Effective Planning and Preparation
Performance Area A-Effective Planning and Preparation Standard'A1!"!SAS'teachers'will'demonstrate'knowledge'of'content'and' pedagogy!
Benchmarks!that!a!teacher!has!successfully!met!this!standard: 1.Displays!relevant!content!knowledge 2.Makes!a!variety!of!curricular!and!real!world!connec?ons! 3.Demonstrates!pedagogy!that!reect!current!research!on!best!prac?ces Type to enter text
Original Anchor Charts - connect students to mentor texts - provide clear step by step instruction - segment difficult tasks - visually scaffold information and objectives - connect to school’s instructional resources - digitized for student and parent access - shared digitally with colleagues - communicate teaching points and lesson objectives - act as resources for students during independent work times - focus learning targets