w w w . p o w e r m i t e . c o . z a
w w w . p o w e r m i t e . c o . z a
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owermite was established in the late 1960s to serve the increasingly developing South African material handling industry. By the 1980s it had expanded to selling electrical crane materials, flexible cables and other industrial components, opening branches nationwide in South Africa in the 1990s. Rolf Lung, the company’s MD, joined in 2015: “2015 seems just like yesterday, but as we are all aware, a lot has happened in the last 30 months. Being both a product supplier and engineered solutions provider, Powermite has fortunately had a greater edge in the market compared
Powermite is a distributor and supplier providing the country’s rail, construction, mining and heavy industrial sectors with plugs, sockets and specialist spoke to components. MD Rolf Lung about how his company provides a lesson in how to survive and thrive in the African economy.
“Being both a product supplier and engineered solutions provider, Powermite has fortunately had a greater edge in the market compared to other suppliers specialising in only specific product ranges
to other suppliers specialising in only specific product ranges. Fortunately, our extensive product and service range covers many industry sectors and satisfies many application requirements.” The industries serviced by Powermite have become increasingly demanding on service, support, solutions and pricing, naturally posing a challenge to a company who relies considerably on imports subject to volatile exchange fluctuations. Although this problem has been around for some time the pressures remain, with everyone experiencing similar problems – although as Lung will go on explain, Powermite are weathering the storm.
P o w e r m i t e
“We believe that there is always opportunity somewhere. The question would always be where to look
Trying times
Lung was also challenged in that he had to face the commodities and mining crash that the sector experienced. He explains how his company survived the more strained times:
relief here as we are fortunate to be exposed to sister-company experiences and contacts particularly due to the fact that Hudaco has shifted its focus more toward other industries outside the mining sector.
“Of course, the commodities crash has not only affected the mining sector but this is experienced and felt as a knock-on into all other sectors due to South Africa being so reliant on mining. Again, being part of a larger group of companies provides for some
“As with everyone else, if local business starts to dwindle, we look further afield outside our borders and take advantage of other growing economies. We believe that there is always opportunity somewhere. The question would always be where to look.”
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P o w e r m i t e
A comfortable niche
Powermite has several clear advantages over its competitors. Its collective and extensive experience, ability to deliver engineered solutions, manufacturing facilities for industrial plugs and sockets (its AMPCO brand), mining and flameproof connectors (its PROOF brand), all open doors in a variety of sectors. Being the largest South African manufacturer of industrial plugs and sockets definitely has its benefits. Lung continues the list: “In addition to the above, we are agents, distributors and partners with of the best brands that our industry has to offer. Our secured and nurtured long term and valuable relationships with key suppliers have more than contributed to our success, with some of them being with Powermite for over 20 years.
“The Rand is volatile. Unemployment is running at an all-time high and companies are either downscaling or closing down around us. So how do we feel? We feel positive! “Some of our proud long-term partnerships include Conductix Wampfler, Prysmian as well as Telefonika Cables and EKD Gelenkrohr to name but a few. Despite an influx of many low cost, lesser quality products into our country, it is imperative to have partnerships and quality that sets one worlds apart from any opposition and will ensure much support and success even through the difficult times.”
Looking ahead
When asked about the recession and the potentially uncertain future of some of the core areas their business depends on, Mr Lung was optimistic. “We are in a recession. We are experiencing junk status. The Rand is volatile. Unemployment is running at an all-time high and companies are either downscaling or closing down around us. So how do we feel? We feel positive!” Often when there is a negative turn in the economy, industries and businesses adapt, and it seems Powermite are doing the same.
“Some of the projects we have been quoting on have been shelved, yet there are other areas of opportunity because there is always someone gaining from another’s weakness and it’s a matter of fi nding that potential. Where we fall short locally, we look over our borders. “General industry tends to feel rather negative, particularly with potential legislative changes on the horizon for the mining sector. Our view, however, is that there will be a rebound and we will be waiting and ready. Our plans, apart from business as usual, include the retention of staff and reviewing and improving our efficiencies which will provide for us to be more competitive in the market. At the end of the day, relationships count and maintenance of these is crucial to our success.”
Follow us: Powermite
STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP POWERMITE ekd gelenkrohr ekd gelenkrohr is a German-based company with facili�es in Germany and has 45 years’ experience in the manufacture of world-class energy chains. Managing Director Rolf Lung says: "Together with ekd we have a combined knowledge of over 50 years of drag chain applica�on within industries, such as ports, harbours and industrial and water treatment plants that require the protec�on of cable, hose or hydraulic supply on a fixed plane over a required distance at a fixed or variable speed". The comprehensive ekd energy chain range from Powermite includes galvanised steel, stainless steel and carburised (hardened) steel as well as a plas�c range which consists of self-ex�nguishing, ATEX, An�-Sta�c, steel-coated and Robo�c bi-direc�onal chain, extended to chains designed for ultra-long distances known as the Marathon System. These chains use roller sets and are capable of maintaining speeds of up to 8m/s. It is vital that we recommend the best, most op�mum solu�on for our customers. The services ranges from the selec�on and design of suitable energy chains, electrical and hose lines to final assembly and commissioning on site. Figure 1 shows the SYSTEM MARATHON energy chain with an overhead travel of 180 m, assembled on site by ekd gelenkrohr. The SYSTEM MARATHON has been the reliable solu�on for long travel distances and high travel speeds for more than 15 years. Whether in crane systems, transfer lines, press systems or in the steel or coal industry, the SYSTEM MARATHON offers a fric�on-free energy chain guide, which is a unique feature in the market due to the reduc�on of the traversing force and wear behaviour. This has been proved by the over fi�een years of use under various extreme condi�ons.
Fig. 1: Energy chain SYSTEM MARATHON in a train wash applica�on, travel 180m
Fig. 2: Energy chain SYSTEM MARATHON in a steel plant, speed 3,5m/s
Fig. 3: Energy chain SYSTEM MARATHON in mining, travel 400m
Head Office (Roodeport): 2754 Albertina Sisulu Technikon Roodeport Tel: +27 11 271 0000 Fax: +27 11 760 3099 Email: info@powermite.co.za
w w w . p o w e r m i t e . c o . z a
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