Many people do not realize how serious bullying has become. If you look at statistics suicides due to bullying have increased over just a few short years. This has become a very big problem for not only the victim but the bully as well as it affect both of them. School bullying is mentally destructive to not only the victims, but bullies because of the harmful words, harassment, and physical violence involved as well as the consequences for the bully.
The general definition of bullying is, "... [This] states that a person is being bullied when he or she is exposed repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons" (Aluede et al. 3). There are two different variations in bullying type such as direct and more content...
The most common type of bullying among females is verbal bullying ("Verbal Bullying" 1). This type of psychological bullying uses derogatory terms to demean, or lower, the victim in the eyes of others to show that the bully has power over them ("Verbal Bullying" 1). This causes the person to have low self–esteem and develop depression in that victim ("Verbal Bullying" 1). Verbal bullying is the most psychologically damaging and lasts well into adulthood (Aluede et al. 6). "[Words] have a power all their own, and the realities of verbal bullying can have very physical consequences, even if the aggressor never lays a finger on the victim" ("Verbal Bullying" 1) In more severe cases of verbal bullying, or any bullying for that matter, can lead to drugs because the victim wants to escape his or her tortured life, in more extreme cases if the person's depression worsens it could lead to suicide ("Verbal Bullying" 1).
The well–organized ripping away of respect and affection is called, emotional [bullying] ( 1). Emotional bullying can be as simple as ignoring the person's feelings, not listening, forcing the victim to do something they would not normally do, and by laying a guilt trip on the victims backs to manipulate that person to do what the bully want ( 1). "Emotional [bullying] leaves the victim with hidden scars that often result in insecurity, poor self–esteem,
School Bullying Essay
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Why should students go to school?
There are several reasons why kids need to go to school but to me, the top three reasons are getting an education helps you go farther in life, it's required by the state that you go till you reach a certain age, and it will help you learn social skills and help you be comfortable to talking to people. Although students may not like going to school, it benefits them in the long run. It is important for students to go to school to get an education. Even though some students may not like to go to school it is required that they go. Even though students may not realize it but they also learn social skills by making friends and talking in front of people. It's significant for students to go to school more content...
If you ever went into a business where you had to do a presentation on a piece of work you've been working on or if you came up with a new idea that you thought could help your business, you would most likely have to present the information in front of your boss and coworkers. Having social skills could play a big role in your presentation because if you was not comfortable talking in front of a crowd, then you could either: freeze up while talking, talk too fast cause you're so nervous and want to get the presentation over with, your face could turn red, etc. But, if you had social skills and were use to talking in front of a group of people then you will be comfortable presenting your project with no worries. Also by socializing students can make friends. By making friends school could also be more enjoyable. You will have friends to eat lunch with; friends to hang out with on the weekends and you will have friends in your classes so they will be less boring. If you went to a school where you didn't have any friends or where you didn't like anyone, then you will not enjoy the activities you may do in class and you may want to change schools to find kids that you do like and will enjoy being around. By having social skills it will help you talk to people and make friends.
Students may not like going to school but, it is for the best. By going to school students can get an education and get a job or go to college and
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Essay on Why Students
Go to School
My Time at Boarding School
At the beginning of year six, when I was ten, my mum brought up the subject of secondary school and I realised that, after that year, I would have to leave the school and people I had known for many years. I knew I would have to leave my friends, because they were all going to the local comprehensive school, and as my brother was at a private school, I would have to go to one too. I had a choice. I could go to Dauntsey's school, the same as my brother, but I would have had to wear the horrible brown uniform. Therefore, I went to Bruton School for Girls. A private Girl's school in Somerset. I did not particularly like that uniform, but if I was to go, I would be a more content...
She asked me my name and pointed to a door opposite the door we were stood at and told me that I was going to live in there for the next year. I thanked her and carried on dragging my suitcase.
When we got in, I was so nervous. A small staircase that led up into a little room that looked out onto the downstairs impressed me. I chose a bed and wondered who would live in the two other beds up there. Everybody had a small, uncomfortable bed, a chest of draws, with three draws; the top drawer had a lock on, and a small narrow wardrobe. My mum unpacked all my stuff, while I watched the other four girls unpack. A Chinese girl was talking to a girl with bushy black hair, and there was a very pretty girl arguing with her mum and dad about her poster that had a cat hanging off a branch and a rude word written on it. The other girl seemed to know the girl with the rude poster because she kept talking to her every now and again. It was surprisingly noisy, so I could not hear their conversation.
After about an hour, my mum took me to see the housemistress. I walked down the corridor short corridor. Standing in front of me was a dumpy woman with white hair and purple tinted glasses. She was very nice to me and showed me into a nice small cosy room that had a sign on the door saying "Old
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My Time at Boarding School Essay
There are different types of education that a student may receive in today's society. The choices are narrowed down into two main categories, public and private school. Many people in today's society believe it's better to send their children to private schools rather than public schools. To most parents deciding which school system will be better is based on curriculum, class size, and most of all cost. It's not an easy choice for parents to decide, but many parents feel their child is worth receiving the best education offered.
The quality of teaching and the expectations of the students differ from the two schools. Advocates ofprivate school argue that the education received in one of these facilities is more valuable more content...
One of the most important distinctions between public and private schools is the cost. The question regularly asked is, "Can I afford to send my child to private school?" Public schools are funded by tax dollars, whereas private schools demand tuition from their students. With private schools able to charge for tuition, and many charge for textbooks and materials, some offer scholarships for students to help with what is commonly a great final cost. Public schools are prohibited from charging for tuition, or other fees that could incur, such as: transportation, materials, and textbooks. Most of the time if public schools need more money for education, taxes are raised. Uniforms are no longer just a private school requirement as many public schools have started to enforce this as well. Whichever education system a parent chooses there will always be a cost, it is just the difference in price that has parents wondering is it worth it.
The school chosen is an investment in your child's future and not a decision to be made lightly. Education is vital in today's society. Parents will always want what is best for their child especially when it comes to education. The better the education the farther you will go in life. Deciding what and where to receive the best education is always going to be a question for the masses.
Thesis: Many people in today's society believe it's better
Essay about Public School vs Private School
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School improvement is transformation. It is one of the most important actions of a school. It is a process that schools must use with fidelity to ensure that at all students are given the opportunity to perform and achieve at exemplary levels. School improvement is vital to schools and it is a process that cannot be done in isolation. It requires team work, collaboration, and constant analysis of data and setting of goals. School improvement goals focus on how to meet the needs of students. Addressing the educational needs, funding, and achievement gaps between subgroups is collaborative effort involves everyone that has a vested interest in the schools. These basic measures set the foundation for improvement. And so, if it is more content...
This is the most difficult step for schools, however, when working together, with urgency and a mindset to improve, total transformation will occur. As we review and synthesize data of a district for planning school improvement, the following information is needed to access and determine the needs of a school. First, a thorough analysis of performance data must be reviewed to see how school districts measure up with state and federal accountability. During this process, it is very important that schools focus the performance indicators that will guarantee growth and success. School teams must refer to the districts mission and vision to guide the planning process. The performance indicators will provide data that will be beneficial in creating improvement strategies. So, after careful evaluation of the data, the next step would be to plan effective methods and strategies that will improve student achievement. Moreover, this plan should include needs, demographics and opportunities for students to be successful. Additionally, the baseline data is important information to include in the improvement plan. Data is always the best resource for trying to improve student achievement. The data will help guide continuous improvement of a plan. There are four types of data that will be beneficial to any team during the planning phase of the school improvement process. Demographics data, achievement data, perception
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School Improvement
School is only for the open minded and strong, the weak cannot survive. You may have learned about math, science, social studies, and language arts but only a handful of students actually learn lifelong lessons to be in a productive society. School holds many things in its classrooms and hallways. Having great teachers and mentors will benefit you in school. Their wisdom and knowledge will contribute to you in ways unimaginable. School can teach you plenty and these are a couple of the many of things I have learned over the 3 years I have attended Eagles Landing Middle School. To begin, I was always a spoiled rotten "know it all" and none of my teachers could tell me I was wrong without me having to be disrespectful more content...
After this accident every time Rontavious would have something rude to say I would ignore him and that made him upset and he learned to leave me alone. In addition, Ms.Scott taught me to show kindness to everyone that crosses my path because kindness turns an inch into a mile. Growing up as the baby in the house I received everything I wanted and didn't have to share anything Because everything went my way when I said so and nobody could change that. Selfish is one word that could have described me at a younger age. When nobody believed in me Ms.Scott took a chance and brought me under her wing and taught me it was acceptable to embrace my feelings and emotions. For example if someone needs a pencil and you have one to share gladly offer it to them because it will build on your reputation and if you don't have that you don't have anything. Kindness will take you very far in life. Take Dr.Suess TheGrinch Stole Christmas into consideration, the Grinch was foul and disgusting because no one ever loved him, showed him any kindness and that slowly but surely ate him from the inside out. Cindy Loue was the towns innocent sweetheart and she was also the first person to show the Grinch kindness and that small act of kindness went a long way and warmed his little evil heart. In conclusin, school holds many things school can provide you with ample opprotunties and these are just a few things iv'e
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Essay about What I Have Learned from School
School Safety: Protecting the Students
For many students a positive academic environment is increasingly harder to obtain. This is mainly due to their lack of safety. Whether it be inside the classroom or out.
Unfavorable situations at home, psychological stability, physical dangers and violence all contribute to this evident shortage. There have been investigations on how organizations, teachers and parents collaborate together in today's society to influence the students understanding of safety in school. The purpose of this paper is to display some examples of each aforementioned contribution and show some of the current measures being taken to aid today's students.
Developments within the past decade have opened up new more content...
And with not caring about safety, leads to not caring of academics. As stated in the NEA article, This positive academic environment begins with safe families and safe communities, statistically, schools continue to be one of the most secure places for our children. When that is taken away from a student, they have no drive anymore to follow through with their education. A lot of the time weaponry is involved. Children find guns in parent's drawers, or just while they are playing at their friend's house. Older brothers and sisters who might be involved in gangs might have weapons lying around or even feel its cool to show off to their younger siblings and their friends.
However, some of the worst violence is not weaponry. It is the harassment from student to student. Psychological stability is a big issue today when it comes to safety. Peer pressure has left children feeling the need to concentrate more on the popular things to do, then what is best for the student; an education. In fact, Hazler, Hoover, and Oliver (1996) reported that three–fourths of the school students they surveyed indicated that they experienced harassment and bullying to such an extent that they suffered academic, personal, and social difficulties (Hernandez). Bullying can impact a child when it comes to learning. Having someone of the same age, belittle, embarrass, and put a child down, most of the time leads the child to
Essay on School Safety: Protecting the Students
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School Rules
School rules and regulations are made not to be broken. Rules are made for the safety and better welfare of the students in school. Another is to promote good behavior among students and to maintain the good image of the school. Parents send their children to school in order for them to learn not only academic values, but also moral values. Implementing school rules will help the students mold their character and values expected from them by other people.
There are certain factors why nowadays, students tend not to follow rules disseminated by the school despite of the punishments they will have to face for doing such actions. Some of the reasons are as follows: peer pressure, drugs, poverty, homelessness, low self esteem, lack more content...
Since he/she came from a broken family, he/she cannot get support from his/her family and in that way, to get the attention of his/her parents, he /she tend to do what is wrong just to be noticed by his/her love ones. Students coming from broken families often times become selfish in a way that he/she is just thinking of his/her own happiness and satisfaction.
The family is the very source of love, support and guidance for each individual. It is where the good character of a person is uprooted. Without the support and love coming from every member of the family, the person, particularly the students becomes delinquent or simply lost in their moral values. A student without moral values knows no straight path. He always go on the wrong side of the track just to be noticed.
Media also plays an important role in growing individuals. Most of the students nowadays are exposed to so much in media particularly on local television. Because at a very young age, they are easily being influenced by what they see and what they hear, especially from those whom they idolize and frequently see on screen. Sometimes, through media, they witness negative things that they initiate because it was presented or shown beautifully regardless of being right, or against the rules.
We cannot deny the fact that even though the parents raised their children in ways which they consider as "right," there are still some who lose their direction. It is true that nobody is perfect. So who
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School! How do you see the school? How do other people see the school? Should school still exist or continue? Should they radically change? Should teachers get paid more? Should they teach more? Make it easier to go to college? What do you think your school should change? What should they add or take away? There are so many questions. There's a lot of opinions and disagreements. What do I think about school? Some people say we shouldn't have school. Hi I'm a fellow student, that's in the 9th grade and these are my opinion about school. In my opinion, school is preparing us for jobs and more. We are in school for a good 8 hours, most likely we be working 8 hours or more doing jobs. People think they can learn on their own. So you telling me you can learn other languages, chemistry/biology, mathematics, and etc. I think not! School helps us out a lot if you really look at it. By teaching us step by step. Focusing on our main problem. School is starting a radical change.
As the years go by schools are changing (radically). I honestly like looking through the books instead of looking online. Reading and writing is the right way, the old fashion way. Don't get me wrong online is a good use too. I would like to stay between really. Read and write, I feel like I learn a lot better that way and memorized it a lot more. Online is a good way of visualizing it. Teacher should get paid more. You would disagree with this, but do you know why? Teachers goes through a lot with students, parents, and even other teachers. I can just look into a teacher's eye and tell their tired of it or stressed out. Students are a pain in the butt. Some students are difficult to handle. Let's take a minute, let's say this teacher has 7 different classes a day. Let's say the largest is 15–27 students. The teacher has a bad and good students. The bad students have been acting up lately and their influence the good students to act a fool. Now the class is a racket. Just imagine you going through that every day. That's's stressful and tiring. You may say principal or call their parents. Come on now that don't always work. You never know how the parents going to act or say back in response. Teachers should get paid way more than what they make
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Persuasive Essay About School Change
The education system has been a controversial issue among educators. Requirements of school do not let student choose what they want to study for their future. It's a big issue to force student study specific curriculums, which don't help them improve, and what they like to create something. Educators choose a general system for education to all students which based on general knowledge. Intelligent or genius students have to be in that system of education, which doesn't let them improve their creativity. Educators attempt to change that system to make it better, but their changing was not that great to be an example for the world. Also, did that change qualify education system to compete other systems or not? In some examples more content...
Gatto is concern to society that the contemporary schooling system is trying to get rid of students' personality by turning them into obedient students that are easy to have power over (control). Therefore, the system will produce uneducated voters that are easy to be misled by higher powers. In addition, students are not given the freedom of choosing what they want. He is saying that public schools are not the only way to success; also, unschooled people don't mean that they are uneducated. Moreover, Gatto encourages home–school system than public school as option because home–school system has more independence but it's not a solution for the US. I disagree to his solution because he is supporting examples from old generation such as Edison and Ben Franklin; however, our generation is different than before. It needs school environment like sharing our ideas in class and helping each other to solve problems. Therefore, homeschool is not the solution to success. It is a combination of the students' skills, intelligence, and effort that makes up their success.
Graff says that putting students in classes in the contemporary system is wasting and limiting students' potential and creativity (198). Complaining that intellects do not meet the success standard set by schools, Graff proves that schools limit the intellect students can achieve in their academic career (198–199).
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Education System
My Educational Background Of School
My educational background began with me attending public school for about three years, then I went to catholic school. Middle school was the best part of my education. In middle school I was given the opportunity to express myself creatively through dance, drama, writing, and with my voice. I attended a school of arts for one year; I noticed some changes that I was not familiar with when I was at student at catholic school. While in catholic school we studied a curriculum that included science, math, language, and social studies, but religion was dominant over all the material. At the school of the arts, I studied the same materials but the religion was absent, instead we were offered creative classes such as dance, drama, band, and vocal chorus. In addition to the curriculum there were the projects, for example, the science fair and social studies fair projects. I have always liked to be unique and creative and I would use these projects to show that. I was even fortunate enough to be accepted to attend Martin Luther King Magnet High School, neither myself nor my parents had considered this as an opportunity. As a student at MLK, I learned I would have to push myself and give extra effort in order to make the grade. The educators believed in high quality learning objectives, as students we were required to analyze information and compare and contrast, instead of completing simple assignments where we would recall information. I studied seven or eight subjects per day and I
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It has been a very busy summer, and it is hard to believe that the kids have been back in school a few weeks already. As you settle into your school routine, remember to keep your children involved in church. Sunday school promotion will be Sept.6th. Wanda Sparks will again be teaching the 3 and 4 year old class. Kindergarten through second grade is taught by Linda Treadway. Third through fifth grade teachers are Kim Bennett and Tony Baker. Children's Church will also start on Sept. 6th. Toddlers and 3 and 4 year olds will stay in their classroom for Sunday school and church. Kindergarten – third grade will come into the sanctuary for prayer and singing and then be dismissed during welcome of guests. Don't forget to sign up for
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School Promotion
Parents often wonder how to start off their children's education. Depending on ones religion or beliefs a private or public school is a choice most parents face. Of course, each school offers it's own pros and con's the choice is simple. Public schools offer the best well rounding of a student.
While being enrolled in a public school, students are faced with real outside world problems, are with a different blend of students each year, and are also introduced to the latest technology faster. While, a public school the money is offered to them by the state easier then havingdonations like a private school. Ones child will most likely be with the same students throughout their educational years. Classes aren't as big and varied like more content...
These classes allow students to pursue a career from the knowledge they have obtained. For example, one might take a business class, which could lead to a career in the business industry. On the other hand, in Private schools they only provide the necessary classes required by the state. In some intermediate private schools, Home Economics and Shop classes Brady 2 aren't even offered.
Unlike Public schools these classes have been offered since fifth or sixth grade and up. The uniforms in private schools ones child will be wearing would not allow the child to show character in his self. Uniforms may make life easier in the long run, but think of how many different ways in style people express themselves. There's skater,prep, sporty, gothic, hippie, or whatever is convertible. In public schools, ones child has many different ways to fit in or dress how they feel is convertible to them. The sports in private schools aren't that excelled as ones in public schools.
Like in private intermediate schools there are not a variety of sports. Public schools offer sports as young as their primary schools. Sports in Public schools seem to be widely known and are more funded. The money that Public schools receive go towards uniforms, equipment, and top of the line coach's. Public schools show to the community that they will educate and well round you child better then
Private Schools vs. Public Schools Essay
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A new school, A new beginning. No acquaintances, No friends, having to restart my life. While suffering with anxiety of what may lie ahead. Enduring fear of being rejected.
As a 9–year old girl, I still had a mindset that still needed friends who could influence me positively. I found it difficult for me to make any new friends or truly be myself around anyone. The need for belonging served as my only objective. Class after class, they all turned into disappointments. Losing hope, I first stepped into his class, realizing everything would change.
As I approached the classroom door, A tall figure with short dark brown hair and eyes as blue as an ocean greeted me. He also had a thin figure with great posture. With a charming smile, laid–back presence like a carefree surfer. He always had a welcoming smile, no matter who approached him or entered his classroom. Whenever he wears suits, he would match a distinctive tie, more unique each time. Showing that he never wanted to be average. Looking at his appearance and his affectionate demeanor, something told me maybe he could be the answers that I needed. His classroom, one of the largest, was filled with a collection of different instruments varying from flutes to drums. I did not know where to begin or what to discover first. As one of my first music teachers/ vocal coaches, with the goal of inspiring young kids to look more into the beauty of music. As time continued to go on, he became that oneperson who never gave up
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Descriptive Essay About A New School
An Essay on School Life and College Life
There is a great deal of difference between school life and college life. School life is a life of restrictions and control, a life in which the student has to be accountable for his daily work to his teachers and his guardian. But a college student, of the other hand, enjoys much greater freedom from control and supervision; he is, to a very large extent, the master of his own destiny. It lies with him to make it or mar it.
At school the students has to be in attendance for fixed hours every day. He has to leave home at ten or eleven and return at four atcollege, however, the hours of attendance very. Sometimes, a collegestudent has hardly time in the morning to gulp his food; at others, he has enough time to lounge about for a few minutes after a leisurely meal. On some days he returns early from college; or others, it is late evening by the time he gets back home. He has ample time at his disposal to use, abuse, or misuse.
At school the student has to prepare his daily lessons and may be taken to task for what he has left undone. But at college he can do his lessons daily, or more content... At school, students acquire habits of discipline and regularity. They have to practice obedience and follow instruction. But at college students are expected to develop a sense of responsibility and personal initiative. In other words, what a school student has to do under com–pulsing is done by the college students out of his greater sense of responsibility. Of course it has to be admitted that college life offers greater scope to a student to go astray. It he takes himself light–heartedly, he will have to suffer. It he allows arrears of studies to accumulate he will pay the price with failure and disgrace. Hence a studious pupil improves more rapidly at college than at school; but a waster comes quicker to
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School Life And College Life Essay
I personally love CMS. It may not be the best school in the world, but it sure is a good one. I'm lucky to go here. I try my best not to complain too much about the school because I could be going to a school with no air conditioning, shared classrooms, or worse. There are many, many aspects I love about this school, but there are also a few policies and rules that I do notdon't exactly agree with. Some of these policies and rules I would like to see changed are the ones concerning dress code and pay–to–play. The first policy I would like to address is the dress code. I know that we are very lucky to not have uniforms and be able to wear whatever we want as long as it abides to the dress code. Although I think that our school's dress code is a lot better and less strict than other schools, there are still a few rules in the dress code I find myself disagreeing with and sometimes even breaking. There are many rules I agree with including sections 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8 regarding dress code in the student handbook. There are also many rules I do not agree with including sections 5, 6, 7, and 9. Section 5 is titled YOGA and states in all simplicity that skin tight pants are not to be worn unless a fingertip length shirt is worn with them. I break this rule an awful lot, almost everyday. I have noticed that the staff this year has been very lax with this rule (I would hope so after seeing some of the shorts girls wore at the beginning of the year and not get dress coded for). That does notn't change the fact that it is still in the dress code and if any member of the staff wanted to they could dress code me. Technically, even for wearing skinny jeans which are basically the only jeans I wear and I know that's the same scenario with many other girls. Then again, I feel like this rule is completely ignored which makes me even more confused as to why this whole section is needed. I don't think anyone wearing leggings, skinny jeans, or yoga pants are going to make anyone distracted or make students here at CMS "uncomfortable". Leggings are what are most comfortable for me to wear so I feel like if I get up late and want to throw on a pair of leggings or yoga pants and a hoodie or T–shirt I should be able to do so
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On School Rules
Back to School
Coming back to school was not something I was planning to do. It would pop into my head now and then, but I never really intended to follow through with it. However, now that I am back in school, it has changed my goals in my life, not only for me but also for my children. I want to be a positive role model. I would like to be someone they could look up to and be proud of. As for me, my role model was my grandfather, I always looked up to him and he has never let me down.
I grew up on the Navajo reservation, without running water and electricity. We used oil lanterns at night to light up the house. It was not bright, but it was enough to light our little Hogan. We had to travel about three more content... Even so, my grandfather was an inspiration to me and he was a positive role model for me, and I hope I could instill it in my children's future. I did not plan on furthering my education after graduating from Monument Valley High School in 1993. Therefore, I went on to discover the outside world on my own. Some of my relatives would try to persuade me to go to college. I did have cousins that went to college after graduation but eventually dropped out. I use to ask myself, what is the point of going to college when I do not have the motivation to go to school? Therefore, I left home, away from the reservation. I went to the Grand Canyon and started working there in the hotel and restaurant industry. I truly enjoyed working in the hotels and restaurants; it was a great experience for me. Only to find out that it is leading me towards my path to my college career. I worked at the Grand Canyon for six years and finally decided to move to Flagstaff. I started working at Embassy Suites, where many of my colleagues were NAU students. They would talk about school all the time, and after a while, they actually made me start thinking about going back to school. I also have three of my close cousins attending the Northern Arizona University as well. So, I finally decided to go back to school at the last minute.
Getting all my financial aid, immunizations, and
Essay on Back to School
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My Work Experience at a Primary School
For my work experience I received a placement at Primary School. It is located in Wyke, Bradford and provides education for children aged three to eleven. I attended High Fernley primary school for two weeks; my work placement began on 27 September and ended on 9 October. Each day I arrived at 8.30amand normally finished at 3.10pm; sometimes I would work slightly longer in order to finish tasks.
I did not attend a pre–placement visit as a result of a delay in confirmation of the placement. Nevertheless, I rang High Fernley as soon as I received confirmation and I spoke to the school administrator, Mrs. Julie Malinder. I introduced myself and more content... Sometimes I found this quite difficult as it involved shouting over large amounts of noise and getting the children's attention but it helped to develop my confidence and communication skills and as the week went on I found this task much easier. Helping children to put their shoes and coats on was another task I did often. I found this easy but sometimes putting 30 pairs of shoes on children was quite tiring. However I enjoyed teaching the children how to tie their laces and fasten their coats as this was quite rewarding and by the end of the week some of them could to these tasks. I also helped the children to learn and revise the alphabet and numbers. I was involved with tasks such as painting, jigsaws, listening exercises and writing. All these helped the children to learn this. I also assisted the children whilst they built houses and models using boxes, glue and card. In addition I worked with the children on the computer helping them to use the mouse, for example, click, drag and move. Also making them draw pictures using the paint software and monitoring how well they did these tasks on the computer. I then collected the printouts and stored them in a folder so that there progress can be monitored. I enjoyed these tasks as they enabled me to get to know the children more whilst having fun. Also I help
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My Work Experience at a Primary School Essay
Some schools have their year set up for almost an all year round type of deal, but there are some schools that have that big summer vacation. The difference between the two is the all year round you still get a summer vacation but only a month because through the school year you get breaks all the time and they are long. Whether the traditional one you have a longsummer vacation because you do not get a lot of breaks during the school year, you get breaks but not for very long. I do not care as much as others because no matter what you are getting almost the same amount of days off just during different times and I actually like the fact that you get long breaks during the school year and then get a month off and that it honestly not as more content...
If they had the balanced my doing summer school would take up my whole summer vacation, whether with the traditional one I have a month and something weeks of summer vacation, I will not be completely filled with school literally all year round. I mean it is a good thing because then I will actually do better in school, but I just do not like how short the summer is. I like the fact that it will make the school year go by fast because we will not get piled on with work constantly we actually get breaks between it all. The traditional school year I do not like how many days we go straight through the school year, because then we do not really have time to do fun things with our family during certain seasons we are in school. I get why they would want to go back to the balanced calendar because not many teenagers and children are working on the farms, but there are some teenagers out there that are trying to get jobs during the summer to actually grow up and show that they are
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Persuasive Essay About Summer School
As an eight hour school day, filled with laughter and joy as I spent time with my friends, whizzed by, I walked towards my bus. Looking around I could see everything from birds gliding in the wind, their feathers glistening in the sunlight, to spiders in the bushes, working tirelessly to spin their magnificently intricate masterpiece of a web. The trees are starting to change from a vibrant green, to a light yellow, to a deep orange, and finally, to a bloody red. The contrast of all the awe–inspiring colors will always be surreal in my eyes. Every year, I always think to myself the same question, "Why, when such beauty exists, must it go away as quickly as it came?" I soon arrived at my bus, the chipped paint giving it a marvelous more content...
"There's probably a universe where heads are shaped like rocks too!" Thomas proclaimed, a little smile on the corner of his mouth. I turned to Beth, Obviously know that she was tired of hearing about infinite universes, almost as much as she was tired about hearing what color a bus is, and said, "There are even rocks shaped like Beth's head too!" At that comment she glared at me, not with anger, but mostly with a sense of annoyance, yet there was a hint of humor in there, and I knew I did not take it too far, this time, but there is bound to be other moments of my idiocy that will get a little irritating. As we came up to mine and Thomas's bus stop, I could not help but notice how elegantly the branches from nearby trees had drooped down to create shade for us as we left the bus. It did not stay like that for long, but that was fine, it was a very inviting temperature outside, with a slight breeze that made sure you did not get uncomfortable. From my bus stop, it was about half a mile to my home, but I do not complain about that because there are so many amazingly colored trees along the way, so many beautiful combinations of all different colors, I can never help myself but to just be brimming with awe as I take my, almost, daily trek to my house. As I travel along the side of Get more content
Descriptive Essay About School Day