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JOSHCO w w w . j o s h c o . c o . z a
futures Foundations for
outh African citizens earning between R3500 and R7500 are in a difficult position when it comes to housing. Those in this income bracket earn too much to qualify for free housing under the RDP scheme, but not enough to qualify for a bond or mortgage. JOSHCO was created as a solution to this problem, and has been providing quality, affordable social housing to its tenants for the past eleven years.
JOSHCO (Johannesburg Social Housing Company) was formed by the City of Johannesburg in 2004 to provide affordable social housing to families who would otherwise be unable to afford a home. Eleven years later, JOSHCO is continuing to change lives.
“We’re able to reach families who conventionally would not be able to access these kinds of products because of affordability constraints,” says CEO Rory Gallocher. “As an extension and agent of the City of Johannesburg, we’re able to use the budget that we leverage from public funding to produce the product. The grant is just for the construction — to allow us to put the unit onto the ground in the first place.”
We had a traffic jam outside JOSHCO for an entire week — just people wanting to apply for the units
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This funding and state support means that JOSHCO does not need to recover the full cost of the product from the consumer, and is something that sets the company apart from other affordable housing providers in Johannesburg. While JOSHCO is generally working on numerous projects at any given time, the demand is still much higher than the supply. Proof of this can be found in the popularity of the City Deep Development. Formerly derelict hostel dormitories, City Deep’s transformation into 300 quality, affordable family apartments and 328 new built medium density social housing units was completed last year, earning JOSHCO the South African Housing Foundation (SAHF) award and recognition in the SAHF Best Social Housing Project in 2014.
In the coming year, we are going to be creating 45 new work packages — that’s several hundred stable permanent jobs The repossession and refurbishment of buildings like these makes up a significant part of JOSHCO’s work. “The development is complete, and now we’re busy tenanting the last phase of it. We had a traffic jam outside JOSHCO for an entire week — just people wanting to apply for the units,” says Gallocher.
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We’re able to reach families who conventionally would not be able to access these kinds of products because of affordability constraints
JOSHCO has a number of very large projects under construction at the moment, including the Dobsonville Project in Soweto — consisting of 502 units — with the first phase to be completed at the end of September 2015. Then, there’s the Devland project on the Golden Highway, for which the road infrastructure, utilities and infrastructure is already complete and the first set of blocks are being constructed. “There’ll be a total of 588 units that will come out of the Devland development,” says Gallocher. “We’re going to be
under construction for the next 48 months, and will be finished towards the end of 2017.” There’s also the Turffontein development, which will be built on a piece of vacant land in the heart of Turffontein West and is set to yield 528 units. This is currently at the Town Planning objection stage. JOSHCO has also just awarded tenders for Hoek Street and Union Square, and has just completed a number of land and building purchases in the area — all of which adds up to a big program of work in the inner city of Johannesburg.
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Supplying affordable housing is not all that JOSHCO does for the local community. As part of Jozi@Work — a “hand up, not hand out” initiative launched last year by the City of Johannesburg to create employment opportunities for citizens — JOSHCO sets itself targets to create municipal jobs for unemployed members of the communities it serves.
JOSHCO sets itself targets to create municipal jobs for unemployed members of the communities it serves
“In the coming year, we are going to be creating 45 new work packages — that’s several hundred stable permanent jobs in the projects that we are developing or managing. This will create employment for hundreds of people who don’t currently have any form of income,” explains Gallocher. “We’ve got an entire community development program and have
a strong emphasis on a participatory approach to development. So in all of the projects we’re developing, we have social facilitators who steer us through the entire consultation cycle from the inception and concept stage right through to the commissioning stage. And there’s a number of economic programs, health programs, job creation programs and empowerment programs that are linked to the way we do this.�
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While JOSHCO is without doubt having a positive impact on the lives of many Johannesburg citizens, the work isn’t without its challenges. The pressures of rapid urbanization are pulling the company in multiple directions.
For JOSHCO, being resource-conscious means ensuring that its product doesn’t consume unnecessarily high amounts of energy, or produce unreasonable volumes of waste, or consume excess water. “It was our first decade last year, and I would say that the challenge we face now is to balance the demand for higher volumes of product against the expectation that the quality and especially the sustainability — including the environmental sustainability of the product — is in line with international trends,” Gallocher tells us.
For JOSHCO, being resourceconscious means ensuring that its product doesn’t consume unnecessarily high amounts of energy, or produce unreasonable volumes of waste, or consume excess water. “We are resource constrained. So the biggest challenge is to balance the demand for volume against responsible product,” he says. Despite this, JOSHCO’s resolve is strong, and its dedication to providing world-class affordable housing is carrying the company — and the citizens of Johannesburg — towards the goal of a sustainable, resilient, and livable city by 2040.
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JOSHCO 137 Sivewright Ave 1st Floor New Doornfontein Johannesburg 2094, South Africa TEL: +27 11 406 7300 FAX: +27 11 406 730
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www.essentialbusinessmag.com ŠEssential Business Magazine 2015