Full Page (FP) 231mm (high) x 206mm (wide)
(This amount includes 3mm print bleed)
Supplying your own advert and logo artwork:
Half Page Verticle (HPV) 200mm (high) x 85mm (wide)
All artwork must be supplied print ready at 300dpi and sized exactly to match the specs provided on this document. Print-ready PDF’s are preffered but high resoltion Jpegs can be acceptable.
Vector .EPS, .Al (Adobe Illustrator) or Hires PDF files are preferred with all fonts embedded/outlined. Jpeg files are exeptable but must be highresolution print quaity (300 dpi).
The fil e size being is a go mb to it’osd in dic ato r l o w er t q u ality , mean s han 2 5 0 kb unlikl y w e’ll b e to us e it .
over 1
Advert Specification 4
Half Page (HP) 98mm (high) x 175mm (wide) Pleas e note that adverts designed in MS Wo rd or Pow erPoint CA NN OT BE ACCEPTED as fin al fil es. We will have to adjust them acc ordin g to specificatio ns an d a fin al app roval will be req uired.
Double Page Spread (DPS) 231mm(high) x 406mm (wide) (This amount includes 3mm print bleed)
Quarter Page (QP) 97.5mm (high) x 85mm (wide)
We’re here to help...
For any technical questions or Advertisement related concerns, Please contact: +27 11 083 6717 Or email:
Double Page Spread (DPS)
Pl M Sadvereas e CA N Wo rdts den o te NO o r si gn ethat T We as B Pow d wil fin E AC erP in t s p e hem l hav al fi CEP oint fincific aacc o re to ales . TED a t d d b e l ap p ri o n s in g t just req ova an d o uir l w a e d . il l
Advert Specification Supplying your own advert and logo artwork: Advert
All artwork must be supplied print ready at 300dpi and sized exactly to match the specs provided on this document. Print-ready PDF’s are preffered but high resoltion Jpegs can be acceptable.
Vector .EPS, .Al (Adobe Illustrator) or Hi-res PDF files are preferred with all fonts embedded/outlined. Jpeg files are exeptable but must be high-resolution print quaity (300 dpi).
Double Page Spread (DPS) 231mm(high) x 406mm (wide) (This amount includes 3mm print bleed)
Full Page (FP) 231mm (high) x 206mm (wide)
(This amount includes 3mm print bleed)
Full Page (FP)
Advert Specification Supplying your own advert and logo artwork: Advert
thatin e t o n d e Pl easts desi gn eerPoint advero rd o r Po w P TED M S W T BE ACCEes . al filo adjust n CA NNO i f s a have t ll in g t o We whiem acc o rnds an d a t fic ati o l will s p eci al ap p ro vared. fin e req ui b
All artwork must be supplied print ready at 300dpi and sized exactly to match the specs provided on this document. Print-ready PDF’s are preffered but high resoltion Jpegs can be acceptable.
Vector .EPS, .Al (Adobe Illustrator) or Hi-res PDF files are preferred with all fonts embedded/outlined. Jpeg files are exeptable but must be high-resolution print quaity (300 dpi).
Half Page (HPV / HP)
Half Page Verticle (HPV) 200mm (high) x 85mm (wide)
Advert Specification 4
Half Page (HP) 98mm (high) x 175mm (wide)
e thatin t o n e s a Pl e s desi gn ed nt advertrd o r Po w erPoi M S Wo CEP TED C A E B C A N N OsTfin al fil es . ju st a ve to agdto a h l l i w W e m a c c o rdi n d a the c ati o n s an s p ecifil ap p ro val will fin a req uired. be
Supplying your own advert and logo artwork: Advert
All artwork must be supplied print ready at 300dpi and sized exactly to match the specs provided on this document. Print-ready PDF’s are preffered but high resoltion Jpegs can be acceptable.
Vector .EPS, .Al (Adobe Illustrator) or Hi-res PDF files are preferred with all fonts embedded/outlined. Jpeg files are exeptable but must be high-resolution print quaity (300 dpi).
Quarter Page (QP (QP)
thatin e t o n Pl eastes desi gn eedrPoint advero rd o r Po w P TED M S W T BE ACCEes . st al fil CA NNO as fihnave to adjtuo ng ll We whiem acc o rdsi an d a t ic ati o n will s p ecifal ap p ro vael d. fin e req uir b
Advert Specification Supplying your own advert and logo artwork: Advert
All artwork must be supplied print ready at 300dpi and sized exactly to match the specs provided on this document. Print-ready PDF’s are preffered but high resoltion Jpegs can be acceptable.
Vector .EPS, .Al (Adobe Illustrator) or Hi-res PDF files are preferred with all fonts embedded/outlined. Jpeg files are exeptable but must be high-resolution print quaity (300 dpi).
Quarter Page (QP) 97.5mm (high) x 85mm (wide)
The fil e size being is a go mb to it’osd in dic ato r l o w er t q u ality , mean s han 2 5 0 kb unlikl y w e’ll b e to us e it .
over 1
11 ŠEssential Business Magazine 2015