Shoes for dogs can prevent them from diseases

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Shoes for dogs can prevent them from diseases Arthritis is one the most common health problems for dogs and older dogs are more prone to it. It is an inflammation that results in damaging the joints. It is often simply caused by the regular wear and tear of the joints that occurs over the years. Other medical terms for this disease are osteoarthritis and degenerative joint disease. Generally it affects older and large breed dogs more than young and smaller breed dogs. Prevention is always better than cure, and there are various ways in which you can prevent your dog from getting affected by arthritis.

The weight of your dog plays a significant role when it comes to such diseases; an obese dog is more susceptible to arthritis because the joints bear more stress.

Keep a close watch on your dog’s weight and ensure that it receives consistent exercise to make its joints strong. While exercising is good do not let your dog indulge in rigorous exercise, this will not only make your dog tired it will also do more harm than good. Another factor that can contribute to arthritis is the hardness of a floor as it can damage the joints while playing, running or jumping; ​ dog booties​ are padded and hence provide support and protection to your pet’s feet while walking.

Nutrition also plays an important role in keeping arthritis at bay. A proper and healthy diet not only ensures healthy joints but is also good for overall physical health. Introduce your dog to food rich in Omega 3 fatty acids as it is known to reduce joint inflammation. So the next time you go out to purchase dog supplies for your pet choose dog food with a fatty acid content of at least 60%. You might think all your pet does is play and sleep throughout the day and never gets tired, but pets need massages too. A pet massage provides relief to inflamed or damaged tissue and is a great way for you to bond with it.

Never start any medicine or supplements without consulting your vet, especially if your dog is on any other medication. However, a few simple measures as illustrated above such as nutritious food and ​ shoes for dogs​ ​ can go a long way to preventing your pet from getting arthritis as it grows older.

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