Jack Russell Terriers Andrew Chang
Contents Jack Russell Terrier physical characteris9cs History of Jack Russell terriers Jack Russell Terrier unique spots Jack Russell Terrier usages I can’t wait! Jack Russell Terrier catching procedures Famous Jack Russell terriers Jack Russell Terriers in your house And other facts too!
How Jack Russell Terriers are unique When people say the word dog, you think of a cute liEle dog wagging it’s tail. However, the Jack Russell Terrier is different. The Jack Russell Terrier was bred to hunt foxes, bears, and other wild animals. Jack Russell Terriers are small so that they can climb in foxholes and other hiding places. They are playful and good pets. You can’t Oh yes I can!
catch a sleeping cat! I wish they’d stop arguing
Jack Russell Terriers and people Jack Russell Terriers are kind to people, but some Jack Russells need some 9me to get used to living with people and as a house pet. The speedy Jacks can trip small children and old grandparents, so try to keep them in your sight. I am trained to not trip people.
Jack Russell Terrier usages Jack Russell Terriers are outside dogs, trained to catch Badgers, Red/Grey foxes, and groundhogs.
That’s a lot of different animals Useful, don’t you think?
Catching Procedures Jack Russell Terriers use this method when hun9ng: First, the JRT finds the prey ( Usually a fox ). Then, it chases the fox into it’s foxhole. There it guards the foxhole un9l a hunter comes and kills the fox. Correct!
Jack Russell Terrier Physical Characteris9cs Jack Russell Terries are 12-‐14 inches tall ( 30-‐35 CM) and Weighs 6-‐8 Kg( 13-‐17 Ibs)
The History of Jack Russell Terriers The Reverend John Russell bred the Jack Russells, so they are named aber him. The Reverend used Fox terriers to breed The Jack Russell Terriers, so they are descended from Fox terriers. Giddyup, horsey! I’m a Jack Russell Terrier!
Jack Russell Terriers in your house Jack Russell Terriers can be pets, but they s9ll need a lot of space to run and play, like your garden. If your fish or turtle disappears, your Jack Russell Terrier has likely done it. Those dogs are unsuitable with other smaller animals and other Jack Russell Terriers under 8 weeks old. What? I didn’t do anything...okay , okay...not yet!
More about the Jack Russell Terrier Jack Russell Terriers are athle9c, they are best kept on a leash, bred with bull terriers to begin Badger digging, is a rela9ve of the Parson Russell Terrier , and guards quarry for weeks-‐months without food/water. Stop bragging, dog!! That’s us!
Famous Jack Russell Terriers A Jack Russell Terrier Named Bothy went to both the South and North poles A Jack Russell Terrier called George saved 5 children from 2 Pit Bulls. He was killed by the Pit Bulls and received the animal equivalent to the George Cross.
Where I got my informa9on • • • •
Encyclopedia Britannica Online Wikipedia Encyclopedia of dogs American Kennel club
Am I Cute?
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