Dr David Morley - Communities of Practice

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Communities of Practice Dr David Morley Head of Education

CommuniAes of PracAce “groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it be7er as they interact regularly” (Wenger, 2007)

Raising the bar by shaping a ‘community of pracAce’ Environments

Agents of change CreaAng CollaboraAng CoordinaAng

Community of PracAce

Crea%ng – Solving problems •  What are developmentally appropriate acAviAes? •  When is the right Ame to use MulA-­‐skills acAviAes? •  Who is best placed to support children’s development effecAvely?

CollaboraAng – Requests for informa%on/ seeking experience/ cascading knowledge – Who/what is the best conduit for informaAon? •  Who are the ‘agents of change’, and what do they contribute? •  Which are the most collaboraAve environments?

Coordina%ng – ins%lling synergy/ reusing assets •  Can we combine resources? – Agents of change – Tangible resources-­‐ profiles, equipment, task cards

– Are environments coordinated effecAvely to: •  maximise children’s parAcipaAon •  increase physical acAvity •  Improve movement competency

Communities of Practice Dr David Morley Head of Education

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