Essential Grace Magazine February1 |2022 Essential
Grace Magazine
Vol.2 J a n u a Issue r y 2 0 2 27
Happy Valentines Month! Remember to plant your own garden ad decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers, Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have. Love is the great miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.
Louise L. Hay
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January 2022
In this Issue … Monthly Themes Eating Disorders Awareness Mental Health Feature: Generalised Anxiety Disorder (G.A.D) Anxiety and Eating Disorders Lifestyle Tips for Managing Anxiety Health and Wellness Food for Thought Story: Lizzie Saka Habits for Healthy Families Anxiety in Children Resources Book Review
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January 2022
Greetings Dear Reader! We have had an eventful start to 2022 globally and within the African continent. It seems as though it has been one major event after another, especially on the weather front. Some of you might know that the South Indian Ocean has a cyclone season each year beginning in November and ending in April. The last two years have provided some respite from major cyclones making landfall on the south and eastern coast of Africa, however this respite ended in January when Cyclone Ana opened the season with heavy rains, flooding, strong winds, and a rising death toll in the countries affected. We are witnessing the impact of global warming first hand through these cyclones. Our seas have much more water now due to melting ice in the poles, and the temperatures are getting warmer. All contributing to bigger and more dangerous cyclones. We all need to be involved in fighting these negative impacts of climate change, as we have all been affected in one way or another. Many rivers in the country have flooded their banks, bridges and roads have been washed away. Many businesses have suffered major losses due to the electricity disruptions across the country. Why don’t we as a nation start being vigilant in the efforts to slow climate change and begin to care for the environment. We can each take responsibility for our actions in making the world a greener place. Remember to take note of the weather warnings from the Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services and be willing to offer help to those who have lost homes, property, and even loved ones in the flooding caused by the recent cyclones. If you have any feedback, comments, questions or personal submissions to make regarding any of the content in this publication, please get in touch through the contact details on the next page. Happy reading! Julie Soko Managing Editor
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January 2022
Julie Soko Managing Editor
Mtendere Kishindo Sub - Editor
Thandi De Jong Editorial Assistant
Naomi Msusa Editorial Art and Design
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January 2022
Submit to
Essential Grace Magazine
Special thanks to this month’s contributors:
Steveria Kadangwe Roshin Ebrahim Chilungamo M’manga Lizzie Saka Guest Feature: Umodzi Mizere
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January 2022
Congratulations to the organisers and participants on the launch of the first Men’s Conference held at the Mibawa Studios, Blantyre. If you missed the live show, catch the recording on their Facebook page @MibawaTV
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January 2022
Monthly feature
Articles in this month’s Monthly Theme Section submitted by Steveria Kadangwe Contact her through or @Stev Eria on Facebook for feedback, comments, and questions.
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January 2022
Eating disorders are mental health
Eating disorders disproportionately affect
conditions that cause unhealthy eating
young women and teens, who are often
habits and develop mainly through
victims of bullying and sensitive to
obsession with weight, with appearance,
comments about their weight. The
with food itself and with body shape. In
promotion of the western ideal weight
severe cases, eating disorders can cause
has contributed to eating disorders – in
serious health consequences and may
fact some research suggests that cultures
even be fatal if left untreated.
which have not been exposed to western ideals of weight do not have eating
Those with eating disorders can have a
disorders. This is exacerbated by the
variety of symptoms. However, the most
portrayal in media about the perfect
common symptoms include the severe
weight and body shape. There are other
restriction of food, food binges, or
factors that contribute too including
purging behaviors like vomiting, using
genetics, some personality traits like
laxatives, or over-exercising.
impulsivity and perfectionism. Some
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January 2022
researchers are also looking into levels
Bulimia nervosa is an eating
of serotonin and dopamine as potential
disorder where sufferers have episodes
causes of eating disorders, but there isn’t
of excessive and uncontrollably eating
enough research.
followed by purging the food through forced vomiting, excessive fasting,
There are various types of eating
abusing laxatives and diuretics, using
disorders including;
enemas, and excessive exercise to
Anorexia nervosa which is the most common type. People who have this condition view themselves as overweight yet they are often unhealthily underweight. They often restrict food and avoid certain kinds of food. Although it mostly affects young women, men are known to suffer from it too. This condition involves a level of
prevent weight gain. They have an abnormal fear of gaining weight even if they are of normal weight. Side effects of bulimia may include an inflamed and sore throat, swollen salivary glands, worn tooth enamel, tooth decay, acid reflux, irritation of the gut, severe dehydration, and hormonal disturbances. Binge eating disorder is another
obsessive-compulsive behaviour around
type where sufferers eat excessively
food. People with this condition may
often in secret even after they are full.
avoid food or may binge eat and induce
They feel a lack of control over the
vomiting, take laxatives or exercise
eating and feel shame, disgust and guilt
excessively. The long term effects include
about it but they do not perform purges
damage to bones, infertility and growth
to get rid of what they have eaten.
of a thin layer of hair all over the body.
People with this disorder are often
In severe cases, anorexia may cause
overweight and increase their risks of
heart or brain damage, multi organ
heart disease, stroke and type 2
failure or even death.
diabetes. Pica is an eating disorder that does not involve the eating of food.
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January 2022
Sufferers crave non-food substances,
this disorder experience disturbed eating
such as ice, dirt, soil, chalk, soap, paper,
either due to a lack of interest in eating
hair, cloth, wool, pebbles, laundry
or distaste for certain smells, tastes,
detergent, or corn starch. It can affect
colours, textures, or temperatures. They
people at all ages, including children but
often avoid certain foods and will rarely
often affects pregnant women and some
eat with others. They may be dependent
with mental illness. Individuals with pica
on supplements or fluids to make up for
may be at an increased risk of poisoning,
their lack of eating. This condition goes
infections, gut injuries, and nutritional
beyond being a picky eater.
deficiencies. Depending on the substances ingested, pica may be fatal. Rumination disorder is another
There are other disorders which affect various people to a certain degree. In Malawi, a large number of the
newly recognized eating disorder. It
population lives in rural areas and live a
describes a condition in which a person
subsistence life, and therefore may be
regurgitates food they have previously
less impacted by eating disorders.
chewed and swallowed, re-chews it, and
However, as the world becomes more
then either re-swallows it or spits it out.
globalised, a lot more people are
It is voluntary and may cause severe
suffering through these disorders.
weight loss and malnutrition. It can occur in both children and adults. Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) is a new name for an old disorder. Although ARFID generally develops during infancy or early childhood, it can persist into adulthood. What’s more, it’s equally common among men and women. Individuals with
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There are various options for treatment of eating disorders as they can be life threatening if not attended to on time. Treatments include psychotherapy, psychiatric intervention, nutritional education, clinical monitoring and sometimes medication. People who can get involved to treat these conditions include;
January 2022
Opinion Piece: More Information and Intervention is Needed on Eating Disorders in Malawi
A mental health professional, such as a psychologist to provide psychological therapy. If you need management, you may see a
a supportive environment around their
child, but also to not fear asking questions if they suspect that the child has an eating disorder, and getting
A registered dietitian to provide
required help through therapists and
education on nutrition and meal
psychologists. If indeed the child has an
eating disorder, parental involvement in
Medical or dental specialists to
the treatment plan goes a long way in
treat health or dental problems
helping them overcome the challenges.
that result from your eating disorder.
obsessions and compulsions related to weight and food. Parents need to create
also provide psychological
and even mental health related
medication prescription and psychiatrist. Some psychiatrists
appearance, strange habits around food
Your partner, parents or other family members. For young
Written by Steveria Kadangwe References: /
people still living at home, parents should be actively involved in treatment and may supervise meals. A special word for parents: eating disorders disproportionately affect young girls. We may see drastic changes in
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January 2022
Whenever I write articles, Google is my
and many times if someone is exercising,
friend. I often browse pages and pages
they get cat called and mocked.
of information to understand prevailing world trends and then try to contextualise the issue to Malawi or Africa. Oftentimes I stumble upon government policies or research that has actually been done in Malawi, and I have written on various topics over the past year. Then I was offered the topic of eating disorders to research and write about.
I have two personal examples. One time I was walking and a little child said iiih
tachiwoneni chi dunthu (look at that fat person!) while pointing at me. Her mother, who was sitting right there, literally turned away and pretended like she didn’t hear anything. While a child of four of five could not have known better, weight related issues are often triggers of negative self-views especially in a
This time however, Google was not my
society that mocks anyone who is
friend. A good number of the articles I
found were related to the South African context which is different to our context in Malawi. I know that probably in a country where the majority of the population lives in rural areas and are subsistence farmers, perhaps this is not a relevant topic. However, it seems to be quite relevant evidenced by the attitude and behaviour of our people. Think of the common greeting of koma nde
mwanenepatu (you have put on weight), calling people names like matofotofo
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Another time, I was walking from town to home, and I met a friend. He stopped and tried to give me a lift, and when I said I was walking for exercise, he said
Aaa inu what are you trying to accomplish. Why am I mentioning this? Often insecurities and poor selfperception due to being overweight are what trigger eating disorders. Most people who have anorexia or bulimia started with having a negative perception of their appearance and
January 2022
weight, irrespective of whether it is
adults who are bombarded not just by
caused by genetic predisposition or
images of slim models in magazines, but
other factors. I personally believe that
filtered pictures of thin celebrities or the
especially in our urban settings, there are
shots of women with big hips and bums
people who are struggling with the
and unnaturally tiny waists. None of
various eating disorders, usually silently
these body images are achievable
because it is something to be ashamed
of. Would it hurt if we were more accepting of how people look and minded how we spoke to one another? Would this not cause people to be more open about their struggles and seek the help that they need? Do we need to accept that our ethnic background is a huge contributor to body structure and shape?
Cyber bullying and mockery amongst children can also contribute to someone getting affected by an eating disorder. With affordable smartphones, more and more people who are not necessarily in urban areas are bombarded with pictures of the perfect weight, diets and exercise regimes to get an unattainable appearance. I do believe that because of
On the other hand, I suppose due to a
this there is an increased prevalence of
low number of mental health
eating disorders, and therefore more
practitioners in the country there seems
research is needed on this subject to
to be limited research available with regard to
create awareness of the dangers of these
eating disorders.
disorders and perhaps
Research, data and
articulate the kind of
support are sorely
help that is available
needed for preteens,
for people who are
teens and young
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struggling with it.
January 2022
Eating disorders do not discriminate. Approximately 1 million males in America are currently struggling with an eating disorder. What about where you live?
Behaviour often associated with eating disorders, such as binge eating, purging, and fasting for weight loss, are nearly as common among men as they are among women. In fact, the prevalence of eating disorders in men is on the rise, according to a recent study in the American Journal of Men’s Health. An estimated 10 million boys and men in the United States will experience an eating disorder in their lifetime. The assumption among men, and even many doctors, that eating disorders primarily affect women may lead to missed diagnoses Due to stigma and feelings of shame, men may deny their symptoms and hesitate to seek treatment. In order to meaningfully address the issue, it’s important to recognize the particular impacts that eating disorders can have on men, identify who is high risk, and find treatment options. Research has found that masculine body ideals are influencing men’s behaviour toward diet and exercise in distinctly different ways. Often encouraging bulking up and gaining muscles to look like the mainstream man. Read more at www.
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January 2022
Mental Health
Feature: Ps. Umodzi Mizere Sharing on his experience with Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
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January 2022
What is Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) GAD is a long-term condition that causes you to feel anxious about a wide range of situations and issues, rather than 1 specific event. People with GAD feel anxious most days and often struggle to remember the last time they felt relaxed. As soon as 1 anxious thought is resolved, another may appear about a different issue. GAD can cause both psychological (mental) and physical symptoms. These vary from person to person, but can include:
feeling restless or worried
having trouble concentrating or sleeping
dizziness or heart palpitations
The exact cause of GAD is not fully understood, although it's likely that a combination of several factors plays a role. Research has suggested that these may include: Over-activity in areas of the brain involved in emotions and behaviour an imbalance of the brain chemicals serotonin and noradrenaline, which are involved in the control and regulation of mood the genes you inherit from your parents – you're estimated to be 5 times more likely to develop GAD if you have a close relative with the condition having a history of stressful or traumatic experiences, such as domestic violence, child abuse or bullying having a painful long-term health condition, such as arthritis having a history of drug or alcohol misuse But many people develop GAD for no apparent reason. Although feelings of anxiety at certain times are completely normal, see a doctor or therapist if anxiety is affecting your daily life or causing you distress. 17 | E s s e n t i a l G r a c e M a g a z i n e
January 2022
Living with GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder)
(Generalize Anxiety Disorder) by my psychiatrist. GAD is a mental health disorder. Psychiatrist, Dr. William R. Marchand gives a definition of it:
GAD is an illness that causes excessive worry and anxiety and is accompanied by physical symptoms. We all worry from time to time, however, persons with GAD experience worry that is persistent and excessive and causes distress. It is a psychiatric illness that causes excessive worry and anxiety. I also suffer from bipolar disorder, another mental illness in addition to GAD. As I said earlier I do not remember when I first began to struggle or battle with anxiety, it has By Pastor Umodzi Mizere We all get anxious sometimes if we are being honest with ourselves and it varies from person to person. I honestly cannot remember how long I have been struggling with anxiety but it’s been a lot of years. The Oxford Dictionary defines anxiety as experiencing worry or unease. In the year 2020, I was diagnosed with GAD
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been years, however I do remember that between 2019 and 2020, I struggled with severe anxiety and depression and it was a vicious cycle! I no longer struggle with bipolar symptoms or bipolar depression. It has been by the grace of God, and faith in Christ, His Word – the Bible, and a combination of prayers, therapy and medication that has helped me overcome bipolar disorder. However, I still struggle with anxiety and GAD, even
January 2022
as I write this article. Let me give a
contributor. My psychiatrist has
personal account of my struggle with
mentioned to me that persistent anxiety
GAD and anxiety.
can lead to depression, just as it did with
There are times I get very anxious about certain issues in my life and certain circumstances. The GAD is mostly triggered by situations that are beyond my control or circumstances beyond my
me in 2019. I ended up being depressed for 4 long months due to bipolar and was very anxious. This was before I was diagnosed with GAD! During my depression, I became
control. I remember in my first year of
very anxious! I was confirmed as a pastor
pastoring a church (Bvumbwe Baptist
on December 16th, 2018 and in 2019 I
Church) in 2020, I struggled with anxiety
began serving as a pastor at Blantyre
for various reasons. I would get anxiety
Baptist Church. The leader at Bvumbwe
attacks regarding church attendance and
Baptist Church and I were given the task
I got anxious about preparing my
of planting a church in Bvumbwe! To be
sermons and teachings for each Sunday.
frank, I was scared and wondered how I
I also got anxious about the unknown!
would start and plant a church. I
When God first led me to plant the church in 2019, I was anxious about getting people to start attending church, instead of trusting God since it is God’s work. When I had my first service in 2019, I only had one person attend who eventually stopped attending church. This made me even more anxious that as a result it also played a role in triggering bipolar depression. There were other
wondered how I would get people to start attending the church I was called to plant as I mentioned earlier. Even though in 2018, I went for a course on church planting before I was confirmed as a pastor and before I was asked to plant a church (now I look back at this, I realize it was God preparing me to plant Bvumbwe Baptist Church by His grace). When I slipped into depression
factors that also triggered the bipolar
from August to December in 2019, I was
depression, but this was a major
unable to do my pastoral work and I was
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January 2022
anxious. I was so anxious because I kept
That bout with depression and
saying to myself and asking myself, what
anxiety eventually went away as a result
will Blantyre Baptist Church think of me?
of leading a stranger to Christ in
I am unable to work and continue with
Lilongwe, when I was on holiday at
the church planting project. The anxiety
Lilongwe in 2019, God used ministry, to
was so severe that it took my peace of
deliver me from the severe depression
mind and my joy, and I became so
and anxiety. I find it ironic that God used
miserable! Because of the depression I
what I had lost heart for because of
lost the zeal for pastoral work and as a
severe anxiety and depression, to deliver
result it led to serious bouts of anxiety. I
me from it in His grace! From August till
was anxious that people would see me
early December, I went for therapy. At
as a failure because at that time,
that time, most of the focus in therapy
Bvumbwe Baptist Church only had one
was dealing with the bipolar depression
member and in the year 2019, I only had
and not the anxiety. I don’t specifically
one service till I slipped into bipolar
remember if I talked to my psychiatrist
depression and fell ill with some medical
about it, but I think I did mention it to
issues to deal with as well! I was so
my psychologist.
anxious about how others would perceive me, that it became my primary concern, which to me showed a lack of faith in God! I became so anxious that I couldn’t think straight and would sometimes be irritable and restless, I became very restless and was overwhelmed by anxiety. This was still at a time before I was diagnosed with GAD by my psychiatrist.
In 2020 I resumed pastoral duties and went back to church planting and continuing the project of trying to successfully establish a Baptist Church in Bvumbwe. In the month of March, I had two new people start attending at Bvumbwe Baptist Church, and I had my first service in the year 2020 with only two people. The two people who attended church I had led to Christ in 2018 and 2019. Before they started
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January 2022
attending Bvumbwe Baptist Church I had
English! But God came through for me! I
been anxious again about who would be
got so anxious that sometimes it would
attending church, it was then God placed
take long for me to fall asleep! Yes! It
these two people in my mind who are
was that bad!
now both members at Bvumbwe Baptist Church! I remember at the start of 2020 when I resumed pastoral duties, I confided in one of my spiritual mothers, and she told me in confidence that God would bring people to the church and that God is faithful! Unfortunately, even though she told me this, I was still very anxious.
Another time I got very anxious was in 2021, when I was told that Bvumbwe Baptist church had to move from the venue where we were renting and worshipping the Lord! This made me so anxious that I had chest pains and would wake up in the middle of the night overwhelmed with anxiety and worry! I confided in friends, some family
One of my brothers encouraged
members about my problem and they all
me to faithfully serve the two people I
told me to trust God with the church! To
had, and that God would add more if I
be frank with you, though what they said
was only faithful!
was true it did sound like a cliché to me!
God eventually did,
the numbers in the year of 2020 shot up
My biggest concern was finding a new
from 2 to about 47 in one year! I was
venue for the church and my struggle
anxious for nothing, and it was during
with anxiety went on for two full weeks,
that time that I was diagnosed with
weeks of not thinking straight and
feeling physically sick because of the As the year progressed I mostly
had anxiety attacks in regard to my pastoral work with Bvumbwe Baptist, I got anxious about coming up with sermons each Sunday and preaching in Chichewa for I was used to preaching in
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anxiety. I was so anxious that there were days I spent in bed, with a headache and some body pain as well due to the anxiety. To deal with the anxiety, I went for therapy, I turned to God and read a
January 2022
lot of Scripture, focusing especially on
anxiety attack his year. Several personal
this verse, do not be anxious about
circumstances contributed to this. I
anything, but in every situation, by
experienced restlessness, pain in my
prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
chest, tightness in my chest, body
present your requests to God
weakness and a headache as part of the
(Philippians 4:6). I turned to prayer as
anxiety attack. I was so anxious that
well, asking people to pray for me, and I
when I woke up in the morning to have
prayed for myself and continued to take
my time of studying, reading my Bible
my medication each day! When I saw,
and praying, I couldn’t even pray or read
that I wasn’t being successful in finding a
my Bible because of the anxiety, it was
new venue to rent for the church I
that bad! Since I was diagnosed with
turned to fasting and prayer with a
GAD I have never struggled to pray and
friend of mine who helps me to pastor
read my Bible, and this time it
Bvumbwe Baptist Church. Doing this
helped in controlling the anxiety and God answered us and we found a new place for the church! I discovered that fasting and prayers also help with anxiety! As I have mentioned most of my
To deal with the severe anxiety attack I confided in three close friends, who prayed for me and encouraged me. I then turned to writing on my computer, expressing my feelings and as a result, God immediately took away all
anxiety attacks due to GAD are related
my anxiety and filled me with peace that
to my work as pastor. Although it is a
surpassed understanding as the Bible
self-rewarding job many don’t know that
mentions (Philippians 4:7)! The night
it can be a very stressful work and I have
before I had felt that I should type on
had to learn how to deal with stress and
my computer, and express my thoughts,
manage the GAD and anxiety attacks!
now when I look back that was God
It was in the second week of
showing me how to deal with the
February when I experienced my worst
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January 2022
anxiety attack which I had and perceived
budget well and live within my means
as the worst of this year!
and not beyond my means! Which is a
I do get anxious about other issues such as those concerning finances. These cause me to be very anxious, and I am learning that to deal with my financial issues and anxiety I must
discipline on its own! I have learned that in dealing with GAD these factors help; God, prayer, Scripture, talking to people I trust, therapy and medication. Reading up on how to deal with anxiety is also helpful.
I read a book last year about how to deal with worry. Worry and anxiety are twins, and the book I read is called How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, by Dale Carnegle! This is a very good book that deals with anxiety and worry and is very practical! All these help in dealing with GAD a great deal! I am still learning how to manage GAD and it is not easy at all! Since the start of this year I have been very anxious due to other very personal reasons, some other reasons I have mentioned in this article and some I have not for time will not permit. Having said that, GAD is manageable by the grace of God. I am continuously learning how to deal with GAD and anxiety attacks in a healthy way and I know just as I overcame the symptoms of bipolar disorder by the grace of God, I will overcome GAD by the grace of God as well!
Please reach out should you need help with anxiety and eating disorders. Help is available in Malawi. Have a look at the contacts available in our resource section.
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January 2022
Anxiety and Eating Disorders When you have an eating disorder such as anorexia, bulimia, or binge-eating disorder, it’s not unusual for you to also have another mental health issue. These problems can include (but aren’t limited to) depression, generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. People who have anxiety that leads to an eating disorder often end up in this situation because they feel as though they are able to control this aspect of their life. Rather than seeking help for eating disorders, taking control of food, weight, and exercise gives those with the disorder a false sense of control, which can help to temporarily relieve symptoms related to anxiety. Disorders such as binge eating can temporarily reduce anxiety and increase positive emotions due to increases in serotonin and dopamine, therefore minimizing one’s awareness of the need for binge eating treatment and behavioural therapy. Anxiety levels tend to be very high just before a binge and decrease during a binge. Often, anxiety and depression return after the binge accompanied by guilt. Those suffering from a binge eating disorder may find that their anxiety often worsens after a binge, which can add fuel to the vicious cycle of the disorder. Although these disorders are much more common among women and girls, men and boys make up about 5 to 15% of those with anorexia or bulimia and about 35% of those with a binge eating disorder. For those who have an eating disorder and a co-occurring anxiety disorder this may make their symptoms worse and recovery more difficult. Anxiety and eating disorders may be treated at the same time and in the same manner. Even so, recovery from one disorder does not ensure recovery from another, so it is necessary to seek help for both. Read more of this article at www.
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January 2022
Lifestyle Tips for Managing Anxiety If you experience symptoms of anxiety
particular has been linked to a reduction
and worry that you might have an
in anxiety symptoms.
anxiety disorder, do not hesitate to speak to your doctor or to a therapist. Treatment with therapy, medication, or a combination of both can greatly reduce or completely eliminate your anxiety symptoms and improve the quality of your life.
Eat - and drink - well. No one food or drink will make anxiety disappear. But your mood and energy will be best supported by a balanced diet, steady meal-and-snack times, and awareness of any food sensitivities. Stay properly hydrated, and minimize your intake of
You can also make lifestyle changes and
caffeine and alcohol, both of which can
adopt healthy habits to help ease your
trigger anxiety-like sensations in the
anxiety symptoms:
Exercise. Add regular physical activity to
Get ample sleep. When you are stressed
your life - it's one of the best things you
and anxious, your body will naturally
can do to reduce anxiety symptoms and
require more sleep and rest. But anxiety
to facilitate healing. Exercise boosts
and sleep make unhappy bedfellows. On
mood, improves sleep, reduces tension,
the one hand, anxiety can keep you up
and calms stress. It also provides a time
at night and steal precious hours of rest.
of mindless distraction away from your
And on the other hand, sleep
worries and fears. And when you
deprivation can contribute to worsening
exercise regularly, you have more
the symptoms of anxiety. Those with
energy, and that energy can help in so
chronic insomnia are at an even higher
many ways, including being able to focus
on your treatment goals. Yoga in
If you have trouble sleeping, do what you can to improve your sleep habits -
25 | E s s e n t i a l G r a c e M a g a z i n e
January 2022
sometimes called "sleep hygiene." Set up
balance back into your life, take a day
and stick to a relaxing bedtime routine,
off if you can - or better yet, take a
and make your bedroom as sleep-
vacation or a sabbatical - and spend
friendly as possible. Avoid anything too
time counting your blessings and
stimulating right before bed, like
reconnecting to what really matters to
television, computers, caffeine, and
Let it out. Anxiety can become too
Cultivate calm. Like the body, a mind
much to bear, and bottling it up doesn't
overrun with anxiety needs extra rest.
help. Talk to a friend who is a good,
Beyond sleep, try active waking
patient listener and vent your
relaxation techniques, like meditation,
frustrations. Cry if you need to.
yoga, and tai chi to help you focus on
Journaling or blogging about your
one task at a time and close out the
anxieties may also help. Laughter has
distracting anxieties that usually crowd
been known to ease tension, too. Try to
your thoughts. Other less-structured
find the humor in difficult situations and
activities may also provide peace of
seek out the things that make you laugh,
mind, like sitting with your pet, reading a
giggle, or at least crack an amused
book, listening to music, or taking a
leisurely stroll.
Regain your balance. Life with an anxiety disorder can easily become offkilter, thrown askew by misplaced priorities, nagging fears, and too much time spent thinking about unconstructive worries. To get a little perspective and
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January 2022
Health and Wellness
Food for Thought Have you ever thought seriously about your relationship with food? In this issue, we have focused on eating disorders and how anxiety can be a significant part of it. As always, we like to promote awareness and knowledge seeking in order to improve mental health and wellness. We encourage you to do the same when it comes to food and your perception of it. Maybe you have always assumed that your eating habits are perfectly normal, or that it is only fair skinned people or females that suffer from eating disorders. It is worth remembering that eating is not only putting food into your mouth. It involves the decision to provide nutrition and energy for your body. Therefore, there has to be a conscious way of collecting, preparing, and eating food. Always bearing in mind the understanding that food is not a chore to endure, or a means of punishment for yourself or to others around you. Our story this month was submitted by one of our readers who is a lecturer at Luanar teaching Food and Science Technology, is an avid baker and confectioner, as well as great story-teller. In this story she paints a picture of community and a sense of family around eating. She includes memories of childhood in the rural Malawi that I am sure many will relate to. Food and eating in Africa does not have to be an isolated and unpleasant topic. Community and collective rituals around food can help those who struggle with eating, as well as those who’s anxiety has made food an enemy. If you or someone you know has identified an eating disorder and/or an anxiety disorder, please do not hesitate to reach out for help. See the reference section for contact details of a few mental health professionals working in Malawi.
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because we went very early in the morning and we would be back home around 9am. By the time we got back, we were weary and hungry. On our way back, we carried hoes on our shoulders and for the girls, another load of firewood on our head. We dragged our feet and shuffled in single file while chatting. In our minds and hearts, we knew the situation at home was almost hopeless. There was no cooked food, water, dende (relish)or
By Lizzie Saka
even a fire. Sometimes, there was even no flour. Although we longed to go
Mphulikira banga banga vingoma
home, we would have to start from
tiwerenge, banga nang a vingoma!
scratch preparing everything. The
This how we sang in response to our brother Benja who was a jonjo expert back in the day (jonjo - a locally produced square flat pan with a wooden handle used for roasting maize or groundnuts. It was made/fabricated from used metal). The song loosely translated
promise of rest was not enough to excite us when our stomachs grumbled gru! gru! gru! we avoided drinking water for fear of diluting the little sugar left in the body. Maji ghakachitiskanga mthumbo
jongononono (water made our stomachs hurt) so we avoided it.
was to encourage him to pop the maize
Normally, everyone would go kumunda
quickly so that we can go on with our
(to the garden. This was mandatory) and
we would all knock off together. This
Roasted maize was our snack when there was no food around, usually when we came back from the gardens. We usually went to the garden without eating
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meant that tamuyambira kupemba moto
pala pa ziko bangulekapo chigodo yayi (we would start by lighting a fire if there were no embers left from a large log)
Matchisa ghakaba ghakusoba (You January 2022
would rarely have matches) so we relied
When the chingoma is in, Benja
on moving from kitchen to kitchen kuti
wakachigumuziranga directly pajonjo and
ukapale moto (to get a few hot coals).
in no time it would start roasting. All of
However, once the fire was lit, we would first pan roast maize (kukazinga pajonjo) so that we get a bit of energy to do other things. Tikakatoranga vingoma
kunkhokwe sometimes the maize would be pre-selected pakubaza (read wa). The maize selected for this delicacy was that bright and shiny one vamaso
ghadokoghadoko (shiny flint maize) the dull maize was not preferred. So Benja would say katole vingoma
tizakakazinge (go and get maize). So you
us would sit in circle around the fire
jenjelele. We would look on with anticipation, our eyes shining with excitement as we looked on the jonjo. Not even josi (smoke) would deter us from leaving the kitchen. Sometimes the
josi would be so bad it would make us teary and our noses run but we would not leave even when Benja asked us to go get fresh air and for us to get in pala
wabuka moto (when the fire lighted and there was no longer smoke). In extreme cases especially when the wood was not
would go pick those bright ones as
dry the smoke would make us cough. All
already said. As you went fetching, Benja
of us would be coughing khoso! khoso!
would put jonjo pamoto kuti pala
chingoma chikwiza mbwe ndiko kuti jonjo lafunda (put the pan on the fire to
but still refusing to leave without eating
vingoma vakukazinga (roasted maize). Benja would rebuke us but in the end he
preheat the pan in readiness for the
would just say tubana nthwa chitatata
maize). Sometimes though agogo would
utu (such persistent kids) but he would
ask ninjani wanjira mkhokwe umo? and you would say ndine! then she would be
ndiwe Lizi? Iwe eh! mbwe bali khila umo, munganimalira vingoma vane. Mbwenu ndiko kuti game yagona. But we mostly succeeded in getting the maize. We would sometimes hide it away from prying eyes just in case NyaMdinga said no. 29 | E s s e n t i a l G r a c e M a g a z i n e
continue kujonja. Benja would be sitting pakabwacha (kitchen stool) as he did what he did best. He would start weyeweye! as he moved the jonjo around making the maize make the sound weyeweye! The more he moved the jonjo (pan) the maize would start bursting (kuphulika).
January 2022
He would then start singing. Benja: Mphulikira (popping maize) The rest of us: Banga vingoma
tiwerenge, banga vingoma. (hurry up popping the maize so we can go) The more we sang, the more mphulika came, or so we thought at that time. I didn’t know it was Benjas skills that made the maize burst so. If we tried the same we never got the same results. We would sing until vingoma vipsye (the maize was done). The first jonjo usually imathera
pamoto (would be eaten while on the fire) as we were so impatient and too hungry to wait. If the maize got lucky it would be put in a plate and we would all eat while Benja roasted more. Once full or when NyaMdinga intervened we would drink a cup of water and begin other tasks so we could eat nsima.
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We would also roast the maize madzulo (in the evening) as we chatted the night away. We would soak it so we could eat it at school the next day. Sometimes as Benja roasted the maize
ise tikaphuliskanga pa vyoto (hot ashes) sometimes even putting out the fire in our excitement.
Ivi ni vingoma vakukazinga, vikunowa nyengo yavula. Other than pakuwera ku
munda we would enjoy it pala kukuwa vula so takhala mkhichini waiting for the rain to stop (roasted maize would not only be enjoyed after the work in the garden, it was a favourite during the rainy season, usually eaten in the kitchen as we chatted while there was rain outside). Vingoma vakukazinga is good food. In case you are wondering, roasted maize has better digestibility than raw maize. Do you have a story to share? Write to us and submit your story using or through Facebook @essentialgracemagazine
January 2022
Habits for Healthy Family Relationships
Written by Roshin Ebrahim Families are the foundation for any relationship from a young age. We grow up with a group of people whose
child develops almost completely in their childhood and this development is affected through nature and nurture. Hence, the role of a family.
actions, ways of living, characteristics and
Strong family relationships teach a
behaviors affect our lives till the end. A
person how to be confident, self-
family is a haven if it is healthy. It can be
sufficient and self-assured. It becomes a
a life-giving force and stress-free
source of guidance and strength that
environment. These people are the ones
you can draw on in times of stress.
we are taught to rely on as they are
Likewise, a healthy family provides a
supposedly your comfort zone and your
sense of belonging and unconditional
support system. Sigmund Freud one of
love that cannot be found elsewhere.
the greatest psychoanalysts focused a lot on the childhood of a person as that is when development is most critical. A 31 | E s s e n t i a l G r a c e M a g a z i n e
But what happens when these relationships/family are unhealthy or
January 2022
stress-filled? What affects can it leave on
future. Moreover, it determines their
a person? It can make be exhausting and
present. When we want to reminisce our
emotionally draining. In fact, a highly
childhood we think about siblings,
conflicted or toxic family can cause a lot
parents and close relatives. Now imagine
of damage.
those memories being traumatic.
Not only do these unhealthy
This connection of fond memories act
relationships deprive you of support, but
as a support system in times of need
they also create additional stress,
and unconditional love is the unique way
conflict, physical and emotional
that families bring happiness,
issues. In recent times
stress relief and a sense of
most families are seen to be unhealthy but at an equilibrium. Hence, people
well-being. According to researchers, strong families all the
tend to believe that the
following qualities:
equilibrium means that
they are all in healthy
commitment, positive
communication, quality
What makes a family healthy! Generally, people depend on their family members in times of crisis for emotional support. Sometimes one turns to them for practical and financial crisis as well
family time, planned vacations, activities together, respecting alone time, listening to one another, allowing mistakes and growth, being open and honest about your thoughts and views.
because they are the constant in one’s
After reading this list, I’m sure most of
life and have shared the bond to allow
us will laugh at it because that doesn’t
you to seek help from them and place
fit into our culture or tradition. Our
the trust that they will help you.
culture doesn’t allow a child to speak
A healthy family is important because it carries a person’s history and shares the
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his/her mind or to have an opinion as we are dependent on the breadwinner of
January 2022
the family, an d we can’t blame them because that’s what they have learned from their collectivist society. Let’s take a closer look at each and try to fit that in with our family.
Appreciation and Affection Healthy families help each other in times of need. They keep their promises and support each other and most importantly show affection to each other when they are together. A warm embrace, a pat on the back or even kind
Family time (activities and vacations) typically, healthy families spend time with one another and have fun when they are together. They make sure everyone is having a great time, whether that time was planned or spontaneous. They enjoy being around each other rather than spending time in their rooms. They share each other’s passions and show interest in their lives. They plan weekend getaways together or road trips to feel better when they are down.
words can show that they love you.
Respecting alone time
As great as it is to spend time together
Families should be loyal to each other, supportive and committed. However, they should also be open to criticism and accepting a new member into the family. Healthy families share responsibilities and make decisions together.
Positive Communication
with the family. Sometimes one needs their own personal space and time. It is a healthy thing to allow and accept that. Spending some alone time allows the person to reflect, unwind and solve whatever problems they are facing. Especially now when everyone has a mobile phone, allowing to disconnect is important and respecting that is a sign
Healthy families often share their lives
of a healthy family.
and experiences. They share their
Allowing mistakes and growth
thoughts and perspectives, and they share their mistakes and disappointments. In a healthy family, name calling, putdowns and other forms if emotional abuse are rare.
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How many parents are prone to shout at their child even before knowing the whole story? How many parents blame the child for when something goes wrong without hearing their side of the January 2022
story? But what would one do if the
Moreover, they feel safe when they know
child started doing the same? If you as a
that their family members will love and
parent learn to listen to them, let them
protect them.
acknowledge their mistakes and allow them to learn from it that is healthy and will help them be more open towards you and tell you everything honestly. Healthy families allow each other to be open and honest in the sense not only to accept mistakes but to also correct their elders. Why not have a family meeting at the end of the week to reflect upon your family members lives so that you can feel part of their life and their experiences!! As mentioned earlier children learn their relationships from them on families as they give them a model from which they start to discover how to build relationships throughout their life. Those that have a healthy model can build
Do you have any questions or feedback for Roshin on this topic?
better relationships and aren’t afraid of
Get in touch through
them. When children learn skills of
building a positive relationship, they practice these with other as well. For example, when a parent apologizes for his/her mistake, the child will do the same.
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January 2022
Anxiety in Young People: The Little Minds with Big hearts It’s funny how memories have a way of making themselves at home in our future. The tricky part though is that you don’t get to choose which memories should make it there. I have always had memories of things that happened as far back as to when I was 3 years old. Some good, some bad and some ugly. A few weeks ago, I decided to go ahead and start confronting the people that were part of such memories for the sake of clarity and closure. Honestly, some of those memories had tortured me for the longest time, I needed clarity. The other day I called my mum
faint, she couldn’t believe that I was old enough at the time to have remembered such incidences.
Many times we behave is such a way around children as if they do not exist. In our ignorance or carelessness, we feel they are not old enough to notice or understand what is happening. So we act or say things we shouldn’t say. If only we understood that children have a brain too and are able to feel, think and process what they are exposed to, we wouldn’t be so careless. In worst case scenarios, some people abuse children with the thinking of
they are just children, they will not understand. We somehow regard children as robots without memories. We
asking her about a memory I had
assume that whatever happens
of something that happened
to them will remain in their past
when I was about 5 years old. My mum
and when they grow, they will become
was so blank. She couldn’t remember
brand new human beings with no
any of it. She was so convinced that it
memories from the past and no impact
must have been a dream that I had
of whatever happened to them. Very
when I was young. I continued with my
wrong! It is clear that childhood has an
mission and moved on to calling one of
effect on our adulthood, and that our
my big sisters and asked her about
early experiences shape our belief about
certain memories I had of her. Of course
ourselves, of others and of the world.
she laughed really hard in disbelief. Even though her memory of the things was
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The way children are handled during or after a traumatic experience determines January 2022
whether they remain mentally heathy or
control the outcome or impact on the
develop mental health problems or
children. Ask them what the incidence
illnesses. Mental health is the overall
means to them, how they feel about it,
wellness of how you think, regulate your
how they have been affected by it, what
feelings and behave. On the other hand,
you can do to help, then encourage
mental illness, or mental health disorder,
them. Checking up on children in such a
is defined as patterns or changes in
way may help them process their pain
thinking, feeling or behaving that cause
and confusion better. They learn to cope
distress or disrupt a person's ability to
with adverse experiences positively. Lean
function. Childhood trauma refers to a
to Check on them again after some time
scary, dangerous, violent, or life
to make sure that they are not
threatening event that happens to a
experiencing the after math of the
child (0-18 years of age). This type of
adverse experience. If you feel they need
event may also happen to someone your
further support, you may approach other
child knows or is related to and your
people you trust to help (your pastor,
child is impacted as a result of seeing or
family member) or may consult a mental
hearing about the other person being
health professional.
hurt or injured. When these types of experiences happen, your child may become very overwhelmed, upset, and/or feel helpless. Avoid exposing children to traumatic experiences e. g fighting in their presence, doing inappropriate things, or being involved in any risky behaviors.
Some of the symptoms of trauma in children closely mimic depression, including too much or too little sleep, loss of appetite or overeating, unexplained irritability and anger, and problems focusing on school work, and conversation. Sometimes the symptoms appear more like an anxiety disorder;
I am fully aware that no matter how
obsessive or pervasive worry, difficulty
much we would like to protect children
separating from parents, and in extreme
from such traumatic events, there are
cases, children can develop post-
certain circumstances we cannot protect
traumatic stress disorder; a disorder
them from, e. g death of a loved one. So
characterised by failure to recover after
for such incidences, we can decide to
experiencing or witnessing a terrifying
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January 2022
event. The condition may last months or
contributes greatly to resilience, courage
years, with triggers that can bring back
and strength that we possess in the face
memories of the trauma accompanied by
of adversity. Without these, people resort
intense emotional and physical reactions.
to unhealthy coping mechanisms.
All in all, introducing children to faith in God whilst they are still young helps in preparing and equipping
Introducing children to God will help them realize that God is the only one that is ever dependable and more than able.
them fully for
That being said, if you have
life. Train up a
not received Jesus as your
child in the way
personal Lord and savior you
he should go;
can contact me to help you
even when he is
receive Jesus today. My
old he will not
contacts are; mobile
depart from it
number: +265 995 912 585,
(Proverbs 22:6). I
can’t imagine how
life would have
or you can send me a
been like if I did
Facebook message to my
not know God, or
account @Chichi
had not received
Jesus Christ in my life. I keep wondering how I could have been dealing with challenges in this world? I believe the hope, faith and truth we get from the word of God
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January 2022
Resources Book Review The book Install the Happiness Software Within You is a self-help and non-fictional book
specifically written to empower readers so that they take control of their inner peace and comfort. The book seeks to cultivate a culture of responsibility among the readers and avoid the blame-game as much as possible. The book approaches the topic of mental health head on and shares uncomfortable yet important
truths about happiness. The book is available at Maneno bookshop in Lilongwe and Mzuzu, Fegs in Zomba and Greymatter
in Lilongwe and Blantyre. If you want signed copies, contact Frank directly through 0999 701 175.
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January 2022
Building Fences not Walls The devotional book written by Nyembezi Nina Soko is about emotional healing.
Healing helps us to create healthy boundaries in our lives instead of building walls. Building Fences not Walls is not a selfhelp book but a journey that takes you in the direction in order to begin your emotional healing. Throughout the 31-day journey, the reader
is required to do a lot of reflection. In the 3 parts of the book, the reader will be required to reflect on finding the cause of
their hurt; to learn healthy ways of dealing with their pain, and to find ways of using the experience for something greater. Use the link below for your eBook copy.
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January 2022
Chitipa District Hospital Karonga District Hospital Mzimba District Hospital Nkhata Bay District Hospital Rumphi District Hospital
By now, we hope you are aware that you can access mental health care from all the Central Hospitals in the country. Here is something to take note of, before you can get to the Central Hospitals, you need to
Dedza District Hospital
first visit your local District Hospital in order
Dowa District Hospital
to be assisted. This applies to mental health
Kasungu District Hospital
care as well.
Mchinji District Hospital
Once you have been assessed, the medical
Nkhokota District Hospital
staff (a psychiatric nurse or clinician) will then
Ntcheu District Hospital
determine whether you need to be referred to
Ntchisi District Hospital Salima District Hospital Balaka District Hospital Chikwawa District Hospital
the Central Hospital, which also provides comprehensive care for mental health challenges. Please take note of the list of District Hospitals available in Malawi.
Chiradzulu District Hospital Machinga District Hospital Mangochi District Hospital Mulanje District Hospital Mwanza District Hospital Nsanje District Hospital Phalombe District Hospital Thyolo District Hospital Zomba District Hospital
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January 2022