1. Introduction To the Beat of a New Drum 2. A word from Grandma Nana from the Quaker House Meeting of Friends 3.Advice from mothers 4. It Takes A Village Advice from Family and Friends 4. The Amazing Mothers of the World. Short story by Linda Rodges
When receiving unwanted advice, smile sweetly, nod politely, say “that’s interesting”, and go and do things exactly how you want to. Mom knows best.
To the beat of a new drum
The more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world and the world at large. - Confucius
A word from Grandma Nana from the Quaker House Meeting of Friends:
Advice from mothers
Jenny, Motherhood... It is not only bringing a new life into the world It is the moment your life is redefined in this small little life - your world becomes bigger Your capacity for compassion expands You find courage you never knew you had Your time management skills honed even more finely In all it's overwhelming complexity comes a renewed joy in the simple things Sleep becomes some elusive memory of the past but dreams and stories fill the air Old stories brought to life again...."Good Night Moon" and creativity can be found in a carboard box Your "take control of a room" voice is matched equally with singing silly ryhmes in a sopranic voice you never knew you had Hugs take on a whole new meaning, for the baby, mom & dad toe tickling and funny faces a new game bubble sculptured hair do's the new norm giggling and goofy is acceptable behavior food is found in places you can't imagine more time is spent on the floor Parenting forges your partnership, a liason of necessity & survival Motherhood....the gift that keeps on giving and your legacy brought to life Teach him well, Hug him often, You will be wonderful...even when you think you're not LOVE YOU - to the moon & back mom XXXOOOXXX
Dear Amber I LOVED being a MOM. As I look back now at the age of 62, the years of being home with you as young babes were some of my best memories. It seemed so simple in so many ways. We had no rule book, but to let you grow up and experience life, to allow you to learn. My main job was to keep you safe. It was hard to know sometimes between adventure, exploring and safety. But we made it as you are now 30 and going to be a mom yourself. Each day was a different adventure. Keeping it simple. Exposing you to the world‌ by long stroller walks, helping me cooking in the kitchen, helping me in whatever we had planned for the day. da Keeping you involved in my life, not just me involved in your life. This taught you to be social and adaptable.
You don’t have to buy everything…. There is enough entertainment for the kids with leaves, trees, and nature!!!! Nature is the best place to raise kids… Its free and allows so much room for creativity and energy….. exploration is key in raising kids…. Give the child the space to experience and fail and experience again. Encouraging the child to read, love art, music, dance. Encourage that creativity and the dreams of the child. Projects galore, with anything we had around the house. Exploring your talents! Dignify who the child is!!! Teach your son to respect himself and others. Teach him to love himself and others. Teach him to find his gifts and strengths and encourage those. Allow him to fail. He will gain confidence by figuring things out himself. Being a parent is a life long job. A tough job! You have enriched my life and I wouldn’t want it any other way. Thank God for family, friends and support. You will need it all. Do not be afraid to ask for help!!!! I love you Amber. Ambe I love who you have grown up to be. I love how big your heart is. I love that you will be a Mom and get to share your experiences with a loving husband. I trust in you and Charlie in being great parents and doing the best you can. That’s all we can do each day! Our children are our greatest gifts.
“To get the full value of joy you must have someone to divide it with.� Mark Twain.
Advice from family and friends
"Proceed as the way opens" an old Quaker saying from
-Uncle Larry
Congratulations to the new parents! I am a mother of one daughter and two sons all adults and a grandmother of three boys and two girls. I am one of seven siblings , five girls and two boys. My words of truth, keep life as simple as you can in the beginning. These little humans as they grow thrive on consistency, boundaries . Relax as new parents , get the help when you need it. Opinions are given freely, when raising a child, thank whomever and let them know you appreciate them and their caring nature! Have fun with your baby, bab toddler, preteen, teenager and young adult to adulthood! Take the time to laugh, hear their words and let them become themselves! Happiness to all!
"A family that plays together, stays together"
-Jack and Nancy
The only condition for true love is that it be unconditional
Jim and I did not read any books on how to raise a child. Our instincts helped us many times, sometimes a gut feeling guided us. So ‘Trust your gut instincts’... They are usually right One learns to lower our expectations about what one can accomplish in a day. da (There is a saying that there is not enough minutes in a day! Doesn’t matter, just enjoy every single moment. ) ‘Some days it will be all you can do to keep baby safe, warm, and fed. And that will be enough.’ “Being a mother is discovering strengths you didn’t know you had and dealing with fears you never knew existed.” Love,
Di and Jim
To Jenny From Virginia Enjoy your child, they grow up way too fast. Sing to them, Kiss them tell them you love them Be there when they need you the most. From Joe Take the time to listen Encourage and praise them Support them when things don't go as planned Let them know you love them unconditionally and, teach your sons to dance !!!!!! From Steve, It is OK to have high expectations for your children but help them achieve these naturally rather than trying to force them. Great patience will be required to navigate the journey. Much joy and heartache along the way, will be realized and remembered
-Embrace the cape! -boys love a target when peeing -whether they give you a dandelion, A squished flower, or a worm..remember It is a gift and it's given with love! The reason they are called “private parts” is Because they are “private”! Please do not Scratch them in public My friend once asked me what it was like living in a house full of boys, so I peed on her bathroom floor, ate everything in her refrigerator, told her 800 stories about superheroes, farted 20 times, and when she was ready to kill me, I gave her a hug and told her she was pretty.
Although I am not a parent, I am very passionate about relationships, and the child/parent dynamic may be the most important one.
The foundation of everything is Love. But what does that even mean? Well, to be honest, I don't know, but I'd like to share some potential ways to get there. Carl Rogers, renowned psychologist, said that in order for a person to "grow," they need three things in their environment: 1. Genuineness. This has everything to do with being honest, open and authentic. In order to be authentic, it requires a lot of awareness and courage to address those parts of ourselves that we or other people may not agree/approve of. Being more aware of ALL aspects of ourselves will not only provide one with a more honest and authentic life, it will lead to deeper connections by allowing others to truly see us. 2. Acceptance. To be seen with unconditional positive regard. One of if not the most important things for a child, is to be seen for who THEY are, not who the parents want them to be - to be truly accepted for the whole beautiful human that they are. Discipline and guidance can work in this context. It's the energy by which actions are performed that others pick up on. Forgiveness. 3. Empathy. Listen. It's a transformative exercise to understand another person’s experience in life. Giving another human undivided attention is one of the greatest gifts we have to give. ""To understand is to forgive" We are all doing our best to feel good in the world. Much Love Amber and Charlie :)
- Cousin Gary
4 Charlie & Amber, We are so excited for you guys to become parents! It is an amazing experience and one of the best things that will ever happen to you. It will also be one of the hardest. The first year will test you more than you ever thought possible. You will doubt yourself, each other, and just about everything else. Just don't give up because it gets better and it is all worth it. Just tonight our 2 year old walked up to me and said " I love you so much mommy"- it was the first time she said it first and it melted my heart and every bad naughty 2 year old thing she did today was washed away. Make sure to have date nights, as Tim often tells everyone that is jealous of how often our date nights are he simply replies "It's cheaper than a divorce." Ha! Stock up on wine, beer, liquor and baby wipes...because there is just never enough. On a serious note, read Babywise. We used it with all 3 of ours and have amazing sleepers. If you ever have questions just call. We love you guys and are so happy for you! Love, Tim & Julie Knight
“Your hearts, with his heart, will beat together forever."
– Aunt Michele
From Frank and Holly Zuziak: Enjoy every minute, it goes by fast. Stock up on coffee. Listen to your doctors – not old school or old wives tales!
Everyone has an opinion – do what you think is right. Spend time together separate from the kids to enjoy each other too! Congratulations !!! We love you!
From Danielle McAfee : Charlie will be a wonderful dad. My favorite quote.
" Remember the little things because one day those will be the big things." Being a parent is the hardest thing but the most rewarding. Congrats to all!!
From Cousin Dinni Atkinson Always think as if you were in each other’s shoes. Treat each other as you would like to be treated. When baby is born, let mama sleep as much as possible. Use Mylicon for tummy issues.
-From Aunt Cindy Oliver Just relax and enjoy!
When Charlie and Amber first got together we both thought whoa this girl might be too much for Charlie but we were wrong. Charlie takes care and keeps up with her just fine. They are so much fun. They love our kids and always make it to all our crazy events. Amber and I still need to learn euchre to keep up with the Michigan boys. We cannot wait to meet little baby Oliver. Olive Please have a second baby so you can learn from all the mistakes of the first one......Haha
From Chrystal and Jimmy Miller
There is no such thing as a spoiled baby
-Grandma Lisa Atkinson. Before you were conceived, I wanted you Before you were born, I loved you Before you were here an hour, I would die for you This is the miracle of life.
-from Maureen Hawkins
4 Parenting Advice for Jenny and Seth
– from the extended Sokal family From Karen: Children are not born as blank slates to be filled in – they’re born with their own temperament, interests, abilities, and challenges. Observe your child closely, get to know him, love and accept him, and nurture his ability to grow into the best version of himself that he can be…which may be similar or very different from you. Take the opportunity to learn from your child and develop as a person through being a parent. It is the most humbling and precious experience that connects us to billions of people around the world and across the centuries. Children have an amazing power of observation, curiosity and delight in the world – including facial expressions, sounds, animals, and rocks. Go slowly, observe and be patient with your child. Take the opportunity to re-see the world through your child’s eyes, and experience the joy in discoveries. Children need consistent face time, attention, and responsive parenting. We now spend so much time on our computers and cellphones that we can fail to be present in the way that children need. Try to turn off the electronics and just be together. An alternative version of “The Golden Rule” that applies to parenting: ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto others.” The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice. Treat your children with love, respect, kindness, and empathy so that they will embrace it themselves and treat themselves and others that way. wa
We have 2 eyes, 2 ears and 1 mouth – Use them in that proportion. Take the time for self-care and nurturing relationships with your partner, family and friends. You need to keep your cup full with love to have enough for your child. Parents shouldn’t take too much credit or too much blame for what their children do – remember that we are all separate individuals. Accept responsibility for your own words and actions, and apologize for your own mistakes.
To Jenny and Seth Advice for labor: “Just keep breathing.” That’s also good advice for the next 18+ years of parenting. The most befuddling moment for us was returning from the hospital with Elizabeth, our first-born. We brought the baby home in the car seat, settled into the apartment, and thought, “Now what are we supposed to do?” Have no fear, fea the baby will help you figure things out, one step at a time. Changing little boys’ diapers takes coordination. When you remove the diaper, little boys get an erection and pee, and “the fountain of youth” can spray right into your face or mouth. Use one finger to point the penis to the side when changing the diaper, so the pee goes into the diaper; or cover the penis with a cloth diaper or towel. Love your baby, but also remember to love yourselves and love each other. Raising children will give you joy and frustrations, so build healthy relationships inside and outside the family to provide a support network. It does take a village… Don’t sweat the little things - Keep your eye on the big picture. There were times in all of our lives when we were less-than-ideally parented, and we turned out good enough. Find the out-of-print book, “How to Raise Children Without Breaking Your Back,” a physical therapy guide for parenting. In addition to caring for your children, you need to take care of your own bodies. Prescription for everything: Fresh air and exercise. Take your child outdoors every day – it will make both of you happier! -Aunt Diane
d To Jenny and Seth Try to let your children experience the world and take chances, even if it involves some risk for them and some fear for you as a parent. Your goal as a parent is not to coordinate your child’s life to minimize their risk and your fear, but to help them have opportunities to explore and experience both success and hardship. Manage your own fears, and help to support them in celebrations and recoveries.
First, I would like to congratulate you !! I wasn’t too sure what to write or how to give advice as being a parent seems challenging and is very trying at times. So I asked my daughter Sophia what are some good things I do for her… her response was take her places!! This is something I can’t can emphasize enough always. Never stop taking adventures!! The 3 of you will love this promise!! Start as young as possible! As far as diaper changing, make Amber do it!! Just kidding. I changed the diapers just as much as her mom. I’ve never had a boy, but I’ve see elephant’s trunks move so I have to say, use caution!! I know you guys are going to be great parents and am super excited for you. If you start getting burnt out, give each other breaks… they are much needed. Also, I found it gets a lot easier after the first 3 – 6 months so just hang in there!! Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is actually a pretty good show. Sophia says Bubble Guppies is also one worth mentioning. The coolest thing that I think you will both really appreciate as a parent is the “Billy Madison” effect. Having children allows you to do everything all over again!! Pre-school to college. I wish you both the very best of luck & think that you will do great!! Love,
-Chris and Sophia Rosin
Dear Charlie and Amber, My advice to you is to listen to all the advice that people will pile onto you for the rest of your lives about parenting, and let it marinate in your brain for the future all the while remembering that very few of these pearls will hold true for every child. People will have so many things to tell you that it will be a blur. blu And since it’s 2018 you can also ask google for the advice of a million strangers and have the unsolicited advice of every acquaintance you’ve ever friended on Facebook! Have faith in yourselves and each other, most of all. Trust your instincts. No one will know or love your baby like you will. Enjoy it every moment you can, because every time you catch up to a baby it changes on you until suddenly you’ll have a toddler. Good luck for this wild and wonderful ride, you’ll nail it. All my love,
-Laura Oliver-Pittman
f To Amber and Charles from a dad..... Children are a non-stop series of spontaneous, natural events. Be a guide without resistance. Embrace the natural flow. Be kind if possible. It is always possible. A pat on the shoulder sooner may prevent a kick in the ass later. Be the light, an example, for a child. They see, feel and hear everything. As they get older, show them that: Goodness in words create trust, goodness in thinking gives wisdom, and goodness in giving spreads love.
Richard Oliver
Learn to listen because what kids have to tell you is a big deal. Always be approachable. Choose wisely the hill you’re going to die on.
Uncle Rob Oliver
Never underestimate the power of kindness and understanding and… always have a dog because when you not feeling kind or understanding, they’ve got it covered.
- Aunt Tracy Atkinson
Always have a sense of humor. – Camille Crossman
Living in the present is about to take on a whole new meaning. Enjoy each stage, cherish those tiny moments, each will prepare you for the next. Write it all down, film it, soak it up. The milestones, the baby hiccups, the sleepless nights, the Mom ‘bounce’ you subconsciously do anytime a baby cries within earshot, the first laughs, wanting to rip your boobs off during a cluster feed, every little developmental moment and the pride it will bring you is indescribable! Just another bucket list experience you are checking off the list, and the million firsts you get to experience all over through your mini.
Remember there is no such thing as a perfect parent. You’ll have moments you don’t trust yourself and feel like a failure, and the next moment your heart hurts from how in love you are. This moment happens right after they finally fall asleep. Sleeping babies are the best babies. And happy moms are the best moms. Take care of yourself, keep the balance, breathe, sleep, take breaks, trust your gut and lean in to your village. Don’t be hard on yourself, you’re going to be great just being you. And when you just can’t, you can always call on the oldest of the cousins to help. Not me, passing the baton to Kenz.
-Heather Odom It may not seem like it, but they actually love you until age 14... then start to love you again at age 22
-Tom and Kimberly
"Patience, Patience, Patience"
- Scott Freer
Ask yourself, “Will this matter in a year?”
– Sue Carlson
- Linda Drebes
To Jenny and Seth
From Grandma Zelda and her 90-103 year old friends: Enjoy the children – They grow up too fast.
Don’t give advice because whatever you say can be misinterpreted and you’ll be in trouble.
Keep your mouth shut and your pocketbook open.
Don’t take any problem too seriously because soon it’ll resolve and there will be another one to deal with.
...To Amber and Charlie, just show this precious little boy how very much he is loved every day. Be patient, be kind to him and each other. Life flies by so quickly enjoy and treasure every moment. Love you both , you will be great parents.
-Judy Carnazzo
I'm going with the old wives tale saying that moms have eyes in the back of their head. It's funny and seems to still ring true, moms have this sixth sense when it comes to their kids. Trust your instincts. Enjoy every moment! It goes by so fast. Much love,
Carol and John
They are only infants for a short time. Cherish every little moment, time flies. Nothing good comes from a toddler sitting naked on the couch
-From Jimmy Mowry (
6 First and most importantly, give up all your cherished ideals of perfection. Such as believing - you won’t resent having to get up in the middle of the night because you can’t sleep because of crying or squabbling or singing or laughing; - your child will not misbehave or say something not exactly appropriate or talk back to you or cause a scene in public; - your child will not eat in the family room and spill milk or juice or ketchup or syrup or cereal or cake or ice cream; - your house will be neat and tidy, with all toys and clothes and shoes and papers and dishes and food and toys and dishes put away. All that really doesn’t matter. You will love and enjoy your children for who they really are and realize they are the best things that ever happened to you. And when you are in your sixties and they ring you up for a chat, and you go out for a meal with them and they patiently listen to you reminisce on how you brought them up you will not regret one single minute of it all.
- Mom (Rachel) The sleep deprivation doesn’t last forever. Your baby will only be this small today. Having a baby is a great excuse to slow down. The house can wait. – Sister Whitney Maley Schedule your baby with naps and feeding…they are way less fussy and sleep so much better. Have them do chores as soon as they can understand! So they don’t complain about it when they are older :) Feed them healthy foods first, not so much fruits or else they will only like fruits and become the pickiest eater ever!
– Cousin Michelle Hirthler and Jackson
Aunt Denise
Time flies by! – Linda Drebes
to Charlie, From the day you were born, to today, and every day in between, you and Whitney have been the greatest joys of my life. Whether you were playing with Tim in a pile of leaves, skipping down the sidewalk on the way to kindergarten, getting frustrated when I made you mow the yard, or building your life far away from home, I have always loved being your mom. Try not to worry about yesterday or what might happen tomorrow. Everything doesn’t need to be perfect. Take a deep breath, look around, and think about how very fortunate you are. Don't sweat the small stuff. If both you and your little ones are in clean-ish clothes (dirt is good), are fed (always keep snacks on hand - fruit, yogurt, cheese, animal crackers), are happy (keep a bag of books, crayons, toys, etc. in the car) and healthy (skinned knees and elbows are healthy), you are doing great as a parent. Mom (Rachel)
There is no answer, seek it lovingly
-Tim Freer My parenting tips: Follow your heart, never do anything to your child you don't feel good about no matter who is telling you. If you get mad take a time out. Always greet your child with love and excitement and adoring eyes. Allow lots of people to love them, the more people they have in their lives to love them the better they will feel. Don't be afraid, teach them to take risks and delight in the reward of that. Don't over-reward and praise them for every little thing they do...allow them to learn how to feel good about themselves not by what others say or do. Take care and love their father, your relationship is how they learn to be a mate. Lastly, take care of their mother. Take breaks and have experiences without them so they learn the importance of self-care and loving yourself too. Build a life that is happy, joyous and free! Love,
Teresa Seeley If you love your kids and they know it, you can recover from a lot of parental screw-ups -Sue Rodgers Celebrate the little things
My Tribe
To Have
Kind Hearts Brave Spirit
fierce minds
The Amazing Mothers of the World
Remember, you will only have this time with your child once, so be in the present. Sue Carlson
The amazing mothers of the world The world awakened… on fire, shining and radiant, the word was out, the village excited. The women preparing for the celebration. The amazing mothers of the world, the children helping, the community, guidance, support, comfort. the event like no other day. Barefoot and pregnant. Stunning…Glowing…Ready. The tribal ways essential, symbolic, significant. she listened, she watched, and soaked in the warm sunny day. The circle of friends, of family, the village all eagerly awaiting the news. My swing decorated, my days… Swinging and hearing the music in the distance. The soft rhythmic drums… the sweet sound of the flute. Soft voices singing words of love,happiness and celebrations…the garlands of flowers, jasmine, intertwined up to the sky… Blessings from the community. I sit and swing…peaceful… knowing my life changed forever . I look up to the stars. Smiles from the amazing mothers and fathers around the world sharing their hearts, their love, their wisdom. The community; my village. My new world. The father’s role so important. The soft drumming... The sweet sounds of happiness..a boy
You are what happened when I wished upon a star
Abuela sighs…. And smiles…. …. all you need is love… we each grow and learn and blossom in our own way….keep love alive…. A soft hand, a twinkle in the sky, stars across the horizon showing their way. No two ways the same…each gift special in its own way. wa One word repeated by all…love like no other…. Grow together…..your teacher… A special love, a special role… we all learn together….the gift of patience…. I learn from you…my little one….today… tomorrow. Our time …. Our family….. Understanding…..~ only to show love, be open to receiving help … be open to learning…as everyday your child will teach you… We learn together….our children teach us how to be the best and most amazing mothers in the world. We receive the special gift we give. We celebrate and wave our arms high in the sky…. Our palms open to receive… our hearts open to the gift..... the most amazing mothers in the world…..
Abuela sighs…. And smiles…. …. all you need is love… we each grow and learn and blossom in our own way….keep love alive…. A soft hand, a twinkle in the sky, stars across the horizon showing their way. No two ways the same…each gift special in its own way. wa One word repeated by all…love like no other…. Grow together…..your teacher… A special love, a special role… we all learn together….the gift of patience…. I learn from you…my little one….today… tomorrow. Our time …. Our family….. Understanding…..~ only to show love, be open to receiving help … be open to learning…as everyday your child will teach you… We learn together….our children teach us how to be the best and most amazing mothers in the world. We receive the special gift we give. We celebrate and wave our arms high in the sky…. Our palms open to receive… our hearts open to the gift..... the most amazing mothers in the world…..
A new child
totally dependent on the love and caring, the tenderness, the playfulness of the parents. A new child open arms stretched eagerly awaiting time with the grandparents, the aunts, the uncles, the friends. New parents welcoming the support crew even more. The circle of life, the circle of family, famil the circle of love. Like life in a teepee, stories told, songs sung, toys made, games played. Generations of traditions passed down. The simplicity of children’s joy. The magic of discovery equaled only by the same joy of discovery by the parents. A new level of maturity embraced by the new parents. As arms embrace their newborn, a new outlook on life blossoms. Lessons and advice for new mothers. Lessons and advice for new fathers. Friends rally. Family rallies. Everyone pitches in. Pitch the tent, raise the teepee, come together - because it takes a village. Sleepless nights soon forgotten. Panic over the first fever subsides. New food groups accepted. Falls merely the training to walk, then run. Fear, in retrospect, becomes funny. Fun becomes the norm. Conservative adulating chipped away by the necessity to sing, play rhyme time, crawl, play hide and seek, climb and roll laugh and cuddle... and laugh some more. Adulting temporarily set aside, while still adulting. Good Night Moon and good night stories frame the world in soft bright colors and silliness. Imagination and play dictates the schedule of the day. Life mysteriously continues in spite of changing priorities and previously established essential obligations now modified. Time tables slip and slide, yet life goes on... happier, more fulfilling, than before. There is a rhythm to the new drum beat and the village helps keep the rhythm. The Village hears, the village listens, the village plays. New protocols emerge, flying food becomes a game, new games are constantly invented. The floor becomes fun. “Who’s turn is it, the new nightly debate” . Gleeful repetitions of silly songs a requirement. Coloring not contained to books signs of emerging artistic talent. Unimaginable how one so small requires so much gear to travel. Play dates the new social gathering.
This book is for Jenny and Seth This book is for Amber and Charlie This books is for the boys about to join the family. This book is from the mothers and fathers that have “been there and done that�, from the grandmothers that have shared their joy and wisdom of the years, from family and friends, from the aunts, the sisters. This is a book that says.. you are not alone, you don’t need all the answers, you don't need to be strong all the time, we are all here for you. We are your village. Love, Linda and Cathy "the moms"
It takes a village