AUGUST 2012 Issue 63
Selecting & implementing your CRM Get rejected more often! Is Sales Management for you? Price increases? Don’t be sorry! NZ’s e-mag for sales leaders
Selecting and implementing your CRM Seven key steps
Get rejected more often Selling more and earning more
TWO MINUTE TOP-UP Is Sales Management for you? 10 questions to ask yourself
Resource corner Sales Growth
Quick Fix It’s not what you sell, it’s how you sell. Price increases – don’t be sorry / 2
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ABOUT / Short and sharp, New Zealand
from THe edITor
Sales Manager is a free e-magazine delivering thought provoking and enlightening articles, and industry news and information to forwardthinking sales managers, business owners and sales professionals.
EDITOR / Paul Newsom
Now the Olympics have finished
or later you will be found out,
ART DIRECTOR / Jodi Olsson
it’s good to draw on the inspiration
possibly after you have just won.
of watching competition, reflect on what we can all learn, and catch up on some sleep! There are many parallels between sport and business, and it is worth taking a moment to reflect on what you saw at the Olympics, and how you might improve your chances of success. Here are a few pointers that come to mind:
We all have bad days on the track or field, but did we give it our best shot anyway? Some days are just not our day. Do we have what it takes to learn when we lose, and bounce back tomorrow.
really having fun, whether they win or lose. Sure they have more fun when they win, but they are
Do you set a goal, and how much
are quick to congratulate those
do you want to win, or achieve that
around them who do well. Who is
goal? Are you hungry for success?
this person in your office? They will
Sullivan and Cohen were.
be a great member of the team.
vital. If you break the rules, sooner
CONTENT ENQUIRIES / Phone Paul on 04 586 4733 or email ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES / Phone Alastair on 09 551 0607 or email
Some athletes look like they are
passionate about their sport and
Ethics in sport and business are
GROUP EDITOR / Trudi Caffell
ADDRESS / NZ Sales Manager, C/- Espire Media, PO Box 99758, Newmarket, Auckland 1151, NZ WEBSITE /
ISSN 2230-4762
Happy Selling paul
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Selecting & implementing your CRM Seven key steps
By Tim Risbrook
or more than 20 years Customer Relationship
are equal! There are still a relatively large
Management (CRM) systems have been
percentage of businesses that struggle to
helping businesses create more revenue by
implement CRM effectively and surprisingly there
producing high quality leads, giving the sales team a
are also still many businesses that don’t have
tool that helps them do more business and knowing
CRM. They exist on a poor diet of outlook, excel
more about customer needs. For any business
spreadsheets and brain capacity. The following
‘Competitive Advantage’ is superior understanding
article is designed to assist those organisations
of the customer and CRM helps organisations
looking to implement CRM and is based on
achieve this goal. CRM is generally now established
personal experience and observations gained
as a key component of a successful business,
from running sales teams and implementing CRM
however not all CRM implementations
software for clients over the last 12 years. / 6
CLEARLY DEFINE WHY YOU NEED CRM Why do you need CRM? This is a critical question and answers might include:
to want to know that the money invested has been successful so being able to prove that the project has been net positive is crucial. Note that these are strategic goals and not specific tactics.
To sell more(e.g. generate more leads)
To build a database asset for the business
To retain the IP in the business and not the sales
staff heads
To provide better service
these people?
To build a better sales methodology
a) Executive team: Normally organisations that do
To enhance team collaboration across
well with CRM implementations are those that lead
marketing, sales and service
by example. Get the key stakeholders (e.g. sales
To build process and automation across the
GET BUY IN People are a key component for success and getting buy in from the right people is crucial. Who are
director) actually using the software. If they are seen using it there is a good chance that the sales team will follow. Ensure that the management team are
Whatever your rationale, it’s important to be specific
fully behind the CRM project , that communication
about what you might want out of an investment
with the team is transparent and that project goals
in CRM. Your business sponsor (your boss) is likely
are agreed by the team as a whole.
Give yourself a time period over which to measure the success of the new CRM project and use the CRMs reporting functionality to achieve this. If you find that success isn’t immediate, don’t give up. Dig and investigate to find out why things aren’t working and then adjust where necessary. b) IT team: This is an interesting element to
project team. Make sure that their perspectives and
any software implementation. Does IT lead the
ideas are included in the project brief and ask them
business or does business lead IT? In my experience
to lead by example with the other team members.
this doesn’t really matter. Getting the IT team on board and committing to supporting the project is important. Even with cloud based technologies
such as SugarCRM and there is still
a need for IT support, although this is significantly less than for the more traditional on premise CRM implementations. c) Actual users: Engage with the actual users early and if possible make some of them part of the
Focussing specifically on the business issues that you are trying to solve will be of value.
Examples include:
I need better visibility of what the team are up to 7 /
I am finding it hard to accurately predict the
revenue forecast
Marketing and sales don’t seem to be
for a long time and there will be a lot of useful data
working in harmony
that may be worth putting into the CRM system.
There is not enough cold calling
Examples might include product history, revenue and
Its hard to measure account based KPIs
Leads seem to slipping through the cracks
allows your sales staff to add value to your customers.
Debt collection is hard to do
Without it they are blind! However, some existing
Your existing systems have probably been operational
gross profit figures, 30/60/90 day debt statuses, case/ service history etc. All of this information and more
Make an attempt to document these issues and work out what the potential financial benefits of solving them might be! Focus on value to the organisation and value to the customer. Surprisingly you will find that these are both strongly linked. These issues then form the basis for the business requirements that the software vendors are likely to quote for. systems may well be hard to access and even harder
(both fixed and mobile) there is no excuse to not
to integrate with so make sure you do your homework
consider cloud. Also if you are interested in being
properly. Note also that most transactional financial
able to control how the CRM system behaves then
systems are capable of exporting excel CSV data and
many cloud systems will let you easily make changes
this can often be pushed into the CRM system on a
to the database structure. This includes adding fields,
daily basis without any need for complex real time
creating objects, changing workflow etc. However
having said that if you go cloud you are going to need to consider how to integrate (real time or batched)
with the on premise systems that currently exist. Again this is where buy in from the IT team will assist.
This is a theoretical question but quite an important one. There will be pros and cons for both however it’s likely that cloud will be easier, cheaper and quicker.
With cloud the whole headache of maintaining
Change management is generally underestimated
hardware, software versions and IT support staff has
with the roll out of CRM and throwing too many
disappeared. As a sales manager this is a whole set of
functions at a business user can lead to failure. Instead
worries that you can probably do without. Software
my suggestion is that you focus on developing a
in the cloud is usually more secure than software held
strategy to phase in features and functionality. If you
locally and now that internet access is so ubiquitous
have some quick successes it’s then going to be much / 8
easier to roll out enhancements and it also keeps the
Are you tracking the number of leads
users interested! Crawl, walk and then run, not the
generated, or the number of qualified leads
other way around!
passed to the sales team?
Are you tracking the growth of sales
opportunities or the opportunity conversion
rate? Which one is more important?
requires a significant commitment particularly from
Are you tracking the cost per lead or the cost
the sales team, it is crucial to:
per sale opportunity?
Establish the means of measuring your progress on
Are you measuring leads per campaign or
CRM initiatives.
ranking campaign effectiveness
Establish accepted measures of success and metrics
among all campaigns?
Are you tracking outstanding opportunities or
the opportunity to order conversion rate?
Are you tracking how long opportunities stay in
‘stalled mode’
Are you tracking the activities that advance
the sales cycle?
MEASURE SUCCESS Because implementing CRM is time-consuming and
that can be applied to all of your CRM initiatives. Apply these metrics on an ongoing basis to ensure continued funding of your CRM initiatives. When trying to decide what metrics are most important, you need to identify those metrics that most directly impact the most important strategic objectives. These might include KPIs such as:
In summary CRM projects are challenging and fun. The key element of any CRM roll out is to know why you are making the change and what specific issues you are trying to solve. Once this has been understood by you and the management team the project will become much clearer!
Tim Risbrook specialises in the implementation and support of Cloud Based CRM and ERP technologies for small to medium businesses. To find out more visit
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GET REJECTED MORE OFTEN Selling more and earning more Sean McDonald
have run countless sales training courses over the years and I never tire of them. The very early stage 101 courses are my favourite.
Sitting in front of me are eager young men and women, staring nervously up at me wondering at what stage they will received the ‘anointed oils’ and be able to hit the phones and pound the streets with confidence. There is always the same mix. A percentage who have tried every other job and have found selling their last stop in a desperate search for a career, those who are naturally ‘people people’ having been inspired and motivated by a friend, colleague or family member
How many of you grew up dreaming of becoming
who has ‘made it’ in the world of selling, and of
a sales person?
course, the last group, the young management types who have decided to take a quick sales
It’s a strange question and one I love asking at the
course to receive ‘the certificate’ that will advance
start of all my training programs. I get the same
their corporate careers.
answer almost 100% of the time from everyone: 11 /
religion, is we all hate rejection.
but NEVER, salesperson….
As youngsters, we were
So why then jump into a boat you
Why? Because for the greatest
conditioned to think of the
know is heading for ‘the storm of
profession in the world (I believe),
‘professions’ when considering
rejection’? Why indeed?
we have been conditioned to
For some like me, it comes down
loathe the ‘pavement pounding’
to chance and circumstance, for
salesperson, ready to pounce, ask
others, it’s a mixture of having
us for the order and make us buy
The truth is nobody dreams or
to, being told to, a last chance, a
something we don’t need.
even plans of becoming a sales
fleeting interest, but hardly ever
person. Heck, for most, it’s the
a plan.
our career paths right? A doctor, a lawyer, a dentist, architect, marketing, but a sales person?
last thing in the world worthy of consideration. So why is that?
We even take the fear of rejection one step further
REJECTION IS TO BE CELEBRATED Now before you laugh, hear me
In a word, rejection. As human
when it comes to the title we
beings, we love being loved,
print on our business cards or
liked and admired, but one
place on our email signatures.
Having spent all my working life
thing consistent above all else,
Business executive, account
in sales I have probably been
regardless of race, creed or
director, solutions development,
rejected more times than I care
Heck, I met a salesperson not so long ago who called himself a ‘Strategic Solutions Specialist’. When I first met him I guessed he was working on some special IT project, but no, he was a salesman. I remember the day I rummaged through his desk and threw out all his business cards with this illustrious title. He promptly jumped into the dirty outside ‘skip bin’ that evening when we had all gone home to recover his prized possessions. to think about. You would think
selling. My first selling job was in
meant), flexible hours, work
by now I would have a major
the UK whilst I was on something
outside, vehicle provided, full
complex, but no.
us Kiwi’s call our ‘overseas
training, great friends…..
Early on in my sales career, before I took the unholy jump into management, I was taught
experience’ or O.E. I was down to my last English pound, with a week left at my youth hostel bed
Sounded perfect so I jumped on the tube and I was off to apply.
when I saw an advert on the job
It turned out to be a job selling
board at New Zealand House in
carpet cleaning door to door.
The ‘vehicle’ was a van that
through the dark wet cloudy
Instant cash from commission
dropped the newly trained Kiwi’s
days you sometimes get when
sales (I didn’t know what that
and Aussie’s (because the locals
the most important value tip that has stuck with me all these years and enabled me to push / 12
were smart enough not to take the job) onto the suburban streets in the morning and picked us up
Be nice to people and enjoy the experience
Play the numbers and find ‘your gap’ “
again at night. Clip boards and measuring tapes in hand, we pounded the streets in the cold and rain that was England during the summer.
DON’T TAKE IT PERSONALLY Over the years since that first sales job, I learnt to
I loved it. I was outside, meeting new people, taking orders, counting the commission I was earning and having a great pub lunch every day, paid for by my previous day’s commission. Pretty soon I was the top sales person at the branch.
‘close my numbers gap’. This was the number of people I needed to speak to (door knocks) in order to generate one sale. When I started, my gap was one in ten. This ratio became closer as my skills improved, but a gap nevertheless still remained. Even with the fantastic training when I joined Xerox in the 90s, the gap still remained, as indeed it always
NINE OUT OF EVERY TEN PEOPLE WILL SAY NO I was often asked by my fellow ‘carpet detailing technicians’ aka (sales guys and gals) and manager how I did it. Even today, people ask me how I was so successful at selling. The answer is simple and one that I learnt from the old chap who trained me
would. The simple fact is, not everyone you call on or sell to will buy from you. Those who don’t buy from you essentially reject your proposition, plain and simple The trick then is not to take it personally. Sometimes it’s about you, but mainly it’s either your product, service, price, proposition or all of the above.
on the first day of that carpet cleaning sales job. “Sean,” he said, “you will probably get one order from every ten calls you make. You can expect to
be yelled at, abused, have doors slammed in your
Rejection is something then to be expected and
face, your foot crunched whilst you have it in the
celebrated. Every ‘no’ gets you closer to the ‘yes’.
door that is being closed on you and a whole host
If you are not being rejected often, then you are
of other things, but, you will make sales. To make
not making enough calls and not selling as well as
money, you only have to remember two things.
you could be.
In the end, you will find your ‘numbers gap’ and regardless of what you do, this will not change. Whether this is one in three or one in five, make sure you know what it is. To sell more and earn more then, you need to be rejected more. So, harden up and don’t take it personally, your next order is just around the corner.
Sean McDonald helps small and mid-sized businesses fill in the gaps in their sales and marketing operations so they can start growing ... fast. To find out more visit
13 /
2 Minute top-up
Is Sales Management for you?
10 questions to ask yourself Kendra Lee
t’s not uncommon for successful sales professionals to be offered promotions into sales management jobs. And because it’s considered a “promotion,” it’s easy to think the seller should take it. But should she… or he?
I’ve seen a lot of people make this move and many end up regretting it. Just because they’re good at sales doesn’t necessarily mean they’re well suited for management. And for those who are, many find they enjoyed sales more. They may miss the independence, the open-ended earning potential or the customer interaction, to name just a few of the rewards sales people enjoy. I’ve also seen sellers make the move and thrive. So how do you determine if it’s a good move for you? The following is a list of indicators that describe people who excel in sales management. Consider whether they describe you. If so, it might be just the move for you. / 14
You enjoy coaching and training your fellow
sellers to succeed, and you do it frequently.
You like planning how to achieve annual
sales objectives.
You’re pleased when other sellers are
recognized for their individual wins.
2 Minute top-up
One of your strengths is
of the executive team, to
important to note that
strategizing about account
make a difference in driving
sales managers typically earn
situations with the sales
the success of the company.
less than their team members,
You’re organized and
but can still earn fairly
substantial incomes.)
team. •
Your peers and
disciplined. You understand &
colleagues look to you
appreciate the importance
If you saw yourself in these
for leadership. They come
of forecasting, scheduled
descriptions, congratulations
to you for your advice and
prospecting activities,
on your future move into sales
take it. Your direction and ideas motivate them.
consistent sales process
and otherwise pain-in-the
If you discovered, however, that
You envision new markets
neck activities managers
sales management is not for you,
your company could
press their team to do – with
celebrate the fact that you found
penetrate, and see how the
good reason.
out before making an unhappy
sales team could do it.
Money is not your primary
You enjoy teaming with
motivator. Instead, you
Remember, you already have a
marketing to execute
feel rewarded by the success
successful career, and there’s
lead generation campaigns.
of the company, revenue
absolutely nothing wrong with
You’re hungry to be a part
and client growth. (It’s
making sales a lifelong profession.
Kendra Lee is a top IT Seller, Prospect Attraction Expert and author of the award winning book “Selling Against the Goal” and president of the KLA Group. To find out more visit
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Sales Growth Authors: Publisher:
McKinsey & Company John Wiley & Sons
inding growth today can be an enormous challenge for companies in a complex and fastchanging business environment. There are no simple solutions, but in Sales Growth, experts from McKinsey & Company provide a practical blue-print for achieving this goal by revealing
what world-class sales executives are doing right now to find growth and capture it—as well as how they are creating the capabilities to keep growing in the future.
Broken down into five overarching strategies,
Page by page, you’ll learn how successful sales
this book focuses on the valuable lessons
executives find untapped pockets of growth,
that power growth, including how to get
act like locals to make the most of emerging
ahead of the competition by taking
markets opportunities, and power growth
advantage of trends and turning
through digital sales.
complex analysis into simple guidelines that sales reps on your front line need to sell better.
You’ll also discover what it takes to find big growth in big data, develop the right “sales DNA” in your organization, and improve channel performance. / 16
QUICK fIx IT’S NoT WHAT yoU Sell, IT’S HoW yoU Sell.
hen it comes to advising your customers
Be confident and assured when telling your customers
of price increases, you don’t need to
that their price is to increase. While being courteous,
apologise. You may personally feel for
show that you believe in the increase, and that it is
the customer, but apologising and trying to soften the
necessary to maintain the current level of service. Be
blow will not help your case. To the contrary, it is more
empathetic to their situation, but not apologetic.
likely that the customer will seek to negotiate. After all, if the increase is less, you won’t be feeling quite so sorry will you?
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OCS is a long established, highly successful international brand with private UK ownership and 100+ years of tradition, commitment and innovation. Through a network of global, regional and national businesses, OCS is dedicated to providing outstanding levels of integrated facilities services across multiple sectors, with a particular focus on Aviation, Healthcare and Education. In New Zealand, like elsewhere, clients rely on OCS Limited to provide a wide range of property and related services that support their day to day business and are integral to their success. Under dynamic new national leadership, a new position of General Manager Sales sales function across the business. As part of the leadership team, the appointee will oversee sales, marketing, account management, franchises and sub-brand management, with an emphasis on developing and implementing a new national sales strategy. The role will also be responsible for operational sales leadership. We seek an experienced sales leader, with a passion for outstanding customer and business development skills, competence in sales strategy and planning, management. This person needs to come with senior level networks and/or be comfortable picking up the phone to senior executives/decision-makers of sizeable organisations across New Zealand, ensuring that the relationship is maintained and deals closed at the highest strategic level – not just at operational level. Are you someone who can break the mould and bring some innovation into a more established, mature service sector? Do you back yourself? Then this could be for you., quoting reference #1203. Applications close Friday 31 August 2012.
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Global Sales Manager - Sydney Ready to make an impression? • Reporting to COO • Global market leaders in life sciences Well established, well respected we’re always open to enhancing what it is we do and how we go about doing it. ADInstruments provide data acquisition and analysis solutions for life science research and education. We are very much market leaders in our field worldwide. Established in 1986 we’ve 13 company offices and 40 distributors worldwide. With 7 internationally based direct reports and reporting to the Chief Operating Officer this is a key role in our operation. You’ll work closely with General and Regional Managers, overseeing the development and delivery of all aspects of our global sales. It’s a role that demands a master communicator, a motivator, a mentor, an experienced sales professional capable of leading by example. Growing our already considerable market share will be a focus as will ensuring the continual improvement in our sales teams capabilities, knowledge, performance and satisfaction. You’ll have a proven track record in sales management and the ability to quickly grasp the nuances of our products and market. Periodic international travel will be required. An application form and detailed information pack is available from our website or by emailing Please forward your application to Kelly Macknight, Global HR Manager, ADInstruments Ltd, PO Box 587, Dunedin or email it to
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THe CloSe
‘When I race my mind is full of doubts - who will finish second, who will finish third?’ - Noureddine Morceli (Algerian athlete, 1996 Summer Olympics)
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