Romagna Toscana . A land of tales to tell

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Travelling is akin to accurate research. Of course, there are other ways of finding out about the world. But the traveller is a slave to his senses. Lord Byron

That’s how Lord Byron, one of the protagonists of the Grand Tour, described the close relationship between experience and travelling; experience that goes beyond and extends pure enjoyment of a historic piece of art or the landscape. Ours is an invitation to explore Romagna Toscana, to launch into an authentic experience in a terri- tory still intact and just waiting for you to discover its history, nature, natural springs and spa waters, set like gems into gentle hills, woods and uplands. Itineraries become tales that every traveller can add to, change and interpret to bring their experience to life, creating their own stories to be treasured and passed on.



Romagna Toscana, geographically and culturally Romagna, at the end of the 15th century was under the government of the Republic of Florence, then was governed by the Grand Duke of Tuscany until 1859. After Italy’s unification it was included in the province of Florence until 1923, when Benito Mussolini merged 11 municipalities under the province of ForlÏ and another three under Florence. The illustrious dynasty of the aristocratic Guidi family, mentioned by Dante in the Divine Comedy, began with the marriage of Englarada II, daughter of Duke Martino di Ravenna to the Pistoia knight Tegrino, at the beginning of the 10th century. Historically Romagna Toscana comprised the municipalities of Verghereto, Bagno di Romagna, Sorbano (now Sarsina), Santa Sofia, Galeata, Premilcuore, Portico e San Benedetto, Rocca San Casciano, Dovadola, Castrocaro Terme and Terra del Sole, Tredozio and Modigliana for Romagna, Marradi, Palazzuolo and Firenzuola for Tuscany; we hope the snippets of information given here will awaken your curio- sity and kindle a desire to explore a territory that offers numerous itineraries in a surprisingly little known part of Italy. The itineraries described in this leaflet are based on geographical positions and certain themes so that visitors/travellers can organise their own routes and create their own stories.



Terra di Racconti

Starting from the “ideal Renaissance city” Terra del Sole, crossing Partendo Terme, dalla "città ideale rinascimentale" Terra del Sole, Castrocaro a well-known spa popular for its magic waters attraversando Castrocaro Terme nota stazione termale up to the 19th century, you approach the Apennines following the estremamente apprezzata finodell’ dall’800 per le after magiche acque, River Montone along the Valle Acquacheta; Dovadola risalendo verso gli Appennini seguendo il corso del fiume Montone and Rocca San Casciano, you reach the heart of the ancient lungo laofValle dell’Acquacheta, Dovadola San province Romagna Toscana dopo with its hamlets,e Rocca fortresses, Casciano, si giunge nel cuore dell’antica provincia di Romagna humpbacked bridges, towers and ancient abbeys, finally reaching Toscana con i suoi borghi, le sue rocche, i ponti a schiena d’asino, Portico and San Benedetto. le torri e le antiche abbazie, fino a raggiungere Portico e San Parallel to the Valle dell’Acquacheta runs the valley of the River Benedetto. Tramazzo, with the hamlets of Modigliana, where the Guidi Parallela alla Valle dell’Acquacheta si apre la Valle del fiume dynasty had its seat, and the birthplace of famous artists such as Tramazzo, con i borghi di Modigliana, dove è nata la dinastia macchiaiolo Silvestro Lega, and Tredozio, a place rich in history dei Conti Guidi e terra natia di famosi artisti quali il maestro della and illustrious men. Nestling in the Tosco-Romagnolo Apennines, macchia Silvestro Lega e Tredozio, luogo ricco di storia e uomini at the entrance to the Lamone Valley, lies Marradi, another Guidi illustri. Adagiata sull’Appennino Tosco-Romagnolo, all’attacco della borough and home to the great poet Dino Campana, to continue Valle del Lamone, si trova Marradi, anch’esso borgo guidingo e towards the villages of Palazzuolo sul Senio and Firenzuola with patria del grande poeta Dino Campana, per proseguire verso a itypically character. borghi Florentine di Palazzuolo sul Senio e Firenzuola dal carattere Along the Bidente valley from Galeata you reach Santa Sofia, tipicamente fiorentino. while in la thevalle Rabbi in siPremilcuore: theseSofia, are Lungo del Valley Bidenteyou da arrive Galeata raggiunge Santa centuries old hamlets, places steeped in archaeology, medieval mentre nella Valle del Rabbi si arriva a Premilcuore: sono borghi churches Renaissance buildings, bypievi a network of di storia and millenaria, luoghi sospesi fraconnected archeologie, medievali itineraries, cycle paths and walks. e palazzi rinascimentali, bagnati da fiumi, le cui limpide acque Finally you reach the Savio Valley with its ancient hamlets, where dissetano la pianura. life good la and nature breathtakingly beautiful. E isinfine Valle delisSavio, con i suoi borghi di antichissima fondazione, paesi del buon vivere delleMaccio bellezze naturali. Sarsina, Sarsina, birthplace of the Latin poeteTito Plauto, every year patriabydel poeta latino Tito Maccio Plauto,ofogni anno Bagno meta di visited thousands of pilgrims to the Basilica St. Vicinio; di pellegrini alla Basilica del Santo taumaturgo Vicinio; dimigliaia Romagna with its famous spa waters, famous since Roman Bagno di Romagna le sue acque e le Park; famose terme dalle the virtù times, gateway to thecon Casentinesi Forest Verghereto, terapeutiche, famose dai to tempi deithe Romani, d’ingresso place St. Romualdo fledsinfrom found Sacredporta Hermitage of del Parcoon delle Casentinesi; Verghereto, cui fu cacciato Camaldoli theForeste other side of the Apennines. Theda River Tiber, the San Romualdo che fuggì oltre cresta appenninica e known fondò il sacred river of Rome, rises in the lavalley from two springs eremo di Camaldoli. Nella valle, da due sorgenti dette "le asSacro le Vene situated on the slopes of Monte Fumaiolo and the River Vene" alle pendici del the Monte Fumaiolo, vita il Tevere, Savio which descends valley towardsprende the Adriatic Sea. fiume sacro ai destini di Roma.

Per aiutare nella lettura di questa piccola guida proponiamo racconti: Here are vi a few tales thatalcuni will help you read this little guide: 4


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TALES of ART and HISTORY An itinerary that sets off from several points in Romagna Toscana to explore hamlets large and small, steeped in ancient memories and natural beauty.

TERRA DEL SOLE Palazzo Pretorio


CASTROCARO TERME E TERRA DEL SOLE Fortezza di Castrocaro 1 > The lanes and ancient gates of this medieval town take you to the imposing fortress that dominates Castrocaro from above: unique, admirable architecture for an authentic fortified complex that has come down through the ages, as if suspended in time. Terra del Sole > The city-fortress, founded on 8 December 1564 by Cosimo I De Medici, as the new centre of Romagna Toscana is an extraordinary example of a 16th century fortified town. Within its walls it preserves a true people-oriented town, a rare example of military and judicial architecture displaying a harmonious relationship between space and volumes. DOVADOLA Rocca dei Conti Guidi 2 > Now represents the best preserved example of the Guidi family’s forti- fication in Romagna, fascinating even today. The first records of the fortress go back to 1021, but the building we see today was constructed in the 13th century. It stands on a rocky spur and still domi- nates the town, as it once dominated the road to Florence, the Strada Fiorentina.



Il Borgo > The ancient structure of the hamlet can still be admired. It begins with a characteristic passage under the Civic Clock Tower through the arch that leads to Via Famiglia Tartagli Marvelli, once the road that led from the hamlet to the Guidi castle. Nearby stands the ancient Oratory of S. Gennaro and Sant’Antonio di Padova. ROCCA SAN CASCIANO Piazza Garibaldi 3 > It is the heart of the town, in the unique triangular perimeter you can catch clear signs of the Tuscan influence like the terracotta flooring recently restored, surrounded by low and characteristic arcades whose columns are of stone forged by a chisel. It has adapted well over the centuries to its role as a market and fair venue. In fact, Rocca, which became the capital of Romagna Toscana between the 18th and 19th century, was the







site of the most important silk markets and producers flocked here from all over the region. 16th and 17th century palazzi that belonged to local noble families, the Praetorian Palace and the Clock Tower, the ancient Prisons and finally the Church dedicated to Our Lady of Intercession built to remember the victims of the 1661 earthquake, all face onto the square. Today it is an exhibition centre of numerous art works belonging to the parish, which include a tondo (round artwork) in glazed terracotta attributed to Andrea della Robbia depicting “Madonna in adoration of the Child, Saint John and a choir of Angels”. PORTICO E SAN BENEDETTO IN ALPE "... Just like that river" 4 > The evocative hamlets of Portico di Romagna lead to the famous Maestà bridge, a slender, humpbacked stone bridge. Descend to the river to admire the waterfalls and Brusia bridge. At San Benedetto, a splendid path takes you to the ancient Romiti mill and the famous Acquacheta waterfalls, whose praises were sung by Dante in the XVI Canto dell’Inferno. PREMILCUORE A small medieval gem 5 > A beautifully kept, picturesque medieval hamlet nestling on the slopes of Monte Rocchetta. Its towers, sandstone houses, noble mansions, hidden corners and cobbled streets that climb up to the ancient keep fascinate the visitor with their evocative romanticism. Don’t miss the Torre dell’Orologio or Porta Fiorentina, a tall, imposing, tower-type gate, typical of 14th century Tuscany, to which a mechanical clock was added in 1593, still operating today, or the wonderful religious buildings: the church of S. Lorenzo and the parish church of S. Martino.

MODIGLIANA Lega itineraries 6 > Surprising routes “of the heart” and “of art” indicate in a very original way (by means of bronze plaques set into the streets) the places linked to the life of the well-known macchiaiolo Silvestro Lega in his native town, which he depicted in his wonderful paintings. You may also stand on the site where Lega placed his easel to paint views of his town. The Civic Art Gallery includes a section dedicated to the paintings of its illustrious citizen. Modigliana in the Risorgimento > A sign indicates the places that tell us of the important contribu- tion Modigliana made to the Italian Risorgimento, especially through the activities of a “revolution- ary” priest, Don Giovanni Verità, Giuseppe Garibaldi’s friend and life saver. Don Giovanni Verità’s house is now a museum that contains many documents testifying to his patriotism and friendship with Garibaldi. TREDOZIO Historic Buildings 7 > Open to visitors along via XX Settembre, the historic mansions of the Re- naissance and 18th century signorie in the town centre reflect the style and influence of the Florentine dominion and created the first road in the settlement of Tredozio: Palazzo Fantini, Palazzo Frassineti, Palazzo Bonaccorsi and Vicolo Mercatale.



Visit to the Castellaccio > The castle (Castrum Treudacium) is situated just a few minutes from the centre of Tredozio, on a hilltop that overlooks the valley. The first document to record its presence dates back to 925. There is little left of the building that was once the stronghold of the Guidi family, and later a Florentine bridgehead; the foundations and some underground rooms that were used as cisterns. 9

MARRADI On the run with Garibaldi 8 > In August 1849, when fleeing from the Austrians, Giuseppe Garibaldi clambered up difficult paths, known only to the local people, to reach the Tyrrhenian Sea. You can walk a part of the path, named after him, from Popolano (Marradi CAI SG sentiero), via Valnera, to the ancient hamlet of Gamberaldi, ending at Palazzuolo Sul Senio.




From Marradi to La Verna with Dino Campana > Between September and October 1910, the poet Dino Campana made a pilgrimage on foot from Marradi to La Verna, in Casentino, which he record- ed in his travel diary entitled La Verna. Campana made the journey alone, conversing with the spirits of the art and literature of the past, i.e. Dante, Leonardo, Andrea del Castagno and San Francesco. The journey to the Holy City passes through a variety of places and elements that go from mystic to fantastic, located in the area of Marradi, Le Scalelle, Campigno, Castagno d’Andrea, il Falterona, Campigna, Stia and La Verna. GALEATA Galeata: at the origins of History 9 > Archaeology fans (and not only) can experience history hands on: the Roman city of Mevaniola, Villa Teodorico, Pianetto Castle, S. Ellero Abbey and the Mambrini Museum, custodian of the territory’s outstanding finds. Under the banner of Florence > Galeata tells us of centuries of Florentine dominion. The itinerary starts from the Renaissance church of S. Maria dei Miracoli at Pianetto and the Mambrini Museum and takes you on a route that explores the historic town centre of Galeata and the Palazzo del Podestà, an emblem of Tuscany’s power in these places.

SANTA SOFIA A boundary between Romagna and Toscana J > For many centuries a frontier post, divided into two by State borders. The Tuscan and Romagna elements blend with each other. This ambivalence can be seen in the architecture and religious buildings (historic town centre, Mortano, the church in the hamlet of Corniolo). Contemporary art in the Romagna Apennines > A centre of excellence for contemporary art, where you can visit the Vero Stoppioni Contemporary Art Gallery, with works by Mattia Moreni, and explore the open-air Sculpture Park, where works by internationally renowned artists are set in natural surroundings.


SARSINA A truly ancient city K > Founded by Umbrian peoples between the 6th and 4th centuries B.C., Sarsina was conquered by Rome in 266 B.C. Around 250 B.C. Tito Maccio Plauto, the most important Latin playwright, was born there. Sarsina is particularly rich in historical and archaeological finds, kept in the Museo Archeologico Nazionale and visible all over the historic town centre. 11




BAGNO DI ROMAGNA An evocative historic-artistic itinerary L > An itinerary starting from Palazzo del Capitano with its 74 stone coats of arms on the main facade, testifying to Florence’s dominion up to 1923, and continuing with a a visiting the Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta and the Sacred Art Museum, with numerous works of famous artists of the Florentine Renaissance. Rocca di Corzano > a few km from San Piero in Bagno, this 12th century fortress belonging to Counts Guidi di Bagno is worth visiting. The imposing sections of the curtain wall, the remains of the tower, a cistern and the foundations can still be seen.. VERGHERETO Nature and History M > Remembering that this is the source of the Tiber, the sacred river of Rome, the municipality of Verghereto also includes Tavolicci, a place burned into the memory of the people of Romagna. This little village was the site of the region’s most tragic Nazi-fascist reprisal during the Second World War.


FIRENZUOLA The little Florence which faces onto Romagna N > It is said that Firenzuola is the “beautiful town wet by the Santerno”, surrounded by woods and valleys as far as the eye can see, and excellent destination for those who wish to immerse themselves in tranquillity. Firenzuola strongly links its history with that of the capital of Tuscany, also starting from the name itself, which means “little Florence”. The town was founded at the behest of Florence: it was to be the “new land”, to control the essential communication route, which linked Florence and Bologna. The history written on stone > This little Florence has places that are worth knowing: an example is the German Military Cemetery, which remembers the German soldiers who died along the Gothic Line, during the Second World War. The Museum of Pietra Serena sandstone instead celebrates the ancient art of chiselling and the extraction of this material, which has been going on here for centuries, and to which much is owed for the economic progress of the Tuscan town. PALAZZUOLO SUL SENIO Frontier land in the heart of the Apennines O > It is an enchanting village in the green heart of Romagna Toscana, a place to rediscover the emotion of life in contact with nature. Palazzuolo is stone where stories are concealed and places are hidden, a set of elements united by a single feature: authenticity. Palazzuolo is the place where, sooner or later, even if only for a few hours and a greeting, you want to return.



The Captains’ Palace > One-time residence of the representatives of the Florentine state, it is now home to the Museum of The Mountain People which bears witness to the customs and traditions of the past, and the Upper Mugello Archaeological Museum that documents ancient history with unique finds, like the “cinquedea” (five finger) Dagger. 13

TALES of FLAVOURS and WELLBEING Wellbeing through relaxation, sport and walks surrounded by nature, and then unique dishes and flavours, excellent food and wine that combine the traditions of both Romagna and Tuscany.

ROMAGNA TOSCANA cicloturismo


CASTROCARO TERME E TERRA DEL SOLE The “Orange Flag” town Art decò Wellbeing 1 > Relaxation, wellness and spa treatments, steeped in history thanks to the structures inaugurated in 1938 and which have recently been beautifully renovated, with sulphurous waters, bromine and iodine salts and the famous velvet mudbaths. The spa experience is enhanced by walks through the enchanting Parco delle Terme, and the Fluvial and Sorgara Parks.


Rupe dei Cozzi > Trekking, mountain biking, cycling and horse riding are outdoor activities for all ages. Well worth a visit is the magic Rupe dei Cozzi “lo Spungone”, where you can explore a small geological universe in which fossils eroded by wind and rain have created grottos and cliffs of undisputed charm. DOVADOLA Truffles 2 > He prestigious Sagra del Tartufo (Truffle Feast), now at its fiftieth edition, brings gourmets from all over Romagna to Dovadola. Thousands attend, attracted by the fabulous dishes flavoured by truffles (tagliatelle, absolutely hand made, polenta, grilled bread with topping, eggs) prepared by local volunteers. The Dovadola restaurants are not to be outdone and throughout the day propose traditional local dishes as well as those with truffles.



ROCCA SAN CASCIANO The Daisy Trails 3 >The trails form a circuit around the town climb up to the peaks of the adjacent valleys. They offer an enchanting panorama over the Montone Valley: on the horizon you can see an imposing, endless mountain chain. Via 431 is the main trail to which all the Daisy Trails refer. 15



PORTICO AND SAN BENEDETTO IN ALPE Only Excellence 4 > Places to visit on foot or horseback, observing the river, or simply by car. The three towns of this municipality offer many sights to see. From Portico to San Benedetto, stopping off at Bocconi: there are many places and many taverns in which to enjoy good food in a friendly atmosphere. MODIGLIANA Montebello Forest, an oasis of wellbeing and sport 5 > Over 300 hectares of nature where you can admire trees from all over the world, along 22 km of trails equipped for excursions on foot or horse- back or by mountain bike. Established as an experimental forest, today it is an oasis that includes rare woodland plants of scientific and educational interest. Modigliana doc: Sangiovese wine > The countryside surrounding this town of three rivers produces an outstanding wine that’s elegant and austere and can be tasted in any one of the many wineries in the territory. TREDOZIO The lago di Ponte Nature Trail > The Nature Trail winds through the Upper Tramazzo Valley and starts at the lovely Lago di Ponte, a lake created artificially in 1962. Along the trail there are numerous natural areas to explore as you take the crests of the nearby hills to descend into a lakeside forest.



The smallest volcano in the world 6 > In the Inferno district of Tredozio lies the smallest volcano in the world, the Monte Busca Volcano, kindled by natural gas. It is said that Dante was inspired by it for Inferno.

MARRADI The Chestnut Tree: a journey round a tree 7 > At Marradi take CAI sentiero 517, follow a boundary wall, pass close to the RAI transmitter, and make a final effort to reach the peak of Monte Scarabattole. Turn left into a narrow path that takes you first through the Chestnut Grove of Monte Rotondo and then the famous Chestnut Grove of the Pian della Quercia farm. From here you arrive at the Badia di Santa Reparata Monastery and Regional Road (SR) 74, which will take you the 2 km to Marradi. GALEATA Flavours of Romagna Toscana 8 > The territory of Galeata is a treasure trove of excellent wine and food. The visitor can find Slow Food specialities, such as Raviggiolo cheese, main courses with Romagna beef, tortello alla lastra (baked stuffed pasta rectangles), first courses with stridoli herbs, cakes and Sangiovese superiore wine. SANTA SOFIA Excursions, stupendous flavours and winter sports 9 > Santa Sofia, a Slow city, offers tourists numerous opportunities to taste good food and enjoy sports throughout the year: food and wine itineraries (tortello alla lastra, Raviggiolo cheese, cold cuts, etc.), a well-organised network of walks through the Foreste Casentinesi Park and skiing facilities at Campigna. PREMIlCUORE The “Orange Flag� town J > Surrounded by nature, Premilcuore offers a great deal to the tourist: paths through the beautiful Foreste Casentinesi Park, traditional feasts, such as the Sagra del Tortello alla Lastra and wild boar meat and excellent local specialities like Raviggiolo cheese. Above the town lies the ancient Strada Fiorentina, which runs alongside the Rabbi River and leads to Ponte Nuovo, the fantastic Grotta Urlante (Screaming Cave) and unique natural pools.









BAGNO DI ROMAGNA The “Orange Flag” town Spas, health and wellness K > Wimming pools and whirlpools with thermal water, indoors or outdoors; natural caves (calidarium and tepidarium, like in Roman times), access to thermal springs for drinking, massages, spa, saunas, mud treatments and care of the respiratory tract: health and wellness for body and soul. Activities in nature > More than 400 km of hiking trails suitable for everyone, for walking, e-biking, mountain biking, ideal lakes for sport fishing, canoe and boat trips to the Ridracoli Dam: the outdoor sports paradise. Gastronomy > Hundreds of trattorias serving traditional food but also starred restaurants: wherever you go, you eat well, from stuffed pasta to tortelli alla lastra, from mushrooms and truffles to Raviggiolo cheese, from the characteristic croutons to locally-bred meat. VERGHERETO Nature to the Fore L > The territory offers natural beauty that can be enjoyed in both summer and winter. The Associazione Fumaiolo Sentieri provides a series of tourist itineraries that appeal to those interested in nature and/or sport. Flavours and Traditions > In this boundary area the flavours of Romagna, Tuscany and Marche come together to tickle your taste buds. The locande, restaurants and hotels provide the opportunity to taste delicious dishes that will appeal to the most demanding palates. The municipality’s seven Pro Locos organise a calendar of events dedicated to typical local produce and traditions.

SARSINA The taste of tradition M > The Pagnotta Pasquale is the main sweet of the traditional cuisine of Romagna, especially in the municipality of Sarsina. It was usually eaten for breakfast on Easter morning accompanied by blessed eggs, homemade salami and some good Sangiovese wine. It is produced by local bakeries primarily during Lent and until after Easter. There is no shortage of salami and sausages like the “mad” Sausage that accompanies the piada cooked on the “slate” like the rustic “gusùn” (pastry filled with pumpkin and potatoes, or wild herbs).



On the border N > Situated in the Upper Mugello, it is now considered the ideal place to explore the highlands of Mugello and natural beauties like the Sasso of San Zenobi or some of the infinite panoramic views scattered over 126 kilometres of trails which are ideal for trekking. Here you can visit the German cemetery that is located at Passo della Futa, at 900 m above sea level. In addition to the traditional production of white, yellow and red potatoes, in great demand and hard to find, there is also the production of marron chestnuts and dry chestnuts. PALAZZUOLO SUL SENIO A combination of flavours between Romagna and Tuscany O > The Raviggiolo, typical local cheese, distinguishes itself in a rich and varied offer of dairy products with techniques handed down from the ancient peasant tradition. We recommend tasting it with products like the typical Marron chestnut of Palazzuolo PGI, which has a unique and unmistakable flavour.



Palazzuolo Outdoor > Magnificent nature itineraries with enchanting panoramas among abandoned villages, beech woods and centuries-old chestnut trees, to discover areas like Lozzole, I Prati Piani and le Colline. 19

TALES of ART and HISTORY In an important religious land, boasting monasteries and medieval parish churches, paths and trails take you through places that testify to faith, history and centuries old cults.

DOVADOLA Santuario di Montepaolo


CASTROCARO TERME E TERRA DEL SOLE Madonna dei Fiori 1 > The feast of the Madonna of the Flowers is held every year, on the first Sunday after Easter. Since the 17th century the inhabitants of Castrocaro have been thanking the Virgin Mary with a spectacular ceremony, for saving the town from the terrible plague. The Parish Church of Saints Nicholas and Francis, luxuriantly decorated with flowers, becomes the religious centre of the feasting town. DOVADOLA Benedetta Bianchi Porro 2 > Benedetta, born at Dovadola in 1936, died after months of suffering from a rare disease that destroyed her physically, but did not affect her strong religious faith. Bene- detta has been declared venerable and was officially declared blessed in 2019 Her remains are preserved in the Church of Sant’Andrea. The Assisi Pilgrimage > A spiritual walk that goes from Dovadola to Assisi, passing through important religious venues. 7 km from the town there is the Montepaolo Sanctuary (early 12th century) dedicated to Sant’Antonio di Padova who stayed here in meditation for fifteen months from 1221 to 1222. Nearby, on the Sentiero della Speranza, you can admire the saint’s Grotto.




PORTICO E SAN BENEDETTO IN ALPE San Benedetto 3 > The ancient Benedictine Abbey, founded in 853 circa, stands on the hillock dominating the confluence of three rivers, Acquacheta, Rio Destro and Troncalosso. Dante Alighieri is known to have stayed at the abbey (he cited it in the XVI Canto dell’Inferno) and according to some biographers wrote most of his Comedy there. MODIGLIANA Memories of a life of faith 4 > A territory rich in places of worship that testify to the religious faith and prosperity of the past, and the privileged seat of the Guidi family. Don’t miss: the Cappuccino convent, the baroque architecture of the Chiesa delle Monache Agostini-




ane, the Compianto in the Oratorio del GesĂš Morto, the wooden coffered ceiling of the Chiesa della Santa TrinitĂ , the chapel dedicated to the Madonna del Cantone, with lunettes painted by Silvestro Lega, the interior of the Chiesa di San Domenico, practically intact since 1400. La Via Damianea > A new walk in the footsteps of San Pier Damiani (1007-1072), who was honoured and protected by the aristocratic Guidi family. The itinerary is divided into four sections and can be covered by car and then on foot: starting from Piazza Don Minzoni at Modigliana, with a mag- nificent view of the Rocca dei Conti Guidi, you go on to the San Donato bridge and then the crypt of the Badia della Valle Monastery to end at the Gamogna Hermitage in the municipality of Marradi. TREDOZIO The Parish Church of San Valentino 5 > San Valentino is the high church of Tredozio. Founded in 562 with the title of Parish Church, its jurisdiction covered the territories to the south and south west, beyond Gamogna and the boundaries of Marradi and Modigliana, to the north east, beyond the modern boundaries of Modigliana and Rocca San Casciano and to the south east, to Portico and then beyond San Benedetto in Alpe.



Santissima Annunziata Monastery > The Monastery is situated north of the residential area at the entrance to the town, on the left for those coming from Faenza. The local chronicles report that in 1563 fourteen Dominican nuns moved here from the Luogo d’Africa monastery, and in 1810, following the suppression by Napoleon of the monastic orders, had to abandon the convent, which was then put up for sale. The Fabroni family from Marradi purchased it in 1840 and in 1986 assigned it to the Municipality of Tredozio. After important restoration work the monastery is now a venue for cultural initiatives, concerts and exhibitions.

MARRADI Fratellanza vallombrosana 6 > 2 km from Marradi town centre, on provincial road SR 74, an ancient bridge (1494 B.C.) leads to Santa Reparata Abbey, with its tall bell tower dating back to the year 1000. From Marradi, along road SR 302 in the direction of Florence, you come to the hamlet of Crespino and the Vallombrosana Church of Santa Maria Nascente. The two Abbeys solemnly declared their brotherhood in 1112. Pilgrims along the Via Romea Germanica > You can retrace the steps of the ancient pilgrims to Rome, travelling one of the many trans-Apennine routes of the Via Romea Germanica leading to the City of the Apostles, along CAI sentiero 505. Starting from Faenza, in the footsteps of the medieval saints, on the crests upstream from the ancient Via Faentina, you reach the hills sloping down towards Florence. The journey is divided into sections and along the way you can stop off in the same ancient places as the first pilgrims. GALEATA The Via dei Romei and S. Ellero Abbey 7 > Pilgrims from Germany used the Bidente Valley to reach Rome, as medieval itineraries show. It was a must for them to stop at S. Ellero Abbey, which was the seat of a centuries old cult linked to the saint’s relics. SANTA SOFIA The Via Romea Germanica and Cammino di S. Francesco 8 > The upper Bidente Valley is a land of pilgrims: the Via Romea Germanica went from Santa Sofia to Bagno di Romagna, and then on towards central Italy and Rome; Cammino di S. Francesco, one section of which passes through the town of Corniolo.





PREMILCUORE The Cammino di S. Francesco 9 > The ‘Walk of Faith’ in the footsteps of S. Francesco goes from Montepaolo di Dovadola to Assisi, and also passes through the territory of the upper valley of the River Rabbi. Premilcuore is one of the stopping places on the Romagna side of the route. 23



SARSINA Cammino di San Vicinio from Sarsina to Bagno di Romagna J > The first of the 14 sections into which this spiritual itinerary is divided. It links the most important Christian places from Romagna Toscana to the plain. The route goes from the thousand year old Basilica of S. Vicinio at Sarsina to the S. Agnese in Bagno Basilica through unforgettable landscapes, eagles flying overhead and wolves’ tracks on the ground. Secret, mysterious Romagna-Toscana: the Rio Maggio Valley > The first detour on the Cammino di S. Vicinio, which from Sarsina leads to the Rio Maggio valley with historic hamlets such as Pagno and Monteriolo. Border country, a Granducato feud, fascinating but far from Florence, in the past it was poor, rugged and frequented by lawless traffickers and those escaping the law. BAGNO DI ROMAGNA Mule Track to the Corzano Sanctuary K > From S. Piero in Bagno a paved mule track, always a pilgrims’ route, climbs up Corzano hill, where there is an ancient Santuario della Madonna, greatly venerated by the local population. Bronze stations of the cross line the mule track, by the internationally acclaimed sculptor Carmelo Puzzolo, who has sculpted an identical Via Crucis in Medjugorje. CAI sentiero 193 and Val di Bagno Trek (1.2 km).


The Pilgrims’ Mule Track of Passo Serra > To the south of Bagno di Romagna, in the Gualchiere district, skirting state road SS. 137 leading to Verghereto, there is a splendid mule track through evocative landscapes that were frequented in the Middle Ages by pilgrims to Rome who had to cross the Apennines to reach Rome. CAI sentiero No. 177 and Val di Bagno Trek (5 km). VERGHERETO Mule Track from Balze to the Sant’Alberico Hermitage L > In the Middle Ages the hermits Sant’Alberico and San Romualdo lived in the municipality and monasteries and parish churches were built there. Here there is the Sant’Alberico Hermitage, a place of austere solitude where silence reigns and one is encouraged to meditate and pray.


ROCCA SAN CASCIANO The Abbey of San Donnino in Soglio M > The original church, built around 1070 and documented since 1214, had a three-nave basilical shape. In the Middle Ages, it was one of the oldest and powerful Benedictine Abbeys of Romagna Toscana and became the economic, cultural and spiritual centre of the Apennines thanks to the links and proximity to the castles of Montecerro and Orsarola, the Abbey of San Benedetto in Alpe and the Camaldoli hermitage. Inside the Abbey you can admire what remains of the fresco “Episodes of the life of San Donnino� of the late 14th century, work in late gothic style, which stylistically recalls the Rimini school and the contemporary school of Bologna. FIRENZUOLA Church of San Giovanni N > Among the many places of worship in the area, stand out the Abbey of San Pietro in Moscheta, whose rectory houses the Museum of the Historical Landscape of the Apennines, and the Romanesque Church of Saint John the Baptist beheaded situated in the hamlet of Cornacchiaia. In the chief town, it is possible to visit the Church of St. John the Baptist, rebuilt after the Second World War, designed by the Architects Detti and Scarpa. Inside there is a 13th century wooden crucifix, panels depicting the Via Crucis and terracotta decorations of the Baptistery made by the well-known sculptor Salvatore Cipolla. PALAZZUOLO SUL SENIO Marian Sanctuaries O > One kilometre from the town, in the hamlet of Acquadalto rises the Sanctuary of Madonna della Neve, dating to the 15th century, entrusted to the care of the Congregation of the Sisters, Servants of Mary.




Mystical itineraries among the churches of the 13 peoples: 3 peoples in medieval times > For those in search of a lost spirituality, we highlight the ancient monastic complex Vallombrosano in Susinana, remembered since 1090, in whose cemetery was buried Maghinardo Pagani, remembered by Dante in the Inferno and the Church of Lozzole, totally immersed in greenery and ideal place for meditation. 25

TALES of INGENUITY Discover ancient trades still carried out in the shops, olive oil mills, wineries and factories specialising in internationally renowned, top quality products.

DOVADOLA La bottega del liutaio


CASTROCARO TERME E TERRA DEL SOLE Good Oil, Good Wine 1 > Wineries, farms, olive oil mills and farms offer the high quality products of this rich land, including DOCG wines and extra virgin olive oil. The local farms associated with Strada dei Vini e dei Sapori dei Colli di Forlì e Cesena take you into the heart of their production with authentic tastings and experiential tours. DOVADOLA Ancient Trades 2 > Weaving with ancient manual looms disappeared some time ago, and more recently also pewter work, but there is still the wonderful workshop of Foscolo Lombardi, a maker of stringed instruments, one of the last to work wood entirely by hand in Romagna. The different steps involved in making a stringed instrument (viola, violin, violoncello, contrabass, mandolin, etc.) are marked by ancient rhythms. The products made in a fascinating ambience which is practically a museum, compete on a par with those of the best Italian instrument makers. PORTICO E SAN BENEDETTO IN ALPE Handicrafts 3 > The Portico workshops produce ceramics and wrought iron. At Portico there is a skilled restoration expert and at San Benedetto there are ancient carpenters’ workshops. Hands that create.





MODIGLIANA Skilled artisans 4 > Artisans at Modigliana still practice their ancient trades: the shoemaker’s products are renowned in Italy and throughout the world, bakers reproduce typical local recipes with organic wheat, wrought iron workers and furniture restorers are faithful custodians of centuries old methods and the ceramics makers bring together tradition and innovation. Visit their workshops for an unforgettable experience. 27


TREDOZIO Visit to the F.lli Fabbri factory 5 > This company produces footwear and riding boots. Its brand is well-known all over the world and it has a shop in the United States. The brand was worn by Olympic horse riders during the 2016 Olympics. Visit to the Facit factory > This company specialises in women’s luxury footwear and produces the London brand Rupert Sanderson, an artist and footwear designer whose work is seen


on the most famous catwalks and on the feet of the world’s most beautiful women: Duchess Kate Middleton, Sandra Bullock, Charlize Theron, etc. GALEATA The ancient art of the stonemasons 6 > For centuries master stonemasons have worked in the upper Bidente Valley, chiselling local sandstone. Finds from the late Middle Ages in the Mambrini Museum testify to this activity, but it is mainly seen in the construction and decorative elements of


public and private buildings. SANTA SOFIA Romagna rust printed cloth 7 > Typical decorative elements printed with traditional Romagna rust coloured patterns on tablecloths, tea towels and oven gloves. This traditional type of cloth, refreshed to meet modern needs and tastes, is still found in the upper Bidente Valley.



PREMILCUORE Land of ancient mills 8 > The River Rabbi has for centuries been vital for the economy and suste- nance of the Apennine people. This can be seen in the old mills, some of which completely renovated, like the Mengozzi Mill at Fiumicello (visits can be booked) and the Biondi Mill at Castel dell’Alpe.


VERGHERETO Discovering ancient trades 9 > Itineraries revealing the ancient trades of our artisans will take you to the origins of craftsmanship; stonemasonry, wrought iron and wood work. Not forgetting the food artisans, producers who keep alive our territory’s traditional ancient flavours. 29



ROCCA SAN CASCIANO Museum of Tradizioni Acquachet J > In the heart of Rocca San Casciano, the Association Tradizioni Acquacheta has opened a permanent exhibition on rural and hunting traditions. The exhibition space of over 200 m2 is located at the centre of the town and has the goal of spreading the culture of the rural traditions of Romagna-Toscana through testimonies, artefacts, photographs and exhibits. In particular, it wants to highlight the contrast between the reality of the present and tradition. The exhibition is divided into six sections, with a seventh room dedicated to educational activities. The Museum is in the centre of Rocca San Casciano, Via Cavour, 21. SARSINA The masters of Pietra Serena sandstone K > Thanks to the presence of numerous “Pietra Serena” sandstone quarries in the Municipality of Sarsina, the art of its cutting has been passed down from generation to generation: the so-called “chisellers”. The natural stone is cut with the most skilful mastery to give life to architectural and artistic representations of exquisite elegance. Luthiers > For some decades a trade has begun in Sarsina connected with the art of designing, constructing and restoring string instruments. The two luthiers in Sarsina produce respectively, harps, also for the most internationally acclaimed orchestras and artists; and Italian classical guitars and more.



BAGNO DI ROMAGNA Visit to local producers L > Make your stay even more enriching by paying a visit to local producers, from mountain honey to Raviggiolo cheese Slow Food product, from agritourisms to educational farms, to get to know the animals and local breeds close up The Trail of the Gnomes > From the visionary creativity and the ingenuity of the artisans comes the Trail of the Gnomes, a delightful 2 km walk suitable for everyone, a short distance from the historic centre, full of installations and activities in the forest to play imaginatively and become children again: the power of the Gnomes!

MARRADI Land of the Good Marron M > Here, where the chestnut groves dominate the landscape and marron chestnuts are the symbol of our cultural, rural and gastronomic tradition. The chestnut tree, with its fruits, has fed the people of our mountain for centuries, who, in a sign of gratitude, have nicknamed it the Bread Tree. Since the 1980s, Marradi, Land of the Good Marron and jewel in the crown of the PGI of Mugello, has been able to witness a renewed interest in local chestnut growing, marked by the recovery of its centuries-old chestnut groves and the enhancement of the quality of its marron chestnuts, recognised internationally as the highest and most increasingly appreciated on the market. The chestnut, prized wood > In the carpentry workshops the skilful work of our artisans will make you experience the grandeur, consistency and beauty of solid wood furniture. For those who want to deepen their historical-scientific knowledge of the chestnut tradition, it is possible to visit the Chestnut Farming Documentation Centre. FIRENZUOLA The town of chisellers N > The museum of Pietra Serena sandstone located in the basement and in the moat of the Fortress is worth visiting. The museum documents the history of the extraction activity of this stone, a material that was essential in the typical chiselling tradition of this magnificent town. To this day, the local Chisellers work the Pietra Serena sandstone making artefacts and furnishing items.




PALAZZUOLO SUL SENIO Chestnut growers O > Chestnut harvesting is handed down through the generations, giving life to quality local products with ancient flavours. Small creative craft workshops > Fin the hills are hidden special workshops for working wood, ceramics, leather, artistic and tailoring workshops. 31

Events in Romagna Toscana CASTROCARO TERME E TERRA DEL SOLE Palio of S. Reparata

SEPTEMBER, FIRST WEEK > A popular crossbow competition: once again Borgo Romano and Borgo Fiorentino will challenge each other to win the coveted Palio. A historic procession in which over 300 people dressed in historic costumes parade through the town. Flag throwing exhibitions and armed duels Halloween Night 31 OCTOBER > Special guided tours of the Fortezza di Castrocaro, which becomes “the Haunted Castle” on Halloween Night. From 8 p.m. to the middle of the night, medieval entertainment in the halls and corridors of the ancient castle, seeking mysterious and esoteric presences.

A e fog d'Nadel

FROM 24 DECEMBER TO 6 JANUARY > Wake evenings around the big fireplace set up in piazza Buonincontro, with tasting of mulled wine and gourmet specialities. Organised by the Gruppo Alpini of Castrocaro Terme.

Review of Nativity Scenes

FROM 24 DECEMBER TO 12 JANUARY > Traditional event which sees a hundred or so nativity scenes realised by amateurs exhibited in the beautiful setting of the Praetorian Palace of Terra del Sole. Organised by the Pro Loco



Feast of the Truffle

OCTOBER, 3rd and 4th SUNDAY > An absolute must this is one of the most important gourmet appointments in the region.

Fear festival 31 OCTOBER Zoc ad Nadel 24 DECEMBER/6 JANUARY The longest sock in the world

6 JANUARY > events organised by the Pro Loco

The mechanical nativity scene

24 DECEMBER/6 JANUARY c/o Chiesa of S. Andrea > work realised by Luciano Gurioli

Blessed Benedetta Bianchi Porro

23 JANUARY > c/o Chiesa of S. Andrea celebration of the death of the Blessed Benedetta Bianchi Porro.


Festa del Falò, the magic night of Rocca San Casciano

APRIL > Famous all over Italy, this event is rooted in the mists of time. The two districts compete with gigantic bonfires, crowned by a magnificent fireworks display that creates a magic atmosphere. The competition continues with parades of decorated floats and ends with dancing until the early hours in the town square.

Autumn festival of flavours and markets of Romagna Toscana

FIRST SUNDAY OF NOVEMBER > Festival dedicated to the promotion and sale of the products, discovery of the territory and the local folklore.

Feast of Foals and Horses

2 NOVEMBER AND PREVIOUS DAYS > At the town centre sports ground, a fair with the best specimens of horses and foals from Romagna’s breeding stables.

Fair of Saint Andrea

29 NOVEMBER> Wine and tortello alla lastra



JULY 2nd WEEK END > Chefs from all over the world, coordinated by the restaurant Vecchio Convento, will meet in the historic centre of Portico to cook a different dish each , designed for the occasion. The wineries in the area will be present at the tasting session and recommend the most suitable wine for the type of dish chosen.

AUGUST FROM 1 TO 15 > “Piazze Contingenti” Since 1992, circus theatre performances, magic, performing arts, figure theatre

Chef under the Arcade

Feast of Berries and Arts and Crafts

OCTOBER, 2nd WEEK END - PORTICO DI ROMAGNA > A traditional feast including a market selling typical local specialities and seasonal produce (mushrooms, truffles, chestnuts, honey, fruit, etc.) and local arts and crafts. The event will also feature photographic exhibitions, a display of mushrooms organised by the Forlì Mycology Group, and entertainment by travelling street performers.

Portico, the Town of Nativity Scenes

8 DECEMBER – 6 JANUARY > A review of openair nativity scenes along the streets of the town, organised by the Pro Loco of Portico di Romagna accessible 24/7 in the town’s most evocative corners. The scenes are made of several different materials and designed by the local inhabitants to reflect their own personal interpretation of the nativity. Typical local specialities and wine can be tasted during the event. Organised by the Pro Loco of Portico di Romagna


Feast of Our Lady of Miracles and Feast of Figs

8 SEPTEMBER AND PREVIOUS DAYS Borgo di Pianetto > Feast with traditional games and related events (shows, dinner at the convent, ancient crafts, antique market, workshops for children, night-time visits)

International festival “DI STRADA IN STRADA”

Premio Campigna

SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER > Prestigious review of contemporary art with exhibitions in the “Vero Stoppioni” Art Gallery; works created in the open air Sculpture Park, creative and artistic workshops.

PREMILCUORE Feast of the Chestnut

OCTOBER 2nd and 3rd SUNDAY > The oldest feast of the Pro Logo dedicated to the chestnut, its harvesting and its derivatives. Roasted, castagnaccio cake, boiled eaten with plenty of excellent Sangiovese surrounded by the colourful autumn landscape of the surrounding mountains. Organised by the Pro Loco.

“Macinare Cultura” at Mulino Mengozzi

SEPTEMBER 2nd SUNDAY Fiumicello > Part of the Festival of Historical Mills of Emilia Romagna.

SARSINA Feast of pagnotta pasquale

THE TWO SUNDAYS BEFORE EASTER> Feast dedicated to the typical product of the middle Savio valley made during the Easter period. During the feast: a street market with craft products and local specialities.


Roman Feast

JULY 2nd SATURDAY > Sarsina returns to its ancient splendour, when it was first an Umbrian city then conquered by Rome in 266 B.C. The streets of the historic town centre are adorned with columns topped with capitals and typical dishes from 2000 years ago are prepared by the town’s restaurants, evoking aromas, dances and the costumes and colours of an ancient market.

Plautus Festival


Sagra del Tortello

AUGUST > A feast dating back to 1967. The Verghereto tortello is a dish typical of Romagna Toscana, consisting of pasta with a filling of ricotta and potatoes (or herbs and ricotta) and fried. Taste this delicious street food, a territorial speciality.

JULY/AUGUST > Since 1956, Sarsina has dedicated a prose festival to Tito Maccio Plauto, its most illustrious citizen, a festival recognised as of national importance. Every summer, in the evocative venue of the Arena Plautina, plays mainly from the Classical Theatre repertory are performed by the most important Italian actors and drama groups.

OCTOBER 2nd and 3rd SUNDAY > “Mountain Bread”. This is the name commonly given to chestnuts in this area. The town gathers chestnuts in the vast chestnut grove of Alfero and the Pro Loco sets up tasting stalls in the streets of the town



Gran Fondo del Capitano- cycle race

JUNE > One of the most popular races for amateur cyclists, who challenge each other against the wonderful backdrop of the Foreste Casentinesi Natural Park.

I Giorni del Capitano – historical event

JULY > Historical pageant in costume which remembers the Capitanato of Bagno, when the village was under Florentine rule.

Termae Romanae

JULY > The whole village goes back to Roman times with historical pageants, guided tours, shows.

Ferragosto Bagnese AUGUST > Three days of celebration, shows, tastings along the streets of the historic centre Love cry of the deer SEPTEMBER > Outings and activities to discover the evocative “love cry” of the deer Feast of autumn flavours OCTOBER every Sunday > (mushrooms, chestnuts, truffles, boar ...) in Bagno di Romagna and the hamlet of Selvapiana

Festival of Fall Foliage

OCTOBER > To experience the spectacle of nature that changes colour with excursions, meetings, activities in the village and inside


the Casentinesi Forest Natural Park

Feast of the Chestnut

Sangiovese in Festa

APRIL, 3rd SUNDAY > Feast of Sangiovese wine, for centuries skilfully produced at Modigliana in carefully tended vineyards. The event includes a market, music and other entertainment, as well as numerous exhibitors who serve glasses of wine produced in local wineries.

Feste dell’800 Nineteenth Century Festival

SEPTEMBER, 3rd SUNDAY, > Feasts dedicated to the artist Silvestro Lega recalling the nineteenth century at Modigliana. This romantic, heroic century comes alive again in the costumes, music, food and games that provide a framework for the living pictures reproducing works by the master macchiaolo.

Feast of Kiwis

NOVEMBER, 3rd SUNDAY > Opportunity to show the infinite ways in which you can eat and cook this precious fruit: at the stands, taste the vast assortment of sweets, cocktails and long drinks based on kiwis and its derivatives.

El zoc ed Nadel

24 DECEMBER - 6 JANUARY > Christmas time starts at 6 pm on the 24 December with the usual feast of lighting a large stump in piazza Matteoti, which will burn until 6 January. The event organised by the Pro Loco, is held for

fourteen consecutive days with tastings of local gourmet specialties every evening, offered by the associations and companies of the town. Sausage, bacon and mutton cooked on large grills, pasta dishes and polenta, cooked chickpeas, doughnuts and sweets of all sorts, sangiovese and mulled wine.


Feast and Palio of eggs

MARCH - APRIL > A feast established in 1964 to enhance the ancient use of beating hard boiled eggs, sees the town’s four districts challenge each other, who arrive to the field of competition accompanied by decorated floats and a historic procession. Raw or hard-boiled eggs are the sole subject of the competitions and the games are fun and spectacular: tug of war, a search for about 200 eggs in a haystack, egg throwing feats and a battle between the districts in which people pelt their opponents with 600 raw eggs).

Feast of the Bartolaccio

NOVEMBER, 1st AND 2nd SUNDAY, > A town feast dedicated to the “bartolaccio” (bartlàz) and to the traditional old-time flavours of Romagna-Tuscany, The bartolaccio is an original local speciality: tortello filled with boiled potatoes, pork bacon, grana cheese and pecorino cheese cooked on a hotplate. During the feast: a street market, food stands, live music and entertainment. Free admission.


Witches’ Night

AUGUST, 1ST SATURDAY AFTER 15TH AUGUST > In an atmosphere of enchantment and magic the whole town becomes an unusual setting under the stars. With unexpected, spooky characters, Marradi will be the nocturnal setting for a mysterious, uncanny Witches’ Night.

Marron in winter

DECEMBER > In the historic centre of the town gastronomy of the good marron chestnut, Christmas folklore, music and hospitality. The goals of this double date with Marron d’Inverno is to enhance this excellent local product and experience Christmas.

PALAZZUOLO SUL SENIO Ottobre Palazzuolese

OCTOBER, EVERY SUNDAY > Feast dedicated to food specialties based on marron chestnuts, during which you can buy the fruit or pick it directly at local producers.

Boar trail

LAST SUNDAY IN NOVEMBER > Trail of international importance with four tracks of varying difficulty where athletes will compete in evocative trails in an uncontaminated environment.


JULY AND AUGUST> Markets, events and shows unique in their genre. You can walk along the streets of Firenzuola; discover its food products and unique artisan products.

From Wood and from Stone

SECOND AND THIRD SUNDAY IN OCTOBER > Appointment with local products and celebration for the residents, integrated with the festival of the Firenzuola potato and the conference on the “Florentine steak” together with the Italian Cooking Academy.

Feast of the Marron Buono di Marradi

OCTOBER, EVERY SUNDAY > A feast dedicated to chestnuts, with extraordinary recipes using delicious marron chestnuts. Also in October, families are invited to farms to gather chestnuts and enjoy a lovely day in the shade of centuries-old trees.



CASTROCARO TERME E TERRA DEL SOLE Viale Marconi, 20/28 Ph. +39 0543 769631 DOVADOLA Piazza della Vittoria, 3 Ph. +39 0543 933213 Uff. Segreteria: +39 0543 934764 rosamaria.difazio@comune. francesca.gardini@comune. ROCCA SAN CASCIANO Via Cairoli 39/41 Ph. +39 0543 960124

PALAZZUOLO SUL SENIO Palazzo dei Capitani Piazza Ettore Alpi, 1 Ph. +39 055 8046125 /8046008 FIRENZUOLA c/o Museo Della Pietra Serena Piazza Don S. Casini, 5 Ph. +39 055 8199477 / 8199451 GALEATA Culture and Tourism Office Via Castellucci, 1 Ph. +39 0543 975425-28-29

PORTICO E SAN BENEDETTO IN ALPE Piazza Traversari, 1 Ph. +39 0543 967047 MODIGLIANA Piazza G. Matteotti, 6 Ph. +39 0546 941019


MARRADI Culture and Tourism Office Piazza Scalelle, 1 Ph. +39 055 8045005 segreteria.sindaco@comune.

UIT c/o Civic Museum Mambrini Via Borgo Pianetto - Galeata Ph. +39 0543 981854

TREDOZIO Via dei Martiri, 1 Ph. +39 0546 943937

PREMILCUORE Piazza dei Caduti, 14 Ph. +39 0543 956945 FB IG - turismopremilcuore Twitter - @Premilcuore_FC

UIT c/o National Park Visitor's Centre Foreste Casentinesi Via XX Settembre, 62 Tredozio +39 0546 943937/333 8827033

UIT c/o National Park Visitor's Centre Foreste Casentinesi Ph. +39 0543 956540

SANTA SOFIA Piazza Matteotti, 1 Ph. +39 0543 974518 / 974551 (Office of Culture) UIT c/o National Park Visitor's Centre Foreste Casentinesi Via Nefetti, 3 - Santa Sofia (FC) Ph. +39 0543 970249 SARSINA Via IV Novembre, 13 Ph. +39 0547 698102 BAGNO DI ROMAGNA IAT c/o National Park Visitor's Centre Foreste Casentinesi Via Fiorentina, 38 Ph. +39 0543 911046 VERGHERETO Via Caduti d’Ungheria 11 Ph. +39 0543 906589 Pro Loco Balze Via Nuova 59 - Balze (FC) Ph. +39 0543 906589

On the cover: "Volture Sadurano" - Photo by Andrea Bonavita and Romagna Tuscany photographic archive - Graphic Agency Essere Elite ForlĂŹ - Print Modulgrafica Forlivese


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