francescaviespi nosabast er 23sunnydeneroad purley,cr82dj 07427021096 espi nosabaster@gmai l. com i ssuu. com/ espi nosabast er mensweargraduatewi t hadesi reto creat e concept ual y et wearable fashi on.recentwork has shown a st rong focus on tex t ure wi t h a casualsportweari nfluence.
20122015 uni versi t yfort hecreat i v eart s( UCARochest er) studyi ngBA( hons)Fashi onDesi gn 20112012 6monthsatartsuni versi t ybournemout h( aub) studyi ngBA( hons)fashi onst udi es 20092011 sai ntphi lomena’ scatholi chi ghschoolforgi rls studyi ngalevels( a,B,C) 20072009 sai ntphi lomena’ scatholi chi ghschoolforgi rls studyi nggcse’ s( 1A* ,7A’ s,2B’ s,1C)
w ork experience mi d2009
i nternatlulugui nnesshq stockcontrol,stocktaki ngarchi v i ng,generalst udi ot asks early2009 I nternatLuluGui nnessHQ worki ngi ntheprroom,generaloffi ce&st udi ot asks, assi st antonpressreleasedayproj ect&v enuesetup
recent employment 2014present wai t ressattheramblersrest( premi empub) serv i ngguests,runni ngrest aurantsect i ons,foodrunni ng, cashhandli ng,upselli ng,worki ngasat eamduri ngshi ft s
acreat i vei ndi v i dualeagert obui ld oncurrentski llsandknowledget o 2014present shelvi ngassi stantatUCARochest er progress.ihav e a strong ey e for organi si ngbooks,reshelvi ngbooksusi ngkeysy st ems det ai l&applythi stoworki ngdrawi ngs&speci fi cat i ons. profi ci enti nundertaki ngresearch achievements & concept dev elopment . i enj oy 2011 fi nali stoffadj uni orawardsatlfw worki ng wi t h graphi cs and layout wi nneroftheawardforcreat i v edesi gn&cut andam competenti nusi ngadobei lNOCN lev el1awardi nmaki ngi ti nfashi on( qcf) lust rat or and phot oshop. bei ng NOCN ski llsforfashi oni ndust ri es half spani sh iam also fluent i n [ fashi ondevelopment&garmentconst ruct i on] spani sh. fashi onfusi oncoursewi t hfad skills
pat t erncut t i ng.gerbert echnology drapi ng& tai lori ng.sewi ngexperi encewi t hdomest i c&i ndust ri almachi nes. capablewi t hmac&wi ndows: word & powerpoi nt . basi c knowl- 2009 edgeofi ndesi gn.
seri esofshortcoursesatt hefashi on&Tex t i lesMuseum [ fashi ondesi gnandphotoshop] seri esofonedaycoursesatt hev&amuseum [ sty li ng,i llust rati on&desi gn] lcfshortcourse-i ntroduct i ont ot hefashi oni ndust ry