Shoes for dogs when potty training

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Shoes for dogs when potty training

When you have a pet at home they become a part of your family. And just like a baby, your pet needs to be taught when and where to poop and pee. So it is very important to give your dog adequate potty training right from the start so that it doesn’t pose a problem later on.

Before you bring a pet home, you should decide upon a place where you would want your pet to pee and poop. If you have a yard, choose a spot where others are not likely to walk because let’s face it, nobody likes the sight of a dog taking a poop. If you want your dog to go to a litter box to relieve himself then choosing a spot that is easy to clean is a good idea. Also make sure that the spot is away from your dog’s sleeping spot as they don’t like to take a poop or pee near where they sleep. Consider making your dog wear dog booties so that they don’t slip if the floor gets slippery.

Many people remove their dog’s leash as soon as they get them home for the very first time. While it is good to let your pet explore his new home, it is recommended that you don’t do it right away. Do not remove the leash and take your dog to the place where you would want him to relieve himself. You have to wait till your dog circles around and sniffs the area. Be patient and hold your ground until he eliminates. It is a good idea to get boots for dogs and make him/her wear them for adequate paw protection.

For dogs that have already relieved themselves before you get them home, take them to the crate instead. Introducing your dog to the crate is important as he/she will be required to stay in the crate often. Make sure that you take your dog to the potty spot later on until he/she learns to use the spot for the intended purpose. You will have to show a great deal of perseverance but it will be worth it.

The moment your dog begins to go to the potty spot on its own, it is time to rejoice. Make sure you praise your dog and of course give him/her a pat and a treat. Your dog will start associating good behavior with going to the assigned spot to relieve himself. It is called positive reinforcement and it is important that you let your dog know that you are pleased with what he has done.

For more details on dog booties visit :

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