NZ Fisher Issue 4

Page 1

ISSUE 4 December 2010

Lazy Fishy Days of Summer//

Sharpening up – being on target for landing Marlin


The Sc-iwi: A Scott in Aotearoa // 1

THE RUM THAT INVENTED RUM Enjoy the adventure, drink responsibly


Pg 6




Sharpening Up

Game fishing


Fishing Video of the Month

Gurnard capers with Espresso


From Haggis to Hell-Yes

A Scotsman on fishing in NZ


Getting it right before you

hit the water

Kayak fishing


Beating the Christmas Skunking


Product Review

Rovex ‘Viros’ Braid


New Product

Berkeley Diablo Softbait Rods


The Clubhouse

Hibiscus Coast Kayak Fishing Club


Regional Reviews


Name that Species


Pg 30 3

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ABOUT / Short and sharp, NZ Fisher is a free e-magazine delivering thought provoking and enlightening articles, and industry news and information to forward-thinking fisher people.

EDITOR / Derrick Paull ART DIRECTOR / Jodi Olsson


GROUP EDITOR / Trudi Caffell CONTENT ENQUIRIES / Phone Derrick on 021 629 327 or email derrickp@NZ ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES / Phone Alastair on 021 866 036

ssue four & we’re at the wonderful

and gone and now we’re into summer

or email

month of December. Nine months

for real. The fishing is still firing in most

ago when we really began winding

areas and game fish are bound to be

up for issue one December wasn’t even

just days away. The Christmas break

a consideration. We had targeted the

is a time to relax and I for one will be

first three issues as our make or break

taking a much slower approach, there’s

and issue four would be a bonus and

no need to get too wound up about

each month after the same.

it – the real fun will kick in in February

With over 2000 readers & a growing online following we feel that the idea has developed into a great little read and

when the Gamefish & moocher snapper come by for a visit. Christmas is a great time to spend

we’re giving our readers what they want.

‘fishing time’ with the family, especially if

Or at least that’s what we think. Please

you can incorporate the likes of shellfish

click here to send us a quick note on

gathering, netting or spearing flounder

anything you think we can do differently

or simply snorkelling around the bays and

or better to improve your reading

inlets of your fishing areas – you never

experience. Thanks to readers of issues

know what you might see and learn.

1 -3 who have given feedback, we really

C/- Espire Media, PO Box 137162, Parnell,Auckland 1151, NZ WEBSITE / www.NZ

This is a GREEN MAG, created and distributed without the use of paper so it's environmentally friendly. Please think before you print. Thank you!

Enjoy your holidays, good luck with

appreciate your ideas and strive to give

your fishing and please, be safe this

you a better product as a result.

holiday period – we can’t afford to lose

On the fishing front, spring has come

ADDRESS / NZ Fisher,

any readers

Happy Fishing!

Derrick 5

gameFISHING feature

ook h e l b u Do e ups lik on’t d these by happen t acciden

Sharpening Up Credit Graeme Heapy


// Like

a good boy scout, Kurt’s motto is ‘Be Prepared’ By Kurt Bennetto

t’s about now, with the weather warming up, that the keen game fisherman starts thinking about the season ahead. And if you’re anything like me you find yourself asking questions like; what’s the weather going to be like? Are we going to have a lot of fish this season? What competitions are we going fish? When are the best weekends to be away? With all these thoughts running through your mind, it’s time to get the gear out and get stuck in to make sure it’s all in perfect working order for the 7

You n know ever the where end hook will up

Credit Kurt Bennetto

fast approaching season.

and if you’re careful and follow the

it slowly locks up. This could cause you

The first things to get sorted are your

instructions, it will probably be ok. If

some serious heart ache if the general

rods and reels. It’s so important to make

you’re not too sharp with tools, don’t

maintenance is not kept up. Check your

sure the drags have been serviced and

have the time or inclination; get your

rollers before each trip, a drop of oil

reset to the correct settings. Something

gear into a trusted tackle shop. By this

will do wonders, as will a decent rinse

that often gets over looked is the state

time of year they’ll be pretty busy, so

when you get home. We only get limited

of your nylon. I have seen nylon that is

plan early for next year.

chances throughout the game season so

almost 10 years old and has never been

Reels need love and an annual

make every chance count.

replaced. A lot of people also forget

service is the least you can do. Many

that when you catch a fish whether it be

great fish have been lost through

year out are “Single hooks VS Double

a marlin or a tuna, the nylon is wound

rough drag, seized bearings and

hooks,” “Hard drags VS Light drags.”

back on to the spool under immense

corroded teeth on cogs. Be safe and

Open gape hooks VS Closed gape

pressure. Over time this stretches the

get it greased up in advance.

hooks.” This is a completely different

Common debates that pop up year in

nylon, as you could imagine the effect of

A simple but common glitch is when a

story which I could spend hours waffling

this stretching is decreased line integrity

game rod roller (guide) seizes up. It only

on about and even then it’s not science.

– i.e. it breaks at lower weights.

takes a bit of salt to get stuck in the roller

However, we will save that for another

and as your gear is stored over winter

time. In the mean time it’s time to get

It’s fairly easy to strip down a reel

of g k 9 15 ed n plan in Marl

well Blue Credit Kurt Bennetto 9

To maximise your chances you need to be consistent. Make sure your rods, reels and tackle is up to standard so that when you do hook up you have absolutely no doubt in your mind.

the lures out of the bag and rigged up.

amount of barb off so it penetrates

you do hook up you have absolutely no

easier. In a sense what you are doing is

doubt in your mind. I don’t mind losing

will increase your chances is having

minimising the cross sectional area of

a marlin that falls off or just didn’t hook

extremely sharp hooks. Its simple, marlin

penetration. You would be surprised to

up. That’s fishing. But when a fish is lost

have hard mouths and therefore the

know how many people buy new hooks

due to gear failure that’s devastating!

sharper the hook the better the hook up

and think they are sharp enough. That’s

And should never happen.

rate. I believe only about 25% of game

definitely not the case!

One thing I can say, that I guarantee

fisherman have sharp hooks. Sharpening

To maximise your chances you need to

So next weekend get the gear out on the deck, pour yourself a Mount Gay rum

a hook in itself is an art and takes time

be consistent. Make sure your rods, reels

and start planning the season ahead.

to perfect. The key to it is filing the right

and tackle is up to standard so that when

Can’t wait!


The right knot f you’re anything like the staff at NZ Fisher you’re learning about or already fishing for kingfish & other gamefish with jigs, poppers or Stickbaits. These new techniques have exposed us to a number of new phenomenon’s like regular use of 150lb mono & 80lb braided lines. There’s a bit of an issue in joining these without a huge profile knot, until now… This video shows a brand new knot, the FG that can be easily tied on the water and most importantly – without the need for a bobbin (as the PR knot does). The PG can be tied on your yak, on the rocks or in your lounge at home. Go here to see this great instructional video. For those of you looking for a slightly lighter hearted vid – check out how these guys catch their fish at this time of year – click here and here. Nice fish, but I’ll stay in NZ for the weather alone!

  

Ask for the Active Duty sun and bug skin defence range at selected pharmacies and retailers throughout New Zealand or order online at

“If it works for the NZ Army, it’ll work for you!”

As used by the NZ Defence Force! 11


From Haggis to Hell-Yes! //A-Mac comes to the Fisherman’s El Dorado By Aaron McDonald

his is only my second full season on the water since arriving from Scotland 4 years ago with my Kiwi missus and dreams of rekindling my childhood passion for fishing. We used to hike miles into the moors and camp beside the lochs on the Isle of Lewis, fishing for brown trout and the occasional salmon when the gamies weren’t looking! This year I have spent a lot of time on the water and have been lucky enough to get out on several charters and have gone from catching my first kingfish last July to the dizzy heights of catching a marlin at the Three Kings in May this year. My first charter last this was aboard Eagle Magic with Paul Senior in late November and the fishing was mental. There was 8 of

Aaro a so n McD King lid Thr with s Ki ee ng

us onboard and we were putting snapper to 10lb back after only 45mins, all on softbaits!. One of my mates announced “best days snapper fishing ever” and I’m in no doubt you would need to be real lucky to get a better days fishing. Before the trip on Eagle Magic my fellow fishing buddies Derrick, Sea


Ox, Simon and I booked a trip on Epic

nearly to a circle. Luckily he landed the

flying fish, to the full-on day of hooking

Adventures out of Tairua. I had been

fish and finished the day off just as it had

up with nearly every drop. I would say

out with Carl before in July 2009 and

started with a good fish.

the highlight of the trip was the live bait

had a ball catching my first kingfish and

During the run up to Xmas me and

session. The water was full of life and the

experiencing mechanical jigging for the

my mate John started venturing further

backdrop of White Island and the smell of

first time. Its hard to explain the pain of

afield in my Haines with some reasonable

sulphur made the whole setting surreal.

7hrs jigging to your missus when its self

snapper catches. I tried to fit in as much

inflicted but also worth every minute.

time on the water as possible as I was

hounded by the kings which prompted

working over the festive period and

us into a 2 hour session on the softbait

good, with plenty of good fish around

would not get out on the water for

rods. Myself, Kerry and Hannes must

the 15kg mark. Highlight of the trip was

several weeks. The day before Xmas, I

have got a good 10 kingies to the

Sea Ox and Derrick on the call for last

got a call and a completely unexpected

boat before retiring for the night. Next

drop, hooking into 2 beauties around

invite to White Island from one of my

day was full-on and we landed some

the 20kg mark. We had jigged for the

mates who had booked a trip with

awesome kingfish to 25kg, gemfish and

whole day with little rest and Sea Ox was

Enchanter. With heart racing I couldn’t

a couple of nice bluenose. Before the

just about out when he hooked up. The

get the word “yes” out quick enough. I

trip, 2 of us had purchased a low to

determination on the last drop was a joy

had read about White Island and could

mid priced Jigging rod. A reasonable

to watch as was the near 180 deg bend

only dream about what might await me at

investment I thought at the time, but the

on his new Synit acid wrap rod as the

one of New Zealand’s fishing meccas. The

White Island kings demolished both rods

kingie put the throttle down. There were

trip was like a dream; from the evening

in about an hour. The second rod going

several loud “holy sh*ts” as the rod bent

live bait session getting bombed by

on the first drop .

Our trip in December was just as

The flying fish were everywhere,

A very healthy Gemfish caught by Kerry Earl at White Island while deepwater jig fishing’ (Credit Aaron McDonald) 13

(Credit: Aaron McDonald)

Bluenose are a great by-catch of deepwater jig fishing

Back in November, I had the

only one of us working at the time. I

missus in minutes. To my utter shock and

opportunity to go to the Three Kings

reluctantly declined, but was unaware

delight she said “yeah if really want to

with a group led by my mate Sea Ox. A

of the amazing chance I was letting slip

go then go - but I’m off to Invercargill

regular on the trip had pulled out and

through my fingers. Sometime in March,

for a week to see my sister and your

there was an opportunity for some else

a second member had to pull out of

paying”. Deal done.

to jump aboard. At the time, me and

the trip and Sea Ox asked again if I was

my lovely wife Catherine decided it was

interested. Now, after experiencing

I had little time to get ready. A quick

probably out of our reach as there was

White Island, I was on the blower to my

review of my tackle revealed I was


The trip departed on 29th April so

Oh, feel what firs ing – a t M my arli n

(Credit: Graeme Cox) 15

return when she helped me empty the

Sea-Ox and his fly rod went for his 48th

to start going the other way at great

car. “Who’s is that rod?”. “ What’s in that

world record attempt on a Trevally!!.

pace. Meanwhile the other two lads

bag”… “Where did that reel come from”

Don’t remember seeing him putting any

were dancing round the boat and

“Eh…… it’s Jason’s”

Koheru in the tank though. With livies in

remarkably Reuben had his fish to the

The look said it all.

the tank, we were off to the King Bank

boat and tagged in no time. Sea-Ox was

I visited every shop and internet site

to drift for marlin. It was my first time

in difficulty at the rear of the boat with

possible looking for a deal on a Goldie.

fishing for marlin and my gear had never

no line left and I was out the front with

Finally, after weeks of searching, I found

seen the water until the fist bait was

what must have been only six turns of

a Penn 50 wide 2-speed and harness

dispatched under a balloon. The rest of

line left. Fortunately for me the call was

set up. I also gave in to a year long urge

the team were at various depths of the

made to chase my fish and Sea-Ox made

since my first jigging trip and got myself

water column. The Koheru had only been

the Ultimate Sacrifice! The next 45 mins

a Stella 20000 to grace the “banana”.

in the water for about 2 mins when all

were a blur as I developed a new style

hell broke loose. First up was Sea-Ox, line

of reeling a right handle reel with my left

every night of what the trip would be

screaming from his 70 wide, seconds later

hand. “Scottish style “ was my reply to

like’.....the fishing, scenery, wildlife, boat,

it was Reuben’s new 50 wide screaming

“what the “……. hell’s that?” . Somehow

weather. There had been talk of Marlin,

and then my balloon disappeared, it took

the fish was brought to the boat and

big kingfish, bass and hapuka in the

my brain a few seconds to register with

tagged even with a dramatic feespool

run up, but I could never imagine what

the impending chaos.

moment thrown in for luck!! Late in the

In the run up to the trip, I was dreaming

it would be like to catch one - nor the effort and concentration required. On the first day we spent an hour filling the live bait tank with Koheru and 16

I grabbed the rod from the holder

afternoon John hooked up on another

and with the word “ REEL” ringing in

marlin which was tagged and released.

my ears, I reeled like never before, until

I don’t know how he stayed clothed

the line went tight and then decided

through out the fight with a bloody

I still can’t believe this type of fishing is available and that I have been lucky enough to experience it. woolie hat on, as my face was like Saturn after 5 minutes earlier in the day. Next day we were all fired up after

of these magnificent beasts. On day four Trevor was subjected to

same size as him!. Next up was a 30.5 kg kingfish which ignited the “holy shit”

record attempt number 50 and with

factor in me again as it pinned me to the

the previous days exploits, we filled the

beautiful weather we cruised out to

rails a few times. This was another first

tank with livies, Sea-Ox had is 49th world

the Middlesex bank via the Princes

for me a kingfish in the 30kg range.

record attempt on Trevor and I nearly let

Group which have some awesome rock

go my bowels when I hooked up on the

formations and cliffs. This was going to

number 51 Trevor lived to fight another

first drop, again after only 5 mins on the

be our first session of bottom bouncing

day, our trip was coming to an end

drift. This time we decided to keep the

and serious jigging. I was working

and we headed for home on day six.

fish if we could get it to the boat, as we

the jigs at the front of the boat with

We decided to stop off on the way

were all keen to secure one between us.

moderate success and decided to go

home for a 1 hour jigging session and

down to the rear to have a blast on the

at one point, all six of us were hooked

the day before, I only reeled “Scottish

bottom rigs. As I came down the boat,

up on real good kings, during which

style” for about 1 minute and forced

Zane handed me a rod that he had just

we witnessed a pack of kings surface

myself to concentrate and try to follow

put to the bottom. I picked it up and

mauling saurie, at first I thought they

all the advice I had got from the pursuit

immediately went into “holy shit” mode

were dolphins! What a way to end a

team the day before. I went on the trip

as a 58kg bass decided it was going to

fantastic trip.

thinking myself to be reasonably fit –

take me for a swim.

After my crash course in marlin fishing

wrong! . These fish rip you up big style.

The ensuing fight seemed to last

Unfortunately after record attempt

I still can’t believe this type of fishing is available and that I have been lucky

On one of the hook-ups I had been taken

forever and was hampered by a faulty

enough to experience it. I caught a

down to the point of seeing the knot on

roller on the tip of the rod. The line kept

marlin, a huge bass, (both first timers for

the spool - some 600m of line being out.

tracking over the roller and was getting

me) and my biggest kingfish all on one

shredded between the tip and the roller

trip in Northland. Bloody awesome!

The Pursuit team’s assistance and encouragement throughout was

holder. Luckily Zane noticed this and

awesome, and an education. It’s amazing

kept diverting it back on as the fish came

skippers and crew Rick, Karl, Tobes, Paul,

how different the process of catching a

up. What a tasty beast.

Zane and Sam, who made my year of

marlin varied from my original thoughts.

That day was unbelievable as we had

A big thank-you to the charter boat

fishing and of course my long suffering

It’s a mental and physical battle that

some real quality hook ups and a great

fishing widow Catherine who lets me enjoy

does not compare to anything. The

mix of fish highlight’s being Jason’s

my fishing (at a fair price of course..)

nerves of not wanting to drop it are hard

double Hapuka hook up, the fish being

Roll on next year!! The sleeps

to contain but it pairs into insignificance

25kg and 28kg, Richard and John’s huge

countdown has begun and I look

with the elation of actually catching one

Hapukas and Rueben catching fish the

forward to the pain! 17


A w trip ellpla smo lead nned & g oth s s to reat aili resu ng lts

Getting it right, before you hit the water 18

// The benefits of good planning on a trip Words and Pics by Peter & Aileen Michael hether you are going

planned trip) to give you time to get it

fishing just for the day or

serviced if necessary. At the beginning

away for a weekend or

of each year you should consider re-

longer, it definitely pays to be well pre-

spooling your reels. You can reverse

pared. You don’t want to be watching

the line every other year (by taking line

your buddies head off into the sunrise

off the reel onto a spare reel or spool,

while you are still getting your gear

running the line on to a third spool and

ready and trying to remember where

then winding back onto your reel, laying

you put things, losing valuable fishing

the oldest line on it?)

time every second. Knowing what to take with you and

Don’t forget your chilly bin and salt ice – essential for keeping your catch in

what to leave at home is the first step in

good condition and great for keeping

a successfully planned trip. Think about

your beers cold until needed for your

your last few excursions – what do you

fish. Unless you have a very good chilly

keep carrying that you really do not need,

bin, (Icey-tek is one such brand) ice

and is there anything else that you should

doesn’t last very long. Salt ice is closer

take with you? Have you got some way

to the chemical mix of sea water, and

of keeping your catch fresh once caught?

keeps your fresh fish in better nick but it

There are certain items that you will

does melt a slightly lower temperature.

need all the time, and other things that

So, opening and closing the chilly bin all

you may or may not need depending

the time won’t help longevity.

on various factors such as location/

By planning and preparing ahead, you

weather/target species/duration of trip

should be able to maximize your fishing

etc. If possible, it is helpful to keep your

time whilst being confident that all your

‘all trips’ equipment together to make

gear is in good working order and not

for easier packing. Make checklists if

having to worry that you have left anything

necessary to ensure you do not forget

important behind. At the end of the day’s

anything (see example of Kayak fishing

fishing you will be happy to know that

checklist for ideas). See here for our

your fish is chilling on ice and you have

example Kayak weekender list.

some warm dry clothes to change into

Checking all your fishing gear a few

whilst enjoying that cold beer. Remember

days before a trip is a good idea, as

to clean all your gear after each outing

is tying traces if you use them and

and store it correctly. Give your reels a

any other rigs that can be pre-tied to

light spray of Inox or similar, back your

save time when you get to your fishing

drags right off and if possible keep your

location. If for some reason you have

reels in the hot-water cupboard until next

not used your rod or reel for a long time,

weekend (hopefully you will be fishing

you may want to check it even earlier

next weekend, we will be!)

(perhaps a couple of weeks before a

Pete & Ails 19

landBASED feature

Beating the Christmas skunking By Derrick Paull

hristmas and the ensuing break is the time of year most

your luck, ut if you come up short,

of us enjoy the best opportu-

remember – any time spent fishing

nity to get time on the water. Sadly,

is about a hundred times more

Christmas also seems to be just about

rewarding than a day in the office –

the worst time catch fish in New Zea-

even if you’re not catching them!

land – especially close to shore.


A few tips here may help change

Tips for increasing your summer fishing returns: 1. Don’t be a snapper snob. Kahawai

3. Find deeper water. Most fish like to

are our most readily available table

feed in the shallows, but will return

fish and are great fun on a line.

to deeper patches when the sun is

They will usually turn up when

up or the tide is low. There’s a full

you put some burley in the water.

array of tides over the Christmas

use that for bait. If you’re on

Kahawai can be caught in harbours,

– New Years break. Experiment a

or near a surf beach or estuary,

on the beach and from rocky

little with when spots fish best over

try digging for shellfish (But not

out crops. The best returns will

the tide and try to find deeper

Toheroa’s!) and use them as bait. If

come from half pilchards or cats /

spots near dusk

it’s natural and abundant, chances

retrieved soft baits or spinners

when fish are shy. 5. Find what the fish are eating &

are it’s exactly what your quarry are 4. Use smaller (re-curve) hooks,

2. The early bird catches the worm.

fish but increase hook up rates

looking for!

smaller baits & enticers. When

There is no doubt that during the

the going gets tough, the smart

Christmas break the best time to

people catch the fish. Use all the

conditions, bite times and results,

catch a feed is before dawn (or

smarts you can including glowing

fishing is a fun activity to spend

up until an hour after) and near

beads, flasher hooks and smelly

your time on. Don’t get grumpy if

dusk in the evening. This is great

baits. The more you do to entice

you come home empty handed –

because it gives you the balance

them the better your chances. If

you won’t be alone. Our evidence

of the day to spend with family &

you choose to use smaller hooks,

says fish know when you’re happy

friends during the sociable times!

try re-curve or suicide hooks as

and tend to bite more – so smile –

they will aid releasing undersized

you’re having a great time!

6. Have fun doing it. Whatever the 21


Rovex ‘Viros’ Braid By Derrick Paull

have been taking a closer look at

through testing & experience that the

no indication why the braid broke where

super braids or braided multi-fila-

Uni-to-uni knot for joining braid to mono/

it did. This was the only breakage and no

ment lines recently and managed

flouro is the best ‘quick option’. With the

obvious weaknesses were found.

to get my hands on some Rovex Viros

low diameter of the Viros braid I found

braid form Thompson Walker. The new

myself doubling the normal wraps of braid

working over with weights form 1/8th

Rovex range of braided lines has been

over the mono to build enough bulk to

oz right trough to 4oz and found no

released to compliment the range of

feel comfortable. The knot diameter is

noticeable weaknesses or tendencies to

Rovex rods, monofilament lines, leader

sop small that these additional wraps have

loop, knot or fail. The ultra light casts

& reels now available. Viros braid is

no visible or operation effect on the end

were easier than with conventional

made of “new generation Digital Y6

result but give a bit more faith in the knot’s

braids I have used.

Braiding for the smallest diameter,

holding ability.

longest casting, and quietest braided

Once on the water it was a unique

I gave the casting ability a good

Our break tests showed that the 10lb spools we had broke at very close to

fishing line ever produced” – or so the

experience to cast with Viros. Once

their stated break strain – much to our

sales literature said!

again the diameter takes a little getting

surprise for such a fine braid. We are very

used to. The braid is so limp it feels

impressed with this as most other brands

almost like hair to the touch.

we have tested break well over their

The first thing you notice is how incredibly thin this braid actually is. We’re becoming accustomed to very

On the trip we tested this line we were

stated weight, even for their diameter.

thin braided lines, but Viros is in a new

subjected to some incredible snapper

Over all I am very impressed with Viros

category. The 10lb flouro-yellow line I

fishing, including half a dozen fish over

braid. Viros is well priced & out-performs

spooled my T-Alloy with felt more like

15lbs and one that made 20lb. I did

similarly priced braids I have tested

1lb than 10.

have one braid breakage about halfway

Being so thin you have to be much more vigilant in your knot tying. I have found 22

through day one (of two). There was no sign of wear or near-by line damage and




Berkley Diablo Softbait Rods By Derrick Paull

was in Bait Station (On Auckland’s

been a bit soft in the tip – reducing the

North Shore) last week and was

action and lessening the benefit of the

introduced to the new range of

extra length. Seven foot is not a terribly

Berkley Diablo rods. I’m often taken by

long rod, but being two piece these

‘off the shelf’ rods but found their new

are a practical boat rod that will aid in

7 foot offerings particularly interesting.

enticing the bigger fish.

One of the keys we have found to

The Diablo range extends form 37kg

finding bigger fish on Softbait missions is

6ft rods right through to 7’2” 2-4kg

a longer rod that imparts more action to

rods and the DD702SWM 7ft spin should

the baits. By using a longer rod you can

be considered as a very capable 10lb

gain that increased movement. Most of

softbait rod for those looking to hunt

the longer SB rods I’ve come across have

bigger snapper this summer.



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Hibiscus Kayak Fishing Club //North Auckland’s Paddling powerhouse

he Hibiscus Kayak Fishing Club

in a fun and friendly atmosphere.

(HKFC) was formed in March

To accomplish this goal the HKFC:

2006 and the fish have been

afraid of us ever-since. It seems they must move away when we go fishing as we can’t catch many! The Hibiscus Kayak Fishing Club (HKFC)

Encourages the exchange of ideas, information and experiences on

Holds monthly meetings with various

kayak safety, paddling and other

programs and guest speakers

kayak fishing related subjects

Schedules club outings, both

Strongly encourages conservation

day and away trips, where

of all species and encourages

club members can Kayak, Fish

members to take only

exists to share and promote a common

and socialise with like minded

love for kayak fishing and the outdoors



sufficient fish for their own requirements

HKFC have taken up a membership

pretty well balanced so far, but the

with the NZACA & showed real ability

yakker’s are starting to build a bit of a

to catch fish by taking out the National

lead. Once again, this is a very fun day

Boat fishing title at the 2010 NZACA

on the water and is well supported by

National Championships. To add to this

both clubs.

they also won a number of age group

The HKFC website -

categories & team events, finishing

The Nationals Team 2010

with a very full table of trophies & certificates. In 2011 the HKFC in association with the North Shore

is regularly updated & includes a lot of very helpful information. The site advises members of the upcoming

Surfcasting Club & NZACA are to host

& competition for everyone interested

fishes, recent results, club championship

the Nationals in Orewa on Auckland’s

in Kayak fishing to come along & have a

points & has a very colourful (and

Northern shores. This is an opportunity

go. The open-day attracts dozens of new

well stocked) photo gallery.

for fishers nationwide to come &

& prospective members and is a very fun

compete against these crafty fishers.

day out. Johnson Outdoors have very

Watercraft in Silverdale every second

generously donated a kayak to a lucky

Wednesday of the month at 7 pm

draw winner to spice things up.

(February – December). (Ocean Kayak

While the club is hosted by Johnson Outdoors, makers of Ocean Kayaks, there is a wide range of craft fished by

The club meets at Johnson’s Outdoor

factory showroom at 2 Furnace Place,

On a six monthly basis the Blignaut-

HKFC members and the 2010 Mens

Paull Rock-Yak trophy is fished for

division winner at the Nationals paddled

between the North Shore & Hibiscus

a Viking Profish Kayak.

clubs from the rocks and yak’s

and live in the Auckland area, drop Barry

respectively. The competitor has been

a line on

Every year the HKFC hosts an open day

Silverdale). If you are keen on Landbased fishing

Kayak Fishing Range Because one kayak won’t suit everyone

PROWLER ULTRA 4.7 Image courtesy of Rob Fort – Coromandel Kayak Adventures

Some fishing kayaks may excel in one or two areas, the Prowler Ultra 4.7 excels across the board, with an inpressive range of features making it the benchmark when it comes to design and performance. “This boat is the benchmark in kayak fishing design” Rob Fort - Coromandel Kayaks


Scrambler 11

For more information and to find your local dealer visit:

Prowler Elite 4.1

Prowler Elite 4.5

Prowler Ultra 4.7


Designed in NZ, made in NZ & exported around the world 25


Hauraki Gulf Source: Grant Bittle ‘Espresso’

redictions and wishes for an

being breeding season ‘n all, and their

social groups, and lots of singles – still

early and bumper snapper

appetite varies widely. Some days you’ll

worthwhile targeting especially on the

season have been granted,

be the hunter gatherer extraordinaire as

flat calm sunny days just drifting along

20c+ water temps with the snapper

they smash anything you throw at them,

picking up a snapper every ½ hour or

obliging in their ferocious appetite

others you’ll be wondering why you’re

so. But really a lot of the better fish are

for food making most of us expert fish

suddenly Nigel-no-mates and can’t get a

in 10m to 20m water, nice for holiday

catchers overnight, but along with that

fish to act interested let alone bite!

makers to target in all manner of boats

Slow retrieval can induce hookups

or from shore. Just be aware that there

ego-boost comes a caveat. It is (fish) breeding season first and foremost

from fish that aren’t even hungry. This

are now long periods of no bitey-

so guarantees have many Christmas

technique has saved me from near

bitey (apart from the sharks), and take

escape clauses.

fishless days. I tend to use soft plastics

refreshments, time and attitude to deal

and a deep water rig with heavier weight

with such calm pleasures on the open

the 10m to 20m depths all around the

than normal or a big slow jig dragged

sea, after all it is holiday time!

coastline and to the edges of channels

along the sea floor, both stirring up mud

like right under the harbor bridge and

and slowly wound up several metres

the arena (including the new ones at

western Coromandel for instance. There

then dropped back down i.e. having

Kelly Tarltons all the way from the USA),

are also lot of fish all around the place just

something swimming up and away from

and they do what they do best, eat. So

hanging out, getting all social with it so

the snapper gets a few sparked up and

they eat the fish, your terminal tackle,

again this means stimulation to spark a

predatory instinct kicks in - they can’t

burley bags…pretty much everything

bite since their preoccupation is not food

resist lashing out, hookup!

they can bite at (no thumbs you see).

A lot of bigger snapper have moved into

Speaking of sharks, many have entered

but procreation. The physical condition

If anchored using bait ‘n burley you

of many snapper is markedly down from

may need to wait through a change of

during the feeding frenzy on bait-balls

the earlier lead up to Christmas. Breeding

tide (and lots of tiddlers to take care of

– it’s just not the right place to be in

and intermittent feeding takes its toll

returning unharmed) to get the bigger

my books. I’ve managed bit of workup

on conditioning and so your fillets may

fish to you, but wait for that magic &

footage and some underwater filming in

well be lack-lustre, thinner and just not

invisible feeding switch to get flicked

the gulf – here’s a quick 3 minutes of the

quite as tasty. But them’s the breaks!

on, and it’s all on – late afternoon and

mad snapper workup action going on

So be prepared for prolific fishing days

evening seems to be the go at the mo’.

out there right now, enjoy!

and some not so, both will be on the

Like too many days eating leftover ham

(Christmas) cards.

This has put me off in-water filming

Oh and the Kingfish are in, lots of drag

for us, sad old sun baked bait sitting

melting smaller versions with some big

Long hot summer days, not all bad…

lifeless on the sea floor is not appetizing

guns blazing out there as well. Live-

summer fun, family time and fishing, all

to fish, unappealing to look at and hardly

baiting and a throwing a few poppers

good – so here’s a few things that work

enough to spark a bite from anything

around is high up on the list now

well during the occasionally stressful

other than a miniature fish in sheer

anywhere around marker buoys and the

time of relaxing. Slow everything down.

growth desperation, fresh is best.

gulfs islands!

Summer is for recharging the batteries,

Big snapper filling bins quickly are

Have a wonderful holiday, enjoy the

for fun in the sun and generally having

being reported more around the edges

fast paced action as well as the forced

a good time and eating too much at

of the gulf rather than the middle

relaxation times too, family, kids, friends,

one sitting, snapper are similar – they’re

ground where the snapper are tending

BBQs and beers with fresh fish…cheers!

certainly out there for a good time

to spread out or gather in smaller


Coromandel Source: Carl Muir/Epic Adventures

ts been a fun couple of weeks of

bait from the Aldermen Islands, and also

fishing with the fish very spread

a nice king on Salt wayer fly from Cuvier

out and everything from salt water

– see here for a full report

fly, to Stickbaits, poppers, surface

West Coast/ Taranaki

Tobes has been busy on Sanity with a

he west coast has been experi-

trolled livebaits, jigs and softbaits pro-

big run of day trips, the last two weeks

encing a bumper pre-Christmas

ducing some great kingi fishing.

started with some great mid water

spell with the weather condi-

The water is warm and blue, and with

live-baiting action for kingfish, chasing

tions allowing more boats out than

saurie, skippes and plenty of bait and

kingfish on jigs on the myriad of closer

most can remember. The fish are also

birds around it will not be long before

pins around the Mercs and Cuvier and

playing along with good numbers and

the first marlin and game fish of the

finished with some fun on poppers at the

sizes being reported up and down the

season are caught.

Aldermen Islands.

coast. There are a few more sharks

The top 20m of the water column has

The fishing has off and on over the

showing up, which can only mean the

been loaded with bait and most of our

last 2 weeks but still managed to get

‘real’ game fish are not far behind. It’s

kingfish have been caught on or near

new pb’s and get new fishermen to the

exciting times and most are anticipat-

the surface.

game of chasing hoodlums and there

ing a bumper gamefish season on the

have been some cracker days when the

western waters.

Mark Joseph landed a very solid king on light casting gear and a Smiths stick

kingfish have bit hard.

Tauranga / Bay of Plenty here are still very good num-

good numbers of ‘coke-bottle’ Albies

sign that real gamefish are just around

bers of Kingfish coming in, but

and Skippies to be had out wide and

the corner. It’s just waiting time now

they’re having a good time

near the likes of Astrolabe & out back

until the first marlin is caught and the

of Schooner.

season is kicked off for real. With water

of baffling anglers just about every second day. Thankfully though, while the kings play hard to get here are

A few boats have landed some reasonable Mako sharks – a good

temperatures regularly above 20 degrees a pre-Christmas capture is imminent.

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// In the next issue of NZ Fisher… • • • •

Stick baits for Newbies Big snapper from the shallows Jigs vs LiveBaits – Ed’s review Rarotonga uncovered

Next edition out 2011

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