Buy airline approved pet carrier for your dog when preparing him for a new baby

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Buy airline approved pet carrier for your dog when preparing him for a new baby It is a wonderful feeling when you learn that there will be a new addition to the family. Your whole life changes. However this change isn't just going to affect you and you partner, your pet dog is going to be there too. This change will affect your dog more than you know. When you have a baby you tend to give it all your time leaving little or none for your dog. Less attention will make your pup behave erratically as well. To ensure your pooch doesn’t feel neglected and harm the baby it is advisable to prepare him/her beforehand.

Start preparing your dog to socialize with kids as early as possible. Put some cereal in a bowl and shake it. Treat your dog and make him associate the sound with treats and happiness. Then invite kids over so that your pet feels comfortable around them.

Initially, don't leave your dog alone with the kids. Keep him leashed until you are sure that your pet is able to handle the situation with ease. When you take your pet to a playground make him meet the kids there. Ask the children to give your pup a treat and a pat. This will help in developing a friendly attitude in your pet towards children. If at all your pet exhibits aggressive behavior then it is better to consult a professional. Also after the baby is born it might be difficult for you to take your dog out in the mornings. So it is better you start preparing him for afternoon walks as the baby is likely to be sleeping that time. Owners should not get so involved in their babies that they neglect pet travel safety measures when going on a trip. Your pet is as much a part of your world as your baby.

One of the most important things you should stop doing is treating your dog like a baby and calling them something you would call your kid. Replacing phrases like ‚That’s a good girl‛ with ‚That’s a good dog‛ will avoid your dog from getting confused when you address your baby.

When you have a baby it is likely that you will find little time for your dog, at least initially. It is necessary to start preparing your dog to be alone for at least an hour. Get your pup the bestdog carrier and get your pet used to spending some time alone. If your pup is used to getting your attention whenever he/she wants then it will get upset when you focus on the baby instead. So try to get your dog adjusted to your changing priorities before the baby arrives so that the change is not much of a jolt to your pet.

Most dogs adore babies and if you handle the transition well then you might soon find that that your dog is more protective of your baby than you are! Follow these suggestions and consult your vet to help prepare your dog to welcome the baby. As the saying goes, ‘It is better to plan and prepare then repent and repair.’ For more details on airline approved pet carrier visit :

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