Essential Café - September 2013 issue

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EssentialCafé MAGAZINE

A fresh approach to the industry

September 2013 issue

Enhance Your Capabilities Take Control Of Your Machine

FM800 FoamMaster







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EssentialCafé MAGAZINE

A fresh approach to the industry

September 2013 issue

Enhance Your Capabilities Take Control Of Your Machine

FM800 FoamMaster







FC_Franke.indd 1


25/09/2013 16:54

REGULARS 3 Editor’s Comment Essential Café’s editor Simon King on the importance of good customer service

5-8 Essential News

15-20 Bean-to-Cup Machines Is automated service the future for your business?

22-23 Essential So-Pure So-Pure introduces its high-quality concept to the UK

The latest hospitality happenings

26-27 Essential Franke

57-60 Essential Products

Franke Coffee Systems presents the latest innovations from its impressive line-up

Innovative options to wow customers

62-65 Essential Contacts Details of the key suppliers

FEATURES 9 Essential 3M Making water work for you

10 Essential Recipe

29-33 Essential Tea Make the most of the growth in the popularity of out of home tea

36-37 Essential Drink Me Chai Amanda Hamilton, founder of Drink Me Chai, celebrates 10 years of innovation

11 Essential Branding

Premium quality is driving the growing drinking chocolate market

Making friends with Facebook

34-35 UTZ Certification Improving farmer’s lives and protecting the planet

44-46 The European Coffee Symposium

Ingredients: -1 pump 1883 Pumpkin Spice syrup -1 pump 1883 Salted Caramel syrup -Espresso -Hot milk -Cocoa Dusting or Routin -1883 dark chocolate sauce Method 12oz glass; 1 shot of espresso to glass. Steam syrup and milk mix & Add to the glass. Garnish with dusting or Routin 1883 dark chocolate sauce

A round-up of barista news from the UK and further afield

48-53 Essential Drinking Chocolate

13 Cyber Solutions


39-43 Essential Barista

A tempting chocolate treat

Getting your graphic design right first time


54-55 Counter Culture Essential Café talks to Eleanor Cunningham, owner of the Edinburgh Larder

61 Essential Q&A Joe Offer, owner of Le Magasin in Lewes, takes on our Q&A

This year’s Paris event profiled


Essential Café magazine, Suite 4, 6-8 Revenge Road, Lordswood, Chatham, Kent ME5 8UD. T: +44 (0)1634 673163 F: +44 (0)1634 673173 Whilst we make every effort that everything printed in Essential Café magazine is factually correct, we cannot be held responsible if factual errors occur. All articles are copyright and remain the property of Essential Café magazine.

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Images supplied by 1883 de Philibert Routin1 Essential Café

EssentialEditor’s Comment

ARE YOUR CUSTOMERS BEING SERVED? The other day I was shopping in Cardiff with my mother, who was down in the Welsh Valleys on holiday and I thought we’d stop and have a coffee, something to eat and a good old catch-up. I picked a venue – a national chain – and we patiently waited and waited to be served and just as we thought the chap was going to attend to us, he decided to ignore us in favour of serving a couple of kids that had pushed in. I asked why he had not served us first, but no apology was forthcoming and you could tell I had annoyed him by the way he threw the food onto the plate – he couldn’t wait to move onto the next customer. In this busy world, where we all seem to be running at 100 miles an hour just to keep up, I’m puzzled by the notion of National Customer Service Week, which is organised by the Institute of Customer Service (ICS) and takes place from October 7-13. The ICS claims that National Customer Service Week is an opportunity to raise awareness of customer service and the vital role it plays in successful business practice and the growth of the UK economy. Now this to me seems fluffy to say the least and I’ll try and explain why. Independent operators across this great country of ours have been loyally serving their customers for decades – it comes as second nature to offer ‘customer service’. They, you, do not need to have this spurious ‘week’ rammed down your throats, as promoting customer service really would be like teaching grandmothers to suck eggs. National Customer Service Week serves just one purpose, as I see it. It’s a lame opportunity for the multiple operators to prove – for just one week – that they actually want to promote their service. But then that makes me laugh. The big retailers need this created week to push their service, yet independents across the land offer customer service as a given, it’s what you do. To finish the story about my experience in the Welsh capital. Yes, the food was good and the coffees were tasty too. Will I go back there again? Probably not, or shall I sometime between October 7 and 13 and see if a little bit of faith can be restored thanks to National Customer Service Week?! Simon King, editor

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Thaw and serve up some great tastes Our delicious DAWN® thaw and serve range is the simplest possible way to offer your customers a fantastic choice of individual cake products. They’re as easy as they sound - select from our huge range of sizes, flavours and formats and just thaw and serve what you need. It’s so easy to control your stock. We have everyone’s favourites including muffins, cookies and donuts and they thaw in just 2 hours. Once thawed, they taste as good as freshly baked and with a 5 day shelf life if kept wrapped, your wastage is minimal. We even have a NEW Salted Caramel flavour muffin and cookie - the latest taste sensation to hit the UK - and if you feel like getting creative try our frozen sheet cakes and cupcake bases, ready to thaw and decorate with our great frostings, icings and finest quality chocolate decorations and toppings. Simply irresistible!

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This year’s Speciality & Fine Food Fair was the largest event in the show’s 15 year history

Organisers of Speciality & Fine Food Fair (SFFF13), Fresh Montgomery, have announced record attendance every day at, as well as it being the largest show in its 15-year history, with an excess of 9,472 buyers passing through the show doors at Olympia – an increase of 15% on the previous record. Event Director Soraya Gadalrab said: “The popularity of this year’s event shows the economic engine of the regional and artisan food and drink industry is firing on all cylinders. There was a real buzz on the show floor and exhibitors have already reported significant levels of business conducted at the show. “We placed a huge emphasis on the visitor attractions to ensure they really appealed to food industry professionals. The

chef demonstrations in the Fine Food Forum drew huge crowds, while it was standing room only at the majority of Small Business Forum talks.” More than 650 exhibitors attended SFFF13, launching an unprecedented number of new food and drink products, appealing to retailers and food service operators alike. Running alongside the main exhibition was Speciality Chocolate Fair, the UK’s only trade event dedicated to fine and artisan chocolate housing more than 70 exhibitors, which offered visitors a packed programme of chef demonstrations in Speciality Chocolate Live, hosted by renowned patisserie chef Will Torrent. Plans are already underway for Speciality & Fine Food Fair 2014, which will take place from September 7-9 at London Olympia. More information: Speciality & Fine Food Fair +44 (0)844 664-1525


Coffee quality is key to the overall dining experience for consumers, says OnePoll survey

United Coffee UK & Ireland has launched its latest research in to the coffee drinking behaviour of consumers when dining out. The OnePoll survey of 2,000 respondents found that quality is key to the overall dining experience for consumers, with 59% rating the quality of the coffee as very important or important when eating out. A quality coffee offering also strongly correlates with consumer perceptions of the quality of a venue as a whole, with 64% of consumers rating the coffee served in independent and fine dining establishments as excellent or good, compared to only 22% in fast food outlets and just 10% in pubs. Consumers are increasingly becoming more savvy in their choices. When ordering coffee taste outweighs price – 68% of respondents rated quality as a very important or important factor. Elaine Higginson,

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managing director at United Coffee UK & Ireland, said: “We’re not just passionate about coffee but insight and trends too. By investing in this in-depth research, we’re able to share its invaluable findings about the nation’s coffee drinking behaviour with our customers, to help them reap the benefits and profitability of serving up high quality, great tasting coffee in their establishment.” The research shows that the quality of the coffee on a menu also impacts significantly on customer retention, with consumers citing poor quality coffee as a very likely or likely reason not to return to an establishment: fine dining restaurants (40%), pubs (33%), independent restaurants (36%) and fast food outlets (30%). Consumers aged 45+ are more likely to not return to a restaurant, pub or fast food outlet if the coffee is of poor quality. The results also highlight an emerging consumer trend – ‘coffee as the new dessert’. Increasingly, diners are opting for a cup of coffee to end a meal instead of dessert. Eight out of 10 consumers now consider ordering a coffee rather than dessert when eating out, with more than a quarter (27%) regularly choosing coffee over the dessert option on the menu. More information: United Coffee +44 (0)1908 275520

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BRITS TOO BUSY TO EAT LUNCH More than 4 out of 10 (43%) UK adults skip lunch at least once a week, with 20% saying they skip lunch at least three times a week. According to a new survey by Canadean Custom Solutions, 25-34 year olds are least likely to eat lunch on a daily basis, with less than half (49%) saying that they eat an afternoon meal seven days a week. When asked why they do not eat lunch seven days a week, 46% answered ‘I don’t always feel hungry at lunchtime’ and 26% said ‘I don’t have time to eat lunch every day’. The tendency not to feel hungry at lunch time can be attributed to the rise in snacking occasions, with 24% of British adults saying that they prefer to snack throughout the day than to eat lunch. According to Florin Ivan, research manager at Canadean, said: “Time-scarcity is impacting on lunch-time occasions, with people either prone to skipping lunch or trying to facilitate their busy lifestyles by eating whilst doing other activities. Convenience is king at lunch-time, with consumers willing to compromise on taste and health in favour of food that is quick to prepare and readily available”.

NEW SERVICE ENABLES CUSTOMER FEEDBACK VIA TEXT MESSAGE MessageTheManager provides instant, anonymous feedback from the consumer directly to the manager by simply utilising an item just about everyone always has with them – the mobile phone. Charles Cridland, MessageTheManager’s founder, said: “Think of a suggestion box and a comment card rolled into one. That’s the idea behind MessageTheManager. It transforms every customer’s mobile phone into a suggestion box and a comment card.” Outlets subscribing to the MessageTheManager service will receive pre-designed, print-ready cards with a dedicated MessageTheManager phone number. Charles said: “One side is blank so venues can add their own logo or marketing message. Consumers text their comments to the MessageTheManager number, which instantly reach the manager, enabling negative comments to be addressed immediately, getting the customer back onside before they have communicated a poor experience to a wider audience and proving your ability to be proactive and respond promptly to customer needs. “At the same time, positive comments can be used to provide good publicity on promotional material, in adverts, on the Internet or social media.” Subscriptions to the MessageTheManager service are available from £29 per month. More information: MessageTheManager

More information: Canadean Custom Solutions +44 (0)1256 394200,


Peros directors hand over £1 million cheque to One Foundation


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Peros has announced that it has now funded donations of more than £1million to the One Foundation through sales of bottled water brand One Water. Peros directors James Roberts and Peter Goodey recently presented a £1million cheque to Duncan Goose, founder of the One Foundation. Peros has been distributing bottles of One Water to foodservice clients since 2006. Because 100% of One Water’s profit is donated to fund water projects in Africa, Peros and its customers have been able to provide directly for over 100 pumps, bringing clean, fresh water to nearly 200,000 people

in four different countries across sub-Saharan Africa. More recently, this fundraising has helped support One Water’s £1million contribution to their emergency relief work in East Africa. James said: “We’re really proud of this landmark achievement. It’s not just about the monetary value - it’s about remembering what we’ve actually achieved on the ground in Africa. It’s about the positive changes we’ve made to people’s lives by bringing drinking water into their communities. “We’d like to thank all our customers who have joined the ‘cause’ and become as passionate as the Peros team in making a difference. We look forward to continuing this work in the coming years.” More information: Peros +44 (0)1494 436426

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RINGTONS SCOOPS DEAL WITH FAMILY BUSINESS Ringtons Beverages has whipped up a deal to supply a chain of eateries owned by Italian ice cream entrepreneurs, the Marcantonio family. Headed up by Nigel Marcantonio and his father Peter, the company owns a chain of ice cream parlours including the brand new Parlour at Blagdon, Sweet Sensations and Sweet Sensations in the Village at intu Metrocentre. The Marcantonio family firm was established in 1902 when Nigel’s great grandfather Antonio travelled to Newcastle to sell his Italian handmade ice cream and the family still have kept the production of traditional Italian ice cream at the heart of their business. As part of the contract, Ringtons Beverages, the food services division of Ringtons, has installed traditional espresso machines, on-demand grinders and filter equipment throughout the chain and will also supply its premium tea and coffee products, as well as offering ongoing barista training and support to the three businesses. Nigel said: “It is fantastic to be serving Ringtons’ premium tea and coffee at The Parlour at Blagdon and our two outlets at intu Metrocentre. Since we introduced the Ringtons products we have received countless compliments from our customers who are delighted with the quality of their hot beverages.” Stephen Drysdale, head of division at Ringtons Beverages,

The Parlour at Blagdon is one of the Marcantonio family’s three businesses which will serve Ringtons’ premium tea and coffee

added: “We are thrilled to be supplying another North Eastbased family business with such a strong heritage as Ringtons. “Coffee is such an important element of the gelato experience so it was key for Nigel and Peter to secure a supplier which they were confident would provide them with the best possible product and with the tools needed to ensure their team of baristas are able to brew constant quality drinks every time.” More information: Ringtons Beverages +44 (0)800 046-1444


The Café in the Courtyard is a temporary café at St Martin-in-the-Fields

The Café in the Courtyard, a temporary cafe at St Martin-inthe-Fields, has opened to visitors. Situated between Trafalgar Square and The Strand, the café animates the courtyard at St Martin-in-the-Fields: a rare open space in central London that had been largely underutilised despite thousands of tourists and workers passing by every day. St Martin’s commissioned Platform 5 Architects to design a new café to provide a welcoming facility for local workers, residents and tourists as well as to generate income to support the work of the church and the long term preservation of its listed buildings. The Café in the Courtyard is a small, self-contained temporary structure in the corner of

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the courtyard, opposite St Martin’s East Window. As the café only operates during the summer months, it can be easily removed from the site and stored during the winter. Lightweight yet stylish tables and chairs are used during the day and stored within the unit when the café is not in operation. Simple stainless steel roller shutters secure the unit when not in use. The café was prefabricated in Italy by Asteco before being installed on site in June. Since opening, it has welcomed almost 9,000 visitors and is expected to serve up to 15,000 people by the end of the season. Allyson Hargreaves, business operations director at St Martin-in-the-Fields Ltd said: “After several years in the planning, we are delighted to see the launch of the first season of the Café in the Courtyard. Platform 5’s design has exceeded our requirements by creating a space that not only beautifully suits the environment but also provides a practical work area for our team. As for our customers – they love it – and we are pleased to see some of them returning several times during the week.” More information: The Café in the Courtyard +44 (0)207 766-1158,

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The second World Coffee Leaders Forum (WCLF) will take place at Coex Convention Center in Seoul, South Korea on November 20-22, following a successful debut last year. Established with the mission to find sustainable development methods, WCLF invites industry leaders and innovators to share and discuss the important issues, trends, and vision of Asia and the world coffee industry. Online registration is now open and can be completed online at the official World Coffee Leaders Forum website: Last year’s event attracted worldwide attention. Approximately 700 attendees from countries around the world gathered in the Coex Convention Center to participate. A total of 20 speakers presented at the Plenary Sessions and Technical Sessions last year, including industry leaders such as Mr. Robert F. Nelson, president of the National Coffee Association and Xinia Chaves Quiros, vice minister of Agriculture and Livestock of Costa Rica. More information: World Coffee Leaders Forum +82-2-6000-6711,

HP SACHETS GET A MAN MAKEOVER FOR CATERERS Following the success of its ‘Sauce of Manliness’ campaign, Heinz Foodservice has launched limited edition manly packaging for HP Sauce front-of-house sauce sachets and bottles, to help bring its ‘Man Rules’ messaging to life for out-of-home diners. Available to caterers until January, there are three different tongue-in-cheek designs per 9g and 12g sachet cases, bearing slogans including: ‘makes a sandwich, a manwich’; ‘puts the bang in your banger’; and ‘makes a fried egg cracking’. Heinz Foodservice has launched limited edition manly packaging for HP Sauce

A 225g glass bottle and a 425g plastic bottle are also available to caterers including the manly mottos in front of the iconic Houses of Parliament imagery. These will target male diners, prompting them to never ‘bring home the bacon without it’. ‘Sauce of Manliness’ aims to drive penetration and awareness of the brand among younger male consumers aged 25 to 44 years. The campaign also includes digital activity, such as videos and outtakes from the TV advert shoot. In addition, HP Sauce’s ‘HP Man Rules’ TV advert is scheduled to return to our screens on Sky Sports until March 2014. Michelle Smith, Heinz Foodservice’s brand manager, said: “With the ‘Sauce of Manliness’ campaign, we wanted to grab the attention of young men, with packaging that really ‘spoke’ to them. The new sachets will remind out-of-home diners that HP Sauce is the ultimate sauce of manliness and the perfect condiment to enjoy in a bacon sandwich or with a full English breakfast.” More information: Heinz Foodservice +44 (0)800 575-755

ESSENTIAL PEOPLE Beyond the Bean has appointed James Shepherd as its international sales manager. James joined the café bar supply company from Specialist Beverages in Ireland where he was sales and training director. Prior to that role James spent 10 years in both the UK and Ireland with Matthew Algie. In his new role, James will continue to work closely with Specialist Beverages developing the Beyond the Bean range of products with its major accounts. Gary McGann, Beyond the Bean’s sales and marketing director, said: “I have worked with James in the past and have been a long admirer of his knowledge, drive and enthusiasm and look forward to him helping us deliver on our ambitious growth plans in new markets.”


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A CLEAR VISION By Katherine Barnicoat, senior marketing executive, 3M Purification Division Water taste and hardness varies widely across the UK, but despite our tap water being highly regulated and among the safest in Europe, controlling the taste can be an issue in the café industry. Most water will contain ions such as calcium and magnesium, which are the main ones that distinguish whether the water is hard or soft, they can also impact the overall taste. Hard water can result in people experiencing a dry, chalky taste, whereas chlorine, widely used as a disinfectant in the water treatment process, can also give off a particular taste and odour. Whether hard or soft water, both have an effect on the taste of a cup of espresso coffee and can often explain why your favourite brand of coffee tastes different in different parts of the UK. To stop water from altering the taste of your coffee, Reverse Osmosis The ScaleGard LP2-BL Reverse Osmosis System work to prevent water affecting the taste of operator’s drinks

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(RO) filters can be fitted to mains fed espresso coffee machines. The ScaleGard LP2-BL Reverse Osmosis System from diversified technology company 3M provides two water qualities. One provides 100% reverse osmosis water for direct use in steamer ovens or flash steamer applications. The other allows tailored water by the use of a blend valve to allow the mineral level of the product water to be controlled over a wide range, thereby maintaining levels of water hardnessand taste. Equipment owners who do not need the volume requirements of a reverse osmosis but still require increased convenience, reduced downtime and recipequality water for longer, should consider a large capacity resin based filter, such as the ScaleGard Pro P1175 Anti-scale filter. The filter provides a high capacity of 6,000 litres for extended change-out intervals. The filter’s proportional bypass provides consistent hardness reduction for repeatable water quality and scale prevention. In addition, all the water passes through a 3M carbon-block post filter for chlorine, taste and odour removal. 3M Purification Division RO filter solutions can be discussed at the European Coffee Symposium in Paris, November 27 – 28, 2013.

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Get 10% DISCOUNT on your first order. To redeem this offer enter the promotional code “ESCAFE”at checkout. Got your own design or logo, not a problem we’ll happily print your supplied artwork for you, call 0845 512 0913 for more details.

EssentialRecipe Ingredients For the pastry: 175g plain flour 100g caster sugar 30g Divine Cocoa Powder 100g unsalted butter Two eggs beaten For the filling: 300g Divine Dark Chocolate Two eggs 175ml milk 250ml double cream One vanilla pod, split 30g stem ginger

CHOCOLATE GINGER TART This rich moist chocolate tart makes a perfect accompaniment to a strong cup of coffee.

DIVINE CHOCOLATE PRESENTS A NEW COLLECTION OF RECIPES Divine Chocolate has four new recipes created by celebrity chefs Allegra McEvedy, Ed Baines, Gizzi Erskine and Sam Stern especially for National Chocolate Week 2013. This year’s National Chocolate Week takes place from Monday, October 14 to Sunday, October 20. Divine Chocolate, sponsor and supporter of the event since it was created 10 years ago, has planned a host of special chocolate events and experiences across the country. Divine has teamed up with celebrity chefs again this year to produce four wonderful new recipes combining Divine chocolate with interesting flavour combinations. Patron of the Fairtrade Foundation and founder of the UK’s first healthy fast food restaurant Leon, Allegra McEvedy has created mini chocolate hazelnut puddings with an orange and hazelnut praline. Best known for his role as judge on Britain’s Best Dish and owner of Randall & Aubin in Soho, Ed Baines has provided the recipe for a chocolate and ginger tart. The soft chocolate pastry and rich tart filling with stem ginger is topped with curls of ganache, and Ed recommends serving a slice with a strong coffee. Presenter of Channel 4’s Cook Yourself Thin and author of the book that accompanied the series, retro chef Gizzi Erskine has contributed a recipe for her Earl Grey infused Chocolate fudge cake, which is sprinkled with gold Earl Grey dust and is a real showstopper. The final recipe comes from young chef & Divine fan Sam Stern - a sumptuous chocolate chilli & orange cake, which can be easily customised with more or less chilli depending on tastes. Sam has also included two types of icing allowing for a bitter and sweeter option. More information: Divine Chocolate + 44 (0)207 3786550


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For the ganache: 125g Divine Dark Chocolate 30g unsalted butter 125ml double cream One tbsp. ginger syrup

Preparation Pre-heat the oven 180°C/350°F/Gas Mark 4 Use a 25cm 2.5cm deep fluted flan tin Method Sift the flour sugar and cocoa into a bowl. Add the butter cut into small pieces and rub into the flour until like breadcrumbs Stir in the eggs and mix with a fork to form a soft dough. Wrap in cling film and chill for an hour. Grate the dough using a coarse grater and press across the base and up the sides of the flan tin. Scatter the base with chopped ginger and chill for 20 minutes. Melt the chocolate over a saucepan of hot water until melted, remove the bowl from the heat. Beat the eggs in a bowl. Place the milk and cream in to a saucepan and bring to the boil. Using a whisk pour the milk on to the eggs whisking all the time and whisk in the chocolate. Remove the pastry shell from the refrigerator place on a baking sheet and pour the custard into the shell. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes then reduce the oven to 150°/300°/Gas mark 2 for 10 minutes then turn the oven down to 110°/230°/ Gas 1/4 for 30 minutes then turn the oven of and leave until almost set cool on a wire rack. To Make the Ganache Melt the butter and chocolate over hot water, stir and leave until cool. Whisk the cream in a bowl until softly peaking and add the chocolate and ginger syrup mix until evenly blended. Spread the mixture over the tin and chill. Just before serving drag a dessert spoon over the ganache to form curls. Arrange on top of the tart and dust with icing sugar.

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IMPROVE AWARENESS OF YOUR BUSINESS Communicating to your customers is perhaps one of the most vital parts of any business hoping to be successful and the café sector is no exception. Jason King is a director of Hyphen Marketing, whose mission is to provide dynamic and affordable graphic design. Hyphen Marketing’s studio manager, Jenni Cabrelli, and director Jason King

Well planned marketing can make a big difference to your business

Whether it’s getting across your café’s selection of refreshments, the personality of your staff or your company’s ethos, branding is the way in which to do it. But how do you convey the messages you want to portray in order to ensure your graphic designer understands and correctly translates these messages? In order to get the best from a graphic designer it’s important to give them a tight brief. If you have worked with designers in the past, but haven’t been happy with the outcome, this may have been due to the fact the designer didn’t fully understand what you were looking to achieve with your design. When preparing for your first meeting with your designer, the most important thing to do is create a detailed brief. This should outline: » Your objectives for the project (What do you want to achieve? New customers? Brand awareness? Market a new product?); » Why do you want help with this project (there are a range of reasons for seeking out a designer, whether it be poor sales or even brand image); » Where do you want to use the design and what will it be used as? (is it a leaflet to be sent as a mailer, or a banner to be used on the side of a building?); » Who are you trying to target? Who is your audience?; » What is your budget?; and » What is your deadline? Keep deadlines realistic. If you force the designer to create something within just a day it’s likely they will feel pressured and the outcome may mean the design is less creative

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than they could normally offer. Give them plenty of notice. Lastly it’s also a good idea to give the designer an idea of your likes and dislikes. For example, if you are looking for a new logo, bring along with you some examples of logos you have seen that you like the look of and those you really hated. Seeing these examples will give the designer a clearer image of your tastes. Similarly, showing the designer the types of fonts and colours that appeal to you is also a great help; however you should always keep in mind that with any project, a good designer will design to appeal your audience and not you. After all, it’s your customers that have to like the design so they buy your products! You can also bring along competitor information so the designer can research what they are doing to ensure you stand out. So, you have done all you can and the designer has come back with proofs. What now? If you love it, great! But if you don’t like something, give the designer your reasons, because just saying ‘I want it to be different’ does not give them enough information to make the right changes you are looking for. It is also important that if you are consulting with other colleagues or contacts for their feedback, you should consolidate all responses before passing to the designer. Whilst a wide range of views can be helpful, it can be hard for a designer to determine whose feedback to accommodate if everyone has a different opinion. An important thing to bear in mind is that good design is a two way project where your comments and feedback are the key to producing a design that fits your brief. By working together with your designer, you should hopefully find you get good results every time. More information: Hyphen Marketing +44 (0)116 2815731

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EssentialSocial Media

THE POWER OF FACEBOOK PK Vaish, managing director of digital marketing agency Livelink New Media, looks at the phenomenon that is Facebook. Ask man, woman or child if they’re on Facebook and the likely answer will be ‘yes’. With over a billion users (and growing), Facebook has become THE social networking site. Facebook is now recognised as the online destination where people can express their individuality, show support for causes and businesses they like, catch up with friends – as well as friends of friends and mere nodding acquaintances - and enjoy the virtual conversation. When any group gathers in significant numbers it follows that anyone, including café and coffee shop owners, with anything of fleeting relevance to sell must wonder how to reach that group and engage. Facebook now allows you to extend the reach of your brand in ways that were never previously possible, opening a doorway to some of the most personal parts of people’s lives. It’s this unique factor that can introduce countless new opportunities for you to increase loyalty and, well, make friends with your customers. Having a Facebook profile is, in fact, an excellent way to engage with your customers. It allows you to humanise your brand and give it some personality. You can start conversations about your products, post updates that provoke discussion about related issues and adopt a tone that your customers can really relate to. If you can get customers to ‘like’ your page, you really are in. After all, by ‘liking’ your page, they are essentially placing you in the same category as one of their friends. With 665 million daily active users, the opportunities are there for the taking. You can connect with existing customers and bolster affinity with your brand, as well as capture the attention of new, potential customers. With the average Facebook user having a couple of hundred friends each, an individual user only needs to share one of your posts to increase your brand’s exposure significantly. In addition to this, Facebook marketing allows you to pay for ads, promoted posts and sponsored stories, which can be targeted based on information entered into Facebook about users. Because Facebook holds so much personal information about each of its users, it’s possible, when placing an ad, for you to be highly specific about who sees it. Similar segmentation can be achieved with your posts, allowing you to target your messages to specific groups choosing, for example, gender, age or location. This is great

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news for your business. It means that you can distribute relevant information with consideration, delivering a highly targeted message for maximum impact. For instance, if you have a coffee shop close to a school PK Vaish, managing or nursery, Facebook can target director of digital marketing agency Livelink New Media your posts and advertising so that you are talking exclusively to mums who specifically have kids of school or nursery age in your area. Similarly, if you do a good line in shakes and frappes and want to attract the local college kids, it’s Facebook that is most likely to give you that hot line. In terms of value for money, this micro-targeting approach takes some beating. With more engaged fans liking your page and talking about your brand, the door is also open for you to drive traffic to your website where you can offer discount vouchers for those who sign up to your newsletter, which will alert them to special offers and new products, etc. According to a recent study, Facebook accounts for approximately 8% of visits to websites – a trend that is sure to increase. Facebook marketing adds another dimension to your marketing mix and provides you with a further opportunity to reinforce your brand image. By building custom Facebook applications you can run competitions and as mentioned, draw people to your website through Facebook. Also, by taking advantage of the ‘cover photo’ space with an eye catching image, the overall look of your page can be personalised to ensure that visitors will instantly recognise and relate to your brand. Any content that you post will be the voice of your brand so it’s worth paying extra care and attention to the tone and the subject matter to ensure consistency and to give them a reason to ‘like’ you. Ultimately, to really engage with your customer today, you have to be part of the conversation and this social media giant currently stands as the best way in for the average coffee shop owner. More information: Livelink New Media +44 (0)161 8708194

Essential Café


New generation... Easy to use bean to cup machine

Versatile and compact, producing full menu of hot drinks including hot chocolate...

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07/11/2011 09:29

EssentialBean-to-Cup Machines

MACHINE MADE Bean-to-Cup units have improved in performance, aesthetics and functionality in recent years. Essential Café presents some of the industry’s most capable machines.

Cimbali’s Q10 superautomatic machine is programmed by the manufacturer on delivery

The latest superautomatic bean-to-cup coffee machines are ready, red when dispensing). An optional Milk PS system ideal when speed of service and in cup quality are prepares cappuccinos and other frothed milk based drinks key priorities. automatically, conveniently and consistently. For higher Matthew Tuffee, sales and marketing manager at Cimbali, demand outlets, the S39 can incorporate a third grinder and says delivering a consistent quality across the speciality up to four different turbo steam options. menu, these machines are especially suited to non-coffee Both machines incorporate Cimbali’s patented specialist outlets – reassured that coffee SmartBoiler technology which significantly boosts steam is taken care of, the operator is free to and hot water capacity throughout the brewing cycle to concentrate on other areas of the business avoid drops in production. Optional features include such as food. TurboSteam, a temperature sensing steam wand system Matthew says: “Whether running a self that simultaneously delivers steam and air, thereby allowing serve or served beverage offer, the critical the hands free heating or frothing of large amounts of milk thing is to take advice from the manufacturer without manual intervention. and choose a machine of the correct United Coffee UK & Ireland says that bean-to-cup technical spec, which is designed to cope machines are holding their own in the burgeoning coffee with anticipated daily coffee volumes.” market. As the UK’s appetite for coffee keeps growing, the Cimbali’s Q10 superautomatic uses coffee company acknowledges that more operators are looking to beans and fresh milk and is an ideal self these machines to deliver consistent quality coffee to satisfy serve machine and at just 35mm wide, very the tastes of discerning coffee drinkers. compact. The key functions such as dosing Elaine Higginson, managing director of United Coffee UK and grinding the coffee, heating the water and frothing the & Ireland, says: “Recent research revealed that over 40% of milk are pre-programmed into the machine by Cimbali on coffee leaders thought that automatic and semi automatic delivery, leaving the customer to enjoy freshly ground coffee, machines will continue to grow the fastest, outgrowing all at the push of a button. traditional espresso, bulk brewing and capsule in the market For outlets serving up to 200 cups of espresso per hour, over the next three years.” Cimbali offers the M1 S10 turbo, a high performing machine While there are several operational factors which are in a very compact footprint, making it perfect for busy behind the decision to purchase a bean-to-cup machine, locations where space is a premium. As a semi automatic Elaine says that these machines are perfect for operators system, as soon as a drink is selected the machine with a high turnover of staff, sites who need to serve high automatically doses, grinds and extracts the coffee, delivers volumes of coffee with few employees or high footfall. the beverage into the cup and then expels the spent dry Elaine says: “While not a replacement for highly functional coffee grounds. traditional espresso machines, a good quality machine, Matthew says: “The coffee such as our Eversys e’4 or Black&White range is capable is freshly prepared on demand of producing coffees of a consistent high and the Turbo-Steam function standard, with a handcrafted feel. heats and froths the milk to a “Coffee is not a one-size fits all barista standard. The system market, so there’s no right answer also allows a customised milk when it comes to investing in a temperature to be pre-set for machine. What’s most important each drink on the menu, which is that your coffee equipment is a useful feature for speciality suits your establishment, footfall, coffee menus where the range employee skill set and speed of of drinks can be diverse. The service. With a range of machines M1 S10 is fast, reliable and to suit all coffee operations and delivers a consistent in cup having 35% share of the bean-toquality.” cup market, we can help you An alternative option is determine what kit will help you the Cimbali S39 turbo. A key get the most from your coffee feature of the S39 is the striking service and drive revenue.” LED illumination which can One of the newest United Coffee says its Eversys e’4 machine can produce change colour to signal the developments on the market twice the number of coffees than any other machine on machine is in use (green when is United Coffee’s Eversys e’4 the market, without increasing energy consumption

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EssentialBean-to-Cup Machines bean-to-cup machine, which Elaine says, is a highly functional, efficient piece of kit at the forefront of energy saving technology. Elaine explains: “It can produce twice the number of coffees as any other machine on the market, without increasing energy consumption. It can brew four coffees simultaneously and up to 350 an hour United Coffee says its without compromising on Black & WhiteSMART model produces coffees of quality – perfect for busy cafés a consistent high standard, with high footfall and on-the-go with a handcrafted feel consumers. “The machine features two group heads that are each supplied by an individual brew unit, a feature that is exclusive to the e’4. The brewing unit mirrors the actions of a barista using a traditional espresso machine, meaning the best taste and texture is delivered with every extraction.” Melitta Systems Service UK is the UK division of the large, German family-owned Melitta System Service, which operates in more than 50 countries worldwide. Its core business is the global manufacture and marketing of fully automatic coffee machines for the preparation of coffee specialities. Steve Penk, the company’s managing director, says:


Essential Café

“We operate across the whole of the UK, providing sales and service extensively for the Melitta/Cafina range of fully automatic coffee machines. “All our engineers are trained in Germany and Switzerland to the highest of standards and only work on Melitta machines, no work is sub contracted out to other companies. The Melitta C35 bean-to-cup This ensures fast and machine effective work to be carried out with minimal inconvenience to the customer.” Melitta has signed up to become the headline sponsor for next year’s Essential Café Live! and Steve says that this is an exciting time within the super automatic bean-to-cup market, with a huge amount of growth expected due to advances in technologies and the fact that many manufacturers are investing in new products. “We will be launching three new exciting coffee machine ranges over the course of the next 12 months,” Steve says.

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EssentialBean-to-Cup Machines

Mulmar says the Faema X1 an ideal choice for either operator or self-serve environments

Mulmar Foodservice Solutions says the Faema range of bean-to-cup coffee machines offers great Italian style, with generations of coffee brewing knowledge brought together in a modern package. The X1 is a fully automatic bean-to-cup machine designed to offer the perfect combination of quality espresso coffees and push-button convenience. Mulmar says its simple, uncluttered layout makes the X1 an ideal choice for either operator or self-serve environments. Auto cleaning routines – pop-up diagnostic prompts – keep the machine running at optimum performance for long periods of time. The X1 dispenses a complete drink in minimal time using an auto milk foaming system, or operators have the option of Faema’s innovative Autosteam, an automatic frothing/steaming wand. Another benefit with the X1 is its Smart Boiler management system, which, Mulmar says, significantly boosts steam and hot water capacity by approximately 30% when needed, which is a huge advantage during rush hours. The X1 has a small footprint and at only 350mm wide means it takes up minimal counter space. The on-screen display prompts and diagnostics keep coffee cleaning routines simple for staff and capable of up to 200 espressos per hour, the machine can offer two drinks and two bean types utilising the two bean hoppers/grinders. Franke Coffee Systems says that its FoamMaster 800 (FM800) has set a new premium-class standard in fully

automatic coffee machines. James Nicholson, managing director at Franke Coffee Systems UK, says: “Whether you are longing for a classic coffee or hot/cold milk foam beverage with the perfect foam consistency, the Franke FM800 fulfills every wish of a modern fully automatic coffee machine and appeals to all The FoamMaster 800 of the senses, leaving a lasting (FM800) from Franke Coffee impression with its sleek Systems black exterior. “However, the crowning glory of this new all-rounder is the versatility it offers: its entire beverage program is conveniently operated using the innovative and fully customisable 10.4in touch-screen.” James says the range of beverages can be displayed in various operating modes, which allow the user to customise the display preferences by adjusting the menus, drink images, as well as the cup sizes and the flavours. The beverage selection can be perfectly designed to suit guest preferences for any season and can easily be chosen using the touch-screen – upsell to new product offerings through mouthwatering visuals. James says: “With the FM800, Franke Coffee Systems has produced a revolutionary fully automatic coffee machine that will delight every business that uses it.”

Introducing the

Esprecious Bravilor proudly introduces its new espresso machine: the Esprecious. Equipped with one or two grinders and a high quality metal brewer this compact machine delivers a perfect espresso and delicious coffee specialities. With a simple touch screen interface, stunning design and LED accent lighting the Esprecious is not to be missed. |

The taste of quality worldwide

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EssentialBean-to-Cup Machines

Fracino says its Cybercino machine combines traditional styling and 21st century technology

WMF’s Bistro machine features Plug & Clean technology


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Fracino says that the best bean-to-cup machines are so simple to operate that they are practically fool-proof. John McGinnell, sales manager at the UK’s only manufacturer of espresso and cappuccino machines, says: “Bean-to-cup machines are perfect for restaurants and hotels where volumes are lower but rapid turnaround is essential – and where the on-going cost and inconvenience of training a high number of casual staff would be prohibitive.” John says that Fracino’s Cybercino is a revolutionary bean-to-cup coffee machine; combining ease of use with consistent quality. The machine can produce 200 espresso or 120 cappuccino drinks an hour at the touch of a button. “With traditional styling and 21st century technology, it catapults bars, restaurants or coffee shops into a whole new era,” John says. The Cybercino’s solid brass thermosyphonic heating system provides a stable temperature, which is not dependent on thermostats or cartridge heaters. It also has pre-infusion and extracts the coffee in exactly the same way as Fracino’s traditional espresso machines. The milk frother delivers steamed or foamed milk as required; with a pinch valve ensuring a constant cup level every time. John says: “Bean-to-cup may be viewed as the ‘lazy barista’ but actually the technology should be celebrated for reducing labour, whilst improving the customer experience – they are a great benefit to low-volume outlets that need a quick turnaround for their customers with minimum effort.” John adds: “Encapsulating world-class engineering and cutting-edge technology, Fracino’s machines are designed and manufactured to the highest standards and the latest machining methods. All machines are equipped with large capacity boilers, high powered elements and hand built from the finest stainless steel, copper and brass. “A champion of all things British, Fracino also engraves a British flag on every machine we produce.” WMF says that while an automatic bean-to-cup machine may not always be a cheaper alternative to a traditional coffee machine, it is a very cost and time-effective solution to providing operators a range of speciality coffees where quality

counts. The two main advantages of an automatic bean-tocup machine; simplicity and consistency – no matter who pushes the button, the drink will be the same every time. Florian Lehmann, managing director of WMF UK, says: “Whilst the automatic bean-to-cup machine is adaptable to most styles of operation, it certainly has a place where it excels; namely in a high throughput environment where speed of service in a short space of time is critical. “A machine such as WMF’s 2000S, which has a recommended daily output of up to 200 drinks, can deliver those drinks in the space of one hour. This bean-to-cup machine will more than pay for itself over its life expectancy through its queue-busting capabilities and increased marginmaking potential.” Florian says that WMF’s ability to adapt quickly to today’s ever-changing consumer demands is to its success, as well as its ability to bespoke every machine it produces to encompasses the specific requirements of any one customer. Florian adds: “There is always room for innovation; innovation is one of the main pillars of WMF’s business ethos, the other two being quality and functionality and in this vein, WMF will launch a new generation bean-to-cup machine later this year. The WMF 8000S will be loaded with innovation, details of which will be disclosed upon its launch. In general though, milk pump systems are becoming more and more popular – a pump enables the operator to produce hot and cold milk foam for milk-based beverages.” Florian WMF’s 1200S, an entry level machine, offers the best value for money in its class, the says the latest company says machine to be launched is the 1200S, an entry level machine, which the company says offers the best value for money in its class – and one that will open up the bean-to-cup market to those with smaller operations or coffee kiosks. Florian says: “It offers the same high build quality and design as its bigger brothers, with an equally impressive range of functions and beverage options, but with much of the complexity stripped out and even has a number of energy-saving devices too. “We wanted to launch a machine that offered many of the benefits of our larger machines but without the complexities so we have made the 1200S much simpler to use for the operator, but also for the customer where sited in a selfservice environment. It’s our smallest machine yet with a footprint measuring just 324mm x 554mm.”

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La Cimbali Perfect Grinding System: Award winning self adjusting technology that makes every day a great coffee day

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New CafĂŠ Product Award


10/07/2013 11:31

EssentialBean-to-Cup Machines The Coffee Machine Company is the UK importer of Swiss-made Egro espresso equipment and the company is distributing the Egro ‘ONE’ machine, which it describes as one of the most advanced bean-to-cup coffee machines available on the UK market. Egro is now owned by Rancilio, the renowned Italian manufacturer. Egro ‘ONE’ features include the brand-new graphic interface with a 5.7in touch-screen display in full colour and a dropdown intuitive menu to help make a barista’s life easier. The multipage colour system enables the barista to choose The Egro ‘ONE’ fitted with the acclaimed iSteam auto frother

from 48 products, each one with its own icon. ‘ONE’ also offers the option of uploading and customising screensavers, displaying promotional images or videos as drinks are served or teaching staff by showing demonstration videos. ‘ONE’ is also available in a keypad (push button) version, which features a user-friendly 10-key keypad for selecting five, nine or 16 drinks. The drinks selection graphics can be customised by the user, while the LCD display enables the user to check on the progress of the order and the status of the machine’s functions. Egro ‘ONE’ is equipped with a USB port as standard so the machine’s data and work parameters can be loaded quickly and easily. However, The Coffee Machine Company says the real success of this model is down to quality of the espresso produced by the all-metal brewing group, coupled with other features, such as the special automatic cleaning cycle and the patented Rancilio I-Steam, an automatic steam wand. Leading German manufacturer of bean-to-cup equipment, Sielaff, has announced the launch of a new model. The Ultima Duo combines espresso and filter coffee options in Sielaff Ultima Duo combines espresso and filter coffee options in one compact, modular unit

one compact, modular unit. Karen Nash, Sielaff UK’s general manager, says: “Like most Sielaff machines, the Ultima Duo is designed modular to give operators the opportunity to build a machine that best suits their business. Options include a fresh milk fridge (as an alternative to powdered milk), a filter coffee module with cup warming deck and a three cupboard storage plinth. “At the heart of the system is the bean-to-cup machine. This will serve a broad spectrum of speciality coffees from cappuccino and espresso to latté macchiato or hot chocolate. It is simple to operate using the advanced touch-screen menu and is equipped with twin bean hoppers for a choice of coffee types. “Cleaning is very important with all bean-to-cup machines and, on the Ultima Duo, it is incredibly simple. It is achieved at the push of a single button and the cycle takes just 10 minutes to complete. Even the detergent tablets are housed internally.” The bean-to-cup machine has an option to make coffees using powdered milk. For those preferring fresh milk, there is a refrigerated milk module with a capacity of five litres. Milk dispense is controlled by a peristaltic pump and the unit has a digital temperature read out. It also has its own automatic cleaning cycle. Karen says: “There is no getting away from the fact that the Ultima Duo is a striking looking machine. It will look particularly good in prestige locations. But more than that, this unit represents the latest in brewing technology, so you can be sure that good looks are backed by functionality and reliability.”

More information: Cimbali +44 (0)208 2387100 The Coffee Machine Company +44 (0)207 2376862 Fracino +44 (0)121 3285757 Franke Coffee Systems +44 (0)1923 635700 Melitta System Service UK, +44 (0)1628 829888 Mulmar Foodservice Solutions +44 (0)845 6885282 Sielaff +44 (0)1992 743010 United Coffee UK & Ireland +44 (0)1908 275520 WMF +44 (0)1895 816100


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A new beginning for the trade show format


Parent company of Essential Café, Essential Publishing & Events Ltd, already owns and organises two highly successful trade shows. Essential Café Live! will use the format already established in these other sectors to offer the same transformational benefits which are currently revitalising the UK trade show scene. Ethical & Sustainable Essential Café Live! will be based on three key pillars; Beverages affordability, a careful choice of venue to offer ease of access and great transport links and the power of the Essential Café brand to inform and enthuse the café and hospitality industry about the opportunities the event presents.

A new beginning for the trade show format

Pod/Capsule Machines

Parent company of Essential Café, Essential Publishing & Events Ltd, already owns and organises two highly successful trade shows. Essential Café Live! will use the format already established in these other sectors to offer the same transformational benefits which are currently revitalising the UK trade show scene. Essential Café Live! will be based on three key pillars; Essential Barista affordability, a careful choice of venue to offer ease of access and great transport links and the power of the Essential Café brand to inform and enthuse the café and hospitality industry about the opportunities the event presents.

For marketing opportunities contact Ian Kitchener on +44 (0)1634 673163 or at For editorial enquiries contact Simon King on +44 (0)7973 386724 or at

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24/07/2013 ECL Ad.indd 15:10 2

23/09/2013 16:10


THIS YEAR, SO PURE BRINGS A NEW RANGE OF COFFEE MACHINES TO THE MARKET, SLEEK, STYLISH AND MINIMAL IN APPEARANCE AND AVAILABLE IN A RANGE OF TECHNOLOGIES WHICH WILL SEAMLESSLY FIT INTO YOUR BUSINESS INCLUDING BEAN TO CUP ESPRESSO, FRESH BREW AND INSTANT. It’s been a busy year so far for So Pure, we were proud to exhibit alongside our industries greatest at AVEX as we launched our new brand to the world – and the world seemed to like us. Maybe it’s our ethos of delivering superior design, craftsmanship and an unrivalled passion for producing the greatest in-cup experience. Or perhaps it was the smooth coffee we were serving up to all of the visitors who came by our stand... Avex 2013 also saw us introduce our latest range of beverage technology to the world, The Platinum Range, and we are very proud of it. As you would expect from a So Pure product range we guarantee an unrivalled taste and user experience delivered from over thirty years of design and manufacture experience. We know that to you and your business first impressions count which is why the design and visual aesthetics of our Platinum range will give you and your clients the premium experience they deserve. With sleek black and white design, glass front and integrated digital display which can be pre-loaded with branded messaging the Platinum range is more than just a drinks unit... it’s a new communications channel.

By investing in a platinum range product you will benefit from premium swiss components ensuring that the quality of your beverages are perfect time after time, every time and all delivered at a rate to suit your business. The Platinum range includes Instant drinks units, fresh brew units and the jewel in the crown... our bean to cup espresso unit delivering an in cup experience endorsed by Alejandro Mendez, world champion barista! The Platinum range boasts features including glass front door, multicoloured door, bespoke branding area, LED display for customer information, stainless steel details on door, rotatable cup stand for jugs, in height adjustable cup stand for medium and large, optional selection buttons and custom branding on dispense cover. A full spec guide to our Platinum range is available from our website To help celebrate the launch of the Platinum range we will be sending out special information packs to our friends. If you would like to be added to our friends list please email To see the Platinum range the rest of our product lineup visit our newly refurbished display studio, to book an appointment call us on 01902 79 86 06.


FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE ALL NEW PLATINUM RANGE CONTACT US Unit 30, Calibre Ind. Park Laches close, Off Enterprise Drive, Four Ashes, Wolverhampton, WV10 7DZ Phone: +44 (0)1902 - 79 86 06

Untitled-4 2

18/09/2013 16:49


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18/09/2013 16:49

A new beginning for the trade show format

Parent company of Essential Café, Essential Publishing & Events Ltd, already owns and organises two highly successful trade shows. Essential Café Live! will use the format already established in these other sectors to offer the same transformational benefits which are currently revitalising the UK trade show scene. Essential Café Live! will be based on three key pillars; affordability, a careful choice of venue to offer ease of access and great transport links and the power of the Essential Café brand to inform and enthuse the café and hospitality industry about the opportunities the event presents.

ECL Ad.indd 2

24/07/2013 15:10


Secure your place at the industry’s latest and most innovative trade exhibition

The trade show for the café/coffee shop and hospitality sector you have been waiting for has arrived! Affordable, accessible and designed to offer maximum benefit to visitors and exhibitors alike, Essential Café Live! takes place on March 5, 2014 at Sandown Park in Esher, Surrey. Essential Café Live! is brought to you by Essential Publishing & Events Ltd +44 (0)1634 673163

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24/07/2013 15:10


FRANKE’S COMPELLING PROPOSITION Franke Coffee Systems UK is well known for its ethos of high quality machines, great tasting coffee and top-class service offering operators a compelling proposition. Franke UK was started by James Nicholson, its managing director, five years ago. Although the brand had been represented in the UK before, the formation of a direct subsidiary, which focuses on supplying bean-to-cup (B2C) machines into the hospitality, café and food-to-go markets, has resulted in impressive progress to become a really serious player in the market. James says: “We had an incredible year in 2012, with sales up 25% on the previous year and 2013 is looking even stronger with orders looking very strong. “A major plus for us has been the huge progress made in recent times in the capabilities of the B2C machines we supply. The machines have always had typically Swiss highquality build, but the software that runs the machines has increased in sophistication markedly. We are very confident that our automatic machines can match the quality of a traditional machine.” James says that a large part of what Franke machines can offer is consistency across the day, also pointing out that Franke products produce consistent results no matter who is Franke says B2C machine’s performance curves has seriously improved in recent years

Franke machines can produce up 230 different drinks


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operating the machine and provide operators with peace of mind that the customer is going to get the product they are expecting. James says: “Our machines can now produce anything you could ever want from a coffee machine, up to 230 different drinks on some machines, including flavoured drinks using syrups. “Development is always on going and the company has a roadmap of machine development taking us all the way up to 2018.” Over the last couple of years, James and his team, have put a great deal of work into the milk management capabilities and cleaning times of the machines. James says: “On some of our larger machines, cleaning times can now be as low as eight minutes, adding up to huge efficiency savings for sites with lots of covers per day. On the milk side of things, Franke can now produce hot milk, cold milk and cold foam.” James cites other advantages including the fact that you do not need specially trained staff to operate the products. The company argues that event the best barista can have off days and there is a considerable cost involved in training and retaining the services of a high class barista. Franke’s machines can be placed in a vast variety of sites and be used by all the staff right from the word go. If you can push a button, you can operate one of our machines, James says. “Our machines also deliver big advantages in terms of foot print, taking up much less counter space than a traditional machine.” James says: “Many of the big High Street players are seeing the advantages now. A well known high street coffee chain is now fully automated for its coffee machines and reaping the benefits of less training and a more consistent product. “One of the other motivations was the amount of waste generated in terms of coffee grinds by the

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Franke has a team of highly trained and knowledgeable support staff

traditional approach with automated machines there is much less waste.” James argues that the Franke approach not only delivers more consistency at a high standard, but because of the automatic steam functionality of many of the machines, the customer still feels they are getting a ‘handmade’ product and that part of the experience is not lost. Breaking things down into individual units, James says: “The Pura has done particularly well with the advantages of its highresolution 5.7in colour display, ability to deliver up to 32 products and 150-200 cup capacity per day. The Spectra has also done very well, offering three basic models, three operating units as well as other options and add-ons delivers huge flexibility and I am sure this model will be a major plus for us moving forward.” James acknowledges that offering reliable and capable machines is only half of the Franke story. The company prides itself on its ability to deliver the best and most knowledgeable service and support in the market. “The company employs all of its service engineers direct,” James says, “and before being allowed out into the field, engineers are trained for three months and do not only get a grounding in the products, but also an appreciation and understanding of coffee. “Our service performance makes for pretty impressive reading – we cure 99% of faults on the first call, as our engineers are equipped with a very large inventory of spare parts. We also have four hour, eight hour and 24 hour response contracts, depending on the customer’s needs. We also only service our own machines.” In terms of supply, Franke operates through distribution partners for independents and smaller chains, dealing direct only with companies taking on 30-40 units and it is the large national accounts that have seen the most growth in recent times. James explains: “The independent side of the business has suffered a big drop in recent times. This can be put down to a lack of finance available to independents and the fact that many businesses are watching the pennies

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and making what they have already last longer, rather than buying new or upgrading. In general, people are spending a bit less on out of home coffee, but we feel that opportunities do still exist for smaller operators and there are some really good independents coming through.” James explains: “Our major growth has come from securing major national accounts. “Securing these big accounts is a highly competitive business. However, I think we have been successful because we have great products and service, but we understand coffee and can communicate that to potential clients.” James argues that these bigger accounts, not known for the high quality of their coffee, have realised that they are missing a trick not supplying decent coffee and this can now be achieved to a level just not possible with automatic machines years ago. Away from the big chains, James argues: “We do feel the industry in general could do more to support the independents. It is not a massive part of our business at the moment, but the independents are doing most of the innovation and have a commitment to quality, so deserve the industry’s support. For our own part, I would encourage independents to look seriously at an automated machine and free themselves up to develop other parts of the business safe in the knowledge that they are delivering great tasting coffee.” James says: “Machines for me are a relatively new part of my business life. Before that, I spent 25 years in the business as a coffee trader, grader and roaster, building up a genuine and deep appreciation of coffee, all of this can be poured into explaining to clients that we understand what their customers want and we know our set up can deliver it.” James concludes: “Ultimately anyone can sell a box, but what Franke Coffee Systems UK offers is so much more. We supply a fully rounded service that includes great products, best in the business support and a genuine understanding of what our clients need to produce to keep their customers happy. “We will continue to develop our service delivery and we know that the machines will continue to improve, so over time, we are confident that the Franke offering will only get even stronger.” More information: Franke Coffee Systems UK +44 (0)1923 635700,

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AUTUMN LEAVES It’s estimated that 66% of the British population drinks tea every day, adding up to around 60 billion cups per year or 165 million daily.Essential Café takes a look at how operators can tap into the UK’s appetite for tea. Technomic’s MenuMonitor placed hot tea third Hot tea is a growing trend in the UK but in the UK’s Top 10 beverage report at the end of operators tend to see it as simply adding a 2012, overshadowing hot chocolate and coffee, tea bag to boiling water. Dorothy says that this indicating that although the UK is immersed in is not the case and personalisation is key to coffee culture, Brits are still buying their make your tea serving an experience for favourite brew out of home. your customer and equally, to raise the Dorothy Sieber, Tetley’s marketing standards of tea out of home. director, says: “In particular, speciality teas James Roberts, joint managing director are the second fastest growing drink in of Peros, says that the challenge for the UK’s out of home beverage businesses is to add value to market and within the Tetley Out their tea offering in order to Of Home range we have two be able to charge more for speciality options, Earl Grey and it. This can be done, James English Breakfast. says, in a number of ways; by “Tetley Earl Grey is the making and serving it properly; Peros has redesigned the packaging of its sophisticated tea drinker’s by creating a sense of theatre; Eros brand, which launched early last year choice, which uses a Ceylon tea by offering a variety of gourmet instead of traditional Chinese tea that complements the teas; by understanding and showing enthusiasm for tea; by zesty bergamot to create a delicate aroma. A typically mid communicating the health benefits of tea and by making sure afternoon blend, Earl Grey pairs well with lightly sweetened the ethical credentials of your tea are first-class. items like fresh strawberries with vanilla sugar dust or a James says: “The good news is these can all be achieved lemon and poppy seed muffin and is particularly popular with relatively easily. For making tea, the rules are simple. afternoon tea. Use a good quality tea, which should be stored at room “Synonymous with British tea culture, our English temperature. Always use freshly drawn boiling water – only Breakfast tea is a stronger blend than traditional Black Tea boil the water once otherwise it loses the oxygen which helps and is made from full-bodied tea from around the world. draw out the best flavour from the tea. As the name may indicate, this blend is a perfect breakfast “Use a single bag for each cup to be served – if the cup option and matches well with Scrambled Eggs and Smoked is larger than standard (say a take-away cup of 12oz) it may Salmon or Eggs Benedict.” be necessary to use larger bags, which are available for this Dorothy says that with consumer lifestyles becoming purpose. Allow the tea to brew for the recommended time increasingly hectic, a takeaway tea option is essential for before pouring. If you’re brewing in a pot, then put the milk operators not wanting to miss out on all important sales into the cup before pouring. If brewing in a cup, then it’s best Dorothy says: “Tetley’s On The Go includes insulated to put the milk in afterwards.” branded cups, sip-lids and drawstring tea bags for an James says that it’s important to show enthusiasm for the all-you-need solution for a quick service option. Tetley teas you offer, to understand their origins and credentials, also offers strong marketing support for its On The Go and to communicate these to your customers. This can range to help operators stimulate demand through point be done through menus, table-talkers and by talking to of sale material that can be dual-branded with their own customers - this understanding helps add perceived value to logo and details to retain their outlet’s identity.” your offering.

As the name suggests, English Breakfast tea is a perfect breakfast option and matches well with Scrambled Eggs and Smoked Salmon or Eggs Benedict

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The London Tea Company has put together a number of starter kits to help grow tea sales

EILLES TEA has launched Tee-To-Go

Drury’s 2013 Christmas tea will go on sale on November 1


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Peros has unveiled new packaging for its Eros range of Fairtrade and Organic gourmet teas. James says the designs have been introduced to give the Eros Tea brand a more contemporary feel, greater ‘stand-out’ when on display and a higher perceived value. Stocking a full range of tea and infusions is essential, says John Sutcliffe, out of home and convenience controller at Taylors of Harrogate, as customers’ needs change throughout the day and so a tea menu needs to reflect this. John says: “With tea, we’re seeing growing demand in the speciality and green tea market, similar to coffee a couple of years ago consumers are looking for new and exciting blends. As a result, the speciality tea market has grown by +7.7% and accounts for approximately 10% of all tea drunk – mainly thanks to Earl Grey and English Breakfast dominating the sector.” John says that his company’s Yorkshire Tea brand is performing well and grew by +8.4% in the last year. As a result Yorkshire Tea is now worth £67.2 million and has a 15.9% share of the market. John says: “As well as giving brand reassurance to the consumer, we pride ourselves on offering the widest range of mainstream teas on the market under the Yorkshire Tea brand. Operators can choose the blend right for them with a choice of Yorkshire Tea standard blend, premium Gold blend and Decaf. “We also have a Hard Water offering – unique in the world of mainstream tea – which guarantees cafés can deliver the great taste of Yorkshire Tea wherever they are in the country.” Infusions such as peppermint – which accounts for nearly a quarter of infusion sales – and camomile are also enjoying a 12.9% growth in sales – testament to tea drinkers becoming increasingly adventurous in their tastes. Taylors of Harrogate has also unveiled Spiced Christmas Tea, which is blended with tangy lemon, fruity orange and mellow, warming spices. Since its launch in 2003, The London Tea Company has developed a wide range of foodservice options open to cafés looking to develop their tea offerings. With a wide range of blends including traditional English Breakfast, Earl Grey, Green Tea added to the more unusual White Tea Elderflower & Apricot and Lemongrass Ginger & Citrus Fruits, Matthew Wilson, UK national account manager for The London Tea Company says, there is something for every taste. “We have developed our range of blends in a number of formats, which enables our customers to offer the great taste of our products in a format which is most convenient to them,” says Matthew. “It means consumers can still enjoy our multi-award winning blends without the store owner having to compromise on what format they want to use.” While the tea market is seeing significant growth in the out of home market, it has been as more people look for alternatives to the standard ‘black’ teas such as English Breakfast and Earl Grey and move towards Green, White, Red and Fruit & Herbal options.

Matthew says it is, therefore, a sensible business opportunity to look at increasing the range of non-standard (black) teas to take advantage of this growing market. To help businesses take advantage in this growth, The London Tea Company has put together a number of starter kits which include everything operators need to grow tea sales. “And with a healthy profit margin they are able to provide a significant return on investment,” Matthew says. The London Tea Company offers a range of branded POS

Essential Café has teamed up with The London Tea Company to offer two lucky readers the chance to win a fully stocked display stand (with refills) of The London Tea Company’s award-winning Organic and Organic & Fairtrade teas. Just email your name and business address to

with ‘Love London Tea’ in the subject line.

material to help drive tea sales and increase your profits. The Drury Tea & Coffee Company has announced that its 2013 Christmas tea will go on sale on November 1 and may be purchased individually in Art Deco-style cartons of 15 or in catering packs of 100. New for Christmas 2013 is the option of Drury polycarbonate storage jars. The limited edition tea, which is only available in the runup to Christmas, is made from the black tea blended with apple, orange and Christmas spices. Warmly aromatic and spicy, with the rich scent of cinnamon and cloves, it is best served without milk. The pyramid teabags, which are Drury’s fastest selling line ever, are blended and packed in-house at the company’s premises in south London. The range has now expanded to include 27 different varieties, including black, white and green teas plus herbal infusions and tisanes. Drury director, Marco Olmi says: “Our seasonal offering delivers the perfect taste of Christmas and the new pyramid packaging is particularly suitable for the blend. It allows the teas and spices to circulate and brew properly whilst at the same time avoiding any messy residue in the cup.” While everyone talks about coffee-to-go, EILLES TEA says it has developed a solution for the tea market in the guise of EILLES TEA To-Go. The company says that handling is very easy. The tea bag is already integrated in the To-Go-lid. Each To Go Lid is sealed and single packed. The company says: “Just add hot water, remove the foil and attach the lid. After the steeping time, the tea bag disappears in the lid so that your tea cannot steep anymore. “You don’t have to open the lid for removing the bag.” The company says that tea connoisseurs will be attracted by the wide range of EILLES teas from the best tea gardens and most famous origins. The selection covers renowned ‘classics’ from traditional blends up to ‘Innovative’ new exciting blends, including high altitude teas from Darjeeling, Sri Lanka and Assam, the famous Earl Grey, white tea and Oolongs as rarities as

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Advert for Tea Feature 2013 REV.pdf 1 17/09/2013 10:53:10

Contact us today for your FREE sample pack of our award winning teas!

Take some time to sit back and enjoy our multi-award winning organic and fairtrade* teas in a range of blends. Available in catering packs including tea bags, pyramid sachets and loose leaf; we offer your customers the great taste they demand.





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Award winning Novus tea, Premium loose leaf teas presented in a biodegradable pyramid, with string & tag. Available in three formats Individually wrapped, Re - sealable pouches of 100 or 12 and loose leaf. Eleven flavours to choose from including black, green and herbal tea with organic options. Premium high quality display merchandising and marketing available. For more details visit or call 01621 776179.


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25/09/2013 10:07

EssentialTea in association with The Emeyu range is available from Mozzo Coffee

well as selected green teas and mild Rooibos compositions, relaxing herbal and refreshing fruit infusions. Emeyu, available exclusively from Mozzo Coffee, now has seven of its most popular teas in tins, which it says adds a vibrant splash of colour to any bar or beverage service point, as well as enabling quick identification on shelf for the operator. As with all of the Emeyu range, these coloured tins are filled with teas that have been sourced from ancient tea gardens in China, the Himalayas and India. They are packed in biodegradable, hand-made, muslin tea bags and include Organic Assam, Pu-erh Chai, Organic Red Fruits, and Emeyu’s signature blend, Eight Butterflies Green Tea. Rachael Potter, Emeyu’s tea master, says: “As well as encapsulating the essence of tea culture, the new look for this range emulates Emeyu’s passion for Chinese symbolism as each colour has its own meaning, enhancing the Company’s ethos to promote the ritual of drinking tea. “But it also has a practical benefit; allowing the operator to easily identify the tea on shelf during busy periods of service.” Artis has launched a new range of stylish cafetieres and teapots within the Tea & Coffee section of its new ‘Art of Artis 2013’ catalogue. Included in the range is a one-litre polished stainless steel Blenheim Globe Tea Press. All the tea and coffee presses have spare borosilicate glass liners that are available to be purchased separately if required. Artis has also launched a new one-litre Oriental Teapot, a traditional pumpkin shape, but produced in porcelain so that it’s lightweight. To complement the teapot, Artis has also launched a pair of oriental style cups, presented on a slate base.

The Artis Blenheim Globe Tea Press


TEA CONSULTANCY Malcolm Ferris-Lay is a tea expert, who runs The Tea Consultancy. Malcolm provides some advice on making the most of tea. I think it is fair to say that if you use cheap or inferior tea you will get a poor result in your cup. Whilst I advocate loose tea particularly in a high-end establishment, there are some good quality teabags available. Always keep your tea in an airtight container. Tea will pick up any alien taints and it will be reflected in your serving. Flavoured teas are particularly vulnerable to losing their aroma. If you can smell it, the flavour is dissipating slowly! Fresh water should be used. This is particularly difficult in a café situation when you are perhaps using a boiler. Water boiled more than once reduces the amount of oxygen and diminishes the flavour. Consider water temperature. Boiling water for black teas. If you are serving a green tea to avoid a bitter taste use water off the boil (85°) Allow the tea to infuse. Do not ‘dunk’ your bag for 20 seconds and expect a good flavour. Go by the recommend brewing times, for example, two to three minutes, for most black teas and longer for green teas. Always add milk to taste if being used. I would normally recommend having about 15/20 different varieties available. These should consist of black, green and flavoured teas (Camellia Sinensis). Have some herbal infusions and then some fruit tisanes. Sadly, from my perspective, tea is very cheap and you can have a good selection without it costing very much. Always be prepared to change the tea as the cost to you is minimal. For a few pennies (tea cost) your reputation will be dramatically enhanced as somewhere to go for first class service and a caring establishment.

More information: Artis +44 (0)20 83915544,

Peros +44(0)1494 436426,

The Drury Tea & Coffee Company +44 (0)20 77401100

Taylors of Harrogate, +44 (0)1423 814006

EILLES TEA +44 (0)20 71602175,

Tea Consultancy +44 (0)1442 822840

The London Tea Company +44 (0)207 8023250

Tetley Tea, +44 (0)845 6066328

Mozzo Coffee +44 (0)2380 700007,

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THE STORY BEHIND A CUP OF TEA Courtesy of the global UTZ Certified initiative, Essential Café presents a fascinating insight into the journey tea makes from the farm to the cup.

The UTZ programme is designed to protect workers and the environment

As your customers sit enjoying their tea produced with care and consideration in a friendly atmosphere, its sobering to think that the journey to customer satisfaction actually begins much earlier, right at the beginning of the products life in hands of the tea farmers. People like sisters, Chisomo (39) and Maggie (41), who work at a remote tea estate in the Shire Highlands of Malawi. It is 32°, but it feels much warmer in the field. Subtle tick sounds can be heard when the sisters quick hands pluck the top tea leaves from the bush for the UTZ Certification is now active in 31 countries third time today. This is the last round. Only one hour to go and After work, Chisomo and Maggie have a chat with the other they will each have reached their daily minimum volume of tea pluckers and then go home to prepare a meal for their an impressive 44kg of plucked leaves. The tea leaves they families and prepare for the next day to come. picked today have already been transported to the factory Over in the factory, workers do not go home until all to be processed as the farmers look to waste no time and the tea leaves that were picked during the day are in the to conserve the delicate aromas that UK tea drinkers lover. withering rooms. This ensures that no mold arises, which would harm the taste. Chisomo and Maggie work about 48 hours a week, which provides them a decent income, but challenges remain. Health care can be patchy, jobs can also be threatened by drought, pests or bad agricultural management. Many younger people in the region have gone to the cities already, seeking better opportunities leaving a population which is increasing in average age without the safety net of younger members of the community around to provide care and support.

Hope for a better better future Nowadays of course tea drinkers want to know where their tea comes from and who produces it. Above all, they want to be sure that tea producers and the environment are well-treated. The management of the plantation where Chisomo and Maggie work sell tea for a better price since the quality has improved after having become UTZ certified. In addition,


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Tea leaves are treated in the plant’s fermentation unit

better access to school, healthcare services and training on good agricultural practices are part of the daily life in this Malawian estate after certification has taken place. Chisomo and Maggie can take better care of their families and the environment and the tea lovers in other parts of the world can enjoy their tea safe in the knowledge those who produce it are well treated and the environment is protected.

saw that only a small share of his customers were proactively buying certified products, but he wanted to make sure that the rest of his coffee blends (>95%) were produced based on good practices in origin and sustainable quality. So together they initiated the UTZ program to implement ‘sustainable quality’ on a large scale in the worldwide market. They chose the name ‘Utz Kapeh’, which means ‘good coffee’ in the Mayan language Quiché. An office was opened in Guatemala City in 1999 and in 2002 the head office was opened in The Netherlands. Nick Bocklandt - producer/founder, says: “UTZ Certified allows me to demonstrate that my coffee is grown in a responsible way. It is about people, the environment and coffee, not just about money.” Ward de Groote - roaster/founder, adds: “It’s about time that players in the coffee chain get to know each other: only transparency and traceability can lead to a healthy industry.” Since its launch in 2002 Nick and Ward’s idea has seen impressive growth and UTZ Certified has developed to be one of the leading sustainable coffee programs worldwide. Based on this success, UTZ Certified has developed sustainability models for cocoa and tea and provides traceability services for RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) certified sustainable palm oil and the Better Cotton Initiative. In March 2007, Utz Kapeh updated its name to UTZ Certified to reflect the wider range of commodities in the UTZ program. UTZ Certified says when operators purchase products covered by its programme they are helping build a better future based around sustainable farming methods and better opportunities for farmers, their families and the planet. More information: UTZ Certified +31 20 5308000

UTZ Certified UTZ Certified is a program and label for sustainable farming of coffee, cocoa and tea. Its mission is to create a world where sustainable farming is the norm. The UTZ program is designed to enable farmers to learn better farming methods, improve working conditions and take better care of their families and the environment. UTZ says through its programme farmers grow better crops, generate more income and create better opportunities while safeguarding the environment and securing the earth’s natural resources. UTZ works with a strict Code of Conduct for growing coffee, cocoa and tea, verified by independent third parties. The initiative was begun in the 1990’s by two business partners, a Belgian-Guatemalan coffee grower, Nick Bocklandt and a Dutch coffee roaster, Ward de Groote, after observing the benefits and limitations of the coffee market and consumer label certifications available at that time. The farmer, Nick, invested in taking good care of his people and environment, besides taking care of his coffee. Nick thought there should be a worldwide program to recognise his responsible practices. The roaster, Ward,

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Facts and figures UTZ Certified programs • 97 consuming countries (8350 labelled products) • 31 production countries (coffee, cocoa, tea) • 398,626 certified farmers • 1069 partners COCOA • 118,641 metric tons of UTZ Certified cocoa sales in 2012 • 13% of total global cocoa production is UTZ certified COFFEE • 188,096 metric tons of UTZ Certified coffee sales in 2012, equal to 22.6 billion cups of coffee • 8% of total global coffee production is UTZ certified TEA • In 2012, UTZ certified tea supply came from 10 origin countries • UTZ certified tea volume increased 33% versus the previous year

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EssentialDrink Me Chai

DRINK ME CHAI CELEBRATES SUCCESSFUL FIRST DECADE This year marks the 10th anniversary of Drink Me Chai. Essential Café catches up with Amanda Hamilton, the company’s founder, to discuss the last decade and the future. Essential Café (EC): The company is 10 years old this year, how does it feel to reach such an important milestone? Amanda Hamilton (AH): “Reaching our 10 year anniversary has given us a chance to stop and realise what a journey we have been on. From the very first idea not knowing really anything about the industry, to Drink Me Chai being available in 20 countries worldwide – it really has been a rollercoaster and continues to be so as we enter our next phase.” EC: Can you describe how the company got started and how it differs today from when it was launched? AH: “My first business was a fleet of ironically Indian-style TUK TUK vans selling a range of high quality beverages at train stations. On a trip to India I discovered Chai and was hooked after the first sip. After several attempts to recreate what I had tasted, we hit on the recipe for Spiced and Vanilla – and Drink Me Chai was born. As well as selling my Chai to commuters, I became a mini wholesaler to other coffee shops, keen to have something different on their menu. As Drink Me Chai grew in popularity, we began selling in both foodservice and retail and then export and concentrated Amanda Hamilton, the founder of Drink Me Chai says the company will continue to deliver innovative products

Spiced Chai Latte is an aromatic blend of tea, milk and spices

100% on building the brand, selling off the TUK TUK vans. In the early days I did all the selling, marketing, PR, production planning and the learning curve was tremendous, but great fun. Today we are a team of 12 and as well as continuing to spread the Chai word, we are busy developing other new and interesting drinks such as Bubblefroot and Tea:Latte. Our vision is to source exciting, innovative beverages from around the world and bring them to market with the same passion that we did with Drink Me Chai.” EC: Can you describe the different product areas the company offers and how these are relevant to the café and coffee shop and hospitality markets? AH: “Drink Me Chai offers a range of instant Chai Lattes including our best-selling Spiced Chai, Vanilla, Mango, Green Tea and Peppermint. All flavours are available in one kilogram catering size for the café market. Recipe ideas for both hot and iced and full POS are available. We have recently launched our Spiced Chai in 20 x 20g sachets, which is perfect for the hospitality, hotel and travel sectors. For vending we have a unique vending recipe that flows perfectly through a fully branded Drink Me Chai table-top machine, which is perfect for business and university sectors.” EC: Can you give us details on some recent product launches and what they will offer customers? AH: “In-line with our mission of sourcing innovative beverages, Bubblefroot is a totally new award-winning range of milkshakes and iced teas that are teamed with fruit bursting bubbles that are sucked up with an oversized straw. Unlike our competitors our bubbles are EU manufactured and are free from artificial colours and the powders are low fat. Sales of this product have been fantastic during summer


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EssentialDrink Me Chai 2013 and we look forward to the launch of the iced tea range this month to broaden the offering.”

Drink Me Chai is initially focusing on the retail launch of Tea:Latte – if successful, it will look at a foodservice offering, while new flavours are in development

EC: Chai is now a really strong product area in the UK, tell us about your offering in this sector and how it differs from other options out there? AH: “Drink Me Chai offers the largest range of instant Chai Latte flavours on the market in both retail and foodservice packs. Our unique blend uses real, ground spices from India unlike syrups or concentrates. Our new pack designs are visually stunning together with our new point of sale materials. Finally, we are a true home grown British brand.” EC: Tea Lattes is another new area for the company. Tell us about this concept and what it will offer customers. AH: “This is a very new area for us and we were delighted to secure a large retail listing this month for our first flavour, Earl Grey, which is available in Waitrose and Sainsburys (32p per sachet). The subject of making tea more appealing and in-line with the café offering has always interested me and I suppose Chai Latte was the first step in creating a new category between tea and latte. Drink Me’s new Tea:Latte caters for this by offering teas infused with frothy milk in a just add water format in 20 x 20g sachets. We are currently focussing on the retail launch and if successful we will look at a foodservice offering and new flavours are in development.” EC: Apart from the products, what is unique or special about dealing with your company for your customers? AH: “You would have to ask them directly, but some say they are impressed with our high service levels and ability to move quickly and be flexible. Because we value all our customers and we are interested in building long term relationships it is crucial to have an honest, upfront approach. We hope our innovative ideas are of interest as we enter the next phase of our business.” More information: Drink Me Chai +44 (0)1689 854270 Bubble Froot is a fun way to engage with customers offering a new concept in innovative drinks

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SPICED CHOCOLATE CHAI LATTE Ingredients One scoop/four teaspoons Spiced Chocolate Drink Me Chai powder 12 oz steamed milk One shot of Monin Chocolate Syrup Whipped cream to finish Chocolate shavings Method Place one scoop/four teaspoons Spiced Chocolate Drink Me Chai powder into a mug. Add the steamed milk and mix into a paste. Add remaining milk and shot of chocolate syrup and stir well. Finish with whipped cream and sprinke with chocolate shavings, or serve without whipped cream using a star stencil and sprinkle over cocoa powder.

SPICED APPLE CHAI LATTE Ingredients One scoop/four teaspoons of Spiced Chai Latté 12oz steamed milk One shot of Monin Apple Syrup Whipped cream to finish Chocolate sprinkles/dusting of cinnamon Method Add the milk to the Spiced Chai Latte powder and stir well. Add one shot of Monin Apple Syrup and stir again. Finish with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles or just a dusting of cinnamon.

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FoamMaster 800

The premuim class from Franke Coffee Systems the franke foammaster TM is the new premium class among coffee machines. is there a particular beverage you long for? the foammaster TM will easily make your wish come true – from classic coffees to warm latte specialties or cold milk foam be- verages. this all-rounder is as unbelievably versatile in its selec- tion as it is easy to operate. you can quickly and easily select your beverage program on the intuitive touchscreen menu and adjust it to your needs at any time. the modern design of the foammaster TM also leaves nothing to be desired. shiny black, shaped with elegance, it is a true visual treat that gives the finishing touch to any interior. ATTRACTIVE DESIGN Jet black, high gloss finish and timelessly modern in design, the foammasterTM underlines not only a sense of high quality but also a feeling of unburdened ease and endless possibility. the fm800 manages to accommodate its full expertise in a single unit, and its elegant style adds the finishing touch to any interior. INTUITIVE TOUCHSCREEN NAVIGATION in a revolutionary step forward, the fm800 introduces intuitive touchscreen technology to the

world of coffee machines. this technology makes it possible to easily, efficiently and flexibly configure the operation of the device. you can assemble your seasonal beverage selection, choose between four different operating modes and conveniently load images and advertising messages. BEST MILK FOAM QUALITY foamed milk of “barista” quality at the touch of a button: the fm800 makes it possible. with this coffee master, you can produce different milk foam consisten- cies at temperatures

ranging from hot to cold for the same product, creating the perfect latte macchiato or Cappuccino. the milk is foamed quickly and gently – ensuring that the beverages come out just right every time. LIMITLESS BEVERAGE OPTIONS Combined with the chocolate powder dosing unit and the flavour station, the fm800 makes it possible to prepare countless beverage creations just as you like them – from classic specialties to original creations. make the

foammasterTM your own personal favorite barista who knows all the tricks and makes your every wish come true. EASY TO CLEAN even when it comes to cleaning and care, the fm800 is unbeatable: the proven Clean+Clever system from franke ensures impeccable and simple cleaning of the device in a short amount of time. thanks to this optimal cleaning system, the foammasterTM gives you first- class enjoyment every day whilst also ensuring haCCp conformity.

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September 2013


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A UNIQUE BLEND OF TRADITIONAL AND MODERN Ian Macaulay, director at the University Caterers Organisation, presents a surprising snap shot into the coffee culture of UK universities and find traditional approaches alive and well.

Valeria Mazza was crowed the winner of the 2013 TUCO Barista Skills competition

Coffee has become an essential part of university life, just as it has become an essential part of everyday life. With the takeaway coffee market valued at £2.1 billion in 2012, coffee continues to be big business for institutions up and down the country. What is clear in terms of student coffee consumption is that we have an interesting dichotomy. Campus life in general requires a ‘grab and go’ approach to food and drink, but this is matched by a real hunger among students for a more traditional approach - a yearning for the vintage almost – in other areas, depending on the location within the campus.

approach to coffee. This traditional method of producing and serving coffee – although slightly more time consuming than newer offerings – provides more opportunity for interaction and service. The process of the high quality trained barista grinding fresh coffee beans, metering, tamping and pouring the espresso shots, and frothing fresh milk for milk-based drinks creates a real sense of theatre for the customer. Furthermore, the barista has the opportunity to highlight particular information about the product such as the origin or blend of the beans, as well as being able to up-sell additional or complementary products.

Grab and go

Rich blend

Modern bean to cup and self-service coffee machines are like a gift from the Gods for university campuses. As well as offering quality coffee, rapidly, they require minimal cleaning, maintenance and space, as well as always ensuring a fully consistent level of espresso shot regardless of the level of barista training, making them the perfect solution for busy student areas, particularly those breakout and study focussed areas with very few – if any - catering staff on hand.

Hands on Whilst modern machines meet the needs of self-serve and rapid turnover catering areas, they are not an exhaustive replacement for the traditional grinder and espresso machine

There is no doubt that both modern and traditional coffee machines have their respective roles to play in differing catering environments and have real longevity as complementary options. Whilst one addresses modern time constraints and demand for quality in a convenient format, the other indulges the desire for personalised service and craftsmanship. As we look to the future, the role for universities – and other operators – will be to continue to champion the traditional in the face of modern developments, ensuring that it continues to have its place and ultimately keeping the art of the barista very much alive. More information: The University Caterers Organisation (TUCO) +44 (0)161 278 2789,

MARCO UNVEILS NEW WEBSITE Leading European manufacturer of water boilers and filter coffee brewers, Marco Beverage Systems, has announced the launch of its newly redesigned website, together with a new URL – Every Marco product is covered in detail, with product images, specifications and downloadable PDFs. The Blog section gives all the latest Marco news and allows site visitors to leave comments. The Support section is particularly interesting. Some of the click-throughs under this tab are open to all web users, but there are key areas – mostly technical – which are reserved for customers and their technical staff and accessible only by user name and password. These include service guides, exploded schematics, price lists, an image library and training. Cathal Burke, Marco’s marketing manager, said: “We have attempted to build a website that is at the same time informative to potential clients and a time-saving tool for existing customers and their technical staff. “Above all, we have designed the site to be fast loading and the PDF downloads are virtually instantaneous. But don’t take my word for it, visit and try it for yourself.” More information: Marco Beverage Systems +44 (0) 01933 666488,

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ROBOT BARISTA SERVES UP CLOUD-POWERED COFFEE Automatic Baristas Look To Automate The Purchasing Process. Manufacturer Briggo and design specialist Fuseproject, have created a machine that attempts to ape the craft of a skilled barista. The new Briggo Coffee Haus is an industrial robot that will memorise orders, autonomously prepare a café au lait and never misspell your name, says the maker. Customers place their orders on a touch-screen built into the robot’s wooden facade, or they can key in an emergency cappuccino order through the companion iPhone App. After customers choose their beverage type - lattes, Americanos and plain black coffee are just a few of the options - dairy, sweeteners and flavor shots can be added to taste. The recipe is stored in the cloud for future use, the Briggo bot whirs into action, grinding fresh beans and when it’s finished, it sends a text message to the customer. “Based on a customer’s selection, we precisely calculate to the gram the ingredients, as well as the precise frothing parameters needed based on those ingredients,” says Briggo chief executive Kevin Nater. “Milk fat, size, temperature, additional additives all play into the formulation. In the end, we steam and caramelise fresh milk to create a consistent microfoam that until now could only be achieved by a skilled barista.” More information: Briggo


Matteo Pavoni and Kate Crozier, UK finalists at the sixth annual Caffè Ritazza World Barista Championship have triumphed, taking second and third places respectively in Bologna. Matteo Pavoni, Louise Olsson and Kate Crozier celebrate success


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The baristas saw off stiff competition from eight finalists from around the world, with Matteo, barista at SSP Euston Station, winning a prize of £500 and Kate, barista at SSP Belfast International Airport, winning £300. The overall winner was Louise Olsson from Sweden, whose win was rewarded with a £1,000 prize. During the competition, Matteo and Kate were tasked with creating four consistent espressos, cappuccinos and a signature drink of their own creation. They were judged by four sensory judges, two technical judges and one head

judge and had to demonstrate a mastery of technical skills, craftmanship, communication and service skills, together with a passion for the barista profession. Mark Angela, chief executive of SSP UK & Ireland, says: “To say we are proud of Matteo and Kate is an understatement. They went up against our very best from around the world, which is no easy feat. For the UK to have taken second and third place is a fantastic achievement. “Our baristas are trained to the most exacting standards to deliver nothing less than excellent coffee and we’re delighted to have a world championship where we can showcase and reward their skills.” More information: Caffè Ritazza

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A Bedford Barista is officially the best barista in the East of England region after winning Costa’s Barista of the Year 2013 regional heat.

Simon Mardon, winner of the East of England heat in Costa’s Barista of the Year 2013

Simon Mardon created espressos, lattés, cappuccinos, flat white coffees and his own speciality drink, a Bakewell cappucino to wow the judges and win the East of England heat on September 5. He will now compete against other regional finalist winners in the Champion of Champion Finals in London next month in a bid to be crowned the best Costa Barista in the world. The 26-year-old Barista from Bedford, who has worked in the

Silver Street Costa Coffee in Bedford for the past three-anda-half years, not only demonstrated his coffee making skills on creating a variety of perfect coffees, but he also created his own drink. Simon invented the smooth cake-testing Bakewell cappuccino, inspired by Simon’s passion and love of Bakewell tart. He said: “It was amazing to win the East of England regional heat as I was up against some of the best and most talented coffee makers in the region.” More information: Costa Coffee +44 (0)870 197 7337

Beautiful, Sophisticated and a Winner

For more information visit or call 02476 854199

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THE FRENCH CONNECTION Executives from the coffee shop sector will convene in Paris this November (26-28) for the sixth European Coffee Symposium organised by Allegra Events. The event offers industry insight and networking as well as the launch pad for Allegra Strategies Project Cafe13, the company’s annual report into the European branded coffee shop industry. EC takes a look forward to this year’s event and a look back at the event’s history. Promising to attract 400 industry leaders to the Pullman Paris Montparnasse hotel in the heart of the city, the French market provides an interesting back-drop to the event. Jeffrey Young, MD, The Allegra Group, says: “France has been long thought of as an espresso drinking market with low coffee standards and highly traditional consumption behaviour, but times are changing. Paris in particular is now seeing a phenomenal rise in new artisan concepts across coffee, food and informal restaurant outlets. Paris is now attracting international players such as Pret A Manger and Costa Coffee, with the French market offering significant scope for growth.” According to Allegra Strategies’ Project Cafe12 EU report, the French branded coffee shop market is forecast to grow at more than 10% per annum over the next three years and is expected to become increasingly dynamic and vibrant. In the same report Allegra states that the European market continues to grow - with growth recorded in 19 out of the 23 countries surveyed. The whole market was estimated at 13,816 outlets in Oct 2012, with an expected growth of 4.4% per annum, impressive when it its considered that for many of the areas surveyed the general economy remains flat. The European Coffee Symposium is designed to service the industry by delivering a tailored Supply & Innovation Day, a Paris city Study Tour of the latest coffee and food concepts, a prestigious European Coffee Awards evening and the

The annual Study Tour always provides useful insight into the host city’s coffee culture


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thought-provoking European Coffee Symposium conference.

Day One: Supply and Innovation Allegra’s Supply & Innovation Day will be held on November 27 and will offer buyers a chance to discover

The exciting city of Paris provides the backdrop for this year’s European Coffee Symposium

new product sourcing opportunities and establish business relationships with innovative suppliers. “The Supply & Innovation Day is an incredibly powerful business tool for both suppliers and operators”, says Jeffrey. “We are seeing growth in most European countries we have researched, with market resilience being underpinned by European consumers embedding coffee culture into their daily lives. This represents a very lucrative opportunity, but only for those operators getting their coffee and food offering right as consumers become increasingly discerning.” The tailored one-to-one meeting programme ensures only mutually matched meetings take place with each participant receiving a personalised itinerary of meetings that match their specific needs and requirements. The Study Tour will run simultaneously during the day (and also on the 26 and 29) providing participants with an opportunity to experience Paris’ branded and independent coffee scene.

The European Coffee Awards The evening of November 27 will see guests congregate for the European Coffee Awards; a recognition of excellence

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EssentialEvents and contribution in the European coffee industry. The award ceremony will include a black-tie gala dinner and entertainment throughout the evening. Senior industry executives from across the coffee shop and food-to-go market are now able to cast their vote for the European Coffee Awards online through the website:

Day 2: Thought-Provoking Speeches Fuelled by contributions from industry figures from across Europe and the expertise of market analysis from Allegra Strategies, the Symposium on the second day (November 28) is designed to provide decision makers with ready-toimplement market insight, innovative ideas and networking opportunities. Titled ‘The Future is Now’, the Symposium will explore pivotal themes with a strong focus on French and European markets including: » How to achieve brand relevance across a diverse set of consumers » The micro trends of today that will define the future market landscape » Innovative strategies for growth » How to build powerful symbiotic business relationships » The future of coffee The day will open with the launch of the Allegra Groups ProjectCafé13 report offering the latest insights into the European branded coffee shop market. Other speakers include CEO of Columbus Café, Nicolas Riché and Costa Enterprises’ MD Jim Slater and directeur general Steve Holloway with Eric Maillard, MD of Ogilvy & Mather, France providing some insight from outside the industry. The event is sponsored by United Coffee, Solo Cup Europe (now part of Dart Container) Brita Professional and Teisseire.

Mixing with innovative brands is a major draw for event attendees

A proud history of delivering results Now six year’s old, Allegra is proud of the event’s history

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and growth based largely in finding the right markets in which to hold the event and provide the right crucible to fire operator’s imaginations and desire to move the industry forward. Year one of the event (2008) took place at the Sheraton Park Lane Hotel in London and the event attracted speakers including David Field, global customer development, Nestle Professional, Elaine Higginson, MD, United Coffee and Tony Waters, MD, Solo Cup Europe. Drawing on industry insight and statistics provided by Allegra Strategies’ and it’s Project Café12 Europe, the UK now boasts the largest branded coffee shop market in Europe, with an estimated 5,176 total branded coffee shop outlets as of October 2012, with growth of 5%. According to Allegra, the market is relatively concentrated with the top three brands taking 54% of the total branded market outlet share with the coffee-focused segment totalling 3,600 outlets with a 70% share and the food-focused segment estimated at 1,576 outlets. Allegra reports that the UK market is defined by consumer demand for coffee wherever they are. As consumer knowledge and taste evolves, quality coffee is expected as the norm and so convenience drives the necessity for prominent, premium locations with high footfall. High rents and property costs, together with rising food costs are key concerns in the UK according to the Project Café12 report. The UK is also characterised by continued expansion plans of the major chains. Allegra forecasts the market to grow at 5% per annum over the next three years to exceed 6,000 branded outlets by 2015. In year two (2009) Vienna was the host city with the Hofburg Imperial Palace hotel supplying the venue. Speakers included Luigi Morrello, regional export director, La Cimbali, Paul Ettinger, development director, Caffè Nero and Reinhold Schärf, MD, The Coffeeshop Company. Project Café12 estimated the Austrian branded coffee shop market to now be at 315 outlets, increasing by 13 units in 2012 with 4% growth. Previously defined by the historical traditional Viennese coffee house culture, the market is now polarised with the presence of American lifestyle-led branded coffee shop chains. Market leader, McCafé (155 outlets) has driven the growth opening 12 stores since October 2011 and commands a 49% branded market share. Allregra reports that the legacy of the long-established coffee culture has influenced Austrian consumers to seek quality specialty coffee in engaging social spaces. Allegra has the branded coffee shop market in Austria forecast to grow at 4% p.a. over the next three years to reach 351 outlets by 2015. In year three, the event chose Rome as its home with the St Regis Grand providing the venue. Key speakers included Christophe Reale, MD, Espressamente illy, Kaspar Basse, founder & CEO, Joe & the Juice and Annabelle Jaquier, head of project McCafé France. According to Project Café12, the Italian coffee shop

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EssentialEvents market is defined by the traditional espresso drinking culture with the typical consumer continuing to indulge in their habitual espresso at the bar, refusing to give up this ritual despite the entrenched recession. The overall Italian market

The event will see the launch of Allegra Strategies’ Project Café13 report into the branded coffee shop market

has increased by 35 outlets, a growth of 7% to reach 542 total stores. The Italian economy is going through its second severe recession in five years and as a result, industry leaders report a challenging trading environment for coffee shops in Italy. As the economic climate worsens, consumers are becoming far more price savvy, demanding great quality and good value for money from successful operators. Allegra reports that the main concern for all industry leaders in Italy is the current economic climate, nevertheless, the Italian branded coffee shop market is forecast to grow at 5% p.a. over the next three years to reach 632 outlets by 2015. Year four took in the delights of The Ritz-Carlton in Berlin with industry insight offered by figures such as Michelle Gas, predicent EMEA, Starbucks, Andy Marshall, COO international, Costa Coffee and James Hoffman, MD, Square Mile Coffee. Project Café12 reported that Germany has a well-established coffee shop market, with 1,881 branded coffee shops, but facing stiff competition from the established bakery market. The German branded coffee shop market increased by 87 units, representing 5% growth in 2012 and the market is showing resilient like-for-like growth with trading expected to improve despite some concerns about the Euro crisis starting to impact the robust German economy. Despite relatively high disposable income levels, financially savvy German consumers actively seek value for money and a lack of qualified staff and high levels of competition within the branded coffee shop segment as well as from independents, bakeries and petrol forecourts are major issues. Take-away beverages are deeply embedded in the German coffee culture and are popular with increasingly mobile consumers who seek out-of-home convenience. The branded coffee shop market is forecast to grow at 4% p.a. over the next three years to reach 2,123 outlets by 2015.


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Year five witnessed the event move to the Passenger Terminal Amsterdam. Taking to the stage in that year were Stefan Tewes, CEO, Coffee Fellows, Liz Muller, director of global concept design, Starbucks, Guido Bernardinelli, MD, La Marzocco and Matts Johansson, CEO, Da Matteo. Project Café12 styled the Netherlands as a fast emerging coffee shop market shaped by the influence of American lifestyle chain, Starbucks. The branded coffee shop market in the area is estimated at 193 outlets, having increased by 19 units in the 12 months to October 2012, with strong growth of 11%. Consolidation in the market took place as D.E. Master Blenders, parent company of Café DE, acquired The Coffee Company and the majority of industry leaders expect trading conditions to remain positive with further growth to continue. Securing a premium location is of key importance to the fast expanding branded coffee chains in The Netherlands and it is equally important for operators to ensure they can meet consumers’ rising expectations for great quality coffee, interesting menus and friendly service. The branded coffee shop market in The Netherlands is forecast to grow at 12% p.a. over the next three years to reach 268 outlets by 2015. This year’s home market of France is increasingly dynamic, according to Project Café12 with growth of 13%, to stand at 515 outlets in 2012. The widening consumer appeal of specialty coffee culture is being shaped by market leader McCafé (176 outlets) and lifestyle chains such as Starbucks (75). A large bakery segment shapes the French food-to-go market with 1,707 branded outlets (excluded from market scope) with the current trading environment reported as positive for the majority of operators, who report strong like-for-like sales growth. Coffee shop design and product adaptation to French palate are the key success factors for branded coffee shop operators, but industry leaders report a shortage of skilled baristas within the sector and low quality coffee as key concerns. The squeeze on household budgets and site availability in the capital have also been reported as challenges in France, but 76% of industry executives see potential for growth of branded chains within the market. The French branded coffee shop market is forecast to grow at 11% p.a. over the next three years to reach 695 outlets by 2015. More information: European Coffee Symposium +44(0)20 76918800 email

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EssentialDrinking Chocolate

CHOOSING CHOCOLATE The drinking chocolate market is continuing to gather pace, with consumers looking for premium quality. Essential Café reports.

Monin says its Black Forest syrup has the strong chocolate taste and long-lasting cherry, similar to a classic Black Forest gateau

Although tea is still the quintessentially British hot beverage, James Coston, Monin’s UK brand ambassador, says that the latest industry research indicates that hot chocolate is increasingly becoming the drink of choice for many UK consumers, with the market set to reach £155 million in 2013. James says: “More and more cafés, restaurants and bars are taking advantage of this growing popularity by being Monin says white chocolate is growing in popularity imaginative with ingredients and flavour combinations. Many are discovering how quick and easy it is to develop drinking chocolate into a range of tempting drinks, using syrups, sauces and frappé powders from Monin. “The great thing about chocolate drinks is that they work well with so many flavours, but I’ve found that some of the best are Hazelnut, Gingerbread, Mint and Coconut.” James says that fruit purées work as well and he particularly likes berry flavours, such as Le Fruit de Monin Raspberry or Red Berries. But with more than 100 Monin syrups and sauces to choose from, baristas can experiment with new chocolate combinations and develop signature recipes. James says: “For example, Monin Black Forest syrup has the strong chocolate taste and long-lasting cherry after notes of a classic Black Forest gateau. With its rich depth of flavour and rich, dark red colour, it’s the ideal ingredient to transform a standard hot chocolate into something special. “White chocolate is growing in popularity, too; use Le Frappé de Monin Vanilla steamed with 120ml milk, then add raspberry purée for a raspberry and white hot chocolate that will go down a storm.” James says it is important not to forget the extras. “Why not use a Jammy Dodger biscuit to garnish your raspberry and white hot chocolate, he says. “Toppings such as whipped cream, chocolate sprinkles and marshmallows are a great way of enticing consumers to customise their drink by spending that little bit extra. The more creative you can be, the better.” James says that seasonal or monthly specials are always popular and recipes themed around local festivals,

anniversaries – or even your favourite films or books – are a great conversation starter at the till. “Make sure your specials are advertised effectively both inside and outside your trading area and, if possible, use A-boards to draw in passing trade. “Monin syrups are good for business because speciality chocolates offer a great GP. A 10ml serving of Monin syrup costs around 8.5p and we recommend charging an additional 50p per flavoured drink.” Marimba World Chocolate says that in the drinking chocolate space, a particular trend in recent years, has seen consumers looking for premium quality in everything they consume in their local cafés – whether it’s a quality coffee, locally produced foods, handmade cakes, or now, hot chocolate. Brad Wright, operations manager at Marimba World Chocolate, says: “While many cafés now source high quality beans, which will be freshly ground on site to create a drink that is more sophisticated than can be achieved at home. “Now, the same expectation is growing amongst hot chocolate lovers, who expect more than a cocoa powderbased drink when they are out and about. They want a more premium, indulgent experience.” Brad says that consumers love the fact that with his company’s Marimba Melts, you have a choice of chocolates – milk, dark and white. “Milk is still a firm favourite,” Brad says, “however, consumers who are looking for a quality drink, love the choice, depending on how sweet they like their drink to be. “With the introduction of syrups, we are anticipating seasonal trends regarding flavours. For example, at the beginning of winter, people will be drawn to comforting flavours such as praline or salted caramel, which are two of our most popular syrups. “As Christmas approaches, more zesty orange and cerrisette cherry flavours are likely to become popular. When the cold bites in January, we expect the chilli flavour to fly off the shelves.” Brad says that the more the alternative flavours and syrups are marketed, the more people are likely to experiment with new flavours. Brad says that there are many benefits to café owners of premium drinking chocolate over cocoa powder drinks. “When we originally launched our Hot Marimba Melts offers consumers a choice of chocolates – milk, dark and white


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With its introduction of syrups, Marimba World Chocolate is anticipating seasonal trends regarding flavours

range and offering these as a complete drink, operators can charge up to 40p extra and increase overall profit margins by up to 80%.” Anthony reports that AC Neilsen identifies the most popular drinking chocolate syrup flavours as raspberry, orange and strawberry. “The demand for raspberry and strawberry flavours can be attributed to the rise of white chocolate beverages,” Anthony says. “The lighter, sweeter flavours of DaVinci Gourmet’s White Chocolate pair well with Classic Raspberry syrup and Strawberry sauce and are a modern alternative to traditional drinking chocolate.” Anthony points out that University of Oxford research in the Journal of Sensory Studies reported that drinking chocolate served in an orange cup tastes better to consumers. “Capitalise on this and heighten customers’ senses by serving a citrusy Hot Chocolate Orange in an orange cup. The scent alone is enough to capture most consumers’ attention,” Anthony says. “Winter 2013 will be the perfect time to capitalise on the drinking chocolate trend. The nights are already drawing closer, so now is the time to welcome consumers into establishments with a warming cup of drinking chocolate, served just how they like it.” Beyond the Bean says that with speciality coffee being embraced at all levels of the hospitality industry, there has never been a better time to be a coffee drinker. Helen Ostle, Beyond the Bean’s marketing and brands manager, says: “Sadly the same cannot often be said for the rest of the hot drinks menu, with hot chocolates often a poor, thin, tasteless imitation of the real thing and more unusual beverages like chai, an Indian spiced tea-based milk drink, being missed off menus altogether.” If this sounds familiar, Helen says it’s worth knowing that there are easy-to-make, cost-effective options available to help any coffee shop whip their menus into shape. Helen explains: “In fact anyone with an espresso machine and a steam wand has the tools to make something pretty special with very little effort. The most important starting point is a

Chocolate Melts, we trialled the premium flaked, single-origin chocolate drink alongside a good quality cocoa powder based drink, with a price difference of about 70p,” Brad says. “After a few months of promotion, introducing our regular customers to the Melts, we found that demand for the ‘basic’ drink simply withered away. Now, we no longer offer a budget cocoa powder-based alternative at all. Our café is in a rural market town with a wide-ranging customer demographic, but we find that all of our customers are happy to pay a small premium for such a clear benefit in terms of quality.” Brad says that, at the end of the day, if you’re looking to provide your customers with an inviting experience – and one they will return for in the future – it is worth investing in quality products that customers don’t typically consume at home. At DaVinci Gourmet, marketing manager Anthony Wilkinson says that demand for operators to serve drinking chocolate is growing. Consumers’ perception of the drink is changing from it being an occasional treat to a beverage that can be enjoyed regularly out-of-home. Anthony says: “Drinking chocolate’s rediscovery is being driven by consumers at opposite ends of the age spectrum. Younger customers see it as an alternative to tea and coffee, while older age groups are looking to enjoy traditional beverages, including drinking chocolate. As a result of this demand, the drink can now be positioned as a year-round beverage, rather than as a winter one-off. “Growth has been unlocked by operators offering customers a superior experience to the drinking chocolate they would make at home. For example, unusual flavour combinations and personalisation can be achieved by using syrups. This excites consumers and so boosts profit margins. By choosing a selection of popular DaVinci Gourmet says that winter 2013 will be the perfect time to capitalise on flavours from DaVinci Gourmet’s the drinking chocolate trend


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DaVinci Gourmet says the demand for raspberry and strawberry flavours can be attributed to the rise of white chocolate beverages

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fLAVOUR DaVinci Gourmet’s range allows you to create a boundless menu of tempting speciality beverages for all seasons. Our expertise in flavour delivers a unique sensory experience in coffee and other beverages, from the first sip to the very last.

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Beyond the Bean says don’t forget to highlight any new or unusual additions to your menu using Zuma’s free point of sale

– sweet and creamy, it’s the ultimate comfort drink.” Helen says that it is key that staff are For your chance to win a selection of fully trained to make up any new drinks Zuma Hot Chocolates, mini marshmallows and and have tried them, so know how to point of sale, just email your name, business address, sell them to undecided customers. as well as mentioning Essential Café to “Involve your staff in recipe development to help them take The winner will be picked at random on November 1. ownership of the menu and incentivise them to take more of an interest in what they’re serving – their enthusiasm will be picked up by customers,” Helen says. “Don’t forget to highlight any new or unusual additions to your menu using Zuma’s free point of sale or your own version, such as a mini chalk board on the counter. It’s time to bring your hot drinks menu to life.” With Christmas looming, thoughts turn to buying presents and consuming comforting food and drink on these long, cold nights. The Original Candy Company claims to have developed the piéce de resistance in hot chocolate for the Christmas market. Ideal for presents and available in two varieties – milk and dark chocolate – the drinking chocolate is presented in elegant, attractive tins. With many people still Zuma’s newest arrival is a White Chocolate – sweet struggling to afford expensive and creamy, it’s the gifts this year, this is the perfect ultimate comfort drink, compromise, the company says. Beyond the Bean says Given alone or wrapped good quality product.” alongside a pretty mug, these tins Zuma Beverages, from Beyond are sure to fly off your shelves and the Bean, is well-established brand as they are not exclusive to the in this sector, offering six different hot Christmas market, will continue chocolates and two varieties of chai, to sell easily into January and as well as seven kinds of frappé for the February. warmer months. The tins are filled with 150g Zuma’s Thick Hot Chocolate is designed to “Made with quality ingredients of the Original Candy Company’s be made up in the Spanish style – short and no artificial nonsense, they are drinking chocolate. and thick designed to be mixed into a paste with The company says: “Help a little hot water then topped up with perfectly steamed milk, make this Christmas warm and cosy for your customers and to make a rich, smooth and creamy beverage,” Helen says. profitable for yourselves by stocking these delectable gifts by Helen says Zuma’s Original and Fairtrade Dark Hot the experts in irresistible confectionery.” Chocolates are the standard offerings, suitable for vegetarians and vegans (if you make it up with dairy-free milk) More information: and will satisfy even the fussiest of chocoholics. Bennett Opie (Monin distributor) +44 01795 476154 If you want to take your hot chocolate menu up another notch, Helen says Zuma’s Belgian Flakes are just that – flakes of real dark Belgian chocolate. Beyond the Bean +44 (0)117 9533522 “They can be prepared in the same way as Zuma’s other chocolates, melting a portion into a paste with a dash of hot water then topping up with steamed milk for something really DaVinci Gourmet +44 (0)1584 810366 special,” Helen says. “They also work brilliantly stirred into an equal quantity of cream brought to the boil to make a thick, glossy ganache Marimba World Chocolate +44 (0)1279 714502 topping for cakes or a dipping sauce. Zuma’s Thick Hot Chocolate is designed to be made up in the Spanish style – short and thick, perfect for dipping churros, biscuits, fruit or The Original Candy Company +44 (0)1628 535991 fingers. “Finally, Zuma’s newest arrival is an incredible White Chocolate

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EssentialCounter Culture

A FAMILY AFFAIR Eleanor Cunningham introduces Essential Café readers to the Edinburgh Larder, which opened in October 2009, on Blackfriars Street, just off the Royal Mile.

Edinburgh Larder is located just off the Royal Mile

Eleanor says that local ingredients are at the core of the business

Give us a brief history of the business and your involvement with it “It opened with the aim of bringing a taste of the country to the heart of the city and highlighting the fantastic produce available in Scotland. There weren’t many places offering really good local food in the centre of town when the café opened and I wanted to create an affordable lunch destination for locals and tourists alike. I set up the business with the help of my brother and I’ve been running it ever since. I opened the bistro on Alva Street last June to use more of the great Scottish produce we use at the café. My dad, my aunt and my brother have invested in the business to enable it to grow so it’s definitely a family business although I’m the only one involved in the dayto-day running of it.”

Who works with you? What roles do they perform? “We have a great team of people at the café and bistro. The manager at the café is Will Bain and his assistant manager is Chris Dunstan. It’s quite unusual for the café to be made up largely of boys – it didn’t start that way but they’re a fantastic team and really love what they do. The teams at the bistro are headed up by Jade Linden in front of house and Kenny Whittle in the kitchen. They’ve only been with us for a couple of months, but they’re both doing a really great job.”

The sandwiches are made using artisan bread from a bakery called Au Gourmand and filled with really delicious Scottish produce like Barwhey’s cheddar and our homemade pickle. The soups are made on site every day using local and seasonal produce. Our homemade sausage rolls are made with organic mince from Peelham Farm and go down an absolute storm. Our most popular cake is our dark chocolate brownies, which are made using ground almonds instead of flour and dark chocolate so they’re gluten free and extra delicious.” Separate from your food and drink offering, how do you differentiate your business and keep customers coming back for more? “We regularly ask for feedback and try to ensure we act on our customers wishes. We also offer a really personal touch and remember everyone who comes back – it’s like an extended family. We change the layout and the food offering regularly to keep things interesting too. We also offer a range of events such as mushroom foraging and supplier talks, which allow people to get more involved in what we do.” Do locally sourced ingredients or products play a big part in the business? “They play a huge part – they’re at the core of the business as they’re really the reason why we opened. We keep things as local as possible and change all our homemade products to use the best ingredients each season has to offer.”

Tell us about some of your best sellers (food and drink) “The best sellers in the café are generally the sandwiches and our homemade soups.


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EssentialCounter Culture Do you think the future is bright for independent cafés and coffee shops in the UK? “It’s a really tough time for businesses. The economy has been struggling for some time and there are more regulations than ever before. The increasing tax and wage costs really do make it difficult to survive. However, there’s a wave of really interesting and exciting places opening up and it feels like people care more than ever where their food comes from, which is great.” Do you have a favourite regular customer? “We have loads of great customers - and I’m sure every member of staff has a favourite but we’ll keep them quiet.”

Edinburgh Larder’s most popular cake is its dark chocolate brownies which are made using ground almonds instead of flour and dark chocolate

How do you go about choosing your speciality drinks such as your coffee? “I usually go for the most local and independent producers. Our beers come from within a 10 mile radius at the café – it would be too hard to decide on them otherwise as there’s so many amazing Scottish beers to choose from – Tryst and Stewarts are both fantastic. Our coffee is roasted in Edinburgh by Artisan Roast and our tea is hand selected by Eteaket who are also Edinburgh-based and have a really beautiful range of teas.” High-quality hot chocolate is becoming more popular, something you offer? “We make our own hot chocolate mix using dark chocolate and cocoa – it was based on a recipe given to us by one of our customers. We mix it with seasonal ingredients in the winter and sometimes chilli too for a bit of a kick.”

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We understand you are in the middle of creating a new website, how important is the online side of the business in creating awareness? “It’s hugely important – especially with the café as it’s so central and we have a large number of people visiting from abroad. Many of our customers keep in touch with us when they’ve gone back home via twitter and Facebook too. The new website should be up and running next week and ties in with our new branding.” You recently refurbished, how did that go and where there any specific aims? “We refurbished the bistro as we hadn’t done much work on the front of house when we moved in last year. We really wanted to create a modern feel which was more in keeping with our brand and ethos. We used reclaimed materials to build the furniture and things like lobster creels as lighting to give a more unusual and rustic feel. We wanted to make it a really special place for our customers to visit and somewhere they’d feel at home.” Does the Edinburgh Fringe Festival offer much in the way of increased business? “It increases the business at the café massively and it does have an impact on the bistro too. With the café being just off the Royal Mile, we double our staff in the festival and we’re open from 7am till 11pm too so it’s a very busy month but we love it.” If money was no object and you could change one thing about the business, what would you invest in? “I’d set up a dedicated outside catering unit so we could expand our outside catering business and increase our preserves (jam, cordial and chutney).” More information: Edinburgh Larder +44 (0)131 5566922,

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PRODUCT NEWS FOR THE LATEST INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENTS REMEMBER, REMEMBER THE 5TH OF NOVEMBER Award-winning artisan ice cream producer Yummy Yorkshire is rolling out a Yorkshire Parkin flavoured ice cream in time for Bonfire Night. The Lottie Shaw’s ‘Seriously Good Yorkshire Parkin’ ice cream is a collaboration between Huddersfield based Yummy Yorkshire and fellow West Yorkshire business, Lottie Shaw’s bakery. Louise Holmes, co-founder of Yummy Yorkshire, says: “Lottie Shaw’s is famous for its Seriously Good Yorkshire Parkin throughout the region and beyond, so was an obvious choice to work with, not only because it is an award winning product, but also because it is from a fellow Yorkshire producer. “We were delighted with the response that this unique flavour got last year and are pleased to be rolling it out again on a bigger scale. The flavour offers a rich and oaty ice


The Giga Fast Oven from Lincat is built for speed and accuracy

Lincat has launched the Giga Fast Oven, a versatile, compact counter-top oven that can cook a fresh dough pizza in 90 seconds. The secret to the speed lies within the unique airflow cylinders that focus hot air to deliver exceptionally rapid cooking. The Giga Fast Oven heats up to 400/450°C in as little as 10 minutes and features an easy to use temperature control and cooking timer for consistent, repeatable results. If pizza isn’t the only thing on the menu, the Giga Fast Oven can also be quickly converted into a standard convection oven for the cooking of lasagne, croissants, cakes, pies, pastries, potatoes and oven chips, as well as for the toasting of all types of bread products. Nick McDonald, Lincat’s marketing director, says: “The Giga Fast Oven combines the performance of a dedicated wood-fired pizza oven with the versatility of a convection oven in a single, compact package. And since it operates from a standard 13amp plug it can be used anywhere. “This will allow any outlet to produce tasty, authentic pizzas without the need to invest in additional appliances, specialist staff or training.” Nick adds: “With the potential to produce up to 30 pizzas an hour, the Giga Fast Oven will pay for itself in no time and provide a fantastic long term return on your investment.” More information: Lincat +44 (0)1522 875500

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Yummy Yorkshire is rolling out a Yorkshire Parkin flavoured ice cream in time for Bonfire Night

cream, which is true to Lottie Shaw’s award-winning Yorkshire parkin. The crumbly stickiness and wonderful oatmeal texture of the cake works brilliantly in contrast to the smooth ice cream.” Louise says a further collaboration with Lottie Shaw’s is planned for the festive season when Yummy Yorkshire will be launching a new Christmas Cake ice cream made with the craft bakery’s original Christmas Cake, a rich fruit cake made using fruit soaked in local beer from Little Valley Brewery at Cragg Vale, West Yorkshire. More information: Yummy Yorkshire +44 (0)1226 762551


erlenbacher’s mini cheesecakes are available in strawberry and toffee variants

erlenbacher is extending its popular range of cakes, with the introduction of a new mini cheesecake range. The individual cheesecake portions offer a more convenient, stylish option to the café and hospitality sector, coming in a choice of strawberry or toffee flavour. Each cheesecake is formed of a shortcrust pastry base, which is layered with an exquisite creamy cheese mix. This is then rippled through with the strawberry mix, or the caramel. The cheesecakes are presented in an elegant circular design, each the perfect size for a single portion. As with all erlenbacher products, the Mini Cheesecakes follow stringent quality standards and are produced without the addition of preservatives, artificial flavours, artificial colours and hydrogenated fats and oils. More information: Erlenbacher +44 (0)20 74203574

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NEW PREMIUM SORBETS FROM SUNCREAM DAIRIES The luxury sorbets are available in five flavours, including lemon and orange

Suncream Dairies has launched a new range of luxury sorbets featuring all natural fruit purées and real champagne. Available in five flavours – lemon, orange, raspberry, mango and Marc de Champagne – the company says the easy scoop sorbets are a great addition to special occasion menus and with less than 2.5% fat, are an ideal treat for those counting the calories. Developed for both retail and food service outlets, the sorbets come in distinctive two-litre black tubs with gold labeling. Rebecca Manfredi, Suncream’s managing director, says that the sorbets are made with a low overrun (air content) to optimise the number of scoops per tub. Rebecca says: “Every aspect of the sorbets, from the ingredients to the packaging to the taste of the fruit flavours and real champagne, suggests luxury through and through. “They would sit very comfortably on menus for special occasions such as weddings and Christmas, yet they are also sufficiently realistically priced to enable caterers to offer them as a lovely indulgence on regular menus as they represent excellent value for money from a trusted brand.” More information: Suncream Dairies +44 (0)1827 282571

‘UM BONGO, UM BONGO, A NEW FLAVOUR FROM THE CONGO’ Mango Tango, a mango and apple variant, is the latest flavour to join the Um Bongo line-up

The Gerber Juice Company has added the third flavour this year to the Um Bongo range, with the launch of Mango Tango, a mango and apple variant. The company is also introducing a new chilled version of its tropical variety. The juice drink – famous for its advertising campaign and strapline: ‘Um Bongo, Um Bongo they drink it in the Congo’ – has more than 19,000 Facebook fans and last year, celebrity chef Heston Blumenthal made his own concoction Hest’Um Bongo on his TV series Heston Fantastical foods, which fuelled the brand’s popularity even further. Um Bongo sales are growing at 383% year-onyear, says James Logan, commercial director of the Gerber Juice Company. James says: “This is a new era for Um Bongo and we are seeing many customers that loved the drink in the 80’s introducing it to the next generation of Um Bongo drinkers.” More information: Gerber Juice Company +44 (0)1278 441600


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PUMPKIN SPICE SYRUP FROM CREAM SUPPLIES Cream Supplies says this high quality natural syrup comes from the 1883 Philip Routin brand in a sturdy, attractively-shaped glass bottle and contains all natural ingredients. The flavours and colours are all from natural extracts, mixed with sugar and pure water from the Alps... nothing else! Pumpkin Spice syrup can be added to any beverage, tea, coffee, cocktail or milk-shake and can be used as a cooking ingredient. More information: Cream Supplies +44 (0)845 2263024 Pumpkin Spice Syrup is available through Cream Supplies

PLANGLOW LAUNCH TWO NEW MINI WEDGES Planglow has launched a Natural Mini Wedge and matching label, plus Gastro Mini Wedge too. With room for two quarters (half) a deep-fill sandwich Planglow’s new Gastro Mini Wedge or one quarter of a triple sandwich, the mini wedges are perfect for adult slim-line portions or tasters too. What’s more, they can be teamed with a soup, salad, snack or even another sandwich for mix and match meal options that boost add-on sales, the company says. Available in Planglow’s best-selling rustic Natural Collection and popular new slate effect Gastro range, the mini wedges can be paired with other items from either of the collections to match or differentiate from existing product lines. Both wedges are supplied in boxes of 500 flat packed products to minimise your storage requirements. Simply squeeze the sides to pop up and open, then clip in the fold over back panel to seal. Rachael Sawtell, Planglow’s marketing director, says: “While the demand for little bites is huge, options to package them had previously proven to be slim pickings – especially for those food providers who were looking to match with the rest of their packaging range. “We are therefore delighted to have not one, but two new mini wedge designs – and multiple label options – for food providers looking to cater for this market.” More information: Planglow +44 (0)117 3178600

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CHIP CROWN SET TO REIGN SUPREME The Gourmet Food Wrap Company says it has responded to demands from operators seeking novel ways of serving and presenting French fries and other deep fried products to discerning customers with the launch of the Chip Crown. The Chip Crown can be used standalone but is also ideal as an insert in mini-wire chip frying baskets and stainless steel serving buckets that are continuing to grow in popularity in the hospitality industry. The Gourmet Food Wrap Company is the newly formed greaseproof paper printing division of Chevler, the company behind The Daily Catch.

Garry Parker, marketing manager at The Gourmet Food Wrap Company, says: “The great thing about our new Chip Crowns is that they are sturdy and therefore ideal for all types of outlets from high-end restaurants and gastro-pubs to QSRs and takeaway operations at theme parks. “Many restaurants are still serving fried product in cold wire baskets, which quickly draws the heat from the cooked food. Not only do the Chip Crowns enhance presentation but the thermal properties of the paper used to make them helps keep the food served in them warmer for much longer. “They are ideal for serving products such as onion rings, tempura seafood and vegetables, scampi, chicken goujons in fact virtually any bettered or deep fried product.” More information: The Gourmet Food Wrap Company +44 (0)844 2251740,

The Gourmet Food Wrap Company says its Chip Crowns enhance presentation while the thermal properties of the paper used to make them helps keep the food served in them warmer for much longer

PEROS LAUNCHES NEW DRINKS FROM ONE WATER Peros is the exclusive foodservice distributor of the two new drinks ranges from ethical brand One Water – One Juiced Water and One Flavoured Water. One Juiced Water is a refreshing blend of natural fruit juices (around 15%) and British spring water. Three flavours are available in the 400ml bottles; Apple & Blackcurrant; Lemon & Lime; and Orange & Mango. One Flavoured Water is 100% sugar-free flavoured British spring water, with just one calorie per 100ml (that’s five calories per bottle). Four flavours are available in the 500ml bottles; Apple & Raspberry; Lemon & Lime; Blackberry; and Orange & Mandarin. Both new ranges are 100% British, 100% recyclable and 100% lifechanging, Peros says. That’s because, like the other One Water products that Peros already stocks, 100% of One Water’s profit is donated to fund water projects in Africa. Since One Water launched its first product in 2005, it has raised in excess of £8 million and changed the lives of more than two million people in Africa. More information: Peros +44 (0)1494 436426,

Four flavours of One Flavoured Water are available in 500ml bottles


The new 40g TAGS bag, alongside its 125g big brother

Tags Snacks has extended its TAGS range of crisps and introduced a 40g bag. The brand, which launched earlier this year with sharing bags and multipacks of 25g bags, has launched the new size to meet demand from foodservice and smaller retailers. The TAGS range now includes 40g and 125g Premium Hand Cooked Potato Crisps in three flavours – Malt Vinegar & Sea Salt, Sweet Chilli and Mature Cheddar & Red Onion – and 25g Potato Crisps which come in multipacks of six and three flavours – Salt & Vinegar, Cheese & Onion and Ready Salted. The 125g and 25g sizes RRP at £1.69. Managing director John Tague says: “Since we launched TAGS four months ago we have been inundated with requests to create a 40g sized bag of our Hand Cooked Potato Crisps. “People love the sharp flavouring and the great crunch of our crisps and the fact that we are an independent new brand. The new bag size is perfect as a lunchtime snack.” More information: Tags Snacks +44 (0)7970 102780

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Paddy & Scott’s has unveiled its ‘Time of Day’ range

Paddy & Scott’s has launched its ‘Time of Day’ filter coffee range for the on-trade, which enables venues to serve different styles of filter coffee to suit the time of day and occasion. The range was originally designed for the off trade to simplify the coffee choice for consumers, who are currently bewildered by the number of different blends on offer, by offering three occasion-styled blends – Morning Coffee, All Day Coffee and Great With Friends. Morning Coffee is a medium roasted blend of 100% South American Arabica which is sweet, bold and balanced to give you a kick start to the day; All Day Coffee is a medium roasted pure high grown 100% Colombian Arabica, which is a smooth, easy all day drinking coffee with a nutty balanced flavour and body; Great With Friends is a conversational blend of dark roasted Indonesian and African Arabica beans. Its punchy, smokey and spicy rich blend gives a real coffee hit without too much caffeine. Paddy Bishopp, co-founder of Paddy & Scott’s, says: “All the talk at coffee summits used to be espressos, lattés, and flat whites, everyone looking at new brewing techniques and the resurgence of filter coffees. At Paddy & Scott’s we decided instead to focus on occasion-led coffee styles, offering venues a simple filter coffee range that maintains a premium and distinctive feel. “Our ‘Time of Day’ range allows a venue to serve a different filter coffee depending on the time of day, something which is very bespoke and brand new to the industry.” More information: Paddy & Scott’s +44 (0)844 4778586,

PIDY LOOKS FORWARD TO CHRISTMAS Pidy says its ready-to-fill pastry range is a great time saver for any busy outlet; in particular its pre-baked frozen tarts, which save clients time especially in the build-up to and during the festive season. The company says its pre-baked frozen tarts are incredibly easy to use and versatile, taking only eight minutes to bake resulting in a home made and ‘oven fresh’ tart. As the tarts are pre-baked, Robert Whittle, Pidy’s general manager, says that they require minimum fuss. Serving suggestions include lemon, chocolate to fruit fillings or why not try a mince pie filling to give the tart an extra festive twist. Robert says: “Pidy’s range offers a wide array of ready-to-fill patisserie items which can be packed with a variety of sweet ingredients such as fruit, mousse and ice-creams. “The Pidy range of flavours, taste, textures and styles ensure that our clients are able to cater for a number of people particularly during the festive period when individuals are willing to indulge. Feedback from our customers has highlighted the time and cost saving advantage of our product as well the continuous taste and quality.” More information: Pidy +44 (0)1604 705666 Pidy’s tarts are prebaked and require minimum fuss


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UNDER OFFER Joe Offer, the owner of Le Magasin in Lewes, East Sussex, takes on the testing challenge that is the Essential Café Q&A. What are you up to today? “Today is Saturday, so that means I was up early serving coffee to our customers and then I am working again tonight now that we are open in the evenings too.” Why did you pursue a career in the food service industry? “After finishing my Leisure Marketing degree at university I decided to run a café/bistro with my partner. The whole family loves food and so do we, so we wanted to pass on our passion to the beautiful people of Lewes.” Pick your favourite thing from your current menu “This is a tough one…I can’t choose one so it has to be either our Full Breakfast or our Dexter Cattle Sirloin Steak. I couldn’t live without either so I cannot choose.” Local produce plays a big part, what are some of the best ingredient/ products the area has to offer? “We try and do everything we can local, especially our meat, fish and eggs. All of our meat is from a local farm, they also supply our eggs and we can get through 200 a day so that’s very important to us.” If you had not followed the career path you did, what would you be doing? “I’d like to think I’d be Arsenal’s manager, but let’s be honest that won’t ever happen. I’m happy in the catering industry and won’t be budging any time soon.” Le Magasin is located in the historic country town of Lewes, East Sussex

What is your favourite treat to go with a tea or coffee? Is it biased to give one of our homemade cakes as an answer….I am going to anyway. It has to be our gluten-free Orange & Pistachio cake; that next to a great cup of tea can’t be beaten. What is your favourite tea or coffee beverage? “We serve Monmouth Coffee here and I love it, although being a true Brit nothing can compare to a hot cup of English Breakfast tea. With biscuits to dunk, of course.” Do you have a favourite café? (apart from your own of course) I do, when I am not in ours (which is not often). I like to escape to nearby Brighton and pick one of the many there. As for a favourite, I don’t know, there are too many to choose.”

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What’s the next big thing in the coffee house/café/ hospitality sector? “It has to be KeepCup, which is taking off all around the world and are a great way of being environmentally friendly. It is something we are looking into here and before long we will be encouraging the regulars to buy one. That or Cronuts which are taking New York by the scruff of the neck, half croissant half donut….need I say any more?” You can choose three people (not including friends and family) to invite out for a coffee, who and why? Bob Marley, a great musician who had a great philosophy on life; Winston Churchill, as I would just love to hear the amazing stories he must have; and David Beckham. I am a football fanatic and would love to meet him one day for a coffee.” You get to ask the Prime Minister one question, what is it? “I would ask him when he is coming in for a coffee, we have been waiting some time. I would like to ask him what 10 Downing Street is like inside, I’d love a day in there to run the country.” How has opening in the evening helped or altered the business? “It has helped enormously, unfortunately some people cannot visit us in the day due to work, only on weekends and we always have a queue at the door so they may not see us then either. So it is good to get those people in to enjoy our coffee after a good meal and some good wine.” What is the best thing about being in an historic town like Lewes? “We get lots of visitors from all over the world in Lewes, which is really nice. Hearing stories of other countries café culture, food habits and coffee keep us on our toes and get us thinking how we can be like some of the best cafes in the world.” Lewes is famous for its bonfire celebrations, do you get involved? “Of course! We are right in the centre of Lewes and the procession runs right through the street our café is on! Last year for the evening we had a big paella dish and homemade pies to take away. That with a warm cup of coffee or hot chocolate kept them all warm whilst watching the bonfire parade. This year we will do something similar and escape late on to catch some fireworks!” More information: Le Magasin +44 (0)1273 474720

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Essential Contacts




UCD (United Coffee Distributors Ltd)

Jura Products Ltd

Unit 1, Sheerland Farm, Swan Lane, Pluckley, Kent, TN27 0PN T: +44 (0)1233 840296 F: +44 (0)1233 840113 web: ASSOCIATION

Vivary Mill, Vivary Way, Colne, Lancashire, BB8 9NW T: +44 (0)1282 868266 F: +44 (0)1282 863411 email: web: BRANDED TEA

British Coffee Association

Pukka Herbs

PO Box 5, Chipping Norton D.O, OX7 5UD T: +44 (0)1608 644995 F: +44 (0)1608 644996 email: web:

Unit 8 Hawkfield Business Park Bristol, BS14 0BY +44 (0) 1179640944 email: web: BRANDING

Beverage Standards Association

PO BOX 6244, Reading, RG19 9HR T: +44 (0)1364 645761 email: web:

Strada Cafe Barriers

38 Norton Street, Jewellery Quarter, Hockley, Birmingham, B18 5RE T: +44 (0)121 5154565 web:


Espresso Products

Tableware Distribution Ltd

Unit 23, Bellevue Enterprise CentreIvy Road, Aldershot, Hampshire, GU12 4QW T: +44 (0)1252 330542 F: +44 (0)1252 334708 email: web:

Unit 3 Blackwell Business Park, Blackwell Shipston on Stour, Warwickshire, CV36 4PE T: +44 (0)1608 682506 F: +44 (0)1608 681000 email: web:



Bean Coffee London

Tullford Point of Sale Ltd

43 Leicester Road, London EN5 5EW T: +44 (0)208 4417643 email: web:

Glen Dimplex Professional Appliances Stoney Lane, Prescot, Merseyside, L35 2XW T: +44 (0)844 8153742 email: web:

WMF United Kingdom Limited

31 Riverside Way, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 2YF T: +44 (0)1895 816100 email: web:


18-22 Birch Road East, Birmingham, B6 7DB T: +44 (0)121 3285757 F: +44 (0)121 3273333 email: web:


Essential Café

37 Europa Way, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2EN T: +44 (0)1603 629649 F: +44 (0)1603 630186 email: web: BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS

Hilton Smythe

Evans Business Centre, Manchester Road Bolton, BL3 2NZ T: +44 (0)845 519 8809 F: +44 (0)1204 547011 email: web: BRANDED DISPOSABLE CUPS

Scyphus Ltd

Unit 1, 5 Meadow Lane, Little Houghton, Northampton, NN7 1AH T: +44 (0)844 5785000 F: +44 (0)844 578 8080 web:

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Essential Contacts CHINAWARE


Tableware Distribution Ltd

Cash Control JustTouch

Unit 3 Blackwell Business Park, Blackwell Shipston on Stour, Warwickshire, CV36 4PE T: +44 (0)1608 682506 F: +44 (0)1608 681000 email: web: COFFEE AND SERVICE

193 Findon Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN14 0EP T: +44 (0)845 6025260 email: web:

Tableware Distribution Ltd

Unit 3 Blackwell Business Park, Blackwell Shipston on Stour, Warwickshire, CV36 4PE T: +44 (0)1608 682506 F: +44 (0)1608 681000 email: web:

Bean Coffee London

43 Leicester Road, London, EN5 5EW T: +44 (0)208 4417643 email: web:

Caffe Vinci


13 Newcomen Road, Skipper’s Lane Industrial Estate, Middlesbrough, TS6 6PS T: +44 (0)1642 455145 email: web:

Pukka Herbs

Unit 8 Hawkfield Business Park Bristol, BS14 0BY +44 (0) 1179640944 email: web:


Association of Independent Espresso Engineers web:

Tata Global Beverages

325 Oldfield Lane North, Greenford, Middlesex, London, UB6 0AZ T: +44 (0)845 6066328 email: web:

Euro Food Brands

1 Kimbell Mews, Humfrey Lane, Boughton, Northampton, NN2 8XB T: +44 (0)1604 821234 F: +44 (0)1604 844165 email: website:


FFS Brands Ltd

Unit 1, Headley Park 9, Headley Road, East Woodley, Reading, Berkshire, RGS 4SQ T: +44 (0)118 9441100 F: +44 (0)118 9441080 email: web:

Xpress Coffee

17 & 20 The Granary Lodge Farm Business Centre Milton Keynes, MK19 7ES T: +44 (0)871 2081717 F: +44 (0)871 2081616 email:




Food Packaging Resource, 118 Hellesdon Park IndustrialEstate, Hellesdon Park Road, Norwich NR6 5DR T: +44 (0)1603 486672 email: web:

The Bag Broker UK

Floor 5, The Amphenol Business Complex, Thanet Way, Whitstable, CT5 3SB T: 033 0323 0163 F: 033 0323 0164 email: web:




T: +44 (0)844 3753444 web:

Belvoir Fruit Farms Ltd

Belvoir, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG32 1PB T: +44 (0)1476 870286 email: web:


Bennett Opie Ltd

Chalkwell Road, Sittingbourne, Kent T: +44 (0)1795 476154 email: web:


Euro Food Brands

1 Kimbell Mews, Humfrey Lane, Boughton, Northampton, NN2 8XB T: +44 (0)1604 821234 F: +44 (0)1604 844165 email: website:

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The Quorum, Bond Street South, Bristol, BS1 3AE T: +44 (0)117 3178600 F: +44 (0)117 3178639 email: web:

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Essential Contacts LOGO CHINA


Tableware Distribution Ltd

The Bag Broker UK

Unit 3 Blackwell Business Park, Blackwell Shipston on Stour, Warwickshire, CV36 4PE T: +44 (0)1608 682506 F: +44 (0)1608 681000 email: web:


Floor 5, The Amphenol Business Complex, Thanet Way, Whitstable, CT5 3SB T: 033 0323 0163 F: 033 0323 0164 email: web: PACKAGING DISTRIBUTOR

Café Connections Ltd

GVS Assist

1E Uniongate, The Ridgeway, Iver, Bucks SL0 9JQ T: +44 (0)845 1232994 F: +44 (0)845 1232996 email: web:

T: +44 (0)845 5040480 F: +44 (0)845 5040488 email: web: ORGANIC TEA

Pukka Herbs


Unit 8 Hawkfield Business Park Bristol, BS14 0BY +44 (0) 1179640944 email: web:

Tullford Point of Sale Ltd 37 Europa Way, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR12EN T: +44 (0)1603 629649 F: +44 (0)1603 630186 email: web:


Detpak Europe B.V.


Regional Head Office: ECI 5, 6041 MA Roermond, Netherlands T: +31 (0)475 316164 F: +31 (0)475 316349 email: web:


Food Packaging Resource, 118 Hellesdon Park Industrial Estate, Hellesdon Park Road, Norwich, NR6 5DR T: +(0)1603 486672 email: web:

Polypouch UK

1 Station Approach, Watford, Herts, WD18 7FR T: +44 (0)203 4753456 email: web:



Association of Independent Espresso Engineers web:

International Paper Foodservice Europe Ltd Units 10 & 11 Navigation Park Road One Winsford Industrial Estate, Winsford Cheshire, CW7 3RL T: +44 (0)1606 552537 email: web:

Espresso Products

Universal Espresso Care Unit 21, Bellevue Enterprise Centre, Ivy Road, Aldershot, Hampshire, GU12 4QW T: +44 (0)1252 758648 / +44 (0)7966 809448 F: +44 (0)1252 334708 email: web:


Unit 14 Pop-In Business Centre, South Way, Wembley, Middlesex, HA9 0HB T: +44 (0)844 8080123 F: +44 (0)844 8080124 email:

Maxabel International

4 Windlemere House, Westwood Road, Windlesham, Surrey, GU20 6NB T: +44 (0)1344 876588 F: +44 (0)1344 876599 email: web:


The Quorum, Bond Street South, Bristol, BS1 3AE T: +44 (0)117 3178600 F: +44 (0)117 3178639 email: web:


Essential Café

Xpress Service

T: +44 (0)845 8802393 F: +44 (0)871 2081616 email: SYRUPS

Bennett Opie Ltd

Chalkwell Road, Sittingbourne, Kent T: +44 (0)1795 476154 email: website:

Euro Food Brands

1 Kimbell Mews, Humfrey Lane, Boughton, Northampton, NN2 8XB T: +44 (0)1604 821234 F: +44 (0)1604 844165 email: website:

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Essential Contacts SYRUPS (CONTINUED)


Glen Dimplex Professional Appliances

Malmesbury Syrups

Park Farm, The Green, Oaksey, Malmesbury, Wiltshire, SN16 9SD T: +44 (0)1666 577379 email: web:

UCD (United Coffee Distributors Limited)

Unit 1, Sheerland Farm, Swan Lane, Pluckley, Kent, TN27 0PN T: +44 (0)1233 840296 F: +44 (0)1233 840113 web: TABLE TENTS AND MENU CARDS

Tullford Point of Sale Ltd 37 Europa Way, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2EN T: +44 (0)1603 629649 F: +44 (0)1603 630186 email: web: TABLEWARE

Tableware Distribution Ltd

Unit 3 Blackwell Business Park, Blackwell Shipston on Stour, Warwickshire, CV36 4PE T: +44 (0)1608 682506 F: +44 (0)1608 681000 email: web: TEA

Pukka Herbs

Unit 8 Hawkfield Business Park Bristol, BS14 0BY +44 (0) 1179640944 email: web: TRADITIONAL MACHINES

Bean Coffee London

43 Leicester Road, London, EN5 5EW T: +44 (0)208 4417643 email: web:


18-22 Birch Road East, Birmingham, B6 7DB T: +44 (0)121 3285757 F: +44 (0)121 3273333 email: web: TRAINING

London School of Coffee

2 Princeton Mews, London, KT2 6PT T: +44 (0)208 4397981 email: web: TV & ENTERTAINMENT

BSkyB (Sky Business)

T: +44 (0)844 2410629 web: (click Retail)

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Stoney Lane, Prescot, Merseyside, L35 2XW T: +44 (0)844 8153742 email: web: WATER FILTRATION

3M United Kingdom plc

3M Centre, Cain Road, Bracknell, RG12 8HT T: +44 (0)845 6025237 web:

Allpure Filters Ltd

Unit 2 The Royston Centre, Lynchford Lane, Ash Vale, Hampshire, GU12 5PQ T: +44 (0)1252 519955 T: +44 (0)1252 519137 email: web:

Abbeychart Ltd

Unit 1b, White Horse Business Park, Standford in the Vale, Faringdon, Oxon, SN7 8NY T: +44 (0)1367 711900 F: +44 (0)1367 711919 email: web:

Aqua Cure Ltd

Aqua Cure House, Hall Street, Southport, Merseyside, PR9 0SE T: +44 (0)1704 516916 F: +44 (0)1704 544916 email: web:

European WaterCare

Regal House, South Road, Harlow, Essex. CM20 2BL T: +44 (0)1279 780250 web:


email: web:

H2O Direct

Rauter House, 1 Sybron Way, Millbrook Ind. Est, Crowborough, East Sussex, TN6 3DZ T: +44 (0)1892 669628 F: +44 (0)1892 662410 email: web: UNIFORMS AND WORKWEAR

Kylemark Workwear

Newton Mill, 45 Green Street, Ayr, KA8 8BQ T: +44 (0)800 7560837 F: +44 (0)1292 618322 email: web:

Are you missing out? To be included in the Contact Directory, contact Ian Kitchener on +44 (0)1634 673163 or at Essential Café



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