NZ Sales Manager Mag - October 2013

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OCTOBER 2013 Issue 76


Business Owners This one is for you! The first 30 minutes of the day

NZ’s e-mag for sales leaders

Q & A with Steve Bonnici, Managing Director of Exsalerate 1 /


THIS WEEK'S MUST READ Lead Nurturing Is it the silver bullet?


Business owners – this one is for you! Don’t sell yourself and your business short


Q&A With Steve Bonnici, Managing Director of Exsalerate


ADVERTORIAL Business Anywhere


Quick Fix The end of ‘do not hesitate to contact me’ It’s not what you sell, it’s how you sell


Two Minute Top Up The first 30 minutes of the day Starts at the end of the previous day


Resource corner Make it all about them Winning sales presentations / 2







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Sales Manager is a free e-magazine delivering thought provoking and enlightening articles, and industry news and information to forwardthinking sales managers, business owners and sales professionals.

EDITOR / Paul Newsom

first heard Sandy Geyer’s

this article I recommend you take

ART DIRECTOR / Jodi Olsson

story of how she got started in

a close look at whether you are


sales when she was the guest

really nurturing your leads, or

GROUP EDITOR / Richard Liew

speaker at a Speakers Association

whether you are just ‘following up’


meeting in Wellington several

with an occasional phone call or

Phone Paul on 04 586 4733 or email

years ago. The written version in

email. There is a huge difference

the article in this issue doesn’t

in your activity, and the results you


quite capture the scene as well

will gain.

Phone Richard on 09 522 7257 or email

as Sandy’s inimitable presentation but it is well worth reading.

It is easy telling everyone else what to do, but it is important to keep

I find the topic of the article very

looking in your own backyard at

real for many of New Zealand’s

the value you are providing. You



will notice the additional features

confidence and belief to sell the

and content in this issue which we



hope you will enjoy and find useful.

figuring out how to do it, can be a

As always, please let us know what

hurdle that many people with great

you think and what you would like

ideas do not overcome.

to be reading about.

owners. and



In our lead article, Sean McDonald shares some valuable thoughts on lead nurturing. Having read ADDRESS / NZ Sales Manager, C/- Espire Media, PO Box 99758, Newmarket, Auckland 1151, NZ WEBSITE /

ISSN 2230-4762

Happy Selling Paul

NZ Sales Manager would like to acknowledge the support of our major partners / 4

Single-malt scotch gets better with age. Software doesn’t. Unfortunately, time takes its toll on technology. Microsoft will soon end security updates for: • Windows XP • Office 2003 • Windows Server 2003 Without these updates, you leave your organisation at risk of harmful viruses and business disruptions. Ensure your business is future ready.

Visit for great deals on software upgrades.


Lead NURTURING Is it the silver bullet? By Sean McDonald


ou might think lead nurturing is all about growing sales, but actually it’s not. It’s really about maintaining an

on-going conversation with your prospects or existing clients. The outcome to this is that you and your company will remain top of mind relative to your competitors, unless they are lead nurturing better than you. Doing lead nurturing well should (WILL) eventually grow sales, but it’s not a quick fix, nor will it deliver immediate results. This is especially true when we are talking about content creation, and I am always talking about content creation. When you use content to nurture leads, the conversation advances via the marketing content or assets you use as well as the way in which your company communicates with There are a few best practices to follow when you are developing content to nurture leads: / 6




It’s not really a secret anymore that these days

put your audience’s interests ahead of your own.

prospects are interacting differently with the

People understand that if they are reading a vendor

content you provide. If a prospective client, or an

sponsored or vendor written resource, the material

existing one for that matter, has chosen to read your

probably alludes to what the vendor’s product or

content it had better be engaging. In most cases,

service can do, but that doesn’t mean they want to

that means short, sweet and to the point.

be hit over the head with it.

Don’t forget, it’s not about you – make sure you

Don’t forget, it’s not about you – make sure you put your audience’s interests ahead of your own. USE SALES AND MARKETING EMAILS AS A CHANCE TO GET PERSONAL, NOT PUSHY


Nobody likes to feel bullied, so think about your

best they will hit the delete key. At worst they’ll

language and presentation carefully. Give your

unsubscribe – so take care to make relevance a

prospects reasons to say yes, not excuses to say no.

priority. Don’t just write a white paper that is

Use HTML emails to nurture leads, and then follow

useful to someone about to buy your product or

up with normal text emails once the sales process is

service; write one that is helpful to someone simply

engaged. Don’t overdo the marketing.

considering your product. It’s about nurturing

If a prospect finds your content irrelevant, at

7 /


remember? It’s really important to create multiple

According to International research:

pieces of content relevant to buyer roles and buyer

• 82% of prospects say content targeted to their

stages so you can entice a lead to engage with your content multiple times during the decision cycle.

THE DECISION ROLE When we speak of decision roles we are specifically talking about either the person making the decision or the influencer. It’s not rocket science: if you alienate one of these two people, you will lose the sale. Forever. Mapping your content to the decision role is important because prospects find content targeted to their role or industry much more valuable than generic content. / 8

specific industry is more valuable

• 67% say content targeted to their job function is more valuable

• 49% say content targeted to their company size is more valuable

• 29% prefer content targeted to their geography


Your Client Decision Maker







Aware of needs

Recognizes the consequences

Target Situation and Goal

Investigating solutions

Option Selection

Needs Fulfillment


ROI report

Case Study 1

Case Study 2

Product Brochure


Influencer IT



What stage is your prospect at in the buying

If you present your solution too early before they

process? Don’t know? You need to find out because

even know they need it for example, it is just

that knowledge is important because it affects the

going to waste their time and yours. And we know

type of content they are likely to consume. The

what happens when we feel our time has been

content someone finds relevant changes as they

wasted right?

move through the process and you need to have the


information that is relevant for the stage they are at. For example: •

There are plenty of systems out there that provide

Educational pieces work well during the early

automated solutions for qualifying and tracking

awareness stages. With these pieces, you

prospects, but you simply use a spreadsheet like the

are simply educating people and sharing

one pictured.

best practices. •

The goal of this type of matrix is to provide an

Industry specific pieces work well when

at a glance resource for structuring your content

prospects are starting to look for a solution.

marketing relative to your prospects. This way,

Examples can be industry overviews, analyst

you’ll ensure your content marketing components

reports and buyer’s guides.

— buyer roles and ACTION stages — are effectively

Solution oriented and company focused

aligned with each other so you can communicate

materials are appropriate for prospects engaged

in the most relevant way with your prospects

in the ACTION or buying cycle.

according to their ACTION stage.

Sean McDonald helps small and mid-sized businesses fill in the gaps in their sales and marketing operations so they can start growing ... fast. To find out more visit

9 /

BUSINESS OWNERS – THIS ONE IS FOR YOU! Don’t sell yourself and your business short // 10 10

By Sandy Geyer

Why don’t you get a job in sales” my husband

spending all my flying time weeping out of sight in

asked me many years ago when the need for

the galley due to infant separation anxiety.

a career change in my early twenties became

unavoidable. At the time, I was an air hostess with a recently weaned four-month-old baby girl whom I had to leave in a creche on a daily basis to fly to the other side of the country and back. Sometimes I didn’t fly back for a few days at a time, and I found the extended time away from my infant child excruciating. Neither my husband nor I thought the

“But I can’t sell anything!” I wailed in despair. “I have absolutely no idea what to do if they say no!” Fortunately for me, my desperation for a “normal” job won over my fear of the dreaded word “no” and soon I was employed as a sales representative for Rentokil, of South Africa, selling sanitary bins to corporations.

airline was going to put up much longer with my

Within a short space of time I had sharpened my sales presentation to one sentence. “Would you like to sign for one/many of these sanitary bins for the comfort of your ladies or would you like me to explain more about how they work first?” I would ask sweetly whilst waving my on-hand, full sized sample sanitary bin in full view. As you might guess, the number of “no’s” that I got were few and far between, and the only time I ever got asked for a detailed explanation was when a biological scientist was genuinely interested in the sanitation mix inside the bin.

In those corporations in the early 1990s, the

like to sign for one/many of these sanitary bins for

majority of the decision makers were the financial

the comfort of your ladies or would you like me to

directors, who were men. And so I was spending

explain more about how they work first?” I would

five days a week selling sanitary bins—to men.

ask sweetly whilst waving my on-hand, full sized sample sanitary bin in full view. As you might guess,

Within a short space of time I had sharpened my

the number of “no’s” that I got were few and far

sales presentation to one sentence. “Would you

between, and the only time I ever got asked for a

11 /

detailed explanation was when a biological scientist

for my own business. My sanitary bins experiences

was genuinely interested in the sanitation mix inside

also taught me that selling could be very rewarding

the bin.

and even fun if one has some basic sales skills and a

What my first selling experience taught me is that

good strategy.

selling is not a function that many of us readily

I believe that business owners are unquestionably

choose or feel immediately comfortable with.

the most qualified to drive their business growth

However, comfortable or not, sales are a vital part

through effective selling, yet so many would rather

of any business, and I was fortunate to hone the skill

see their companies decline than drive the sales

early in my career before I had to go out and sell

function themselves.

I believe that business owners are unquestionably the most qualified to drive their business growth through effective selling, yet so many would rather see their companies decline than drive the sales function themselves. Here are some additional thoughts about the

time during any of their transactions with the

relationship between business owners and selling:

company. Therefore, business owners who are

involved in the sales process in some form lose

Business owners are the best qualified to drive

far fewer clients to the competition than those

their business growth through selling primarily

who are not.

because they automatically inspire trust in the majority of their clients. Trust is the single most

Business owners avoid selling because they

important ingredient of a sale agreement and

often view their businesses as extensions of

is a noteworthy advantage to have at the start

themselves, and they tend to take any rejection

of a transaction. Sales employees do not have

of their services too personally. I believe that

this advantage at the start, and they have to

this is why so many cash-strapped business

work much harder than the company owner to

owners will still fund marketing projects, which

attain trust.

are difficult to measure and seldom successful, instead of direct selling initiatives.

Clients are far less inclined to take their business elsewhere if they have been personally attended to by the business owner at any / 12

Business owners avoid selling because they are intelligent people and they sense that

they are not good at it. Therefore, it feels counterintuitive to try and sell themselves, and they employ seemingly more qualified sales staff who simply don’t care about the results as much as they should. This is a mistake made far more by introverted business owners who falsely


Business owners are largely unaware that selling is a simple science with basic principles that when understood and applied make the sales function straightforward and exponentially rewarding in terms of personal growth,

believe that one should be an extrovert to sell

business growth, and meaningful connection to

effectively. The opposite is most often true.

the customer.

Sandy Geyer is an entrepreneur and mentor who helps other successful entrepreneurs in New Zealand, Australia and South Africa over a wide range of industries. To find out more visit

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NZSM: Tell us a little about your own background/ experience in sales?

SB: I have been Managing Director of Urgent Couriers since 1989. Urgent Couriers has been a technology pioneer launching New Zealand’s first courier website in 1997. We have our own in-house development team of three full time developers. I have always been involved in the sales side of the business and have had significant involvement in key account management.

NZSM: So how did you get into this business? SB: In 2011, we were looking for a CRM to assist with the efficiency of our sales team and to improve our existing customer relationships. We investigated

with a lot more features than we needed. My philosophy around client communications is that everyone who has contact with the customer must have access to the CRM, so there is a complete record of client communications. The cost per seat of most CRMs made that proposition prohibitively expensive. What we were looking for was a simple, effective and affordable solution that really made the sales reps’ jobs easier, improved their effectiveness and built customer intimacy through good communication records. We couldn’t find it, so we created Exsalerate.

NZSM: And who should be using Exsalerate?

the major CRM options available to us at the time

SB: All businesses large or small should have a CRM

and decided they were expensive and complicated

system as it is imperative in the current competitive / 14


business environment to stay close to customers.

easy for reps to keep track of follow ups and next

This is easy when you are small but maintaining

activities. As a sales manager all you need to do is

customer intimacy as you grow becomes a

to have your reps record their activities and you will

challenge. CRM helps with that intimacy.

then have a set of simple reports that allow you to

We have clients in industries from transport to

monitor their performance.

manufacturing, banking and professional services.

NZSM: What’s the one thing that sales people

We were initially targeting clients with up to 20

must consider when choosing a CRM

employees, however it seems our system has

SB: Is it easy for my team to use - will it actually

broader appeal as larger companies are also using it.

NZSM: Tell us about the CRM and how it helps sales people?

SB: Exsalerate provides an intuitive, easy place to record what you’ve done with a prospect or customer and what the next thing you need to do is. You can customise lead/customer statuses and tasks to reflect your sales process. This makes it

help them with their daily lives?

NZSM: What’s different about your business SB: It is simple, effective and affordable. It is made by Kiwi business people for Kiwi businesses, supported in New Zealand.

NZSM: What’s your sales secret for the readers of NZSM?

SB: Follow up is crucial for sales success.



he game is changing for New Zealand

that their connection is secure and that the

small and midsize businesses (SMBs),

right people have access to the right data

as major technology areas like cloud

and applications.

services and mobile computing transform the business landscape. Today, as the division between our personal and business lives blurs, more of us are doing work outside of the office. SMBs are recognising that employees need to have the freedom and flexibility to get their work done anywhere. For example, we may need to quickly review a document on our phone while we’re at the kids’ soccer game. Or we might

THE POWER OF CLOUD PRODUCTIVITY, COMBINED WITH ON-SITE DATA CONTROL An increasingly mobile workforce creates a range of SMB challenges, whether managing what many people are referring to as the “bring-your-own-device” (BYOD) explosion, or enabling more secure access for telecommuters. With the Microsoft platform,

need to get the most up-to-date information

there are a range of solutions for SMBs that

while on a customer visit.

provide them the flexibility to do business

At the same time, businesses need to ensure that their IT environment is protected and

anywhere—combined with the peace of mind that their environment is protected.

under control. They need to keep data secure

Individually, Office 365 and Windows Server

and manage a wide range of mobile devices.

2012 offer major advancements in the products

And they need to provide well-controlled

and technologies available to SMB customers.

remote access to internal business apps, like

Office 365 delivers SMBs the rich Office

accounting and CRM systems, making sure

experience we know and love—offered as / 16

an affordable cloud service.

• Use Office 365 cloud-based

from a consistent,

Windows Server 2012 brings

email, plus file sharing and

simplified login experience

additional protection for on-

HD video conferencing, all

across PCs and devices

site data and enables easier,

working seamlessly with

by integrating with your

more secure remote access to

your familiar and always

identity management

line-of-business applications.

up-to-date Office apps.

system, Active Directory.

Working together, Office 365

• With Office 365, you

and Windows Server 2012

enjoy a predictable

help businesses who want

and affordable monthly

to empower their workforce

cost for best-in-class

with cloud-based productivity,

productivity tools.

while offering greater

• With the addition of

• Windows Server 2012 provides an easy, costeffective path to virtualising your infrastructure; enabling you to combine multiple applications on a single server and

control over on-site data

Windows Server 2012,

helping you maximize your

and applications.

SMB employees benefit

investments as you grow.

UPGRADE AND EXPAND YOUR IT CAPABILITIES WITH A MODERN OPERATING SYSTEM Another part of your technology piece as an SMB is your operating system. In 2001, Windows XP was launched, and went on to become Microsoft’s most popular operating system of its time. Nearly 12 years later however, technology has evolved in leaps and bounds, along with the needs and expectations of those who use it. Kiwi businesses now have an increasing need to protect their data, ensure that their business is secure, and grow their business. Meanwhile, employees demand 17 /

technologies that fit their personal work style

improved file explorer and better security.

and allow them to stay productive anytime,

Windows 8 is 21 times less likely to become

anywhere, on a variety of devices.

infected than Windows XP!

Yet, there are still more than 100,000 PCs


running Windows XP in New Zealand businesses who have 5-250 staff. The risk these

Help safeguard your business today and ensure

organisations run is substantial. Starting 8 April

that your business is future ready.

2014, Windows XP PCs will no longer receive security updates and tech support will be expensive. Now is a better time than ever to modernise your IT infrastructure and move to an up-to-date Windows operating system. Windows 8 was designed with the modern, mobile business world in mind; it is the

Your IT provider can help – New Zealand IT experts are ready to help you. If you don’t already have a trusted IT provider, check out where you’ll find a link to Pinpoint – New Zealand’s largest IT Directory.

foundation that business can build their

Visit for

operations upon from end-to-end, across a

information and to take advantage of current

variety of devices, locations and users. What’s

discounts in market.

more, Windows 8 delivers all the things that are great about Windows 7 but makes them

You can also follow us on Twitter @

even better with things like: faster boot time,

MSNZBusiness and sign up to our newsletter

improved task manager, longer battery life,

for updates.

18 /



It’s not what you sell, it’s how you sell.

The end of ‘do not hesitate to contact me’


ou have just crafted a great sales letter, (or more usual, changed the name and date on your standard

letter) and are writing the last line. It goes like this……. ‘If I can be of any further assistance then please do not hesitate to contact me.’ This has to be the most overused, unimaginative, boring closing line to a sales letter. Everyone uses it and they all sound like scripted sales people. It is lazy and meaningless. You must progress the sale. Rather than inviting the customer to call you, tell the customer what you expect to happen next. Try this…’With your approval, the next step will be to <schedule a meeting, measure up, choose the colour, agree on the terms…..> I will call you next <name the day> to do <whatever it is>.’ Your closing line now has value and meaning. It might take some thought, but it will drive your follow up activity too! 19 /

2 Minute top-up



By Mark Hunter

he first 30 minutes of the workday will set

you are going to accomplish during this period.

the tone for the entire day. For most people,

Therefore, you must determine the day before what

the first half hour of the day consists of

you intend to do when you first arrive in the morning.

settling into the office routine by grabbing a cup of coffee, checking the internet, and, of course, chatting with others. Now, I will never be one to say we have to avoid coffee and/or socializing, but I will be the

For anyone in sales, this means one thing: start the day by making a minimum of three sales calls before you do anything else.

first to say it is advantageous to put these activities

To begin using this strategy, your objective today

aside until later.

(and every day in the future) should be to identify

One of the ways that top-performing salespeople

three people you want to call first thing tomorrow

separate themselves from others is by effectively

morning. There is no better way to start the day

using the first 30 minutes of the day. It is highly

than by calling customers. If you are the type of

beneficial to your productivity to know exactly what

person who arrives in the office early, your phone // 20 20

2 Minute top-up

For anyone in sales, this means one thing: start the day by making a minimum of three sales calls before you do anything else.

calls will wind up going straight to voicemail.

An additional benefit of this plan will come when

Great! In fact, using voicemail is an effective way to

you begin applying this same principle to the first

demonstrate to others that you are a hard-working

15 minutes after returning from lunch. Use that time

individual, and you take your relationships seriously.

to make three prospecting calls. Again, you will find

For those of you who have a large number of clients, this is also a perfect way to personally reach out to them while not having to wind up in a long, drawnout telephone conversation.

yourself becoming productive faster and you will be less likely to find yourself at the end of the day looking back to realize that you did not make the phone calls you needed to.

In addition to beginning the workday more

By establishing these habits, you will increase the

productively, you will also find yourself warmed up to make additional phone calls throughout the day. This will help you overcome a very common

number of phone calls you make every day from utilising time that, in the past, was unproductive. Make it part of your routine at the end of each

problem among anyone in sales: the initial

day to identify both the three people you intend

reluctance to make the first call of the day. Many studies have shown that people waste on average

to contact the next morning and the three you’ll

15 minutes each day just getting ready to make that

contact after lunch. Do not fall into the trap of

first call. It is ironic to think that you will have made

thinking you’ll come up with the names the next

three phone calls in the time it takes the average

day, because the chances of you actually contacting

salesperson to even start making theirs.

those people will fall dramatically.

Mark Hunter, “The Sales Hunter”, is the author of “High-Profit Selling: Win the Sale Without Compromising on Price.” He is a consultative selling expert committed to helping individuals and companies identify better prospects and close more profitable sales. To get a free weekly sales tip, visit

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21 /

• •

Resource CorneR


Authors: Publisher: Price:

Nadine Keller John Wiley & Sons $31.99 from

Make it all about them’ debunks the myths of

important you are but how important they are, and

the traditional rules of presentations. In today’s

other effective tactics. It provides quick and useful

commodity-based marketplace, it is harder

concepts and tools to help salespeople break through

than ever to differentiate even the most superlative

the “we have always done it this way” mentality

services and products. The sales presentation

that is so prevalent in corporate life. Author Nadine

provides the most powerful opportunity to do so.

Keller is founding partner of Precision Sales Coaching

Make it all about them reveals the truth behind the

& Training with more than twenty-five years of

traditional rules of presentations and offers sales

experience in sales and sales leadership coaching and

professionals a new way forward. It explains why

consulting. This unique approach will allow you to

focusing on three key points trumps a presentation

deliver a winning presentation every time by making

full of details, why plain English always wins over

it all about your audience.

jargon, why the audience doesn’t need to know how / 22

THE NZ SALES MANAGER CODE OF PROFESSIONAL SELLING When dealing with me: • You will find honesty and integrity. • You will be listened to. I will seek to understand. • You will be told the truth, how it is and as it happens. • We will be working towards mutual gain. • You can expect me to follow through on the promises I make. •

You can expect me to be committed to my own personal development.

• You can expect me to be an ambassador for the sales profession.

Does your organisation have a code of sales ethics? We’ve developed this one especially for NZ Sales Manager readers. Please feel free to adopt for your team or organisation!

23 /

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Wednesday 6th November

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Tuesday 12th November

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Tuesday 12th November

Sales Basics



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Wednesday 20th November

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The Marketing Company


Wednesday 22nd November

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The Marketing Company


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Top Achievers Sales Training

Tuesday 26th November-

25 /

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