In 2004, Kirk Schroeder and Brad Neagle of Essen BioScience contemplated an empirical and troubling observation that expression levels of hERG K+ channels in recombinant cells were profoundly sensitive to changes in cell confluence. If only they could measure, predict and control the confluence of their cultures then they could significantly improve the quality of their hERG electrophysiology assays.
One year on, they had developed the first system that could automatically measure cell confluence, non-invasively, in realtime,from directly inside an incubator. And so, IncuCyte® live-cell analysis was born. Over a decade later, IncuCyte live-cell analysis has evolved as a frontline and enabling method not only for cell QC and monitoring but also advanced phenotypic assays. A wide range of specific applications have been developed, variously comprising reagents, software, hardware and protocols. In this e-book, we illustrate this through a compilation of scientific posters that have been