ISSUE 57 March 2016
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CONTENTS 4... Editorial 8... The unwritten code of Fishing Etiquette
ABOUT / Short and sharp, NZ Fisher is a free e-magazine delivering thought provoking and enlightening articles, and industry news and information to forwardthinking fisher people.
EDITOR / Derrick Paull GROUP EDITOR / Colin Kennedy ART DIRECTOR / Jodi Olsson
12... LegaSea Update
CONTENT ENQUIRIES / Phone Derrick on 021 629 327
14... Sting’s,Kings, Kahawai & Whitewater
or email derrickp@NZ
17... The Frewza F18 Hardtop
Phone Derrick on 021 629 327
18... Beer Battered Fish, Craft Beer Battered 20... Fishing & Adventure 22... Reader Pics 24... Get your Bait right, and the Fish Will Follow
ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES / or email derrickp@NZ ADDRESS / NZ Fisher, PO Box 47794, Ponsonby 11144 WEBSITE /
This is a GREEN MAG, created and distributed without the use of paper so it's environmentally friendly. Please think before you print. Thank you!
25... Got Old Bait? Salt it Down 26... Competition 3
Niño. This has meant we had a colder
hard to tell with the continuing warm
Tasman sea, warmer East Coast and
winds from the North. At the time
increased frequency of Northerly
of writing this, there’s yet another
(which appear easterly to me) winds
tropical cyclone threatening the upper
instead. I’m also told to expect a dry
north and pushing more warm water
and windy Autumn - here’s hoping
south, likely holding a bevvy of tropical
they’re wrong again!
fish to enliven fisho’s days out wide. I received a volley of feedback on last month’s El Niño article, most of it voicing the suggestion that we’d got it wrong and, based on their anecdotal evidence, the waters were warmer, winds more easterly than westerly and the east coast wetter, not drier.
You may remember the writings of Martin Salter, our UK correspondent and Patron of the Angling Trust. Martin has recently been working hard on overturning some dangerous and ludicrous (Atlantic) Bass fishing rules imposed on anglers there.
And I agree, this year does appear to
The species has been in decline as
be an odd El Niño. I followed these
destructive commercial methods like
calls up with our scientist sources,
gill-netting have been employed to
and I’m told it’s a very strong El
catch as many Bass as they can each
season. Despite strong evidence that
(sub 30cm) snapper in close, picking
an 80% commercial reduction was
baits and frustrating fishers. These
required, the annual catch was up
little snapper are being accompanied
30% last year. The response to this
by their bigger, but still not legal
was to ban catch and release fishing
cousins, Kingfish. A lot of fun, but not
(ridiculous!) and limit recreational
fit for the table at the typical size of
catch to one fish per angler per day.
60 to 70cm.
This is largely unenforceable,
As you can see from the cover shot,
ineffective on the fishery rebuild and
the Hawke’s Bay is firing, when the
punishing the recreational sector who
weather allows access. James landed
fish sensibly (with a high percentage
half a dozen fish near the 20kg mark
of catch and release) and contribute
and he and his boat mate kept these
£2million to the economy each year,
two 18kg examples. A great day’s
that’s ten times the value of the
fishing in anyone’s books.
commercial catch. This situation may seem crazy or, at least, strange, but it’s happened, and they’re now facing the ramifications. Have a read of Martin’s Blog here. Back here in New Zealand, the fishing has been hot and cold, depending mostly on your focus. The game season has been nothing short of phenomenal and is shaping up to be the best in history for New Zealand. Sadly the inshore fishing hasn’t been
Further North at North Cape, Houhora and the Three Kings there’s been multiple 10-fish-a-day Marlin adventures by both rec and charter boats bolstered by the return of trophy sized Yellowfin Tuna. Despite my often ranting editorials, I firmly believe that New Zealand has one of the best fisheries in the world and with the right management will remain at the top of the list.
as hot with quite a few zilching’s, especially in the Hauraki Gulf. It appears there’s a wealth of small
Derrick 5
o n d a M a r i n e, S u r te e s a n d I zuzu h ave j o i n e d f o rce s to g i ve yo u t h e c h a n ce to W I N TH E D R E A M p a c ka g e ! T h e S u r t e e s 57 5 Wo r k m a te, p o w e re d by H o n d a B F1 0 0 H P, to w e d b y t h e I s u zu D - M a x to u g h u te, l o a d e d w i t h S h i m a n o
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The unwritten code of
Fishing Etiquette BY Neil Wagener
THE FIRST TIME THAT I realised there
down and walked towards it.
was an unwritten code to fishing was on
Before I got there, however, our local
a rock fishing trip about twenty years ago. We had lugged 20kg of bait and burley into a remote and extremely fishy rock ledge known for its big kingfish.
mate had beaten me to it, and without saying anything he lifted the kahawai up, cut my line and secured the livie for himself. I was lost for words; surely this
We had planned to meet up with
wasn’t happening. Why isn’t there a set
another fisho who lived local to this
of fishing laws and regulations to put a
spot, and when we got there, he already
stop to such injustices!
had the burley going. “Any livies around”,
In hindsight, I was completely under
we asked, to which we received a single shake of the head. Not a good sign.
gunned to be live baiting a 2kg kahawai and it was exciting seeing him get
We all deployed stray-lined pillies
smoked by something capable of
and spinners to try and catch kahawai
stripping 37kg mono off a Tiagra 80
for livies. After an hour and a half, I
wide! Unfortunately, my story isn’t
hooked into a decent fish and its telltale unique; everyone has a similar yarn, so sideways movement told me it was a
we thought we’d compile a list of things
kahawai. Finally, we had a livie. I lifted
to avoid while fishing so you don’t come
the fish onto the rocks, put my rod
across like our line cutting mate.
How a well iced bin should look.
“Give way to your right, stick to the right when passing other boats head on, and always give way to unpowered boats” Collision imminent! The worst kind of poor etiquette Before we go any further, it’s worth noting that many fishing etiquette fails are related to real laws and regulations. All boaties have a responsibility to abide by the ‘rules of the road at sea’. We aren’t going to go into this in detail, but when driving powered boat you should know the following: give way to your right, stick to the right when passing other boats head on, and always give way to unpowered boats
kayak. It’s amazing how often even these simplest of rules are ignored or unknown. Ask yourself how many times you have had to stop in your tracks to avoid a boat on your right bearing down on you. Don’t take our word for it though; there are lots of great resources out there. A good place to start is Maritime NZ’s website, and they have some very useful video’s available on their YouTube channel.
(like kayaks, they have right of way if your boat has an engine). Also, reduce your speed to 5 knots if within 200m of the shore or a boat with divers and also within 50m of any other boat.
Another useful tool is the MarineMate app, which uses your phones GPS to show you local boating rules and also has lots of other features such as local boat ramp information, tides, VHF channels and fishing rules, etc…
Having spent most of my life fishing out of small boats, I’d like to emphasise the latter of these rules. Even if more than 50m away, be considerate of how your wake will affect a small boat or
While you are at it, consider a coastguard boating education course. We can’t speak highly enough of the good work done by Maritime NZ and Coast Guard. 9
Between boat etiquette
how they are fishing and ensure that you give
Beyond avoiding a collision with another
them a wide enough berth so the fish they
boat, only slightly less annoying is when
are working or their tackle are not disturbed.
other boats do their best to scupper your fishing. A classic example is when you are fishing a school of feeding fish on the surface. Generally in this situation, you will take
care not to disturb the fish, either setting up a drift to cast lures at the school or trolling around the edges so only your lures pass through it. Usually, the school will stay on the surface happily feeding, that is until a giant gin palace or know it all douchebag steams through the middle of it scattering all the fish and cutting off your trolled lures in the process. A similarly annoying situation can sometimes happen when you are straylining in shallow reefy water. Here stealth is the key to fooling that wise old snapper. So when you have invested hours quietly and methodically burleying the fish up so they are on the bite, it’s not
On boat etiquette Now we are getting into dicey waters discussing etiquette between fishing mates. We all have something that gets under our skin on an average day’s fishing, though. For me, it’s live baits. While they are one of the most effective ways of catching big fish, if not properly attended they can wreak havoc, swimming around and tangling multiple lines, potentially costing lots of valuable fishing time. So if you are going to put a livie out, make sure that you keep it clear of your mates gear rather than forgetting about it while you fish another rod. If there is a reasonable current or wind, or you are drifting at a reasonable rate, this should allow you to keep the livie out the back
appreciated when someone noisily anchors
well clear of everyone’s lines.
up within spitting distance of your stern, flies
Another pet peeve also relates to the
past your boat at 30 knots or swims up your
direction of your boat’s drift or the water
burley trail with a speargun.
current when fishing from an anchored
From a rock fishing perspective, these
boat. If you cast your lure or bait across
scenarios are even more frustrating when
the prevailing drift or current, you will
you’ve walked for hours to get to your spot
substantially reduce the amount of
and someone spoils your efforts on the
fishable water left for your mates. Aside
back of a five-minute boat ride. And if you
from limiting your mates, however, it’s
are contemplating fishing off a rock that
always a good idea when you first set
someone is already on, it’s worthwhile asking
your drift or anchor up to ascertain the
if that’s OK. In general, before approaching
direction and strength of water movement
another boat or fisho, have a think about
your tackle will experience.
This allows you to correctly weight your
letting out loads of scope from an up-drift
tackle for the most natural sink rate and
position relative to your buddies line.
also to cast in a direction that keeps you ROD & REEL LTD PUBLISHING 26/11/15 in direct contact with any CUSTOMER bites while also SALES REP BRAEDEN.SAUL PUBLICATION FISH AND GAME NZ ADVERTISING maximising the amount of DESIGNER time your tackle Petty etiquette Unknown SECTION RUN OF BOOK PROOF PROOFED 21/10/2015 19X14 is is in the bite zone. This is generally directly 6:59:38 Thea.m. final category of fishingSIZE etiquette AD ID 6937434AA FAX 5543 with the current or drift, not across the the lamest of all; nobody wants to be the PLEASE APPROVE THIS is AD AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. NOTE THAT pull ANYtheir ALTERATIONS front of where your mate fishing. guy or gal that doesn’t weight. MUST BE FINALISED BY OUR MATERIAL DEADLINE. So make sure you get your feet wet A similar scenario can also develop when
multiple people are fishing from a drifting
launching the boat (even in the depths of
boat with jigs. This can be a recipe for an
winter), take your turn pulling the anchor
expensive braided line tangle. While this is
up and chip into the kitty for tackle/
not a one size fits all situation, have a think
bait/lunch/petrol. After all, if you don’t
about your sink rate compared to your
contribute you probably won’t be asked
mates and try and ensure that you aren’t
back for the next trip.
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Are marine protection reforms a smokescreen? Update by Trish Rae, LegaSea
sanctuaries and seabed reserves, all aimed
for marine reserves has been rife for years.
at biodiversity protection.
Earlier attempts stalled against a wall of
First things first. The Government needs
opposition. The latest Marine Protected
to clarify its objective, aside from fulfilling
Areas proposals are fraught because they
a pre-election promise to establish a
include two recreational fishing parks
recreational fishing park in the Hauraki Gulf
in amongst marine reserves, species
and Marlborough Sounds.
“LegaSea would prefer a near-shore zone up and down the coast established under the Fisheries Act” A network of marine reserves The proposed legislation will support the creation of a representative network of marine reserves out to the 12-mile limit, closing sizeable chunks of the sea to all fishing. The aim is to protect biodiversity, but this will displace fishing effort and catch to neighbouring areas with potentially disastrous consequences for abundance and diversity in those areas.
A solution LegaSea would prefer a near-shore zone up and down the coast established under the Fisheries Act, with consistent standards and controls on fishing designed to increase fish abundance and productivity. Marine reserves could be established within this coastal zone if they have local community support.
If complete biodiversity protection is the goal, then a marine reserve would need to be huge, like for example The Kermadec Sanctuary. Otherwise, biodiversity loss is best addressed by increasing abundance across all inshore species.
Fishing parks The proposed recreational fishing parks will be ineffective if commercial fishing is permitted, current commercial catch levels are retained, and if compensation is given legislative support. No liability for compensation exists so why would the Government volunteer it and lock in that liability, in perpetuity?
Fishing giant, Sanford, has been vocal in their support for recreational fishers to report their daily catch in the Hauraki Gulf. Environment Minister Nick Smith has since ruled out mandatory self-reporting as a way of managing fish stocks. It is incomprehensible why people who know better continue to ignore the world class methodology now used by NIWA to estimate recreational harvest in New Zealand. Turning a blind eye will not make it go away, it merely raises questions as to their motivation. Corporate chiefs have often highlighted the benefits, including higher profits, of gaining Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification for snapper stocks. But stocks can only be certified if there are tight management controls on recreational fishing. This marine protection debate may not be about biodiversity after all; it could be just a smokescreen to lobby for stricter controls on recreational fishing.
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Kahawai & Whitewater South Island Kings on fly! BY Neil Wagener
me, but I dream of the take, the strip
Saltwater Fly rod from a local tackle-
strike, the scream of the reel as my
store shop assistant who saw me as an
fish goes deep and strong. SWF is as
easy target when I showed an interest
close to the ultimate adrenaline rush
in SWF. He sold me his ancient,
for a fisherman and I love it - that’s
second hand glass two handed 10
why I chose these videos to sum up my
weight and a crusty old centrepin
favorite sport.
loaded with rope - for far too much money. More fool me...
First up, here’s a short vid from some anglers in the Upper South island.
Long story shortened, as a beginner it
They’re spotting kings following rays
was impossible to fish with and I hated
across the flats and hurling flies at
the experience - putting SWF back on
them. Some of the tkes are spectacular,
the shelf for a few more years before
reminding me of topwater hits they’re
being re-introduced to it through Matt
so aggressive. The fights are over an
von Sturmer of SaltFlyFish.
hour long (but the vid’s only two
These days SWF is a passion that
minutes) and the results are some
doesn’t get the love it deserves from
beautiful kings
This video is from our mate Maxi, the travelling french fisho who’s currently in the south Island chasing all sorts of
species. This video is more like what we can all experience- Kahawai on fly; so much fun! 15
Last up, our editor Derrick posted this one a few years back. i’ve included it just to show how much of a dick he is!
(Nice fish DP; why’d you let it go!??!) It’s a pretty rubbish quality video, but it’s a funny story so here you go!
The Frewza F18 Hardtop A boat for all seasons and some donkey fish!
NZFisher has been running a Freza F18 for about a year now and we thought
we’d share a few things we love about it and why we like what it does for us. 17
Beer Battered Fish, Craft Beer Battered Do it right
I LOVE FRIED FISH. There is simply no better way to serve fresh fish than coated in a light, crispy, hot batter and at home I find beer batter the very best way to create this kind of batter constantly.
Beer batter is not exactly a health food, but if eaten on occasion and using the healthier (if there is such a thing) unsaturated oils like rice-bran or canola, this dish is well received. The Craft Beer Batter featured in this video is pretty tasty with almost any beer, but a stronger, more malty beer gives a better flavour in my opinion. Hoppy, IPA style beers are not great and honestly they’re better drunk than shared with your fish batter! This recipe is simple, delicious and perfect for a quick meal at the end of a day one he water Bon appetite!! ď Ź 19
& Adventure Sword Fighting Westie Styles
however sums up the total joy and
have been doing their thing on TV for
frustration of fishing as a whole but more
a few seasons and I have to admit I
so fishing for new species.
love their show. This two-part episode
Part 1: Check out the first part here.
And see part two here:
NEW PRODUCTS IN STOCK NOW AT ROD & REEL SWAGE GX-1 Gimbal • The lightest and one of the most comfortable gimbal belts on the market today! •
Removable gimbal pin with ‘click’ locking system
Made from flexible, high impact plastic with a 20mm EVA backing for maximum comfort.
Available in a variety of colours.
SWAGE PR Bobbin New to the NZ market for 2016! These are one of the coolest and most functional, PR Bobbins we have seen! •
Full metal body
Full ceramic insert inside inside metal tube
Tension and click function on spool
Hard and soft carry cases, with EVA foam insert for storage.
SWAGE 800g Sliding jigs It’s Hapuka and Bass time! Get in now and get these 820g jigs, perfect for getting down in 300m plus. These have been absolutely deadly at the 3 Kings!
HOTS Keitan jigs • These have been killing it at the 3 Kings! • Great action and easy to jig • Very strong body, so no bending • Available in 250g and 350g in a variety of colours. • One of the best jigs on the International market today!
READERPICS Ian McLeod with a (tasty) Lil Barrier king on softbait gear.
Connor with a mighty Northland landbased Snap caught on a slab of fresh kahawai
Joel McLeod with his new PB landed under the Tutelage of Saul Harman. 22
Jon Doherty and his first Puka, caught while (humourously) learning how to jig
Jon Do showing that even 10 year old Savage rods catch fish in the Bay
Naomi with a mean (second place) Beach n Boat JD
Phil Brown with his new (18kg) PB king from the Bay of Plenty
Two hours Later, Joel beat hos own PB by 2kg! 23
Get your Fishing Advisor shows the best Bait right, way to bait a pillie on a and the Fish single hook Will Follow BY amazing fisher, LegaSea Advocate and sharer of fishing goodness Mandy Kupenga of FishingAdvisor
I’VE CAUGHT A LOT of fish over the
useful video on the art of threading a
years on pillies, usually on single
pillie successfully.
hooks. it’s the simplest bait to rig, but
The fishing Advisor team have a
done wrong you’re feeding fish, not
wealth of great information in both
catching them. Mandy and the team
videos and via their network of
have put together this short, very
experienced Charter Boat skippers. ■
Got Old
Bait? Salt it Down
Old baits a pain in the backside, but as Daz explains, it can be saved 25
Share an Awesome Photo and Be in to Win!
Share a fishy photo this month and be in to WIN a $100 Go Fish Vouchers! SHARE AN AWESOME photo of you with a fish to our Facebook page, or email it to
from Go Fish to spend on anything you like from their website or in store. by April 20, 2016 and
This month’s winner is: Phil Brown with his
you’ll be in to win one of five $100 vouchers
new (18kg) PB king from the Bay of Plenty.●
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