Essay On The Matrix

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This scene in the film 'The Matrix', directed by Andy and Larry Wachowski was when Neo first wakes in the ship the Nebuchadnezzar which was a very important and significant scene in the movie because it introduces Neo's team in the real on the ship and then once everyone is introduced it then just focuses on Morpheus and Neo alone in the Matrix. A very significant key idea that was important in the movie was that Neo has to realise his whole life was a lie that never took place and he was living in the matrix while the real world is destroyed and being run by Artificial Intelligence that use humans has a source of energy like a battery. 4 techniques that the directors use to portray and this significant key idea were costume, lighting, more content... Camera shots were used throughout the scene but two specific shots were an establishing shot and an extreme long shot. The establishing shot was at the beginning of the scene when it shows Neo laying down on his bed. It has an important significance to the scene because it establishes that he is in the real world in the ship the Nebuchadnezzar and that he is literally waking up for the first time after being asleep all his life while his mind has been in the matrix this whole time... he is also waking up and realising that he is now in the actual real world where the reality that mankind have fallen. One way you can tell that his is the real world is shot with a blue hue to it and this blue hue is meant to represent the real world from the Matrix which is only shot with a green hue. Another extreme long shot that has significance to the scene and to the movie is the extreme long shot that shows the never ending fields which shows where human babies are grown and farmed and harvested like corn in a field. It first shows up close a few babies being harvested and I think this is shown to show the insane reality and terribleness which has happened to mankind, and to make the scene much more dramatic it zooms out to show how big these fields are and that there are thousands of never ending fields and this extreme long shot is used to show the extent of how much mankind has fallen to their own creations. In this

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The Matrix

The Matrix

The Matrix is a science fiction movie about artificial intelligence computers replacing mankind. I believe that this movie is a common type of display from the media is common paranoia so that they can get a reaction from people and sell their story. In the case of The Matrix, the movie dazzles people with awesome special effects using modern computer technology, which I find ironic. I find it self–conflicting and hypocritical for the media to use modern computer technology for their own good to show people how bad technology is. Amy Bruckman and Howard Rheingold would probably find this movie interesting in that it disagrees and agrees with certain aspects about their beliefs about the use of computers.

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At the end of the movie he does so and saves all of mankind from the A.I. Only a superhero could save the common man from the Matrix. Throughout all of this the watcher of the movie is experiencing the newest and most advanced form of computer, digital computer special effects up to this point in time.

I find that the underlined theme of the movie is that A.I. is bad. I also see that the good people in the movie used lots ofadvanced technology that was not A.I. to help Neo in his quest to defeat the Matrix. So I think that the movie suggests that there is no point in developing technology to great extents because one day it will catch up to us and possibly be the end of us.

It seems to me that Rheingold would see no such problem as this in the future and technology could only benefit mankind. He suggests that online communities are good. He designed the Well, which is a place online where people can find chatrooms to find an online community that suits their needs. For example, in his article in Cyberspace he shows how his daughter had a tick and his online community helped him to remove it faster then his doctor could call him back, thereby benefiting his daughter by removing the tick and himself because he needed not pay the doctor to perform the task. Nowhere in his article does he show how there is any bad in online communities. He only shows more specific examples to support his argument.

Essay on The Matrix
I am not suggesting Get more content

Literary Elements In The Matrix

"The Matrix" is a well–known blockbuster film which was released in the year 1999. Viewers commonly it identify by the fascinating video effects as well as the unreal (yet real in the movie) acts performed in the scenes. The idea which I aim to explore concerning the movie in this essay dwells on the usage of cinematographic elements, the theme of fate as well as the stylistic use of literary elements.

The movie is well known for the advanced cinematographic effects and for a person who understands film, the effects which are used in the film bring about a scientific as well as imaginary concept which make the film fall under the genre of science fiction. Although most films are fiction, sci–fi films are quite intriguing because of the more content...

When Neo is with the oracle, she examines him and says that his muscles have not been used and this may also come down to virginity (which is often referred to as pure). It is known that John baptised Jesus and Neo's mentorship about "reality" may be viewed as the baptism of knowledge concerning the protagonist mission against the evil system of the matrix. Like Satan, Agent Smith tries to convince Neo to "submit" to him the information which would make the matrix fully in control of governing people just as Jesus was tempted to "submit". The name of the company that Neo worked for is Metacortex and the word "meta" which means beyond and "cortex" which is the part of the brain where grey matter is found; may derive for us the phrase "beyond the boundaries of the brain". That company name reflects to Morpheus's words "Free your mind". Morpheus is the god of dreams according to Gregorian Mythology and the irony of this name is that he seems to be waking people up from their mechanized dreams created by the

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Film Analysis : The Matrix

The Matrix is a film about the enslavement of humankind by artificial intelligence, sentient beings, with mechanical bodies, created by people to service humanity, and the discovery of a person, Neo, that possesses abilities that can defeat the Artificial Intelligence and manumit humanity. The majority of human beings have their consciousness/minds trapped within the Matrix, a computer simulated world in which their minds are born, live in, and die, while their bodies are connected to it via cerebral connection but, remain in a dormant slumber and are never used. While they are connected to the matrix, their bioelectricity is harvested, powering the artificial intelligence. Neo, with the help of Morpheus (the leader in the more content...

The treatment of the soul and death within The Matrix universe is sustained by a set of assumptions about the nature of both the soul and death.

The first being that if the soul is defined as an immaterial and incorporeal "you" that can exist beyond the body and is immortal – it doesn't exist within this universe. What is defined to be the essence of a sentient being is the mind and the mind is mortal. The mind, within The Matrix universe, holds all the experiences, individual perspective and sentience that make up the core of who humans are and its mortality is recurring motif within the film, as seen with deaths of Mouse, Switch, and Apoc, and Neo within the matrix and the scene where Morpheus tells Neo that death within the Matrix is possible. A second assumption is that having a mind isn't a distinctly human trait. Agents possess sentience but are programs. A third assumption is that what is defined as a body can be either organic or inorganic. The A.I. possess mechanical bodies that house their minds, as opposed to having organic bodies like humans. A fourth assumption is that there is a distinct connection between the mind and body and one can't exist without the other. This is also scene with the deaths of Mouse, Switch, and Apoc, because their deaths within the matrix, which occurred as a result of the severed connection between the mind and Get more content

Analysis of Film The Matrix

The Matrix, released at Easter in 1999, is both a piece of cinematic entertainment and a film portraying religious and philosophical allegories. The Matrix can therefore be viewed from two different perspectives; purely as an action film or instead on a deeper level, exploring the more insidious values hidden in the plot.

As a piece of cinematic entertainment, the Matrix was a very successful film release. It contains fight scenes, chase sequences and special effects to rival any other film released during 1999. The matrix was a Hollywood blockbuster. In order to be successful it had to appeal to a wide audience. Like any other typical blockbuster, the more content...

In places this was filmed using slow motion but some parts of the film needed to be done in 'bullet time photography.' This involved using computers and many cameras in different positions all set at different times. The complexity of using bullet time is shown by the fact that it uses almost 12 000 frames a second! The Matrix uses almost every kind of visual effect that existed before it's production, but basically took each one a step further.

The characters in the Matrix assist in producing a high–quality film. The costumes are interesting, and symbolise different groups– the agents all wear the same suits and people from Zion entering the Matrix all wear sleek, black leather, forming a cool collected image.

Other valuable features of the film include effective cinematic imagery such as Trinity holding the gun to an agent's head before saying 'Dodge this.' This is ironic, as Neo has just been dodging bullets shot by the same agent. Another example of effective cinematic entertainment is the lobby scene as Neo and Trinity attempt to rescue Morpheus. When asked to remove any metal items they open their long jackets to reveal masses of guns. They then go on to fight many security guards. This is good because when they open their jackets you are both shocked and amazed.

The Matrix is littered with remarkable scenes such as these that help to make it the

Analysis of Film The Matrix Essay
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The Matrix

Written and directed by the Wachowski brothers, 'The Matrix' is a science fiction film, which was released in the year 1999. It was the first film to use the now famous camera technique of 'bullet time' and also introduced wirework martial arts into conventional cinemas. Its vision of the future is similar to other science fiction films such as 'Men In Black' with the agents always wearing sunglasses and the idea of man vs. machine\evil. In the opening sequence of the film, I am going to analyse the effects of different camera shots, as well as other factors, which engage the viewers' interest.

The film appeals to its target audience by many different features. For men more content... These sorts of settings can also be found in horror and crime films.

The very first thing that the viewer can see is a computer with green numbers coming down the screen. This green tinge is continued throughout the opening scene. It suggests that the film is a science fiction film, and it creates un–realness throughout it.

The next things that can be seen are policemen with torches. The corridor that they are walking along has no lights apart from the torchlight, creating tension. The torchlight is focussed on two officers who are advancing towards a door. This grabs the viewers' attention and makes them look directly at the officers. The light is then pointed towards the door. When the officers kick down the door and walk into the room, they direct all their torches on Trinity. This focuses our attention on Trinity, suggesting she has a central role in the film.

The camera then moves outside the hotel, where there are no streetlights. The only lights are coloured white, blue and red from the police cars, suggesting an element of danger in the film. The darkness and the police cars further enhance the suspense and the idea that action is about to happen. When the agents arrive, their faces are lit up. We notice that they have absolutely no

Essay about The Matrix
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The Matrix Interweaves much symbolism, mythology, philosophy, and psychology. On the surface, the movie challenges the dominance of technology in our culture and predicts an apocalyptic result from the use of artificial intelligence. Yet, behind the human struggle for survival is a mythical backdrop upon which are backlit some of C.G. Jung's basic ideas regarding the human psyche. These Jungian ideas include the ego–Self relationship and how it relates to the persona, the shadow, individuation, and the transcendent function.

The earth has been decimated due to a battle for control of the earth between the AI's and humans; theMatrix camouflages this decimation. Humans are artificially created and sustained by the AI superstructure. more content...

The reference to Jesus Christ in this scene implies that Neo represents the human psyche beginning the individuation process. Neo meets a woman named Trinity at the party. Trinity tells Neo that she is aware of his desire to know whatthe Matrix is. "It's the question that brought you here. What is the Matrix?" (The Matrix). Trinity is the one who will lead him towards the underworld. Jung called the her a soul figure, one that occupies an area or boundary between the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious. Trinity is also associated with a person's calling or fate.

Trinity, as a "three" figure, is incomplete. Jung writes, "the number three is not a natural expression of wholeness, since four represents the minimum number of determinants in a whole judgment" (Storr 275). Jung believed that the number four represented wholeness in the human psyche. If one were to re–arrange the name Neo slightly, it would be the word "one" The separateness of the numbers "one" and the "three" in the movie, of Neo and Trinity, represent an incompleteness in the human psyche. As we shall see, the joining of Neo and Trinity is what effects the change necessary for Neo to overcome his adversaries at the end of the film.

Early resistance of the ego characters occurs after Neo's initial recruitment by Morpheus' group. Neo has a meeting with his manager after arriving late to work. His manager says, "You have a problem with

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on The Matrix

Compare and Contrast The Matrix with the readings from Plato and Descartes. What are some similarities and differences?

An Essay

Submitted to Jason Elvis

September 24, 2012

Compare and Contrast The Matrix with the readings from Plato and Descartes. What are some similarities and differences?

After reading The Matrix, and reading from Plato and Descartes, I find that there are some similarities and differences. Therefore, let's begin with The Matrix and Plato, The Allegory of the Cave. The Matrix and Plato have the same similarities because they both tell of characters being in a world that what they was experiencing is an illusion or some kind more content... Also, searching the Bible will give them good reason for believing in it. Especially, if they have good justifiable reasons to hold to a particular belief. In contrast to The Matrix, when one reads of how Neo was pulled into his dream of what he said was the real world inside The Matrix, he sees the real world for the first time and he had reasons to believe, and the evidence of everything that what he thought was real was only an illusion, as the shadows from the statues and the things on the wall from the cave. In fact, Plato and Neo in The Matrix had motivation and an epistemic obligation. That is, to form their belief to feel responsible and obligated to try to take upon themselves to go back. But the difference with Neo in The Matrix is he had to fight the artifical beings in the the dream to save mankind from the enormous widespread of being ignorant and being deceived of a false reality

The Matrix Essay

Finally, when comparing The Matrix to Descartes, Meditation 1: Concerning Those Things That Can Be Called into Doubt, Descartes says, "he wanted to be certain, and he wanted proof that his senses were not deceiving him." He used a form of skeptical reasoning to consider if his world is experiencing is being deceived by an evil demon. In contrast, of The matrix, Neo sees his evil demons as the artifical beings that are deceiving him and the real world. However, in the Bible, it says, "that evil demons

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I'm sitting in a chair, talking to a man that I've wanted to know for a long time. His name is Morpheus; I know that he knows more than I do about the world and how it works. Now it's my turn, in each of his hand's there is a pill, in one there's a red pill and in the other a blue pill. The red pill will have me further my knowledge and the true nature of things will be revealed. The blue pill stops any further knowledge and my perception of things will remain unchanged. I take the red pill. Why do I take the red pill?

First of all, let's consider the way I am. I am a very nosy person who likes taking chances and risks. If I'm given a glimpse of what is real how can I go back? more content...

So I take the red pill, I am shown a whole new world that I never knew existed before. This world shows that the human race doesn't rule the world, computers do. These computers are using our energy. To maximize our energy, they give us a visual reality, The Matrix. The world that I once knew is now not a world at all. It's a computer game. A virtual non–existing place that, an hour ago, I knew to be the truth. Now, instead of the Matrix that I was in, I am in a ship. The real world is a very dangerous place. I am always in fear of being hurt, captured, or even killed by the computers that now rule the earth. I eat nasty gray goop that called my food but it's not the food I once knew. I am constantly on the run when I am in the Matrix and am always being hunted down. Instead of me being at a job, sleeping in a real bed, eating a real meal, I am in reality.

Am I glad that I took the red pill? The answer is yes I am. I am not blinded by my ignorance. I am shown what is the real and what is not. I miss the Matrix but yet am happy that I'm not living a lie. The blue pill would've shown me nothing and to this day I would've been wondering what I missed. I would've been upset taking the blue pill because I still knew that there was something else out there and I missed it and can never have the chance to see it ever again. The red pill was a good

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Essay on The Matrix

The Matrix The Matrix has been doing remarkably well in sales since its release in the cinema last summer and its recent video releases. This is largely due to stylish advertising techniques and word of mouth. The Matrix has been approved by critics who enjoy the film and also the ones who dislike the theme. Among young viewers, it has already achieved great status. So what else is the film about? Firstly the film copies the theme from many popular films that came before it, and involves intelligent science fiction, a large chunk of action and breathtaking special effects, The Matrix is a carbon copy of films like The Terminator and Star Wars. But the greatest influence on "The Matrix" is the movie The Dark City. A more content... Nothing more". This is very much like the real world where it is up to you to be part of a religion or not. Without a religion or set of rules people find they are lost and have no path to follow. It is therefore helpful to have a god or figurehead who is either present or invisible, to offer advice or paths to follow. In the Matrix's case Neo the hero figure, is unsure if he is the one who can save everyone, so he asks his own god (Oracle). In The Matrix Neo discovers that he has the power within himself to decide how he lives his life and what happens in it. In his role, the savior of mankind, these powers within him come from his own mind not some other object or being. This is where reality comes in and we all know that no "normal" human being can posses these powers, but Neo's teacher (Morpheus) tells him that these powers are within him if only he uses his mind. His implies that everything is possible if only we put our minds to it. Going back to Neo's meeting with the Oracle, she told Neo he was not the one. This was because he had not totally put his mind to it and she new that he was not yet fully committed. She knew that he had it in him to become a leader but he was not yet ready to become one. This is very much like religion where everyone is equal and they all can do whatever they put their mind to if they are dedicated. When Morpheus is captured by the enemy, Neo comes to his

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Essay on The Matrix

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