1 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
Greetings from the beautiful City of Zomba, Malawi! Welcome to the Men’s health Edition! As you may or may not know, the health and wellbeing of males is a personal favourite topic of mine. I have always been aware of the disparities in awareness and self-care between the genders and how this can play out in many negative consequences. For example, go to any health centre around you, chances are there are more women there than men; go to any chu rch or religious gathering, again chances are women outnumber the men. For whatever reason, men do not appear to be very invested in their wellbeing as much as their female counterparts. In this issue, we decided to get the perceptions on this theory directly from males. We do not wish to preach to the choir, therefore read on in the Monthly Theme section to see what Malawian males both local and in diaspora had to say about male health. Although these contributions are the personal opinions of each contributor, there are quite a few similarities in the responses and this is very interesting to note. We have included just a few of some male-specific medical conditions, some tips on male mental health, and some advice from a Lilongwe based Urologist. As always, our mission is to tell stories and generate discussion, awareness, as well as to promote change where it is needed. We welcome your comments, questions, personal stories, and written contributions, simply get in touch with us through the details provided. God bless, and happy reading!
Julie Soko Managing Editor
Essential Grace is a free online publication and registered magazine focused on promoting mental health and wellness in Malawi and beyond through different mediums. Follow and subscribe to the magazine at www.issuu.com/essentialgrace to get notified when your monthly publication is available.
Comments and feedback on any of our articles or contributors can be addressed to essentialgrace@zoho.com or through the contributor’s personal contact information. Contact us for information at
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2 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
Monthly Theme Men’s Health from pg. 15
3 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
Health and Wellness Health and Wellness from page 18 The Global Burden of Men’s Health Issues About Prostrate Cancer About Testicular Cancer About Erectile Dysfunction About Male Yeast Infection When would I see a Urologist? Mental Health About Men and Mental Health About Male Depression Tips For a healthy Male Mind The Benefits of therapy
Resources List of Mental Health Professionals in Malawi
4 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
Julie Soko Managing Editor
Special Thanks to:
Mtendere Kishindo Sub-Editor
Naomi Msusa Editorial Assistant Art and Design
Thandi Soko De-Jong Editorial Assistant
Ruth Matumbi Guest Editor
Contributors A huge thank you to all our article contributers for this month’s issue. We apreciate your decision to join us in
"I think we have a misconception of what it is. So, when they say
the fight towards better health for men everywhere.
you suffer from depression people think you’re saying you’re just
Daniel Sabwelera, Dr Semu Banda, Miracle (Cozizwa)
sad all the time. You’re not sad. You know what depression is?
Ndonani, Code Sanagala, Professor Soko, Dr Mabedi, Steveria Kadangwe. Online article Marie Miguel at www.goodmenproject.com
Essentially, it will be a chemical thing in your brain where you perceive what is happening to you now to be happening to you forever. Funny enough, one of the best things that helps depression is work, and socialising with other people and connecting. Because when you work you find purpose." Trevor Noah, 2017
5 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
In our men’s health issue, we share the opinions of several Malawian men on their perception of men’s health. We asked the following questions which our contributors chose from: • Would you say Men in Malawi are generally health conscious, mental, spiritual, physical or emotional health? • Do you think we as Malawians are doing the best to ensure health? • Do you think we as Malawians are doing the best to ensure men’s health? • How are you health conscious, how do you take care of your health? We were overwhelmed with how insightful and valuable the responses were. It is essential to have such insight from males as who else can tell us the Malawian male experience better than the Malawian male? There seems to be a general consensus on the challenges reported, and most of the opinions are in agreement. Our aim is to promote more thought and discussion on the issues men are facing when it comes to their health. We also aim to encourage better health practices, raise more awareness, and find solutions to the issues outlined so that we can effectively improve the quality of life for our boys and men. Please note that the views expressed in the monthly theme section are subjective and remain the personal opinion of each individual contributor. We always encourage our readers to get in touch with us especially if you can relate to any of these issues. Our contact details are outlined throughout the magazine, and our resources section will have more specialized information for you to access.
Join the men’s health movement at www.menshealthmonth.org
6 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
belly). I learnt that in some cases this results from an
earlier than women simply because they do not look after
Pastor Daniel Sabwelera (Qeberga,
overworked liver, a very vital organ.
themselves well enough and nobody is looking after them.
South Africa)
I noticed that the average man has a dad bod (a slang term referring to the body shape particular to a middle-aged man) which is often an indication of an unhealthy lifestyle and unhealthy diet. Did you know that it may take men about 33 hours to digest one meal? So ideally, we should be waiting maybe 33 hours before we eat the next meal, right? That is just my side comment highlighting the
For instance, if you look at the average African home, the woman can cook more food than is necessary for her man just to try and satisfy the cultural belief that says a man needs to eat big meals. Did you know your stomach is the size of your fist? So, by going along with this belief you are actually killing him slowly by giving him too much food (especially, rich and oily types of food).
importance of educating yourself so that you take better
To reiterate, more information and facts should be
care of yourself.
publicised. There should be more sensitisation even in our
Do you think we as Malawians are doing our best to ensure good health? I don’t know what is happening in Malawi currently, but I can speak for where I currently live. The answer is “no” or “not really”. The average male here gyms but does so blindly and takes supplements blindly. You know, some of the supplements that we take are not even medically tested or endorsed by the medical boards. Everything is influenced by social media to some extent. So, if you have a six or eight pack and have the piano keys inside; huge
educational syllabus. We should be teaching our boys about better health practices. It is not just males who are active in sports that need to be aware of their nutritional, physical, mental and spiritual health. Often such people will train and take care of their bodies for competitions. Yet they may neglect to maintain those healthy habits for the rest of their lives. So, we need more awareness. I believe that this is something the government should look into because issues of men’s heath have an impact on how society will thrive.
biceps, toned legs and chiselled shoulders and cheekbones,
How are you health-conscious? How do you take care of
then you are healthy. I have heard of people in such a
your health?
context of a healthy state who suddenly died of a stroke. So, I believe that we are not doing enough as Malawians, and as males in general, for our health.
I have been a pastor for several years now. I regularly practice prayer and fasting. I do intermittent fasting as well. However, I make sure I do not do it blindly. I have done
Would you say Men in Malawi are generally health-
What do you believe needs be done to improve the attitude
my own thorough research on fasting. I have learnt about
conscious about their mental, spiritual, physical or
towards better health practices amongst males?
protein synthesis and the nutritional benefits of fasting as
emotional health?
I think facts help. Facts should be printed out in hospitals.
First of all, I cannot speak for all Malawian males in general,
Many clinics need to do more in educating males. Not only
as I am not living in Malawi. I currently reside in South
about sexual performance but also about overall mental,
Africa. However, being a black male amongst African males,
physical, spiritual and psychological health - which all play a
I think I can speak for males my age in general. I believe that
part in men's health. For example, the average male does
most men are not really health-conscious. The average man
not realize how important his testosterone is, and how
today is not aware of the basics of nutrition or nutritional
important the growth hormone is in his body.
health. I had to study a little bit of nutrition to realize that I was slowly killing myself. I wanted to educate myself on certain health topics, for example, why is it that men between the ages of 30 and 35 begin to develop a boep (this is an Afrikaans term for a protruding or distended
7 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
These are things that we need to know and we often have to do our own research. Our communities also need to do a lot more in educating men on topics such as longevity and improving quality of life, so that men too can live longer and more fulfilled lives. I believe that more men are dying
well as the psychological, spiritual, and biological benefits of fasting. Over the years I have learned and tweaked what to do and what not to do. Fasting is a very healthy practice and is not limited to being a religious practice alone. Some of the benefits of fasting include the processing of sugar deposits in your body and reducing certain cancers and other malignant tumours. These conditions may feed on sugar in the body and fasting will help to level your blood sugar levels which is very important. These are some of the things that I am always conscious of. And I always share what I learn with my wife so that we can be working together towards better nutritional health.
Pastor Sabwelera and his family
8 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
Dr Semu Banda (Zomba, Malawi) •
Males can be very poor at coping with some difficult
not to be beaten. As a result, because they don't share these
According to the World Health Organization, health is a state
issues of life. Some of these behaviours and beliefs I
things, they are dying by suicide. They go on to relieve their
of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. Of
have mentioned are a burden on our society.
stress by taking dangerous drugs or becoming addicted to
Personally, I believe that men are not very health conscious.
course, this may not be merely the absence of disease, rather it may mean a state of physical, psychological, and social
As a result, we have negative consequences such as seeing a
lot more women and less men in the hospitals, poor help
How males manage the stress is very important. That's why
seeking behaviour and therefore shorter life expectancies in
we have got so many stress-related diseases, I mean there is a
Based on this definition, I would say that we have seen many
males. In Malawi I think there is more that we need to do to
lot of cases of cancer due to drug and substance abuse,
more males having psychological illnesses than women. I
ensure that our men are healthy in every sense of the word.
behaviour which is done as a way of coping with high stress
wellbeing, in addition to the absence of disease.
personally have seen more people, especially men having very low life expectancy, because of the psychological burdens that they carry. When we look at mental wellbeing, we'll see that most men are exposed to a lot of harm, compared to women, thus increasing chances of suicide in men than in women. In addition, mental illness may be more prevalent in men than women. For instance, issues of
I believe that men have their life expectancy reduced because the general expectation is for them to be strong. We know they are breadwinners and they are expected to be resilient.
levels. They cannot share anything, they feel like they are not worthy to exist, and they also feel like there is nobody to share their problems with.
What we need is a change of attitudes towards men. We take them to be very strong, expect them to be strong, and say to them don't complain about anything. When they feel pain, they shouldn’t cry.
substance abuse are more common in men than in women.
Whatever stage they may be in, encourage them, and help them. Teach them how they can manage stress. Let them have time to relax. If we change and maintain a new attitude
There are a lot of different reasons why men may resort to
Because of this, many men have been exposed to very bad
towards men, taking them as normal human beings that feel
alcohol or drugs as methods of coping.
outcomes of diseases such as mental illness. For example, if
pain, that are sometimes affected psychologically, and we
you say men should be strong and they shouldn't cry, they
focus on encouraging them; then I believe issues of male
may be in pain. They may be suffering inside yet they will not
suicide may reduce.
The following are some of the different issues I believe men in Malawi are facing. •
More males in our society go missing or abscond from their responsibilities than women. The general level of life satisfaction is very low
may find that their problem is already at an advanced stage.
Sometimes they experience deep loss which may expose them to a lot of psychological issues that affect their mental health.
the end of the day, it will be realized that their condition is worsening and by the time they will start seeking help, they
compared to women. •
reveal anything because they are told not to say anything. By
Another issue is the tendency to avoid seeking medical help when they are sick.
9 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
Based on my experiences, exercise can help minimise stress. Sometimes exercises such as running can help because as you run, there are a lot of hormones that are being released that help relieve the stress, which is really important. When it
We need to change this attitude. Men are suffering in silence.
comes to socializing with people, you can be able to meet
They never complain even to their wives because they are
and encourage one another on how to deal with stressful
told to be strong, so they cannot do that. Even if they are
situations or events that can lead to stress. I personally cope
being beaten by their wives, they will never say anything.
with stress through spending time with people whom I share
Gender based violence and domestic violence against men is
things with. Once I share with them, they encourage me, and
real, but most never reveal this because they believe men
this helps to relieve my stress. Sometimes they offer spiritual
must be strong. They are not supposed to complain, they are
help, sometimes they offer counselling, and by the end of the
day, at least I believe thoughts towards certain issues are now well aligned. For example, you might have been in situations where you feel that you messed up and something bad is going to happen beyond your control. However, when you share these things with others you get to hear different perspectives, people encourage you, give you all their love, show you that
Bible). Moreover, church services and meetings have also been encouraging and refreshing. Many people neglect the spiritual well-being of a man when dealing with stress. My advice is to encourage people to pray and ask God to help them heal.
you are worthy of existence. Talking to people has helped me
To conclude, I think that the Malawian perception that men
because several times I've felt so low or felt so demoralized
have to be strong is wrong. Men should be allowed to express
and depressed, but as I share these things with people, I find
themselves. The fact that suicide is more common in men than
help and encouragement, psychological and spiritual support
women should tell us that men have been neglected or side-
that has helped me so much mentally and emotionally.
lined for too long. Let us encourage men to share their
In addition to this, the word of God has made a great impact in my life. Through the word of God, I have been encouraged
burdens with others and learn to minimize the stigma surrounding issues to do with emotional stability.
and have found some guidance over certain life situations (I advise you to get a copy of the Gideons International pocket
Do you need to speak to someone about a personal challenge you are experiencing?
There are several ways you can do this: Reach out a trusted friend or family member Speak to the relevant leaders in your faith community
Book an appointment with a doctor for a full medical check-up Speak to a therapist, counsellor, or social worker available to you through our Resource Section
10 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
Dr Banda with his social football teammates
Miracle ‘Cozizwa’ Ndonani (Lilongwe, Malawi) our best to ensure the health of all men, in all age
are perceived to be the real victims). However, the truth is
groups. I think that throughout the years, much
the VSU is available for everyone. So, if the general public
emphasis has been put on women in terms of health.
could be sensitised on these available resources a lot can be
It’s not that men have entirely been left out, but I still
done to support men and our general well-being. It would
believe that there has not been an adequate emphasis
also be helpful to open up support group centres, especially
on the importance of men’s health. There is more
for men in all age groups. They could go there and talk about
that can be done to ensure men’s health, which we
their health and access the help they need to address their
as Malawians and the government at large, have
failed to do.
I do a lot to take care of my mental, physical, spiritual as well
In addition, among many of the health campaigns
as my emotional health. Some of these things include hanging
that we hear about, only a few have actually targeted
out with people. I believe that hanging out with people is
men. Men often neglect their health because their
good for one’s health, especially having real conversations
health issues have not been openly addressed as
with friends. This is always good for a person's emotional and
serious. I believe we need to improve the attitude
mental well-being. As you get to talk about some of these
towards better health practices amongst males. We
things, you become aware that you have people close by that
need to openly promote awareness about issues of
you can confide in.
health for men and other issues affecting men. We need to encourage men to be in check and be up to
I am also involved in a lot of activities that I do not want to
date with their health.
label as “leisure” or “recreation” because they are also part of
uncomplaining or that we ignore a lot of things that are
Also, the awareness should not only go to the community. It
always working on music. When I am not at work, I am in
going on around us. I feel that this mentality has caused a
should target everyone. This is because sometimes when men
the studio working on music. To me, music is so refreshing to
lot of men to disregard their health conditions. Usually, it is
behave in problematic ways, it is not just because of the way
very common for a man to say, “I think I have a little
they are feeling or the way they are built. Their behaviour
headache but I'll be fine. It will go away.” Or perhaps say, “I
can sometimes be impacted by how the society perceives men
have not been feeling well but I'll be fine.” The simple
or maybe society’s expectations of how men should behave.
reason is that our society expects us to be tough as men.
Therefore, what if we can change these faulty perceptions?
I believe that due to our society and the way we are brought up, men are perceived to be tough, usually
This can be achieved through educating everyone in society I do not want to say that this is just a Malawian perception
on topics such as the expectation of men to always be so
of things but this is the general mentality of every man. The
tough or helping people understand that men have specific
few times that men will become health-conscious are
health concerns just as women do. That would help a lot. I
moments when they realize that something serious is going
think we could take up methods of general awareness
on with their health. A typical example is how they would
through social media and other media platforms just to do
want to start working out only after realising they are gaining
some civic education. If we do that, maybe some of the
a lot of weight. Or when they start working out after realising
pressure will be removed from men and they can begin to
that they have an underlying condition. Doctors have to
allow themselves to think and react in healthier ways to their
make recommendations that they should start working out or
that they should adopt a healthier lifestyle, just to keep their health in check, before they think about it themselves.
We have different resources available to men in Malawi such as the victim support unit (VSU) available through the Malawi
What I’m trying to say is that men are generally not health-
Police Service. That is a typical example. Many think that it
conscious. I would not say that we, as Malawians, are doing
is not meant for men (but for women and children as these
11 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
my work. I do extra tasks that are like therapy to me. I am
the mind that it helps me get refreshed from stress. I have found it so helpful to me. It helps me forget about stressful things. As for my physical health, I do a lot of physical activities. Once in a while, I do my five-kilometre jogs. Maybe not as frequent as I should but usually, I do that once a week. It may sometimes take a fortnight to complete a job at work but usually, I always keep in check of my physical well-being. I am also part of a church ministry which teaches kids. It is more like Boy Scouts. This program allows me to do a lot of physical activity because we usually go to the mountains, we go camping, and we learn survival skills. All these things help me a lot to keep my health in check. I encourage people to be active. You do not need to start jogging. However, if the doctor has told you to, make it a routine. Find a game you like. Find a physical game that you feel you can play such as football, netball or basketball. I
found that so very helpful. I do not play basketball anymore but I used to, mostly when I was in college and used to be very physically active. I encourage people to do that. I encourage people to have someone they can always confide in. Although I would also advise you to be careful whom you talk to. Be sure that they do not reveal what you two discuss to someone else, as this would also negatively affect your confidence.
A healthy mind is a cultivated mind.
12 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
Code Sangala (Blantyre, Malawi) Malawi has a strong culture of the alpha male. On the one hand, this is good as it places the man in the role or position of a provider. On the other hand, this type of thinking is often distorted and misunderstood when it comes to the power dynamic within the household. Men find themselves obsessing over the idea of being the head of the house at the expense of the role of a woman, who is traditionally seen as the keeper of the household. Most men struggle with accepting how powerful the woman’s role is within these gender norms. When it comes down to reality, women are the real head of the household. Consider the following example; a man goes out drinking (a favourite activity for a lot of men in Malawi) and neglects to bring home some food or groceries, it is the woman who still finds a way to make sure there is food at the dinner table. This alpha male mentality may further poison the mind of males in Malawi to the extent of negatively impacting our mental and physical health. Another example of this twisted type of thinking is the general image of the successful Malawian man. For a very long time, a picture of a successful Malawian man has been that of a man sporting a beer belly and a few girlfriends on the side. He must have money to fully provide for his wife as well as the dozen concubines. A man will find himself in bad eating habits and excessive beer drinking to conform to the societal expectations that this image requires. The image of the successful and powerful man. With this pressure comes anxiety which may lead to mental health problems such as chronic anxiety and depression in the long run. So, are the males in Malawi health conscious? Generally speaking, the answer might be a “no”. Most males in Malawi lead very unhealthy lifestyles. Alcoholism is prevalent, so is a lot of salt intake. Now if that sounds like a recipe for diabetes and hypertension to you, that is because that is what it is. Let’s take a closer look at alcohol for a minute. The Mayo Clinic explains that consuming too much alcohol may cause chronic inflammation of the pancreas which can impair its ability to secrete insulin and potentially lead to diabetes. I was having lunch at one of the exclusive lodges in Bvumbwe. Something caught my eye that was both entertaining as well as disturbing. Seated across from my table was a middle-aged Malawian man. He was adding some ingredients to his meal. For a good 2 minutes or more he kept his hand steady, laser- focused on emptying a container to make his meal palatable. At a closer look, I was shocked to find out that he was adding salt to his food. Now, whilst salt is very good for your health as it contains iodine, when consumed in excess it may contribute to high blood pressure, which may be linked to conditions like heart failure and hypertension, as well as kidney problems It is high time males in Malawi started having a serious conversation about good health habits and lifestyle.
13 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
Professor Boston Soko (Hora, Malawi) My name is Boston Soko (Professor). I am a Ngoni man living in Hora (in the rural Northern region of Malawi). I worked as a professor of French for many years both at the Chancellor College and Mzuzu University. I am currently retired and very much involv ed in the Mzimba Heritage Association. In my experience, men are not very self-aware especially when it comes to physical health. It may be due to our society being used to taking it very easy when it comes to getting medical attention whether it is from doctors or traditional healers. We often delay and wait until the illness has become visible before getting help. There is often fear of finding out something negative about our health so we avoid regular check-ups. However, we need to have regular checks on such things as our blood pressure levels, sugar and liver function. When you look at our society, there are both educated and uneducated people who live in urban areas, and yet the majority of men will put off going to the doctor for serious issues that may be wrong in their body. I believe that more efforts should be made on bringing awareness to the public on the specific health challenges that men face. These efforts can be as widespread and effectively as the COVID 19 campaigns have been. Some of the issues that I believe males struggle with today are to do with the types of food we eat on a daily basis. I have noticed that the traditional dishes we used to have are being ignored. In some households the diet comprises of beef and chicken, along with starches. Food like beans, vegetables and fruits are no longer cherished. The use of too much oil in frying food may also be contributing to the rise of new diseases such as diabetes and high cholesterol. Children are not encouraged to eat he althy meals and often run away from good food like beans and vegetables. This type of unhealthy eating along with the lack of exercise and unstable or excessive work habits is contributing to the challenge of health in our society. Instead of engaging in healthy activ ities, most men spend a large amount of time in pubs and drinking parlours. I personally wish that men would drink less and spend more time doing something worthwhile, or something that could effectively improve their health. Speaking about my own lifestyle, I am very health conscious. I am aware of what I eat and follow a number of my own regulations when it comes to the proce ssing of meals. Born in a village 77 years ago I feel out of touch with modern cooking technology. As far as preparation is concerned, food is rarely cooked in earthen pots and the modern utensils effect the real flavour of the food. Modern cooking is fast and many short cuts are taken resulting in the food not being fit for our own consumption. I personally like to have vegetables and fruits in every meal. While for breakfast I prefer porridge made with fruit ( bala la mbula). In regards to my mental health I have learned not to worry about things. My philosophy is that when I am offended by someone I must forgive, if I offend someone I must apologize. I have resolved to avoid comparing my present life to the glorious experiences I may have had in the past. I make it a point to avoid comparing my life to that of others. I feel good when I make others happy. I am a spiritual person and the way I look after this part of my life is to sing for the Lord as soon as I wake up in the morning and as I go to bed . On average, I sing about 20 Ngoni hymns which I have memorized and can sing by heart using a guitar as I enjoy the opportunity to sing. I have made three visits to the Synagogue Church of all Nations (SCOAN)in Nigeria as part of my developing and maintaining my spiritual growth. As an academic, I have always kept myself mentally healthy through reading and writing. I believe that if I do not keep up with this practice, I may lose my memory. In order to keep my mind fresh, I choose to focus on cultural interests. For example, I had the privilege of experiencing the Swazi culture in Eswatini for f our years and upon my return from that country (where I lectured at the University of Swaziland) I joined the Mzimba Heritage Association and became the chairman for a long time. They kept me busy throughout the years as among other things I witnessed the launching of the Umthetho Annual Cultural Festival in 2008. The position of Chairman helped me to travel to many countries to attend their festivals. Some of these are the Zambia Nc’wala Rain Dance Festival, in Tanzania the Maji Maji festival, the Nc ‘Wala Annual Cultural Festival, in Kwazulu Natal, the Umsimbithi Cultural Festival, and the American Folklore in the United States of America. I enjoy travelling, it has been a long-term hobby for me. In recent years, I used to take my students out to visit historical places in Mzimba such as Hora Mounta in. It is important to mention that my professional career had many opportunities to travel abroad and within Africa. I am currently involved in the re-construction of lecture halls for a private university, which will be established at Ekwendeni in December. I belong to a team of veteran academics working together on such projects. Whatever your station in life, I believe that making a purposeful effort to live a content and healthy life is important especially for us males. I believe that is how we may live a fulfilled life.
14 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
Dr Charles Mabedi (Lilongwe, Malawi) thought to be normal part of aging. Although these symptoms are common in old age, they are far from normal. So, first of all once men experience these symptoms, they have to recognize that there is a problem. Secondly, they need to seek help from their doctor. There are both public and private institutions available where men can get help. Does lifestyle have a role in men's health? Absolutely. Some of the problems that men have are directly related to lifestyle. For example, men who smoke a lot and/or drink too much alcohol can have problems in fathering kids. Erectile dysfunction is also associated with other conditions such as obesity, smoking and heart diseases. The advice would be to enjoy life, but do things in moderation. What help exists for these common men's health conditions? There's a lot of help in our public health system, but also in the private hospitals. The important thing is that men should learn to seek help at an early stage. Problems with passing urine can lead to kidney damage if left untreated. Erectile dysfunction can also precede heart attacks. And if not checked at an early stage, it could lead to catastrophic consequences. The medical help that is offered in different places varies depending on the condition. The help could be in the form of taking tablets, or having an operation.
I am Dr. Charles Mabedi. I am a consultant urologist (men's health expert). I did my medical training here in Malawi. Then I spent time in in Tanzania and the UK training to advance my urology practise. I am married to Thandie and we are blessed with two lovely kids.
And over time, I think as a country we have evolved and improved in the care that we offer patients with our men's health interventions. We are able to do a lot of surgeries and improve men's quality
So why does Men's Health matter? Well, men are engineered differently compared to
of life using modern techniques and
women. Males have organs that are specific to themselves. So, these organs tend to present
technology. This is available in both
with signs and symptoms which are particular to men. And for a long time, men have sort of
public and private institutions.
been neglected themselves, assuming that they are all very safe and okay. The focus has mostly been on women and children.
What can be done to improve the status of men's health in Malawi?
What are the issues with men's health? Urological problems can start in the early years of a
Awareness, we need to get a lot of
male child. We have kids who are born with only one testicle, some with deformed private
people informed. They need to seek
parts. Then later in life we see adolescents developing problems with painful testicles. Later
care when they get a problem. A lot of
one in life we see young men who have problems to pass urine. From the age of 40, the
men often discuss problems in areas
prostate gland may start to enlarge and cause symptoms in other males. These symptoms may
where they interact. We therefore need
include weak flow of urine, or frequent passing of urine. We also deal with issues of men who
to make sure that the information that
have a troubled family life because of erectile dysfunction (ED), the inability to get and sustain
we're sharing in these forums is correct
an adequate erection.
and promotes health seeking behaviour.
What should men do when they experience these problems? First, they need to recognize that there's a problem. When I talked to the elderly people in clinics in the villages, you get a feeling that men associate aging with urological problems. For example, difficulty in passing urine is thought to be part of aging. Sometimes swelling of the private parts in some areas is 15 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
Dr Mabedi with his family
Secondly, we as a country need to continue to improve the quality of care that men receive in our medical centres. We need to make sure that we can offer our men timely care which is of high quality. We can achieve this through training of more urologists in the country so that they can attend to men's health problems. Talking of private institutions, I understand that you also offer Men’s Health services at UroMed clinic, please tell us more on what services are available at this clinic? UroMed was formed to address the unmet needs of men’s health especially in the private sector. It offers a complete package of care from screening, to treatments of different men’s health issues. These include prostate cancer, prostate enlargement, genital reconstruction, and kidney stone laser surgery. Patients can call the clinic on 0993853979, 0887070000 to arrange an appointment.
16 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
The Global Burden of Men’s Health Issues About Prostrate Cancer About Testicular Cancer About Erectile Dysfunction About Male Yeast Infection When Would I See a Urologist?
17 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
Steveria Kadangwe (Blantyre, Malawi)
Men’s Health Issues
The focus of many major global health organisations is towards
According to the World Organisation
(WHO), men have worse health
Retroviral Therapy (ART) or if they ever start taking these, adherence is a big problem.
The Global Burden of
prevent infections. They are also unlikely to take Anti-
women, as they believe that women can help improve health situations, however, I believe that an approach that is inclusive of all genders would be more effective. What Needs to Change?
health policy makers focus
improvement men’s health.
pay to
health issues. For instance, when I was researching this article, I struggled to find any men’s health related information for Africa, let alone Malawi. Women have longer life expectancy than men do globally and one of the reasons is related to health issues. This would seem strange, especially in a world where men have more opportunities, privilege and power. The root causes are
Challenging stereotypes about masculinity as early as primary school level is one way this could work. Men’s health and wellbeing should also be promoted in the workplace. Policies should target marginalised males
in minority
populations, men in prison and men who have sex with men (MSM).
Hospitals can also offer incentives to encourage couples to get
Men get more exposed to physical and chemical hazards –
medical tests together. Women should be willing to persuade
in Europe 95% of all fatal accidents in the workplace were
their partners to go for medical check-ups at least once a year.
experienced by men •
Men take more risks than women
Increased outreach efforts in places where men are found for
Cultural issues where men want to be strong and therefore
example pubs, bars sports clubs and barbershops which focus
do not visit doctors when they are sick. They also wait until
on lifestyle changes have been proved to be effective in the
symptoms get worse before taking steps to deal with a
Another approach can be partnering with men to improve
The attitudes that men have also contribute to the negative
women’s’ and children’s health and getting men invested and
impact of men’s health issues. According to research in the USA
by healthline.com, 72% of men said they would rather do
reproductive and sexual health and family planning. Such
anything else including chores than go to the doctor, 65% said
initiatives have had significant impact already. I still remember
they avoid going to the doctor as long as possible, 20% said they are not honest with their doctors because they were afraid of dealing with the potential diagnosis if they told the truth. They do not want to be vulnerable or talk about weaknesses. Men put off medical examinations that could potentially detect things like prostate cancer early. In Africa, men take risks that expose them to HIV and other sexually transmitted infections as many are unwilling to be tested, do not take instructions from nurses and also behave in ways that spread rather than
18 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
vaccinations for
an advert that Banja la Mtsogolo used to run called mwamuna
adzilera that had a positive impact of involving men in family planning. In addition, some interventions that promote gender roles to be more equitable between men and women can help change reckless sexual behaviours, decrease intimate partner violence and decrease sexually transmitted infections.
What is the prostate? The prostate is a gland. It is usually the size and shape of a walnut and grows bigger as you get older. It sits underneath the bladder and surrounds the urethra, which is the tube that carries urine (wee) out of the body. The prostate's main job is to help make semen – the fluid that carries sperm. The most common prostate problems are an enlarged prostate, prostatitis and prostate cancer. Who has a prostate? The following people have a prostate: o men o trans women* o non-binary people who were assigned male at birth** o some intersex people.*** * A trans woman is someone who was assigned male at birth but identifies as a woman. Trans women can develop prostate problem s, even if they have taken hormones. The prostate is not removed during genital reconstructive surgery. ** A non-binary person may not identify as a man or a woman. *** An intersex person may have both male and female sexual characteristics and so might have a prostate.
What is prostate cancer? Prostate cancer can develop when cells in the prostate start to grow in an uncontrolled way. Some prostate cancer grows too slowly to cause any problems or affect how long you live. Because of this, many men with prostate cancer will never need any treatment. But some prostate cancer grows quickly and is more likely to spread. This is more likely to cause problems and needs treatment to stop it spreading.
Signs and symptoms Prostate cancer that’s contained inside the prostate (called localised prostate cancer or early prostate cancer) doesn’t usually cause any symptoms. That's why it's important to know about your risk. But some men might have some urinary problems. These can be mild and happen over many years and may be a sign of a benign prostate problem, rather than prostate cancer. Find out more information about the possible symptoms of prostate cancer. If you think you might be at risk of prostate cancer or are experiencing any symptoms, visit your GP or speak to our Specialist Nurses.
Are you at risk? Prostate cancer mainly affects men over 50, and your risk increases with age. The risk is even higher for black men and men with a family history of prostate cancer.
Find more resources and information at www.prostatecanceruk.org
19 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
What is testicular cancer? Testicular cancer is not a common cancer but it is the second most common cancer in young men (aged 20 to 39) excluding non-melanoma skin cancer. The most common testicular cancers are germ cell tumours. There are two main types, seminoma and non-seminoma. Seminoma usually occurs in men aged between 25 and 45
If you notice any changes, you should visit your GP who will examine your testicles for any lumps or swelling. Other tests used to diagnose testicular cancer include: Ultrasound To confirm the presence of a mass. Blood tests
years and tends to develop more slowly than non-seminoma cancers. Non-seminomas are more common in younger men, usually in their late teens or early 20s.
Testicular cancer symptoms
Blood tests for the tumour markers alpha-fetoprotein, beta human chorionic gonadotrophin and lactate dehydrogenase. Surgery
Testicular cancer may cause no symptoms. The most common symptom is a painless swelling or a lump in a testicle or a change in size or shape. Less common symptoms include: o feeling of heaviness in the scrotum o feeling of unevenness o pain or ache in the lower abdomen, the testicle or scrotum
The only way to definitely diagnose testicular cancer is by surgical removal of the affected testicle. While many other types of cancers are diagnosed by biopsy (removing a small piece of tissue from the tumour), cutting into a testicle could spread the cancer to other parts of the body. Hence the whole testicle needs to be removed if cancer is strongly suspected.
After a diagnosis of testicular cancer
o back pain
After finding out you have testicular cancer, you may feel shocked, confused, anxious or
o enlargement or tenderness of the breast tissue (due to hormones created by cancer
upset. These are normal reactions and a diagnosis of testicular cancer affects everyone in
cells). If found early, testicular cancer is one of the most curable cancers. This is why self-checking in so important.
Causes of testicular cancer Some factors that may increase a man's risk of testicular cancer include: o undescended testicle (when an infant)
different ways. It can be difficult to decide what type of treatment to have. Understanding the disease, the treatments available and possible side effects can help you weigh up your options. You may also want to talk to your doctor about how treatment for testicular cancer may affect your fertility.
Prognosis for testicular cancer
o family history (having a father or brother who has had testicular cancer)
Prognosis means the expected outcome of a disease. An individual's prognosis depends on the
o personal history – if you have had cancer in one testicle you are more likely to develop
type and stage of cancer as well as their age and general health at the time of diagnosis. You
cancer in the other testicle o infertility There is no known link between testicular cancer and injury to the testicles, sporting strains, hot baths or wearing tight clothes.
may wish to discuss your prognosis and treatment options with your doctor, but it is not possible for any doctor to predict the exact course of your disease. All testicular cancers can be treated and most testicular cancers are successfully treated.
Diagnosis of testicular cancer Read more of this article at www.cancer.org.au
20 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
By Sarah Lewis Erectile dysfunction, or persistent trouble getting or keeping an erection, can cause a sense of desperation for many men. There can be changes in their relationship with their spouse that can have a serious effect on
Although you may be embarrassed, it's important to get a diagnosis so that the cause can be identified. Your GP can usually diagnose erectile dysfunction. This will involve answering questions about your symptoms, as well as a physical examination and some simple tests.
A first sign of cardiovascular disease
their marriages. It can be a delicate issue. Erectile dysfunction results from a variety of causes, including uncontrolled diabetes, weight The bottom line is that men should never put off seeking medical attention for erectile
problems, excessive drug and alcohol use, some prostate cancer treatments, and the decreasing
dysfunction, not only because treatment can significantly improve quality of life but also
testosterone levels that come with aging. Among the most common and most worrisome of
because the condition often signals other health problems.
these causes are artery blockages that reduce blood flow to the penis.
Why does erectile dysfunction happen?
The body is united by a common blood system. So, what happens in the penile blood vessels frequently is an early manifestation of problems elsewhere.
Erectile dysfunction can have a range of causes, both physical and psychological. In fact, it has been shown that men who experience erectile dysfunction, especially before age Physical causes include: o narrowing of the blood vessels going to
50, are more likely than others to develop cardiovascular disease — which in turn increases a man's risk for stroke and heart attack.
the penis – commonly o associated with high blood pressure
(hypertension), o high cholesterol
Although you may be embarrassed, it's important to get a diagnosis so that the cause can be
o diabetes
o hormonal problems o surgery o injury Psychological causes of ED include: o anxiety o depression o relationship problems Sometimes erectile dysfunction only occurs in certain situations. For example, you may be able to get an erection during masturbation, or you may find that you sometimes wake up with an erection but you are unable to get an erection with your sexual partner.
Your GP can usually diagnose erectile dysfunction. This will involve answering questions about your symptoms, as well as a physical examination and some simple tests.
How is erectile dysfunction treated? Erectile dysfunction is primarily treated by tackling the cause of the problem, whether this is physical or psychological. The narrowing of the arteries (called atherosclerosis) is one of the most common causes of ED. In these cases, your GP may suggest lifestyle changes, such as losing weight, to try to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. This may help to relieve your symptoms as well as improving your general health.
If this is the case, it is likely the underlying cause of erectile dysfunction is psychological (stress related). If you are unable to get an erection under any circumstances, it is likely that the underlying cause is physical. Erectile dysfunction can also be a side-effect of using certain medicines.
21 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
You may also be given medication to treat atherosclerosis, such as cholesterollowering statins and drugs to reduce your blood pressure. A number of treatments have been successful in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Medication, such as sildenafil (sold as Viagra), can be used to
manage it in at least two-thirds of cases. Vacuum pumps that encourage blood to flow to the penis and cause an erection are also successful in 90% of cases. Psychological treatments include cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and sex therapy. Overall, treatments for erectile dysfunction have improved significantly in recent years. Most men are eventually able to have sex again.
What is a male yeast infection? A yeast infection is a general name for an infection caused by a fungus. Yeast infections can affect many different areas of the body, including the mouth, skin folds, and genitals. A male yeast infection is a fungal infection of the groin, which can include the penis. Jock itch is the common name for this type of male fungal infection.
Read more of this article at www.nhsinform.scot There are about 200 kinds of fungi that can cause disease in humans. Trichophyton is the most common one that causes jock itch. However, when talking about yeast infections, most people are referring to infections with Candida albicans —or Candida for short. Candida infections affecting the groin are somewhat uncommon in men. They are much more common in women.
Candida is normally present on the skin, along with other microorganisms. Your skin’s environment and your immune system usually keep these microorganisms in balance and in check. When something upsets this balance, a yeast infection can develop. In men, this is most likely to happen if you have diabetes, have a weakened immune system, or have sex with a woman who has a vaginal yeast infection.
Don’t Bottle It UP!!
One of the main male yeast infection symptoms is swelling and redness of the head of the penis. Balanitis is the medical term for this. You may also notice a thick, white substance in the
If you know there is something not right in your body, your mind, or in your emotions; get help today!
skin folds on the penis. Balanitis from a yeast infection is more common in uncircumcised men than in those who are circumcised.
If it is spiritual counselling you need, help is also available. There is no excuse, and reason to suffer in silence.
Male yeast infection treatment usually consists of over-the-counter topical antifungal creams. Sometimes, a prescription oral antifungal is necessary to clear the infection if topical treatment fails. In uncircumcised men, recurrent or chronic yeast infections can be a reason to consider circumcision. Male yeast infections rarely lead to serious problems or complications. However, you should contact your doctor if you have symptoms of a yeast infection that don’t improve with a week of treatment or if symptoms return after treatment.
What are the symptoms of a male yeast infection? Male yeast infection symptoms are the result of irritation from the overgrowth of the yeast Candida albicans . Yeast infections can be extremely uncomfortable.
Common symptoms of a male yeast infection Common symptoms of a male yeast infection include:
22 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
Burning, itching and redness on the penis and groin
Collections of a thick, white substance in the skin folds on the penis
Redness and swelling of the head of the penis
White, shiny patches of skin on the penis
See your doctor if you have these symptoms. Yeast infections in men aren’t as common as female yeast infections and the symptoms may be related to another medical condition. Getting an accurate diagnosis ensures you get the right treatment. If you have a male yeast infection, your doctor may want to run other tests to see if you have an underlying problem, such as diabetes. What causes a male yeast infection? Yeast, including Candida, are normally present on the skin and in body cavities, such as the mouth and vagina. The skin flora also contains other microorganisms, including bacteria. In healthy people, the flora remains balanced and the immune system helps keep infections from starting. When something interferes with this normal balance, a yeast infection can develop. Areas with warm, moist skin, such as the groin, are particularly vulnerable to yeast infections. In most cases, people are referring to an infection with the fungus Candida albicans when they talk about a yeast infection. However, there are other types of fungi that can cause groin infections in males. An infection with Trichophyton is more common in men. Candida infections are more common in women. What are the risk factors for a male yeast infection? A number of factors increase the risk of developing a male yeast infection. Risk factors include:
Practicing proper hygiene, especially if you are not circumcised There are several steps you can take to keep the groin area healthy and prevent fungal infections, including yeast infections and jock itch. Avoid tight clothing that can rub and cause friction in the groin. Change out of damp or wet underwear, bathing suits, and workout clothes as soon as possible. Dry your groin thoroughly and use a powder, if necessary, to keep it dry throughout the day. How is a male yeast infection treated? Male yeast infection treatment consists of antifungal medicines to kill the fungus. Over-thecounter antifungals include clotrimazole (Lotrimin and others) and miconazole (Monistat and others). These are the same products that can treat jock itch, so look for them in the same area of your pharmacy. They are also the same ingredients in vaginal creams for yeast infections. These products will also work on male yeast infections. Be sure to follow the package instructions for applying over-the-counter yeast infection creams. Finish the entire course of treatment, even if you start to feel better. See your doctor if your symptoms aren’t improving after a week of treatment or if they return after treatment. Prescription-strength creams or oral medicines may be necessary to clear the infection. Uncircumcised men who have recurrent or chronic problems with yeast infections may need to consider surgery to remove the foreskin. Good hygiene can help your groin heal and prevent recurrences of male yeast infections. Keeping the area dry during and after treatment will improve your comfort and help you stay
Being overweight
Being uncircumcised
Having diabetes or a weakened immune system
Having sex with a woman who has a vaginal yeast infection
healthy. Male yeast infection home remedy strategies, such as eating yogurt, won’t successfully treat a yeast infection. However, yogurt does contain helpful bacteria. Eating it on a regular basis may help maintain a healthy flora balance in the genitourinary system. What are the potential complications of a male yeast infection?
Taking long courses of antibiotics In most cases, male yeast infections respond to medication and clear without complications.
Reducing your risk of a male yeast infection You may be able to lower your risk of a male yeast infection by: Abstaining from sexual intercourse if your partner has a yeast infection Controlling chronic medical conditions, including diabetes Losing weight if you are overweight
23 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
However, yeast infections often recur in men who are not circumcised. Resistant strains of yeast can also cause problems with recurrence. See your doctor for persistent symptoms or symptoms that return after successfully treating a yeast infection.
Read more on this and other men’s health related articles at www.healthgrades.com
Enlarged prostate: Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) affects around 1 in 3 men over the age of 50 years. An overgrowth of cells in the prostate gland causes the urethra to constrict, leading to problems with urination. Erectile dysfunction: The penis is unable to attain sufficient rigidity to fully participate in sexual intercourse. This is often a symptom of an underlying condition. Peyronie’s disease: A fibrous layer of scar tissue develops beneath the skin of the penis. This can lead to bending or curving in the penis (phimosis) during an erection that can cause pain and lead to difficulties with sexual intercourse. Interstitial cystitis or painful bladder syndrome: A chronic inflammatory bladder condition can produce discomfort ranging from mild to severe. Kidney and ureteral stones: Small, hard deposits made from mineral and acid salts form in the kidneys but can pass through into the ureters. They can affect urination and cause pain, nausea and vomiting. A patient may be referred to a urologist for treatment of a range of conditions: Urinary tract infections (UTIs): These often arise when bacteria migrate from the digestive tract to the urethra. Symptoms include abnormal urination, pain, incontinence, nausea, vomiting, fevers, and chills. It mostly affects women. Incontinence: A malfunction in the urinary system can lead to involuntary loss of bladder control. In women, this may result from a weakening of the pelvic floor muscles during pregnancy. Male infertility: This can result from damage to the male reproductive tract and a variety of sperm disorders. One common cause is varicoceles, an enlarged vein in the sac beneath the penis. Surgery can sometimes help. Kidney disease: Damage to the kidneys can lead to swelling in the hands and ankles, high blood pressure, and other symptoms. If the kidneys no longer work effectively, this is kidney failure. Ultimately, it can be fatal. Renal transplantation: A person may require kidney transplants following kidney failure. Urologic oncology: Treatment of cancers that relate to the urological or male reproductive system, such as bladder cancer and prostate cancer. Bladder prolapse: when the tissues and muscles of the pelvic floor are no longer able to support the organs in the pelvis, the organs can drop from their usual position. Cancers: the bladder, kidneys, prostate gland, testicles, and any other cancer that affects the urinary system or, in men, the reproductive system.
24 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
Prostatitis: Infection or inflammation of the prostate can cause painful urination or ejaculation. It can be acute or chronic. Undescended testes, or cryptorchidism: Normally, the testicles form inside the abdomen of a foetus and descend into the scrotum before birth. If one or both does not descend, sperm production can be impaired, and there is a risk of complications. Urethral stricture: scarring of the urethra can narrow or block the path of urine flowing from the bladder. Causes include infection, inflammation or injury. Symptoms include painful urination and reduced output. It can lead to complications such as prostatitis and urinary tract infections. Paediatric urology: This includes the treatment of urological problems in children that are too complex for non-specialized paediatricians.
About Men and Mental Health About Male Depression Tips For a healthy Male Mind The Benefits of Therapy
25 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
26 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
and addiction thrive. In addition, researchers advocate for recognising that mental health issues are medical issues and By Steveria Kadangwe There is a lot of stigma surrounding mental health which
Recognise that the feeling is temporary. Find and document reasons to live.
that there are treatments that can help – menta health issues can potentially become physical health issues.
makes men hesitate to seek help when they are facing
How to help someone who is suicidal Many times, we do not know what to do if someone says
challenges in life. All across the globe, men are dying of
Awareness and education could also help people seek help
they are considering suicide. The Mayo clinic website has
suicide at a higher rate than women. According to a paper
early and encouraging them to talk to their loved ones or
some tips about how to help someone who is suicidal.
published by St John of God Hospitaller Services, suicide is
therapists who can provide tools to cope with the situations.
the second leading cause of premature death for individuals aged 15 to 29 years of age, next to traffic accidents.
The first thing you need to establish is whether the person is But now do you know you need help?
actually going to act on suicidal feelings. Be sensitive but ask
You have mood changes that are sudden and sometimes
direct questions like, how are you coping with what is
Statistics show that men are more affected by depression, are
extreme. You experience disproportionate range, anger or
happening in your life? Are you thinking of hurting yourself?
more likely to abuse and die from alcohol related causes and
Are you thinking of suicide? Have you thought about how
You notice that your work performance has changed and
and when you will do it? Do you have access to harm
is because men do not want to admit that they have a
you are not able to work or study. You have an increased
yourself? Asking such questions will not cause someone to act
weakness or as a personal issue and the stigma surrounding it
sense of apathy and hopelessness and lack of motivation
on suicide but giving them the opportunity to talk may cause
does not help. The way men are brought up teaches them to
that persists.
them to rethink.
drugs, yet men are less likely to seek help than women. This
be strong and quiet if they are having struggles, which is toxic
You put on or lose a lot of weight
masculinity. The culture in Malawi is not helpful – men are
You are overcome by feelings of sadness, hopelessness or
Look for the warning signs, for example, someone talks about
you stop enjoying things that you previously enjoyed
killing themselves, they get means of doing so such as buying
You have physical symptoms like headaches and stomach
guns, they withdraw and have serious mood swings, they
increase their use of alcohol and drugs and they do risky or
You feel overwhelmed, fatigued
self-destructive things, they give away belongings or start
not encouraged to express their feelings like grief and anger openly. Economic hardships make men feel depressed and
can also lead to suicide • The risk factors of suicide include:
There is a poster with a list of health providers in this
magazine. Talk to someone today!
Young age – most people who are likely to commit suicide are between the ages of 15 to 29
Social status has an impact on how people perceive
If someone you know has attempted suicide, don’t leave If you are having suicidal thoughts:
themselves. Low income, unemployment, low education and low social support can lead someone to commit •
getting their affairs in order.
them alone. Take them to the nearest hospital and tell a family member or friend what has happened. Try and find
Keep a list of contacts handy which includes doctors,
out if they have taken alcohol or drugs and overdosed.
therapists, crisis centres and loved ones. Reach out and call
Masculine gender – men are more likely to commit suicide
Encourage the people in your life to seek professional help
Remove any potential means of killing yourself, especially
when grappling with issues like this.
than omen
Psychiatric conditions especially mood disorders
High levels of family conflict
different. Include exercise in your routine, even if it is just
Physical problems – suicides double in individuals
diagnosed with cancer, HIV or other long-term illnesses
the ones which you have considered using •
Schedule your daily activities and maybe try something
If you are on treatment, continue. Take your medication and keep all your treatment appointments.
The results of the study done by St John of God were that
80% of suicides were by men, the majority of whom were between the ages of 21 to 30 years of age and had not
Use your network. Get together with others and reach out to others even if you do not feel like it to prevent isolation
attended any education. 97% were from rural areas.
Join a support group where you can share with others who are experiencing the same thing
• As a community, we need to end the stigma around asking
Avoid drugs and alcohol, which increase suicidal thoughts and increase impulsive behaviours as well.
for help. Talking about and creating transparency around
Avoid social media or websites that trigger
mental health issues, the reality of stress, depression and
anxiety will reduce the isolation in which mental health issues 27 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
Like women, men are prone to suffer from depression. The
will only make the symptoms worse. Fuelling more efforts
life, including your health, career, relationships and personal
to numb the symptoms instead of seeking help.
Even when they do seek help for depression, the
Depression, even if it's severe, usually improves with
signs and symptoms of depression in males do not present in
cultural and societal expectations of males to be strong, self-
medications or psychological counselling (psychotherapy) or
the same way and unless one is aware or what to look out
controlled and non-expressive people can trap them into
both. If you or someone close to you thinks you may be
secrecy and the inability to properly describe what they are
depressed, talk to your doctor or a mental health
experiencing. Therefore, delaying or preventing effective
professional. It's a sign of strength to ask for advice or seek
help when you need it.
for, they might miss the condition altogether. The following are a few of the often-over-looked signs and symptoms of male depression; Changes in behaviour
In the case where a man suspects they have depression, they may avoid diagnosis or refuse treatment.
• Alcohol or drug abuse
The perception is often that getting help may come with the
• Controlling, abusive, or violent behaviours
risk of stigma that depression carries, which could damage
• Irritability or inappropriate anger
one’s career or cause family and friends to lose respect.
• Risky behaviours such as reckless driving, unsafe sexual behaviours, extreme sports • Lack of interest in most things • Sensitivity to criticism • Abusive behaviour Physiological changes
Male depression and suicide Although women attempt suicide more often than men do, men are more likely to complete suicide. That's because men may use methods that are more likely to cause death such as guns or through hanging themselves. They may act more
• Racing heartbeat
impulsively on suicidal thoughts and show fewer warning
• Tightening chest
signs, such as talking about suicide.
• Frequent and ongoing headaches • Digestive disorders • Backache • Sleep disorders • Sexual dysfunction Since most of these signs may be over-looked, diagnosing depression in males may also be over-looked which leads to a lot of men out there suffering without any treatment or intervention. The masking behaviours associated with male depression do not help either especially when coupled with societal norms and culture.
If you're feeling suicidal, but you not thinking of hurting yourself right now, seek help: • Reach
it may be hard to talk about your feelings. • Contact a
minister, spiritual leader or someone in your
faith community (see on this page for these contacts) • Consider joining
a men's health group that deals with
depression perhaps within your faith community. • Call a
suicide crisis centre hotline (see our resource
section for these contacts) • Make
Consider the following: factors that delay or prevent
out to a close friend or loved one — even though
an appointment with your doctor, other primary
care provider or mental health professional.
diagnosis and treatment of male depression; Most men will often feel isolated in their depression, and will therefore engage in behaviours to distract
Asking for help can be hard for men. But without treatment,
themselves – which may not always be healthy – but the
depression is unlikely to go away, and it may get worse.
distraction itself prevents diagnosis.
Untreated depression can make you and the people close to you miserable. It can cause problems in every aspect of your
downplaying depressive symptoms through unhealthy ways 28 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
Treatment, including psychotherapy, with a mental health professional can help you learn healthy coping skills. These may include: Goals. Set realistic goals and prioritize tasks. Support. Seek out emotional support from a partner or family or friends. Learn strategies for making social connections so that you can get involved in social activities. Coping. Learn ways to manage stress, such as prayer, meditation, breathing exercises, and mindfulness, you can also learn how to develop problem-solving skills. Decisions. Delay making important decisions, such as changing jobs, or leaving a marriage until your depression symptoms improve. Activities. Engage in activities you typically enjoy, such as football, travel, exercise, cooking, fishing or a hobby. Health. Try to stick to a regular schedule and make healthy lifestyle choices, including healthy eating and regular physical activity, to help promote better mental health. It is very difficult to spot depression amongst males in Malawi as there are many ways through which these symptoms are over-looked. There is a lot of drinking and
Get help when you need it
This behaviour of ignoring, suppressing, or
Male depression and coping skills
drug abuse, excessive partying, complicated relationship patterns, over-working, and other behaviour that keeps men well and truly distracted to their internal condition. It is often too late to help such males and we see the results through our ever-increasing male suicide rates.
Many effective treatments are available for depression in this country. Avoid denial, seek help before we lose another valuable male.
Contact these numbers for pastoral counselling.
29 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
Spend Time with Friends Strengthening relationships with good friends is a great way
We all want to be happy and healthy, but it’s often
to relax and improve your mood. Go fishing, hiking, out for
something we feel like we have no control over. While it’s
a bite to eat or to a movie with a friend. Stay open to
true that external circumstances can impact happiness and
conversations about challenges which can deepen your
health, it’s possible to develop habits that help improve
friendship. Research shows that social ties can help you
your life. This can not only help to boost your mood on a
survive health problems, make you happier, and even
daily basis but may also help you live a longer, healthier life.
prolong your life. One study even found that social bonds
Consider these simple tips to help you live a happier,
can protect your physical health as much as quitting
healthier and longer life.
Find out if your workplace offers counselling or coaching programs. If so, take advantage of these resources to help develop your mind and body. Exercise Your Ears Try using music to fine-tune your ears. Turn down the volume to a level that allows you to carry on a normal conversation, then practice focusing on a single instrument. This can help train your ears to perceive more details in sound.
Don’t Smoke
Savour the Little Things
Smoking is the major cause of lung cancer. Lung cancer kills
Pay attention to pleasing sights, smells and sounds
The foods you eat impact your body in many ways. A
more men than any other type of cancer. Smoking is also
throughout the day and take a moment to savour them.
healthy diet helps keep the body functioning at its best and
linked to heart disease, stroke, and COPD (chronic
Building short-term positive emotions can change your
can improve your mood. For example, omega-3 fatty acids
obstructive pulmonary disease). And half of all long-term
outlook and lead to greater happiness.
are great for the heart, brain and skin plus they help reduce
smokers will die because they use tobacco. The good news is
stress. Fruit is another healthy choice that can lift your
that as soon as you stop smoking, you start to decrease your
spirits, probably because many types of fruit contain vitamin
risk of developing chronic diseases.
Watch What You Eat
C which can help improve your mood. Limit Alcohol Pay Attention to How You Eat Happy hour can be a fun time and a good deal. But too
Practice Mindful Breathing Learning and practicing techniques for mindful breathing help reduce negative thoughts and promote relaxation. Try building up to 10 minutes of mindful breathing each day. Take a Walk
It’s not just what you eat that’s important—how you eat
much alcohol can lead to injuries, cancer, psychological
can also impact health. For example, slicing food thinly can
problems, damaged relationships, and high blood pressure.
Getting outside is a great mood booster. Restore and refresh
make the same portion seem like more food so you trick
Try to limit alcohol to two drinks—such as a bottle of beer
your mind by taking a walk in nature; it’s great for your
yourself into eating less. Chewing whole foods also helps
or one and half ounces of hard alcohol—per day.
mental state and your body.
Workout Regularly
Small amounts of stress can energize you and sharpen your
increase satiety and reduce calorie intake. Swapping a glass of fruit juice for a piece of whole fruit is one way to increase chewing. Pairing certain foods can also be beneficial. The acid in
Exercise is great for your body and mind. Staying active can help you maintain a healthy body weight, strengthen heart
vinegar helps prevent spikes in blood sugar by interfering
health and build muscle tone, among other benefits. It also
with the enzymes that break down carbohydrates. Adding a
provides a mood-enhancing boost that can lift your spirits.
slice of lemon to your tea can boost the antioxidant levels. Seek Alternative Compensation
and depression. To de-stress, get some exercise, meet up with friends, take a break from the phone and computer
A good night’s sleep is important to help you feel and
Compliment Your Spouse
lower happiness. Seeking raises at work can actually make
exposing yourself to bright light early in the morning. Drink
you less content. When people earn more, they tend to
your morning cup of coffee by a sunny window or turn on
adjust to the new pay and aren’t satisfied with what they
bright daylight bulbs.
30 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
heart disease, diabetes, digestive problems, sleeplessness,
function at your best. Help maintain a healthy sleep cycle by
such as the ability to telecommute.
cause serious physical and mental health problems, including
Set Your Sleep Cycle
Focusing too much on money tends to raise stress levels and
can afford. Try asking for compensation in a different form,
ability to perform well. But too much stress over time can
Check Out Workplace Programs
A healthy marriage can help to increase happiness levels and can actually be good for your health because it may lower your chance of getting sick or suffering from depression. One easy way to strengthen your marriage is developing the habit of regularly telling your spouse things you respect or admire about them.
Stop Comparing People tend to be happier when they don’t compare themselves to others. Try doing something to distract yourself every time you start thinking about how a colleague makes more money or your neighbour drives a better car. Make the most of your daily routine by developing habits that help you live a happier and healthier life. Try some of these tips to get started. Go to the Doctor
The Good Men Project was founded by Tom Matlack in 2009. The Good Men Project is a diverse community of
Even if you feel fine, regular check-ups and screenings are
21st century thought leaders who are actively participating in a conversation about the way men’s roles are
vital for protecting your health. How important? They will help you spot signs of serious diseases and conditions early,
changing in modern life—and the way those changes affect everyone.
when you have a better chance of successfully treating them. You’ll also be more likely to find problems before they
We explore the world of men and manhood in a way that no media company ever has, tackling the issues and
cause painful or bothersome symptoms. And you’ll live a longer and more active life free of disability.
questions that are most relevant to men’s lives. We write about relationships, social justice, fatherhood, family, ethics, gender, politics, sports, climate, education, and much more. Our content reflects the multidimensionality of men — we are alternately funny and serious, provocative and thoughtful, earnest and light-hearted. We search far and wide for new stories and new voices from “the front lines of modern manhood.” And we do it without moralizing and without caricaturizing our audience; we let guys be guys, but we do it while challenging confining
cultural notions of what a “real man” must be.
Guys today are neither the mindless, sex-obsessed buffoons nor the stoic automatons our culture so often makes them out to be. Our community is smart, compassionate, curious, and open-minded; they strive to be good fathers and husbands, citizens and friends, to lead by example at home and in the workplace, and to understand their role in a changing world.
Visit The Good Men Project to read more about issues and experiences that men around the world
31 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
How seeking mental health treatment can better your life. Article by Marie Miguel According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, one in five Americans live with a mental health condition, and that’s just the people that have been diagnosed or have acknowledged that they have mental health issues. For all of those people that are seeking treatment, there are so many others that go undiagnosed that are living with mental illness and don’t have the luxury of having treatment or are too afraid to seek it. There are things that can help improve your quality of life if you have a mental illness, and one of those things is therapy. The benefits of therapy are vast, and one of the things that therapy can help you realize is that living a full life with a mental illness is possible and that your quality of life can be great. How therapy helps your mood Psychotherapy or talk therapy is a common mental health treatment. When you see a therapist and talk about your problems, you feel a sense of relief. One of the benefits of therapy is having someone impartial to talk to and getting your feelings out. You can talk to your friends and family about what you’re going through in addition to therapy, but they aren’t impartial. A therapist can give you an objective point of view rather than talking to someone who is too invested in your situation and is not impartial. Therapists are experts in navigating complex issues. Maybe, you’re going through a depressive episode and can’t seem to get through the slump. Your therapist is there to help you
you to take care of yourself and have compassion for
appointments. If you don’t go to therapy, you can’t get the
yourself when you’re struggling to do so.
benefits of it. It’s integral to make sure that you get to your appointments and put the work in when you’re there. It’s
Therapy helps for anxiety
extremely important to be completely honest with your
When you’re extremely anxious and overwhelmed, it can be
therapist; let them know exactly what you’re thinking and
difficult to see outside of that bubble. You might be having
feeling. They’ve heard it all. You’re not going to shock
trouble managing your daily to-do list or it could get to the
them. Make sure that you are brutally honest because the
point where you’re so consumed by anxiety that you can’t
things that scare you are likely not going to intimidate a
get out of bed. Whatever the case may be, anxiety can be
therapist, and the more honest you are, the better the
debilitating. There are many anxiety disorders that therapists
quality of treatment you’ll receive.
can help navigate such as phobias, social anxiety, obsessivecompulsive disorder, or even selective mutism. Therapists
Finding the right therapist matters
understand all of these conditions and can help an
Whether you work with a therapist online or in your local
individual go from feeling extremely distressed to being able
area, put the effort into searching for the right one. You
to cope with their anxiety.
don’t have to pick the first therapist that you talk to. Make sure that you do some research, look at some profiles on
Family therapy
therapy websites, and select someone that you feel like you
One of the benefits of family therapy is being able to talk
have a genuine connection with and someone who you feel
with your family in a neutral setting. Family therapy is an
can help you. Some therapists have specialties or specific
excellent modality to navigate the complexities of a family
client populations that they work with, so you might look
unit. A family therapist understands the different
into that, too. Therapy can be extremely beneficial and
interpersonal relationships that can exist within a family and
determining what you want out of therapy can help you
can help you to communicate better with the members of
find the right therapist for you. Maybe, you want to work
your family. This kind of mental health professional is an
on self-esteem, interpersonal relationships, or coping with a
expert in understanding how families work, and they have
mental illness. Once you start to seek them out, you’ll find
seen many different kinds of familial units. They’re non-
so many benefits to attending therapy. You may notice that
judgmental and they’re there to help your family unit
your relationships improve, that you feel more confident,
function better. If there are roadblocks to communication
that you’re open to love and friendship from others, and so
between one or more members of the family, a therapist is
on. Whatever the case may be, the benefits of therapy are
there to help you facilitate a better dialogue.
Therapy is what you make of it
Published in 2019 at www.goodmenproject.com
If you’re interested in getting the most out of therapy, it’s
understand your moods and support you in navigating them
important to shop around and find the right therapist. You
so that you can live a better quality of life.
need to find someone that you feel like you can connect with and you have a sense that they’re helping you. The
Therapy can help depression When you’re in a depressive episode, it can be hard to see a life outside of it. One of the benefits of therapy is that a mental health provider who is dedicated to helping you will assist you in developing coping strategies for your
chemistry between you and your therapist is essential. You want to be able to get the best fit possible because if you do, you’ll know that you’re getting the most out of therapy. Tips for making the most out of therapy
depression. You don’t have to do this alone. Therapists are
You want to make sure that you get there on time for your
there to support you through depressive episodes and teach
appointments and make your regularly scheduled
32 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
33 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
This past year has shown us just how fragile our planet can be. For those of us in the hospitality sector, it is it has been exceptionally hard. But each and every one of you can help. You can spread the word. Our best marketing tool is word of mouth.
Support local tourism!
You can help by visiting us - your local tourist spots across the country: Casa Rossa, Kaza Kitchen, The Art House, The Chocolate Factory, Kachere Kastle, Namizimu Forest Retreat, Mvuu Lodge & Camp, Africa Wild Truck, Nanchengwa Lodge, Huntingdon House, The Mushroom Farm, The Norman Carr Cottage, N'gona Lodge, to name but a few. We all need you :) *Background picture is of Mumbo Island, Lake Malawi.
34 Essential Grace Magazine July 2021
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