Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality

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Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality

w w w . n e l s o n m a n d e l a b a y . g o v . z a

Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality on the Eastern Cape is one of the eight Category A Metropolitan municipalities, the most densely populated and urbanised areas of South Africa. Its local government faces many problems including endemic water shortages, urban decay and civil unrest, but nonetheless the region remains a tourism and industrial hub and important contributor to the South African economy.



Nelson Mandela Bay


N e l s o n


he Nelson Mandela Bay metro area has been focusing heavily on job creation, with more than R10 million spent on wages, training and new equipment, creating more than 3,500 new job opportunities in the 2016/2017 fiscal year alone, with a further planned total of 8,000 between 2016 and 2018. Discussing the job creation, deputy mayor Athol Trollip described this job creation as a victory in the face of more than a little adversity: “Despite a sluggish economy and slashed Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) grant funding, this coalition

M a n d e l a

“Even though the previous administration’s poor performance resulted in grant funding cuts for this coalition government, we still continue to make progress

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government has already doubled the number of EPWP jobs created by our predecessors. Even though the previous administration’s poor performance resulted in grant funding cuts for this coalition government, we still continue to make progress. This government is serious about ensuring that every cent of grant funding allocated for job creation is spent. Thus, for the first time the Municipality has employed the services of a Director in the EPWP unit.” Although these opportunities were set for a fixed period of time, Mr Trollip points out that they have benefits beyond simple employment. While these opportunities are for fixed periods of time, the money earned during this time might make all the difference. “Upon taking office, we ensured that EPWP was formally placed in the Economic Development, Tourism and Agriculture Directorate, under the stewardship of Mayoral Committee Member, Cllr Andrew Whitfield,” he adds. “From the outset, the main identified issue was the substandard performance of directorates against EPWP targets. As such, workshops were arranged between the Department of Public Works, the Metro EDTA unit and various Metro Directorates.”


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N e l s o n

M a n d e l a

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M u n i c i p a l i t y

Escotek... ..was established in 2003, and in line with the NERSA (National Energy Regulator of South Africa) principles, we aim to vastly reduce the pollution generated from poor load factor power generating stations by effecting the implementation and operation of electricity Demand Side Management (DSM) systems and Energy Efficiency (EE) systems throughout South Africa.

New boreholes

Water supply has been a perpetual issue across South Africa and the Eastern Cape in particular, and Nelson Mandela Bay Metro has had its own difficulties ensuring proper water supply, with limits in place on private water usage and the city currently using an average of 270 megalitres of water per day. Low rainfall is the principle cause of this issue, but inefficient water usage across the municipality has exacerbated the problem. To tackle this, the Metro region has issued R5 million in orders for the drilling of 16 boreholes, some near reservoir sites, others in residential areas. Every household in the municipality currently has access to at least one water source within a 200m radius, and 91% have access to basic sanitation, both above the South African average. More advanced solutions will be necessary in the future, however, as water supplies in the region become increasingly risky.


“Every household in the municipality currently has access to at least one water source within a 200m radius Energy supplies

Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality is ahead of the curve in some notable areas, most notably in energy efficiency and small-scale embedded energy generation. Since 2008 the towns of Uitenhage and Despatch have been connecting small-scale wind and solar pilot sites to the grid and adding simple net metering systems, while the National Energy Regulator of South Africa developed its guidelines for Standard Conditions for Small Scale Embedded Generation (SSEG, for <100kw projects) in the region and continues to apply them to this day.

At Escotek we understand that electricity is crucial to all aspects of our modern lives – influencing our quality of life both at home and at work. Electricity is the driver behind our devices, the fuel that powers our businesses and the driving force that elevates our communities to greater heights. The future of electricity will ultimately determine our future, and we believe that because we all need and use the electrical grid, we all have a responsibility to help keep it working effectively and sustainably. For more information contact us: Tel: +27 (0)41 365 1070

SSEG projects were pushed forwards despite their initial lack of financial profitability as a long-term measure designed to facilitate a consistent power supply over the coming years, and lay a foundation for low-carbon urban growth, easy uptake of embedded generation and socio-economic development. The plan was to diversify local energy supplies and work alongside citizens, helping to combat the problems of load shedding caused by South Africa’s endemic power shortages as well as the growing problem of greenhouse gas emissions. Pilot schemes for small-scale wind and solar embedded power plants began as far back as 2005. Now, a simple four-step process

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All queries with regards to this project can be directed to Escotek Head Office.


Escotek Holdings (PTY) Ltd Tel: +27 41Â 365 1070 E-mail: Website: is available for new small-scale generator builders and operators to add themselves to the local grid, and the first system (a 3.8kw solar PV ground mount system) was installed and officially connected in 2013. Net metering systems allow a tariff to be charged for import and export of energy into the NMBM grid, currently set at 1:1 import:export (uniquely among the municipalities of the Eastern Cape and South Africa as a whole, which offer reduced returns on the tariffs charged for electricity exported back into the grid). To date, 27 systems have been connected to the NMBM grid, with all but two of them generating below 100KW of capacity (the other two generate between 100KW and 5MW, licensed by NERSA).

The eventual goal of all this is to establish the NMBM as a renewable energy manufacturing hub, improving the relationship between energy consumers and the municipality and attracting manufacturers, developers and innovators through an easy-to-navigate regulatory environment. All these things will have a trickledown effect, allowing the municipality to realise its aims in terms of long-term infrastructure development.

Follow us: @NMBmunicipality Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality


Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality Port Elizabeth 6000

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