Essential Grace Magazine August 2022

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1 | Essential Grace Magazine August 2022 Essential Grace Magazine August 2022 Vol. 3 Issue 1

3 | Essential Grace Magazine August 2022 In this Issue … Monthly Theme World Honey Bee Day 2022 Kiss and Make Up Day Mental Health Internet Self-care Day Mental Health and the Internet Health and Wellness World Mosquito Day 2022 Family Care in Mosquito Season Resources

4 | Essential Grace Magazine August 2022 Dear Reader, Welcome to Volume 3 of the Essential Grace Online Publication!!

Remember to be mindful on protecting your home and your family from mosquitoes and from Malaria in the coming months. These monthly themes always serve to help us take note of international events, news, research, as well as areas of need. I hope you will be entertained, informed, and encouraged as we explore mental health and wellness!

The month of August kicks off Volume 3 with some interesting theme. We look at WorldHoneyBeeDay, a day that has been set aside to value the importance of this tiny insect that has such a huge role to play in agriculture around world. As Malawians, we may value this insect more in this season as our mango trees are overflowing with flowers and are surrounded by bees; foretelling a December mango feast!

We also focus on resolving conflict in an article by Roshin Ebrahim.Kissand

We have been going strong for the last two years, thank you for your continued support and readership.

Want to get in touch? You may do so through our social media pages or directly to the editor through Enjoy the read! Julie Soko

MakeUpDayreminds us that we each have a choice in the way we respond to conflict, as well as ideas on how to do this in an effective and practical way. One of the most important days commemorated in the month of August has got to be WorldMosquitoDay. It may be a coincidence that this day is observed in the month when mosquitos make a comeback in Malawi after the colder winter months. We take a brief look at the recent trials of Malaria Vaccine that have been rolled out in Kenya, Uganda, and Malawi.

5 | Essential Grace Magazine August 2022 Mtendere Kishindo Sub Editor Thandi De Jong Editorial Assistant Naomi Msusa Editorial Art and Design Julie ManagingSokoEditor Essential Grace is a free online publication that is focused of promoting mental health and wellness in Malawi and around the world. Follow and subscribe to the magazine at follow, like, and share on our social media platforms; @EssentialGraceMagazine @essentialgracemagazine.mw0995147290 Comments and feedback on any of our content can be addressed to

6 | Essential Grace Magazine August 2022 Special thanks to this month’s contributors: Francesca Willow – internet source RoshinVioletEbrahimMtali Courageous Musasa Did you know … Most of our editorial content is contributed by our readers. We welcome your ideas, articles, questions, images, and feedback. Submit your content to the editor at

7 | Essential Grace Magazine August 2022



Honey’s sweetness is often celebrated during the holiday season. It is used in some of the most delectable dishes found all around the world. Honey has a worldwide appeal and is frequently used as a metaphor for fruitfulness in literature. Since the earliest civilizations, honey has been used as a sweetener for all sorts of food. Though the method of collecting honey was sometimes painful, the people still happily took the risk. The importance of honey was not limited to edibility alone. It has been used as a preservative and for treating certain ailments. The benefits of honey quickly sparked the desire for beekeeping since the Egyptian civilization. The method and upkeep improved as time went on. After a comb harvest, a man named Lorenzo Langstroth discovered a way to keep the hive going. Bees were also discovered to have a significant role in pollination. Because pollination is so crucial to us, this has drawn a lot of attention to the role of bees.

The first World Honey Bee Day was held in 2009, and it has since grown in popularity. The holiday is commemorated on the 20th of August each year with the intention of promoting beekeeping and exposing information about honey bees.

World Honey Bee Day is a holiday dedicated to raising awareness about the bee’s numerous advantages. It’s a day to celebrate beekeeping and encourages you to learn more about it. However, it is also a day that reminds us of the worldwide extinction of bee species. It’s a holiday that encourages us to think about our impact on the environment.

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Why are pollinators threatened? Across the world populations of pollinators are in decline for a few reasons: InvasivespeciesInvasivepredators, parasites and pathogens have all contributed to the collapse of global bee colonies. In Europe, the spread of the Asian Hornet has caused concern as they’re specialised honeybee predators, while in North America diseases have hurt bee populations.

9 | Essential Grace Magazine August 2022

Part of this is also because bees have become more vulnerable to disease due to increased pesticide exposure, which can damage their immune systems. Why Honey Bees Are Important & Ways We Can Protect Them

Why should we be concerned about honey bees? Bees are some of the best pollinators in the world, which is vital for the world’s food supply. It’s estimated that 1/3 of global food production is reliant on insect pollination. Bees are specifically responsible for 70 of approximately 100 crop species that feed 90% of the world’s population. Honey bees alone are responsible for $30 billion annually in Ifcrops.bees disappear completely, we don’t know what foods will survive. If we lose all plants that bees pollinate, the animals that eat those plants will also be threatened, leading to the potential collapse of many ecosystems and food chains. A world without bees would most likely struggle to sustain the global population. A 2019 study suggests that over 40% of the world’s insect species are in decline; scientists believe that around one third of insect species could be threatened with extinction.

Whatcanbedone?Whilesomehaveresorted to researching robot bees or hand pollination, most believe that it’s best to focus on regenerating and rewilding land to provide habitat for bees to thrive, help populations to bounce back by providing homes, and stop mass reliance on pesticides (something that can be achieved if we switch to regenerative agricultural models).

PesticidesPesticideexposure is highly detrimental to pollinators. The three most common UK pesticides are insecticides, fungicides and herbicides. Chemicals in insecticides can kill bees and reduce re productivity rates (some of these have recently been banned in the EU), while herbicides contain weed killers that destroy many of the plants bees rely on for foraging. Sustainable farming schemes have focused on planting wildflower strips on the edge of crop fields, however, clouds of herbicides often drift from fields to nearby plants regardless. The most commonly used weed killer, glyphosate, can also harm the gut microbes of bees, which is bad for their Climatehealth.breakdownSomewildbeescan only survive in a very narrow temperature range. As habitats get warmer, the places they can survive reduces, forcing them to seek out colder climates or die. Additionally, changing climates can change when plants flower, disrupting bee nesting behaviour and emergence after winter.

HabitatdestructionConventionalagriculture and farming have led to declines in biodiversity. In Britain alone, 97% of our vital grasslands have been lost in the past 60 years. A big problem for bees specifically is lack of suitable habitat for foraging due to the loss of hedgerows, woodland and meadows rich in plant species, many of which have been replaced by monocultures and intensive agriculture. As many insects face extinction species such as the honey bee, which can survive in more temperatures and conditions, will become the main pollinators we rely on while rarer, specialist species will decline. As complex ecosystems become dominated by generalist species systems also become more fragile, as a sudden change can have much wider impacts. Insects are the cornerstones of many complex food webs, and their loss poses huge threats to ecological stability.

Some are stepping up to implement these methods. For example, Low Carbon, a renewable energy investment company, has launched an initiative focused on increasing biodiversity and helping bees in areas of Cornwall, Dorset and Suffolk. At all of their solar parks, Low Carbon work with landowners to both protect existing flora and fauna and introduce new ways to sustainably care for the land. The process is ongoing, continually working to increase diversity of habitats and species, including meadows, hedgerows, wildflowers, woodland, sheep, bees, birds and bats (fun fact: bats are pollinators too!)

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policyhappenSheandFrancescaFRANCESCAWILLOWWillowisaGeordiewriterartistbasedinCornwall/London.believesthebestwaytoseechangeisthroughconsumerchoice,intersectionalcollectiveaction,andchange. more of this article here

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But now Low Carbon has also partnered with Plan Bee to install and manage 25 beehives across five of its solar farms. It has funded more than 300MW of solar in the UK, with solar parks providing perfect protected areas of land to provide safe homes for bees. Each site hosts more than 300,000 bees; with the addition of Low Carbon’s tenant beekeepers, this provides homes to 2 million overall. Conditions such as temperature, humidity, hive weight and weather are monitored to ensure the bees continue to thrive, while each hive also produces local honey. When it comes to individual changes, a key area is to continually ask our politicians to prioritise regenerative agriculture and reducing pesticide use. More immediately, we can also help to create more habitats to sustain pollinators. Over winter honey bees use up their stores of honey and the queen starts to lay eggs, so spring becomes vital as they need to replenish their nectar and pollen stores. The protein from pollen is used for the brood, so a wide variety of available flowers is crucial to bee survival, especially hedgerow and woodland species such as willow, hawthorn, and dandelions, so prioritising planting a variety of plants can be incredibly helpful. To find out how to plant for bees year round, Friends of the Earth has a guide here. Additionally, many wildflowers are classed as weeds but are wonderful sources of food for bees, so letting garden spaces grow wilder can be invaluable. If you want to remove weeds you can let them bloom for bees first, then pull them out or trim them back before they go to seed. Additionally, mowing your lawn less often and less closely can provide places to feed and shelter for pollinators too.

Bee venom

APITHERAPY, or “bee therapy” (from the Latin apis which means bee) is the medicinal use of products made by honeybees. Products of the Honeybee include bee venom, honey, pollen, royal jelly, propolis, and beeswax.

Worker bees produce venom to protect themselves and their hives from attack. Bees sting their attackers, injecting them with their venom. Bee venom is a mixture of proteins, amino acids, water, and volatile compounds that cause a painful reaction.

Some of the conditions treated (not in any special order) are: multiple sclerosis, arthritis, wounds, pain, gout, shingles, burns, tendonitis, and infections.

Honeybees secrete nutrient dense royal jelly to feed their larvae for the first few days of their lives. After that, only the bees that will become queens continue eating royal jelly. Worker bees usually live for 4 6 weeks, while queen bees can live for up to 6 years. Royal jelly is rich in B vitamins, proteins, and antioxidants. Antioxidants reduce the levels of free radicals in the body, which experts think may be responsible for aging. Bee pollen Pollen, which worker bees collect from plants, is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and amino acids. Bees pollinate plants while collecting pollen, as they transfer it from one flower to another. They also eat it, and it provides most of their dietary protein. Ever heard of Apitherapy?

Royal jelly

Honey Honey is probably the most well known bee product. In apitherapy, people use honey in its raw form, which means that they have not filtered, processed, or heat treated it. Honey contains small amounts of protein, minerals, vitamins, and enzymes. It also has antifungal and antiviral properties.

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Therapies involving the honeybee have existed for thousands of years and some may be as old as human medicine itself. The ancient rock art of early hunter gatherers depicts the honeybee as a source of natural medicine. Bee venom therapy was practiced in ancient Egypt, Greece, and China three Great Civilizations known for their highly developed medical systems. Hippocrates, the Greek physician known as the “Father of Medicine”, recognized the healing virtues of bee venom for treating arthritis and other joint problems. Today, growing scientific evidence suggests that various bee products promote healing by improving circulation, decreasing inflammation, and stimulating a healthy immune Whatresponse.products do people use for apitherapy?

August 25 is Kiss and Make Up Day, a day to let go of resentment, grudges, anger, and indignation. The unofficial holiday encourages people to make up and reconcile with anyone they are estranged with at work, school, or in their family.

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Conflict is one of the biggest truths in life. No matter how much we may try, disagreements are a big part of our relationships with others. Most of the times, these differences can be easily set aside and forgotten. Sometimes, however, arguments and misunderstandings can take an ugly turn, estranging and isolating people from each other.

Kiss and make up is an English language idiom that means to forgive someone and be friends again with them.

When we hear people saykissedand madeup, what exactly do they mean?

Reconnecting after a fight can be a heavenly experience and bring two people really close. The kisses and cuddles, and the peace after the apology have a lot of power to cement your relationship. That’s why it’s important to put some real thought into how to make up after a fight. How you make up after a fight with your boyfriend or girlfriend says a lot about the way you want your relationship to unfold. Some couples become more distant after a fight. Others sulk for days and some even walk away to find relief from the screaming and the bickering. While each person’s response to an unpleasant showdown with their partner may vary, the fact remains that fights are inevitable in any relationship. But how you make up after a fight truly determines the direction your relationship takes after a conflict.

Forgiveness Forgiveness means different things to different people. Generally, it involves letting go of a grudge or thoughts of revenge. The action that hurt you may be remembered, but forgiving the person for will always bring you peace and a light heart. It helps to free you from the control of the person who harmed you because you no longer want to harm them back. Forgiveness leads to feelings of understanding, empathy, and compassion for the one who hurt you.

15 | Essential Grace Magazine August 2022

Kiss and Make Up Day

By Roshin Ebrahim

Kiss and makeup is the term used for forgiving your loved one. To be specific, fights or disagreements with a romantic partner. If you have kissed and made up, you have resolved your conflict. Who hasn’t been hurt by words and actions of another? Perhaps a parent constantly criticizing you or your partner always finding faults in you. Different words can hurt in different ways and so do actions. These wounds leave you with lasting feelings of anger and bitterness, sometimes even vengeance. No matter our origins, we are all emotional beings seeking for human connection, a need that is perhaps even more urgent when we’ve been wronged. It’s normal to have conflict in relationships. People are different, and their desires and needs will inevitably

clash. Resolving disagreements in a healthy way creates understanding and brings couples closer together. The objective should be the betterment of the relationship. This is positive conflict. Therefore, forgiveness is important.


Holding onto a grudge can significantly impact your mental and physical health.

Effects of holding a grudge

Humans tend to hold onto grudges because it gives them a sense of control. Assuming that if we refuse to forgive an offense, it will never be repeated.

Additionally, forgiveness is the release of resentment or anger but not reconciliation. One doesn’t have to return to the same relationship or accept the same hurtful behaviors from your loved one. Forgiveness helps you move on and this is the reason it is important for your mental health.

Whenweholdontogrudgesand resentment,it’slikedrinking fewersymptomsofdepression,a improvedstrongerimmunesystem,hearthealth,improvedself-esteem.

Letting go of grudges can improve your mental health and bring you peace of mind. It can lead to: Holding onto a grudge Being hurt by a loved one sparks anger, sadness, and confusion inside our minds. If you dwell on those hurtful events or situations the grudge will be rooted into your mind, and you will be filled with vengeance. If the negative thoughts overshadow your positive thoughts, you might find that you are swallowed by a pool of bitterness and a sense of injustice.

Making your body live in a constant state of chronic stress disables your body’s repair and detox mechanisms, which then leads to increased inflammation and increased release of the stress hormone Cortisol in the body. When you practice forgiveness it engages with your nervous system, which helps your immune system and makes you more productive and efficient as you have released happy hormones into your body like serotonin and oxytocin. If you are tempted to dwell on an offense, remind yourself what you are doing to your body when you run the scenario in your mind again. If you're unforgiving, you might: Bring anger and bitterness into every relationship and new experience Become so wrapped up in the wrong that you can't enjoy the present Become depressed or anxious Feel that your life lacks meaning or purpose, or that you're at odds with your spiritual beliefs Lose valuable and enriching connectedness with others Why is it so hard to forgive?

Benefits of forgiveness

Grudges hurt the immune system

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Yourbraincannotalwaysknowwhatisrealandwhatis imagined.Whenyoureplayan experienceinyourmind,your bodyreactsasifyou’rehaving thesameexperiencerepeatedly.

establishAcknowledgeyourpain,boundaries,realizetheimpactofforgiveness,forgive yourself,visualizelettinggoof yourgrudge.

One thing you should remember is that it is not worth it. Our mind usually wants us to sink its teeth into blaming, negativity, and tension, but holding a grudge won’t give you any control over the situation. Forgiveness can be challenging, especially if the person who has hurt you doesn’t admit that they are wrong. How to let go of resentment Living with a victim mentality can lead to a compromised immune system and compromised mental health. You need to realize that you have more control than you think and can leave behind the victim mentality by letting go of the bitterness and the grudges. How can you do that? Uncover your anger by exploring how you’ve reacted and responded to this emotion.Decide to forgive. Begin by admitting that ignoring the offense hasn’t worked, and therefore forgiveness might provide a more effective way forward.Cultivate forgiveness by developing compassion for the offender. Reflect on why you were hurt and what was the motive behind hurting you.

The decision to forgive an affair is deeply personal. A key component is for the partner who had the affair to be completely transparent and honest from that moment forward to rebuild trust in the relationship. This may involve exploring the reasons for the affair to address underlying problems and prevent infidelity in the future.

Rrelease the harmful emotions and reflect on how you may have grown from the experience and the act of forgiveness Ititself.iswise to acknowledge that rresentment can sometimes linger for years, even if we believe that we’ve “moved on” or “forgotten about it.” To release the resentment, you should reflect on why the person may have committed the offense, sit with the pain, and then try to forgive the other person, because forgiveness can instil a sense of strength that overpowers Thebitterness.following steps can help you let go of resentment How do I forgive my partner for cheating on me?

17 | Essential Grace Magazine August 2022

Rules of Engagement In positive conflict, ideally, you’re able to verbalize your needs and wants and Laughtogether-admitthatyouare wrongandgenuinelyapologizetexteachother lettheother


Let’s face it, a relationship involves two people who have grown up with different values and mind set, so clashes are unavoidable. This doesn’t say that you would be fighting every single day over trivial things, but sometimes, there is a possibility of arguments escalating into a big conflict. That’s when reconnecting after the big fight becomes supremely important and how you do it really counts. How to make up after a fight? What do couples do after a fight? If you think throwing an apology in the air and expecting your partner to melt is the right way to make up after a fight in a relationship, you are wrong. Reconnecting after a fight needs effort and, maybe, you should read on to learn how best to handle this situation. To figure out how to get back to normal after a fight, follow these steps: Self-esteem and engagement Self esteem is essential to healthy communication, which lays the foundation for avoiding fights and handling conflict. Unfortunately, this isn’t the norm, especially among co dependent couples. Not having the knowledge on how to express your anger and how to handle a conflict, usually end up in passive aggressive behavior. When it comes to disagreements, low self esteem leads to:

18 | Essential Grace Magazine August 2022

At the other extreme are toxic relationships and high conflict couples, where differences escalate into power struggles and communication becomes aggressive. How to make up after a fight

andsolvetheactualproblem-talk abouttheissue behonest be

Arguments are good Arguments aren’t necessarily a bad sign. Sometimes they show that the differences are surfacing between the two individuals. However, if the differences aren’t acknowledged then the relationship seems sacrificial. One partner may then tend to sacrifice their wishes. This usually backfires, because the couples build resentment and passive aggressive behaviour, and their closeness and intimacy suffer. With these couples, conflict is a sign of growth and maturity.

Takinghumble.thingspersonally, defensiveness,inabilitytoexpress


Examine what unmet needs are making you angry. With I statements, be direct and honest about your needs in the relationship. Communicate the positive consequences of compliance.

Begin by acknowledging that you are at fault and take responsibility for the hurt you caused. Reflect on why the event occurred and identify how to avoid a similar offense in the future. Then forgive yourself by focusing on the thought, saying it aloud, or writing it down. Apologize to the person you wronged and try to improve their life in a meaningful way Dos and don’ts of managing a conflict DO: Make it okay to “agree to disagree.” You don’t have to agree on everything. Try to accept irresolvable differences that don’t violate your values. Have time limited discussions and stick to the present time. A half hour is plenty. You can always reconvene. Work through things as they come up. Don’t push them under the rug otherwise the rug will topple over your relationship. Remember to maintain goodwill by separating the person you care about from the behaviour. Assume he or she is doing their best and isn’t hurting you intentionally.Takeresponsibility for your behaviour, needs, and feelings. Use “I” statements to share your feelings and thoughts about yourself. This doesn’t include “I feel you’re inconsiderate.” Instead, say “I feel unimportant to you.”

Listen with curiosity, empathy and a desire to understand your partner. When you don’t understand, ask for clarification. Remember that your partner is telling you his or her experience. It reveals the truth about them, not you. You’re free to disagree, but first see where the person is coming from. Use a “we” approach. “We have a problem,” not “My problem with you is . . .” Rather than demand your way, brainstorm solutions. Request your partner’s input, especially when it comes to changing his or her behaviour.

19 | Essential Grace Magazine August 2022 mutually work out compromises. Your intent and how you approach differences are critical. The objective should be to resolve a dispute and not about winning and losing. You can “win” an argument, but the relationship may suffer if your partner feels discounted, deflated, or resentful. How to forgive yourself Forgiving another person is one thing, but what happens when we commit the offense ourselves? It’s important to take responsibility for mistakes, but intense guilt and shame aren’t a productive outcome in the long run. The process of self forgiveness can be a painful challenge but deeply valuable. Key to this process is owning up to one’s mistakes, understanding why they occurred, and helping to rectify the situation. How do I forgive myself for past mistakes?

Forgivenessisagiftyougiveyourself “Somepeoplemisunderstand

Don’t bring up the past anything more than a few days old. Stick to the current problem. You don’t need more “evidence” that you’re right and your partner is wrong. Don’t compromise your bottom lines in the relationship if they’re non negotiable. It will lead to more conflict later.

Don’t bring in other people’s opinions or make comparisons to others. Don’t switch topics, or retaliate with, “but you did . . .”

Don’t expect your partner to read your mind. Don’t analyse your partner or assign motives or feelings to him or her. Don’t interrupt or manipulate the conversation. Don’t react or defend yourself. Instead, communicate your point of view.

mustbehaviour,forgivenessasignoringbadbutreally,forgivenessisthepathtoourmentalandemotionalfreedom.Wenolongerholdourselvesinbondagebasedonwhatsomeoneelsedidto us.”


20 | Essential Grace Magazine August 2022 Take a time out if you start to get angry. This allows you to calm down and stop reacting. Reassure your partner that you’ll resume. Use breaks to take responsibility for your part, to think about solutions, and self soothe any hurt feelings. Communicate your fears and guilt in the relationship.

Don’t judge, blame, belittle, or be sarcastic or dismissive in words or facial expressions, such as rolling your eyes or smirking.

Don’t make accusations or use the words, “always” or “never.”

DON’T: Don’t have controversial discussions when you’re tired or in the bedroom, which should be a safe place.

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The impact of using the internet has shown mixed results. People with regular access to the internet have tested happier than those without it, yet internet addiction is now recognized by the mental health community as a very real problem.


22 | Essential Grace Magazine August 2022 Can The Internet Affect Your Mental Health?

23 | Essential Grace Magazine August 2022 Why Using the Internet Makes You Happy?

These days, access to the internet is viewed as a basic necessity. People go online for news, weather forecasts, social interaction, financial information, pleasure reading, shopping, travel research and much more. When people who have become accustomed to using the internet are cut off from it, the results include anger, frustration and a sense of being disconnected. This is an important reason why access to the Web makes some people happy. Adults who have never used the internet test at happiness levels consistent with those who feel happier using it. Internet Use Disorder

For those who don’t self-limit their use of the internet, it may affect them in other negative ways. Reading too many new stories about tragedies can cause despair and lead to anxiety disorders. Reading chat boards where faceless people spew vitriol can cause irritation and anger. Missing sleep due to internet use can lead to depression, irritability, relationship problems and a loss of mental focus. Surfing the Web with Wisdom Maintaining control over the time you spend online and what you do while on the internet is the key to benefiting from it without the negative side effects. If the coarse nature of the debate on political or social sites makes you angry, then quit reading or dialoguing. That same principle applies to any type of site you regularly visit. If you feel worse after being there, it’s not good for your mental health.

The term mental health professionals are using for internet addiction is Internet Use Disorder (IUD), and there is a push to have it included in the next edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders. The hallmarks of IUD are consistent with similar disorders the individual chooses the internet over face to face relationships, the person can’t stop the behavior and it takes up increasingly more of their attention. They develop sleep disorders and it begins to affect relationships and work. Online gaming, pornography and social networking are among the causes of IUD. Other Potential Effects on Mental Health

In May of 2017, the Royal Society for Public Health published their #StatusofMind report focusing on the impact of various social media platforms on the mental health of young people. A survey of 14 24 olds found that, for four of five major social media platforms, the negative impacts on mental health outweighed the positives for those surveyed (pp.17 23).

Interferes with sleep exposure to LED lights before sleep (it is believed) interfere with brain processes that trigger feelings of sleepiness. Consistently interrupted sleep can be detrimental to mental health. This effect is true of most networked devices. Check out the full article here

Encourages comparison to other people’s lives – frequent exposure to the notable highlights of contacts’ lives can encourage a ‘compare and despair’ attitude where the user’s outlook on their own life becomes less favourable and affects their mental well being. This is due to the belief that other people are living ‘fuller’ lives.

Link to anxiety and depression identified rates of anxiety and depression in young people have increased by 70% over the past 25 years. Research suggests that young people described as ‘heavy users’ of social media platforms are more likely to report poor mental health.

24 | Essential Grace Magazine August 2022 the internet affect your mental health/

The report cites the following as some of the ways in which social media can negatively affect mental health.

The internet is a reflection of society as a whole. What you choose to participate in will determine whether the internet is a help or hindrance to having good mental health. If you believe you may have IUD/internet addiction, then consider talking with a mental health professional about your concerns.

25 | Essential Grace Magazine August 2022 Did you know that August 21st Is Internet self-care day? Neither did I! This is a new concept that I am learning and embracing. What’s it all about? It simply encourages people to take advantage of resources online that help them to look after themselves. I think that this is truly a great initiative. After all, most of us spend many hours each day online. Why not make some time to intentionally seek resources that benefit our lives and the lives of Theothers?bible tells us to love our neighbour as we love ourselves (Mark 12:31). This is something that many people, especially Christians struggle to grasp. There is a distorted notion that we are supposed to spend all our time looking after others. This is very impractical, because the bible clearly shows us that we are also supposed to think about our own needs. The aforementioned scripture has balance. We are to look after others as we also look after ourselves. When we neglect self care, we can become ill, burnt out, bitter, depressed and incapable of being the blessing that God wants us to be. Can you pour from an empty cup? Can you draw from an empty well? Absolutely not! We can only truly give love, light, laughter, hope, warmth and help to others when we are filled with an abundance of goodness. Whataresomewaysthatyoucanusetheinternetforselfcare?Firstly,Iencourageyoutoexaminetheplatformsandspacesthatyouspendtimeonandremoveyourselffromplacesthataresinful,toxic,negativeandunGodly.Youmayhavetodoatechnologyfastfirsttodetox.ItookabreakfromFacebookandInstagramforanumberofmonthsandIfoundthatmyjoygreatlyincreased.Beingonlinebringsalotofstress.Wearebombardedwithsomanyimages,videosandvastamountsofinformation.Iwasfeelingoverwhelmedandafterdeliberatelyreducingtheamountoftimespentonsocialmedia,mymentalhealthgreatlyimproved. Internet Self Care Day By Violet Mtali

It’s so easy to go with the flow and follow trends, but as a Christian, I like to follow social media that will help me grow as a person. An Important goal in my life is to keep myself as pure as possible in a polluted world I strive to live my life in a way that pleases God. I have learnt that great peace and contentment come when you avoid comparing yourself to people’s posts and status updates. Sometimes you can be in a bad place and you just don’t need to see people showing off. I lost my dear aunt a few months ago during Easter and it was so painful to be mourning when others seemed to be celebrating. Spending time offline kept me sane. A helpful tip for social media detoxing is to examine content and always censor un Godly material. You can find this principle in Matthew 5:30. We all have different beliefs and personal convictions. It takes a lot of spiritual maturity and self control to navigate the internet. I have found that as I grow in my faith journey, my spiritual eyes become opened and I see a lot of sinful content. I encourage you to read your bible and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance. When you sacrifice something that feels enjoyable, there is some pain when you experience the loss. However, I have found that if you search, you can find plenty of Godly material that is much more fulfilling. Music is very powerful and I have leaned into more worship music and decent secular music, my mood has improved dramatically. I spend my days on Deezer listening to joyful tunes that keep my mood and energy going. Secondly, I encourage you to take advantage of resources that give you beneficial information. Knowledge is power (Hosea4:6).As a wife and mother, I have decided to spend more time online learning about home management and meal preparation. My household depends on me every day and the internet is full of recipes, guides and amazing content. On YouTube, you have access to so many videos for free and can become a chef if you devote yourself. You can look for content on home décor. Pages like Pinterest provide great inspiration to decorate your home in simple ways that totally transform the ambience. As a parent, I have greatly benefited from resources such as Baby Centre and What to Expect. The parenting journey is a steep learning curve. My husband and I found that when we read about childhood development, the stages come in less of a shock. We are definitely not medical professionals. When our child is sick, we take him to the hospital. However, self learning helps parents to problem solve more efficiently and quickly. You can just Google for common symptoms and save countless trips to the hospital. In my 20s, I became hooked to fitness YouTube channels like Exercise TV. Coaches like Billy Blanks are my favourite! For free, you have access to amazing,

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27 | Essential Grace Magazine August 2022 personal trainers. This has helped me to stay in great shape and develop confidence. My spiritual life has been greatly blessed by watching people like Joyce Meyer on YouTube. You can listen to enlightening podcasts on YouTube, Spotify, Anchor, etc. I work from home and as I work, clean, manage my home, I train myself to listen to the word of GOD and grow. My Marriage has been blessed by Focus on the Family and Marriage Today Social media can bring the best or worst out of your life, depending on the state of your heart and mind. I highly recommend the Own Your Lane YouTube Channel. Own Your Lane is a Malawian personal development company that helps people create impact and wealth. There are weekly teachings that provide inspiration and challenge you to grow. Since I have been part of this company, my faith, mind set and life have truly transcended to another level. I also have my own personal ministry called Ultravi (podcast, Facebook page and YouTube channel), where I try to make a positive impact in the world by making real, honest, artistic, creative and encouraging content. Thirdly, I encourage you to take advantage of resources online that help you heal. We live in a broken world and most humans experience so much trauma. Counselling is highly needed, but costs may be expensive for some people. There are many free online counselling resources. I recommend Christian counselling for Christians, because the teachings will be in line with the word of God. I also appreciate the simple infographics that content creators design that spread awareness about issues likes depression, suicide, sexual abuse, etc. sometimes people just need bite sized pieces of information to rescue them in a difficult time and/or season. I love the culture of passing on beneficial information, affirmations, memes and Ideclarations.

’ m sure I am not the only one who gets irritated when people forward information in groups like Whatsapp without verifying the authenticity. It breaks my heart when people rush to complain and spread negativity online. I used to do that. However, I had to allow God to work on me. Instead, I like to share the love of God through my social media platforms. I truly hope that this has been an encouragement for you to look after yourself and I pray that a new world of possibilities will be revealed to you. Connect with me through the links below:


World Malaria Day 2022 Harnessinnovationtoreducethemalariadiseaseburdenandsavelives

More than just annoying summertime pests, mosquitoes are also responsible for spreading malaria, a disease that kills over half a million people every year.

When Ronald Ross discovered that mosquitoes transmit malaria in 1897, he revolutionized our understanding of the disease and led to increased awareness about malaria prevention.


Today, the best way to prevent the disease is to avoid bites by infected mosquitoes. Insecticide-treated nets, preventive treatment for pregnant women and infants, and indoor residual spraying are all ways to reduce transmission, but the prevalence of mosquitoes in hard hit areas like Sub Saharan Africa pose a challenge to eradication measures.

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Although an improved understanding of the disease has led to more innovative preventive measures and medical treatments, a malaria vaccine remains elusive.

the first World Mosquito Day then and there, stating that the world must be made aware of the link between mosquitoes and malaria.

Mosquitoes, those tiny blood sucking insects, are responsible for transmitting serious diseases such as malaria. With no vaccine currently available worldwide, malaria an ancient disease that began afflicting humans from the beginning of agriculture and modern civilization remains a deadly threat to people around the world. Caused by Plasmodium parasites, malaria shows up in historic texts as far back as the first millennium BCE. In fact, the first traces of malaria parasites were found in mosquito remains that are over 30 million years old! Malaria has affected every continent except Antarctica, and remains a widespread problem in parts of the world including Sub Saharan Africa, South Asia, and the Caribbean. Over 200 million people still contract malaria each year. In 2010, 90% of malaria deaths occurred in Africa. The World Health Organization reports concerns about drug-resistant malaria, which can hamper efforts to reduce the spread of the disease.

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World Mosquito Day honors the date when Sir Ronald Ross, a British army surgeon working in India, proved that mosquitoes transmit malaria by identifying pigmented malaria parasites in mosquitoes that fed on an infected patient. This discovery revolutionized our knowledge of the disease and led to new preventive measures. Ross won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in Ross1902.declared

HISTORY OF WORLD MOSQUITO DAY Readmoreofthisarticlehere


 High impact in real life childhood vaccination settings: Significant reduction (30%) in deadly severe malaria, even when introduced in areas where insecticide treated nets are widely used and there is good access to diagnosis and treatment.

o Data from the pilot program showed that more than two thirds of children in the 3 countries who are not sleeping under a mosquito net are benefitting from the RTS,S vaccine.

The recommendation was informed by results from an ongoing WHO coordinated pilot program in Ghana, Kenya and Malawi that has reached more than 900 000 children since 2019.

o Layering the tools results in over 90% of children benefitting from at least one preventive intervention (insecticide treated mosquito nets or the malaria vaccine).

In 2021, WHO recommended the broad use of the RTS,S malaria vaccine for young children living in areas with moderate and high malaria transmission.


Key findings of the pilots informed the recommendation based on data and insights generated from two years of vaccination in child health clinics in the three pilot countries, implemented under the leadership of the Ministries of Health of Ghana, Kenya and Malawi. Findings include:

 Reaching the unreached: RTS,S increases equity in access to malaria prevention.

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 No negative impact on uptake of mosquito nets, other childhood vaccinations, or health seeking behavior for febrile illness. In areas where the vaccine has been introduced, there has been no decrease in the use of insecticide treated nets, uptake of other childhood vaccinations or health seeking behavior for febrile illness.

Evidence and experience from the program has shown that the vaccine is safe, feasible to deliver and reduces deadly severe malaria. RTS,S is an example of innovation at work and a scientific breakthrough it is the first vaccine recommended for use against a human parasitic disease of any kind.

Summary of key findings of the malaria vaccine pilots

 Highly cost-effective: Modelling estimates that the vaccine is cost effective in areas of moderate to high malaria transmission. more of this article here

Feasible to deliver: Vaccine introduction is feasible, improves health and saves lives, with good and equitable coverage of RTS,S seen through routine immunization systems. This occurred even in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic.

 Strong safety profile: To date, more than 2.3 million doses of the vaccine have been administered in 3 African countries the vaccine has a favorable safety profile.

31 | Essential Grace Magazine August 2022 Keep your family safe in mosquito season …

Today, I have an orphanage called Courageous Kids Foundation where I live with 70 orphans and vulnerable children rescued from the streets of Blantyre under one roof. Although I don't have donors but with the little I have together with the support of the community and well wishers, we make a huge difference. If you are willing to support me and my goals for the foundation, don't hesitate to reach out to me. You can donate funds, clothes, food, shoes, school materialistic etc. in touch: +265 990 38 02 29 Look out for the full interview in the September issue.

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My name is Courageous Musasa. My parents died when I was 10 years old back in 2004. All my relatives abandoned us. My three siblings and I had nowhere to go as the landlord of the house my parents had been renting was demanding his rental payments. Eventually, we were evicted. With no other options, my little siblings and I were forced onto the streets of Blantyre. Of course we faced a lot of challenges, including being raped by people who claimed they wanted to help us. While living on the streets with my siblings, we were identified and rescued by Friends of Mulanje Orphanage (FOMO). Respect goes to Mary Woodworth, the Founder of FOMO. She is the root of the life I live today. She raised me with my siblings, and upon completion of my secondary education I settled in Chilobwe together with my siblings. After all the good things she did for me, I couldn't pay her back, the only way to say thank you to her is to pay forward the favour she showed to me by helping other children from the street and those in the community. If only there were more women like her, the world would have been a better place.


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34 | Essential Grace Magazine August 2022 Resources

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38 | Essential Grace Magazine August 2022 Would you like to advertise your mental health services with Essential Grace Magazine? Get in touch with us for your free offer of mental health related advertising be it for counselling services, support groups, books, upcoming events, and wellness services (e.g. Fitness, massage therapy)

Ntcheu District Hospital Ntchisi District Hospital Salima District Hospital

Dowa District Hospital

Nkhokota District Hospital

Mulanje District Hospital Mwanza District Hospital

Mchinji District Hospital

Mangochi District Hospital

Balaka District Hospital

Dedza District Hospital

Chiradzulu District Hospital Machinga District Hospital

Nsanje District Hospital Phalombe District Hospital

Thyolo District Hospital Zomba District Hospital

By now, we hope you are aware that you can access mental health care from all the Central Hospitals in the country. Here is something to take note of, before you can get to the Central Hospitals, you need to first visit your local District Hospital in order to be assisted. This applies to mental health care as well. Once you have been assessed, the medical staff (a psychiatric nurse or clinician) will then determine whether you need to be referred to the Central Hospital, which also provides comprehensive care for mental health challenges. Please take note of the list of District Hospitals available in Malawi.

Kasungu District Hospital

Nkhata Bay District Hospital Rumphi District Hospital

Chitipa District Hospital Karonga District Hospital Mzimba District Hospital

Chikwawa District Hospital

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