Resume Reflection
This was a mock resumГ© that I created in my 12th grade AP english class. The resumГ© was used as a practice for when we need to create them for professional jobs later in life. We were asked to create a resumГ© in a standard format and include information about ourselves that would make a potential hiring manager want to pick us. I highlighted all of my achievements and my academic successes, as well as including my interests and contact information. This project helped me understand the proper way to write a resumГ©, and helped me learn how to focus on my strengths. Before doing this project, I really didn't know how to format a resumГ©, nor did I fully know what went into it. This benefited me significantly, and now I feel confident that I Get
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Art has been something that I have always enjoyed. Whether it be actually creating my own pieces or admiring pieces from local artist, it has been a passion of mine very early on in my life. Now before taking Art 102 I never really attempted to dive in deep to the pieces I was admiring; I never really "decoded" any of the pieces, really. Instead, I would simply snap a quick photo, add a dark filter that really made the reds stand out, and write a witty quote. This has been my cycle when walking into any exhibit for the past years; find the most visually appealing work of art and spend more time on posting the piece on social media than actually interpreting what the artist was trying to portray. Going through the semester I have more content...
Charles Graner and his team are the ones responsible for such actions and are responsible for the photo. When Graner and his team were exposed by Joe Derby, the entire world took note and there was not only outrage on Graner's part but on Derby as well for betraying his fellow American military. Copper Greene not only borrows the photo but iPod billboard as well and in a sense does a spin off creating his unique piece with his own message. The reason why we as individuals are able to make the connection of Greene's piece to Apple's advertisement is because the idea of signifier and signified. Where in this case the we take the signifier which is the bright loud colors with the a dark figure used in Greene's work and we translate that to the signified; which is apple products. In short, bright loud colors with dark figure equals apple products. Greene also uses bricoloage to create a sense of representation as he is using his platform to highlight the real world and those real issues. In this case, that being of American Military personal using strong forms of interrogation. Looking at the piece closer and decoding what the white headphones truly mean, we can conclude that those headphones not only serves as electrical wires used for torture but too Americans use those some head phones to shut out the outside world and any real problems, isolating themselves to their tunes and their own problems. The Get more content
My Reflection Of Art
Reflection About History
Knowing and understanding the past helps open doors to the future. As the old saying goes "history repeats itself". And if we didn't study American History, there would be no hope for the future. Without the knowledge of the past, Americans couldn't prevent the negative things from reoccuring. Our nation is stronger because superiors recognized the failures in the past and prevented them from occurring in the future. History doesn't just come from a textbook in school, it is all around us. History is found in museums, books, on the internet, where statues and memorials lie, and just from stories passed down from one generation to the next. History not only explains who people were, but what they did and why. History represents America's failures, progression, and success. Through history, we learn how people fixed problems, whether it worked or not, and we can build off of those solutions to better our future as Americans. Decision makers must use history to make factual judgements in order to succeed. Take the Vietnam War for example, a war that America didn't win. Although it may be considered a loss, it was a lesson learned. America learned that war doesn't solve everything, but we do know how to pick and choose our battles now. My grandpa is a Vietnam veteran, he was in the 101st airborne for the Army. He came home from the war shamed, just as all the other veterans were. At that time people weren't accepting the failure and learning from it, but the people of Get more content
Reflection Paper On Philosophy
This essay is reflection about my understanding from what I have learned during this class about what philosophy is. Philosophy is a broad topic and can be hard to understand. What we learn is class about philosophy defiantly makes me think and makes my brain turn all the time, but so far, my understanding is that philosophy is the study of knowledge. It breaks down what everything is. Examples used in class are chariness, deskness, and the main one sued in class "cupness".
According to Aristotle, philosophy is the study of fundamental nature of knowledge; it starts with wonder. Philosophy makes us ask specific question like "Why" why did this happen and how did it come to be. Philosophy had its origin in ancient Greece. Philosophy recognizes that everything is somehow connected.
Philosophy and 'science' are the same project; to do philosophy is to do science and to do science is to do philosophy. It is connected because philosophy/science was attempting to discover the fundamental unity principle that lies at the basis of all reality and all experience. This is why we refer to Garret Strong many times throughout our class discussions
The earliest philosopher/scientist are called Pre–Socratic philosophers. They came before the great philosopher Socrates. Thales is to be the first. Thales is referred to as the father or founder of philosophophy/science he lived in the sixth century BCE. Thales began to search for the unity principle, which is the ground of all things.
At the Get more content
Example Of Reflection In Literature
In the span of this course, I have learned a great deal about myself in terms of literature. This course has enabled me to make many great strides in my writing by exemplifying the works of authors and their literary devices. English 1102 has broadened my literary horizon by showing me more elegant ways to express my opinion. I am remorseful towards the fact that I did not take the class in person. Inversely, I have learned better ways to communicate towards the audience, through the use of various literary elements in lieu of going on tangents. In regards to taking English 1102, I feel as though I am on the precipitous of progress through the use of parallel structure and diction as a way of getting my point across, as well as using poetic styles from famous authors such as Charlotte Gilman to better express my thoughts and ideas. On the other hand, not being able to take the class in person has disabled me in a sense of not being able to garner a better sense of grammar and punctuation. Furthermore, through the assignments that I have completed, I have mastered the use of consistency which spurred on a more fluid line of communication with the readers through the use of efficiently utilizing parallel structure and diction, instead of jumping from topic to topic. The need to spew all perspectives originates from my predisposition of compacting conflicting opinions on one paper. Notably, employing parallel structure has brightened up my writing tremendously. For example,
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Reflection On Work Experience
Throughout the course of my workplace practices class I have participated in a consisted of completing assignments and work experience regarding my career pathways. As I look back and reflect on my time at this course, I am able to explore the graduate qualities and capabilities I have achieved over the duration of this study period, as well as the skills and abilities I need to improve on. Graduate qualities are skills that have been learned by students throughout the course of their schooling life, for example, it is a learning outcome of a program specifically stating the things that's been learned by students who have completed that program of study. In this reflection, I will be discussing about my strength and weakness more content...
Furthermore, preparing and packing the cafГ© every morning and afternoon depended on how well we worked as team, for example helping another worker when you have finished you own workload. My main strength in this whole course would be my personal development, as I was able to gain my own skills, attitudes, and knowledge, such as my technological skills for example, how to source useful information that is relevant to my work. Another example is becoming more confident about myself, as I am able to freely express my emotion without thinking of any sort of limitation that will limit my progress of taking risks for the fear of failure.
Reflecting on the Graduate Qualities and Capabilities Framework, I still feel the need to improve on my communication, planning and organisation skills. It is evident to me that these qualities are my weakest qualities that need to be enhanced. I think I am lacking in these qualities, as I do not participate in any school or outside school co–curricular activities anymore. This is due to me not being organised, as I do not set a straight direction for myself to follow. I am also a very introverted person when it comes to communicating with people. Planning a set of task for myself to achieve can be hard to follow at times, however I am persistent enough to get it done. I am able to improve on my communication skills by becoming more involved with the society around me, such as volunteering to help in Get
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Personal Reflection On Engineering
CVEN 4701 Reflection
Yuyang Zhang z5101032 3.1 c
Engineering involves in designing and constructing buildings and bridges, which are related closely to people's life. Being a professional engineer and knowing the accountabilities are important to contribute to the safety. Engineering is used to make people's life more convenient, so when engineers carry out their responsibilities, people's life and wealth safety can be protected. Besides that, a design should meet the safety regulations to keep the normal operation and protect the workers. Engineers should take the responsibility to eliminate the damage to the environment. In this semester, we did an energy assignment, in which we achieved a renewable fraction of 77.7% and the emission was reduced. That means the emission to global warming is little, public health and environmental quality are improved and the dependence on fossil fuels is reduced. Besides that design itself, the contribution to the whole environment can also fulfil the engineer's social value.
3.1 d
In the first workshop of this class, an engineering world with strict regulations was presented by the professor to me. All engineering designs and researches are the fruit of the engineers' intellect and hard work. Respecting the intellectual property rights is the principle to everyone in engineering field. All the essays that I have been referred to have clear references of citation. I have learned from the essays that it is necessary to state the source
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During speech class this semester, I gave several different types of speeches on several different topics. During this semester, my ability to give speeches in front of an audience has improved quite a bit, I hope. Going into the semester, I had a really hard time giving speeches to people, but now that speech is almost over I feel like I am more capable of doing so. I think the thing I did best during the semester was getting good information for each of my speeches. My favorite assignment was most likely the impromptu speech. I really liked that one because we did not have to prepare an outline or anything like that, we just got to go up there and speak. During this semester, I learned a lot about how to give speeches such as the proper way to stand so I do not rock, or how to use my hands to emphasize my points. In the future, I think that I will be able to control my speed better during my speeches which will help the people I am presenting to understand my message. I think the skills I have acquired during speech will help me for the rest of my life. No matter what career I choose, I am sure that at some point I will have to present to someone about something. The skills I learned in speech will also help me just communicate with people in a one on one situation easier than I do now. I can use these skills throughout the rest of high school and through my six years of college still to come because whenever I have to present a project I will know how to effectively communicate my message to my audience. Based off of all of my reflection sheets, video evaluations, and peer critiques I have improved over the course of the semester. At the beginning of the semester I had a problem with speed and using to many "filler" words. As the year progressed, my speed became more and more controllable and I used less and less filler words. After my most recent speech, I'm still not quite at the level I want to be at, but I am far better than I was at the very beginning. I think just speaking in front of people more than I am used to doing has helped me develop better speaking skills and grow in my ability to effectively communicate with others. Throughout the semester I learned a lot about speaking, performing, and
Speech Reflection Essay
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Reflection Working as a RN for the surgical services department I have witnessed the effects on health when individuals among the population with lack of health promotion. Furthermore, taking the course "Health promotion in nursing" for my Bachelors of Science in nursing (BSN) degree I have learned the global issues with health promotion and prevention. I have gained knowledge for my role in teaching families about good health prevention at every level; primary, secondary, and tertiary preventions. I have learned the benefits of effective communication, teamwork, and collaboration of care necessary for patients return to healthy status. For example, I have development an understanding for protective factors related to various age groups across Get
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Essay On Bsn
Reflection On Micro Teaching
This essay will analyse and highlight on the fifteen–minute micro teaching reflection that is vital for the self–evaluation and professional development of my teaching practice. It will further identify my strengths and weaknesses through my peer assessment and reflect on the teaching and learning theories, methods and strategies that are linked and practiced in my micro–teach. According to the teachers' standards (DfE, 2012) "teachers make the education of their learners their first concern, keep their knowledge up to date and are self–critical." Therefore, this reflection practice will guide me towards the improvement on my lesson planning strategies and delivery. In addition, it will also make an enormous difference in myteaching and learning practice which is vital for teacher training. One of the significant part of this course is micro teaching session, in this session we are required to deliver fifteen–minute planned lesson containing learning outcome. Furthermore, this session was recorded and observed by the peers to evaluate. Due to my interest in ESOL I decided to deliver my session on "Boogle Puzzle" to embed a simple literacy/numeracy activity aims to target ESOL (English for speakers of other languages) learners. In this task, pupils are given activity to make seven – ten words in the English language from the word grid to improve word recognition and spellings. Based on reflection of my micro–teaching I provided learners with the basic instructions on "Boggle puzzle" and opted for potential instruction strategy. I used present, practice and produce strategy (English language resource, 2017) to allow pupils to practice and learn new vocabulary in co–operative way. Similarly, I used co–operative learning method to encourage pupils to learn from each other and gain interpersonal skills. According to Johnson and Johnson (1995) co–operative learning method have proven effective in increasing motivation, self–esteem and problem solving. Thus, to enhance inter dependency, the class was divided into two main groups of fours and were further divided into pairs, to finish their task. According to Mercer (1985) effective communication is as cognitive and social development are intertwined,
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Assessment Reflection Essay examples
As I reflect on my past assessment process, I realized how much my assessments have changed over the years. In my early years, I used tests for informational recall as my assessments. I felt these were appropriate guidelines in which I needed to follow in order to substantiate a student's grade. Every assignment or tests was given a point value and then based on the amount of points, a grade was given. Every student's assessment was exactly the same, and the assessments did not contain any subjectivity. I felt confident in giving the grade based on a valid point system. However reflecting back, I see that I did not include any performance–based assessments or individual learning styles in my early assessment. I also did not more content...
Part of my assessment philosophy is to assess students on a daily basis which also includes their reaction to my class. Students come to school with so much baggage that if you only chose one day a week, or four or five times a marking period to assess them, chances are, they may be having a bad day. Therefore, these students may not demonstrate their true ability if given only a few attempts during the marking period. Assessment needs to be a continuous process throughout the marking period. Everyday my students are given an opportunity to demonstrate their learning whether it is an observation, a quick answer or a one–on–one discussion or a group project. My assessments are consistent, flexible and achievable. I adhere to the deadlines that I give my students as part of my assessment process. I want to infuse in my students that the world has deadlines, and you must be prepared to meet them. Assessment for many students means failure instead of demonstrating what you know. Too many students walk away from a test, a science lab, or any other learning experience and feel as if they have failed. Students should walk away from these experiences with a feeling of curiosity. If assessments are correctly used, students would want to experiment more and take additional risks knowing that the end result would be a feeling of achievement instead of failure. Assessments
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Education is ingrained in our lives; we are as a society born to learn. The ability to reflect on this habitual learning is what separates an honors mindset from the average. Reflection occurs continuously and effortlessly, as though peering into a looking glass. I reflect in order to increase my potential as a learner and become an honors student. Evaluating my past, present, and future education ultimately will unlock my fullest potential for true academic reflection.
My past education experience, defined as, elementary through high school, was filled with opportunities of growth and promises of success. From elementary to middle school, I was led by a spark to learn. I wanted to accomplish many tasks, wanted to learn as much and as deeply as I could, I wanted to succeed with hard work. At this age level, I was displaying a growth mindset, and many key characteristics of Angela Maiers' habitudes. The most prominent example of this display was my eighth–grade year as it was the first time I ever truly struggled academically in my life. I was in my eight–grade math class with Mr. Pfitzner, at the time the bane of my existence, and I did not understand a thing. It seemed like all my hard work was for nothing, that I would never be able to overcome this obstacle. For a moment, I was able to see how easily a slip from a growth mindset to a fixed mindset could be. As I slowly slipped into the fixed mindset, I remember asking myself if this is how I want to learn. This challenge
Essay On Academic
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This summer I spent my time on South Street, in a store that has a long history there. I came in as an intern and left a more experienced photographer. In this reflection essay I will discuss the place in which I interned, the information I researched about my field and what I ultimately learned by the end of this experience. My internship was hosted at Eye's Gallery, off of South Street, Philadelphia. This store is related to the famous Magic Gardens, a permanent installation of Isaiah Zagar's mosaic art. Eye's Gallery itself was established by his wife, Julia Zagar, and it is a boutique focusing around Latin American Folk Art. Many of their original merchandise came from the artists they met while they served in the Peace Corps. Now they have expanded to include an extensive collection of jewelry, clothes and include influences from South–East Asia. The store opened in 1968 (Udell), after the building served as their home for many years. My job at Eye's Gallery was to serve as a product photographer, but my skills were also utilized in fashion shoots and social media curating. Productphotography is mainly about capturing merchandise in a way that makes the appealing, makes the viewer want to purchase it. This is exactly what I aimed to do during my internship. Many of the shoots I was assigned focused on jewelry, which is the big seller for the store. I was also given a few fashion shoots, where I had to utilize models to make the clothes appealing. I read an
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Art Reflection Essay Example
Examples Of Academic Reflection
During the whole process of designing the IMC plan for HP Sprocket in this semester, I have earned valuable experience about teamwork, and I have learned lessons not only from class, but also from the whole working process. First of all, I have to admit that this group is one of the best groups I've ever had, I used to think that only failed experience helps people learn and grow. However, this time in a well–organised group, I found that I was wrong, positive experience contributes as well. This essay will reflect what I have learned, and it will be mainly divided into two parts: academic reflection and experiential reflection.
Academic Reflection
In an IMC plan, separate segment needs to cooperate with each other through organisational communications in order to ensure that audiences can receive a same key message from different channels (Ots and Nyilasy 2015, 134–135). Personally, I feel it is perfectly understandable as a first–time IMC practitioner. In this group work, because we do not have much time to discuss the "BigIdea" at the very beginning, we decided to divide the work first and then combine them together to find out the "Big Idea". However, I found that I cannot come up with useful strategies without effectively communicating with my teammates about our goal for this plan. After we have finished our first draft and uploaded it to Google Drive, we all agreed that this is a weak plan, because the messages we try to deliver in each piece do not have much in common.
As Percy (2013, 2–3) pointed out, both the key and the goal of IMC planning are "to deliver a consistent message". This made me think we might be wrong at the aiming stage. In this scenario, assigning work without figuring out the requirement of an IMC plan is the problem of our group, and I need to learn that figuring out the main requirements and setting a clear goal are essential steps for innovative projects like an IMC plan. Because they can improve both individual's task performance and group's working efficiency (Hoegl and Parboteeah 2003, 4). There may have certain groups that can perform well without cooperating tightly, like a calculation group, but IMC group is definitely not one of them. Which reminds me that in the
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Reflection Of My Teaching Experience
Teaching is not just a job that I perform because I expect a reward at the end of each month; it is my passion and I feel extremely satisfied with every successful lesson. I like to help the society, and teaching gives me a great opportunity to do so. I am passionate about educating my students, so I work with them and motivate them to lead them to find inspiration in learning. I use different strategies to engage them and share with them the knowledge.
As a teacher, I believe that I play a crucial role in the success of every learning process. To guarantee that learning will take place, I make sure to create a learning environment that is relevant to the students' background. Throughout my teaching experience, I learned how to love my students, more content... The observation's reflection has already influenced the way I plan and teach. Reflecting on my work helped me improve my teaching strategies and gain the ability to schedule plans that respond to the students' needs. In my opinion, observation is one of the most successful strategies that are used in the practicum course to support teachers. I believe that AUD has formed an enthusiastic teaching and learning community.
I learned a tremendous amount of information and experiences since my enrollment in the ME program. I learned to be flexible, remain open to continuous learning, and improve my career. I am also learned about the importance of time and about the importance of education in our life. I give the credit of all of that to the reflection strategy.
During my learning experience, I had the opportunity to re–skill myself and learn new strategies to support my mission as a teacher. Recently, the Practicum course has helped me live an authentic experience by transferring my learning and understanding into reality. I share knowledge, experience, and communication, which increase my awareness in a way to understand the change and implement new ways of
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Reflection About My Past Experience
During high school, many teenagers come across different struggles which some can lead to a loss of identity, confusion and change of character and personality. As individuals, we grow up and come against different obstacles which have a huge influence on us and who we grow up to be. Adolescent stage is a period of storm and distress which Louw and Louw (2014) define as the period through which a transition from childhood to adulthood takes place, it can also be seen as a bride for development. We develop different characteristics in each and every objection we come across. In this assignment, I'll be focusing on my reflection about my past experience in a deeper and richer dimension whilst using certain aspects which will help me make a richer meaning of my experience.
During my high school days I was just a young teenager living a happy life with little problems which only occurred due to my rebellious behaviour even after everything that I witnessed during my early childhood. Like most teenagers, I was one sneaky and naughty student who was a bit difficult to predict his own behaviour and was always up for a challenge, more content... It just brought a lot of pain in my life, but I just knew that I'll have to make peace with what has happened and focus on building myself into a person who will be able to take care of my niece and nephews the same way he would've taken care of them. I lost myself as in the process of seeking revenge, but months after getting caught up in what had happened, I knew I had to bounce back and show true character, keep my head straight and get my life back together by doing good in school after my grades had immensely dropped as I found it difficult to accept all this. I showed positive signs of resilience which the Merriam–Webster dictionary defines as, "the ability to become strong, healthy, or successful again after something bad
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Sometimes an experience can influence a person's attitude towards a subject. Some of these experiences may include events, music, media, a conversation, or literature. This summer I read a mandatory book that changed my perspective. Before reading the book Start Something That Matters by Blake Mycoskie, I believed that a person should only set fairly easy and attainable goals for themselves. Now my attitude is that you should pursue what makes you happy, and you shouldn't let struggles stop you. When I read examples about following a passion, overcoming a fear, and being persistent in your efforts, my prior opinion began to change. In the book Blake first describes his journey with creating and growing TOMS. Blake was on a more content...
She had to work with a printer that wasn't very professional; she had to ask for two very large loans from the bank; she had to battle in court with her publisher; and she had to struggle with being in $60,000 of debt. All of these road blocks frightened Pam; and she had many opportunities where it would have been easier if she gave up. Despite this, Pam proceeded in advancing her dream. She eventually overcame the barriers in her way and sold 1.4 million copies of her book. Pam is a prime example of not letting the obstacles in your way stop you. As I read her story I realized the reason we don't dream big is because of our fears. We are scared of all the possibilities that could get us down. And I think that those possibilities are all real, and they are all present, but if you care enough about your mission, then I believe the possibilities are all beatable as well. The last section of the book that had a major impact on my attitude was the creation of "method" cleaning products. Two friends created the more natural and environmental cleaning solutions after they saw the "toxic and dangerous" warning labels on their prior household products. One of the men had majored in chemical engineering and environmental science, and so they were able to produce the concoctions without any outside interference. Once they were produced, the men arranged for a local store to carry a few of their
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Reflection Essay Example
English Composition I has developed my style of writing and my skills analyzing and researching topics to write a piece about a topic. Throughout the course, I got better at analyzing articles and pieces to get the meaning of the topic. With that improved skill I was more able to use the information given from the text and install it into my essays, with proper citation if needed. Before taking the English Composition course, I was not one to organize my essays in an ordeal order to clearly state the point of the work. Now with taking the course, I have learned to organize my essays, examine research for a topic, and develop an essay with proper mechanics, and revising skills. In writing my personal, review, analytical, and more content...
I then described my life and who I was. After describing this, I explained my experiences in confronting racism. The point of the essay was to state that racism is still alive and can be present anywhere. After writing this essay, I learned that my mechanics and style was not where it should be. Even with the revisions Mr. Heldenfels made in the draft, I still made mistakes with mechanics and tense shits. I had written comma splice and has several spelling mistakes. I looked to improve my mechanics after writing this essay. With writing my review essay of A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie's album The Bigger Artist. The essay took some time to write because of the research I needed to gather. In this essay I used more citations and quotes. I made mistakes the mechanics in writing the quotes. This was the first essay in which we used sources, so it was challenging to create my own ideas but I was able to do it. Writing this essay improved my knowledge of mechanics in citations and quotations. Through taking the course, I learned to utilizes sources in a more efficient way. In writing my analytical essay of Kendrick Lamar's To Pimp A Butterfly I had to use ten sources. All the sources I used provided different information, some provided more than others, but all sources were needed to complete the essay. In collecting all the information for the essay, I had to research who created the source and decide if it was credible. This essay assignment force me to examine works in Get more content
Paper About English Composition
In this essay, the importance of self–reflection in the tourism industry will be presented, which will explain the skills needed to develop people in various sectors related to tourism as well as explain several factors that affect the performance of teams and the tourism industry. To conclude the essay, a summary conclusion will be given on the identification of postgraduate attributes that require further development in order to develop others more effectively when working in the Tourism area. Over the years, the importance of self–reflection has grown, since it has been shown as a useful tool to improve the qualities and abilities of each person. In this regard, self–reflection is an important process of learning and self–awareness where we discover our strengths, weaknesses and strongest competencies that will later help us make better decisions. According to Moon (2008) "Reflection, a technique for aiding and reinforcing learning is a powerful tool in professional development and a wide range of other learning situations and environments (...) Generally, we reflect for a purpose, although conclusions to complicated issues can just 'pop up' without our being conscious of there having been a more content...
Regarding this, performance appraisal is used by the company to has the facility to understand what needs to be trained. After several evaluation processes, the manager evaluates the behaviour of a worker by comparing it to current standards and uses the results to provide feedback to the employees, to help them understand, what they need to improve and why for further growth and development. This tool makes it easier for the company to realise who needs training, what kind of training, who justifies being promoted, retained or
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Reflection In Tourism
Examples Of Reflection Essay
Reflection Essay
At the end of August as I started my first semester in English 99 I was a different person who had a fixed mindset and thought I would never be able to correctly structure or organize an essay. Looking back, at my progress, I definitely know I am more than ready for English 100. I have incorporated many of the strategies I recently learned throughout the course of the semester to improve both my in–class and out–of class essay. To start off with I enhanced my introduction on both essays expanding the mainidea in my thesis and thoroughly answering the prompt question. I also, changed a few of my word choices, because most of them did not specify or convey my thoughts clearly. Now, for my evidence as I referred back to previous reading selections I correctly formated my quotes placing quotation marks and commas in the right place as well as paraphrasing key concepts into 25 words or less in only one sentence to explain a chosen quote. Many rearrangements were made in my body paragraphs where I would start my ideas but not finish my analysis. Adding examples either from experience or any related ideas, made both my essays so much better and more coherent. Lastly, I appended much more information to wrap up my conclusions, since they were not straightforward or neither restate my thesis statement. For my reading and writing processes I have learned ample techniques to become better and more successful in each and every unit, especially the very last one, The Dark Side of Happiness, by June Gruber, because of its intricate and complex key points it was a challenging reading. Coming from High School where teachers do not exemplify any techniques caused me to be uncomfortable with rigorous and demanding readings like this (The Dark Side of Happiness.) I can now say my understanding of how important it is to read and write grew profoundly. I have never really considered myself a great reader, since I do not enjoy reading, but knowing how to dissect, go under the surface, and more in depth in each reading influenced my perception. I was then introduced to brainstorming as well, a method used most often to express your thoughts and ideas without them being right. In addition, knowing how to
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