Tatu City

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Tatu City w w w . t a t u c i t y . c o m

Tatu City is a large urban development project and an important part of Kenya Vision 2030, an exciting and essential mission to transform the lives of Kenyans through increased infrastructure and development. Anthony Njoroge, acting CEO, tells us about how the project is progressing and its intended results.




atu City is one of Kenya Vision 2030’s flagship projects and one of the most exciting developments currently underway on the continent. A 2,500 acre plot located in Kiambu County near the town of Riuru, Tatu City promises residential, commercial, industrial, tourist and recreational



“Tatu City will significantly decongest the City of Nairobi by offering a unique live, work and play environment

to a decentralized urban environment, reducing congestion and creating a better space for Kenyans in which to live, work and play. Anthony Njoroge states that “ground infrastructure is progressing well with construction level power, water and road access in place. Bulk service power, water and sewerage connection is on-going.”

Tatu City and Kenya Vision 2030 amenities catering to more than 70,000 residents and 30,000 day visitors. An essential part of the design of Tatu City is a revolutionary shift from the tradition single-node model of urban development

Tatu City is an important part of Kenya Vision 2030 and the aims of each project frequently intersect. Kenya Vision 2030 is the country’s national long-term development strategy that aims to “transform Kenya into a newly industrializing, middle-income country providing a high quality

of life to all its citizens by 2030 in a clean and secure environment.” Developing Kenya’s economy is an important part of the project and with this aim comes huge foreign investment, something that Tatu City has also managed to secure. Tatu City is one of the largest private foreign direct investments in Kenya’s history and sees one of the largest investments in Kenya from the United States. Tatu City contributes to Kenya Vision 2030 not only through the actual urban space being created but also by creating potentially tens of thousands of jobs. Njoroge says that “by being part of the vision, the project is poised to make a significant contribution to Kenya’s renewed growth in economic and social development. Tatu City will offer residential, business, health and education solutions for the



T a t u

C i t y

“Tatu City will build 40,000 affordable and middle class housing units which will bring up to a 5% reduction in Kenya’s housing deficit

citizens of Kenya and increase employment opportunities tremendously.”


Sustainability has become a key driver in the design of urban development and in economic growth. Tatu City promises to have sustainability at the heart



of its operations and will be using sustainable technology in its design. Njoroge says that “the project will make use of solar panels to power street lights and water heating. There are plans to collect and use storm water drainage as well. From an environmental perspective Tatu City takes its responsibilities very seriously.” Tatu City promises to be a green space in more than one sense of the word. Njoroge tells us that “a large proportion of its land is dedicated to the provision of

open green space alongside a well-established tree nursery with thousands of indigenous trees, shrubs and flowers that will be used to populate the development.” Tatu City is more than just a residential space designed to ease some of the pressure in nearby Nairobi. It’s designed to be an environment that actively encourages the wellbeing of its residents. Essential to seeing through its ambitious aims is a rigorous planning process, hinted at by Njoroge: “we will


ensure that unique features of the landscape are retained for the benefit of residents and visitors alike. The beauty of Tatu City is in its planning. All the developments must adhere to a strict code designed to ensure there will be none of the congestion occurring in similar areas across the region.”

Bringing solutions

A new study has shown that on average rent and bills take up half the monthly bills for Kenyans. So affordable housing is a high priority when it comes to Kenya’s future, and projects like Tatu City are the way forward. We asked

Njoroge what he thought about the Kenyan government’s input on the situation. He suggested a path of mutual cooperation in which “private developers like Tatu City come in and partner the government to fill in the gap. Tatu City will build 40,000 affordable and middle class housing units which will bring up to a 5% reduction in Kenya’s housing deficit.” It seems obvious then that private enterprises like Tatu City will be instrumental in tackling Kenya’s social and economic problems. Tatu City’s lead investor Rendeavour, Africa’sTopsurv

largest urban land developer, has experience across 5 different countries in Africa. Its main objective is to help create the urban environment – the living and working spaces and communities – that will help sustain and accelerate Africa’s economic growth, meet the aspirations of the burgeoning middle classes, and serve as a catalyst for further urban development. As Africa continues to change and move along its path towards development, projects like Tatu City will be some of the most powerful suggestions of what lies ahead. 01.pdf 1 06/03/2016 11:00

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Tatu City Limited Tatu House, Off Ruiru Kiambu road P. O. Box 2739-00621 Nairobi, Kenya T: +254 (0) 20 513 1000, +254 708 555 55

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www.essentialbusinessmag.com ŠEssential Business Magazine 2016

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