Essex Central - The Loop issue8 March 14

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HELLO SPRING Local Attractions For The New Season

MUM’S THE WORD Mother’s Day Messages

LOCAL NEWS Keeping You Up To Date

CHIC LIVING A Complete Spring Makeover


...a Personal Chef for an evening!...

Mothers day gifts from £30: £75: Full Body Massage, Dermalogica Age Smart Facial, Manicure & Pedicure. You Save £45 £50: Full Body Massage & Dermalogica Age Smart Facial. You save £35 £30: Dermalogica Age Smart Facial, Hand Massage & Eyebrow Threading. You save £27

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4 locations across Ilford & East London – 020

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Please browse for T&C.

ON THE COVER Bu 10 Local News ck h 18 Hello Spring Hil urst l 23 Mummy’s the Word 36 Chic Living 51 Competition Win a personal chef for an evening



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HOME & GARDEN 41 March Gardening Guide Sn Fa are irlo sb TRAVEL p roo k 42 Snow Business


yto ns ton COMMUNITY e 6 Your Comments 14 Meet the LocalsW an ste 49 What’s On


HEALTH & FITNESS 25 Up and Running Editor: Darren Perry Email: Tel: 01279 319 318 Advertising: advertising@essexcentral Features Editor: Victoria Grace Journalist: Devon-Elizabeth Tabersham Design: Sharon Butler-Felby @SketchDesign, Lauren Brown, Matt Brace. Sales Manager: Dennis Hutton Contributors: Victoria Robertson, Josie Stevens, Amanda Anastasiou, Becky Elliott. Publishers: 3 Blue Worldwide Ltd Facebook: EssexCentralMag Twitter: @EssexCentralMag 46,000 copies distributed to homes, businesses and station locations, along the Essex section of the Central Line and surrounding areas: South Woodford, Woodford, Buckhurst Hill, Chigwell, Loughton, Debden, Abridge, Theydon Bois, Epping, North Weald, Ongar, Wanstead, Redbridge, Ilford, Gants Hill, Newbury Park, Barkingside, Fairlop, Hainault, Grange Hill. Although every care has been taken to ensure accuracy, 3 Blue Worldwide Ltd take no responsibility for any errors, or the advertisements within this magazine.

FOOD & DRINK 46 Recipes by Phoenix Gourmet Restaurant Re db FUN & GAMESNe rid w e Pa bury 50 gPuzzle Corner rk 56 Entering Fatherhood Without a Map





rd FASHION & BEAUTY Ch igw 27 Fringe Benefits e 29 How To Do Denimll 31 3D Lipo and 3D Skintech 33 Repair Your Hair







PARENTING Ga nSafe 54 How ts Are Your Little Ones?


SPORTl 58 Newbury Forest FC

Hello! As we move into spring the longer days mean more time to get out and about in the local area so we have featured four great attractions to visit this month and also reveal some very cute Mother’s Day messages from the children at Blossoms Nursery. Turn to page 36 to see some chic home products from Complete Home Interiors with some easy ways to update your living space for the new season. If gardening is more your thing then don’t forget to check out Victoria Robertson’s gardening guide for March. For those of you that want to cling on to winter our travel feature showcases some of the most luxurious ski resorts around. We also have all our regular features and our competition prize this month is a tasty one! Darren Perry Editor/Owner

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Engineering bricks and selcom blocks - now in stock!

Sand, Cement, Ceme ent, Timber, Timberr,, S Sheeted Materials, rials, Bricks, Sand, Cement, Ceme ent, Timber, Timber r, , S Sheeted Materials, rials, Bricks, Sand, Cement, Ceme ent, Timber, Timber S Sheeted Materials, Blocks, Paint, Pain nt, Plaster, Plaster r,,r,,Plasterboards, Pla Plasterboar asterboar rds, ds, rials, T Tools, ools,Bricks, Ir Ironmongery, onmon ngery y, Blocks, Paint, Pain nt, Plaster, Plaster r, , Pla Plasterboards, Plasterboar asterboar rds, ds, T Tools, ools, Ir Ironmongery, onmon ngery y, B pplies Plumbing & Heating and Electrical supplies Plumbing & Heating and Electrical supplies pplies P f rom

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Address: Eastern Addre ess: 567 E astern A Avenue, venue, Gants Hillll IG2 6PJ

Now stocking

wooden and laminate flooring 4

what are you doing on thursday night?

Every Thursday night, Rouge Restaurant at Redbridge College opens its doors to the public to serve up fantastic meals at unbeatable prices. Each week offers a different themed menu, like the upcoming ‘Mad Hatter’s Tea Party’ and ‘Holi Fusion of Colour’. Call or check out our website to learn more!

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YOUR COMMENTS We love hearing from you!

ach month we trawl through our mailbox and social media sites to see what you are thinking. Here are a few of our favourite messages that we have received recently. Keep your comments coming in for a chance to win £20 if we pick you as our ‘Star Comment’ and £10 for the ‘Reader’s Photo’.




nce again another great issue for February, such a lovely little magazine considering it is free. Loved all your Valentine’s gift ideas and even bought one of them for my boyfriend! We enjoyed a lovely spa day at Barkingside Leisure Centre so thank you very much for the recommendation. Aimee Foster

r , Onga

erts y Rob o J ’ s rop ‘Snowd

Any reports of weird lights in the sky? Earlier I saw 2 very bright, fast moving lights. @LisaHyamsPrice I have eaten at all the restaurants in your magazine this month and I agree, best in Essex - yum!  Sam Williams


Latest issue is looking good guys  Oliver Johnson Congratulations to Chloe Connell (right) from Woodford, who was the winner of our Marina Meze Grill competition.


Great meeting today with @EssexCentralMag @Simply_Prestige coming together nicely x @KerryOReilly1

Nice little feature in @EssexCentralMag cheers guys @SigntecDirect

CONTACT US Address: Essex Central Magazine, Brickfield Business Centre, High Road, Thornwood, Epping, Essex CM16 6TH @EssexCentralMag EssexCentralMag editor@essexcentral

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A short roundup of what’s been going on

TAKE FIVE COOKS On March 26th Redbridge College will be hosting a dinner in the Rouge Restaurant called Take Five Cooks. The brainchild of Ian Samuels the “Lead Chef” he has persuaded a group of his friends to give up their time and use their contacts to donate foods to the cause of supporting two local Essex charities with a special fundraising dinner that will also be a chance for hospitality students at the college to help and work on the event. The charities that will be benefiting from the profits will be Home Start (Essex) and Welcome Project (Ilford). There will be a total of six tables of ten in the restaurant and then they are auctioning the exclusive “Chefs Table” in the kitchen itself where six guests will be in prime place


to observe it all behind the scenes. The brigade is an impressive one and is made up of the following chefs; Jack Boast (Cafe a Vin, Galvin Brothers, London), Gary Lee (The Ivy, London), Paul Blackman (Le Talbooth Restaurant, Dedham), Matthew Bare (The Leather Bottle) and Hari Covert (Kent’s first Secret Supper-Club) alongside organiser Ian Samuels (Come Dine With You). Price per person is £75.00 (£600 for a table of 10) with all profits going to the charities as well as proceeds raised from the Auction and raffle. To book please complete the booking form at www.haricovert take-five-cooks or call 07973 839266 between 9am-5pm Monday to Friday.


Last month children from Blossoms Nursery enjoyed a morning trip to Tesco. They are focusing on healthy eating and being more involved in preparing their own food. Together they made a shopping list for their lunch time meal involving baguettes, ham, cheese, salad, chicken, butter, cucumber, carrots and of course ginger bread biscuits. With lots of help from nursery staff they used food cards to help find the right food in the right isles. The children said, “We enjoyed seeing the baker man, he helped us get yummy baguettes for our lunch. We also saw some very nice people on the way who waved to us and said how well we are doing.”


Pupils at Avon House Preparatory School, Woodford Green, held pancake races in aid of the Chigwell Riding Trust for Special Needs. The children raced up and down the playground tossing their pancakes, with winners from Early Years, KS1 and KS2. This was followed by a staff race. Headteacher Amanda Campbell said the successful fundraiser had been great fun and had raised over £280 for the charity.​


A bottle of whisky signed by Prime they really had a fabulous time and when the Blues Minister David Cameron and The Dream Brothers came on everyone carried on dancing.” Factory patron and Work and Pensions Miss Mills added: “It was a night to remember for Secretary Iain Duncan Smith boosted the everyone. Thank you to everyone who came including total raised at a Cockney Knees-Up for Vicki Michelle, Colin McMillan, Lisa Nash, my The Dream Factory charity. volunteers and the three ‘dream’ young people who The whisky was auctioned for £250 had received dreams.” with the money going towards the £6,400 raised. Some 160 people attended the event which was held at the Marriott Hotel, Waltham Abbey, by The Pearly Kings & Queens Society. Pie and mash and ‘Rosie Lee’ (tea) were served while entertainment was provided by the Pearly Kings and Queens and The Fabulous Blues Brothers (presented by Souled Out). There was also a raffle with a host of donated prizes. Charity founder Avril Mills said: “We had to turn people away because we sold so many tickets. It was the best atmosphere ever and many people have asked if it could become an annual event. “Everyone was up dancing with the Pearlies; Vicki Michelle, The Dre

CAREER ACADEMY MENTORING EVENT The Career Academy at Redbridge College held their first icebreaker event in January where students had the chance to meet their mentors, business professionals who will play an important role in helping these young people prepare for the transition from education to the workplace. The Career Academy is part of Career Academies UK, which is a national organisation that links schools and colleges with employers to help prepare young people for the world of work. Every year at Redbridge College, the Level 3 Extended Diploma in Business Studies students have the opportunity to apply and interview for a place in the elite Career Academy. The mentors help students develop their employability and confidence by

giving practical CV and application advice, and acting as a sounding board and critical friend. One student in her second year of the Career Academy, Veronica Salako, said, “My mentor has helped me so much with my CV writing, effective management of my time and even helping me develop my confidence in public speaking. I am really grateful for her time and commitment in mentoring me!” This year’s mentors include professionals from Barclays, BT, Santander, Hutchinson Financial Planning Ltd, Lloyds Banking Group, Concept Building Solutions, Navy Media, Ofgem, Baker & McKenzie LLP and St James’s Place Wealth Management. Kevin Bracey, one of the mentors, said, “I found the event very

aker event.

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Queen Doreen Goldin

enjoyable and well organised. I’m looking forward to supporting my mentee over the coming months. The students are so bright and enthusiastic; it’s refreshing to meet these hardworking young people.” “We are fortunate to have committed volunteers and supporters from various organisations every year. The contribution and difference they make to these young people is truly invaluable,” Siobhan Clouter, Manager for Student Enrichment and Career Academy Engagement added. The Career Academy is now seeking businesses interested in hiring students for summer internships. For more information, contact Siobhan Clouter at or on 0208 548 7400.





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THE LOCALS Devon-Elizabeth Tabersham visits four local businesses.



anwise was founded in 2003, it is a privately owned company who take pride in delivering a value for money “one stop van shop” for every aspect of van hire and sales. Vanwise have two branches, one in Harlow and one in Maidstone, where they sell and hire out used vans. Not only do they provide vehicles but they take care to see that each customer is satisfied and provide a free HPI check on each vehicle to ensure peace of mind. Vanwise provide quality vehicles at very competitive prices, since opening they have catered to thousands of customers, from businesses to individual hire.


They can facilitate hire for multiple vehicles or a single van from just £12 a day, providing daily, weekly and longer hire facilities. Vanwise deal in all brands, among the popular are Vauxhall, Ford and Peugeot and van hire will incorporate break down cover and insurance. When a customer uses Vanwise, they are also privy to bodywork and servicing as well as repairs, all of which are carried out at their authorised service centres in Harlow and Maidstone which are well equipped. London Road, Harlow, CM17 9AN, Tel: 01279 444 994



ollybaby was opened in December 2014 by owners Aisha and Cassim Ghanty, after a combined 30 years retail experience. Rollybaby is a unique children’s boutique which sells the highest quality shoes, clothes and accessories, with a European influence they stock shoe brands as worn by the Spanish Royal Family and Prince George. Aisha and Cassim work hard in store in South Woodford with an ever changing layout and stock, they rarely reorder stock in order to uphold individuality. Rollybaby currently have a vibrant spring collection with new garments coming in every week,



Tadman funeral directors was founded in 1849 by Thomas Tadman who began his career as a horse trader and then built a funeral business. It has since become one of the prime funeral directors in East London where families of multiple generations will use A&C Tadman’s services when planning a funeral. A&C Tadman remains in the Tadman family and they have branches in Bethnal Green, Stepney, Kings Langley and Wanstead. The Wanstead branch was opened by general

manager De McIrvine in January 2015 and carries the company’s great reputation. A&C Tadman are an independent company and that allows them to give a far more personal service than a corporation could, they work hard to ensure that each funeral is tailor made to the family’s needs with their dedicated and professional staff. They will always present every option available to give the family the choice, A&C Tadman will take responsibility for moving the deceased, working with the church or venue for the ceremony, cars, flowers and much more. In the Wanstead branch there are two chapels along with a large greeting and reception area which is presented in a light, homely atmosphere and clients would want their loved ones to be there. They are open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm and will arrange viewings by appointment. 37 High Street, Wanstead, E11 2AA, Tel: 020 8989 6617

BROOK BUDS they sell a wide variety of bright colours and they work directly with manufacturers to create bespoke colour palates. Rollybaby is growing and they are always in search of new designs to keep customers excited, clothes sold in store are to a very high quality and are also affordable, you won’t find their stock anywhere else on the high street. Aisha and Cassim’s dedication also sees them travel to Europe to view new collections from established Spanish and Italian designers. 8A The Galleria, George Lane, South Woodford, E18 1AY, Tel: 0758 522 9237


lan and his wife Terri opened Brooks Buds florist 6 years ago, they are a friendly family run business that is constantly growing. Their daughter is the head florist and Brook Buds are committed to providing top quality flowers and gifts in their Chigwell shop. Each day, Brook Buds buy the highest quality flowers for their shop and use their expertise and artistic flare to create beautiful bouquets for any occasion. Brook Buds cater for all, from a Valentine’s bouquet to party arrangements and even corporate events, they will work hard to ensure client’s happiness, Alan says, “We pride ourselves on customer satisfaction every time.”

As a contemporary florists, they are dedicated to stocking a wide variety of flowers, classics such as roses and lilies and the more unique freesias and eryngium amongst others. You will be sure to find a dazzling bouquet for Mother’s Day, a birthday or just because. Brook Buds offer free delivery subject to a minimum order as well as same day delivery. Brook Buds have a vast collection of greeting cards from as little as 99p and balloons for all occasions as well as small gifts including candles, picture frames and decorative gifts. 12 Brook Parade, Chigwell, IG7 6PF, Tel: 020 8500 2002


Think before you click ! .... You’ve heard the tax avoiding schemes put in place by the large Internet Retailers such as AMAZON. Citybeds employs 7 local staff and pays enough tax (VAT + PAYE etc) each year to pay 2 NURSES or 2 FULL TIME SCHOOL TEACHERS SALARIES...


CITYBEDS WAREHOUSE where quality & value always come first


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SPRING Local attractions for the new season.


Nothing says spring like the arrival of baby animals so why not take a trip to Foxburrows Farm in Hainault Forest Country Park and meet the cute new arrivals. A visit to this all-weather petting farm is must for families looking for fun and cheap day out. Look out for farmyard favourites such as sheep, goats, chickens, ponies, pigs, ducks and geese as well as the cheeky meerkats! Entry to the farm is free but parking on site is £1 for the first hour or £3 all day. Take a journey on the Foxburrows Express. The land train takes passengers on a 15 minute ride from outside the farm all around the lake and surrounding areas during weekends. The train stop is located in the second car park close to the farm entrance. The route is not fixed and will vary year round according to the weather. If all this excitement hasn’t worn the kids (and you) out then head off into the forest in your wellies for another springtime adventure. Foxburrows Farm, Hainault Forest Country Park, Romford Road, Chigwell, www2.


The first buds are blooming, birds are busy building their nests and the days are getting longer. March is the time to dust off the cobwebs, get out into the great outdoors and sample what the local area has to offer. We have picked four attractions that we feel will brighten up your day.

ng Before we called it spri this season was known as Lent or Lenten.


The Gibberd Garden is an inspirational, Grade ll listed garden, full of beauty, peace and tranquillity, where every turn reveals another aspect or work of art. It was created by Sir Frederick Gibberd, an uncompromising Modernist architect and the master-planner of Harlow New Town, who acquired the site in 1957 and remodelled the house and garden, and from 1972 filled the grounds with sculptures, ceramic pots and architectural pieces. The garden has formal lawns, pools, streams and glades, a dramatic mature lime avenue, a brook-side walk with a waterfall, a wild garden with tangled paths

where children love to hide, a moated castle with drawbridge and a Barn Tearoom run by friendly volunteers – with cakes, ice creams and refreshments. The wooded areas of the garden provide the perfect opportunity to view swathes of daffodils and other spring flowers. The garden will be open on 1st March 11.30am-4pm, 15th March 2pm-5pm and from 1st April will be open every Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday and bank holiday Monday from 2pm-6pm. Entry is £4, or £3 for concessions and £1 for children aged 5 to 16. The Gibberd Garden, Marsh Lane, Harlow, Essex, CM17 0NA


Norpar has been established since 1969 starting out as a farm diversification business growing & drying flowers on the family run farm in Navestock. Whilst dried flowers were popular in the 1980’s and 1990’s the family regularly exhibited at the RHS shows in Westminster, London and it was in 2000 that they won a coveted gold medal for their dried flower display. As fashions have evolved, so has their quintessentially English business and now the Flower, Easter and Christmas Barns celebrate the changing seasons where the aim is to inspire and delight visitors with natural themes and affordable decorations for living in a modern country home and garden. The Easter Barn is a breath of fresh spring air after the cold winter months. Enter this haven of pretty seasonal Easter decorations, gifts, chocolates & entertaining ideas, displayed in pastels and bright colours against the whitewashed walls of the mediaeval barn. Unlike anywhere you will have been before, this unique experience will capture your creativity and inspire you to dress your home for spring! Alongside the Barns in the old farmyard is The Granary museum, an original farm building dating back to the 14th century. It now houses old farming and household implements collected from the farm’s bygone days and is open for all to see. They also have a few Simmential cows and a small group of guinea fowl and peacocks which can be seen roaming the grounds.

The first day of spring is called the Vernal Equinox , it th . falls on the 20 March

Winding down the country lane is the only way to reach this tranquil place and once discovered it will never be forgotten. Norpar Barns, Navestock Hall, Navestock, Romford, Essex, RM4 1HA,

ain Daffodils were brought to Brit by the Romans who thought g powers. that the sap had healin


The Farmers Market is a popular event at Valentines Mansion, attracting visitors wishing to buy fresh, local produce. Fresh bread, tempting cakes, homemade chutneys and jams are just some of the fantastic local foods on offer. Run by ‘Essex Farmers’ Markets’ the event showcases only selected local traders selling high quality products and aims to re-establish a relationship between the small-scale producer and consumer. After you have browsed the stalls why not relax and unwind in the

gorgeous gardens at Valentines. Discover the historic kitchen garden, the Old English walled garden and the Victorian rose garden. There are also a whole host of unique features like the Long Water canal, rococo grottoes and dovecote. Don’t forget to visit the Gardener’s Cottage Café in the walled kitchen garden which offers light bites and tasty snacks. Dates for upcoming markets are: Sunday 22nd March, Sunday 26th April and Sunday 24th May, 11am-3pm. Valentines Mansion and Gardens, Emerson Road, Ilford, Essex, IG1 4XA,


Lux Centre


he Lux Centre is a brand new establishment on Cranbrook Road in Ilford, and providing the lucky public with 3 great businesses; Lux Hair Beauty Sunbeds, Lux Flowers and Lux Cakes.

Lux Hair Beauty Sunbeds is a multi-functioning beauticians which offers extensive hair treatments including Brazilian straightening and extensions, gel manicures and extensions as well as facials, microdermabrasion, hot stone massage and a slimming machine rolling shaper. Lux Hair Beauty Sunbeds use Anna Lotan professional skincare, extremely high quality products to enhance their results. Eyebrows starts from £6 and for a limited time slimming machine is £15 per session with a free vibe plate. Facials are 40% off until March 5th.

Lux Flowers stocks fresh flowers every day, head florist Lina has 22 years’ worth of experience and is on hand to create bespoke bouquets for any occasion. Be sure to pay her a visit for Mother’s Day on March 15th!


If it's important enough to celebrate, it's important enough for a designed cake! At Lux Cake, we love challenges, and we love what we do, so if you would like us to create a delicious cakes for your event celebration or a bespoke product to support your business, we will be keen to hear from you.

Lux Cake it is a dedication to exceptional quality and expertise in traditional baking method and that explains our cakes are mouthwateringly moist and infused with rich flavour of natural ingredients. We bake a wide variety of cakes for all occasions and fresh cream cakes made in two hours. Order now with Lux Cake and we will make every effort to provide you with any flavour and combination to match your expectation. Lux cake is certified by Ilford Council and Rated 5 STARS !!! From Bespoke Cakes & Cupcakes, to a homemade Cake & Dessert, we are committed in making dreamed treats come true for our customers.

Visit us at Lux Cake - HOME and on Facebook : Irma Tortukai  


Bringing a World of Fine Wines to your home! Home based wine tasting events for you and your friends. Never again be daunted by a mammoth wine list or snooty sommelier! The Vin Van host informative, entertaining wine tasting events, accessible to the layman who has an interest in drinking good wine, but who perhaps would avoid a traditional wine tasting environment. Our experts will explain the complexities of flavour and origin. You will discover which food to pair with each wine, learn how and where it was made and the various factors which influence its overall taste. Call us now for a FREE NO OBLIGATION PLANNING MEETING and receive an exclusive ‘hosts only’ voucher to use on VIN VAN wine purchases.

020 3751 7532 -

Brook Buds HP Feb 15:Layout 1 20/02/2015 14:46 Page 1

Sunday 15th March

Mothers Day

This Mother’s Day we have bouquets from £25 and 2 free Belgium chocolates with all bouquets over £35!



THE WORD With Mother’s Day just around the corner we asked some of the little darlings and staff at Blossoms Nursery what they love about their mum and here is what they had to say…

y Mumm.” e v lo “I wers like f loPierre

Left to right: “I love mummy.” Florence George-Hands, “Mum makes yummy food!” Jenny Blake, “My mummy takes me shopping.” Isabella Gibson, “Mummy gives me cuddles.” Isiah Gordon, “My mummy loves me and Harry.” Chloe Shemmings, “Mum makes the best BBQ wings!” Rae Williams, “Mummy!” Lawrence Garwood (front)


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ause y bec .” m m u M e “ I love e tickles em nn tt sh e

Millie B

“My m sings lik ummy e froze n.” Isabell a Joseph

Blossoms Nursery Horse Shoe Farm West, London Road, Thornwood Common, Harlow, Essex, CM17 9LH, Tel: 01279 429937


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Don’t let injuries get in the way of your marathon aspirations.

Sports Therapy specialise in sports injuries and are proud to announce we are the ONLY official London Marathon 2015 Sports Injury Clinic is Essex. We pride ourselves in helping you to achieve your goals, whatever they may be. So if you are training for a marathon or an event this year we want to help you! Most runners, novice or experienced, will face an injury or ‘niggle’ which may jeopardise their training programme. We have listed below the most common running injuries and have given you ‘selftreatment’ tips to help you along the way.

maintain your cardiovascular fitness. n Try adding some gel heel cups in all shoes for a couple of weeks to help reduce the stress to the painful area. Make sure you add one in each shoe. n Slowly return to jogging by following a jog/walk/jog/walk programme, ONLY once all symptoms have resolved.




What is it? n Pain localised around the heel bone and/or along the Achilles tendon. n It can be painful on walking/jogging, then ease as time goes by and then reoccur after you have stopped. n It can look inflamed, warm to touch and visible redness around the Achilles tendon and on the heel bone. What to do? n Rest from running. n Walk with cushioned footwear do not walk about barefoot. n Apply ice to the area if it looks swollen, red or is warm to touch for 15 minutes at regular intervals. n Lightly stretch your calf muscles as long as this doesn’t cause pain. n Swim, cycle, X train, row (any activity which doesn’t cause pain) to

What is it? n Pain on the side of the knee during sitting, walking or jogging, may feel bruised. n Jogging at faster speeds or incline jogging may exacerbate the pain. n May be minimal swelling on the outside part of the knee. n The knee may feel very stiff if sitting or lying for a prolonged period of time. What to do? n Stretch your glute muscles and hip flexors. n Use a foam roller for the ITB region. n Ice the painful area on the side of the knee for 15 minutes at regular intervals. n Cease running distances which cause you pain i.e. if 3 mile runs are pain free, continue with this. If 4 mile runs causes the pain then stop these runs. n Make sure your trainers are the correct ones for you - have a gait analysis performed at a specialist running shop.

What is it? n Pain suddenly in the back of the leg during running or a gradual pain a few hours after a run. n Feels like a ‘bruised’ burning or dull pain. n The calf muscles feel tight and inflexible. n Visible bruising may appear depending on the severity of the strain. n May feel sore to walk and thus produce a limp. n May throb when sitting down or lying in bed. What to do? n Ice the affected area for 15 minutes every 2-3 hours using cling film to aid compression. Repeat this for 48 hours. n Cease any activity which causes pain. n Lightly stretch the calf muscles. n Use a foam roller gently around the targeted painful region. n Carefully commence calf raises off a step and partial lunges and squats when normal walking becomes pain free before you recommence any form of jogging. If symptoms persist or worsen, please seek medical advice by a health professional. For more information please contact SV Sports Therapy on 07904 116757,,


We also offer:

R e d u c tio n

+ A Powerful Three Dimensional Dim Alternative to Liposuction





3D-lipo is one of the most advanced treatments of its type in the

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(not in conjunction with other offers) Longwood House Half March 15:Layout 1 18/02/2015 18:34 Page 1

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t These fantastic fringed shorts will no doubt be a festival favourite this season.


This beautiful necklace is the quickest and easiest way to try the trend. It’ll go with everything from a basic tee, summer maxi dress and beach kaftans.

ulti Long M cklace e N Drop relli £18 Fio

Hat £ Rive 25 r Isla nd


ge e Frin OS Sued s £55 AS t r o h S


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By Josie Stevens

Fringed Skirt £2 Pencil 7 Very

t If your calendar is already full of swanky summer engagements you’ll need a dress to match. This teal number is fashionable, flirty and fun - what better combination.



ed Fring Pink £35 s h Clutc hy Perkin t o r o D


A beautiful jacket that combines two of this s, season’s biggest trend w suede and fringing - ho ! ist? res we can Miss Selfridge Suede tfit Fringe Jacket £120 Ou


we el S Tass Next £45

This jumper is a buy now wear all season piece. It’ll add another dimension to any outfit with its fabulous texture. t

ed Fring Teal a ib 9 B er s £14 Dres e of Fras s Hou

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mmer trends, filling up with spring/su is fringing. The shops are finally eye r y have caught you crochet and one that may alread vibe worn on kimonos, r me sum ho bo a It has o an easy als it’s t bu ing accessories, evening waistcoats and adorn ple ent in a sleek and sim So don’t . way to make a statem lks wa cat line Ce from the whether ks dress - take inspiration pic top sle, here are my g. get your tassels in a tus gin frin h wit g, tin flir t you’re full-on, or jus


Homz Harts For all your curtain needs, visit our shop‌

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Services we provide: * Friendly advice for all your curtain needs * Free measurements and quotation * Track, curtain and blind Fittings for all window types * Curtain Alterations * Key Cutting




rilby Trim T Denim pman o £14 T

Main image: Gucci

t If you’re looking for a way to wear jeans that isn’t blue, blue or blue try a neutral colour like this pair from White Stuff.

Super smart and super cool, this denim blazer from Burton shows how easy it is to do dressed up denim.


Burto n Breas Double t Blaze ed Denim r £75 Outfit


This straw trilby is the easiest way to give a ‘nod’ (sorry), to the season’s biggest trend without being overtly obviously.

By Josie Stevens

Denim! Everyone has a pair of trusty jeans in their wardrobe, but with denim being one of spring/summers biggest trends re the is more than one way to wear this fabric. We all think of jeans as a casual staple, but this season look out for smarter styles, clean cuts and darker shades. From blazers to bags, outerwear to footwear, here’s my high street denim dos.




Die Ho sel Ja use ck of et £3 Fra ser 40

Jeans £ White 45 Stuff

hirt ed S Print 0 M&S 5 £29.

Skinn y £25 A Jeans SOS

n Slip-O Denim s £24 r Traine Next


A smart polo is a great summer staple. With a hint of denim and a great price tag this one is not to be missed.

irt g Sh errin hams H d n Re Debe £25

Den £25 im Shir t Bur ton

Understated trainers continue to steal the show, so if you’ve not yet invested Next have the perfect pair.


r Colla Denim£10 Polo rk a Prim


35% off full body IPL

25% off off selected

3D lipo

(permanent hair removal)


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Welcome to Vanity, an aesthetic and beauty lounge which prides itself in creating a haven for relaxation whilst presenting our clients with high quality treatments. At Vanity we strongly believe that everyone deserves to look their best and should not have to pay the prices to do so. Our motto is to provide you with Harley Street treatments at High Street prices. Our fully qualified and experienced therapists bring their own skills and personalities to create a warm and friendly atmosphere. The shabby chic interiors of Vanity make you feel relaxed and at home whilst keeping professionalism at the highest standard.

Guinot Facials and Products 3D Lipo • 3D SkinTech Teeth Whitening • IPL Hair Removal HD Brows • LVL Eyelash Lift Eyelash Extensions • Body Massages We are now offering Nose and Ear Piercings


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anity Beauty lies in the heart of Barkingside High Street, it is an aesthetic and beauty lounge which creates a relaxing haven for beauty treatments such as laser hair removal and 3D Lipo, all of which are carried out by their fully trained staff and therapists. Vanity Beauty offers a friendly and high quality service which ensures “Harley Street treatments at High Street prices.” In November 2013, after extensive research, owner Gul Chahil, started offering 3D Lipo and 3D Skintech treatments in store. Vanity Beauty are the only place in Barkingside which offers these remarkable treatments and Gul is fully trained in both. 3D Lipo was invented by Roydon Cowley and in the past year has been introduced into beauty and aesthetic clinics around the world. 3D Lipo is one multitasking machine which provides four different procedures and Vanity Beauty uses the latest generation of technology. The first is Ultrasound Cavitation; a risk free alternative to liposuction, it is body sculpting at its finest and uses a low frequency ultrasound to produce a strong wave of pressure to fat cell membranes causing them to disintegrate into a liquid state which results in natural fat loss. Cryoliopolysis is another fat blasting method, better known as fat freezing the technology targets the water content of a fat cell to which the temperature of -6 degrees is applied which damages the fat cell and then it begins to break down naturally. After fat reduction, other procedures reduce cellulite and tighten skin: Radio Frequency Skin Tightening uses Focus Fractional RF energy which heats skin tissue and encourages new collagen fibres, making skin smoother, healthier and more youthful. Dermology uses a vacuum suction to drain depleted fat cells which results in cellulite


3D Lipo and 3D Skintech By Devon-Elizabeth Tabersham

reduction. Results will be visible after three sessions, 3D Lipo can be used all over the body including stomach, legs, arms and waist. It is important to keep yourself well hydrated throughout the course of these treatments and avoid hot baths and showers. 3D Skintech is another revolutionary technology utilised by Vanity Beauty and it offers the most effective treatment for antiageing, pigmentation and acne. 3D Rotational Diamond Microdermabrasion gives the skin a smooth and fresh look, it’s encourages skin cell renewal and reduces pores using vacuum stimulation. The 3D Radio Frequency Skin Tightening Facial uses heat to encourage collagen fibres which makes skin appear healthy, smoother and younger looking, a course of 8 treatments is advised for best results. 3D LED Photo Rejuvenation, better known as light therapy, uses a variety of lights which are tailor made to your skin’s needs which helps with acne, pigmentation, cell regeneration and inflamed skin. Other treatments include a Vanity 3D Pamper Facial and a Vanity 3D Luxury Facial. Call in store for more information including price lists and special offers. 16 High Street Barkingside Essex Tel: 020 8551 1552




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“Hair without a healthy scalp is like a tree without firm roots. ”




Do you worry about your hair thinning? DERMA RENEW


esearch shows that a regular program of scalp maintenance is an important step towards attaining your full hair potential so, I’d like to introduce you to Nioxin for men and women. The reason for hair loss is all in the scalp and the root. Hair without a healthy scalp is like a tree without firm roots - insecure, susceptible to breakage and unable to take in the nutrients it needs to grow properly. Inspired by advanced skincare, each of the 5 Therapies combine Nioxin’s 3 step cleanse, optimise and treat approach with a rebalancing massage to stimulate and nourish the scalp. We offer a free consultation at Finesse Hair & Beauty if you are unsure what treatment is best for you.

A facial for your scalp. It removes dead skin cells and excess sebum to renew scalp skin and provide the perfect foundation for thicker, fuller, stronger hair. Acting like a facial for the scalp, this anti-aging treatment uses dermabrasion technology to help regenerate and revitalise scalp surface skin through exfoliation. How it works? Gently exfoliates the scalp, removing build-up around hair follicles. Helps accelerate skin surface regeneration by up to 34% compared to untreated skin.


A leave-in treatment, which increases the diameter of your hair instantly and thickens hair from the roots, so that it feels as if you have 11,000 more hairs on your head. How it works? A combination of HTX, a fusion of Niacinamide, Panthenol and Caffeine, is proven to achieve thicker hair.


An intensive leave-on booster treatment, designed to boost the resistance of fragile hair and protect the cuticle against damage. For any specific area of concern, such as a receding hairline or thinning crown. How it works? The ultra-concentrated formula, with

CoZyme-10® Vitamin Complex, targets areas of advanced thin-looking hair such as the hairline or crown. Keratin helps protect against cuticle damage and boost fragile hair.


A deep repair mask that strengthens the hair shaft against damage and reduces hair breakage, so hair feels healthy and deeply repaired. How it works? Intense, lightweight conditioning agents target damaged, dry or color-treated hair, helping to provide protection by strengthening the hair shaft against damage, which reduces breakage.


Reduces breakage and restores a dense and vibrant appearance to your hair, so it shines with renewed health. How it works? Density Protection contains Crystalline Infusion that provides significant antibreakage action following your Dermabrasion Treatment. By Amanda Anastasiou owner of Finesse Hair & Beauty in Chingford. If you would like to try Nioxin Amanda Therapy please visit Anastasiou


Saturday 9th May 2015 6pm to 3am



IN SupporT of THE BrITISH HEArT fouNdATIoN S I Mply pr ESTIGE E VENTS pr ESENTS A N en tertainment ex tr avaganz a WITH l IVE pErforMANcES, world class dining ANd exclusive after partY WITH Top HEAdlINE dJS All SET WITHIN A unique, bespoke venue IN ESSEx. WITH HoST VINNIE JoNES flyING IN To THE uK, SIMply prESTIGE HAS uNITEd THIS TouGH Guy TurNEd HollyWood STAr WITH HIS cHArITy of cHoIcE, THE BrITISH HEArT fouNdATIoN To rAISE fuNdS for THEIr EVEry HEArTBEAT cAMpAIGN. ‘AN EVENING WITH… VINNIE JoNES’ WIll BE AN exciting collection of unforgettable experiences, WHIcH IS WHAT MAKES SIMply prESTIGE EVENTS, MEMorABlE.

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simplY prestige table packages

simplY prestige individual packages

Simply Silver Table - £1,950 (£1,825 introductory offer until 1st April)

VIp Individual package £220 per person

Situated either side of the main stage, our Silver Tables offer a fine dining, gala dinner experience with comfortable access to all our venue’s facilities.

Seated at one of our Simply Silver Tables, the Individual VIp passes

• VIP Reception • Three-course gourmet meal with unlimited wine and soft drinks • Q&A with Vinnie Jones and special guests • Charity Auction • Live Entertainment • *Option to purchase a table for the VIP After Party Greatest Gold Table - £2,950 (£2,750 introductory offer until 1st April) our Greatest Gold Tables offer those looking for something extra that extra something with fusion inspired cocktails, a VIp after party and the chance to get up close and personal with the world’s toughest footballer. • VIP Reception and Meet & Great with Vinnie Jones • Three-course gourmet meal, each course accompanied by fusion Tasting cocktails • Q&A with Vinnie Jones and special guests • Charity Auction • Live Entertainment • Access to the VIP After Party • *Option to upgrade to a table for the VIP After Party • *Opportunity for a professional picture with Vinnie Jones

• VIP Reception • Three-course gourmet meal with unlimited wine and soft drinks • Q&A with Vinnie Jones and special guests • Charity Auction • Live Entertainment VIp Individual package incl. After party £250 per person Seated at one of our Simply Silver Tables, the Individual VIp pass includes • VIP Reception • Three-course gourmet meal with unlimited wine and soft drinks • Q&A with Vinnie Jones and special guests • Charity Auction • Live Entertainment • Access to the VIP After Party

prestigious platinum Table - £4,950 incl. VIp Table in the After party (£4,500 introductory offer until 1st April) In the heart of the action, surrounded by sport stars and with some of the best views of the main stage, guests will be entertained from sunset to sunrise. • VIP Reception and Meet & Great with Vinnie Jones • Three-course gourmet meal, each course accompanied by fusion Tasting cocktails • Q&A with Vinnie Jones and special guests • Charity Auction • Live Entertainment • VIP Table in the VIP After Party, each table comes with a complimentary bottle of champagne, Vodka and soft drinks • Dedicated Table Host throughout the evening • *Opportunity for a professional picture with Vinnie Jones with upgraded frame



Add the finishing touches to your home with Complete Home Interiors.


ith spring around the corner home interiors will be at the forefront of many people’s minds. With such a diverse range of products available, it can be hard to choose. Whether you’re planning a full overhaul or looking for that small something that will complete your living space, here’s a few ideas on what we feel will be on trend in 2015, there’s something to suit everyone’s tastes.


One-off pieces designed with current interior trends in mind, that special something that will give the wow factor when you walk into a room. These can be large or small items, such as


Add a 70’s vibe with a mustard cosy chair

Plantation Shutters

HOME GARDEN Leaner Mirrors


For more modern tastes, animal prints are absolutely on trend, the owl is the current flavour of the month. With a wide range of quirky colours and designs available this can be a quick fix way to add something to your living/ sleeping areas.


furniture in classic English and French designs, these styles produce that vintage, shabby chic look. But also think about these pieces in modern colour ways such as greys, blues and teals. These one-off pieces of furniture sit well in either a contemporary or classic setting, giving the room that lift it has been looking for. Whether it’s a new side board, chest of drawers or storage unit, vintage style with a modern twist is where it’s at. Modern/mid-century elements will definitely be on trend, a throwback to modern design elements of the 1950s through the 1970s. So that couch you saw on that 1970s family sitcom is officially trendy today. Whilst this trend will be popular, homeowners should be careful when integrating these styles into their homes, as the trend is great for inspiration and accent pieces, but shouldn’t take over the house. Consequently, we think these are the best, subtle ways to bring the 1970s to life in your home - a nice mustard or purple accent cosy chair; colourful glassware - vases, smoked glass

“Vintage style with a modern twist is where it’s at” decanters; or colourful soft furnishings. A simple cushion/throw with the right design can add that splash of colour your room has been craving. They are a great way to add colour and lift a room without breaking the bank. For a quick colour tip, surprisingly the mix of Egyptian blue, burnt orange, and white work really well together.

Using mirrors to create a sense of space is a trick interior designers have been using for years, and their use in decorating is making a big comeback. Mirrors help to give a sense of greater space by reflecting light, thus brightening a room and the reflection of the room also fools the eye into feeling there is a greater amount of space than in reality.

“Mirrors help to give a sense of greater space by reflecting light, thus brightening a room” There is a vast range of diverse, individually designed mirrors on the market today proving very popular for people wanting to make a real statement in their living spaces. Large leaner mirrors are great in all areas of the home, and if you want just a touch of mid-century sparkle, a funky mirror is the way to go.


By far the most popular, current trend is made to measure plantation shutters, with their good looks and versatility shutters are effortlessly chic. They have many plus points including privacy, light control, sound and draught proofing whilst making a laid back style statement. With an inspired choice of chic and contemporary styles, shapes and finishes they really add an exciting dimension to any scheme. So whether you enjoy contemporary modern living, have a period home or a cool city pad plantation shutters are the window dressing of choice for 2015. For more information on any of the above come and see us. Complete Home Interiors 90 George Lane, South Woodford, E18 1JJ. Tel: 0203 418 8877,


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Primula Vulg


“Look out for special offer deals on plug plants.”


on Victoria Roberts



The first solitary bees can be seen this month. There are more than 200 species of solitary bees in Britain. They are named solitary bees because, unlike honeybees and bumblebees, they do not live in colonies. Some solitary bees make their nests in hollow plant stems and soft rotten wood.


A seasonal guide to help you get the most out of your garden.


his gardening month of March will bring many days filled with unpredictable weather. There may be rain, strong winds and milder days too. Try not to be seedling shy, instead be brave and open up a packet of seeds to sow. Be sure to have a fleece handy to cover up your vulnerable plants should you hear of an overnight frost. Primula vulgaris can now be seen in full bloom. These wild flowers are pale yellow with a deep yellow centre. Pulmonaria are also in flower, they can be planted in the shade or under trees and shrubs. They come in colours of blue, white and pink. Now is the time to begin removing moss and weeds from your paths and driveways. This may seem like a boring task but by doing it now it will make light work later on. Look out for special

offer deals on plug plants because now is the perfect time to order them. You don’t even need a greenhouse to grow them on. Just a sunny back bedroom or kitchen windowsill will be fine.

Plug plant


_ As soon as you receive plug plants through the post you should pot them up immediately. _ If you have to delay for a few day’s keep them in a cool, bright and well ventilated place. _ Soak the plug tray in water for at least 10 minutes before planting, this will soften the compost. _ Plant the plug plants individually into 5cm pots using multi-purpose

compost and place a few slow release into the soil too. If you decide to use trays leave a 5cm spacing between each plug plant to allow for growth. _ Simply make a hole in the compost slightly larger than the plug plant and place them in the soil gently. Then firm the compost around the roots. _ Place your potted plants into a greenhouse or conservatory if you have one. If not a windowsill will do. Keep them well watered. _ Once your plants are full grown you will need to prepare them for at least a week before outdoor planting. Place the plant outside still in the pots or trays during the day and cover them with fleece overnight. _ Only plant them into their permanent position once the threat of frost has passed. By Victoria Robertson, Epping Horticultural Society.

Black Spot


Black spot is a very serious disease of roses. It is caused by a fungus called Diplocarpon rosae, which infects the leaves. If you notice it, you can create a mix using 3 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar to 5 litres of water. Spray the infected leaves, bottoms of the leaves, stems and canes. Also, spray the soil near the plant to kill any Black Spot fungus that may be lingering in the soil from previous dead leaves or water applications. Apply early morning or early evening once a day until the Black Spot is eliminated.


SNOW BUSINESS Zip up and pick up an unforgettable


skiing adventure this month.

bbotts Travel have chosen three different experiences - a refreshing weekend break, an Alps getaway for the family, and a Canadian classic - in partnership with Ski Indepedence, the UK’s leading tailor-made ski specialist.

of both worlds; all the freedom of selfcatering with all the facilities of a hotel. All apartments have a fully equipped kitchenette with hob, microwave or oven as well as a fridge and dishwasher. Living areas consist of a double sofa bed, TV and safe. Bathrooms provide a hairdryer and all apartments have LES ARCS - THE a balcony or terrace were you can IDEAL FAMILY SKI enjoy the view with your feet up. DESTINATION 7 nights from £767 per person Perched high in France’s Based on 6 sharing a 3 room classic enormous Paradiski apartment on a room only basis, SWISS area, lies the snow-sure flights from London Heathrow to Geneva resort of Les Arcs, whose and private return transfers. spacious, accessible beginners’ TOP TIPS slopes are ideal for many families. Choosing the right accommodation Q Ski Independence are delighted to for your family can make the world of offer FREE rental for children under difference. Abbotts highly recommend 12 when one or more adult in the party rents selected equipment. Le Village at Arc 1950 and it’s not Q Le Village reception is manned 24 hard to see why. First, it offers ski-in/ski-out access hours a day, so someone is always around to lend a hand. to the slopes as well as having the Q Les Arcs is easily accessible ski school, local shops, bars and from Geneva, Lyon, Chambery and restaurants right on the doorstep. Grenoble leaving you with a wide This is so convenient; less time variety of flight options. commuting between areas means Q The kids club hosts a variety of more time to enjoy yourselves and indoor and outdoor activities for far less opportunity for lost gloves children from 9 months to 13 years. on the way to ski school! Second, Le Village is made up WHISTLER - A CANADIAN of a wide variety of well-appointed self-catering apartments. All of these CLASSIC include a choice of indoor and outdoor Take a lively vibrant town in a vast pools, Jacuzzis, steam room, sauna, spa mountain landscape, add 11 metres treatment rooms and fitness suite. The of average snowfall each winter and on-site spa centre gives you the best you have Whistler, a Canadian snow



sports paradise. With over 8000 acres of skiable terrain, Whistler Blackcomb has more than enough to keep the experts busy, plus pistes to satisfy skier and snowboarders of all abilities. Pistes are immaculately groomed, lifts are fast and efficient and the on-mountain dining options are endless. Whistler Village is itself an experience, with outstanding après ski and a huge choice of restaurants and shopping to suit every budget. This welcoming town caters for visitors from all over the world.


This slope-side hotel offers luxury ski accommodation. Beautifully appointed rooms vary in size, type and location within the building to suit all tastes and needs. Extensive amenities include two restaurants, a piano bar, sport & leisure facilities, outdoor lap pool with underwater music, indoor/ outdoor heated swimming pool and whirlpools, Vida wellness spa and state of the art gym. A snow sports rental and service shop is on site, as well as several boutiques. 7 nights from £1098 per person Based on 2 sharing a Fairmont Room with



Le Village

Le Village


Air Canada flights from London Heathrow to Vancouver and shared transfers.


Featured on Condé Nast Traveller’s 2010 Gold List of World’s Best Places to Stay, this resort is luxurious and immaculately kept. Located at the heart of Whistler village, everything the town has to offer is right on your doorstep. On-site you’ll find three restaurants offering everything from mountain classics to sushi, an extraordinarily extensive spa and health club and a variety of children’s facilities and clubs. 7 nights from £1122 per person Based on 2 sharing a Deluxe Studio Suite with Air Canada flights from London Heathrow to Vancouver and shared transfers.


Q Whistler village Fire & Ice show is on every Sunday throughout the winter season. The show is a real spectacle, and it’s free. Q Take advantage of the endless winter activities programme, including Tubing, dog sledging, Snowcat tours, Ziptrek and ice skating. Q Try out the amazing First Tracks experience and be one of the first to ski those perfect groomers or fresh powder snow including a breakfast buffet at the top of the mountain.

With some of the most dramatic scenery of the Alps, Chamonix wins the prize for convenience and charm. The breathtaking Mont Blanc Massif plays backdrop to the historical Alpine town which offers enormous variety of accommodation, shopping, restaurants and bars. From the town you can access five main ski areas which provide a wide range of terrain, perfect for all ability levels. Chamonix’s short transfer time from Geneva makes it an ideal choice as a short ski break destination. Flights to Geneva are not only frequent, but often good value and there is also a wealth of accommodation options in Chamonix to suit short stays.


Q Don’t forget your camera; ascend 2.5km to the peak of Aiguille du Midi cable car to experience the world renowned views. Q Spend an afternoon in Chambre Neuf; live music, great atmosphere and a very reasonable happy hour, this is the perfect après ski bar. Q Fly SWISS; this airline offers great flight options from London airports with prices including on-board snacks, one bag per person and free ski carriage.

Hotel Heliopic

Alpine feel. The facilities range from children’s and multimedia zones to ice grottos and relaxation areas. Standard, Superior and Family rooms are available on a bed and breakfast or half board basis. All rooms have flat screen TV, DVD player, Wi-Fi and bathroom. 3 nights from £351 per person Based on two sharing a Standard Double/Twin room on a B&B basis, SWISS flights from London Heathrow to Geneva and shared return transfers.


Located in Chamonix Sud, this hotel offers extensive spa facilities, 24- hour front desk service, restaurant, bar, comfortable lounge, laundry service and more. The perfect choice for a luxury ski break centred around sport, fun and convenience. Standard and Superior double rooms are available on a bed and breakfast basis. All rooms are en-suite and feature a hairdryer, RECOMMENDED minibar, TV and Wi-Fi. ACCOMODATION: HOTEL 3 nights from £512 per person HELIOPIC The Hotel Heliopic Based on 2 sharing a Standard Double Room on a B&B basis, SWISS flights is conveniently from London Heathrow to Geneva and located at the shared return transfers. base of the Abbotts Travel, 134 George Lane, Aiguille du Midi South Woodford, E18 1BA. cable car. This recently built property offers stylish Tel: 0208 989 9445 interiors whilst maintaining its cosy



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hoenix Gourmet restaurant is situated on the site of the Phoenix Hotel in North Weald. The restaurant specialises in fine Huaiyang cuisine, a style of cooking which is often used for celebrations and in grand banquets in China as it is known for its elegance and refinement. Their dishes are not what you’d expect to find on a regular Chinese menu so if you want to try something new then give these two recipes a go.

HUAIYANG CUISINE Tomato fish soup and garlic chicken

Method 1. Season white fish fillets of choice with salt and pepper. 2. Cut the pork rib into bite-size pieces, and put them in boiling water with a generous glug of chilli

fillets in water, then place on the top of the soup.

surface with some salt and pepper, then leave the chicken covered in the fridge for 12 hours. 2. After 12 hours, thoroughly wash the salt and pepper off the chicken.


TOMATO FISH SOUP Ingredients H White fish fillets H Pork ribs H Chilli sauce H Tomatoes H Salt and pepper


sauce to make a soup. 3. Remove the seeds from the tomatoes and dice. 4. Stir fry the tomatoes in a wok in a small amount of oil, and then put them into the pork ribs soup. 5. Gently poach the fish

Ingredients H Chicken breasts H Spring onions H Garlic H Coriander H Peanuts H Black bean sauce H Sugar H Salt and pepper Method 1. Wash the chicken breasts and rub the

3. Place the chicken in a steamer and steam for 30 minutes. 4. Take the chicken out of the steamer, leave it cool down for few minutes and then slice the chicken into pieces and place on

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BEST SERVE D WITH: TSINGTAO Internationa lly as the finest recognised be Tsingtao is an er in China incredibly smooth and easy to drink pilsner. Master brew ers select only the fines t m a plate. and blend ric alt and hops e, 5. Finely slice spring paddy fields of from the Western China onions and finely to mellow the , bi chop the garlic. making it on tter after taste e of 6. Stir fry the spring the most ‘drinkable’ be ers around. onion and garlic in Each and ev ery bottle is a wok with a small brewed usin g the exact sa amount of oil. me ingredients an d is only 7. Season with ever brewed at the salt, pepper and a famous Tsingt ao teaspoon of sugar brewery. Foun ded in and then add some 19 03 by advent Chinese garlic driven Germ ure an and black bean sauce. Brit ish settlers 8. Put the sauce Quingdao, C in hina. on the top of the Tsingt chicken and garnish usin ao is made g the same with chopped unique proces s coriander and was 100 year as it s ago. chopped peanuts. Best served chilled ,Tsing tao Phoenix is a perfect Gourmet accompanim en Restaurant to food, espe t cially A414 Epping fish dishes. Road, Available from North Weald most major CM16 6RZ, supermarkets . 01992 523 853

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WHEN: First Thursday of the month, 6pm-7pm WHAT: Scrabble For Adults - Just turn up no bookings required. For more information contact 020 8708 9780. WHERE: Seven Kings Library

WHEN: Every Thursday, 4.30pm-5.30pm WHAT: Learn To Swim - Swimming lessons for all abilities of swimmers ranging from Learn to Swim through to National level. £60 for 12 week course. 31/2 years plus. WHERE: Caterham High School, Clayhall, IG5 0QW

WHEN: Every Saturday, 9.30am-10.30am WHAT: Salsa Aerobics - A dance themed fitness session bought to you by Vision Redbridge Culture and Leisure as part of the Healthy Lifestyles programme. Ages 16 plus, £6.50. WHERE: Wanstead Leisure Centre, Redbridge Lane West, E11 2JZ WHEN: Sunday 1st March, entries to be displayed by 2pm WHAT: St David’s Day Daffodil Competition in association with

Epping Horticultural Society Four classes; a daffodil with long trumpet, a daffodil with short trumpet, and a made object on the theme of ‘Daffodil’, under 13s and over 13’s. Prizes will be awarded. For more details, ring David Buckle on 01992 890591. WHERE: Travellers Friend pub, Epping Green

men. But who will be forced to face the music? Tickets £8.50, Box office: Mr and Mrs James 01992 812250. WHERE: Theydon Bois Village Hall, Coppice Row, Theydon Bois

WHEN: Wednesday 4th March, 10am WHAT: West Essex Ramblers Walk - A ten-mile circular walk through ancient forest and open countryside. Lunch stop at Abridge. For more details ring 020 8502 1628. WHERE: Meet opposite the Miller & Carter pub, Lambourne End

WHEN: Tuesday 10th March, 8pm WHAT: North East London RSPB Talk - The Birds of the Scrubs by David Lindo. Admission £3 for RSPB members, £3.50 nonmembers. For more details ring David Littlejohns on 020 8989 4746 or email WHERE: St Mary’s Church, 207 High Road, South Woodford WHEN: Thursday 12th - Saturday 14th March, 8.00 pm WHAT: The Ladykillers - Comedy show by Graham Linehan. This is a classic black comedy. A sweet little old lady, living alone, is pitted against a gang of criminal misfits who will stop at nothing. With only her parrot, General Gordon, to help her, Mrs Wilberforce is alone with five desperate

WHEN: Monday 16th March, 8pm10.30pm WHAT: Theydon Jazz Club - £7.50 (non-members). For more information, ring Dave or Sheila Dyer on 01945 588325, email or visit WHERE: Theydon Bois Golf Club, Theydon Road

WHEN: Saturday 28th March WHAT: Live Music Festival - In aid of St Clare Hospice. Free entry with a collection for the hospice. WHERE: Golden Lion pub, Borders Lane, Loughton






ANIMAL MATCHES Match these animals with their baaby names.































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Fragrant Pretty

Season Flowers

Pastel Warming


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ome Dine With You is a personal chef and catering service for those who don’t want to cook or for those who want the experience of restaurant quality food in their own home. They are there to take all of the work off your hands - cook, serve and clean up afterwards! This month Come Dine With You are offering one lucky reader a Personal Chef for an evening who will visit the winners home and cook up a sumptuous three course meal for two people. They will serve each course and clean up afterwards so be prepared to sit back, relax and enjoy this exciting fine dining experience.

To enter simply fill in the entry form and send to: Essex Central Magazine, Brickfield Business Centre, High Road, Thornwood, Epping, Essex CM16 6TH or email your details to: competitions@ essexcentral Closing date: One winner will be





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HOW SAFE ARE YOUR LITTLE ONES? This month we are looking at the mind field that is car seat safety. With constant research and improvements in car seats how do we tell which car seat is safe and when an old seat has passed its ‘Best Before’ date. By Becky Elliott

“One of the biggest changes to hit the UK is the introduction of Rear Facing seats.”


he law requires all children travelling in any car or van to use a correctly fitted child car seat until they are either 135 cm tall or 12 years old (which ever they reach first). There are very few exceptions but really when we are talking about our children’s lives then really no exception is a good enough exception.


One of the biggest changes to hit the UK is the introduction of Rear Facing seats. We know now that Forward facing child car seats subject the neck and head to considerable strain as children’s heads are disproportionately heavy, their backs and neck vertebra are under-developed and their reflexes and ability to react are poor. If a child is sitting forward facing in a collision its head will be thrown violently forwards, subjecting the neck and head to considerable strain where as if the child’s seat is rear facing, the shell of the chair will form


a protective shield and absorb the shock. Crash tests show that compared to forward facing seats, the pressure exerted on the neck is 5 times lower for rear facing child car seats. These are the reasons why all baby seats (group 0+) are only designed for rear facing use. The new iSize regulations came in to effect in the Nursery Industry in July 2013 and will in time replace the existing regulations. One of the key changes was that all children will need to be rear facing until the age of 18months whilst most manufacturers and indeed, crash test experts would encourage this limit to be until the age of 4 years. I can hear all the cries of protest about little Johnnies legs, or him getting bored or you not being able to see him and trust me these probably echo the cries our mums all made when wearing seat belts became law back in the early eighties. Let me allay some of your hesitations. Simply remove the headrest from the rear seat where little Johnny is sitting and he then has an amazing

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panoramic view out the back window rather than looking at the back of your head getting even more frustrated because you’re not turning round to talk to him. As for those little leggies, there hasn’t been any reported cases of permanent leg injuries to a child using a rear facing seat which sadly can’t be said for head or spinal injuries and whilst I never want to see any child injured I’d take a broken leg over any of the other possibilities. So finally that ‘Best Before’ date, to me this is a simple one. If the seat does not tick all of the boxes to ensure your child is as safe as possible or has been involved in any impacts then it’s time for a change. A good child safety seat will cost less than a £1 a day and we all know that our bubbas are priceless. For more information on car seat safety please go to For a great range of car seats and expert advice visit Bababoom, 255 High Road, Loughton, IG10 1AD. Tel: 020 3174 0418,


If you’re interested please call

07740 352350



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s the weather has started to get a little sunnier this month, we decided it was time for a day at the seaside. As soon as we arrived in Clacton we headed down to the pier for a go on the amusements and immediately saw the mechanical horses plus some flying elephants, I got my 20p ready and strolled over with the young lad clutching my hand “One quid?! Are they having a laugh?!?!” my screams echoed throughout the pier as worried mothers shielded their children’s ears. Never the less, it’s want he wanted, so I pulled out a few quid and stuck a pound on Dumbo (sounds like the worst bet ever). He gently circled round for 20, maybe even 30 seconds, before stopping and asking for another pound. This plastic elephant was nothing but a hustler and clearly making more money than all the hard working people of Clacton combined “More, more!” he looked at me sympathetically, yet I was already £12 down and we had only just arrived. I needed something cheap, something for... 2p! We ushered him towards the 2p machines inside the arcade and changed up a couple of quid in 2p’s, showed him how to play the game, and he was hooked. I was then involved in the quickest theft I’ve even seen, as he snatched the tub of 2p’s in a blur, and proceeded to accurately time their drop into the machine... and start winning! The lady and I watched him, mesmerised, whilst he tip toed up on the raised platform, left arm clutching his tub of money and right hand poised skilfully above the drop zone. The money started to flow out and we looked on a little enviously in truth, what happened


next was astonishing. Whilst standing up on tip toes he lost his footing and fell, not a big drop but enough for me to bend down and help him, yet without making a sound he simply grabbed clutches of his scattered 2p’s, threw them back into his tub, checked the money tray for any winnings that may have dropped down (during his 5 second absence) and proceeded to launch more money in. At that stage we became a bit concerned at the hypnotic effect the lights seemed to be having on him, whilst poor lonely Dumbo was outside being rained upon. I considered calling gamblers anonymous, then realised that I’d probably be asked

“I was then involved in the quickest theft I’ve even seen”

for his age “He’s nearly two years old,” would not make me look like the best parent. Instead I decided we had to pull him away physically and I clutched him around the waist, he immediately held onto the machine with both hands and starting yelling “Noooooo!” At this point his mum picked up the tub of 2p’s and started walking towards the door, within a split second he had released his grip and began sprinting towards the money. After that we headed down to the beach itself, happily posing for a picture whilst a wave came crashing in around my ankles, soaking my trainers for the long journey home. We then collected some shells and my jacket pockets ended up dragging along the floor as the boy proceeded to stuff half the beach into them.

I decided to head back inside for a bit of warmth and strolled past a machine that pays out in tickets, “Sure, let’s get paid in tickets... I’m sure supermarkets and petrol stations will look at me kindly when I come to pay for my goods with these.” Pushing the sarcasm to one side I decided to throw another pound away and pressed the ‘start’ button. With that a small basketball launched up inside this big container and came crashing back down into a revolving disc at the bottom, I was so tired I hadn’t really paid attention to this game but I was now transfixed. On the disc where different numbers, each saying how many tickets I could win, and incredibly the ball finally decided to fall into the top slot... 500 tickets! I sprinted across to the cashier desk where all the prizes were, trying hard not to look so smug after my big win. I then glanced up at the board to see what I could reimburse so many tickets for, perhaps a car, or a holiday to New York, yet my dreams were agonisingly crushed when it became apparent the only thing I could get for 500 tickets was a large inflatable banana (I kid you not). Even the novelty key rings started at 650. I turned down to the boy who was wide eyed looking at all the prizes, and before I’d even had the chance to say “This poxy arcade has fleeced your dad kiddo, it started with Dumbo and its finished with this 17 year old cashier,” he started asking for “nana, nana” I looked around for my mum then realised he was pointing at the inflatable banana! I happily reimbursed my tickets and handed him a banana that dwarfed him in height, he was delighted and it rounded off a very memorable day. ...TO BE CONTINUED

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By Devon-Elizabeth Tabersham

n 2003 John Hassan and Marc Wakley founded Newbury Forest FC as a way for a group of friends to play Sunday football and it has since flourished into a club with eight teams both junior and senior. The adult first team was the beginning of Newbury Forest FC and by 2007 they had created their second and third team. The first team plays in the Premier Division of the Essex Olympian Football League and won the Essex Saturday Premier Cup last year under the keen training of manager, Leo Connolly. The U21 team plays in the U21 Essex Olympian Football League and their Sunday First Team plays in Division One of the Independent South Essex Sunday Football League. Chairman John Hassan holds a UEFA A Licence and works hard in coaching the team as well as encouraging them to play to their highest ability. Ron Dangerfield is the Club Secretary at Newbury Forest FC and he runs the club alongside Leo Connolly, First Team Manager/Academy Director and Michael Benn, Treasurer/Youth Secretary. In 2007, the Newbury Forest Colts were created and to this day there are five teams, from U8 to U15, ages 10-15 compete in the Echo Junior Football League. Newbury Forest are currently looking to create an U6 team to be able to make squads at


all ages. Youth teams train at the Newbury Forest Academy on Saturdays and are coached by qualified coaches who also play for the current senior teams. Newbury Forest FC play at London Playing Fields on Forest Road, due to the club’s inviting and nurturing values, there is “a really great atmosphere at the club generally”. Match days create a keen and competitive environment which elevates gameplay, especially when they play their rivals Manford Way, with whom they share a clubhouse, which gets a lot of people down to watch and enjoy the match. Newbury Forest FC are an incredibly inclusive club, as mentioned before they want all ages to be involved with Newbury Forest Colts and they are hoping to soon start a vets team, as well as women and girls teams. Ron Dangerfield says, “We have a policy of ‘football for all’. Our vision and strategy has always been to be able to provide football for all people, regardless of gender, ability or health.” The club is, “always looking for additional players at every age group, the more the better.” Looking ahead, Newbury Forest FC are aiming to get their First Team as high up on the National League system as their ability will take them and they hope to be able to secure their very own venue for a home ground. For more information visit www. Home or email ron.dangerfield@

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