w w w . g l o b a l c o m m s . c o . z a
Global Communication
w w w . g l o b a l c o m m s . c o . z a
The Value of
Building on almost 40 years of expertise, Global Communications in South Africa has become a continuously innovative voice in the continent’s ongoing modernisation. Speaking on the organisation’s growing focus on supplying communication technologies across the value chain, Global Communications’ managing director Mr Sean Mervitz shares his vision of the future. 3
G l o b a l
C o m m u n i c a t i o n
“Global Communications has helped usher in a wide array of technological advances in numerous African nations
The business is headquartered in South Africa in Centurion, just south of Pretoria. Today, its actions in the fi eld of telecommunications strategies
are guided by its managing director, Mr Sean Mervitz. “I’ve been with the company since 1998, and have seen its product range and overall business strategy benefi t from substantial enhancements in recent years,” he refl ects. “It has hugely infl uenced the route and tactics behind the organisation’s growth after 40 years of ownership shifts and market share consolidation.”
s Africa’s mobile communications market is growing at a rapid rate, Global Communications has positioned itself to become a major player in the telecommunications industry and is committed to finding the best and most cost effective solutions for its customer’s communications needs. The company is now present in more than 40 African countries through dealers, integrators and distributors.
Services Include:
• Plant & Equipment • Manufacturing • Maintenance • Installations • Upgrades
Advent of advancement
Global Communications has helped introduce a wide variety of technological advances in numerous African nations, from telecommunications infrastructure to radio communication systems for emergency services, the military and civilian interaction. Nevertheless, Africa’s journey towards modernisation has seen rapid change influence the continent’s markets. “The spread of technology throughout Africa has introduced a number of changes,” Mr Mervitz affirms. “Initially our business was purely ‘box dropping’ two-way radio communications. That service saw a strong uptake across Africa, which has now developed into both analogue and digital networks becoming much more prominent in the market today.”
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“The diversity of Africa’s countries presents an economic landscape where the needs of one nation may not match the needs of others, presenting both challenges and opportunities
G l o b a l
The diversity of Africa’s countries presents an economic landscape where the needs of one nation may not match the needs of others, presenting both challenges and opportunities. “People often generalise Africa, but the truth is that no two countries here are ever the same, in terms of demographics, growth prospects, economic capabilities and overall targets for development,” Mr Mervitz explains. “What sets us apart is the relationships that we have developed with numerous industry leaders, such as
Kenwood, Sepura, Rohill, Barrett, Keymile & Webgate to name but a few, which enables us to work alongside even the poorest African countries in discovering solutions for mobilising capital for project advancement that benefits everyone.” The challenge of funding is a stark one that affects several countries with which Global Communications interacts, with even the strongest of Africa’s economies not always equipped to meet their ambitions without external assistance.
C o m m u n i c a t i o n
“The future of the business looks set to benefit from a smart blend of intelligent strategy and the leverage made possible by the respect that the Global Communications name has garnered over the years “In Nigeria, a huge project for telecommunications infrastructure to facilitate emergency service communications hit a standstill for just that reason,” Mr Mervitz recounts. “Fortunately, in South Africa the economic climate is more fertile for those kinds of projects, and there is always capital that can be mobilised.”
A united vision
Operating with a keen comprehension of the challenges that rest ahead in advancing African communications infrastructure, Global Communications functions with the backing of leading minds in its active sectors, which serves to reinforce its expertise in the market. “Our relationship with Kenwood is particularly integral in that
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regard,” Mr Mervitz states. “In fact, Kenwood was the company that actively enabled this business to first find its footing on the African continent. Our liaison is a close one – I personally speak with Kenwood UK on a daily basis, and our overarching ambition is to continue to identify targets and opportunities throughout Africa that will bring each of us growth and progression, while simultaneously uplifting the technological capabilities of the communities with whom we work.” The range and scope of applications to which Global Communications applies its products sees network infrastructure, CCTV surveillance systems and radio communication systems supplied, commissioned and supported (SLA) to emergency organisations, residential complexes, businesses, industrial sites and the military. To reach such a varied selection of demographics, the key relationships with technological partners that the firm has cultivated are crucial to mutual advancement, thus the success that Global Communications enjoys is as a result of the close product knowledge and market dynamics. To that end, the future of the business looks set to benefit from a smart blend of intelligent strategy and the leverage made possible by the respect that the Global Communications name has garnered over the years.
Your leading provider of telecommunications solutions for mission-critical networks
Mr Mervitz summarises, “Our goal is to become the largest telecommunications solutions provider on the continent. We have numerous financial and growth targets to accomplish moving forward, and although our staff complement has increased over the past number of years that we now operate in a corporate environment, ours is a business built on family values and the spirit of teamwork. To that end, I remain grateful to the hard work of our personnel and the opportunities that our valued business partners have opened up to us, and look forward to continuous success ahead.”
Highway Business Park Park Street South Rooihuiskraal, Centurion Tel: +27 (0) 12 621 0400 Fax: +27 (0) 12 661 0387
w w w . g l o b a l c o m m s . c o . z a
www.essentialbusinessmag.com ŠEssential Business Magazine 2016