Antisocial Personality Disorder An Educational Bite-sized Magazine from Essential Grace Magazine Š2020
1|Antisocial Personality Disorder
Antisocial Personality Disorder There are many people who use the term ‘anti-social’ in their day to day narrative. They may use it to describe their tendency to avoid social activities or lead a solitary lifestyle. This term is misrepresented a great deal. There is a big difference between asocial – which is a personal preference to enjoy one’s own company; and antisocial – which shall be explored in this magazine. The picture on the cover page is an image from the movie The Dark Night (2018), portraying the character of the Joker who is one of the most popular illustrations of antisocial personality disorder.
2|Antisocial Personality Disorder
What exactly is Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD)? Disorders are typically dependent on many variables that vary from individual to individual. This condition runs on a spectrum between two extremes of severe and mild. There are two types of ASPD: the sociopath and the psychopath. The general description includes: impulsive, irresponsible and often criminal in behaviour. A person likely to be manipulative, deceitful, reckless, and does not care about other’s feelings. 3|Antisocial Personality Disorder
Other signs of the disorder include: • Difficulty sustaining long-term relationship • Unable to control their anger • Unable to learn from their mistakes • Blaming others for the problems in their lives • Repeatedly breaking the law • Shows disregard for normal social behaviour and often breaking the law
• Substance abuse Traumatic childhood experiences, neglect, broken homes, and difficult life experiences can contribute to the condition. Drug or alcohol abuse by one of both parents can also be a contributing factor. 4|Antisocial Personality Disorder
5|Antisocial Personality Disorder
Effects of Antisocial Personality Disorder People with this disorder are likely to have addiction problems, especially the males. Substance abuse may often lead to criminal behaviour, although this may be due to the condition itself. This shortens the lifespan of these people due to the increased risky behaviour. In their adulthood, relationship problems, financial difficulties and higher occurrence of illness are rife due to unemployment or reckless lifestyle choices. Diagnosing Antisocial Personality Disorder •
There has to be a history of behavioural disorder from the age of 15.
There has to be a very thorough psychological assessment by a trained and qualified professional.
A diagnosis can only be made after the age of 18 with at least 3 of the following factors present: o Repeatedly breaking the law o Repeatedly being deceitful o Impulsivity and not able to plan ahead o Being irritable and aggressive o Having a reckless disregard for the safety of others
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o Being consistently irresponsible o Lack of remorse or empathy •
These factors need to be isolated from other conditions such as schizophrenia or a manic episode
The age where behaviour becomes more extreme is during late teens and early 20s, becoming less extreme in their 40s.
7|Antisocial Personality Disorder
Treating Antisocial Personality Disorder ASPD is one of the most difficult conditions to treat. However, with the right intervention it can be treated or atleast managed. People with this condition seldom seek treatment out of their own will, or they lie or downplay their symptoms which also makes it hard to treat. It is quite a common condition although it receives very little attention from health practitioners and society in general. Treatment would depend on age, history, substance abuse, and other negative behaviour. Interventions may include: •
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to improve behaviour and the way they treat others.
Community based programs such as Democratic Therapeutic Communities (DTC) can help with longterm treatment and is used especially in prisons.
Medication such as antipsychotic and antidepressant drugs could help in some cases to control aggression and impulsive behaviour.
8|Antisocial Personality Disorder
Myths vs Facts
Myth: Antisocial Personality Disorder is untreatable. Fact: There is no conclusive evidence to support this claim. More research needs to be done in order to find effective interventions. Myth: You can’t prevent ASPD. Fact: In some cases, early intervention towards children with symptoms of ASPD helps to prevent antisocial behaviour manifestation in adulthood Myth: The study and treatment of ASPD may absolve criminals of taking ownership of their behaviour. Fact: Some anti-socials may attempt to use the condition as a way to get around certain consequences for their negative behaviour. However, the diagnosis of ASPD allows for the exploration of behaviour patterns, choices, and emotions in order to understand the condition better. Therefore, learning how to treat it better.
9|Antisocial Personality Disorder
ASPD may be widely misrepresented with very little research to provide more detailed understanding of the disorder. However, it is very common condition with more people walking around with it than we realize. The most important thing one has to know is that psychological disorders are not wished for by anyone. People that suffer from some form of mental disorder need to be understood with patience and perseverance instead of judgment. Where there is a chance for treatment and reform for people with ASPD, that should be encouraged. If you are in Malawi, seek professional help if you suspect ASPD in yourself or someone you know.
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11 | A n t i s o c i a l P e r s o n a l i t y D i s o r d e r
Where to get Help
Northern Region St John of God Hospital Services +265 01 311 690 Mzuzu Central Hospital +265 01 320 916/998
Central Region St John of God Hospital Services +265 992 460 253/992 460 254 Kamuzu Central Hospital +265 01 753 555
Southern Region Zomba Psychiatric Hospital +265 01 524 750 Zomba Central Hospital +265 01 526 266/525 195
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