Bigfoot Issue 2

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y o j n E d n a t u o t e G e g n e l l a the Ch h g r u b n i d E f O e k Du In the News :That’s Us! Nestled in the Hunua’s Gear review The Mysto vs Frenzy Photo gallery: Bigfoot Teams in Action

contents 5

6 8


MEET THE TEAM: Meet Jessie Lynskey

CAMP PROFILE: Hunua Falls Presbyterian Camp






GEAR REVIEW: the Mysto vs Frenzy

IN THE NEWS: The World Outdoors Summit 2013


About Bigfoot Adventures new e-mag showcases how we help you to have the time of your life, and introduces you to some great facilities, activities, cool new outdoor equipment and relevant industry news. Editorial Content: Francesca Marcellino-Reed Contact Francesca on 0800 Bigfoot or (09) 444 1446 or email Address: Bigfoot Adventures Ltd Private Box 302 265, North Harbour, Auckland, NZ Art Director: Jodi Olsson Publisher: Espire Media Po Box 137162, Parnell, Auckland 1151 Enquiries: Phone Richard on (09) 522 7257 or email Cover photo: Refreshing cool down after a hard day at the office

This is a GREEN MAG, created and distributed without the use of paper so it's environmentally friendly. Please think before you print. Thank you!


Bigfoot Magazine? It’s free!

from theeditorM w

Welcome back to 2014 and the second edition of our Bigfoot Emag. I hope you found the first edition informative and exciting enough to want to read the next edition. What a fabulous summer break it has been. I spent a large part of my three weeks sleeping and relaxing on the beautiful sands of the Coromandel and getting some much needed “Daddy time” with my little super hero Tyler. It was the longest break I have had in many years and it has enabled me to hit the ground running with renewed enthusiasm and energy for this years programs. 2014 has started with a burst with our first massive week of


school camps underway as I write this article. That will be followed by seven weeks of adventurous and challenging camps and day trips with schools and companies all over the North Island. Fingers crossed the weather is kind to us with plenty of warm sunshine but not to the extreme drought that was an issue last summer. If you are still in the throes of planning your school camp, we do have some slots available for Term One and are now looking to Terms Two and Three. Feel free to give me a call if you want to consider Bigfoot’s activities for your program. Some of the highlights since our last edition was attending

the World Outdoors Summit in Rotorua, purchasing a new fleet of kayaks and mountain bikes and welcoming our new Logistics Coordinator to the Bigfoot Team. Within this edition all three of these exciting events feature in the articles along with snippets about Waka Ama and the fabulous camp location of Hunua Presbyterian Falls Camp. By the time this mag gets published and you are reading it, you should be well underway into Term One. I hope the year has started well for you all and I look forward to working with you again in 2014.

Kris Bartley

MEET the team



A warm welcome to Jessie Lynskey to the Bigfoot team. She has taken on the action packed role of being our new logistic coordinator. There is nothing like hitting the ground running!!! HOMETOWN Jessie’s originally a Wellington girl. From school she studied Human Nutrition in the cold land of Otago.

“If you

by Jarvie Tunnicliffe

CAREER From university she worked for the National Heart Foundation. However, always being tempted by the outdoors, an opportunity came up to cook for a Spanish team in the Volvo Ocean Race. Since then Jessie has been chefing/nutrition for these teams that compete in this race around the world (she being land based moving ahead of them). In the last year and a half she ended up in a logistics role with Emirates Team NZ competing for the Cup in San Francisco.

ROLE AT BIGFOOT Jessie will be playing a vital part in our team being the Logistic Coordinator. Already she has really taken the bull by its horns and got a firm grasp on everything. We look forward to what she will bring to the role.

think There


THERE is always A WAY!

-Jessie Lynskey


I asked Jessie to draw on a favourite experience with Team NZ, “seeing Camper winning the leg into Galway and celebrating, with what felt like the whole of Galway’s population. Pretty impressive considering the boat arrived at 3am”. “Generally speaking, I have loved being part of all the teams, where often I am put in a position where circumstances are not easy, but somehow you just have to make things happen.”

INTERESTS Speaking with Jessie about the outdoors we expected her to be one eyed towards sailing. “No, I actually am not a sailor. I love all outdoor activities, but I guess stand outs are things like mountain biking, skiing, running in the bush and just being in the sea! I am drawn to any little outdoor venture.” All the things Bigfoot do looks cool to me”!




Falls presbyterian CAMP Nestled in the Hunua’s

by Francesca Marcellino-Reed



Nestled in the Hunua ranges and only a short 50 minute drive from Auckland city centre is Hunua Falls Presbyterian Camp. Enjoy the “remote forest park setting” in such a convenient location. This camp has a lot of fantastic activities both on and offsite. The venue is cost effective and is suitable for business groups, school groups and church groups. The Land was purchased in 1919 by the Presbyterian Church, giving congregations a place to go, being at the time a one day hike from Papakura. This private location exists to give the opportunity for New Zealanders to enjoy an affordable outdoor camping experience. The camp can accommodate 122 people, consisting of 22 comfortable bunk rooms sleeping either four or six. There is a separate commercial kitchen quarter which has its own room, sleeping up to six. The large dining hall connected to the kitchen has heating for the cold winter months. Onsite there is a chapel, seating 100 people, it is known for having amazing acoustics. They also have a large

camp field, confidence course, playground, a night time Burma Trail and a stream perfect for kayaking. All activities are available for use, and can be run by the groups themselves, or by Bigfoot Adventures. Bigfoot Adventures have been using the camp for over 14 years. We offer the running of activities or full camp management for ease of use and convenience. The additional activities we run are archery, mobile rock wall, kayaking, raft building, first aid, Bivouac building, team games, pancake races, mountain biking on our own portable course, and tramping and day-walks. If you choose to venture off site, there are many amazing tramps nearby, mountain biking at Mangatwahiri Dam, and of course, and the unforgettable Hunua Falls themselves, which are only a five minute walk away. If you are thinking of organising a school camp to give your students a memorable experience, then don’t hesitate to contact us on 0800 Bigfoot or contact the camp to reserve your dates at bookings@


bigfoot teams

IN ACTION winner of our Issue 1 Photo Competition was IAN McLEOD


Send us your activity photos - the winner for the best action photo will receive a $100 Bigfoot voucher. Competition entry closes on 16th May 2014, and the winner will be announced in our next issue.

hanging THERE

STUDENT navigation


come ROLL with me

not a bad

day at the office

peak A boo


which way from here?

Nothing better after a long day

ROAD Safety

It’s a





As one of New Zealand’s fastest


ama If you are after some fast, furious and physical fun on the water with a group of your friends then WAKA AMA is for you! by Liz Tye




many keen paddlers today. Early




sports it is the epitome of


healthy competition - the

known as Va’a, and were the



vessel of choice for the first

FUN that Waka Ama offers is

Polynesian voyagers who set

rapidly attracting people of all

out on the enduring passages

ages and abilities.

of discovery and played an

Especially the




within schools

where competition is fierce and






intricate role in the livelihood of the pacific people. Hawaii was the site where contemporary



continuously building. But it’s

was born, with it being

not all only fun and games,


the sport is steeped in a long

as an official ‘sport’ in the

and proud history which is

1950’s, and New Zealand’s

carried through with today’s

first club being established in

paddlers who are bound by

Gisborne in 1985. Then, with

a ‘code of behaviour’ built

improvements in boat building

around decade-old traditions

techniques and materials such

and values that form the very

as fibreglass, the design and

solid foundation to Waka Ama

construction of the canoes

practice as we now know it. It is

improved vastly and the sport

this ‘power’ that has captured

really took off, with Auckland

the minds (and bodies) of

playing host to the World


Sprint Champs in 1990. 2002

the commercial “potential in

and water safety makes it an

This new venture aims to offer

saw the inaugural National

Outrigging due to the many

attractive fit with many objectives

both domestic and international

Secondary School competition

positive aspects it provided

of EOTC programmes within

travellers and corporate groups

kick off, and since then there

…. Physical benefits of a low

today’s schools.

a unique and authentic cultural

has been no turning back.

impact sport to the competitive

The Waka Ama that are used

experience set within the natural

The opportunity to get

nature of healthy competition,

in most Bigfoot Adventure

setting of a Marae. Martin

involved in Waka Ama is getting

Outrigger canoe has a lot to

programmes will generally take

wants to share with clients the

easier as the number of clubs,

offer”. The academy aims to

up to 10-12 students all within the

history and significance of the

schools and providers who are

provide training for clients from

same canoe, with the instructors

Maori Culture and the stories of

offering the experience is still

an entry level through to club

being either in the canoe

early Maori explorers, through

growing. Bigfoot Adventures

competency level, delivered

themselves with the students,

the experience of a paddling

has being incorporating Waka

via a progressive system which

or alternatively coaching from a

adventure made in either a Waka

Ama into their programmes for

teaches safety awareness skills,

safety boat running alongside.

Ama (Outrigger Canoe) or

almost six years now and enjoys

technique development and

This makes it an incredibly well

Waka Tete (smaller traditional

a great relationship with a

physical conditioning, all whilst

managed vehicle through which

Maori canoe).

number of providers, one being

experiencing the FUN that

the above elements can be

‘Outrigger Academy’ which

such an on-water sport like

experienced and taught, with

maybe Outrigger Academy

is a Rotorua based company

Waka Ama can offer!

there being no doubt that the



whoever guarantee

the a

client fantastic

owned and operated by Martin

Due to the stability of the

camaraderie and competition

experience on all fronts; cultural,

Helleur. Martin has many

Outrigger Canoe, Waka Ama

that students enjoy just can’t

physical, educational and most

years of paddling under his

is a safe and fun opportunity for

be beaten.

importantly FUN!

belt and has represented New

people of all abilities, including

Zealand at both a National and international level.


For more information either

those with disabilities, to get

recently added another feather to

contact us at Bigfoot Adventures

involved. The focus of teaching

their hat, ‘Outrigger Adventures’,

or check out Martins website

The academy was established

elements such as the promotion of

in an effort to expand business

in 2007, after Martin recognised

team sport, cultural engagement

more into the tourism market.




DUKEof Edinburgh Get out and enjoy the Challenge by Carmilla


Bigfoot Adventures has become a popular choice for Auckland Secondary School students committed to achieving their Duke of Edinburgh Award. With the help of our team of experienced Duke of Ed Bush Craft instructors, our programme offers students a positive, engaging and fun pathway to achieve their Award.


Bigfoot Adventures provide a





comprehensive introduction

cover all three stages of

to the great outdoors, where

the Adventurous Journey:

students are encouraged to take ownership of challenges such as route finding, camp craft and river crossing. As the awards progress, they have opportunities to build upon



and to push their skills and confidence even further, until by the end of the journey they are taking leadership roles and assuming responsibilities on expeditions they have planned themselves. Our



designed to align with the Award’s assessment criteria, and this, when paired with our very ‘hands on’ approach to teaching, makes our Duke

Training, Practice Journey and for Gold.

Qualifying Bronze,




These can be run

either exclusively for the school, or students can book directly with us on one of our advertised dates online. Either way, participants are provided with a fantastic opportunity to meet other ‘like-minded’ students. New for 2014: re-vamped tramping Adventures for all awards, along with kayaking and rock climbing explorations for Gold level students. If you are interested in finding out more, contact

of Edinburgh programme a

Carmilla at Bigfoot Adventures:

valuable experience for all of


those involved.




provide a comprehensive introduction to the

GREAT OUTDOORS where students are encouraged to take ownership of challenges SUCH AS ROUTE FINDING,

camp craft & river crossing”



GEAR review Hayley Dorward rates the equipment

the Mysto vs Frenzy


When it comes to critiquing kayaks, I am about as novice as they come being the Office lady! So it was my mission recently to check out our potential new sit on top fleet of kayaks and give some feedback to Bigfoot. I also tend to be a bit of a princess when it comes to the weather but Castor Bay Beach was surprisingly warm despite the overcast day. To make matters worse, I was travelling with a bunch of boys/men whom I thought had intentions of tipping me out, so I made sure that they stayed well away from me!



The two types of Sit on Top

Google, and picking my fellow

that should you tip the boat,

kayaks we tested were a Mysto

colleagues brain, I think I have

you have to navigate your way

and a Frenzy. In addition to

worked it out.

out of the boat. There is also

these two, we took along one

Minnows are a recreational

the issue of taking on water,

of our “minnows� from our

kayak with a wide base and

should you find yourself in

existing fleet as a comparison.

usually used in flat water. They

rough sea.

Confused yet by all this kayak

have a bucket like seat and

jargon? I certainly was. So what

your legs sit inside the boat.


is a Minnow versus a Sit on

They are very stable and ideal

a sit on top? Visually the

Top? After much deliberation

for a beginner paddler like me.

differences are obvious. The

and some researching on

There is however the tradeoff

Sit on Tops are a boat where

So what is the difference a



where space saving is crucial. The Mysto was described as an action packed Kayak that was compact and stable and easy to paddle. It was also noted to be great in the surf due to its twin thruster fins. In terms of transporting

the paddler does just that,

the padded extras.

sit on top versus the minnow

One of our staff made a

where you sit inside the kayak.

comment that they felt too

As mentioned above with the

“snug” in the Frenzy and

minnow, this means when you

wondered if you were a larger

tip your boat there is no issue

adult or student, the boat

with being stuck inside the boat

might feel too tight. They also

or having to bail out water.

wondered if being lower in the

The Frenzy had a shallow

seat compared to the Mysto, a

molded seat versus the Mysto

small child might find paddling

which had no molding at all

difficult as their paddle may hit

but had a canvas removable

the side of the kayak.

all parties who trialed the two options. I did a bit of a Google search and found myself rather confused. There are so many brands and types of kayaks including fishing kayaks, surf kayaks, family kayaks, touring

the kayaks down the beach

kayaks, diving kayaks and double

from trailer to the water, I was

kayaks to name a few.

surprised at how heavy kayaks are. It is definitely a two man job if you are a female unless you plan to drag one end along the sand, which I am told is common practice in kayaking. The Mysto had a removable plate on the





of view Bigfoot are aiming to purchase a kayak fleet that covers a wide range of activities and body shapes and sizes, whilst maintaining

bottom of the boat which took

a degree of challenge and

the load of the dragging.

stability. As a result of our trial

The benefit of this piece being removable is that when it gets worn down, it can be

padding that supported your

Both models were a slimmer

back. Some staff felt the

boat than the Minnow but they

padding was super comfortable

felt very stable. The Ocean

but from a business perspective

kayak website claims the Frenzy

I felt it was another thing

is the most popular sit on top

we would have to remove

kayak for families due its stability

and clean regularly and was something else that could easily get wear and tear and

shape of the boat meant that

The Mysto had a molded

need replacing and repairing.

if you had multiple kayaks that

handle at the front and rear of

Purchasing a padded seat for

you were trying to pack onto

the kayak that meant carrying

the Frenzy is also an option

a trailer, they fit together and

the boat down to the shore was

but it doesn’t come with this

would enable us to pack more

not difficult. The Frenzy had a

in the purchase price. I felt

kayaks in a smaller space. This is

similar idea but with the use of a

more than comfortable in the

also a benefit when it comes to

toggle like handle.

molded frenzy seat without

storing them in our warehouse

replaced as opposed to the boat itself getting worn in that area. The Frenzy did not have this removable plate but did have the added benefit of built in side

I believe both boats would offer us those options. So currently it’s a hung jury on which option ticks the most boxes for us. Both boats will be an awesome addition to our current fleet of Minnows and at

handles to help with transport. It

some point in the near future a

and because of its unique hull

also comes with a place to store

design it is great in the surf. The

decision will be made on which

your drink bottle.

fleet we will be purchasing.

So very mixed opinions from

If you are a keen kayaker and want to get your students exposed to this great activity, let us know and we will be more than happy to include the new fleet into your next EOTC program.


Jonny Moncur

The World Outdoors Summit 2013

That’s us!

by Jonny Moncur

in the NEWS

H Hands


anticipation. laughter pockets

echoed the

The first line advanced.


Then the second. Closely


followed by the entire horde!


Who would make it down

Others stared intensely into

alive? People began to swerve

the night visualizing the

and shunt their way through

sequence of events about

the crowd. Those caught

to unfold. Fingers clasped

napping were forced wide

the handles of their chosen

and met their end careening

weapons, poised to attack…

off into the eerie darkness.




350 delegates from the World Outdoors Summit and a more sizeable crowd from the New Zealand Recreation Association Conference converged on Mount Ngongotaha as the sun went down. One individual was destined for victory. The rest, unbeknown to them, would have their dreams dashed on the side of the hill that night.

Others were nudged into un-controllable gyrations or pinned in the turn and left to the mercy of the remaining mob. What better way to get up close and personal with complete strangers than to tussle cartto-cart on some of Rotorua’s finest concrete trails!

The remainder of the evening was occupied with food, beverages and tales of heroism, bravery & carnage. There was the classic moaner who was still ranting about the fact he’d been dealt the “slower cart.” The show pony who had been locked in a two-wheel drift for the entire descent. Not

I felt like time slowed down and I was actually taking in the things around me

not pinning it through the trees


at eye-watering speed



trails but all of a sudden I was

activities but is also a Maori

looking at things in a different

Cultural hotspot.

light. We had a very genuine


this totally changed my outlook





with its boiling mud pools, sulphur stench and geysers provided a unique experience to travelling visitors. Many of

on riding in the forest & in future I will spend more time appreciating the place I am in

the workshops and seminars included how the outdoors is not only valuable but also



to society. I


enlightening to mention the bulldozer who took pride in clearing the track of dithering drivers by means of a nudge here and a shunt there. I ended up chatting to people I probably would never have approached had we not locked handlebars or had they not given my cart a healthy shunt. One particular park ranger cast a look of utter astonishment as my mere 65kgs accelerated away from his much healthier weighted cart. I had gained his instant respect and we chatted away soon after deliberating the impossibility of how I had somehow overcome the laws of physics that night. It probably sounds like I went down to Rotorua for a holiday. Well, I certainly enjoyed myself but despite popular belief I actually


true NZ welcome with a




attended some very insightful

entitled “Maori Bush Craft.”



I frequently visit Rotorua to

pressing issues in our outdoor

ride my mountain bike as it


offers some of the best trail

and with


individuals. The industry is undergoing a number of changes at present. Safety



certainly an area which is tightening up. Some would argue for the better, some for the worse. Whichever way, I found it refreshing to hear that despite the constriction of regulations we still value the contribution risk makes to our lives. We need to be exposed to risk to learn how to manage it. Controlling the level of exposure is the key for us as outdoor professionals. There couldn’t have been a better location for the summit. Rotorua is not only bursting

riding known to mankind. I was excited to attend a Maori Bush Craft workshop but the minute they mentioned bikes would be our mode of transport my excitement levels peaked. I was back to the hotel in a flash to collect my steed. As it turned out we rode through the sulfur plains (an area I had never taken my bike before) and upon arriving in the Redwoods were promptly shuttled to the top of the Whakarewarewa orest. This forest contains some

and professional Maori guide with us to share the stories of their ancestors, to explain the Whakapapa lines or family ties to the places through which we rode. I felt like time slowed down and I was actually taking in the things around me – not pinning it through the trees at eye-watering speed. This totally changed my outlook on riding in the forest and in future I will spend more time appreciating the place I am in and the vast historical and cultural significance that it encompasses. As always the Outdoor Awards and Gala Dinner was a great event to wind down to the end of the Summit. We would like to offer our congratulations to Bianca and the team at Potiki Adventures who were worthy recipients of the “Outdoors New Zealand Organisation of the Year Award” for 2013. All in all, I think Outdoor’s New Zealand did a great job of hosting the event. Participants were able to walk away having gained new

of my favourite trails. I was

ideas, new viewpoints, unique

soon to learn that this would

experiences and contacts in

be somewhat different to my

the outdoor industry.

usual rides. We rode the same



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