ISSUE 7 April 2011
Autumn Work-ups
in the
gulf //
// Bye, bye Summer, hello Moochers
The new History of Stickbaits// 1
THE RUM THAT INVENTED RUM Enjoy the adventure, drink responsibly 2
Pg 6
The New History of Stickbaits
The Season That Was
It’s Just That Time of Year End of the fishing season advice
Taking on the punters at the Maraetai Furuno Competition
The AMF Fishing Club The 2011 AMF Boats Fishing and Diving
Regional Reviews
The Fishing Website Newbie’s Corner
Building a Pathway for Smart Sustainable Fishing
Pg 21 3
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ABOUT / Short and sharp, NZ Fisher is a free e-magazine delivering thought provoking and enlightening articles, and industry news and information to
//From the
forward-thinking fisher people.
Last month we chose spear fisher
Website guys have put together. With
James Gordon and his first King for the
their blessing we’ve begun to incorporate
cover shot to accompany his story. I
more of their wealth of information into our
have been overwhelmed by the re-
articles and inserted more links for you to
sponse from readers about the shot and
jump to the Fishing Website and get even
actually spear fishing.
more fishing fixes!
Phone Alastair on 021 866 036
What’s most surprising is the responses
April is Nationals month for the New
themselves. The spearo community
Zealand Angling and Casting Association
seemed quite surprised and appreciative
and as I write this they are just a few days
that we featured a spearo on the cover
away. All going well, by the time you’re
while one reader asked how we could
reading this I’ve got the Nationals trophy
Parnell,Auckland 1151, NZ
possibly condone what spearo’s do. I’m
back in the cabinet! As a fisherman I’m
still scratching my head about what that
bound by strict conditions that implore me
meant, but it was interesting and always
to tell tall stories, so even if that’s not the
good to get the feedback. What was
case, be sure to look out in May’s issue for a
most pleasant was the phone call from
full round up of the results.
Phone Derrick on 021 629 327 or email
or email
James’ mum thanking us for putting him on the cover and asking for a hard copy
With everyone gearing up for a big Easter
– sadly the answer was no can do, we’re
we’re looking forward to bringing some
online only folks!
stories of big fish form far away places next ADDRESS / NZ Fisher, C/- Espire Media, PO Box 137162,
This is a GREEN MAG, created and distributed without the use of paper so it's environmentally friendly. Please think before you print. Thank you!
month. Sea Ox & Azza are off to theThree The online fishing community of New
Kings, Forsyth’s hunting monster Kings
Zealand is pretty well established. The
at East Cape and I’ll be hunting monster
Fishing Website has been bringing kiwi
moochers in the outer gulf. So wherever
fisho’s together online since 1997.Thankfully
you get to, keep safe and have a great time
we’re not the competitive types (well,
on the water.
not off the water anyways) and we see the benefit to fishers of what the Fishing
Happy Fishing!
Derrick 5
The New History of Stickbaits
Mighty fish like these are hard to entice but stickbaits do the damage Credit:
By Derrick Paull
When I look back on the last five
forgotten my morning dose – but I did
years and see the most significant chang-
get technique sorted and landed some
es in fishing methodology, techniques
awesome fish jiggling my noodle while
and budget ever experienced in New
the old school boys sat around twiddling
Zealand fishing history. It was in 2007
their thumbs with livebaits down below.
that I really took to soft plastic fishing on an autumn trip to Great Barrier Island.
More recently inchiku’s and pirates have
We were using Baitrunner 6500’s and still
hit the scene and once again offered a
managed some of the best fishing of our
new (actually lower cost this time) craze
life. And things got better form there.
for anglers to invest in, learn master and grow out of. So what could really be next?
In 2009 I took a prototype acid wrap mechanical jigging rod up to the Three
Well, it’s not new, but top water fishing is
Kings on Pursuit. My early attempts elic-
making a real comeback. Only this time,
ited responses from skipper Rick Pollock
it’s not poppers but stickbaits that are
that I looked like a special person who’d
making the, errrrr, splash.
Ian Biddick with a PB king on Stickbait at Mayor Island
When kingfish are milling like this, stickbaits are the ultimate weapon
I had the opportunity to fish with Mark
history in kingfish fisheries. I started off
We talk about pioneers like they did what
Armistead onboard Extreme at Mayor
assuming that there would be a wealth
they did way back in the day, but the new
Island last October and experienced
of information out here, but strangely
world of top water fishing is a new history.
what was the best kingfish fishing day
there’s not. Kingfish as a target species on
It’s only ten years ago that Kinoshi san
of my still growing career. The fish were
stickbaits is a fairly recent phenomenon
began chasing Kingfish seriously with top
not massive, averaging about 12kg, and
that appears to have been introduced by
water gear but the technology, techniques
they weren’t extremely hungry. We had
Japanese fishers, in particular Mr’s Kenji
and skills have grown sensationally since.
four fisho’s on board, two of whom were
Kinoshi San and Yoichi Mogi San.
ardent jiggers plus myself and Ian keen to
It appears that the Japanese Yellowtail
try this new ‘stick baiting’ thing that Mark
These guys are real pioneers in recreational
Kingfish appear to be a fair bit harder
was on about. It took two casts, but on
fisheries, Mogi San travelling the world to
to catch that our friendly hoodlums
that second go I had a 10kg king beat out
try new techniques on the worlds fisheries
and this led Konishi san and Mogi san
three others to the bait in a furious display
and Kinoshi San developing the Carpenter
to go some lengths to convince kings
of white water and spray. I was hooked.
rod and lure range specific to top water
up there to take their hooks. Like us
The adrenaline hit you get from seeing a
fishing. Mogi san has fished more countries
here in the 90’s the Japanese threw a
king smashing your bait (or nearly missing
that I’ve heard of and landed more trophy
lot of poppers at Kingfish, but unlike us
it time and time again!) has yet to be
fish that any other individual I’ve come
they persevered, modifying the designs
beaten by his fisho.
across. His webpage has had over 1.9
and techniques of poppering to such
million hits and is worth the visit, especially
an extent that we hardly recognise the
Since my trip last year I’ve spent a bit of
if you’re a sucker for huge and unusual fish,
finest Japanese poppers as fishing lures
time researching stickbait fishing and it’s
check it out here.
at all. 7
This is a sport for showing your skills, and a little bling goes a long way
All this modification also led to some new
the Japanese pioneers started producing
Stickbaits, and the tackle designed to fish
innovations that are the stick baits we use
sturdier, better looking lures that imparted
them are extraordinarily expansive. The
today. Stickbaits like the Carpenters that
an action that kingfish could not resist.
lures themselves range from $40 up to
Konishi san and Mogi san have developed
$250 for the likes of the Carpenters and
are such a deviation for old school
They haven’t stopped researching, which
poppers that they have really created
is definitely not a bad thing if you’re a
their own genus within the scientific
fisho and they certainly haven’t found it
We’re familiar enough with the reels used
descriptions of lures as we know them.
a bore. Kinoshi san visited New Zealand
by top stickbait fishers, ut the rods are
earlier this year with his team of his field
something to behold. Incredibly strong,
Poppers were originally designed for
testers to trial some new rods, poppers
long and whippy for casting but forgiving
targeting GT’s (Giant Trevally) in the tropics.
and stickbaits and the details of their
on anglers during the fight – when you’ve
GT’s are more likely to attack a splashing,
adventure are available here and here.
got a 9ft lever working against you a 10kg
blooping lure than our kingfish which have
Killer series featured in last months video.
fish can give you hell. wOnce again, Japan
a more acute sense for lures and will chase
Stick baiting is still a methodology in the
is a hot-bed of rod design with new, New
poppers a lot, but hit them less. Stickbaits,
making. There are new techniques, tactics,
Zealand (or really kingfish) specific rods
or the better ones at least, can impart a very
products and theories being proposed
now emerging. These rods can set you
similar action to an injured, fleeing baitfish
every week and a lot of the hottest action
back anywhere between $800 and $1800,
that kingfish and other predators cannot
in New Zealand is coming form the
so this flash new sport is not one to be
resist in the heat of the chase.
Fishing Website ‘Popping Forum’ where
taken too lightly.
keen kiwi and international fisho’s are It’s not just the action of stickbaits that
sharing their experiences to help refine
So, while you sit there and do you sums
sets one apart from the other. Colour,
the sport and increase both fish sizes and
and figure out how to convince the better
paint quality, ease of use, action and
catch rates. There is even a forum there
half that the Christmas vacation isn’t as
tensile strength are all factors behind
for the keenest of all who are designing
important as the fishing you need to do
what is a great stickbait.
and making their own stickbaits.
this weekend, here’s a couple of video’s of the Carpenter boys in action.
To some anglers its the action above all
It’s a great place to go and understand
else – if it cannot hook fish, why bother?
some of the intricate steps required in
Click here to see Tony from YeeHa on
To others it’s longevity and strength – you
making resilient and effect stickbaits that
board Extreme landing a 22kg kingfish
don’t want to spent you dollars and see it
will attract Kingfish. It also adds a lot of
and here for some mind blowing Bluefin
get destroyed after one fish. In about 2003
value to the ones you see in the shops.
action off Cape Cod, USA!
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As used by the NZ Defence Force! 9
The Season That Was By Kurt Bennetto
A late season Stripy going aerial Nothing can get the adrenaline going like a big stripy going ape at the boat
Well, well, well. It is fair to say
Don’t get me wrong, it still produced
that most of the coast’s game fishing
some cracking days – but not up
is coming to an end for another year. If
to expectation. It started fairly well
you’re anything like me it is at this time
but I feel it never really got going.
when a sense of disappointment sets in,
And to go one step further I don’t
but looking back it’s been an enjoyable
believe it has been all that great for
season and I have personally noticed
the past three to four seasons.
a few different aspects throughout. There are many debates as to why New Zealand’s east coast of northland
it has under performed but one
has produced some outstanding
thing I am certain about is the over
days with plenty of big blue marlin
all lack of bait fish on the coast.
It is fair to say that most of the coast’s game fishing is coming to an end for another year
been caught early on, through to big numbers of striped marlin.
One thing I am not certain about is why this is? Is it the natural change
An interesting slightly old skol technique
in warmer ocean currents or is it the
of live baiting in general has made a
commercial pressure being put on
in the tropical islands? The question
huge come back this season with many
the bait fish fishery? Are the Marlin
has to be asked [And is on a number
boats opting to run with live baits and
still coming down the east or west
of levels by The RFC, Option 4 and
I believe it has been a huge success in
coast in the numbers they once were
the Sport Fishing Council – Ed].
fact this is the first season where I have
or is the commercial long lining of
caught more marlin on baits than lures.
striped Marlin on the Wanganella
As all seasons, there are positives and
banks starting to takes its toll?
negatives along with lessons learnt and
The key to catching fish on live baits
techniques improved. And you never
is to know when it’s the right time to
The Yellowfin tuna this season have
know, they could pop their heads up
drop them in. I have always said, live
been as rare as hens teeth and not just
in numbers again. Last year there was
baiting is a great way to catch fish
in the north but even down as far as
still the odd fish being caught in May!
but a bad way to find them. Where as
east cape. It was only three seasons
lure fishing is a great way to find them
ago when I remember Yellowfin off
But as the season closes I will be
however a frustrating way to catch
northlands east coast in huge numbers.
prepping the Maimai for duck shooting
them. There in lies the success to live
and looking forward to the snapper
baiting. If you know the fish are there
The Mahi-mahi this season have been
and Hapuka missions throughout the
put the baits in, your hook up rate will
extremely low in numbers compared to
winter. And you never know, if the light
generally out fish lures in a big way.
the past five or so years. Is the fishery of
winds remain present there may even be
Looking back at the season on west
the Yellowfin tuna and Mahi-mahi under
time for a few Broadbill drifts. Wouldn’t
coast it has been relatively poor.
pressure from the commercial fishing
that be way to top the season off? 11
It’s Just That Time Of Year By Grant ‘ Espresso’ Bittle
That time of year…spring sprung early
The Stripeys have been patchy so the
fect for fishing whether at your favourite
which was all good, the weather forecasts,
big game anglers seem to be a little
outcrop, paddling a shoreline or motor-
the fishing, the razor gang’s promise to
more on edge (than usual), perhaps a
ing out wider – wherever wide is for
leave and the warmth of the sun did its
crescendo like last year to make it all
you and your boat. The autumn promise
trick luring the snapper ever closer to our
worthwhile is due again this year? And
of great fishing has been kept a few of
recreational fishing boundaries.
topping it off Broadbill to a lucky few
times already and long may the predic-
hardcore recently.
tion come true so we can get out and
Kingfish came in force much to the sur-
do our thing, from fresh water to salt.
prise and delight of many with extraor-
Roundup – no not the aerial Broadifo-
dinary fights caught on everything from
cum rat poison drop around the gulf,
I don’t know about you but I thoroughly
jigs to flasher rigs, mostly not targeted
I mean the sky-high bombardment so
enjoy autumn fishing – there’s so much
but still producing lots of happy kids
feared by baitfish like anchovies, pil-
on offer really. Marlin are here, ‘Puka
and wide eyed parents with the sheer
chards, mackerel and the like hounded
and monster bass are being caught O.K.
strength of these fish. The snapper came
by oxygen gasping dolphins, kamikaze
so some may be at the Three kings, but
in thick and fast ready to breed and
gannets, speedster kingfish, sharks…
it’s being done weekly. In closer the
feed, and that they did.
you name it, you, me..99% of everyone’s
kingfish and snapper have provided an
happy – hey even the baitfish that get
excellent level of thrills, reward, success
Summer is and summer was, long days of
away are pleased about that. Anyway
and failure.
potential fishing interrupted by periodic
the workups have flickered on after con-
appearances at work and now it’s already
siderable absence.
time to close the chapter, it was just too
The fish condition is excellent as they’re putting on the beef and pigging out
short again this summer. Lots of feeding
The autumn change has brought its own
which means a couple of things. Firstly
by all manner of fish, a great kick-start to
pluses to us fisher folk. Big ‘H’s hover-
they feed voraciously at times which so
the top of the table – the marlin season
ing over the weather maps for a day or
we can catch ‘em relatively easily and
with blues being the early order of the
three, cooler at night for sure but with
they fight like they mean it, secondly
day, excellent.
calm crisp and clear days that are per-
they’re ‘bulking up’ and so the condition
of the fillets is premium, unlike the mid-
great condition – and with reasonably
ing fish while the days still have plenty
spawn scrawn. Put these two ingredi-
long bite times unlike some of the lim-
of hours in them and before the winter
ents together (with a bit of lemon juice
ited mid-winter bites. A few whales are
woollies are dragged out of the bottom
later on) and you’ve got some epic days
now back around the gulf, as are increas-
drawer and beanies replace caps.
of fishing to be had right now.
ing number of dolphins and an Orca or three, which all helps the food chain
As for when and where the rich pickings
The smaller snapper seem to be happy
remain in working order – so we can go
of fish are, here’s the Spot X info:
to pick and peel your offerings with
and join in at the top of the table.
the day, but when the spark of feeding
Skipjack tuna can still be seen blipping
time is lit, it’s all on, no holds barred
all about the surface on these fine and
provide a good hint as to when and
kind of stuff from the bigger fish. The
calm days in the gulf, just about every-
how long the bite may be i.e. be
bigger snapper will simply barge aside
where really, although they are being
the smaller specimens and aggressively
tempted away now. Like other fish they
feed – making for fantastic sessions
can be very elusive on the bite at times
of bent rods, peeling line and smiles
and seeing them jump as far as the eye
all-round. And of course the absolutely
can see, yet fail to take a trolled lure
good to check out new and ‘essen-
delicious fillets forthcoming as a result
can require counselling. Stupid fish.
tial’ purchases!
of such success.
Happy Days
extreme ‘dexterity’ at most times of
Go fishing whenever you can – that’s the best time Take note of bite times as they can
prepared accordingly •
Keep using salt ice slurry and your fillets will remain exceptional
The boat show looms – always
Find the fish the rest is just what we talk about…
Autumn is time to enjoy some real fish-
With cooler climes on the horizon best
ing i.e. catching healthy strong fish in
we spend a bit of time out there catch-
The new Accurate BX/BX2 Range
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The Mighty Fin Nor
Taking on the Punters at the
Maraetai Furuno Competition I’ve never done a lot of competi-
the northern end of Coromandel to seek
cranked up the burley trail through the
tion fishing outside of my own club or
our fortunes. There’s a little spot upt
height of the tide – but alas no monsters
the NZACA nationals, so when Kerry
here that’s produced prize winning fish
took on Fin nor that morning.
Earl, owner of the mighty Fin Nor, White
2 out of two trips, and I’d been skunked
Pointer’s New Sports Cruiser 7.5me-
by a freight train there a year earlier – so
We spent the afternoon chasing kings
ter, suggested we enter a team for the
it’s no understatement that expectations
and by three o’clock we had managed
Maraetai Beach Boating Club Snapper
were sky high.
one legal fish and a couple of promising
world cup, I wasn’t sure it would be my cup of tea.
follows – the lads were feeling a bit deAt 0500 sharp burley and baits were
jected. With a 4.30 cut off we weighed
dispatched and four edge fishos waited for
anchor and skulked back to Maraetai for
The last few years have seen my com-
the world cup to come swimming up to our
the weigh in and prize giving.
petitive edge get blunted a little and it
lines. Sadly there was a southeaster blow-
all felt like a little too much hard work.
ing to make us all feel better about the
Much to our surprise and amusement
Thankfully I had hard-nuts Scotsman,
fact that we were still on zero after soaking
my stunning 10kg king scraped in third
Big Azza on side to whip me into shape,
tasty little yellowtails fpr two hours – all for
place on day one while Azza, Sea Ox
pop a few harden-up pills in my coffee
one foul hooked leatherjacket and an anti-
and Kerry all managed some spot prized
and get me signed up!
climax bust off for yours truly.
to keep the ego’s somewhat intact.
We started planning and decided on
Thankfully Azza managed to coax a
Day two was designated (by us) as a lazy
the hero or zero tack – it was to be all
healthy 5kg model to swallow his livie
day and we whiled away the hours catch-
or nothing. We packed the boat to the
and we were at least on the board. Be-
ing, releasing, re-catching and rereleas-
gunwales (and ye gods she’s got some
ing this was the Snapper World Cup,
ing midget snapper while chasing the
room), filled the bait bins and set off to
we figured we’d need a tad better and
rather reclusive Sergeants Passage iGT
The best of a bad bunch
Derrick getting dealt to by a midget
(imaginary Giant Trevally) before returning to the weigh in with a number of fish designed to bring the average weight down. The prize giving was awesome and we had the added pleasure (and pressure?) of seeing Azza up on stage for the big draw to win a Stabi-craft package worth $50k or more. There’s 20 names drawn randomly for entrants tickets and they all gather on stage. One by one 19 of the 20 names are drawn from a hat until there’s one man standing. It’s a great way to finish the event and highly recommended more so if your team mate actually wins – but we’re not too bitter about it! I’d like to thank Kerry for volunteering Fin Nor, Azza for getting the ball rolling and the Maraetai Beach Boating Club for an event that will now be a regular on my calendar. Cheers!
ess Early succ 15
The AMF Fishing Club // The 2011 AMF Boats Fishing and Diving Comp By Derrick Paull
Marlin strike!!!
I met Duncan McIver a few years
Estate agent Steve Beavin aboard his
We did manage a great strike on the
ago on a calm Taranaki day when the
7.2 meter diesel powered AMF, Reel
morning of day one, but after two minutes
sea swells were a mere three meters and
Escape. She’s a lovely boat that handled
and 200meters of line off the reel the fish
the wind barely touched 30 knots. This
the inclement weather with ease,
dropped the hook.
they say, is about as bad as it gets in the
keeping us warm, safe and dry.
Naki. Problem was, this was the first of
To keep moral up and with an eye on
three trips I’ve taken on Duncans AMF,
So, you might be wondering why I’m
some of the very attractive prizes we
Narcosis, and that was the calmest.
not talking about fishing by now. Sadly
stopped for a bottom fish and I managed
the answer is simple – there just weren’t
to tag and release my first Blue Sharp – a
If you ever wonder why we need tough,
many to talk about. While Duncan, Kevin
40kg specimen that fought like a towed
stable, quick ali boats – it’s because the
and the organising crew did a superb job
bucket – bit it was one off the list.
conditions on the west coast can vary
or hosting and running this event, the
between a mill pond and 4 meter rolling
gamefish shut their mouths for the full
While the boys were bottom bouncing I
swells in just a few hours. While I will
moon that coincided with the comp and
put a live Kahawai in hope of a marlin but
probably get shot for being so hard on the
kept them that way.
managed only to lose the back third to a
Naki weather, I will find a saving grace in
40kg+ Mako that soon succumbed to a
the compliments I must lay on both their
I am sure there’s great game fishing of
pillie lobbed in front of him. Not a ground
choice of boat and welcoming hospitality.
the Naki as Kevin and Duncan were one
breaking capture, but I was on the board
of ten boats to land marlin the weekend
(Not surprisingly Blue sharks are not a
I was invited to fish with the AMF guys
before. In fishing, you’re only as good as
tournament species).
in their annual owners tournament and
your last fish though and we struggled to
without too much convincing, I was on
open their mouths.
board. Duncan set me up with local real 16
The two days were hard work as the seas never dropped below two meters and a
Heading offshore from the Naki
Reel Escape
south-wester blew the tops off the swells
when you’re in town.
for both days. It seems however I was the
AMF boats are tough, the ride well and
only one who noticed as both days the full
The prize giving was a hilarious affair,
are set out with a practical purpose in
compliment of bots headed out to seek
between MC Kevin Moratti’s one liners
mind – if it ain’t necessary you wont find
their fortunes.
from “The All Time Best MC Jokes Ever”
it on an AMF, but if it’s needed, they
Volume 37 and The Minstrel, Mark De
make it the best in the business.
The event was hosted by the New
lacy –the crowd were in stitches.
Plymouth Sports Fishing Club that
Thanks to AMF Boats, NPSFC, Kevin
overlooks New Plymouths port and boat
AMF Boss Brian Collings spoke and it is
Moratti and Duncan McIvor for hosting
ramp. For anyone interested, it’s a great
clear that when the MF team build boat
the team in NP – I look forward to some
place to stop for a beer and nice meal
it’s with these types of anglers in mind.
nice calm weather next year! 17
The Far North Source: Rick Pollock
Arriving up here, full
Garden Patch – The Pins
Three kings – King and
of expectation, has been a
Some very nice water here with
Middlesex Bank
disappointment thus far. Sure
a few more billfish seemingly
Consistency is certainly lacking
it’s still early with presumably
favouring the area. Mostly
here in the way of both gamefish
plenty of this season to go in a
stripeys but the occasional blue
and water quality. When the
game context. Good news is
still lurks about. Bottom fishing
currents are favourable and good
plenty of pretty, warm water.
is getting a lot of attention as are
water swathes over the banks
Bad news is little bait about and,
broadbill during settled periods
then its game on. Some great
worse yet, no concentration
of weather – both day and
stripey fishing has been had by
of fish anywhere! Still plenty
night. Bluenose is leading the
a couple of boats, otherwise it’s
to rejoice about up this way in
charge on the bottom brigade
all bad news with cold, green
many other arenas.
but some decent puka and bas
water dominating the situation.
to compliment them. Swords,
It’s a case of one good day (or
Doubtless Bay – North Cape
always a long shot, are rewarding
afternoon), four or five bad ones –
Some excellent snapper
only those fortunate few.
an unacceptable ratio. Hopefully
catches on the inshore scene
this situation will improve.
if you want or need to limit
The Shelf
Certainly if (when) the water
out then you should do just
From the Surville Cliffs all the
is favourable, they will come.
that. Some nice fish among the
way through to the “Compass
Otherwise some brilliant fishing
more numerous pannies with
Rose” is nice warm water and
for both kingfish (to 44 kilos)
Doubtless Bay shining. The odd
well worth a look. At this point
and bottom species with one
fish eclipses 20 lbs but many
only the centre mark, the “Hook”
spectacular bass at 82kgs taken
over 10 with even beach anglers
is providing any action. A few
on a jig! Bait fishing is patchy to
doing the business. Massive
stripees have been landed and
difficult with koheru playing coy
kahawai, many over 2 ½ kilos,
mainly tagged here with “Reel
despite actively feeding on the
punctuate this consistent
Passion” releasing a real beaut
surface on krill.
fishery along with a few XOS
over 150 kilos after a scrappy
trevally on the sand. Further a
fight. A couple blues also hooked
field there are good numbers
in this area but unfortunately both
Pretty well stated this in the
of skippies, mako sharks and
pulled the hook after an hour of
opener. If the gamefishing will
the odd striped marlin. A few
battle. Also some decent bottom
improve and everything else will
boats trolling in the 130-150
bashing, doesn’t take long to get
remain constant we’ll have a more
metre region are scoring those
a good feed with both bass and
than satisfactory autumn fishery on
stripeys although most are
hapuka to 30kgs providing the
our hands up here.
seeing and catching nothing.
Till next month…Rick
The Hauraki Source: Espresso Stop Start Button
though they are masters at their craft
this also means lots and lots of tiddlers
The workups in the gulf have just
of bust-offs, no doubt they delight in
will be caught (even with plastics
bumped the start button, almost by
hearing and laughing at the anglers
too) as there seems to be an over
accident. The cooler southerlies we’re
expletive filled responses I’m sure.
abundance of small snapper darting
experiencing at night have flicked the
in before the big boys have a chance.
switch on our home electricity supply
A large number of snapper have flicked
Although when the bite is on no matter
use and so to the snapper are heeding
their coat tails and are gently finning
what method you use the bigger fish
natures inevitable, change of season
towards more open ground, the gulf is
will be keen on feeding first – they just
call. The water temperature’s dropping
chocka with them. A caveat however…
seem to rest more, a lot like humans as
slowly and correspondingly the inner
they can be mountainous on your
they age ay…
channels where it’s been all hot to
sounder with surface activity looking the
trot fishing wise for the last couple
business, you know – birds, dolphins,
Natural presentation, light line and
of months, well the action is starting
whales, skippies, kahawai, baitschools…
smaller offerings are having the most
to cool down a bit. The good news
but still the snapper can Just Say No.
success for the soft plastic and bait
however is the Hauraki Gulf is being
anglers when the going’s slow – until of
flooded not with Tsunami but surges of
When the bite is slow to nil use small
course the silent dinner gong sounds,
hungry snapper. Hungry to fatten up
Gulp grubtails or Catch anchovies
and then it’s mad…madder than Mad
on the massive supply of baitfish out
dragged along the mud well out back
Jack McMad, the winner of this year’s Mr.
there to condition themselves and wrap
of a drifting boat, when the bite switch
Madman competition (Blackadder) . The
up warm for the winter. No longer is
has been flicked on, go vertical and
feasting is ferocious and your offerings
the vast majority of watery playground
big! Big flappy Catch Glowing Geckos
won’t even get within 5metres of the
devoid of snapper schools, the red
or Zman paddletails, 2 or 3oz weights
seafloor in the magic 40 to 45m zone at
coats are back in force.
and plummet the lure to the bottom
the mo’ (nudge nudge - the place to be
with nice and hefty 6lb braid and hold
drift fishing the gulf). Be 100% ready on
Huge Kahawai and small Kingfish are
on tight, the hits are like Ma’a Nonu
the drop and strike immediately!
still literally everywhere, all in excellent
thundering at you in full flight!
condition with some huge ones of both
Long crisp clear motionless days of
species in the inner waterways…like
For the traditional bait users - flasher
hooking up hard fighting snapper and
around the down town wharves you can
rigs with squid are prolific fish catchers
proudly bringing home the goods –
see them! Good luck on taming them
on the drift or at anchor, unfortunately
autumn, love it!
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The Fishing Website – Newbie’s Corner One of the original intentions we
fisho’s who’ve tried it, done it or are keen
for your own good - there’s more great
had when we launched NZFisher was to
to join me. Recently the website designers
info there thank NZFisher could publish
provide great information that would help all
added a ‘Newbie’ forum for those who are
in a year. Mostly though I’d like to ask
fisho’s improve their skills and lead to them
new to the world of fishing.
the experienced fishos out there to
catching more fish. As a newbie in some
spend a couple of minutes helping out
areas (Game fishing, Jigging, Top water,
NZFisher is keen to support the Fishing
the newbie’s with their questions. It’s
Kayaking and others) I’ve often deferred to
website and asks our readers to visit
a great way to raise the bar and help
the fishing website for advice for others and
the newbie forum and get involved. If
others gain the same enjoyment we get
the collected knowledge of over 35000 other
you’re a newbie your self, check it out
form our fisheries. 21
nationalbody REPORT
Building a Pathway for Smart Sustainable Fishing By Miranda O’Connell, Fisheries Consultant Folkus Ltd
Recreational fishing involves a high
well supported with entire industries
Fishing is an individual pursuit that has
degree of decision making behavior, with
devoted to assisting recreational fishers
collective impact on the fisheries resource.
most fishers having their own checklists
with their fisheries decisions. Tide
Managing this impact is a collective
or systems for their fishing outings. From
charts, weather reports, tackle and bait
responsibility that begins with individual
deciding to go fishing on a particular
businesses, electronic navigation systems
decisions to fish smart and sustainably. A
day, to checking weather and tides,
and many other tools are all designed to
national body would provide a pathway
ensuring the right tackle and bait is on
make the fishers tasks and decisions easier.
for individual fishers to fish smart and
hand, organising mates to go fishing
sustainably into the future.
with you, to choosing the fishing spots.
In a similar way, a system to support smart
Add the endless decisions over the kind
sustainable fishing behaviour needs to be
A common argument is held that it is the
of boat and gear that form each fisher’s
in place. That is, a system that is funded
Government who is taking care of the
recreational fishing ‘infrastructure’ and
by fishers and fully focused on advocating
fisheries sustainability issue. Fishers need
you have a lot of time and energy being
for the rights of recreational fishers.
simply to stick to the bag limits and she
devoted by fishers to ensuring their
It would work to enhance fisheries for
will be right.
fishing experience is as good as it can be.
recreational access, to provides fisheries education and manage fishers data, to
Let’s lift the lid on this belief.
That good fishing experience is
listens to fishers and have the capacity
The Government certainly has a
fundamentally reliant on there being an
and political clout to take a powerful
responsibility to provide for every
abundant fisheries resource to which
voice to the decision making table of NZ
fishers’ well-being by ensuring
fishers have access. Yet how much decision
fisheries management.
sustainability. However, decisions of the
making behaviour do fishers devote
past two decades have shown that the
to this topic? Very little. Rather than
Each fisher doesn’t need to be a fisheries
Minister and officials must be held to
concluding that fishers don’t care about
manager as equally each fisher using a
account for this responsibility.
the sustainability of the resource, because
fish finder doesn’t need to be an electrical
I truly believe most fishers do care. I would
engineer. But each fisher deserves to
Decisions are at the discretion of the
argue that this is partly to do with a lack of
have the best tools available to ensure
Minister. The lack of teeth by way of
pathway for individual fishers to engage in
a quality fishing experience. I believe a
resources, mandate or specific legislative
fisheries management.
non-government national body set up
tools has severely hampered recreational
by legislation specifically for recreational
fishing organisations’ efforts to influence
fishers would provide the best tools.
the Minister’s decisions. Instead, the
The other decisions made by fishers are 22
fishing public is virtually forced to accept
limitations on their fishing gear and you will
This was the reality before the kahawai legal
the outcomes of fisheries decisions.
realise that these are not isolated incidents.
challenge and remains the reality today.
They are symptoms of a poorly organised The Ministry of Fisheries take into account
and weak fishing sector that can not stand
The kahawai legal challenge did inspire an
all manner of information when they
up for itself when it needs to.
impressive number of fishers to step up
compile their final advice to the Minister.
and be counted in voicing the importance
An assessment of risks is part of this
So how to change this situation to one of
of their recreational fishing. This was a
process and to date the recreational
a strong sector that can stand up and be
fight well fought by recreational fishers.
fishing sector has posed an insufficient risk
counted on its own terms?
Yet the existing reality of an often passive
to effectively sway final decisions. Despite
and comparatively weak recreational
the sterling efforts of recreational fishing
Richard Buckminster Fuller, a renowned
advocates who participate in endless
futurist, said “you never change things
submission processes, there are numerous
by fighting the existing reality. To change
Building a new model for the
examples of localised depletion and
something, build a new model that
organisation of recreational fishing is
inequity of access to fisheries resources
makes the existing model obsolete.” The
more likely to deliver the strong voice
for recreational fishers.
experience of the kahawai legal challenge
at the bargaining table and enhance
fishing sector continues.
confirmed this quote. The eventual
the fishing experience of all the fishing
Ask a Gisborne local about the size of the
outcome of that challenge clarified that
public now and for future generations.
crayfish they can catch, ask a Marlborough
the Minister of Fisheries has absolute
The decision to be made by the fishing
local about the access to blue cod, ask a
discretion over his/her decisions and the
public of today is whether they wish to
South Island east coast fisher about the
fisheries allowances must be reasonable.
be involved in designing a new model.
// In the next issue of NZ Fisher… • Kawau by Kayak • The all new Ocean Kayak Prowler 4.3 • The NZACA Nationals results
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