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Trilogiq w w w . t r i l o g i q . c o . z a
Possibili Headquartered in France, Trilogiq has been designing, building and installing modular handling and storage solutions since 1992. After establishing its presence in the automotive and related industries, Trilogiq South Africa has recently branched out into other sectors with a new product called Graphit. spoke to Managing Director Leslie Scanlen to find out more.
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rilogiq’s new Graphit range of modular storage and display solutions, launched last year, is already proving to be a success. This allnew composite product is suitable for a wider range of markets than its all-steel predecessor Leantek, because it is lighter, stronger, and more resistant to corrosion and easily reconfigured. “Historically our focus for Leantek was the automotive and related industries. Graphit allows us to venture into new markets such as retail, hospitality or pharmaceutical where steel systems aren’t suitable,” Scanlen tells us.
Graphit and Leantek are modular systems that provide Trilogiq’s clients with the versatility to design a vast range of storage, handling, display and lean manufacturing solutions. The systems’ brackets, tubes and accessories are assembled to create ergonomic and optimised installations that match the client’s requirement but which can be adapted quickly and easily to support progress and business change. The original Leantek system helped the company build its reputation but it looks as if Graphit will be key to its future.
We add value and make a difference by focusing on a complete solution — the knowhow and service along with the product.
“Four years ago we looked at the way the world was using composite materials and realised we were onto something. We completed some tests and found we could change the way people understood and used modular systems.” With Graphit the brackets are made from composite materials while the tubing is made from aluminium, stainless steel or carbon fibre. Leantek, on the other hand, uses components made from steel only. Graphit is lighter, stronger, more versatile and more resistant to corrosion. This opens up a world of opportunities. “Graphit was launched early last year with a core range and we are continuing to develop additional components to add to its versatility,” Scanlen tells us. “The health sector wasn’t a market we could serve before because of the nature of steel but with Graphit we have a compelling offer for hospitals.”
Versatility and adaptability is a priority for Trilogiq’s lean manufacturing customer base. The ability to reconfigure solutions and test variations makes Graphit ideal for any business that prioritises adding value, increasing efficiency, optimising resources and reducing waste. To deliver the very best solutions Trilogiq recognises it is crucial to
maintain an open and honest dialogue with its clients. “Our business is based on supplying lean solutions. The product has been commoditised somewhat because many customers simply buy the components. We add value and make a difference by focusing on a complete solution — the knowhow and service along with the product,” says Scanlen.
“A lot of the features that we’ve built into the new products are the result of feedback from our existing market. We asked them what they’d like to see in terms of improvement, then we took their suggestions and did the development. We also looked at new markets where our expertise is transferable and that will help us diversify,” he says.
“With the retail environment, for example, the aesthetics of the product are often important and Graphit looks really modern and stylish in these settings.” While Trilogiq is excited about the potential of its products, the company is still relatively unknown outside of the automotive sector. Over the coming months it will be investing in marketing to repositioning the brand more broadly and to introduce its solutions to new audiences. “Our efforts are establishing us as the market leader and promoting modular solutions as the future,” Scanlen tells us.
Graphit is a modular system of tubes and brackets for building structures that move, store and display materials. Lightweight Strong and durable Range of finishes Steam clean friendly Quick to assemble Weatherproof Easy to adjust Completely reuseable
+27 (0)41 484 1523 trilogiq.co.za
“It’s a step away from what we are known for but it’s creating massive opportunities. We are refocusing our marketing efforts in each of the countries where we currently operate, including South Africa. There will be a little bit of restructuring but a lot of room for expansion. These are exciting times.”
With the retail environment, for example, the aesthetics of the product are often important and Graphit looks really modern and stylish in these settings
Trilogiq South Africa 68 Paterson Road North End Port Elizabeth 6056 Tel+27 (0) 41 484 1523 Fax+27 (0) 41 484 4965
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www.essentialbusinessmag.com ŠEssential Business Magazine 2015