Did you know that there is a planet in our own solar system that can fit over 1,300 Earths inside of itself? Well this planet is Jupiter, it's the fifth planet from the sun and the largest by far. There are a lot of interesting things about this mysterious planet, for example, there is a great big red spot in it's atmosphere, it's a storm that's been going for over 300 years! It's bigger than earth and mars combined!
Jupiter is really bright, so bright that you can see it at night without a telescope. So if you ask who discovered this planet, there really is no answer. NASA says that the ancients discovered it back in ancient times, it could be true because they only thing they needed would have been there eyes. There was a chief ancient roman god named...show more content...
The liquid metallic, and again is made up of hydrogen and helium
4.The icy mantle.
5.The rocky core.
So in this case, Jupiter cannot support any life what so ever. But Jupiter's tempeture is pretty rough too, it usually stays between–163 to –121 degrees Celsius. Pretty cold considering it's only the fifth planet from the sun.
Jupiter's atmosphere is mostly hydrogen and partly helium, 14% helium and 86% hydrogen. Jupiter also has 66 known moons and there still may be some that are yet to be discovered. The biggest moons are Europa, Ganymede, IO, and Callisto. Jupiter's ring system is very hard to see, it's mostly made of dust. The main ring is only 19 miles thick and about 4000 miles wide. These rings were discovered in 1979 by a spacecraft known as Voyager 1.
One interesting thing about Jupiter is if it were 80 times greater, it would be a star, because it is pretty much made up of the same sources as stars. It's mostly hydrogen and helium in a liquid form. Some people think of Jupiter as a mini solar system because of all of it's orbiting moons. So now you know more about this massive gas giant, so if you have a telescope, go outside on a calm night and look for a big bright star, it may be
Research Paper On Jupiter
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The Stolen Generation of Aboriginal Decent Essay
The Stolen Generation has left devastating impacts upon the Aboriginal culture and heritage, Australian history and the presence of equality experienced today. The 'Stolen Generation' refers to the children of Aboriginal descent being forcefully abducted by government officials of Australia and placed within institutions and catholic orphanages, being forced to assimilate into 'white society'. These dehumanising acts placed these stolen children to experience desecration of culture, loss of identity and the extinction of their race. The destructive consequences that followed were effects of corruption including attempted suicide, depression and drug and alcohol abuse. The indigenous peoples affected by this have endured solitude for many...show more content...
Although many of these children were later adopted and had experienced an extensive education, the emotional and social cost was too high. The heartache experienced was detrimental to the growth and to their very survival. The 'Stolen Generation' has had significant effects upon the Australian history and culture and destructive effects upon the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples affected. Assimilation policies existed in purpose of allowing the removal of Aboriginal children legal and believed as to be the right thing. The removal policy was managed by the Aborigines Protection Board. The Aborigines Protection Board was a government board established in 1909 with the power to remove children without parental consent and without a court order. These policies were especially detrimental to the Aborigines as a 'government' act prevented them with having authority over their own children and having no power in stopping the abducting of their children. Over causing a significant discrimination against the indigenous race, breeding hatred and inequality in Australian society, the implementation of these policies caused immense heartache and anguish for the Aboriginal parents for losing their children, the children of the Stolen Generation experiencing solitude and confusion for majority of their lives and the rest of society,
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Essay on Website Design
Facebook, Myspace, Yahoo, Google, and Twitter are all websites that people use every day, but how did they get there and how were they created? Website design is a process of assorting and linking codes and graphics into a text editor such as notepad and then displaying it onto a web browser. There is a large amount of things to remember for website design. Ranging fromHTML, CSS, and XHTML codes to scripting languages like Java Script. Website design has a vast history considering it is a fairly young profession. Website design uses complex codes to create web pages in addition with programs aiding in the creation; when you join the two components together it is a long complicated process that ends in purchasing a domain name for a...show more content...
Websites did not need to be big, elaborate, and flashy. They just needed to get the point across, and that is exactly the purpose they served. In 1994 the World Wide WebConsortim or W3C was established to oversee the development of web technology standards. The W3C designated HTML as the primary code language for the future of website design to be based on. Of course they have made advancements in the base design code such as HTML versions one, two, three, four, and XHTML. The very first and current director of W3C is Tim Berners–Lee. Tim actually invented the World Wide Web in 1991 and created the world's first website. He put the first website online on August 6, 1991. The web address was http://info.cern.ch/. Unfortunately it no longer exists in its original form. The W3C is still in charge of code techniques and development guidelines that website development follows. Technology has advanced over the years in web design. Website design is cut up into four generations. The first generation of web design was very simple. It was basically just text, this was because early modems were very slow and plain basic webpages would load much faster this way. The second generation was slightly more advanced as the development of HTML became more complicated. The third generation of web design is when website designers could add vibrant colors and animated images to their webpage. The evolution of websites and their Get more content
Design Of A Standby Generator
SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL and ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING Bachelor of Engineering Technology in Electrical Services Engineering
Program Code: DT083 YEAR 4 Module: Electrical Plant 2 Lecturer:Thomas Woolmington Student NameKarl Kidd Student NumberD02127276
Class GroupA Assignment1 Assignment title:Design of a Standby Generator Date issued 12/2/16 Due byDate returnedDECLARATION I hereby certify that the material, which is submitted in this assignment/project, is entirely my own work and has not been submitted for any academic assessment other than as part fulfilment of the assessment procedures for the program (DT083) Bachelor of Engineering Technology in Electrical Services Engineering (B.Eng Tech). Signature of student:............Karl Kidd..........
Prevention of
Type of
exiter unit4 Engine
Interface5 Fuel and fuel storage7 Noise Levels7 Air intake and Exhaust8 Maintenance8 Location8 Containment8 Fire implications9 Peak lopping9 Conclusion10 Figure 1 The SDMO T22K Generator1 Figure 2 ATS021 Automatic transfer switch2 Figure 3 Switching of non–priority loads3 Figure 4 MECC ALTE ECP 28–1LN/4 Alternator4 Figure 5The Mitsubishi S4Q2SD4 Figure 6 The Apm 303 Standard controller5 Figure 7 The APM 303 Standard Controller5 Figure 8 TELYS Optional Get more content
Date:............................................. Contents Introduction1 Choice of generator1
of Operating & Starting2
Type4 Electrical
Questions On Search And Seizure
Search and Seizure is an ongoing topic of debate and the rules involving search and seizure are constantly changing with the new advances in technology as the years move on. Everyone has the right to privacy under the Fourth Amendment of our Constitution, but how that right is implemented and what it covers is often brought up in the Court of Appeals. Many questions are brought up when it comes to search and seizure and whether the search and or seizure were conducted legally. We have to be clear that a search and seizure can deal with the specific person being searched or their property being searched. Some of the questions often brought up when dealing with search and seizure include: Has a search and or seizure occurred? Did the...show more content...
Judges are the ones who end up determining what is considered a violation of privacy and what is not. They come to their decisions by looking at what society as a whole would feel is an invasion of privacy, but also by looking at earlier cases that have similar facts and the outcomes of those cases. It is important to know that protection from unreasonable search and seizures only applies to government actions under the Fourth Amendment. It does not apply to citizens not acting on the government's behalf (United States v. Jacobson, 466 U.S. 104 (1984)). The Exclusionary Rule was created by the U.S. Supreme court as a way to exclude the introduction of evidence at trial that was obtained illegally. It is important to keep in mind there are expectations to this rule and just because a search or arrest was deemed unreasonable does not necessarily mean the exclusionary rule would apply. Some examples that serve as an exception to the Exclusionary Rule are: Good Faith; which means the officer relied on a search warrant that was found to be defective. In other words if a well–trained officer did not know the search was illegal despite obtaining a search warrant then the exclusionary rule would not apply. Inevitable Discovery; what this means is the evidence found would have been found anyway, even without the illegal search or seizure and the last example I will use is Clerical Errors
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Interview With an Elderly Person Essays
Aging and being old was dominated by negative characteristics and conditions such as illness, depression, and isolation for a long time (Eibach, Mock, & Courtney, 2010). At first glance the terms "success" and "aging" seem to be in conflict to each other. When asking people about aging, their answers have many facets that are also found in psychological definitions: successful aging is seen as health, maturity and personal growth, self–acceptance, happiness, generativity, coping, and acceptance of age–related limitations. In the psychological sense successful aging is also often seen as the absence of age–associated characteristics (Strawbridge, Wallhagen, & Cohen, 2002). It seems that successful aging means is not aging. Methods I...show more content...
2. Which part of aging are you the least satisfied with? This question can be seen as a follow up question of the first. If there are any negative aspects she sees in life, this question will present the details. 3. Where did you see yourself at this age? This question might explain any happiness or unhappiness my aunt experiences. Her past ideas about her life could give clues as to why she is happy or unhappy. 4. Is there something that surprised you about aging? This is a follow up to question 3. 5. If you could go back, what changes would you make? This question gives my aunt the opportunity to reflect on her past and think about what she would change if she could. 6. If you could tell your younger self something, what would it be? I added this question during the interview because of her answer to question 5. 7. You live alone. How do you manage your everyday life? I was curious to hear how she is coping with her age–related limitations. 8. What positive aspects do you see when getting older? This question is supposed to turn the conversation towards a more positive experience. It is often easy to see what problems aging causes but it is equally important to understand that aging can also have positive aspects. In case my aunt would answer any of the prior questions negatively, this is the chance to end the interview on a better note. The answers to
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INTRODUCTION It seems that every year people turn increasingly toward living their lives through technology. It has inundated society, families, jobs, and lives. Three developing trends that in some ways overlap each other are specifically related to living in a technology world. These trends are particularly important to the school librarian because many students are living their lives through the web. In order to reach those students, the librarian must be knowledgeable about the trends and applications and be able to use and apply them in a library setting. By using them, the librarian makes the library relevant to students, and brings the library to students where the students are.
The first trend is social communication...show more content...
TREND ONE – SOCIAL COMMUNICATION Social communication is found on the web through blogs, online journaling, emailing, instant messaging, and micro–blogging. People use these applications to track their lives, inform others what they have been doing, make recommendations, rant about an interest, and a variety of other reasons. There is some sort of social communication about virtually every topic under the sun. Blogs, which is short for web–blogs, are essentially a place online where people go to write about their thoughts, ideas, feelings, etc. in their own voice in order to share it with the masses ("Exploring web 2.0 and libraries," 2006). In a blog, someone can respond to the writer with a comment, and then the blogger can post the comment for others to view, or they can delete it. In education or in a library, a blog could be used to share ideas about a topic, recommend books, share thoughts on a book, share news about upcoming events, share information about a past event, etc. (Naslund & Guistini, 2008). Blogs are very applicable to the library setting. It is a place to have conversations about anything. It could become a sort of on–line book club. The blog should invite participation. The more engaged students are, the more likely they are to care about the library ("Technology trends for a 2.0 world," 2007). Some of the more popular blog sites are blogger.com, edublogger.com, and blogsopt.com (Naslund & Guistini, 2008). Micro–blogging is
Technology Trends Essay
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Reflection Paper On Who Am I
'Who am I?' Reflection Paper Who am I? This question seems simple, but this is actually a difficult question for an individual to answer about him/herself. If someone ask me all of the sudden about who I am, I might take few minutes to think about it because the questions is really broad. I might answer all these questions about myself about what I think I am. It might be changing from time to time. In this essay I will describe what I think about myself in various aspects: Who am I physically? Physically, I am a healthy person with a healthy body and I am also currently physically active. Besides, I am considered a relatively tall woman in my country, but not when I came to study in the United States–I become one of the shortest people in class. I have a long hair, olive skin tone, oval shaped face and brown eyes. Who am I Emotionally? Emotionally, I am the one who is easy to forgive people for what they did. I am also a person who do not know to express anger to someone which I think might lead to both negative and positive effects to relationship with people in general. I also value my family so much where I work hard in school and college to be better off in life after graduation not only for myself, but foe my family too. Who am I spiritually? I am really glad because for now I am satisfied with myself and I know myself well to understand others. I am a Muslim and Islam is my religion. I tend to keep this in mind with everything that I do in my every day life. Who Get
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AUTOMATIC SENTENCE GENERATOR SYSTEM FOR SPEECH RECOGNITION APPLICATIONS. JosГ© Luciano Maldonado. Universidad de Los Andes, FACES, NГєcleo La Liria, edificio G, piso 1, Instituto de EstadГstica Aplicada y ComputaciГіn, IEAC, MГ©rida, Venezuela. luzmalvy@telcel.net.ve maldonaj@faces.ula.ve Abstract. We describe an experimental computer program which can generate sentences automatically. To do so, models are first created based on contexts of interest. These models incorporate word histories that are detected in a context dependent training set of sentences. Not only will we be able to automatically generate sentences associated with the theme being modeled, but we will also be able to help recognize phrases and sentences. In other words, this...show more content... The training or modeling of the context consists basically of the search, coding and saving of the occurrence of contiguous word histories corresponding to the sentences and paragraphs of the training corpus. We create coded blocks of word histories. The words in the histories are coded by way of whole numbers. In figure 2, we give an idea of how we code the histories in the training corpus. The first word that appears in the first training corpus (recall that we can work incrementally with various corpus) is assigned the number 1, then, the next different word is assigned the number 2, and so on. The nth different word is assigned the number n. text to whole numbers histories of two words the origin ......................
Automatic Sentence Generator
...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... the origin of ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... 9 10 ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... 9 10 11 .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. text to whole numbers histories
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When presented with the question, "who are you as a writer?", I was speechless at first. But after thinking about it, I realized who I am as a writer has been influenced by so many different sponsors throughout my life and there was not a short, concrete answer. Brandt mentions that "literacy is sponsored by people, institutions, and circumstances that both make it possible for a person to become literate and shape the way the person actually acquires literacy." (Brandt 43) My attitude towards writing has been influenced by teachers, both negatively and positively, by my mother, and by academic assignments over the years. My answer to the question can only be answered by a narrative of my writing life. I have convinced myself that I am a terrible writer, and when presented with a writing assignment, I get anxious instantly. I see writing as a burden and a huge obstacle that gets placed in my life. Academic writing is not fun, but something I value due to the fact that we are a grade driven society. When writing, I write to the guidelines in order to receive points for the requested criteria. The reason being, I gave up on expressing my own ideas because I had been shut down by so many teachers throughout my education. I tried to write down what came to my mind and put my own twist on things, but that was not the "right" way to write papers. In order to make both my teachers and my grades happy, I wrote what they wanted to hear, and even then I was not to the level they
Who Are You As A Writer? Essay
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Perspectives Essay examples
Life Span & Introduction to Sociology
In class we have been discussing the analogy of perspectives. A perspective is a way of seeing, also thought of as a 'point of view'. This mental view or outlook can both enhance and constrain how we view the world in our own eyes. In the field of psychology and sociology there are many ways to perceive our world in which we live. No one perspective alone can define the world. Each perspective has its own distinctive strengths and blind spots. In class we have discussed different theories and analogies to better understand the complexity of perspectives. Perspectives will both facilitate and constrain perception. A good example of this statement is the Burke...show more content... Even when that one perspective may not be the most accurate way of viewing something in a particular situation, it can be tempting neglect other perspectives or "tools". The example given in class was Freud and his psychosexual theories. Freud believed that everything we did was a result of our sexual desires. Freud's only "tool", or perspective, was this belief , and he used it when viewing everything, even when it may have not been the best "tool for the job". Most of us have heard the term "seeing is believing", but in class we discussed that "believing is seeing". When you already believe something and have an idea implanted in your memory it will alter what you think you are seeing. In class we observed many slides of different pictures portraying how believing is seeing. One specific example from the slide show was one image that contained two completely different pictures depending on how you looked at the picture. Before showing us the image for the first time the pervious slide stated "Cowboys Crossing the Creek". When the image appeared you automatically saw cowboys on horses crossing a creek. Then we were shown a slide stating "Faces Everywhere". This time when the same exact image was shown for the second time, you saw faces everywhere in the image. This is because you already had an idea placed in your mind causing you to see what you already believe. Referring to the familiar Get
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Today's world of rapid increase in and expansion of technology is the reasons for recent International Business growth. The rapid growth in international business makes an understanding of organizational behavior all the more important for contemporary managers. Businesses have expanded internationally to increase their market share, as the domestic markets were too small to sustain growth. Business transactions are also becoming increasing blurred across national boundaries.
Companies engage in international business to expand sales, acquire resources, diversify their sources of sales and supplies, and minimize competitive risk. When operating abroad, companies may have to adjust their usual methods of carrying on business. This is...show more content...
When dealing with international finance, risk is calculated in many different areas. Here, I will discuss the financial risks associated with international business, with an emphasis on the risk of foreign exchange rates. Country Risk When a business decides to become an international trader, one type of risk that must be examined is the country risk. When a company accepts or approves credit to a foreign customer, they are not only assuming the foreign company's risk, but also the country's risk. Country risk analysis means determining the country credit–worthiness. In terms of the ability and willingness of a foreign government to make available to local companies foreign exchange necessary to service their foreign currency denominated obligations or debts to foreign suppliers. (www.bcfm.com/financial_manager/szabo%20internationalfm98.htm)
Mitigation of Country Risk
One way a company can help to mitigate country risk is by fully researching the foreign country they wish to do business with. This is accomplished by conducting a country risk assessment. This assessment takes into consideration the probability of credit loss or delayed payment, and uses the results to determine if the corporation will extend credit with the foreign business. Foreign Exchange
Foreign exchange risks are often the result of country risks. Foreign exchange risks can be defined as the ability and willingness of the
Essay on International Business
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In the helping professions such as psychology, counseling, social work and education, it is imperative that we as professionals understand tests and be able to administer them properly to our clients or students. Tests should be carefully selected, as each has a purpose and as we are aware, there are biases within various tests. A biased test is one in which there are methodical distinctions in the meaning of test scores correlated to different groups. Most tests are well–formulated; however none are absolute. Tests are often administered to make substantial conclusions that will affect the lives of the test–taker. The test–taker is unaware of these biases that are in favor of or in opposition of specific groups of people and the results...show more content...
When discussing biases in testing, intelligence tests are highly discussed especially when addressing cultural bias. Culture, which is defined as the belief systems and value orientation, including customs, norms, practices, and social institutions (Fiske, Kitayama, Markus, & Nisbett, 1998) has a significant influence on all aspects of the individual, and problems can occur with instruments that do not consider cultural differences (Whiston, 2009). Many researchers have studied cultural bias of intelligence tests as they relate to African–Americans. As known, many instruments including intelligence tests were designed to be administered to white or European Americans. Although cultural bias in testing does not focus only on African–Americans, it is one focus group. Intelligence tests, which are also identified as cognitive ability and ability tests, are psychological tests that were created to calculate cognitive abilities, such as reasoning, comprehension and judgment. However, they are often affiliated with inherited attributes. In comparing intelligence tests with achievement tests, achievement tests are often correlated to educational opportunities and academic experiences, which can affect test performance. Due to various concerns intelligence tests are commonly criticized for many reasons, test bias being one (Jensen, 1980). R.J. Gregory (2004) stated
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Essay on Test Bias
Being A First Generation College Student
Being a first generation college student is a heavy load to carry due to the constant reminder of having to be a good role model for my siblings. Children of immigrants are often highly expected to excel in their academics and to be involved in extracurricular activities. His /her parent immigrated to the "Land of The Free" in order to receive a better life and to give their children a place to call home. They work from one to two jobs a week just so that we can dig through the pantry, and raid the refrigerator. We sometimes take our parents for granted unknowingly, and constantly fill our heads with a question that we all seem to ask. "How do I please my parents?", "What do I have to do to make them happy?". As students we should all be voicing "College!". Yes, maybe our folks's dreams have faded away, however that should be our motivation to aim higher; to achieve our American Dream. Throughout our years of education, our very own relatives and teachers have emphasized on the importance of receiving a higher education. I have come to realize that I should not be asking myself "How do I please my parents?". Instead, "How do I please myself?", "What will my lifetime goals be?", "Will it leave my parents hard work in vain?". Obtaining a higher education will not impact their lives, but will affect yours drastically. My American Dream has always been to become an immigration lawyer that deals with international relations or to become a professor teaching my true passion for Get
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Example Of A Pico Essay
PICO Question In the treatment of inpatient adults with a primary depression diagnosis, does an outcome–monitoring instrument such as a PHQ–9 monitor depressive symptoms more effectively that traditional clinical interview techniques during acute hospitalization course?
Definition of Terms
Questionnaire: The PHQ–9 is a 9–item multipurpose self–report instrument used in the screening, diagnosing, monitoring and measuring the severity of depression based on criteria presented by DSM–IV (Test Review: Patient Health Questionnaire–9, 2014). Outcome
PHQ–9– Patient Health
Monitoring: outcomes indicators measured repeatedly over time (Maloney, K., & Chaiken, B. P.,1999).
Making clinical decisions in psychiatric care is difficult. This difficulty is often exacerbated by a lack of tangible objective measurability in changes of clinical condition....show more content...
Depression is pervasive in both mental health and medical settings. In the US, the number of discharges with major depressive disorder as first–listed diagnosis was estimated 395,000 for 2010. The CDC also cites the percentage of persons 12 years of age and older with depression in any 2–week period at an estimated 8% between 2007–2010 (CDC, 2015). The American Psychiatric Associates guidelines on treatment of Major Depressive Disorder recommend the ongoing monitoring of symptoms among patients. Specifically, the APA recommends "systemically assessing symptoms of illness and the effects of treatment". Consideration is given to matching clinical observations with clinician and/or patient administered rating scale measurements for initial and ongoing evaluation (American Psychiatric Association, Get more content
Learning Styles : A Learning Style Assessment
A learning style is a term used to describe the ways in which people gather, interpret, and store information. Each style can be broken down into a category based on sensory needs: auditory, visual, and tactile. The presumption is that you will best retain the information presented to you if the conditions of your learning style meet. Based on the idea that learning styles exist, I consider myself a visual learner. I prefer to write instructions and keep my thoughts organized. I generate ideas based on reading examples or watching instructional videos. As a child, my preferences were lined primarily with auditory learning. I could easily remember things that spoken to me. As our personalities develop and environment changes, so do our learning styles.
A learning style assessment is a good way to gather information about your primary learning style. A series of questions are asked to determine your sensory preferences. Our learning environment can play a role in how well we will retain the information given to us. We may use different learning styles based on the situation. A learning style assessment offers a variety of scenarios to assess the way you learn most of the time. The questions vary from the type of books you enjoy to what you do while you wait in line at a store checkout. According to the assessment, my learning style is 40% Auditory, 35% Visual, and 25% Tactile. As a primarily auditory learner, "you learn best by hearing and listening" as well as "hum or talk
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Gene Therapy
Gene therapy is a powerful new technology that has the ability to change the way medicine is practiced in the future. The potential of gene therapy offers great hope for cure and alleviation of suffering from genetic disorders that now plague numerous people. Within this past decade, much research has been conducted to learn about the aspects of gene therapy, but there is still much to learn before it is an effective medical treatment. Despite failures to prove any clinical efficacy, many experts ofgene therapy predict that the first clinical success will occur in the near future. Gene therapy is a highly controversial topic that entails numerous ethical issues that need to be thoroughly analyzed before it is widely ...show more content...
One type is called somatic gene therapy, which involves the manipulation of gene expression in cells that will be corrective to the patient but not inherited to the next generation. This is the type of gene therapy that is currently being intensely studied in laboratories throughout the world. The other form of gene therapy is called germline gene therapy, which involves the genetic modification of germ cells that will pass the change on to the next generation. Little, if any, research is currently being conducted in germline intervention largely for technical and ethical reasons. However, many advocates of this type predict this will be a realistic option of gene therapy in the future.
How does gene therapy work?
When research on gene therapy began, the basic challenge was to develop a technique for delivering genetic material to the cells of the patient. Researchers first learned that gene delivery would not be effective unless the corrective genes were inserted into the nuclei of thousands or millions of diseases cells (Licking 96). When researchers simply injected the genes into the specific tissue where they were needed, no treatment occurred because the genes did reach the cells nuclei (Licking 96). Researchers learned that a therapeutic gene must be delivered by a gene–delivery system or "vector" in order to be inserted into the target cells of the patient's body.
Many of the vectors
Gene Therapy Essay
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Health Informatics Essay
Health informatics is the bridging of computer science, information and the health care field. This interdisciplinary field can be applied to a range of medical fields such as nursing, biomedicine, medicine and subspecialties such as immunology (immunoinformatics). Informatics not only has roles to play in day–to–day areas of immunology such as data storage/retrieval, decision support, standards and electronic health care records but also in research and education such as data mining and simulation systems (Coiera, 2002). Informatics and more specifically,health informatics first started being used in in the late 1950s with the rise of computers (Ho, 2010). Technologies such as computers allowed practitioners and researches...show more content...
Decision support systems are ideally interactive systems that allow the decision making physician to come to the conclusion based on a host of information pulled from data bases, personal knowledge, predesigned modals etc. Decision support systems have many benefits such as; patient–time efficiency, speed up process of decision making, promotes learning and training, reveals new approaches in thought process, generates new evidence in support of a decision and encourages exploration and discovery of the decision maker (Bosworth, York, Kotansky, & Berman, 2011). Although these systems require end user expertise, correct inputs and appropriate modals, they also require vast and exstenive information. Immunoinformatics are used to compile vast amounts of data for the immunology field (De Groot A. , Immunomics: discovering new targets for vaccines and therapeutics , 2006). This data includes genetic mapping, protein structures, cytometry data and many other data pools needed by immunologists to make correct decisions. Immunoinformatics face to challenge of compiling this enormous amounts of data in an organised and correct way. This data needs to be mapped into correct diagnostic modals for the physician to use in their decision support system (Barh, Misra, & Kumar, 2010). This data leads to new ways of hypothesis testing for immune responses
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Anugraha Joy Professor Crawford
English 101
October 2, 2016
Essay 1 What does it mean to be "woke"? People who have no idea what the word "woke" mean by now are probably not woke. And many who are using it are not using it right. Most of us are just seeing it as a new trending slang, but it is much more than that. The word is worth lives. Woke is awareness about community issues and confronting social injustices, such as racial inequality. The term is commonly used to refer to the persistence of racism in America. The Black Lives Matter movement is credited with popularizing the term as the rallying cry of racial injustice happened to blacks in the past, is happening to them in present, and to prevent that from happening in the future. This should be the end. In the future, we don't want to see what's happening to the black kids today happening to anyone "I have a six–year–old son, and I...show more content... It's not wishing that all these social injustices didn't happen, It's not sitting on your sofa thinking about a peaceful country, or writing an essay about woke and just sitting there half asleep doing nothing. It's "wanting everyone to know correct you are" (Hess). It is fighting down these immoral happenings in reality. You only win in this when you bring it on to other people "why black lives matter?" When you make someone realize how it feels when you lose your friend, or your sister, or make those officers realize what they have done wrong, and take proper actions for what they have done, that's "woke". But that's not what's been happening to our country, there has been no justice for the unarmedblack people , brutally killed by the police. It doesn't look like our government is doing anything about it. Just being able to change a racist person's mindset is being woke because that's "waking up" someone from those social injustices they have been doing to the
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Woke Essay Examples
What it Means to be an American What does it mean to be an American? In my eyes to be an American means to have privileges, rights, and freedom. America isn't perfect, but it is one of the only countries that have rights given to people of different diversities and gender. America does not have tremendous poverty. Instead we have choices given to us by the people who fought and died for the American people. Without George Washington and the other patriots who planted the first seed in the ground and help plant the American nation we live in now who knows what America would be like now. One of the most important and well–known facts about America is freedom. We are granted the freedom or choice in our...show more content...
The people in America are given something that not everybody's given. A chance to be successful and to survive, and most countries are not given that chance. Being in America offers a lot to the people. One of the most important right America offers to America is the chance to be ourselves and to live in a place were small wars are not going on between states or communities. The U.S. gives us a chance to be fed. The people in America are not surrounded by a majority of starving people. Instead we have one of the most powerful economy in the world. America offers so much to the people who live in the U.S., but America will always be full of criticism, violence, and people who are offended by everything. America still seems to manage to be one of the world's best nations. The first Americans planned America to be as successful as it is, but for America to be more peaceful. America is not one of the most peaceful places, but it is not the most dangerous place to live. Even political parties lie and cheat each other. A lot of the Americans are greedy, because they take advantages of what America offers to their citizens. Even though America is not perfect I am still glad to live in the U.S.
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to be an American Essay
it Means