NZ Sales Manager e-Magazine

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SEPTEMBER 2012 Issue 64

NZSALES The Myth of Exceeding Client Expectations

Are there natural born sales people? How to bug me on LinkedIn Keeping the door open when your competitor is cheaper Have your say on sales qualifications NZ’s e-mag for sales leaders

CONTENTS 6 THIS WEEK'S MUST READ The myth of exceeding client expectations And how it can be done

10 Are there natural born salespeople? Why sales is like assembling cheeseburgers

12 BOOK REVIEW Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High

13 Quick Fix It’s not what you sell, it’s how you sell.

14 TWO MINUTE TOP-UP HOW TO BUG ME ON LINKEDIN What you may be doing to annoy your connections





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Short and sharp, New Zealand Sales Manager is a free e-magazine delivering thought provoking and enlightening articles, and industry news and information to forwardthinking sales managers, business owners and sales professionals.

EDITOR / Paul Newsom

e have a collection

agree with Linda’s take on this,

of articles in this

how does your sales team rate

issue that are great

in their use of LinkedIn? Are

GROUP EDITOR / Trudi Caffell

they connection collectors or


professional networkers?

Phone Paul on 04 586 4733 or email

discussion topics for sales teams and sales managers. Paul McCord’s article on exceeding clients expectations certainly got me thinking. If your company claims to exceed your clients expectations, I suggest you use the article to stimulate some discussion on whether

The discussion on whether there are natural born sales people has gone on for decades, and will continue to do so. I seem to have been on the end of a glut of door to door and telesales

you actually know what these

people the past couple of

expectations are, who exceeds

weeks, and this article probably

the expectations, and how you

focussed my attention on how

know when it has happened.

effective they were. Brett closes

I wonder how many of you will agree with Linda Cole’s article ‘How to bug me on LinkedIn’. Why do carefully honed

ART DIRECTOR / Jodi Olsson ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES / Phone Alastair on 09 551 0607 or email ADDRESS / NZ Sales Manager, C/- Espire Media, PO Box 99758, Newmarket, Auckland 1151, NZ WEBSITE /

ISSN 2230-4762

the article with a great quote from Brian Tracey, which kind of rings true when I reflect on some of these conversations.

professional networking skills seem to go out the window when hiding behind the security

Happy Selling

of a computer screen? If you


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The myth of exceeding client expectations And how it can be done By Paul McCord


he business world is filled

And thousands of companies

than just a few employees, it is a

with myths, some of which

eagerly eat the information

virtual impossibility.

have become guiding

up and institute the

principles for many businesses. One

recommendations and proudly

of the most nefarious of these myths

proclaim to the public that

is currently all the rage: exceeding

they too exceed customer

The fundamental problem with

the customer’s expectations.


the concept as practiced is that

Numerous books have been

What a crock.

written explaining the glories

What both the authors writing

what those expectations are.

of exceeding the customer’s

the books and the companies

Companies frankly have no idea

expectations. These authors give

following their advice fail to

what their client’s expectations are.

shining examples of the concept

understand is that is impossible

in practice and then explain

This is not to say that companies

for a company to exceed customer

don’t try to find out. They most

in great detail how you can

expectations. It simply cannot be

certainly do. Many companies do

implement the same concepts in

done the way it is taught. In fact,

customer survey’s to help them

your own business.

for a company consisting of more

determine what their customers / 6

The Concept Is All Wrong

you cannot exceed someone’s expectations if you don’t know


expect. Others examine their sales

In both of these cases, the most

company does this. “Exceeding

and customer service departments

the company can do is to develop

the customer’s expectations”

and make modifications based on

policies and procedures that if

is nothing more than a great

what they anticipate customers

fully met can help them exceed

sounding slogan that means

want and expect.

what the company believes their

the company thinks is has great

customer’s expectations should

customer service.

Neither of these processes can actually help a company exceed

be, not what they really are.

To maintain efficiency and

customer expectations. The surveys

Since every customer is different

be cost effective, companies

may give the company some

and has a different set of

must have standard processes

great customer service and sales

expectations, the only way for

and procedures. Catering to

feedback, but it cannot put the

a company to actually exceed a

the unique needs and wants

company in a position to exceed

particular customer’s expectations

of hundreds or thousands of

actual customer expectations. And,

is to ask the customer what

customers for most companies

certainly, analysing the sales and

they expect and then meet or

is unrealistic and unattainable.

customer service functions cannot

exceed that individual customer’s

Trying to develop a team of

do so either.

specific expectations. Virtually no

dozens, hundreds, or thousands

Since every customer is different and has a different set of expectations, the only way for a company to actually exceed a particular customer’s expectations is to ask the customer what they expect and then meet or exceed that individual customer’s specific expectations.

of employees all flexible enough

superior to their competition,

to make each individual’s

this experience is still far from

purchasing experience truly

exceeding each individual

unique according to that

customer’s expectations.

individual’s expectations simply

It Can Be Done However, it is possible to actually meet and even exceed each individual customer’s

This is, in fact, what the writers

expectations. It isn’t easy, but it is

of the books on exceeding

an attainable goal.

At most, companies with a

customer expectations mean—the

Nevertheless, it isn’t possible

work force of more than a few

customer walks away happy.

for the “company” to exceed

employees can only institute

Boiled down to its essence, that’s

expectations. The only individual

excellent sales and customer

the definition of exceeding a

capable of performing the

service processes that result in

customer’s expectations—you

task is the primary contact the

a satisfactory or possibly more

didn’t irritate the customer and

customer has to the company--the

than satisfactory experience

maybe even went beyond what

salesperson. However, in order for

for the customer. Although

the competition does.

the salesperson to accomplish this

isn’t realistic.

7 /

MUST READ successfully, he or she must be

will be in the same position as

Not until they have experienced

empowered by the company with

the company that guesses or tries

the variety of expectations that

the necessary tools and authority.

to exceed the expectations of a

different customers have will

The larger the company, the more

theoretical “average” customer.

they appreciate the need for the

difficult this becomes.

Asking is a more difficult task than

To be able to accomplish this goal

one might think. It is a foreign

requires the salesperson:

concept for most salespeople and

Ask: Again, you cannot exceed

customers alike.

question. Customers are surprised and confused by the question as more than likely they have never been asked this question or one like

someone’s expectations if you

Salespeople will typically feel

don’t know what they are. Unless

awkward and foolish asking,

unexpected they are taken aback

the salesperson specifically asks

at least at first. They, like the

and many have no idea how to

the customer what they expect

company, assume they know

respond. The salesperson may

and want to happen during the

what the customer wants and

have to ask a couple of questions

sale, they will never know. They

asking seems to be waste of time.

to get the customer on track.

it by anyone. The question is so

Questions such as: • “How often would you like me to keep you informed of the progress of the sale?” • “How would you prefer I contact you?” • “If I need to get hold of you on short notice and you are not available, is there an alternative individual I may speak with?” • “Are you going to need any additional assistance from us when we deliver?” • “What are your expectations during installation?”

will get the customer thinking

they know exactly what they must

into a problem, explaining that

about what it is they want to

do in order to give the customer

it was an unrealistic expectation

happen. At times, a more specific

the purchasing experience the

won’t work. The damage has

question such as “what are the

customer wants.

already been done.

most important things you want

This discussion of the customer’s

to happen during the sale” is

expectations also allows the

Have Reasonable Authority:

called for.

salesperson to address any

Usually, once the customer

unrealistic expectations the

understands that they are being asked exactly what they want to happen, that is, that they get to help structure the sales process, they will open up. At that point, there is no telling what

customer may have. Far better to find out about any unrealistic expectations and deal with them upfront rather than to discover them after they have become an issue for the client. Often,

Each salesperson must have the authority, within reasonable limits, to make sure the customer’s expectations are met. This, unfortunately, is where it gets difficult for larger companies. Not only are larger companies reluctant to give salespeople the

if an unrealistic expectation is

authority to make things happen,

uncovered it can be disarmed and

the company’s processes and

If the salesperson has done a

a satisfactory alternative can be

procedures are so inflexible that

thorough job in discovering the

agreed upon. If, however, it isn’t

it is almost impossible for any

client’s expectations and wants,

uncovered until it has festered

customization to take place.

expectations they might reveal. / 8

Yet, the inflexibility of the large company and their reluctance to delegate authority opens tremendous doors for smaller

as does the competition. Management Support: It isn’t unusual for a manager or company to empower

commitment to the client. Discipline and reprimands may come afterwards, but the client’s expectations, if confirmed by the

salespeople to make customer

salesperson, should be honored.

flexibility and are willing to

oriented decisions and then

empower their salespeople to make

At one time, the myth of

once the salesperson exercises

the changes to the process that will

exceeding the customer’s

that authority, come behind

ensure their customers do have a

expectations was powerful.

him or her and undermine their

Today, as more and more

one of a kind buying experience.

authority by reversing or revising

companies claim to give more

As mentioned above, not every

the salesperson’s decision.

than the client expects—and

expectation by a customer can

In order for a salesperson to be

as customers are learning not

be met by even the most agile

able to exceed their customer’s

to expect too much from the

of companies. Nevertheless, the

expectations, they must have

companies that make the claim,

more flexible and accommodating

a clear understanding of the

the myth is losing its lustre.

the company can be and the

breadth and depth of their decision making authority

Yet, the companies willing

more authority it can give to salespeople to work with

and then once exercised, that

customers, the more impressive

authority must be upheld by

the impact the company’s service


will have on the customer. In many

In addition, if the salesperson

with enormous word-of-mouth

cases, if the salesperson knows

exceeds their authority with a

advertising, and are able to

what the client’s expectations

particular customer, the company

maintain their pricing structure in

really are and can truly exceed

must do everything possible to

the face of ever declining prices

them, price becomes a non-issue,

stand behind the salesperson’s

from competitors. ■

companies who do have the

to step out and institute the changes necessary to turn the myth into reality are finding themselves without competition,

Paul McCord is an internationally recognized authority on prospecting, referral selling, and personal marketing. To find out more, visit

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9 /

Are there natural born salespeople? Why sales is like assembling cheeseburgers By Brett Burgess


question I am often asked is “Are there natural born salespeople that we

should be looking for?” My answer to this is there is no such thing as a natural born salesperson. There are salespeople with the “gift of the gab” who make good sales but they tend to lack consistency in their results. Contrary to popular belief, the best salespeople aren’t the best talkers, they are the best listeners. The best salespeople, the consistent high performers, are those who have been trained in the best sales practices and then supported through management. A vast amount of “sales training” is focused on product or technical training rather than specific sales skills development. This tends to produce product focused salespeople who use the classic show and tell sales presentation. Typically the presentation goes something like this: / 10

The salesperson looks around

a potential need, then launch into

to be systemized to ensure

the prospects office and finds

a product/technical solution based

consistency in the results.

some item of interest and begins


a discussion on this, much to the

A study of over 500 buyers from

planned approach to selling not

annoyance of the prospect that

the fortune 1000 companies

canned and follow a process.

has had the same discussion with

showed that salespeople jump

a hundred other salespeople and

in with a solution before the real

hasn’t got time to waste with the

problem has been uncovered. This

usual so called rapport building

happens in 63% of sales interviews.

techniques. They then ask a few

Sales, like any other business

to take an order, greet a customer

self-serving questions to uncover

activity, are a process and needs

and put a burger together.

In sales there is a best practice

the seat of their pants”.

salespeople, Malcolm Gladwell

too. Like assembling a cheeseburger, sales has a process. Firstly to identify your prospects, next to get a referral to them, then establish trust, uncover their need, if they have one, present a solution, and ask for the business.

It is a fact the greatest asset in our businesses is our staff. It costs businesses just as much

Exceptional salespeople have a

McDonalds doesn’t hire staff and then challenge them to figure out how best to do the job. Instead they work on the basis there is a best way

wrote in his famous book “Outliers” – “success in any field comes from opportunity and practice”.

money in salary, travel and costs

Many companies give their

for a poor sales performer as it

salespeople the opportunity to

does for a great sales performer.

undertake sales training - what

Therefore we need to lift the

makes the difference between

Selling is very simple but not easy!

performance of all our salespeople

good salespeople and the great is

Imagine sitting on a plane at HB

to ensure consistency in sales

the great salespeople continue to

Airport waiting to take off and the

results. The way to achieve

learn and practice the skills they

captain comes on and says – “this

this is through using best sales

have learnt. They say “practice

is my first flight in one of these

practices and measurement for

makes perfect” – this is only partly

really big planes – I’m going to try


true – perfect practice makes

and figure out the best way to fly

A question I sometimes hear is

perfect. Therefore sales come

this thing”.

“What happens if we train them

down to using best practices.

Many companies send their

and they leave?” I ask “What

As sales guru Brian Tracey says,

salespeople out into the field with great product training and very little if any sales training to “fly by

happens if we don’t train them and they stay?” Coming back to what makes great

“Until we learn the formula (process) for success we can’t repeat it”.■

Brett Burgess helps equip salespeople and business owners with processes and systems to increase the amount of sales they make on a consistent basis. To find out more visit

11 /


Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High


he New York Times bestseller that changed the way millions communicate draws our attention to those defining moments that literally shape our lives, our relationships, and our world. “This book deserves to take its place as one of the key thought leadership contributions of our time.” --from the Foreword by Stephen R. Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective. This new edition gives you the tools to prepare for high-stakes situations, transform anger and hurt feelings into powerful dialogue, make it safe to talk about almost anything and be persuasive, not abrasive. ■

Authors: Patterson, Grenny, McMillan, Switzler Publisher: McGraw Hill Price: $18.97 from

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It’s not what you sell, it’s how you sell.

Keeping the door open when “your competitor is cheaper”


ou will have been in the situation where a prospective client says that your offer is not competitive, or that they have lower bids on the table. How you respond to this will either keep the door open, or you will be closing the door on your way out. Here’s two approaches you can take: 1. Acknowledge that there is usually price variation in the market, and for good reason. Revalidate the decision criteria and explore how you rate against these criteria. Look for opportunity to illustrate how you have performed against these criteria in the past. 2. Ask the prospect for any reasons why they have not yet awarded the contract to the supplier with the ‘lower bid’. The decision may be made and the order being written up, but if not, this may just keep the door open for you to justify and maintain your higher price. ■

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2 Minute top-up

HOW TO BUG ME ON LINKEDIN What you may be doing to annoy your connections By Linda Coles


s a business person,

hour to get connected, friended,

investing in building your

followed and now pinned to as

network is a vital part

many people as possible.

of your success and LinkedIn is a great tool for doing this.

So slow down connection collector, relax, and be more

But for some reason, when we

meaningful in your approach, and

network online, we really forget

avoid some of the things that I see

how to communicate with the

all too often that really bug me.

person on the other end of the

If you want to develop a business

computer. In fact we forget that

relationship with your connection,

there even is a real person on the other end of the computer. Basic real life etiquette flies out of the window as we try and do everything at a trillion miles an / 14

don’t get off on the wrong foot, you could be creating a bad impression if you break any of the following rules. My top 10 things to avoid doing:

2 Minute top-up

1. Please don’t send a connection request to me saying that you are my friend when I have absolutely no idea who you are. You know it, and so do I so please have some respect there. Choose the “other” option, it works just as well and is honest. 2. You may think it’s cool to have a first name of “Big John” but really it’s not very professional in the LinkedIn business arena. Save that part for your Facebook page. 3. It’s lovely to see you dressed as a caterpillar but your LinkedIn profile photo needs to be the real you, so that when we meet up, I can actually recognize you in the coffee shop. 4. When you send me a connection request, I will always take a peek at your own profile before I accept to see a bit more about you. I

am interested. If we had met at a networking event offline, we would have said hello, and chatted a while, so why not here as well? Let’s talk and see if we have anything in common or of interest to share. 5. I will read your summary about what you do if it is from you, and not someone else. I want to hear your tone, get a feel for you, not someone else talking about you. 6. Your summary is probably the biggest thing I pay attention to when I am viewing your profile so please don’t shout at me in capital letters to get my attention. I can read it just fine in lower case. 7. Your recommendations that you have are great, but each one is from a colleague so it loses its importance. I want to see the real you from satisfied clients and maybe the boss.

8. Remember to un-check the little box when you send out a bulk message to your connections so that I don’t see everyone else’s email address and they don’t see mine. It acts as BCC (blind carbon copy) 9. Your tweets should really stay on twitter and not clogging up my business focused news feed from my other connections, it really is too much info for me to deal with. Sure, if it’s relevant to the business environment, send it along with the hash tag #in then I will be sure to see it. 10. And finally, please don’t assume that since we are connected on LinkedIn that I want to be added to your newsletter database too, because your news is not necessarily relevant to me if you build ships and I sell flowers.

If you want to develop a business relationship with your connection, don’t get off on the wrong foot, you could be creating a bad impression if you break any of [these] rules If you put yourself back into a real life networking event where you meet a new person for the first time, you wouldn’t do any of the things above, so please don’t do it to me on LinkedIn.

Let’s find out more about each other, chat a little, see who we know in common, and show a little respect to each other. That is the basis for a new business relationship.■

Linda Coles of Blue Banana is a speaker and trainer on building relationships online. To find out more visit www.

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