatori o con scopi differenti tra loro, flessibili e di facile trasformazione. In questo nuovo scenario, anche le caratteristiche di ciascun prodotto devono essere pensate in modo trasversale ed essenziale: garantire un buon livello di qualità e soluzioni tecnologiche performanti, offrendo un prodotto a 360 gradi che non sia troppo mirato a una singola esigenza.

Nous avons relevé le défi : ne plus vivre le bureau comme un environnement aux canons prédéfinis mais comme un espace en constant devenir, flexible et apte aux mutations, en fonction d’exigences de travail sans cesse changeantes. Ainsi sont nées des collections conçues pour être utilisées de manière partagée par de multiples utilisateurs ou pour des besoins différents, souples et se transformant facilement. Dans ce nouveau contexte, les caractéristiques de chaque produit doivent être pensées de manière transversale et essentielle : garantir un bon niveau de qualité et des solutions technologiques performantes, en offrant un produit à 360 degrés non excessivement axé sur une unique exigence.

Hemos asumido el reto: no vivir la oficina como un ambiente de cánones predeterminados, sino como un espacio en constante evolución, ágil y rápido a los cambios, en función de las necesidades laborales siempre variables. Así es como surgen las colecciones de muebles estudiados para ser utilizados compartiéndolos con otros usuarios, o con finalidades diferentes entre sí, flexibles y fáciles de transformar. En este nuevo escenario, incluso las características de cada producto deben ser pensadas de forma transversal y esencial: garantizar un buen nivel de calidad y soluciones tecnológicas eficientes, ofreciendo un producto a 360 grados que no sea demasiado orientado hacia una sola necesidad.


Wir haben uns der Herausforderung gestellt, das Büro nicht mehr als Ambiente mit festgelegten Maßstäben zu erleben, sondern als sich je nach den fortwährend wechselnden Anforderungen schnell und ständig verändernden Raum. So entstehen flexible und wandelbare Einrichtungskollektionen, die entwickelt wurden, um von mehreren Benutzern gemeinsam oder zu unterschiedlichen Zwecken genutzt zu werden. In dieser neuen Situation muss auch jedes einzelne Produkt transversale und wesentliche Eigenschaften aufweisen: Bei Garantie eines hohen Qualitätsstandards und leistungsstarker technologischer Lösungen wird ein Produkt angeboten, das vielseitig einsetzbar und nicht zu stark auf ein bestimmtes Bedürfnis ausgerichtet ist.

Speed, flexibility, and the ability to maximise every individual opportunity: these are the key concepts around which we designed the new lines dedicated to meeting and conference areas. The result is a series of extremely versatile products, capable of transforming to be used differently in just a few minutes from very light multi-purpose seats that can be stacked and stored in a quick and easy manner, to individual meeting tables with articulated stations, which can be combined with one another to create conference spaces and then easily dismantled and stored.

Velocità, flessibilità, capacità di massimizzare ogni singola occasione: sono questi i concetti chiave su cui abbiamo progettato le nuove linee dedicate alle zone riunione e conferenza. Il risultato sono prodotti estremamente versatili, capaci di trasformarsi cambiando utilizzo in pochi minuti: da sedute multiuso leggerissime che possono essere impilate e riposte in modo facile e veloce, ai tavoli riunione singoli alle postazioni più articolate, abbinabili tra loro per creare spazi conferenza che poi vengono dissasemblati e immagazzinati con facilità.


Rapidité, flexibilité, capacité de maximiser chaque occasion : tels sont les concepts clés sur lesquels nous avons conçu les nouvelles lignes dédiées aux salles de réunion et de conférence. Le résultat : des produits extrêmement flexibles, aptes à se transformer pour en modifier l’utilisation en quelques minutes : des chaises multifonction très légères qui peuvent être empilées et rangées facilement et rapidement, aux tables de réunions et aux postes de travail mieux articulés, agençables les uns avec les autres pour créer des espaces de conférence/réunion qui peuvent être démontés et entreposés facilement.

dynamic meeting areas Velocidad, flexibilidad, capacidad de maximizar cada ocasión: son estos los conceptos clave sobre los cuales hemos diseñado las nuevas líneas dedicadas a las zonas de reunión y conferencia. El resultado son productos extremadamente versátiles, capaces de transformarse cambiando su uso en pocos minutos: de asientos multiuso ligerísimos, que pueden ser apilados y guardados de forma fácil y veloz, a las mesas de reunión individuales, o las estaciones de trabajo más articuladas, que se combinan entre sí para crear espacios de conferencia que luego se desmontan y almacenan con facilidad.

Schnelligkeit, Flexibilität und die Fähigkeit, jede Gelegenheit zu maximieren: Auf der Grundlage dieser Schlüsselkonzepte wurden die neuen Linien für Besprechungs- und Konferenzräume entworfen. Das Ergebnis sind äußerst vielseitige und wandlungsfähige Produkte, deren Verwendungszweck in wenigen Minuten geändert werden kann: von stapelbaren, ultraleichten Mehrzweckstühlen bis hin zu einzelnen Versammlungstischen und komplexeren, miteinander kombinierbaren Arbeitsplätzen, um Konferenzräume zu schaffen, die später leicht demontiert und gelagert werden können.


attention to well-being Development and research have always been a priority at ICF. This allows us to create user-friendly products. We try to design seats that are functional, but above all comfortable, that can be used by a variety of individuals with different needs, but with the same purpose: to work comfortably, personalising one’s own workstation to reach the highest level of well-being. We have always paid the utmost attention to ergonomics, to adjustability and personal settings of seats and, now, even our table collections are adjustable and transformable, in order to make the work environment as pleasant as possible, in both aesthetic and practical terms.


Sviluppo e ricerca sono da sempre prioritari in ICF e ci consentono di ideare prodotti user-friendly. Cerchiamo di progettare sedute funzionali ma soprattutto comode, che possano essere fruite da persone con necessità diverse tra loro, ma con il medesimo scopo: lavorare in maniera confortevole, personalizzando la propria postazione lavoro per avere il massimo benessere. Da sempre prestiamo particolare attenzione all’ergonomia, alla regolazione e alla personalizzazione delle sedute e, ora, anche le nostre collezioni di tavoli sono regolabili e trasformabili per rendere l’ambiente lavorativo il più piacevole possibile, sia da un punto di vista estetico che pratico.

Développement et recherche sont depuis toujours des priorités d’ICF qui nous permettent de concevoir des produits user-friendly. Nous nous efforçons de concevoir des chaises fonctionnelles mais surtout confortables, qui puissent être utilisées par des personnes ayant des besoins différents mais avec le même objectif : travailler de manière confortable, en personnalisant leur poste de travail pour jouir du plus grand bien-être. Depuis toujours, nous accordons une attention toute particulière à l’ergonomie, au réglage et à la personnalisation des chaises et, à présent, les tables de nos collections sont elles aussi réglables et transformables pour que l’environnement de travail soit le plus agréable possible, tant d’un point de vue esthétique que d’un point de vue fonctionnel.

Desarrollo e investigación son, desde siempre, prioritarios en ICF y nos permiten crear productos user-friendly. Intentamos diseñar asientos funcionales, pero sobre todo cómodos, que puedan ser disfrutados por personas con diferentes necesidades, pero con el mismo objetivo: trabajar de forma confortable, personalizando su lugar de trabajo, para conseguir el máximo bienestar. Desde siempre, prestamos una particular atención a la ergonomía, a la regulación y a la personalización de los asientos y, ahora, nuestras colecciones de mesas también se pueden regular y transformar para hacer que el ambiente laboral sea lo más agradable posible, tanto desde un punto de vista estético como práctico.


Forschung und Entwicklung sind seit jeher Prioritäten von ICF und gestatten die Realisierung benutzerfreundlicher Produkte. Wir versuchen, funktionale, vor allem aber bequeme Stühle zu entwickeln, die von Personen mit unterschiedlichen Ansprüchen verwendet werden können, die alle das gleiche Ziel verfolgen: komfortables Arbeiten durch individuelle Gestaltung des eigenen Arbeitsplatzes, um maximales Wohlbefinden zu erreichen. Seit jeher richten wir unsere besondere Aufmerksamkeit auf Ergonomie, Einstellung und Anpassung der Stühle an persönliche Bedürfnisse, und auch unsere Tischkollektionen sind jetzt regulierbar und wandelbar, um das Arbeitsumfeld sowohl vom ästhetischen als auch vom praktischen Gesichtspunkt so angenehm wie möglich zu gestalten.


finn chair One chair, many uses: this is the new way of using the office space that requires it. Finn Chair is the answer. Design Norbert Geelen


icf novelties

The everywhere seating Seating in action Minimum amount of material employed, maximum transparency, great comfort, extreme lightness and easy handling. Finn sums up the characteristics of the modern multipurpose armchair. It sets new reference standards in terms of design, innovation and quality for furnishing work areas, where functional characteristics are just as important as having a convincing look.

A simple and elegant chair, defined by an essential steel structure that designs a curved and versatile structure, which is extremely solid and especially lightweight. It is so light that you can stack as many as 45 without problems. The seat - comfortable and elegant, made of plastic, fabric or mesh in a variety of colours - combined with various optional bases, makes it perfect for meeting, conference, waiting, and training rooms, as well as operative halls and cafeterias, and much more.

Una sedia semplice ed elegante, definita da una struttura essenziale in acciaio che disegna un telaio flessuoso e versatile, tuttavia estremamente solido e soprattutto leggero. Così leggero che se ne possono impilare fino a 45 senza alcun problema. La seduta, confortevole e accogliente - realizzata in plastica, tessuto o rete in tanti colori - accoppiata a diversi basamenti a scelta, la rende perfetta per sale riunioni, conferenza, attesa, training, spazi operativi, caffetteria.


Une chaise à la fois simple et élégante, définie par une structure épurée en acier qui dessine un châssis flexible et souple mais en même temps très solide et surtout léger. Si léger qu’il est possible d’en empiler 45 sans risque. L’assise, confortable et accueillante - réalisée en plastique, tissu ou treillis dans d’innombrables couleurs - qui peut être accouplée à l’une des multiples bases disponibles, en fait une chaise idéale pour les salles de réunion, de conférence, les salles d’attente, les salles de formation, les espaces de travail, les cafétérias.


Una silla sencilla y elegante, compuesta por una estructura esencial de acero que diseña un bastidor flexuoso y versátil, pero extremadamente sólido y principalmente ligero. Tan ligero que es posible apilar hasta 45 sillas sin ningún problema. El asiento, confortable y acogedor - realizado en plástico, tejido o red en varios colores - acoplado a diversas bases a elegir, hace que sea perfecta para salas de reunión, de conferencias, de espera, de training, espacios operativos, cafeterías.

Ein einfacher und eleganter Stuhl, der durch die essentielle Stahlstruktur charakterisiert ist, die einen geschmeidigen und vielseitigen und dennoch äußerst stabilen und vor allem leichten Unterbau trägt. So leicht, dass problemlos bis 45 Stühle übereinander gestapelt werden können. Die komfortable und bequeme Sitzfläche aus Kunststoff, Textil oder Netz in vielen Farben kann mit einer breiten Auswahl an Untergestellen kombiniert werden. Dadurch ist der Stuhl perfekt für Versammlungs-, Konferenz- und Wartesäle, Trainingshallen, Arbeitsräume und Cafés.


Stackable, & Light


chairs on trolly 11

icf novelties

One chair, many purposes The intuitive and functional tilting mechanism instantly follows the movements of the body in a dynamic and natural way and is perfectly suitable for meeting purpose or for short working postures. The advanced rotation point reduces the pressure on the lower limbs during the chairs rocking, while the opening angles of the tilting grants comfort and dynamism in any working position.

Pure and linear forms, synthesis of lightness Lightness, functionality, durability are the distinctive characteristics of Finn. To achieve them we have reduced to the minimum the number of components and we have used the best available materials for this purpose. Finn has much more to offer than simply and nice design; it also excels where functionality is concerned. Its high backrest and preformed seat guarantee optimal sitting comfort. And due to its ergonomic design, Finn is also perfectly suitable for both passive and active use.



Seating with more than one purpose.


icf novelties

Open to a new seating experience

Swivel chair and office swivel chair: four-star base (fixed or swivel chair) or fivestar base (swivel and height adjustable) in die-cast aluminum, bright chromium-plated. Swivel chair with glides in black polyamide (for hard floors) with additional felt insert.



Color, uphlostery, fabric The minimal thickness of the upholstery emphasizes the lightness of the seat shell and at the same time ensures exceptional comfort. Thanks to the latest upholstery technology, sitting on this chair is enjoyable and comfortable. Form, function and material form a harmonious whole.

One chair, multiple use Skid-base in round steel rod, diameter 16 mm, bright chromium-plated. Counter and bar height stool: as for skid-base chair, but with additional round steel rod, bright chromium plated, that form a stable structural grid and is used as a footrest bar.


icf novelties

Details Extreme Lightness Finn revisits the concept of a multipurpose seat. This chair has been designed to fit into various settings, such as meeting rooms, training halls and multifunctional spaces. therefore, practical and functional features are essential qualities, along with resistance and solidity.

The seat and backrest are made of polypropylene and can come in various finishing options. Chairs can be stacked in piles of up to 45 chairs. It is made up of a slim wire steel structure which can be either chrome or painted. The seat and backrest are made of polypropylene and can come in various finishing options.

Plastic glides with felt insert

Slim tubular steel structure




una plus A classic, revised in shape but not in content: the essence is a designer seat with only what is needed for the utmost performance, with a touch extra: the Icf style.


icf novelties

Seating par excellence

Even more versatile, to offer even more: the new Una Plus maintains everything that is needed to guarantee a seat with perfect ergonomics, and is free of technical details that are far too complex to be used by multiple users. For years, it has been a reference point in terms of design and comfort. The design of Una Plus has been updated to take full advantage of the unique and exceptional flexibility of the seat that make it particularly comfortable, but especially versatile and perfect due to the multiple uses that the modern office space requires.

Ancora più versatile per offrire ancora di più: la nuova Una Plus mantiene tutto ciò che serve per garantire una seduta dall’ergonomia perfetta e si libera dei dettagli tecnici fin troppo complessi per essere fruita da una pluralità di utilizzatori. Da anni punto di riferimento in termini di design e comfort, Una Plus attualizza il suo design per valorizzare la traspirabilità unica e l’eccezionale flessibilità della sua seduta che la rendono particolarmente confortevole, ma soprattutto versatile e perfetta per la molteplicità di utilizzi che il moderno spazio ufficio richiede.


Un siège encore plus fonctionnel pour être encore plus prodigue : Una Plus dans sa nouvelle version conserve tous les éléments servant à garantir une assise ergonomiquement parfaite et se libère des détails techniques trop complexes pour pouvoir être apprécié par une multiplicité d’utilisateurs. Depuis longtemps référence en termes de design et de confort, Una Plus actualise son design pour valoriser la transpirabilité unique et l’exceptionnelle souplesse de son assise qui sont à l’origine de son grand confort, mais surtout qui en font un siège parfaitement adopté à une multiplicité d’utilisations qui répondent aux besoins de l’espace de bureau moderne.

una plus

Aún más versátil para ofrecer mucho más: la nueva Una Plus mantienetodo lo necesario para garantizar un asiento con una ergonomía perfecta y se libera de los detalles técnicos demasiado complejos, para que puedaser disfrutada por la mayoría de los usuarios. Un punto de referencia desde hace años en términos de diseño y confort, Una Plus actualiza su diseño para mejorar la transpirabilidad única y la excepcional flexibilidad de su asiento, que la hacen particularmente confortable pero, sobre todo, versátil y perfecta para los múltiples usos que el espacio de la oficina moderno requiere.

Noch flexibler für noch mehr Vielseitigkeit: Der neue Una Plus bietet alles, was man für einen perfekt ergonomischen Stuhl braucht, und befreit sich von allen komplexen technischen Details, um von vielen Anwendern genutzt werden zu können. Der seit Jahren einen Bezugspunkt in Sachen Design und Komfort darstellende Una Plus besticht durch die Atmungsaktivität und besondere Flexibilität der Sitzfläche, die ihn besonders bequem machen und vor allem vielseitig und perfekt für die vielfältigen Anwendungen, die ein moderner Büroraum verlangt.


icf novelties

Perfect anyway. Perfect anywhere Una Plus is a high-performance seating designed around the sensational “Adaptive Monoframe�, a unique system made of a pliable polymer structural element, with exceptional elastic properties and mechanical strength stability, that flexes in concert with the movement performed by the recline mechanism. A truly industrial product with a refreshing design and a high-end functionality. Una Plus is an advanced-concept product, developed on the basis of an innovative tilting mechanism that accompanies body movement in a dynamic and

natural way. The highly effective and functional mechanics, the large seat and back, the extensive freedom of movement produce a perfectly ergonomic chair that supports the body in all working postures. Intuitive and effective tilting mechanism instantly follows the movements of the body. The advanced rotation point reduces the pressure on the lower limbs during the chairs rocking, while the opening angles of the seat and backrest comply with the latest ergonomic principles. the result is comfort and dynamism in any working position.


Particularly comfortable


icf novelties

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Functional & versatile Overcoming traditional differences between upholstery and padding and between seat and backrest, the one-piece suspension update and redefine the look of the work chairs. The elastic one-piece suspension is a body fitting upholstery made of mesh or fabric or leather that conforms to the contours of the user, properly distributes weight pressure and performs excellent transpiration and heat exchange characteristics.

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una plus

More comfort, less compromise


icf novelties

Details A chair that perform like no other Una Plus offers a series of solutions that really improve the quality of working in an office. The mesh, made of an elastic monofilament interwoven with a traditional fabric, allows air to pass through and ensures perfect breathability and heat exchange. It is strong and flexible, and distributes body weight perfectly: the different positions that one holds during the work day all become more comfortable.

Height 60 Height 45


una plus

A breathable one-piece suspension that enhance transpiration and flexibility


valea xs To stay great, we’ve made it slightly smaller. Valea XS offers the unmistakable style and unique comfort in new proportions, to be perfect for the changing office space.

icf novelties

Iconic seating for today’s office

A style icon that can be recognised at a glance: its lines are even more controlled and the proportions have been reduced to make the comfort level unique for its seat - more versatile and suitable for multiple uses. This is how a style icon survives: adapting to the change that this new way of using the office space requires. Valea XS is now available with various bases, and is open to new purposes while maintaining its distinctive traits, like the aluminium armrests with their curved and elegant shape, and the stylish details in the finishes on the seat.

Un’icona di stile si riconosce a prima vista: la sua linea si è fatta ancor più misurata e le proporzioni si sono ridotte per rendere il comfort unico della sua seduta più versatile e adatto a più utilizzi. E’ così che sopravvive un’icona di stile, adattandosi al cambiamento che il nuovo modo di vivere lo spazio ufficio richiede. Valea XS ora è disponibile con diversi basamenti e si apre a nuove destinazioni d’uso pur mantenendo i suoi tratti distintivi, come i braccioli in alluminio dalla forma flessuosa ed elegante e i dettagli di stile nelle finiture della seduta.


Une icône de style se reconnaît au premier coup d’œil : sa ligne s’est faite encore plus mesurée et les proportions ont été réduites pour rendre le confort unique de l’assise encore plus flexible et adapté à de multiples utilisations. C’est ainsi qu’une icône de style perdure, en s’adaptant au changement qu’impose la nouvelle façon de vivre l’espace de bureau. Valea XS est à présent disponible avec différentes bases et s’adapte à de nouveaux usages tout en conservant ses traits distinctifs, ainsi les accoudoirs en aluminium à la forme sinueuse et élégante et les détails de style dans les finitions de l’assise.

valea xs

Un icono de estilo se reconoce a primera vista: su línea es aún más moderada y las proporciones han sido reducidas para conseguir que el confort único de su asiento sea más versátil y adecuado a varios usos. Así es como sobrevive un icono de estilo, adaptándose al cambio que la nueva manera de vivir el espacio de la oficina requiere. Valea XS ahora está disponible con diversas bases y se abre a nuevos destinos de uso manteniendo sus características distintivas, como los brazos en aluminio de forma flexuosa y elegante y los detalles de estilo en los acabados del asiento.

Eine Stilikone, die man auf den ersten Blick erkennt: ihre Linie ist noch maßvoller und die Proportionen sind reduziert, um den einmaligen Komfort der Sitzfläche vielseitiger und für zahlreiche Verwendungen geeignet zu machen. So überlebt die Stilikone und passt sich den Veränderungen an, die die neue Art das Büro zu erleben erfordert. Valea XS ist jetzt mit verschiedenen Untergestellen lieferbar und eröffnet neue Anwendungsmöglichkeiten, wobei so charakteristische Eigenschaften wie die Armlehnen aus Aluminium mit ihrer geschmeidigen und eleganten Form und die stilvollen Details in den Ausführungen beibehalten werden.

Lighter &,



icf novelties

Valea XS in designed for nearly everywhere we sit, from collaboration areas to meeting spaces to cafes Valea XS is the answer to the changes in the office world. A simple and neat structure designed from a steel tubular that draws sinuous, elegant and yet extremely functional shapes. Valea XS is a “no thrills� chair that keeps up with our times: a performing practical product that offers comfort and is able to adapt to the new challenges of the working world that demands maximum flexibility. Valea XS is the perfect chair for any environment.


valea xs

Aesthetic appeal, modern confort Chairs are designed to provide maximum comfort. Exceptional attention has been paid not only to design aspects but also to the idea and development of every detail involved in form and function. Valea XS offers a tilting mechanism that improve comfort when you are seated even for a significant number of hours. Valea XS is also equipped with a mechanism that returns the seat to its original position, so that the office always presents an orderly image.


icf novelties


valea xs

Self-evident design The stool is available in two variations of height and two of basis with a chromed or painted structure. Thanks to the relatively small dimensions Valea stool can easily fit office environments as well as hospitality spaces.


ray A perfect combination of form and technology to give life to a collection of armchairs that add a touch of elegance to any space. Design Norbert Geelen

icf novelties

Classic elegance with a modern twist

The perfectly measured proportions, the upholstery cared for in the smallest details, give the armchairs in the Ray collection a look of classic comfort. But Ray has something more: sophisticated technology in the diecast aluminium structure, combined with innovative materials and modelled on complex forms with changes in line and thicknesses that can only be used by highly skilled craftsmen. Care for the details of the upholstery, available in numerous variations and combinations of different materials.

Le proporzioni perfettamente calibrate, l’imbottitura curata nei minimi dettagli conferiscono alle poltrone della collezione Ray un aspetto di comfort classico. Ma Ray ha qualcosa in più: una tecnologia sofisticata nella struttura in alluminio pressofuso, abbinata a materiali innovativi e modellata in forme complesse con cambi di linee e spessori che solo una grande maestria costruttiva permette di realizzare. La cura del dettaglio nei rivestimenti, disponibili in numerose varianti e combinazioni di materiali differenti.


Les proportions parfaitement équilibrées, le rembourrage soigné dans les moindres détails confèrent aux fauteuils de la collection Ray un aspect de confort classique. Mais Ray a quelque-chose de plus : une technologie sophistiquée dans la structure en aluminium moulé sous pression, associée à des matériaux innovants et modelée dans des formes complexes avec des changements de lignes et des épaisseurs que seule une grande maestria de fabrication permet de mettre en œuvre. Le soin du détail dans les revêtements, disponibles dans de nombreuses variantes et combinaisons de matériaux différents.


Las proporciones perfectamente calibradas, el acolchado con atención a todos los detalles otorgan a los sillones de la colección Ray un aspecto de confort clásico. Pero Ray posee algo más: una tecnología sofisticada en la estructura de aluminio fundido a presión, combinada con materiales innovadores y modelada en formas complejas con cambios de líneas y espesores que sólo una gran maestría de fabricación permiten realizar. El cuidado del detalle en los tapizados, disponibles en numerosas variantes y combinaciones de materiales diferentes.

Die perfekt ausgewogenen Proportionen und die bis ins kleinste Detail gestaltete Polsterung verleihen den Sesseln der Kollektion Ray ein Aussehen klassischen Komforts. Aber Ray hat noch etwas: eine raffinierte Technologie in der Struktur aus Aluminiumdruckguss, die mit innovativen Materialien kombiniert und in komplexe Formen gehüllt ist, und mit wechselnden Linien und Stärken, die nur mit großem Geschick realisierbar sind. Die Sorgfalt für jedes Detail bei den Bezügen, die in zahlreichen Varianten und Kombinationen unterschiedlicher Materialien erhältlich sind.

Perfectly balanced functional design


icf novelties

Conference and meeting areas This family includes a series of armchairs with and without armrests with various types of bases. A family of single pieces created to furnish with style and elegance both office and contract spaces as well as hospitality lounges and waiting areas. An armchair of great versatility that perfectly fits any environment.

Office and Hospitality The use of contemporary technical solutions and the memory of tradition: a perfect union brought by our knowhow. Upholstery is available in numerous variations and combinations of different materials. Its care for detail and the wide choice of bases make the products in the Ray collection perfect to furnish the most varied of spaces. The external shell of the backrest in warm moulded foamed polyurethane can be personalised in countless variations: combining the external leather upholstery with the internal shell also in leather can achieve a one material effect. Alternatively great contrasting effects can be obtained using various combinations.



pyla chair Classic forms, modern style: a chair that - in spite of the significant size, is still light and fresh. This is thanks to the fashionable finishes that add verve and colour to the office environment.


icf novelties

A fresh touch to the office space

An essential yet high-performance armchair: the structural elements are absolutely minimal, but used effectively to make Pyla very comfortable. The high level of constructive technology makes it resistant, breathable, and especially functional: its ergonomic design is certified and is the result of very sophisticated technical notions. However, its truly striking aspect is its aesthetic appeal: the combination of materials, colours and finishes that give the room where it is used verve and liveliness.

Una poltroncina essenziale ma molto performante: gli elementi strutturali sono assolutamente minimi ma sfruttati al massimo per rendere Pyla molto confortevole. L’elevata tecnologia costruttiva la rende resistente, traspirante e soprattutto funzionale: la sua ergonomia è certificata ed è frutto di accorgimenti tecnici molto sofisticati. Ciò che colpisce però è il suo fortissimo appeal estetico: l’unione di materiali, colori e finiture che conferiscono all’ambiente in cui viene inserita brio e allegria.


Un fauteuil essentiel mais très performant : les éléments structurels sont ramenés au minimum mais sont exploités au maximum pour décupler le confort de Pyla. La haute technologie de fabrication le rend résistant, transpirant et surtout fonctionnel : son ergonomie est certifiée et est le fruit de solutions techniques très sophistiquées. Mais c’est par son esthétique unique qu’il s’impose : à savoir l’union de matériaux, de couleurs et de finitions qui confèrent à l’espace auquel il est intégré, brio et légèreté.

pyla chair

Una butaca sobria pero eficiente: los elementos estructurales son mínimos pero aprovechados al máximo para hacer que Pyla sea muy confortable. La elevada tecnología de fabricación permite que sea resistente, transpirable y, sobre todo, funcional: su ergonomía está certificada y es fruto de soluciones técnicas sofisticadas. Pero lo que más sorprende es su fuerte appeal estético: la unión de material, colores y acabados que otorgan al ambiente en el que se integra brío y alegría.

Ein essentieller, aber absolut funktionsgerechter Stuhl: die Strukturelemente sind minimal und werden maximal genutzt, damit Pyla größte Bequemlichkeit bietet. Dank seiner modernen Fertigungstechnik ist Pyla widerstandsfähig, atmungsaktiv und vor allem funktional: seine Ergonomie ist zertifiziert und das Ergebnis raffinierter technischer Maßnahmen. Am meisten fällt jedoch seine starke ästhetische Wirkung auf: die Verbindung von Materialien, Farben und Ausführungen, die dem Ambiente Frische.


icf novelties

Functional & versatile The structure is made of aluminum to provide maximum torsional resistance and to make it long-lasting over time. The finish can be-painted, polished or chromed. The backrest is made of a techno-polymer shell on which a flexible and breathable mesh is fixed, a particular fabric in a hardly visible translucent network, characterized by exceptional strength and toughness. The 4D armrests are adjustable in height, depth, width and direction in order to best adapt to the needs of whoever uses the chair. The resting pads are made of soft polyurethane - soft to touch, they offer comfortable support. They come in the colors black and light grey. The armrest support is made of polished or chromed die cast aluminum or polyamide in black or light grey.



icf novelties

Performing technology Pyla Chair offers you ergonomically sitting comfort and all the adjustments that you need in a high quality and durable chair. It is an extremely economical office swivel chair that consists of only a few parts, which makes it easy to maintain. In addition, the backrest, seat cushions and armrests can easily be replaced.Pyla Chair offers you ergonomically sitting comfort and all the adjustments that you need in a high quality and durable chair. It is an extremely economical office swivel chair that consists of only a few parts, which makes it easy to maintain. In addition, the backrest, seat cushions and armrests can easily be replaced.


pyla chair

The synchronized tilting mechanism - easy to use - provides full support to the back in a reclining or forward position, in order to guarantee balanced and continuous ergonomics. Its movement, fluid and natural, is in perfect harmony with the movements of the flexible backrest and the seat, reducing muscular fatigue and eliminating possible pressure points. The synchronized movements of the seat and backrest area reclines the backrest by 22° and the seat by 8°, reproducing the natural movement of the body, for optimum comfort and ergonomics.



notable The NoTable collection interprets the essence of the table with something extra: a great dynamic nature that makes it possible to multiply the space in which it is used. Design Norbert Geelen


icf novelties

Practical and functional Notable Folding is a collection that is wealthy not only in terms of state-of-the-art solutions, but also of its distinctive character, where each element is knowledgeably gauged and appreciated. The design of the legs echoes the elegance and linear nature of the Notable tables, in which the load-bearing elements of the base are de-structured and then artfully combined, giving the whole structure strength and stability. The top is designed in various finishes and carefully shaped and structured: although it is solid, at the same time it is light and easy to adjust, and it may be height adjusted in an instant thanks to a mechanism that is easy to use.




icf novelties

The table in itself

There is nothing more simple than a table: a flat surface resting on a base. But when it is enriched by great construction technique which makes it possible to add accessories, adjust the height, vary the configuration or even fold the surface, then the table becomes an essential element in building the office space. The NoTable tables, in their numerous variations, combine formal elegance with technical devices that make them particularly versatile and perfect for an ever changing office space.

Non c’è nulla di più semplice di un tavolo: un piano che poggia su un basamento. Ma quando questo viene arricchito da una grande tecnica costruttiva che permette di aggiungere accessori, regolarne l’altezza, variarne la configurazione o addirittura ripiegarne il piano, allora il tavolo diventa l’elemento fondamentale che costruire lo spazio ufficio. I tavoli Notable, nelle loro numerose varianti, coniugano eleganza formale ad accorgimenti tecnici che li rendono particolarmente versatili e perfetti per un ufficio in continua trasformazione.


Rien de plus simple qu’une table : un plateau en appui sur une base. Mais quand cette simplicité est enrichie d’une grande technique de fabrication qui permet d’ajouter des accessoires, d’en régler la hauteur, d’en modifier la configuration voire même d’en replier le plateau, alors la table devient l’élément fondamental pour construire l’espace de bureau. Les tables Notable, dans leurs nombreuses variantes, allient élégance formelle et solutions techniques qui leur confèrent une grande flexibilité et les rendent idéales pour un espace de bureau en constante transformation.


No existe nada más sencillo que una mesa: una superficie que se apoya sobre una base. Pero cuando esto se enriquece gracias a una gran técnica de fabricación que permite añadir accesorios, regular la altura, variar la configuración o, incluso, doblar el sobre, entonces la mesa se convierte en el elemento fundamental que construye el espacio de la oficina. Las mesas Notable, en sus numerosas variantes, combinan elegancia formal con soluciones técnicas que las hacen particularmente versátiles y perfectas para una oficina en continua transformación.

Es gibt nicht einfacheres als einen Tisch: eine Platte, die auf einem Gestell liegt. Aber wenn dieser durch eine großartige Fertigungstechnik bereichert wird, die gestattet, Zubehörteile anzubringen, die Höhe zu verstellen, die Konfiguration zu ändern oder sogar die Platte zusammenzuklappen, dann wird der Tisch zu einem grundlegenden Element für die Einrichtung des Büroraums. Die Tische Notable in ihrenunzähligen Varianten verbinden formale Eleganz und technische Maßnahmen, die sie besonders vielseitig und perfekt für ein sich ständig veränderndes Büro machen.

All about the base The table’s focal point is its base which was conceived as the union of several main elements, but separated from each other to provide the product’s character.


icf novelties

Manager, add style to functionality The work top is height adjustable thanks to a mechanism placed inside the structure. It is a simple solution that allows you to get the maximum comfort either sitting or standing or to adjust the height depending on the need to use the table as individual or collaborative workstation. In the Executive version, NoTable provides a central leg fitting which gives an authoritative and well defined impression.



Shape and natural elegance The top rests on two tubular frames connected to each other, but separated from the legs. This simple idea makes for a unique and distinctive base. The tubular steel, made with a different finish from that of the legs, it has a main structural and aesthetic role. The legs have a linear and elegant shape, and are forged from a single piece of cast aluminium. The top has rounded edges and can be produced from different materials.


icf novelties

Details The table’s focal point is its base which was conceived as the union of several main elements, but separated from each other to provide the product’s character. The combination of the various elements has harmonious and pleasant result and is ideal for any kind of space.

Table tops The top rests on two or more tubular frames connected to each other, there can be two or four legs depending on the size and shape of the top. The top has rounded edges and can be produced from different materials.

Die cast aluminum structure The tubular steel, made with a different finish from that of the legs. The legs have a linear and elegant shape, and are forged from a single piece of cast aluminium.

The work top is height adjustable thanks to a mechanism placed inside the structure. It is a simple solution that allows you to get the maximum comfort either sitting or standing or to adjust the height depending on the need to use the table as individual or collaborative workstation. The electrical height adjustable mechanism as a range from 68 cm to 135 cm.



icf novelties

NoTable combines technology with fine design, and strength with lightness. It’s a system that offers great precision, pure shapes highlighted in elegant solutions, and materials with a strongly modern connotation, such as Fenix, HPL laminate, under-painted glass and aluminum. NoTable is the attractive, yet technically sophisticated conference table.


Distinctive configurations gain even more personality thanks to the originality of the structural elements of NoTable


Technically and sophisticated conference table NoTable is the perfect answer to the changing functional and appearance requirements of the modern meeting areas. Since the beams can be connected at different angles, the system is remarkably flexible. When space, shape or organizational requirements in the office change - either temporarily or permanently - the system can meet such requirements perfectly by adapting to the new conditions.


icf novelties

Consistenly creating the best working conditions possible NoTable is a system that can assume a myriad of configurations. It can be an efficient and elegant single desk, or become a large table, designed to meet the need for modern areas where work groups can operate. And the frame and legs are set up to house and conceal the wires and cables that are usually found in modern offices. With NoTable, functionality is a fundamental feature.



Meeting. Bring more and more people together A project designed around new ways of working in the office environment: flexible and dynamic, innovative and modern. NoTable is a system of tables which offers countless interpretations: it responds to a variety of professional needs with maximum efficiency to become an executive desk, a double desk, a multi-station work area, and a meeting table of various sizes.


icf novelties



A flexible project NoTable is designed for the modern office and meeting space, so it can be configured intelligently and with complete freedom. The table’s focal point is its base which was conceived as the union of several main elements, but separated from each other to provide the product’s character thus grant maximum flexibility. The multiple way construction and the combination of the various elements, allows the construction of any kind of table configurations, from a single meeting room to a larger conference room with different top shapes. The legs have a linear and elegant shape, and are forged from a single piece of die-cast aluminum. The top has rounded edges and can be produced from different materials.


icf novelties

Traditional or stand-up a high-tech meeting table The meeting table can be height adjustable thanks to a mechanism placed inside the structure. It is a simple solution that allows you to get the maximum comfort either sitting or standing or to adjust the height depending on the need to use the table as traditional or collaborative workstation.



Consistently creating the best working conditions possible In an increasingly dynamic and flexible work environment, even the meeting space constantly requires innovative and high-performance solutions. Notable stand-up and Folding was created for this purpose: a collection of state-of-the-art folding tables, with an attractive design and extreme versatility.


icf novelties

Folding - Stand-up and folding. Multiply your office space NoTable Folding offers multiple solutions dedicated to meeting areas - whether they are conference rooms, training areas, multifunction meeting areas, and even lobbies or cafeterias - multiplying the available space in a quick and easy manner.



Once folded, the tables are easy to handle The collection includes tables of various dimensions, which can be easily reconfigured in a few instants, from traditional work stations to more or less divided meeting rooms in a variety of sizes. In Notable Folding, careful design research has sought to combine practicality and aesthetics, reinterpreting, in a modern form, a product that, until now, has been considered simply functional, without particular attractions in terms of appearance.





boxset Combinations made to measure to better satisfy the needs of the office space.


icf novelties


A series of containers with great elegance and personality, characterised by light volume and a contemporary style. The perfect combination of tradition and modernity in either lacquered or wooden structure in contrast with the sophisticated metal base. Elegant and refined volumes. An essential and modern aesthetic line for the BoxSet containers, the pure and stylised forms of which are emphasised even more by the combination of materials.

Una serie di contenitori di grande eleganza e personalità, caratterizzati da leggerezza di volumi e stile contemporaneo. Una perfetta fusione tra tradizione e modernità con una struttura laccata o in essenza che contrasta con il sofisticato basamento in metallo. Volumi eleganti e raffinati. Una linea estetica essenziale e moderna per i contenitori BoxSet che trovano nella combinazione dei materiali un’ulteriore valorizzazione delle loro forme pure e stilizzate.


Une série de rangements gage de grande élégance et de personnalité, caractérisée par la légèreté des volumes et un style contemporain. Une fusion parfaite entre tradition et modernité avec une structure laquée ou essence bois qui contraste avec la base sophistiquée en métal. Volumes élégants et raffinés. Une ligne esthétique épurée et moderne pour les rangements BoxSet dont la combinaison des matériaux met plus encore en valeur les formes pures et stylisées.


Una serie de contenedores de gran elegancia y personalidad, caracterizados por la ligereza de los volúmenes y el estilo contemporáneo. Una fusión perfecta entre tradición y modernidad con una estructura lacada o de madera que contrasta con la sofisticada base de metal. Volúmenes elegantes y refinados.Una línea estética esencial y moderna para los contenedores BoxSet que, gracias a la combinación de los materiales, aumentan el valor de sus formas puras y estilizadas

Reihe eleganter Schrankelemente mit großer Persönlichkeit, die durch Leichtigkeit der Volumen und einen modernen Stil charakterisiert sind. Eine perfekte Verbindung von Tradition und Modernität mit lackierter oder Holzstruktur, die einen Kontrast zu der edlen Basis aus Metall bildet. Elegante und raffinierte Volumen. Eine essentielle und moderne Ästhetik für die Schränke BoxSet, bei denen durch die Kombination der Materialien ihre reinen und stilisierten Formen noch zusätzlich hervorgehoben werden.


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Decisive thicknesses and architectural volumes playing on an alternation of full and empty, resting on elegant steel feet. The refined work on the materials of BoxSet stylishly and elegantly puts functionality and design in proportion. A collection of containers that finds its place in any environment.

Spessori decisi e volumi architettonici giocati su un’alternanza di pieni e vuoti poggiano su eleganti piedini in acciaio. La ricercata lavorazione dei materiali dei contenitori BoxSet mette in relazione con stile ed eleganza, funzionalità e design. Una collezione di contenitori che trova un suo spazio in ogni ambiente.


Épaisseurs franches et volumes architecturaux qui jouent sur l’alternance des pleins et des vides en appui sur d’élégants pieds en acier. La finition raffinée des matériaux des rangements BoxSet met en relation fonctionnalité et design avec style et élégance. Une collection de rangements qui s’intègre dans tout espace.


Espesores marcados y volúmenes arquitectónicos juegan con la alternancia de llenos y vacíos apoyándose sobre elegantes patas de acero. La sofisticada elaboración de los materiales de los contenedores BoxSet pone en relación a la funcionalidad y el diseño con estilo y elegancia. Una colección de contenedores que encuentra su espacio en cualquier ambiente.

Architektonische Volumen, die mit einer Abwechslung zwischen Fülle und Leere spielen, stehen auf eleganten Stahlfüßen. Die raffinierte Verarbeitung der Materialien setzt bei den BoxSet Modulen Stil und Eleganz, Funktionalität und Design ins Verhältnis. Eine Kollektion von Schränken, die in jedem Raum ihren Platz finden.

Choice of materials The panels are available in a variety of finishing materials, from the most precious to the most practical: back-painted glass, lacquered, wood, Fenix laminate and composite laminate.






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Novelties 2016/2017

Via Cassanese, 108 - 20060 Vignate (MI) - ITALY Tel. +39 02 9508031 - Fax +39 02 95364012 -

A changing vision of the office space


A changing vision of the office space

Novelties 2016/2017


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