Clicking for profits

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Clicking For Profits By Hector Jayat

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Hey there

Hey there, Hector Jayat here, first of all I want to thank you for purchasing this guide which is only a brief summary of me explaining you how to drive tons of FREE traffic to any website of URL without paying a dime and still recovering your life back. If you got this blueprint for free, maybe you are missing the little piece of software that can help you get tons of free advertising credits to promote your business. But do not worry, I will let you know below how to get it for less than a small pizza. In this report you will learn how you can drive traffic at will to any website or affiliate offer you want without depending on Google or paying for SOLO ads any more. You’ve made a great decision to get your hands on this system.

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Let´s get started! Your Rights You have now rights to freely distribute this sole PDF report only with your friends and business partners.

Earnings Disclaimer I am giving you a system that I have developed over time. It includes virtually everything that you need to get tons of free traffic and make money online by using only free traffic sources, plus some added tips to help you along the way. But Hector, will this system work for me? Absolutely, but I’m NOT promising you anything. Your success will be based upon your own effort and the application of this method´s directions. Please focus on it, do not work on it for a week and then give up and try the next shiny object that it´s been released, the key here is to focus in one thing at a time. The system works, and I know it, because I use it every single day since a while now. What I don’t know is how well you can copy me and apply my techniques, but I´m here just to help you succeed. I've done my part on bringing you the most clear, step-by-step blueprint that I follow every single day to get tons of traffic. It's now up to you if you choose to implement it and be successful with. P a g e 4 | 24


So your success depends on you alone and now you have my full support to help you succeed if you get stuck in the way. Please do not hesitate or procastinate, apply the method and join the group of marketers that live the laptop lifestyle on their own terms. Good luck! Your friend Hector Jayat You my friend are special, you decided to grab this report. You are an action taker now and you're in the right place. The number 1 GOAL of this report is to teach you how to get free traffic to make you money!. That´s why we all are in online business in the first place no?... Cool!

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The majority of people trying to do online businesses, are not making any money. Why is this?, Well, they bounce around buying product after product doing nothing. Expecting money to just fly out their laptops without applying methods. It ain't going to HAPPEN! You got to TAKE ACTION ON A SIMPLE PLAN that works! But to succeed online you need a proven method and this method you will learn here is to drive tons of FREE traffic to whatever website or affiliate offer you want it to.

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Where can I send the traffic I generate with this method? Good question, you can use it: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

To send visitors to any Affiliate or CPA promotion, To drive traffic to any URL that you want, To send visitors to your youtube channel or social media, To send people to an opt-in or landing page to build your list, To offer this as a service on places like, To offer your own SOLO ad service to other people, or To whatever other prupose you want it, the sky is the limit.

I´ve been using my method on affiliate marketing for a while now. With this method I use the power os FREE SOLO ads, Text and Banner ads to drive FREE traffic every day to my websites I did exactly this and made $154.04 in one day

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And another day I made $145.18

Yet again another $131.68

Multiple $100+ paydays like clockwork Using this exact blueprint! People who go into affiliate marketing, don’t make anything P a g e 8 | 24


because they don’t have a PLAN that actually works. BUT THIS WORKS. The problem facing this industry is that all the “gooroos” are teaching stuff that doesn’t work anymore. They give you a missing puzzle and have you spinning your wheels for years and years. Be honest with yourself, how many products have you purchased in the last year? How many have you implemented fully to the T? How much money have you made purely online in the last year? If you haven’t made any progress, you need to stop playing around and get serious if you REALLY want to make an easy $50-$100 per day only working 30 mins per day. DEDICATE 30 mins of your day to this and you will discover the most simplest way to make up to $100+ in only 30 min per day. Just imagine for a second how much an extra $100 per day would do for you? That’s $3,000 per month! That’s enough for most people to quit their jobs! - Work for themselves without a boss - Live life on their own terms - Do the things they love - Get the things they love - Live wherever they want -Take vacations whenever they want - Spend more time with their families P a g e 9 | 24


- Scape for the rat race they living in - Quit their bored 9-5 job

LIFE is meant to be lived and this can be your path to get there! This is the simplest way to hit an easy $100 per day A lot of other outdated methods don’t work or take too long. If you are new in the IM niche my advise to you is to learn everything you can about traffic generation method, dedícate the time (by using this method of course) to generate consistent traffic and then go to promote any affiliate/CPA offer you want. Results are guaranteed if you just follow these directions. P a g e 10 | 24


This is a simple 5 steps Method. And you could be hitting $100 paydays with only 30 mins of work per day. It's so simple, but 98% people do it all wrong. This is the same simple blueprint I would give to my little brother to teach him the fastest way to build an income online. The best thing is that you don’t need:       

To have experience To know what SEO is To have a website or blog To have a list already To depend on google or any search engine To have moneyto start with To be on your computer the whole day

You can start from scratch today from here. All you need to have for the system to work, are just 4 things: 1 – A computer 2 – An Internet connection 3 – A Paypal account which is free 4 – To follow my method (this blueprint) And as you're reading this report, I can assume you already have a P a g e 11 | 24


computer and an internet connection. You may already have a paypal account, so you're all set now. If you don’t, simply go to and open a free account. This can be done within 5 mins or less. What does the method involve? The method require you to have the desire to be different, to be successful and to focus on the method consistently. If you want to stop working for others, to get rid of your bored 9-5 job, to scape of the rat race, and want still give your family all you ever wanted, I encourage you to focus on my method. Simple as that! Let´s get started! Well, with the method I will explain below, you won´t have to spend a lot of time trying to generate traffic. Instead I´m gonna show the the free traffic generation machines and the secret software tool I use to boost these FREE traffic machines. So that you will just need to invest at least half an hour per day for the strategy to work. The whole purpose of this method is to drive FREE traffic to any URL you want while still getting a lot of time to spend with your family and the best part without paying any red cent to get sales and commissions. Period

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The beauty of my method is that you will know what is the cheap and secret piece of software I use every single day to get credits, “AKA” free traffic, to run on my email campaigns. No, with my method you won´t need any email management software like Aweber or getresponse, at least you want to build your own list of course with the traffic you are going to get. By the way you can get my FREE PDF guide I created, for any marketer to deploy their own email management system with a FREE, easy to install and use PHP script that you can run on your own server, in case you have one and want to stop paying for your current email service. Get it HERE. Or if you prefer a done for you service to manage your rmail marketing, then I do recommend AIOP (All in one profits), because you will get tens of tools for just one pretty low monthly payment. Well let´s move on to our secret strategy to generate tons of FREE traffic.

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Ok, for the strategy to work we will make use of the best Viral Mailers and Safelists only. All of these systems have both a FREE and a Paid Membership. For this strategy, we will be using only the FREE memberships, so don´t worry, you won´t have to pay anything. The way Viral or Credit Mailers as well as Safelists works is as follow: You have to sign up for a FREE membership, and once you sign up and confirm your subscription you will start receiving emails. Now, for you to earn credits, you will have to open the email, click on a link inside and wait for some seconds for your account to be credited. Once you have a big amount of credits you can send an email campaign to the members, this is like having your list, and send SOLO ads at will, pretty cool No? P a g e 14 | 24


But Hector, I don´t want to spend the whole day clicking on emails to earn credits. How can you solved that? Relax my friend, the main purpose of this blueprint, I mean with my method, you won´t have to be reading emails or dedícate hundreds of hours clicking on emails to earn credits, you won´t even dedícate 1 minute to earn creadits, And I will show you how below. Now the 5 steps to follow for this method are the following: 1. Open a new Gmail account HERE 2. Join the Viral Mailers or safelists I mention below. They all are free to join. The more you join the more traffic power you will get. Think about this: One Safelist or Viral Mailer = Free Traffic Machine You will sign up under me, so you will be on my team And of course you can use the ones you prefer too

*Mailerity – Join Now *Hotspot Mailer – Join Now *50adaygetsyoupaid – Join Now *1TAE – Join Now *Best List Mailer – Join Now P a g e 15 | 24


*Myfreetextads – Join Now *Viral Taco Traffic – Join Now *ViralCommissions – Join Now *No Marketer Left Behind – Join Now

*LinkaURL – Join Now *BigMailer – Join Now *Herculist – Join Now *USLargestSafelist – Join Now *ViralAdStore – Join Now *ListJoe – Join Now *ViralMailProfits – Join Now *Elite Safelist – Join Now *The Lead Magnet – Join Now *FreeAdvertising For you – Join Now *Simplicity Ads – Join Now *MyViralAdTraffic – Join Now *Referral Frenzy – Join Now P a g e 16 | 24


*Target-Safelist – Join Now *Beewle – Join Now *MyFreeTextAds – Join Now *GuaranteedMails – Join Now *OutlawMailer – Join Now *GoldenOpSafelist – Join Now *MidnightSun Safelist – Join Now *ProdigiousList - – Join Now *Effective Safelist – Join Now *Premier List Builder – Join Now *Driving Traffic 2 u – Join Now *Viraladmagnet – Join Now *AdExchangePro – Join Now *The List Auction – Join Now *List Outbreak – Join Now *All American Ad Exchange – Join Now

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Once you join, you will start receiving emails from them. You will have to open these emails and click on a link to earn credits. Credits you will use later to send SOLO ads to those programs´ members for FREE, to promote your business by using banners or text ads with your credits, without paying a dime for that traffic. Now from now, you have 2 options: 1) To spend severals hours clicking for credits, or 2) To use The Fast Traffic bot for it to get you hundreds of credits without you touching a single key.

3. To improve your traffic generation technique, there is a Little investment you will have to make (optional but highly recomended if you want your laptop do the hard work). The secret tool is called Fast Traffic Bot software – Optional but highly recommended if you don´t want to be in front of your computer clicking on emails the whole day. NOTE: If you already got a copy of this software skip to Page 21

For less that the cost of a pizza you can let this little Great Piece of Software to do the Hard Work and gets you all the credits you need on safelists and viral mailers sites to promote your websites, URLs or squeeze pages to build your lists for free, get leads, visitors and get more affiliate commisions. The end use you give to the traffic generated is totally up to you.

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This will be the only investment you will have to make to boost your traffic generation technique, More Info HERE You will recover your invesment in the first email campaign you run for FREE I promise. P.S. There is a secret Bonus worth $4,650 inside Details HERE.

This software is the one that will be doing the whole process of getting advertising credits from every email you receive from the viral mailers and safelist without you having to stay in front of your computer.

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Let this Little baby do the Hard Work while you sleep, take a day off with your family or simply you watch your favourite Cable program. You will love it! Once you get this amazing software copy the following links and paste on the “earn credits links�

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Setting up your Fast Traffic Bot Sotfware Click Here To Receive 50 Credits For Reading This Super Solo Ad Click Here To Receive 20 Credits For Reading This Blast Off Network Ad Click Here To Receive 25 Credits For Reading This P a g e 21 | 24


Click Here To Receive 25 Credits For Reading This Super Viral Network Ad

4. Track the performance of your URLs In order for you to know how many clicks your URLs (for your websites or affiliate offers) are receiving you need a tracking system, this is the only way to know what advertising system is working and what others doesn´t. (on our method these are the viral mailers and safelists) You can use a free tracking service called The way to use this app is pretty simple, click on create link, enter the URL you want to track with the system and the app will give you a link in the form of that you will have to use on your email campaigns (aka free SOLO Ads). P a g e 22 | 24


5. Rinse and repeate, join as many Viral Mailers and Safelist ssystems as you want, the more the better, the more the fastest results you will get. Join only to systems that just requiere you to click on the link and stay on the page for a few seconds and do not need to perform a second action. (as we listed on step 2) That´s all there is to it my friend, the whole method in just 5 simple steps. Remember, systems works!, so you just need to focus on the method and do not turn your mind and focus on another things. Focus your mind only on what really motivates you to start your online business in the first place, something that motivates you to stay on your computer everyday finding new ways to take home the money you always wanted and make your family happy and finally to live your life in your own terms scaping from the rat race and your boring 9-5 job.

Along with the package “Clicking For Profits”, you will find another PDF guide called “Traffic Generation Resources” with a list of the best systems to get a lot more free traffic, join as many systems you want to get even more FREE traffic.

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If for some reason you need any support on how to deploy this method, do not hesitate in to contact me. Remember my goals is to help you succeed online by using only FREE TRAFFIC.

To your Success! Your friend Hector Jayat Skype: Hectorjayat Facebook Twitter

Join My Facebook master mind group

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