Mark Perkins - Building Schools for the Future

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Building Schools for the Future Mark Perkins

ESP Conference Friday, 25th September 2009 1.  National update on BSF progress 2.  New ways of working, and revised entry process for BSF 3.  SE,YST and PfS overview of PE and Sport in BSF 4.  Transformation – what is it? 5.  Why change? 5. Q&A

Shaping a Community of Practice •  Multi-skills communities of practice •  Creating, Collaborating and Coordinating •  Agents of Change •  Environments

BSF progress so far: •  44 schemes have reached financial close delivering £3 billion investment - 8 deals have closed in 2009/10 already •  28 LEPs have been established •  85 LAs are engaged in BSF involving over 1000 secondary and SEN schools •  65 LAs to join BSF as soon as practicable •  87 schools have benefited from BSF investment (31 of which are PFI) •  PfS Academies: PfS is engaged on 154 projects – 65 BSF and 89 through national framework (48 Sports specialism)

Expression of Interest

Readiness to Deliver (RTD & MOU) - What is to be done?

RTD Assessment panel

Remit Meeting

Pre Engagement Meeting/support

Strategy for Change (SfC)- (28wks) How it will be achieved?

Outline Business Case (OBC) (22 Weeks later)

Financial Close (18 months after OBC approval)

Construction Phase

BSF Process


New Entrants to the Programme: •  DCSF confirmed 18 LAs joining the programme in 09/10 •  6 LAs formally announced on 15/7/09: Barnet, Bolton, Hampshire, Peterborough, Sunderland and Wigan. Remits in Sep/Oct •  2 More LAs will join next quarter as they have demonstrated ‘readiness to deliver’ •  21 LAs confirmed they will resubmit their RTD by 17/9/09 •  10 of these will be invited to join the programme this year, announcement expected in mid-late November •  Jan/Feb 2010 plan to accept submissions for BSF 10/11 if funding confirmed.

Funding from DCSF to PfS (wef 1 Oct 09)

•  Primary Capital Programme: funding for national primary school building programme earmarked in every local authority - £1.6 billion earmarked up to 2011 (9,000 of the 18,000 primary schools) •  LA Devolved Funding: funding for local authorities which is spent on locally decided priorities - £1.6 billion up to 2011 eg new school places, schools access initiaitve •  Devolved Formula Capital: funding for schools which is spent of capital projects •  Targeted Capital Programmes: eg school kitchens, zero carbon exemplar school

National Foundation for Education Research (NFER) •  Pre and post survey of 200 pupils conducted at a new BSF school found the following: •  The number of pupils who felt safe increased from 57% to 87% •  The number of pupils who felt proud increased from 43% to 77% •  In both surveys, PE came out on top as the favourite subject - but with a 14% increase stimulated by the improved PE and sports facilities. •  Attainment: Oxclose Community school Sunderland 41% to 62 % A* to C GCSE

“Technological change in the 21st Century will happen 1,000 times more quickly than in the 20th. By 2030, some believe the total sum of human knowledge will be available through a single personal device�

Futurologist, Ray Kurzweil - Sept, 2005

Just think… •  85% of the total school’s estate in England was built before 1975 •  The first DTI ICT initiative was introduced in 1981/2 (one computer. per school) •  The Top 10 jobs in 2010 will not have existed in 2004 •  84% of young people play computer games at least once a fortnight - 72% of teachers never play computer games •  Children entering school this year were born more than 11/12 years after the invention of the web – it is old technology to them •  More schools have been built or rebuilt in the last 5 years than had previously been built or rebuilt in the past 25 years. •  Undergraduates on a 4 year ICT course are ‘out of date’ at the start of their third year of study.

Recent developments •  22 companies shortlisted for the new Contractors’ Framework •  Minimum Design Standard (MDS) launched in May 2009 – Only designs graded by the CABE school design panel as ‘very good’ or ‘pass’ will be able to proceed through procurement and into construction •  Launch of the Transformation Trust – a new independent education charity set up by PfS. Projects funded will support extra-curricular activities for students in new BSF learning environments to help them develop new skills, and to increase self-esteem and confidence

Current & Future developments •  External reports - Public Accounts Committee (PAC) and the CBI (June) •  Co-location fund - £200m •  Capital Investment Change Programme – extension of PfS’ role across other schools capital programmes during 2009 •  Operational LEP Review - a toolkit of nine Practitioner Notes on issues including effective partnering behaviours will be available to download from the PfS website shortly

CBI Report - 18th June 2009 “The CBI has today published its second report into the Building Schools for the Future programme in which it states that ‘significant improvements’ have been made since their 2008 report and that ‘early indicators of academic performance and pupil behaviour in these [BSF] schools are very positive.”

Co-location Fund •  The Government has unveiled 101 projects that will receive a cut of its £200m programme to encourage councils to “co-locate” more facilities as part of the Building Schools for the Future programme. •  The announcement also included £3.09m for sports goods giant Adidas to set up nine or more so-called ‘Adizones’ as a public-private partnership to enable one council in each region to encourage sport and leisure activities in the runup to the 2012 Olympic Games.

Forthcoming diary dates: •  12 November: Excellence in BSF Awards 2009 – details on the categories and how to enter will be available in June. Comedian Dara Ó Briain is confirmed as host for the evening •  24 November: PfS Design Conference at the British Museum

Strategically Planning PE and Sport within BSF

Opportunities for PE & Sport Where do we want to be in 15-20 years time? Not Modernisation‌ ‌ but Transformation!

Transformation – What is it? •  •  •  •

Is it a noun or a verb? Is it a process or a statement? Is it a journey or a destination? Can you give an example of transformation in PE in your teaching experience? •  Could your learners explain a transformational experience in PE?

Transforming Learning •  Provision: site, buildings, specialist facilities •  Opportunities: Learning experiences, curriculum pathways, joined up services, different pedagogies, culture and organisation •  Outcomes: Impact, standards of progress, skills, attainment, qualities, competencies, community regeneration, ECM

Transformation Pyramid (microsoft) Transformation

Relative Innovation

Incremental Innovation

What sort of learners do we want? Successful learners who make progress and achieve

Confident individuals who lead safe and healthy lives

Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society QCA: The ‘big picture’ of the curriculum

The needs of the learner are central to the curriculum. The blueprint explores the dimensions that allow the curriculum to focus on the learners’ needs, meet overall Class aims and ensure the highest The Blueprint for its a World Curriculum achievement for all. WHEN?


Time is allocated according to learning need

Learning activities are selected to promote the aims of the curriculum and to maximise learners’ progress

THE LEARNER Learning activities are arranged to help all learners meet the curriculum aims and achieve well



Learning takes place in a range of contexts and settings

Methods and approaches fit the needs of learners and the ways in which people learn

WHO? A range of people are involved in providing learning experiences

Just think‌







Or outdoors?




2008 Current Secondary Playground Provision? Less Of This

What should they look like in the 21st Century?

More Of This

BSF Offers The Ideal Opportunity For Change

So what will inform our decision making process?

How do we make the journey? From:


• Location specific

• Any time, any place

• Teacher-led

• Learner-led

• Instructional learning

• Personalised learning

• Subject-led

• Problem-solving-led

• Learners as consumers of content

• Learners as creators of content

• Single school, home-brewed ICT • Wide-scale, industrial strength ICT

Think about... •  Move from subject based faculty to a ‘stage not age’ model. •  Cluster learning spaces in a small number of ‘families’ •  Isomorphism v Diversification - challenge the isomorphic state of ‘schools’ to move to a more diverse stance. •  Move from teaching to learning •  Develop the process of learning to learn (metacognition) •  Pedagogy or Andragogy Secondary Head teacher – •  “We need to think about the process of learning rather than the content of learning”

Action research, dialectic Move from didactic to flexible

Teacher as Facilitator, Enabler, Mentor and Coach


Young people as teachers

Vertical groups Young people learning how to learn

Mixed age classes

Stage not age

Teacher = coach, community leader, mentor, athlete, pupil, external professional etc. Vocational courses running facilities (leisure, catering etc.) Flexibility towards co-ed approach

Think about ‘learning spaces’ in PE •  ‘Classrooms’ or ‘learning spaces’? •  Physical (indoor and outdoor) and/or virtual learning spaces? (ESP Pilot at KS3 Derby City LA) •  What does ‘flexible’ and ‘adaptable’ mean in the context of a learning space for PE? (ASB squash, portable swimming pools, rotational mobile climbing walls, changing rooms that aren’t changing rooms see photo)) •  What specialist learning spaces are essential (BB98)? •  What form can generic learning spaces take? •  Will the learning space for introductory sessions be different to the spaces needed for extended learning? •  How can learning spaces support collaborative working? •  How can learning spaces support personalised learning? •  Could ‘corridors’ and ‘changing rooms’ be learning spaces?

The Hub – Regents Park

“Face on the stage, or Guide by the side” • Didactic v Facilitator • Subject delivery model v student access model • Learning to Move, Moving to Learn • Isomorphic v Diversification

Questions, questions?                

What sort of education do we want to see in the future? What sort of learning relationships do we want to foster? What competencies do we want learners to develop? What tools and resources are available to us to support, and enhance learning? Where do learners want their learning to take place? What are the learning outcomes our learners will need? Who is best placed to lead the learning? Who will learners learn with? Who will learners learn from? How will learners learn?

Re-Imagining Learning Spaces - Futurelab, 2006

More questions…  What buildings do we want?  How many classrooms do we need?  How many playing fields do we need?  What size pool, do we need?  Can we just have our entitlement -default to BB98  What facilities do we need to deliver the curriculum?

•  •  •  •  •  •  •


RSA Academy, Tipton 5 Terms Three hour ‘lessons’ Classes of 90 pupils AM/PM curriculum Learning Plaza (Kent) Hugh Christie Technology College in Kent is a trailblazing school (staggered school day, project based curricula)

Innovative Options •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Speedminton ( Brushboarding ( TigerTurf ( ASB Squash Courts Swimming Pools (portable) Goals (flexible spaces) ESP - Derby City Outdoor Learning space Rowing Djanogly Nottingham MUSAs Crazy Catch Freedom Climber (

What could that look like? •  Tibshelf Community Sports College Wave 3 – Derbyshire. •  Indoors: One activity hall of 250m2 and three at 150/160m2 – possibly reduced due to affordability. •  Outdoors: covered area the same size as a 4 court sport hall


Why Change?

Educational Drivers for Change: •  Every

Child Matters •  Personalised Learning •  Curricular Organisation •  ICT •  Integrated services •  Inclusion • 14-19 Agenda •  Workforce Reform •  Extended schools

“Teachers are not resistant to change, they are resistant to being changed!” •  McKinsey’s - 7 stage Model of Change Management •  Kurk Lewin’s - Three stage model •  Kotter’s - 8 step theory for change •  Prosci’s theory of Change •  Common theme - “shared values”

Change Management • v=xFAWR6hzZek

National Indicators for LA’s to consider 188 NI’s - 35 to be selected by LAs as local priorities: 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.

NI 1 (Social Cohesion) NI 2 (Stronger communities) NI 8 (Adult participation in sport) NI 55/NI 56 (Obesity) NI 57 (Participation in high quality PE and sport) NI 88 (Extended services) NI 110 (Positive Activities)

PSA 21 - Build more active Communities. PSA 22 - 5 hour offer

The 5 Hour Offer Ensure that all 5-16 year olds have access to two hours PE and three hours beyond the curriculum, and 16-19 yr olds have three hours of sport outside of the curriculum. This is referred to as the 5 hour offer.

PfS PE & Sport workstreams PfS Multi Disciplinary Team PROJECT DIRECTOR


Liz Delany





Becky Bracey


Protocol - Agreed way of working between PfS, Sport England and YST to support and deliver BSF PE and Sport Stakeholder Group established in all Wave 5 LAs and onwards: • Agreed representation from four key areas of existing PE and sport networks (- now 5) • Facilitated Locally (regional support, London, East Midlands). • Direct input/access to BSF Project Board through workstream Lead in LA




NGB broker, CSN link

Community Plan, Play,

Sport Funding. Regional Facility Strategies

Crime Reduction, Community Use.

Cross Boundary planning

Strategic Planning etc.

Active People/Places etc.


PfS PE & Sport Adviser –

Curriculum advice PE Practitioners link


Special Needs,


GP referral, Healthy Schools etc.


ICT, ECM, LTL, Personalised learning etc.

Project scope and timescales, pupil place planning, options appraisals and feasibility study, wider transformation agenda Regeneration etc.

Physical activity, Obesity,

Provides introduction to Stakeholder Grp, signs off key documents, advises group


Head Teacher link, Education attainment through PE Sport PESSCL/PESSYP data


Sports College links with NGBs and Clubs etc.

Sport England Regional Planner – Pre application planning advice, Statutory Consultee for Playing Fields, support with Strategic Planning tools

The aim is to assess whether the scheme submitted by the local authority meets the strategic objectives of BSF and fits in the context of an authority’s whole school’s estate.

SfC 1 - Q17. “Is there evidence that consultation has begun with the PE and Sport Stakeholder Group and others concerning the strategic development of sports facilities within their area?” SfC Part 2 (a) B2 – Formal and statutory consultation has begun. PE and Sport SHG in place F2 - Delivery against PSA targets SfC Part 2 (b) L4 – Integrated approach to community facilities & consideration of the outcomes of the PE and Sport SHG O1 - Consultation and Managing the Process

Strategic Planning Tools Demographic Analysis

‘Power’ User Analysis

Design – reflect new trends in participation •  Stimulating ‘hard to reach’ kids •  Innovative approaches to design •  PE curriculum / new trends •  ‘Action’ Sports (MacMillan Academy) •  Personal ‘lifestyle’ activities •  Flexible space / arts / dance •  Integrate ICT – make it interesting

‘Flexible Spaces for Physical Learners’

What sort of facilities do we want to see? • Not one size fits all – potential hub / specialist sites • Based on strategic need – sustainable • Maximises whole site – external and internal, formal and informal

• Promotes physical activity • Future Proof – Flexible but useful • Encourage community use • Appropriate for different types of Learners

• Utilises ICT • Fulfils needs of partners – Clubs etc.

Examples: •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Telford - Hadley Learning Community, (3 schools) Knowsley - Learning Centres, (FF) Liverpool - St Margaret’s, (cricket) Bristol LEP model, Leisure centre Newcastle Benfield refurb (20m pool, gymnastics HPC), ASB squash courts, Bramhall High School, Stockport, Drama Leicester, ITI, wheelchair basketball, pool and sports hall Penryn, Cornwall £1.4 million additional funding Queen Elizabeth’s Sports College Dorset £34 million BSF Pathfinder Leisure centre with hockey, PCT on site, ICT for ITT •  ESP - Derby City Outdoor Learning Space •  MacMillan Academy Middlesborough - Outdoor learning •  Swimming pool rationalisation – Rotherham, Nottingham, Telford

Less of this‌

More of this‌

and this‌

•  FLEXIBLE FOYER – Use as informal teaching area, café, climbing wall etc.

Litherland High School - Sefton, ÂŁ24m due to open in 2011

“Shift Happens” Web Site

Only dead fish follow the flow!

PfS Website:

From this web site link to the PE & Sport pages:

Mark Perkins:

•  PfS Website :

•  From this web site link to the PE & Sport pages:

•  PE & Sport Adviser: Liz Delany (South) Mobile: 07917 184129 Becky Bracey (North) Mobile: 07825 528357 Mark Perkins (Central) : 07825 204877


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