NZ Sales Manager Issue 78

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DECEMBER 2013 Issue 78

What Santa

can’t do for you Are you allergic to your prospects? Born in the cloud Q & A with Ross Wilson So who are you? Bah Humbug NZ’s e-mag for sales leaders 1 /


THIS WEEK'S MUST READ What Santa can’t do for you Set your goals for 2014


Are you allergic to your prospects? Or targeting the wrong ones?


Born in the cloud Opening a world of opportunity


Q&A With Ross Wilson, Director of Growing Organisations


Quick FIX Bah Humbug It’s not what you sell, it’s how you sell


Two Minute Top Up ‘So who are you?’ Slow down to make your introduction


Resource corner Rules of the Hunt Real-world Advice for Entrepreneurial and Business Success / 2





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Sales Manager is a free e-magazine delivering thought provoking and enlightening articles, and industry news and information to forwardthinking sales managers, business owners and sales professionals.

EDITOR / Paul Newsom

his is our last issue for

We’ll be back in February,

ART DIRECTOR / Jodi Olsson

the year. We are off to

so from us all at NZSM, we


refresh and recharge,

wish you a safe and Merry

GROUP EDITOR / Nick Harley

reflect on 2013 and plan

Christmas and a Happy


for 2014.

New Year.

Phone Paul on 04 586 4733 or email

Thanks for all your comments, encouragement and feedback during the year. Please continue to let us know what you want to see in the magazine.

Happy Selling Paul ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES / Phone Richard on 09 522 7257 or email ADDRESS / NZ Sales Manager, C/- Espire Media, PO Box 99758, Newmarket, Auckland 1151, NZ WEBSITE /

ISSN 2230-4762

NZ Sales Manager would like to acknowledge the support of our major partners / 4




Set your goals for 2014 By Paul Kernot


ocks and ties he can do, but Santa still has not yet got the hang of giving you the extra competence, confidence, ability, self belief and the $1m pay package you’d like.

As you head for the beach, batch and barbies of your summer holiday this year, I encourage you to allocate some of that time / 6


for planning the what,


how and when of the


things you would like to

As you read this, consider

achieve in 2014.

where are you are on the

Most people have spent

competence scale - stage

more time planning this

one through to four. I have


used the analogy of playing


golf to help your thinking –

summer’s holiday than they have planning their goals for next year. You will be doing you and


your family a big favour


if you pencil in some

after all sales is somewhat like playing golf. STAGE ONE – THE

more time

time alone during the


holidays. Go fishing


on your own or sit in

this summer’s

the shade with a pen

holiday than

to do what we need to do in

they have planning

this new role. Let’s suppose

their goals for next year.

as an accountant your entire

and pad and ‘think on paper’. We all spend some of our relaxing holiday time dreaming of how good next year could be. Why not

take those dreams a step further as 2013 draws to an end? Create a plan to actually make those dreams happen.

When we are new to anything in life, we don’t know how

you have worked in admin or working life so far but have decided you want a total change and have taken a

sales job or bought your own business. Initially, you not only don’t know, you don’t even know what it is you don’t know! This is the first of the four stages of

Consider the four levels of learning and set

learning. It’s known as the unconscious incompetent

some goals for 2014 that would help you make

stage. It’s great being at this stage because there is

real and tangible progress towards your dreams

only one way you can go.

and aspirations.

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From tee to green…. Santa brought you a year’s membership at the golf club but you know nothing about the rules of the game or the club. You don’t know which way round the course you should play, which clubs to use for which shots, what a par is or what they mean by the 19th hole.

the fine art of selling. For example, presentation skills, successfully handling concerns and objections, closing and negotiating techniques and the real cream; generating repeat and referred business. From tee to green…. Pretty quickly, with the help of a good friend, a tutor

STAGE TWO – THE CONSCIOUS INCOMPETENT Hard to admit I know, but from stage one you are striving to become a conscious incompetent, meaning that you still can’t do it but at least you have learnt what it is you can’t do and are supposed to be able do. This too is a great stage to be in because it means you can see the incredible opportunities that await you once you have learnt

or a helpful golf club member, you learn the rules. You become very diligent in learning golf etiquette, how to hold the club, how to swing properly and when to give way to others on the course. You spend time watching the game on TV and studying the pros at work. You’re still not even close to being good at this game but at least you now have a grasp of what it is you are trying to improve on.

A note of caution for the sales professional; it is very easy to become complacent and think you know it all once you become unconscious competent. The only way to remain truly professional is to continue to research the new trends and methods and to introduce new elements to your sales process in order to keep yourself current and up to date.


When you reach the stage when you are good


and you know why you are good and know how

Even more exciting is the feeling you get when you study, learn, practice and apply the above skills (plus many others) and find they do actually work. You begin to see your name climbing the results ladder in the weekly meeting list of top performers, the commissions and bonuses begin to make your bank balance look considerably healthier, not to mention the boost in your self esteem. / 8

to repeat the process with similar or better results each month, that’s when you can call yourself a conscious competent. From tee to green…. The gap between level 2 and 3 is both the largest and most rewarding once you have jumped it. Full of concentration, you practice driving, pitching and putting. You learn bunker shots and how to play out of the rough. Your progress depends on how much study and practice you do (often you do this in your


head), but you see improvements each and every

initially have now become routine for you. You don’t

day and feel a real sense of pride and achievement

need to think so much about them any more, they

when you score your first birdie out on the course.

just come naturally when you pick up a club.


Does being an unconscious competent golfer make


you a better golfer? That depends on whether you

You could call this stage the habit stage. This is

get complacent. Tiger Wood’s success on the golf

when you reach the point where you no longer

course, as with all top performing sports people has

need to think through the sales process step by

a lot to do with their focus and attention to detail,

step when you have a buyer in front of you. Often

particularly at critical moments.

a quick refresh of the overall process prior to going

So this is the perfect time of year to allocate some

in to the meeting is enough. You set your mind on

of your holiday time to setting goals in these areas.

auto pilot and it follows the process you have taught

Decide where you feel you are on the above scale

it, producing predictable results. This leaves your

in an important area of your sales career, life or

mind to focus on the subtleties of add on sales,

business, then create a realistic plan and deadline

referrals and many other opportunities during the

in order to progress yourself through the stages.

sales process.

Business owners; perhaps you should spend some

A note of caution for the sales professional; it is very

of your Christmas break working out a plan to

easy to become complacent and think you know it

create (or attract and hire) staff members who are

all once you become unconscious competent. The

unconscious competents?

only way to remain truly professional is to continue

Spending just a few of your holiday hours setting

to research the new trends and methods and to

goals to improve your competence in the key areas

introduce new elements to your sales process in

of your life and business could set you on the road

order to keep yourself current and up to date.

to being the recognised leader of your industry in

From tee to green….

2014. What a great return on investment for a few

Finally, although you are working on your handicap,

hours alone in the sun.

all those shots that seemed so difficult to learn

Founder of ‘Belief is the Key’, Paul Kernot is a highly respected New Zealand motivational speaker and corporate trainer. You can visit his website at

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Are you ALLERGIC to your prospects? OR TARGETING THE WRONG ONES?

By Kendra Lee

Sometimes it’s that way in sales. The prospects we love to target aren’t good for us.


or the past two months an unknown allergy complete with red blotches and freakish itching has

overtaken my life. (No, it’s not contagious.) After extensive testing, I’ve discovered that I’m allergic to dogs. Our beautiful, loving, standard poodle that I walk every day, who sits in my office through every call, and who the kids laughingly watch follow me everywhere – is not good for me. How can that be? Sometimes it’s that way in sales. The prospects we love to target aren’t good for us. The customers we enjoy most aren’t the ones who will buy. While we don’t break out in blotches, we do experience other nasty sales side-effects: •

Long, drawn out sell cycles

Smaller than average sales

Shrinking pipelines

When this happens, you have to take a step back and analyse why it’s happening. You may be allergic to your prospects and you haven’t noticed the rash yet. Perhaps you enjoy working with smaller, friendly companies but your solution is a better fit for big companies. Or, maybe you enjoy selling to the executive level, having in-depth, blue sky conversations, but your solution is one better sold to a mid-level manager and executives don’t get involved in the decision. When I worked for IBM in my pots and pans territory, I decided I’d target day-care centres.

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I liked their mission and they were easy for a young

a genuine interest. But if they can’t justify your

sales rep to approach. They attended the events I

solution, you won’t sell anything.

hosted and answered my calls. But they didn’t have any money and they certainly didn’t need large computer solutions. Many sellers are targeting people and companies they’d like to do business with but who aren’t the

No, you aren’t allergic to your prospects. You just might be targeting the wrong ones. Step back and examine your best customers for clues to who your ideal target market might be.

best fit for their solutions. As a result, while the

What industries are they in?

prospecting feels comfortable - the results are not.

What size are they?

You need to find prospects that are a good match

Who are you working with?

Are they in a particular geography?

What do they appreciate most about

for your solutions not just in need but in size, industry and even budget. The need and desire may exist. Your prospects might meet with you every time because they enjoy talking with you and have

your solutions?

You need to find prospects that are a good match for your solutions not just in need but in size, industry and even budget. •

How do they use your solutions in

As you do, you’ll quickly discover that it’s easier to

their business?

get appointments. Sales will come faster and your

Your best customers can help you define who your

pipeline will overflow with new opportunities.

best prospects are to target. These are the people

Yes, the dog definitely stays. So can a few of your

and companies to focus your prospecting and lead

favourite prospects who aren’t part of your ideal

generation attention on.

target market. Just don’t over-do it or you’ll have a

Avoid those prospects causing your

negative reaction in your sales funnel!

allergic reaction.

Kendra Lee is a top IT Seller, Prospect Attraction Expert and author of the award winning book Selling Against the Goal. To find out more, visit / 12

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BORN IN THE CLOUD By Bradley Borrows

Opening a world of opportunity


etting started in business these days,

server model to the cloud based implementation

it could not be easier for getting your

based on business requirement. This shift is similar

technology requirements up and running.

in importance and impact to the transition from

The ability for businesses to buy key services when

mainframe to client/server. Speculation abounds

they want it, how they want and on a per monthly

on how this new era will evolve in the coming years

basis allows for start-ups or even established

but we all have an amazing opportunity to not only

business to control their costs and to maximise

leverage, provide input and even craft what the

functionality of the latest and greatest parts

future looks like but also how customers your will

of technology.

interact with you.

For me, I am seeing a seismic shift from the

As we accelerate through 2013 and with 2014

traditional ways that a business would have

getting nearer by the day, the focus on the

normally set up. This has moved from a client/

cloud and technology (as an enabler to this next / 14

generation of business) is driving a level of interest

cloud transformation will find it easier and be more

and opportunity greater than anything we have seen

competitive on the local and world stage.

before. The cloud, what it is and how it can benefit an organisation are driving tough conversations but it is also providing new opportunities for companies to evolve or break through into new areas and add value in a way that would have been too hard a few years ago.

Organisations stand to benefit greatly from moving into a cloud environment – starting or moving your business in the cloud should provide benefits quickly including reduced costs, greater agility for remote or mobile workforces, the ability to better share resources, greater efficiency and reliability, as well

For companies and partners, the cloud allows

as removing the issues associated with maintaining

them the ability to transition seamlessly from

and updating IT infrastructure.

their current software and/or server to a new environment – whether that be on premise, hosted or in the cloud. As I mentioned above, the cloud offers organisations a means to reduce total cost

To get there, start by looking around carefully; there are some extremely good local based providers that can deliver key services. There are of course the

of ownership of their technology, while increasing

larger players like Amazon, Google and Microsoft

business agility and decreasing maintenance costs.

that can provide you a “Business in Cloud” that is

In the same way that virtualisation can help free

ready to go, when you want and how you want.

up resources and maximize efficiency within an

If you need guidance or help then look for a

organisation, the same can be said for certain

partner that is embracing the journey to the cloud

aspects of cloud services. It provides large scale

by providing you with choice. If you can get your

data center environments to organisations that are

business into the cloud then you will find it easier

just in the infancy. This is all working to free up

to compete on the world stage. It will open doors

time, capital and provide you with greater efficiency.

for the future and provide opportunities that would

As a result, organisations that have undergone a

have in the past not presented themselves.

Bradley Borrows is the Microsoft New Zealand Azure and Server Business Group Lead for Microsoft New Zealand. He has been with Microsoft for almost 10 years working both in the UK and New Zealand. Locally he presents on New Zealand’s only online Tech TV show called GeeksphereTV where they discuss Film, Gadgets and Technology. To find out more, visit Blog, Radio & TV: Email:

15 /



Director of Growing Organisations


oss Wilson is the Director of Growing Organisations, which represents Wilson Learning and other leading global brands

of assessment, training, coaching and organisational consulting products and services in NZ.


Tell us a little about your own

background/experience in sales?


So why did you establish your own

Business with Wilson Learning?

RW: The big global firms have ready access to the world’s best resources in many areas, including training, coaching and consulting. But a large Kiwi firm is a small or perhaps a medium-sized firm by world standards and these find it very difficult to

RW: As a teenager some of my holiday jobs were

access world best practices at a reasonable price. I

in sales, in the retail photographic equipment

set out to change that by bringing to New Zealand

business. My first full-time job was a commission-

the world’s best resources for growing a business

only salesperson in the insurance and finance

by developing employees, especially sales and

industry. From there I progressed to sales manager

management staff.

roles and then business development manager

NZSM: Who should be using your services?

in the financial services industry before moving to Wilson Learning where I sold and delivered learning & development training to large Kiwi and international companies, including sales training programmes. After a period in Europe I returned to NZ and established my own business on-selling Wilson Learning products and services as well


Any business leader of a medium to large

business who is serious about developing healthy business culture and employee competence and who recognises that it is always people who create the growth stories. Every business is a system and it is people that make it a “company”.

as training and coaching salespeople and sales

NZSM: Tell us a little about the products

managers in NZ, Australia and Europe.

and services / 16


RW: The sales curriculum and tools we offer

NZSM: What’s the one thing that sales people

are developed by salespeople for salespeople.

must consider when choosing this kind training?

From entry-level selling skills to high-level B2B

RW: Is the advice they’re being given proven

relationship and business development skills, we

to create lasting positive change in human

provide the resources that will optimise your sales

performance? Our stuff works over the long haul,

team and the gross profitability of your business.

if it’s done properly. We’ve got a file draw full of

We back that up with both leadership competence

success stories to prove it.

and what we call our “Extended Learning System”.


Sometimes there are cultural dynamics in the

business product?

company that need to be addressed and we work with the business leaders to adjust these.


What’s different about your

We are one of the very few providers who

do serious research into what makes performance

We produce real and lasting improvements in sales

happen and therefore how to affect change in

performance and profitability and will estimate and

human performance. Wilson Learning pours millions

measure the return on investment of the initiatives

of dollars into this, on a global basis (that is, it’s not

taken by our clients.

just an American model of business being touted

around the world). We only use consultants and facilitators who know and understand NZ business. They’re all MBAs with years of real commercial experience in NZ and they’re actively selling, consulting, implementing, training, coaching, managing projects, making business/ financial decisions all of the time. And they’re all (except one) resident in NZ, which means we don’t have to fly people in from overseas at great expense, although we do have a couple of supreme SMEs (subject matter experts) we do fly in occasionally for a special project. I don’t think you’ll find another company like this resident in NZ.

NZSM: What’s your sales secret for the readers of NZSM?

RW: Sell only to needs, and that means listen, listen, listen. You’ll get more sales, bigger sales, more loyalty, beat your competition, and get more referrals than you could imagine.

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It’s not what you sell, it’s how you sell.

Bah Humbug


f you do the Christmas card thing for your customers, then make it personal. No cards full of illegible

signatures, no preprinted labels, no cards that look like you are just going through the motions because that’s what you do at this time of year. Take the opportunity to develop the relationship and write a personal message of business significance like you mean it. Better still, send a card in a couple of months time with the same message instead. It will be unexpected and have far more effect. It’s a bit like saving the flowers till Valentines day, because that’s what we are supposed to do on Valentines day. Giving flowers on the day they are most needed does far more for the relationship – doesn’t it?!

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2 Minute top-up

SO WHO ARE YOU? Slow down to make your introduction By Paul Newsom


received a call this week from

Now I like to think my mind is

You probably stop what you are

an enthusiastic sales person.

pretty sharp, but the sales person

doing, and certainly stop what

I’m all for enthusiasm for our

said the first few words of their

you were thinking about. In doing

work, however on this occasion

introduction far too quickly. I had

so you check out of whatever

the result of the enthusiasm

no idea of the name of the caller

you were doing, and check into

worked against him.

or their company.

answering the phone. On many

The opening words of his

This rushed introduction usually

introduction were confident and

happens when we are confident,

obviously well practiced, and

enthusiastic, and know exactly

When answering the phone,

didn’t sound scripted. It was

what we are going to say.

and recognising that this is not

said with genuine intent. What

Have a think about what is going

went wrong for this sales person,

on for you at the time when the

and me as the recipient of the

phone rings, when someone is

call, was that I couldn’t keep up.

calling you. / 20

occasions, as we know, the former overlaps the latter considerably.

someone we know, several things are typically going through our mind: •

Who is this person?

2 Minute top-up

This rushed introduction usually happens when we are confident, enthusiastic, and know exactly what we are going to say. •

Which company or

accent. Whether we are aware

to establish their credibility, while

organisation are they

or not, we are forming our first

they back track and have to

calling from?

impressions of the caller.

repeat their name in those first

What do they want?

Now the mind is an amazing

Do they sound like a sales

machine, but if we are given the

So when making calls, particularly

person, and if so, what are

opening message too quickly

those first time calls where the

they trying to sell me?

while we are trying to answer

person does not already have the

all these questions, then we will

answers to the above questions,

already be going down the path

it is imperative that your first few

of resistance if our first response

words are spoken slowly, clearly

few critical moments.

Are they credible?

How is it relevant to me?

Do I want to give this any of

has to be ‘who are you?’, and

and at a pace where the person

my time?

‘where are you calling from?’

you are calling can process what

You are also tuning into the tone

This resistance makes it that

is going through their mind and

of the caller’s voice and their

much harder for the sales person

engage with you.

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If the line is bad, it makes it a whole lot harder. If you are calling to a mobile there is a greater chance of background noise and poor reception. The quality of your opening becomes all the more important for you to establish credibility. A good way to do this is to say your first name twice in your opening. You make the call. John Smith picks up the phone, and says, “Hello, this is John” You say in a relaxed, well paced manner, “Hi John, this is Paul….1 sec pause… Paul Newsom .. 1sec pause …. of NZ Sales Manager……” Giving your Christian name twice gives John the moment that he needs to check out, and check in with you, and latch onto your name and company.

So when making calls, particularly those first time calls where the person does not already have the answers to the above questions, it is imperative that your first few words are spoken slowly, clearly and at a pace where the person you are calling can process what is going through their mind and engage with you. If your surname is long and hard to pronounce, then start the introduction with just your first name. If your company name is long, has no obvious meaning or is hard to pronounce or spell, then figure out a shorter, more meaningful way of introducing the company. This may seem a small thing, but you will find it makes a huge difference. No longer will you get the response ‘So, who are you….. where are you calling from?’

Paul Newsom is the editor of NZ Sales Manager

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Resource CorneR

Rules of the Hunt Real-world Advice for Entrepreneurial and Business Success

Authors: Michael Dalton Johnson Publisher: Available from Price: $28.87

Rules Of The Hunt” is unusual in that you won’t

management to “soft” skills like mental agility and

find any trendy advice, complex theories, or

personal growth. His advice will accelerate your

unrealistic promises. Rather, you’ll get the kind

growth and profits-delivered in a friendly, often

of friendly, honest and down-to-earth advice you

humorous way through brief business anecdotes,

would expect from a trusted mentor. A successful

short tutorials, case histories, an occasional rant,

entrepreneur with more than 30 years of experience

and a few horror stories. And, in true mentor form,

in the trenches, Michael Dalton Johnson knows

Johnson helps you preserve both your physical and

what it takes to build and run a profitable business.

mental health during your chase for business success.

In “Rules of the Hunt”, he provides invaluable

In essence, “Rules of the Hunt” teaches you what

insight into everything you need to know - from

business schools can’t.

practical skills like negotiating, recruiting, and time

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THE NZ SALES MANAGER CODE OF PROFESSIONAL SELLING When dealing with me: • You will find honesty and integrity. • You will be listened to. I will seek to understand. • You will be told the truth, how it is and as it happens. • We will be working towards mutual gain. • You can expect me to follow through on the promises I make. •

You can expect me to be committed to my own personal development.

• You can expect me to be an ambassador for the sales profession.

Does your organisation have a code of sales ethics? We’ve developed this one especially for NZ Sales Manager readers. Please feel free to adopt for your team or organisation!


“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. ” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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