Essex Central Magazine - Jan 16 - Issue 27

Page 1





WORK IT OUT Try Something New This Year

GET FIT FASHION Outfits Made For Exercise

TEMPTING TRAVEL Escape To The Emerald Isle

LOCAL NEWS Keeping You Up To Date


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Are you worried about seeing your children? Are you worried about your finances? Worried about your pension?

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ON THE COVER 13 Local News 18 Work It Out 27 Get Fit Fashion 43 Ashford Castle 61 Competition Win a one year membership for PT Studio One

29 HEALTH & FITNESS 36 The Importance of H2O 15 Slipped Disc Advice 31 The Truth About Sugar

43 COMMUNITY 8 Your Comments 49 Townsend Family Law 51 Essex Police Update 55 Revitalise Charity feature 56 What’s On Editor: Darren Perry Email: Tel: 01992 283 568 Advertising: advertising@essexcentral Features Editor: Victoria Grace Journalist: Devon-Elizabeth Tabersham & Ben Sneath. Design: Sharon Butler-Felby @SketchDesign, Lauren Brown. Contributors: Victoria Robertson, Josie Stevens, Judy Benoit. Publishers: 3 Blue Worldwide Ltd Facebook: EssexCentralMag Twitter: @EssexCentralMag 46,000 copies distributed to homes, businesses and station locations, along the Essex section of the Central Line and surrounding areas: South Woodford, Woodford, Buckhurst Hill, Chigwell, Loughton, Debden, Abridge, Theydon Bois, Epping, North Weald, Ongar, Wanstead, Redbridge, Ilford, Gants Hill, Newbury Park, Barkingside, Fairlop, Hainault, Grange Hill. Although every care has been taken to ensure accuracy, 3 Blue Worldwide Ltd take no responsibility for any errors, or the ESSEX CENTRAL advertisements within this magazine.


FASHION & BEAUTY 29 Looking Good, Feeling Great 33 Mind, Body, Cold HOME & GARDEN 36 Calm & Cosy 39 January Gardening Guide FOOD & DRINK 48 The Bluebell FUN & GAMES 60 Puzzle Corner 64 Entering Fatherhood Without a Map SPORT 66 Ongar Ladies Netball


Welcome to the first issue of 2016. I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and are now ready to get stuck into the New Year. Many of you will have made resolutions and set fitness goals for the year ahead, and like most people these goals may have been forgotten about by the time I next see you in February! If this sounds familiar then take a look at our jam-packed Health & Fitness section this month, which brings together some of the best ways to get fit and stay healthy from experts across Essex to keep you on track. We also have our usual mix of news and events from the local area, an amazing travel feature from Abbotts Travel and take a peek inside the newly renovated Bluebell Restaurant in Chigwell.

Darren Perry Editor/Owner

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We love hearing from you!

ach month we trawl through our mailbox and social media sites to see what you are thinking. Here are a few of our favourite messages that we have received recently. Keep your comments coming in for a chance to win £20 if we pick you as our ‘Star Comment’ and £10 for the ‘Reader’s Photo’.


Happy December! Hope you are well. Just wanted to let you and your team know that your December issue is Fab! I have managed to sort nearly all of my Christmas shopping from the gift guide alone and a couple of the advertisers too. Have bought for my mum, husband, works secret Santa and even my difficult teenage nephew (who knew you could get DIY speakers eh?!). Leaves me plenty of time to make my own door wreath now  Merry Christmas Jane Lee (Epping)

ne’ ytonsto e L , h c r n’s Chu utton ‘St Joh Kathy H A lovely present from @EssexCentralMag this month: our Xmas feature, gift-wrapped in glamour. @AbbottsTravel Need to find someone to take me to La Nostra after reading that review! Mel Andrews Can’t find the last difference on this month’s puzzle page. Help! Joe P We love Essex Central Magazine! Margie Heath



tCongratulations to Margie Heath (below left), Rosie and Orla Dean (below right) who were the winners of our Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs Panto competition.

Margie with Zac and Bradley

Rosie and Orla


Address: Essex Central Magazine, Brickfield Business Centre, High Road, Thornwood, Epping, Essex CM16 6TH @EssexCentralMag EssexCentralMag editor@essexcentral


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Above: (left to right) Serena Dench, Odette Clark and Kate Hawes.

A short roundup of what’s been going on

(left to right) Iva Mohor a, Laurence Brooks and Jac

k Beadle

Picture by Sue Sharp



Royal Naval Lieutenant Oliver Bundock, a former Davenant student, inspired students and staff when he visited the school to host a careers session promoting the Royal Navy. Circling the grey skies above the school, Lt. Bundock expertly set down his preferred form of transport, a Royal Navy helicopter, in the middle of the playing field. Delighted students interested in a career with the British Armed Forces were then treated to a special careers talk and question and answer session before having the privilege of boarding the Royal Navy helicopter to experience the iconic machine first hand. Year 13 student Nicholas Anderson said: “This was such a good opportunity, I have learnt such a lot about the Royal Navy and the opportunities it offers.” Head of Careers and Student Services

(left to right) Judith Ball, Lieutenant Oliver Bundock with students Jordan Samler, James Anderson, Angel Borg, Nicholas Anderson, Samuel East and Henry Adams-Walsh

Judith Ball was responsible for orchestrating this unprecedented careers visit. She said: “It’s always good to hear from former students, particularly when they have gone into such an interesting career. “When Oliver made contact with the school I jumped at the chance to have him visit and give a talk to our Year 11 and sixth form students. “When he asked for permission to land the Royal Navy helicopter on the school field... well, how could we resist?” In addition to the older year groups, Mrs Ball’s Year 7 class joined her on the field to experience the fabulous opportunity. Year 7 student Nicola Childs said: “The helicopter was really big and Lieutenant Bundock was very nice. He let us sit inside the helicopter. There were lots of buttons to press but the rotors were really loud.”

Chigwell School’s Drama Department staged an ambitious production of Sophocles’ ‘Electra’, a Greek Tragedy about revenge and family feuds. This modern interpretation was a rich mixture of dance, song, choral movement and some breath-taking stage fighting. The lead role, Electra, played by Odette Clark, was a hugely challenging part if only for the vast number of lines to be learnt. The school’s Director of Drama, Joe Maingot, said: “Well done to Odette for a truly impressive feat of memory and a moving, emotional portrayal of this tortured soul. “Dance was beautifully choreographed by Year 13 pupil Serena Bassi and this was very much enhanced by highly professional use of light and sound effects. Well done to all involved - a great show!”



Above left: (left to right) Ben Pellicci, Epping deputy mayor councillor Les Burrows, Epping mayor councillor Michael Wright, Gary Pellicci and Ongar Town Council public relations committee chairman councillor Sheila Jackman. Above right: Les Burrows, Louise Hamilton, of Koko Kouture, Michael Wright and Sheila Jackman. Left: Michael Wright, Neil Green of Hockings Butchers, Les Burrows and Sheila Jackman.

Hairdressers Gary Pellicci won Ongar Town Council’s best Christmas shop window competition for their fabulous bright red festive window bows. Hockings Butchers was runnerup with Koko Kouture highly commended. The windows were judged by Epping mayor councillor Michael Wright and Epping deputy mayor

HAIRDRESSERS WINS ONGAR TOWN COUNCIL’S BEST CHRISTMAS WINDOW COMPETITION councillor Les Burrows. Mr Wright said: “We were honoured to accept the invitation from Ongar Town Council to judge the many Christmas shop window displays in the town. “The standard was extremely high and the winning display was distinctive and entered into the spirit of Christmas.” Ongar Town Council public


relations committee chairman councillor Sheila Jackman said: “It was a pleasure to welcome the mayor and deputy mayor of Epping. I always feel it is right to have independent judges. “I would like to congratulate all the shops and businesses that made such a good effort to bring festive cheer to our High Street this Christmas.”

Prime Minister David Cameron and the Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow were among those who received a Christmas card designed by a pupil at Upshire Primary School. Teddy Campling’s design was judged the winner of Epping Forest MP Eleanor Laing’s Christmas card competition. Hundreds of entries were received from schools across the Epping Forest constituency. Teddy, aged eight, was presented with a special book prize and a package of his own specially printed cards when Mrs Laing visited Upshire Primary School to announce the winner. Mrs Laing said: “I was delighted to visit Upshire Primary School to present the prize to the winner of the Christmas card competition. Teddy Campling with “We had a huge number of entries this Epping Forest MP Ele year and I would like to thank all the children anor Laing (right) and Hasle rs who made such a great effort to provide business development wonderful designs. executive Joanna Fry (left) “The outstanding feature of Teddy’s card is the brilliant red background contrasting with the white presentation. snowflakes. Everyone has admired it.” “Haslers have been very generous in their Mrs Laing added: “I was also delighted that Joanne sponsorship of the competition, as a result of which Fry (business development executive from Loughtonwe have been able to make a donation to St Clare based accountants Haslers) was able to take part in the Hospice.”





Year 2 children at Avon House Preparatory School, Woodford Green, studied ‘Alice in Wonderland’ in detail in a variety of subjects last half term to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the book being published. As a finale to the topic, the school hosted its very own Mad Hatter’s Tea Party! The day began with the children arriving at school dressed as one of the characters from the book with numerous Alices and Mad Hatters, a few White Rabbits, Kings and Queens of Hearts, Cheshire Cats and even a Dormouse!

Headteacher Amanda Campbell said: “The children all looked wonderful. The day began by creating a poster to advertise the tea party and the main event was held in the afternoon. “The children entered the hall to see a spectacular table set up, with rabbit and cupcake-shaped sandwiches, playing card pizza, jam tarts and amazing cupcakes that looked like Alice had fallen down the rabbit hole! “After the wonderful tea party Year 2 played a game of flamingo croquet and we hoped we played well enough that the Queen of Hearts would not shout “Off with your head!” Year 2 pupil George said: “My favourite part was playing flamingo croquet.” Fellow pupil Asia said: “My favourite part was when the Knave of Hearts (Mr Evans) kept stealing the marshmallows and jam tarts!”

CRIMESTOPPERS AND THE ESSEX POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER REACHING OUT TO THE ELDERLY COMMUNITY Elder abuse has been thrown in the spot light in recent years - with investigations into elder care revealing shocking abuses of trust. In 2013/14 there were 104,050 cases nationally in which concern was raised about the abuse of an adult - 63 per cent of these involved victims of the age of 65. Elder abuse is a problem in the UK. It can be physical, emotional, financial or a case of neglect; and it can happen anywhere - whether it’s the victim’s own home, a care home, a hospice or sheltered accommodation. It’s an issue that we all want to see stamped out but not everyone feels comfortable reporting it - that could be because the abuser is a friend or relative or someone who should be in a position of trust. But we have been trying to break down the barriers and believe that anonymous reporting may be the key to encourage more to speak up. In February 2015 Crimestoppers joined forces with Police and Crime Commissioner for Essex, Nick Alston, to tackle the issue. Together they launched a trial of the first ever anonymous reporting line for elder abuse 0800 032 7644 and hope to see it rolled out across the country in the future.

“We all have a duty to protect our elderly community and this should involve speaking out if there is any suspicion that they are suffering abuse. “It’s not always easy to report an issue like this especially if the perpetrators are known to the victims. This is why an independent reporting line that people can call safely, securely and anonymously is so important.” Said Mark Hallas, Crimestoppers CEO.




‘The Home of Essex’s Finest Personal Trainers!’






IT OUT Want to get fit for the New Year? Still trying to find a form of exercise that you enjoy and will stick to? Need some advice or motivation? Here are four local companies that can help you to get in tip top shape in 2016.


Over the last few years it seems the fitness industry has gone to new heights. More and more people are getting into the healthy lifestyle, with nutritious food plans, to finding the most effective ways to work out... and one method that stands out...boot camps! Although the weather can play havoc with consistency! At “PT Studio One” they have taken the boot camp to new levels, with a fully equipped, fully air conditioned indoor studio, the weather can never be a problem, meaning they can guarantee a timetable of over 100 professionally coached classes each month! All of their personal trainers are fully qualified, and classes are capped at a maximum of 10 people, so they can keep a close eye on technique to make sure all clients are getting the very best advice, and are being pushed out of that comfort zone without risk of injury to maximize results... all while having a great time, and meeting new like-minded people. The atmosphere is something else! Daniel Collins, Partner at PT Studio One says, “Since we opened in September 2015 we’ve seen a great number of people of all ages and abilities through our doors, and already the success stories are piling in! Our boot camps cater for everyone, and for a monthly “Class Pass” (with no contract) it’s just £55... oh, did we mention that the first class is free!?” Check out the website or download the free mobile app (search for “ptstudioone”), and begin your fitness journey with a team who live for results!




10 minutes at ((BOUNCE))™ is the same as a 30 minute run! If your fitness regime fills you with dread, you clearly haven’t been to a ((BOUNCE))™ class yet! The point of jumping on a trampoline is to have fun, but when first-class fitness fuses with this, you get one of the most worthy workouts imaginable! High speed music mixed with low impact moves means the 1 hour workout is tough but comfortable on the joints as the trampoline absorbs over 87% of shock. So men, women, grandparents and even kids at the ‘child friendly’ sessions are welcome as ((BOUNCE))™ is aimed at any fitness level due to the ability of adapting the moves to your own fitness level. With over 25 available sessions each week and 20 trampolines per class there


Essex Boot Camp offer outdoor training sessions that are guaranteed to give you results. Sessions are extremely varied, incorporating team work, task orientated games, body weight training, Calisthenics, HIIT, kettle bell work outs, strength and power based sessions and sprint training to name but a few!


Highly trained instructors ensure that sessions stay fresh and challenging every time – you will certainly be put through your paces! The sessions are underpinned with strong psychological undercurrents, parts of which were taken from the ‘Royal Marine Training School’, in essence the mind-set first approach, which was scaled to make it fit for public consumption and to maximise members levels of motivation and effort. There is no doubt that you will see results. The extensive benefits include improving general levels of fitness and wellbeing, cutting body

If the Gym or training alone is not for you, classes could be your answer: Synergy Fitness has a wide range of exciting classes suitable for men, women and also children. Kettlebells burns up to 20 calories a minute and compliments all other sports. A class with Jane Maddern can help improve core strength, cardio vascular fitness and endurance by using every muscle in your body. Fitness with Laura is a body conditioning class that uses dance and aerobic movements to music that can help transform your body and assist with weight loss, whilst having fun. Baptiste Power Vinyassa Flow Yoga with Jo Ritchie will improve your flexibility, increase your core strength and reduce stress levels. This dynamic style can also help martial artists improve breath control and reduce their risk of injury. Krav Maga is favoured by

fat for a leaner look, increasing strength, increasing speed, endurance and for all round weight loss; so be prepared to get in serious shape! Another huge benefit is the dynamic of working out in a group of likeminded people who encourage and motivate each other to reach their goals, the Essex Boot Camp community attended a host of adventure races last year often 100 members strong, getting muddy and achieving goals together. For more information please visit or call 07950 743994.

celebrities and originally designed for Israeli Special Services. Ricky Manetta will teach you the ultimate self-defence techniques. Kids BJJ is very popular. Designed to make self-defence fun, many students at Synergy have competed in and medalled at National competitions. Children are also welcome in the Krav Maga classes. Make this a family event and all train together. Kids Thai Boxing has been specifically designed to be taught to children, by Jazz, who trained in Thailand. Or why not take a guided gym session whilst your kids take a class? For more information on classes at Synergy Fitness call Andrew on 07725544867 or visit the website

are studios in Epping, Harlow, Sawbridgeworth, Stansted, Bishops Stortford, Elsenham - and due to massive demand, more locations coming throughout 2016! Benefits of ((BOUNCE))™ include lymphatic drainage, improving bone density and an average of around 700+ calories burnt per class, but most famously, scientific research conducted by NASA quotes it as “The most effective exercise yet devised by man”... and you can’t argue with men who have even bounced on the moon. What’s required to do ((BOUNCE))™? A sense of humour, a bit of ‘fierce’ and if you know how to jump you’re on the right track! Their motto is “FUN, FRIENDLY, FIERCE!”... get involved and book early as spaces fill up fast. See for more information.



Get fit for 2016! Try for free

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For more information please visit the website Email for New Year special offers!



THE IMPORTANCE OF Thirsty? How about a nice cool glass of water?


any of us only consider water when there is absolutely nothing else to drink but the truth is, there really is no better drink for you, than good old fashioned water. Nothing could be more natural than water, all living things need this incredible molecule to survive so why do we fail to give water the respect it deserves?

Water is boring - We have become so accustomed to an abundance of sweet flavours in food and drink that subconsciously we seek these tastes. A reason for this could be that they are normally foods that contain the most calories and therefore provide instant energy. FIZZY! - Carbonation adds




sensation to drinking. Coupled with its association with partying and fun, fizzy drinks are usually highly sweetened beverages. JUICY! - Freshly squeezed seems to be the healthy way to start a day because it is said it helps digestion transit. But the chances are you’ll increase your sugar levels by consuming far more fruit than you would have if you had the whole fruit, i.e. it can take up to 10 oranges to make a glass of juice and you wouldn’t normally eat 10 oranges.

H Start the day with a 500ml cool/ room temperature glass of water (add lemon if you like) H 10am -12noon 500ml water (hot or cold) H 4-6pm 500ml water (hot or cold) H 8-10pm 500ml water (hot or cold) ADD FLAVOURS - A squeeze of Lemon, Grapefruit or Orange can help but don’t get carried away by adding more than a slice or two. Add cucumber and mint to ice and crush together. Carbonated water will also add variety.



Water is: 4 Calorie Free 4 Number one for quenching thirst 4 Improves your skin, hair and nails 4 Detoxes the kidneys, liver and bowels 4 Can help with weight management



Animals, plants and even microbes need some sort of water to survive, you would never feed your pets cans of coke or fruit juices so why put your body through this?


Ways to increase water intake: Space it out throughout the day Don’t wait until you are thirsty.

Increase your water intake during exercise. Especially but not exclusively during cardio exercise which causes you to lose water through evaporation in sweat and via the mouth when breathing heavily. You should aim to increase your intake by a minimum of 500ml. You should also increase your water intake during pregnancy, menopause or illnesses that increase body temperature. WATER- best drink of the day- enjoy! By Judy Benoit Judy Benoit



precise angles to gradually draw apart the vertebrae surrounding a targeted disc. I suffered with excruciating back pain and sciatica for years. After IDD Therapy I can now get a good night’s sleep without constantly waking with the pain. I would recommend it to anyone who is suffering like I did. IDD patient, Dominyk Mackevic


Over 36,000 treatments carried out in the UK



SUFFERING WITH BACK PAIN? TRIED MANUAL TREATMENTS? IDD THERAPY IS FOR YOU. IDD Therapy is the targeted disc treatment for sufferers of back pain, neck pain and related symptoms such as sciatica. In clinics nationwide, this non-invasive option helps to bridge the gap between ‘hands-on’ treatments and surgery. What is IDD Therapy? Intervertebral Differential Dynamics (IDD) Therapy is a non-invasive, targeted disc treatment for unresolved back pain, neck pain and associated symptoms such as arm pain and leg pain (sciatica). Available through a network of spinal disc specialists across the UK, IDD Therapy delivers a precise and more consistent treatment than is possible with the hands alone or with traditional mechanical methods like traction.

What does the programme involve? You will be fully assessed before undergoing treatment; this includes a review of a recent MRI or suitable scan.

How does IDD Therapy work? IDD Therapy uses gentle pulling forces to distract (draw apart) specific spinal segments where discs are damaged or bulging, removing pressure and irritation from targeted discs and any trapped nerves. Patients have a structured programme of regular IDD Therapy sessions which allows their body to adapt to treatment whilst progressively relieving pain and improving movement.

Treatment is gentle and safe. Sessions begin with some Thermedic heat therapy on the area to be treated, warming up the muscles and ligaments. You will remain fully clothed throughout treatment and be fitted with a soft, ergonomic harness for comfort and support. The machine tilts upright, allowing you to step on from the standing position without pain or difficulty. Once you are comfortably harnessed, computer-controlled pulling forces are gently applied at



In the past, slipped disc patients often had to consider invasive options if manual treatments couldn’t get them better. Now with IDD Therapy, these patients have a very good chance of becoming pain-free

You will feel totally relaxed during the 25 minute session on the SPINA machine. Afterwards, some cold therapy is applied to minimise any temporary soreness which may be caused by muscles being worked in a new way. Gentle exercise and activity are gradually introduced as treatment progresses - essential for long-term pain relief. Who can benefit from IDD Therapy? Typical candidates for IDD Therapy are people who have had back pain, neck pain or sciatica for some time and have not responded to manual therapy and exercise. Reasons to choose IDD Therapy • Your current treatment is not working • You want to stop taking painkillers • You are seeking long-term pain relief • You want to return to normal activities If you have unresolved back pain or neck pain and need help, call Atkins Physiotherapy Consultants on 020 8504 0478 or visit:

Neil Velleman Clinical Director, Atkins Physiotherapy Consultants

154 High Road Woodford Green, IG8 9EF *Spinal Disc Specialists* *Friendly, Personal Approach* *On-site Parking Available*


Call 020 8504 0478 or visit

FREE 15 min Consultation





Back pain expert, Neil Velleman from Atkins Physiotherapy Consultants in Woodford Green gives advice on spotting and treating a ‘slipped’ disc.


erniated or ‘slipped’ disc are amongst the most debilitating of back pain problems - sometimes with added symptoms such as the grinding leg pain of sciatica. In my 26 years as a physiotherapist I have always been interested in treating complex conditions and my back pain patients have often presented me with the most challenging. Of course there are many levels of back and neck pain but a herniated or ‘slipped’ disc is one of the most painful and it can cause long-term immobility if it’s not treated correctly. A slipped or herniated disc refers to a condition where the centre of a spinal disc bulges outwards and presses onto a nerve. The spinal discs act as shock absorbers and through a variety of causes, including injury, poor posture and general ‘wear and tear’ (meaning gradual deterioration), the walls of the disc can become weaker. If the centre of the disc pushes out it can cause the disc wall to bulge and that can be when pain strikes.

THERE ARE FIVE STEPS OF MANAGEMENT TO CONSIDER IN THIS SITUATION: 1) Pain Killers 2) Manual therapy 3) IDD Therapy 4) Injections 5) Surgery

Your first stop should be a back pain specialist physiotherapist with experience in disc-related problems. In addition, your GP can prescribe you painkillers and/or anti-inflammatory medicines to take to make manual therapy more tolerable. If you’re no better after six weeks it’s advisable to get an MRI scan to confirm the level of damage to the disc(s). Before resorting to invasive treatments such as spinal injections or surgery, you have the option of non-invasive

Intervertebral Differential Dynamics (IDD) Therapy. IDD Therapy uses gentle pulling forces to draw apart specific spinal segments where discs are damaged or bulging, removing pressure and irritation from targeted discs and any trapped nerves. Patients receive a structured programme of regular IDD Therapy sessions, allowing their body to adapt to treatment whilst progressively relieving pain and improving movement. Where damage to the disc(s) has built up over a long period of time, a series of treatments is needed to achieve long-lasting therapeutic changes. With the programme, we can set patients the realistic goal of becoming pain-free and being able to get back to their normal daily activities. IDD Therapy is particularly effective for patients with chronic (long-term) back and neck conditions. In the past we have needed to refer some patients with ‘difficult’ disc conditions on for invasive treatments - including surgery. Now, IDD Therapy gives us a very sophisticated non-invasive option which enables us to help patients back to their normal daily activities. The outcomes are impressive: clinicians in the UK report a significant improvement in 70-90% of patients. Atkins Physiotherapy Consultants 154 High Road, Woodford Green, Essex IG8 9EF Tel: 020 8504 0478 Neil Vellem an









If you’re an outdoors kinda guy then s Oa the low winter sun can be blinding re kle xp y Sp when pounding those pavements. E n ort S unglasses £180 Visio


FASHION By Josie Stevens

The dawn of a New Year and the chance to set new goals is here. Whether it’s getting that work/life balance, learning a new skill or time to get fit, now is the time to set those challenges. Healthy body, healthy mind and what better way to get focused than by treating your body to a little MOT? You may already be a seasoned gym junkie, or considering taking up a new sport, either way having the clothing and equipment will help you reach those goals quicker.


£14 onitor eM

The washing machine always swallows one! So you can never have enough of socks. Get your focus on and block everything Fitbit Heart Rat out with a good pair of earphones and some motivational music. T a Le ther rainers £1 20 Wh istle s

£12.99 Primark

Zip Throu g

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If you’re really into your training, a good heart rate monitor will help reach the right training zones whether it’s for weightloss or cardio benefits. a ra Am

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Gym Gant


Vapodri Shorts £20 Cante r


And relax! That’s right everyone needs a rest day, so chill out in a pair of stylish and comfortable track pants.

Jogging Bottoms £85 Whistles


Earphones £7.99 TK Maxx

Tes Socks £6 F&F @

French Connec tio




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Unfortunately for us ladies a sports bra is a must-have. Make sure ‘the girls’ are safely supported and looking super stylish before embarking on anything high impact.

nS tive i Onzie Leggings £45 Ac

Kate Spade Water Bottle £28 Amara

Yas Sports Jacket £45 Very

Our bodies are made up of almost 60% water, and keeping hydrated couldn’t be a more important factor in being healthy. So make sure you’re getting your 8 glasses a day by topping up a water bottle.

We all think people are watching when we workout, so give them something to look at in a bright, bold pair of leggings.


Everyone needs a little motivational mantra sometimes. What better than this to keep you focused?

Long Tall Sally

Sp o r

Resistance Bands £3.50 Primark

The best way to keep track of your progress is to log it! I love this ‘Squat’ diary. I’m sure all those gym bunnies out there will too.

rimark Purple Slogan Tee £5 P

Personalised Diary £7.99

Well it’s time to think about what we want 2016 to bring. For me, a summer body is made in the winter months, so changing up my workout routine, and of course investing in some gorgeous new gym kit, is high on my list of New Year priorities. Part of feeling great about yourself comes from looking good, so have a peak at some of my favourite fitness finds that I hope will inspire you to get up, out there and moving.






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Your nose is red and runny and your eyes might be puffy but we have the beauty secrets that will make everything better.


e have rounded up our favourite products to help keep you feeling bright on cold winter days. Q Keep bugs at bay when you’re out and about, washing your hands thoroughly and using the beautiful Lanolips Antibacterial Hand Cream (£8.99 Boots). The cream acts like a protective glove that kills 99% of germs whilst moisturising the skin with a light silky layer of ultra-pure-grade lanolin and aloe vera to refresh. Q Soothe dry, irritated skin with Balance Me Stellar Beauty Balm (£18 John Lewis). This one pot wonder is the best solution for dry patches, chapped lips, sore noses and cuticles. The rich balm combines a blend of moisturising essential oils as well as anti-oxidant rich Vitamin E to protect from bacteria spreading. Leave as a hydrating overnight mask and wake up to soft, radiant skin. Q When you’re feeling poorly with a cold or flu there really is nothing better than reclining in a nice hot bath at the end of the day to soothe

aching muscles. Relax and unwind with the Elemental Herbology Detox Botanical Bathing Infusion (£20 Space NK). With rosemary and geranium essential oils to stimulate circulation and invigorate the mind. This luxurious and uplifting bath soak will help purify, energize and revitalise body and mind. Q Keep your little ones protected with Childs Farm Hand Wash for Mucky Mitts (£3.99 Boots) with tea tree oil. Childs Farm is suitable for eczema prone skin, dermatologically tested and approved, paediatrician approved and suitable for newborns and upwards, the products are mild, safe and kind to skin.

Q Late nights, colder weather and cosy nights in with the central heating on can all take their toll on our eye health, with ‘Dry Eye’ being one of the resulting symptoms. Finding an eye drop that is preservative free, such as new Hycosan Fresh™ for mild dry eye (£8.95 Boots) is important, as preservatives can cause further aggravation to eyes that are already feeling sore. Hycosan Fresh™ contains all natural ingredients including Euphrasia (Eyebright), a plant based extract that has been shown to reduce irritation associated with dry eyes and Sodium Hyaluronate which is known for its hydrating properties, ensuring eyes stay lubricated for longer.



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Dress your house for the New Year

Verona Large Sofa £2459 and Wentworth Footstool £369


he Christmas season comes equipped with its own warmth and glow, but when decorations are taken down and relatives return home, living spaces can sometimes feel a little flat. Your living room, in particular, will continue to serve as a social hub for friends and family throughout the New Year and with a few simple updates you can avoid January lethargy and keep it feeling luxurious and lovely.


Come January, it’s tempting to start dreaming of spring décor schemes and clear away everything that’s made our homes so comfy during the early winter months, but it’s important to keep things homely. Introducing a variety of patterns, colours and textures in soft, delicate hues will make a space look instantly more inviting. Indulge in gloriously chunky woollen knits, toewarming sheepskin rugs and elegant woven accessories to create a look that’s as stylish as it is toasty. In terms of colour schemes, don’t underestimate the power of white; it’ll brighten any room, helping it to feel



light and airy. Consider replacing a few darker items with white cushions or throws to revitalise your look.


The start of a New Year offers the perfect opportunity to have a good clear out. Bin, re-home or recycle anything that you no longer use and seek out storage for any additional clutter that you don’t want on display. Your rooms will feel instantly fresher for it. In terms of storage, sideboards and shelves are a good place to start. Something such as Multiyork’s Cranleigh Buffet is as elegant as it is practical, providing an array of drawers and compartments in which to stowaway items. Larger pieces can be popped on low shelves or behind cupboard doors and surfaces at eye level can be used to showcase a stylish array of accessories and decorative objet.


When it comes to investing in staple living room pieces, the January sales are one of the best times to buy. Take



Iona Corner Group £3,506

Long Island Large Sofa £1429 and Trafalgar Coffee Table £489 Above: Venice Medium Sofa £1,029 Below: Cranleigh Large Buffet £1,149

advantage of the discounts to replace tired old furniture and upholstery with versatile new pieces that will last for years to come. For those with large families, an accommodating sofa such as Multiyork’s new Iona Corner group will make a gorgeously spacious addition. Alternatively, the Venice’s delicate proportions and pretty sloping arms are ideal for those with smaller spaces. Many of Multiyork’s stylish sofas and chairs also come with removable covers, allowing you to change your look easily from season to season.

“Patterns, colours and textures in soft, delicate hues will make a space look instantly more inviting.”


While many decorations do have to come down after festivities have ended, why not carry a little of December’s sparkle over and incorporate a few gilded

pieces that aren’t Christmas specific into your New Year look. When paired with fresh, neutral shades such as grey, taupe or white they’ll look stylish and playful. Alternatively, small accessories in metallic finishes are a perfect way to add a luxe touch that’ll give any décor scheme a new lease of life.


Lighting is the simplest way to bring warmth and ambience into your home and by including a mix of overhead and table lighting, you’ll be able to tailor which areas are lit in order to suit the mood. Twinkling fairy lights and scented candles are an excellent way to create an inviting glow and should be used to full effect. Place along a mantelpiece, on side tables or alternatively bring in light at multiple levels with oversized lanterns that work beautifully on the floor. Their pleasing glimmer will assist with the function of your space and also help to highlight the design elements of your furniture. MULTIYORK Loughton Store: 165A High Road, Loughton Essex. IG10 4LF. Tel: 020 8502 4123



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on Victoria Roberts


Pansies are susceptible to downy mildew, especially if they are planted in the same place each year. White or grey powdery spots appear, often covering most, if not, the entire leaf surface. If you do notice signs of this remove infected leaves and destroy badly affected plants.


A seasonal guide to help you get the most out of your garden.

appy new gardening year 2016! Will your gardening year become yet again another growing success? Or will you just let your garden become over grown and leave it looking a mess? Will you focus on growing fruit, vegetables, flowers, herbs, or shrubs? Do you want to attract more wildlife? Or would you like to create more areas for shrubs and perennials which will look after themselves? This month Sweet box Sarcococca confusa will be in flower with its fragrant ivory flowers. It has dark green, glossy foliage and will grow well in a container. Nepalese paper plant ‘Jacqueline Postill’ also has highly

fragrant purplish-pink and white flowers this time of year. Be prepared for strong winds, frost, snow and heavy rain - check that you have plenty of stakes, ties, fleece and other supports in place.

Nepalese paper plant


When designing and planting your garden you will need to know whether the soil is acid or alkaline. There are so many do-it-yourself kits at your local garden centre or online. 1. Collect the soil sample using clean tools. 2. Collect samples from different areas of your garden. 3. Mix all your soil in a bucket then spread the soil on a newspaper to dry out. Wet soil will give a false test reading. 4. You may want to check your soil more than once to verify your results.


Goldcrests are the UK’s smallest bird. They’re dull greyish-green with a pale belly and a black and yellow stripe on their heads, which has an orange centre in males. Goldcrests feed on spiders, moth eggs and other small insect food.

By Victoria Robertson, amenity horticulturist & committee member of Copped Hall & Epping Horticultural Society & Chairman of Epping in Bloom.



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bathroom, electric heating.

TO LET – ELECTRON HO £1195 P.C.M. UNFURN AVAIL 10.10.15 We are delighted to offer this n modern open plan lounge with breakfast bar, modern fitted bat and heated towel rail, double gl

TO LET - MILDMAY ROAD, ROMFORD £795 P.C.M. UNFURN AVAIL NOW Nicholsons Sales and Lettings are pleased to offer this larger than average ground floor recently decorated flat, one bedroom, large kitchen/diner, lounge, bathroom, electric heating. TO LET – ELECTRON HOUSE TO LET - MILDMAY £1195 P.C.M. UNFURN ROAD, ROMFORD £795 UNFURN AVAILP.C.M. 10.10.15 AVAIL We areNOW delighted to offer this newly built 2 double bedroom apartment, Nicholsons Sales Lettings pleased to offer this larger average modern open planand lounge withare amtico flooring, modern fittedthan kitchen with ground floor recently decorated flat, one bedroom, large kitchen/diner, breakfast bar, modern fitted bathroom being fully tiled with shower overlounge, bath bathroom, heating. and heatedelectric towel rail, double glazed, gas c/h, council permit parking TO LET –MEWS, ELECTRON HOUSE CLARKS EPPING £1195 P.C.M. UNFURN DUE TO THE SUCCESS OF ANOTHER ETREMELY £1450 10.10.15 AVAIL 15.01.16 BUSY MONTH WE ARE NOW SEEKING ALL TYPES We are delighted to offerto this newly 2 double bedroom apartment, Nicholsons are delighted offer thisbuilt stunning warehouse style first floor ACCOMMODATION FOR RENTAL modernrecently open plan withOF amtico flooring, modern fittedkitchen, kitchen luxury builtlounge apartment, open plan/lounge fully fitted 2with breakfast bar, modern fitted bathroom being fully tiled withwith shower over bath bedrooms with fitted wardrobes, ultra modern bathroom underfloor and heated towelflooring, rail, double glazed, gas c/h, councilparking. permit parking heating, wooden electric heating, reserved CLARKS MEWS, EPPING TOWN VIEW APARTMENTS, LOUGHTON £1450 P.C.M. UNFURN £1250 P.C.M. UNFURN AVAIL 15.01.16 AVAIL 04.01.16 Nicholsons are delighted to offer this stunning warehouse style first floor We arerecently pleased built to offer this topopen floor plan/lounge self contained 2 double luxury apartment, fullyapartment, fitted kitchen, 2 bedrooms large hallway, modern open plan fitted kitchen/lounge with Juliette bedrooms with fitted wardrobes, ultra modern bathroom with underfloor balcony, wood flooring, modern tiled bathroom with shower heating, wooden flooring, electricfully heating, reserved parking. KINGSDON HARLOWLOUGHTON TOWN VIEWLANE, APARTMENTS, £1,495 P.C.M UNFURN £1250 P.C.M. We are04.01.16 pleased to offer this 4 bedroom detached house, large lounge with AVAIL good size dining to area, fitted with goods,apartment, downstairs2 wetroom We are pleased offer thiskitchen top floor selfwhite contained double with wc, conservatory, large family bathroom with shower over bath, c/h, bedrooms large hallway, modern open plan fitted kitchen/lounge with gas Juliette garage off street parking. balcony,and wood flooring, modern fully tiled bathroom with shower KINGSDON LANE, HARLOW £1,495 P.C.M We are pleased to offer this 4 bedroom detached house, large lounge with good size dining area, fitted kitchen with white goods, downstairs wetroom with wc, conservatory, large family bathroom with shower over bath, gas c/h, WELLINGTON ROAD, NORTH WEALD - UNDER OFFER garage and off street parking. £160,000 Leasehold We are pleased to offer this one bedroom top floor flat in the village of North Weald Good size lounge with separate modern kitchen, modern bathroom with shower over bath, double bedroom with fitted wardrobes, parking.

REDGROVE HOUSE, EPPING WELLINGTON ROAD, NORTH WEALD - UNDER OFFER £295,000 Leasehold £160,000 Leasehold Nicholsons are pleased offer top floor bedroom purpose built We are pleased to offerto this onethis bedroom topdouble floor flat in the village of North flat, lounge/dining room, fitted kitchen, bathroom, with shower over bath, Weald Good size lounge with separate modern kitchen, modern bathroom answerphone entrybath, system, double glazed,with gas fitted centralwardrobes, heating, reserved with shower over double bedroom parking. covered parking.



CLARKS MEWS, EPPING £1450 P.C.M. UNFURN AVAIL 15.01.16 Nicholsons are delighted to off luxury recently built apartment bedrooms with fitted wardrobe heating, wooden flooring, electr

TOWN VIEW APARTMEN £1250 P.C.M. UNFURN AVAIL 04.01.16 We are pleased to offer this to bedrooms large hallway, moder balcony, wood flooring, modern

KINGSDON LANE, HARLO £1,495 P.C.M We are pleased to offer this 4 b good size dining area, fitted kitc with wc, conservatory, large fam garage and off street parking.

WELLINGTON ROAD, NO £160,000 Leasehold We are pleased to offer this on Weald Good size lounge with s with shower over bath, double

REDGROVE HOUSE, EPPI £295,000 Leasehold Nicholsons are pleased to offer flat, lounge/dining room, fitted k answerphone entry system, dou covered parking.



CASTLE Elegance and opulence in Ireland


shford Castle sits on the border of counties Galway and Mayo in the west of Ireland. Both counties are on the Atlantic coast and located on one of Ireland’s most scenic driving routes, the Wild Atlantic Way. This is one of Ireland’s most scenic regions, with rugged Connemara nearby. The area is also home to Lough Corrib, on the shores of which sits this majestic property. A recent winner of the prestigious Virtuoso Hotel of the Year award, Ashford Castle was once in the possession of Lord and Lady Ardilaun of the Guinness family. It has welcomed royalty, celebrities and heads of state across its illustrious history including Ronald Reagan, Brad Pitt, Barbra Streisand, John Travolta, The Beatles, Bob Dylan and more. It was also the chosen wedding location for Pierce Brosnan in 2001. Following its loving restoration, all 85 guest rooms and suites have been individually redesigned and

Oak Hall

redecorated to reflect elegance and finesse. With beautiful fabrics, bespoke carpets and marble bathrooms, each bedroom also boasts original artwork and one-ofa-kind antiques and furnishings. Plush bathrobes, movies on demand, fresh flowers and deluxe

Voya toiletries can mean guests find it difficult to leave the rooms. No problem - just request a room service breakfast. Elegance continues in the opulent Prince of Wales Bar, where guests are encouraged to sit back and relax with their favourite tipple and in the ç




Top: Prince of Wales bar. Above Left: Cinema. Below: Billiard Room.

ç lough-facing Drawing Room with its warm scones, piled high with thick clotted cream and homemade jams. The Castle’s three restaurants - the George V dining room, Cullen’s at the Dungeon and Cullen’s at the Cottage - have all been beautifully enhanced. They boast delicious menus reflecting the bountiful source of fresh and locally sourced Irish produce, including fruit and vegetables from the Castle’s very own gardens. Dishes include organic Clare



Island salmon, slow roasted rib of locally reared beef and Connemara Whiskey-scented Crème Brulee. Brand new additions include a traditional billiard room and spacious cigar terrace with views across the sweeping gardens and calming waters of Lough Corrib. Then comes the 32-seat cinema with red velvet chairs and a vast selection of movies (which change daily) and the opportunity to spot local sights during screenings of The

Quiet Man, which was filmed on the estate and in the local village of Cong. No luxury hotel would be complete without somewhere to truly relax and rejuvenate and with the completion of the Ashford Castle Spa, guests can enjoy luxury by the lake. Featuring an indoor ozone-filtrated relaxation pool, five treatment rooms, relaxation area and gym, it promises pampering from head to toe with an extensive spa menu which includes hot stone massage, French



Right: Stateroom, Below left: Junior suite bathroom


Guests have a wide choice of activities including fishing and falconry.

manicures, regenerating facials and moisturising body polishes. Outside the historic walls lie 350 acres of grounds. This fine country estate provides activities which make the most of its rural setting and explore the forested woodland, rolling hills and winding footpaths. Guests can get back to nature as they ride horse back through the Connemara Mountains or come face to face with the resident Harris Hawks during a Hawk Walk from

Ireland’s first ever School of Falconry. Experience the thrill of catching a salmon from the River Cong during a fishing trip with Orvis-endorsed ghillies, or take a leisurely River Cruise on Lough Corrib and explore the history of its 365 islands. Those who prefer to keep their feet on dry land can make use of the Castle’s 9-hole golf course, newly resurfaced tennis courts and brand new range of bikes.Thrill seekers can get the adrenalin pumping as they zip line through the

forest canopy, climb one of its tallest trees or take aim on the new clay pigeon shooting and archery range. Ashford Castle is also home to two Irish Wolfhounds, Cronan and Garvan, and these two friendly giants can accompany guests on country walks before settling down for the evening in front of a roaring fire. Abbotts Travel, 134 George Lane, South Woodford, E18 1BA. Tel: 0208 989 9445



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ownsend Family Law Solicitors is a highly regarded solicitor’s firm specialising solely in family law. The principle solicitor Melanie Townsend founded the company almost 15 years ago in Broadley Common. Recently due to growing demand for the firm’s services she has opened offices in Waltham Abbey. Melanie qualified as a barrister in 1991 before transferring to be a solicitor. She ran the family department of a leading city firm of solicitors managing the family department of two offices. In that time Melanie also lectured to other professions including other lawyers, bankers and accountants. Meanwhile, Tanya Foster, Melanie’s senior associate solicitor has had 16 years of experience in family law and joined the company seven years ago. She trained on the South Coast of England and then joined a highly respected company in Hertfordshire before joining Townsends.

Your family matters By Ben Sneath

With this strong background in family law Melanie feels Townsends can offer just as good a service as a top City law firm, but without charging the huge rates the clients would have to pay. Melanie says “people sometimes think local firms won’t be as good as City firms and would prefer to pay more thinking they will get better results but this is simply not the case. We are able to charge half the hourly rate of some other City and Dockland firms but because we are locally based can cut prices while not compromising on the quality of our work.” Townsends welcome all kinds of client’s requests from simply finding out the legal implications about their divorce down to guiding them through the entire process. The firm specialises in a wide range of family law areas including divorce and separation; finances; civil partnerships; pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements; same sex couples; unmarried couples and children.

Townsends also has clients of all age groups coming to them and one of Melanie’s most interesting cases involved a couple who decided to divorce in their late 80’s. The husband only found out that his wife was leaving him when they were waiting for a ride to a care home and his wife announced she had arranged to go to a different care home to him and wanted a divorce. Having been divorced herself Melanie knows the emotional and financial turmoil this process brings “the fear of the unknown is usually worse that the reality of the separation. After seeking advice people usually feel relieved that we can help them and that they do have options”. Townsend Family Law Solicitors 2nd Floor, Trinity House, Sewardstone Road, Waltham Abbey, Essex EN9 1PH Tel: 01992 892214.



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Lancaster Volkswagen (Loughton) Langston Road, Loughton, Essex, IG10 3TQ. Telephone: 02038 057941.

*At the end of the agreement there are three options: i) own the vehicle: pay the optional final payment; ii) return the vehicle: subject to fair wear and tear, charges may apply; or iii) replace: part exchange the vehicle. Available on Solutions Personal Contract Plan. †Up to 2 years/20,000 miles (whichever comes first). 18s and over. Subject to availability. Finance subject to status. Terms and conditions apply. Offer available when ordered by November 30th, 2015. Offers are not available in conjunction with any other offer and may be varied or withdrawn at any time. Accurate at time of publication. Freepost Volkswagen Finance. Finance providers may pay us for introducing you to them. We can introduce you to a limited number of lenders to assist with your purchase, who may pay us for introducing you to them. Standard EU Test figures for comparative purposes and may not reflect real driving results. Official fuel consumption in mpg (litres/100km) for the Golf range: urban 30.1 (9.4) – 72.4 (3.9); extra urban 47.9 (5.9) – 88.3 (3.2); combined 39.8 (7.1) – 83.1 (3.4). CO2 emissions 165 – 89g/km. Our CO2 and consumption values are provisional and are currently under review. Revised values will be published if necessary.

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Volunteers knit trauma teddies for child victims of crime


olunteers from across Essex have put their knitting needles to work making more than two hundred trauma teddies for children who have been involved in distressing or stressful incidents. The trauma teddy campaign was launched on the Essex Police website and social media channels as part of November’s National Child Victims of Crime Awareness Month to help brighten up a child’s day under difficult circumstances. Since the launch, officers have been inundated with emails and calls from people wanting to lend a helping hand. Originating from the Australian

French,Spanish, German, Italian, Mandarin . . . Classes for: Parent & Toddlers 6 - 8 year olds 9 - 11 year olds Clubs in Nurseries and Primary Schools Tuition all ages and levels Teacher training for KS2

Special Constables alongside volunteers from ‘Knit One Down One’

Red Cross, the cuddly toys of all colours, shapes, and sizes, can be given to children in need of reassurance and emotional support. Over the last few weeks, a group of Specials and Police Community Support Officers have been out and about meeting the volunteers and collecting their donations. Special Constable Dan O’Connell said “We have been overwhelmed by the support people have given and we are really grateful for all the donations received. “A simple thing like a cuddly toy can help comfort children in times of distress and I would like to thank

everyone who has given up their free time to knit these trauma teddies.” Regardless of age, being involved in a situation that requires police attendance can be a difficult experience and this can be particularly upsetting for young children who may not understand what is happening to them. In the coming months, the trauma teddies will be given to different sections of the force so officers can give them to vulnerable children. Bears will also be given to emergency service partners to ensure as many children as possible are able to benefit from the scheme.

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New year, new Bluebell… Fully refurbished for 2016!

Mid Week Lunch Menu Tuesday - Saturday

£19.95 for Two Courses £23.95 for Three Courses Daily Market Soup with toasted Brioche Roquefort & Apple Terrine with Red Pepper Chutney & Filo Baked Crottin Chavignol Honey Roast Pork Belly Chorizo, Tenderstem Broccoli, Toasted Almonds & Deep fried duck egg ~~~ Roasted Rump & Slow Cooked Breast of Lamb with Mini Mousakka, Aubergine caviar, Tenderstem Broccoli with Toasted Almonds



Char Grilled Grass Fed 9oz Scottish Sirloin Steak with Peppercorn sauce and Hand Cut Chips Market Fish of the Day ~~~ Bluebell Banoffee with Caramel Ice Cream Marinated fruits with Citrus Tart & Blackcurrant Sorbet Treacle Tart with Caramelised Banana, Walnut Creme Anglaise & Clotted Cream



Chigwell restaurant undergoes ‘Changing Rooms’ style makeover


ast month we reported that The Bluebell restaurant in Chigwell was to undergo a complete makeover to the bar and dining area. Now the work has been completed we wanted to give you a peek at their fabulous new interior. The refurbishment was coordinated by Jenny Lellow from Woodford based Inside Job by Lellow, in a ‘Changing Rooms’ style makeover over 48hours. The work started on Sunday night and was finished by Tuesday morning, ready to welcome diners again. Jenny was given free reign with the design of the restaurant interior, by owner and head chef Gavin Maguire. As a regular customer to The Bluebell restaurant, Jenny met with Gavin to discuss her vision to update the current look to a more colourful, vibrant, fresh and modern design. Replacing the existing curtains with a bright Harlequin print (Paradise – available in 3 colours) and using white wood

venetian blinds helped create a warm but bright bar area where along with the addition of colourful and comfortable new seating means Bluebell customers can sit and enjoy afternoon tea or a drink from the bar before their meal. Jenny said “We used beautiful,

“The new décor and atmosphere compliments the whole dining experience”

textured wallpaper in the dining area from Brian Yates which added a contemporary feel to the room and contrasted well with the bare brick walls. New crystal wall lights added a much needed touch of sparkle with mirrored alcoves to reflect the atmospheric light for

evening diners.” Bespoke furniture designed by Jenny and handmade in Portugal was also added to the dining area for a modern and sleek way to house glass and tableware. The new décor and atmosphere it creates compliments the whole dining experience. Gavin said, “I think Jenny has done an amazing job of transforming the restaurant to a completely different level, a level that now matches the food and service that we provide. I love the bar as it is so fresh and comfortable, but I also love the way the light now hits everything in the back restaurant from the crystal lights, it is so much brighter during the day now, as the restaurant doesn’t get much natural light, but also still cosy and romantic with the lights dimmed at night.” The Bluebell, 117 High Road Chigwell, Essex IG7 6QQ Tel: 020 8500 6282



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Respite holidays for disabled people and carers By Ben Sneath


evitalise began life 50-years-ago as the Winged Fellowship Trust in Chigwell, Essex, due to the vision and tenacity of the charity’s founding trustee, Joan Brander MBE. Joan witnessed the isolation and frustration of disabled people and their families, who were virtual prisoners in their own homes and set about providing them with support. Throughout the years the charity has had the same mantra: to offer disabled people and their carers the opportunity to have a holiday somewhere where they are fully supported and can relax. And the only thing to change was its size and name (the charity was renamed Revitalise in 2014 to better reflect its mission). Initially the charity had the one centre in Essex and only a few volunteers and staff, but now it has three centres nationwide, providing around 5,000 weeks of breaks and around 4,000 weeks of volunteering opportunities each year. The centre in Essex is still there

but now there is one on the South Coast and one up North as well. They cater for adults with a variety of physical disabilities and provide a refreshing alternative to traditional residential respite care. Each centre offers short breaks in a relaxed, holiday-style environment, with a variety of trips and activities. Guests are also supported by volunteers who provide companionship and assistance. Those who stay at the centres can enjoy luxurious accommodation and gardens as well as good food and entertainment to keep them enthralled. Everything is run by trained professionals and volunteers, who play a huge part in the guests’ experience. In fact, Revitalise has the largest volunteer programme of its kind of any UK charity and it’s their enthusiasm and energy that make the centres a great place to stay. Revitalise runs frequent fundraising events with staff and supporters

getting involved in things like the London Marathon. Meanwhile, the charity has some well-known supporters who raise the profile of Revitalise and help with these events: Samantha Cameron is the charity’s patron and Esther Rantzen, Arthur Smith and Dame Judy Dench are vice presidents. The charity is looking for people to get involved in the events, to build its team of volunteers and make donations, these can all be done on Revitalise’s website. All the money raised goes towards the upkeep of the centres and making sure the facilities are just right for disabled people. One of the big plans for it in the future is to expand the amount of centres around the country to six in the next few years and the first of these looks likely to be in the West Midlands. Also in the pipeline are more charity events around the UK to keep the fundraising going. Tel: 0303 303 0147





WHEN: Tuesdays, 6.30pm - 8pm WHAT: Write Next Door - Local writing group offering friendly advice and support who meet weekly and welcome all types of writers. Contact Nina on 020 8708 2423. WHERE: Redbridge Central Library WHEN: Tuesdays, 8pm - 9pm WHAT: Well Woman Yoga - Gentle, strengthening and restorative Hatha Yoga for Beginners to Intermediate learners. Women only. All backgrounds welcome. Female teacher registered and insured with Yoga Alliance UK. To book call Zahrah Awaleh on 07825 566 786. WHERE: St Luke’s Trinity Centre, Baxter Road, Ilford IG1 2HN

WHEN: Thursdays, 6.30pm - 7.30pm WHAT: Boxercise - All round fitness workout involving pad work, boxing drills and toning exercises. Suitable for men and women aged 17+ of all fitness levels. Contact Mandalena on 07957 116 452. WHERE: St. Cedds Church Hall, Marston Road, Ilford IG5 WHEN: Fridays, 11am - 11.30am WHAT: Stories, Rhymes & Songs - Babies love books, so it’s never



too early to bring your child to the library. Enjoy stories and songs together with your child and meet other parents and children. WHERE: Wanstead Library

WHEN: Saturday 2nd - Sunday 17th January WHAT: The Pantomime Adventures of Robin Hood 17 performances including 12 matinees. Tiered seating and ample parking. Fun for all the family. Book online at www. woodfordpantomime. or telephone 01992 524 462. WHERE: Sir James Hawkey Hall, Woodford IG8 0BG WHEN: Thursday 7th January, 10am - 2.30pm WHAT: Willow Clearance & Meadow Preparation - Come and lend a hand clearing willow from the edge of the lake at South Park. We’ll also be preparing the wildflower meadow to ensure a fantastic display in the summer months. Meet at the South Park entrance on the junction of South Park Road and South Park Crescent, beside public toilets. WHERE: South Park IG1 1SS WHEN: Mondays from 11th January, 10.30am - 11.30am WHAT: Walking Football - Aims to inspire the over 50’s to get back into exercise as it’s played at a more leisurely pace and is kinder to the knees! £3, to book call 020 8708 0955. WHERE: Hainault Forest Community Association, 100b Manford Way Chigwell

WHEN: Thursday 14th January, 10am - 2.30pm WHAT: Tree Planting Day - Join the Nature Conservation Rangers as we visit the Stevens Field Woodland planted in 2011. We will be replanting trees in the arboretum as well as cutting back growth from the paths. Meet at park entrance. WHERE: Goodmayes Park, Stevens Road RM8 2PU

WHEN: Thursday 14th Saturday 16th January, 8pm WHAT: Confusions - A set of five interlinked one-act plays by Alan Ayckbourn. Each play deals riotously, but with sharply pointed undertones, with human eccentricities and the human dilemma of loneliness: a mother unable to escape from baby talk, a disastrous fete, an unsuccessful seduction attempt, a fate fraught dinner encounter - the final play sums up with five self-immolated characters on park benches. Tickets £8.50, Box office - Mr and Mrs James 01992 812250, WHERE: Theydon Bois Village Hall, Coppice Row, Theydon Bois CM16 7ER WHEN: Saturday 16th January WHAT: Pastels and People Workshop - Explore the vibrant colours and techniques of chalk pastels and how to use them to portray people. 10am-3pm. Cost: £27 (plus £1 if not already a BHCA member). For more details ring 020 8504 6668 or email WHERE: Buckhurst Hill Community Association, Bedford House, Westbury Road, Buckhurst Hill

WHEN: Sunday 17th January, 10am - 4pm WHAT: Waltham Abbey Wool Show - Advance tickets available online via the Waltham Abbey Wool Show website www. at reduced price of £3.50. Tickets available on the day priced £5. WHERE: Waltham Abbey Marriott Hotel, Old Shire Lane, Waltham Abbey

WHEN: Monday 18th January, 8.15pm WHAT: St John’s Wives Group Meeting - A social evening with a bring and buy sale. WHERE: St John’s Parish Hall, Church Lane, Loughton

Society (LADS). Tickets priced £10, are available by ringing 07552736110 or visiting WHERE: Lopping Hall, High Road, Loughton WHEN: Saturday 23rd January, 10am - 3pm WHAT: Collage Workshop - Learn how to make artworks from assembled images, take your own materials and coloured and textured papers or use those provided - some materials available to buy on the day. Cost: £29 (plus £1 if not already a BHCA member). For more details ring 020 8504 6668 or email WHERE: Buckhurst Hill Community Association, Bedford House, Westbury Road, Buckhurst Hill

WHEN: Thursday 21st January, 2.30pm WHAT: National Trust Woodford Green Centre Meeting - An illustrated talk entitled Picture Palace, an entertaining and popular blue badge guide and cruise ship speaker. Tickets, priced £3 for non-members of the centre. Refreshments available. For more details ring 020 8508 9541. WHERE: All Saints Church, Inmans Row, Woodford

WHEN: Tuesday 26th January, 10am - 2.30pm WHAT: Make a Stag Beetle Loggery - Help the rangers construct a stag beetle loggery in the meadow using wood cut from tree work this season. We also have branches to install and a meadow to prepare for reseeding. WHERE: Roding Valley Park, Roding Lane South Gate IG4 5PP

WHEN: Thursday 21st - Saturday 23rd January, 8pm WHAT: Whipping It Up - Production by Steve Thompson, presented by Loughton Amateur Dramatic

WHEN: Tuesday 26th January, 10am - 1pm WHAT: Fused Glass Workshop - Learn the intricate art of fused glass, you’ll make a decorative item

using specialist techniques and equipment. £32 per person, booking essential on 020 8708 8100. WHERE: Valentines Mansion, Ilford WHEN: Saturday 30th January, 7.30pm WHAT: Epping Church Choirs Association Winter Concert Puccini - Messa di Gloria and Haydn - Missa Sancti Nicolai conducted by Simon Winters. Organist David Pickthall. Soloists Julia Wilson-James, Chloë Treharne, Hiroshi Amako and Laurence Williams. Entrance free, Retiring collection. Programmes £2.50. WHERE: St John’s Church, St John’s Road, Epping

WHEN: Monday 1st February, 7.30pm - 9.30pm WHAT: Buckhurst Hill Horticultural Society Winter Talk - With Russell T. Bowes - Say It with Poison. For more information email chairman Maureen Briggs at or ring 020 8504 8436. WHERE: St James’ United Reformed Church, Palmerston Road, Buckhurst Hill WHEN: Monday 1st February, 8.15pm WHAT: St John’s Wives Group - Meets in Loughton for a talk entitled ‘Growing Old Disgracefully’ with Chris Winter. WHERE: St John’s Parish Hall, Church Lane, Loughton



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Closing Date: One winner will be picked at random on Monday 18th January. Terms and Conditions: *By entering this competition you agree to provide a picture for publication if you are picked as the winner.



o celebrate the start of the New Year we have teamed up with elite personal training academy PT Studio One, in Hainault, to offer one lucky reader a year-long membership for their Unlimited Monthly Class Pass (usually £55 per month) which will give the winner access to a choice of over 100 fitness classes per month. Their custom designed ‘BodyCamp’ classes are held in a tailor-made, fully air-conditioned indoor bootcamp studio. These high intensity fully equipped classes will take your fitness goals to the next level.

To Enter: Fill in the entry form and send to: Essex Central Magazine, Brickfield Business Centre, High Road, Thornwood, Epping, Essex CM16 6TH, enter online at competitions or email your details to: competitions@essexcentral




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t was the day before George’s Christmas concert, and we still hadn’t sorted out a star costume. We were going to order something online but forgot and now the quickest delivery wouldn’t arrive in time, and all the shops had sold out, so we had to go ‘Blue Peter’ style and make something ourselves. Unfortunately, no one had “prepared one earlier” for us, so we grabbed some scissors and tinfoil and began cutting the big old box that he was playing in a few months ago (when our table arrived... as regular readers may remember). We laid him down and drew a huge star around him, we soon realised he would need to levitate in order to move around whilst wearing such a huge costume and quickly amended our drawing. When satisfied, we cut and covered the star in tin foil and decided to go for a test run on George. We tied the giant star to him and spun him round to have a look. “Do you like your costume George?” we asked. “Yes, I’m a big star” he replied with a little grimace on his face as he peered through the hole in his costume, “that’s right George, you look

“It looked like the car had wings as we drove towards the nurse ry” superb, I fully agree.” Self-delusion at its best. I then had to take the massive star to the nursery which normally wouldn’t be a problem in my usual car, but I’m currently borrowing a friend’s Smart Car and this became incredibly awkward. I’m



6ft 2, and not skinny, so I have to grease up my hips just to squeeze inside, add to that my son on the other seat next to me and the car is pretty much filled. So trying to then cram a 4 foot, pointy, silver star into the equation is a tad tricky. In the end we opened both windows whilst I balanced the poxy thing on my head. It looked like the car had wings as we drove towards the nursery. The next day we eagerly headed to the local village hall and as our anticipation reached fever pitch we pushed open the doors of the hall waiting to see our dazzling shining little super star on stage, belting out “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” at the top of his lungs. Our dreams of winning ‘costume of the year’ were short lived as we immediately saw he was wearing his normal clothes with a borrowed pointy gold hat. One of his teachers came over and explained, “we tried putting him in the star costume but he really didn’t want to wear it”. The self-delusion was nearly gone and reality had set in, it didn’t matter that he wasn’t wearing it of course, he was on stage and happy and that’s all that mattered. He then noticed us sitting in the audience and dramatically changed the words of his song when he saw my camera, we were all treated to the lyrics “Twinkle Twinkle Little... CHEESE!!!” and waited for the flash to go off before resuming his singing duties. Nativity cheese aside he has taken massively to his ‘fairy door’ (a paper cut-out we stuck to the wall) and the fairies placing chocolates in his advent tree (a large felt hanging decoration with little pockets, one for each day, that we place chocolates in). Each morning he runs up to the tree and dips his hands into each pocket

asking if the “fairies have climbed up the tree and put a chocolate in?!” This is clearly great leverage from our side as we can use the ‘fairies’ in all sorts of ways, “come on George, finish your dinner or the fairies won’t put a chocolate in the tree”, “hurry up and get ready

“The subsequent scream I unleashed could be heard as far as Rotherham”

George or I will put a chair in front of the fairy door so they can’t get out” and so on... We have noticed this month that George has realised he can blame Jake for things, more often than not... a smelly nappy. When quizzed about the stench wafting through the home he will always reply “It’s not me Daddy, its Jake” even if Jake is not in the house at the time. I guess this is just a brotherly thing, as I know I’ve certainly been guilty of the same ‘blame the little brother’ tactic when I was a youngster! There’s not much of an update for Jake except for the inevitable teething stage, he’s got his first tooth coming through which I only realised when I playfully let him grab my finger, stick it in his mouth and chomp down like a ravenous little crocodile. I’ve been told the subsequent scream I unleashed could be heard as far as Rotherham, and I quickly retracted my battered finger from his grinning little face. ...TO BE CONTINUED


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he club was founded in Brentwood by Carla Ince but moved to Ongar because many of its members lived in the area. The team is now run with the help of Kelly Stone and Charlotte Kearney. They have all become friends because of netball, they have fallen in love with the sport all over again, not playing since their school days and now want to play as much as they can in their free time. Kelly says that one of its main aims is to spread the word of sports clubs for ladies in Ongar. Most of the local sports clubs are male dominated so Ongar Ladies Netball offers girls and women the chance to do a sport and socialise together. The club has grown from its early days to now have 20 regular playing members, with a team playing in the local leagues and a regular coach Shona McCabe who runs the training sessions and makes sure the team is ready for league matches. Much of this growth was due to some funding from estate agents Balgores Hayes that has helped with the purchase of their kit and the club’s league membership. Despite its growth in the past two years the club still hasn’t got its own ground and uses the flood-lit court in Epping during the winter months and in the local primary school in the summer. But they hope to have a home by 2017 with the help of the new Ongar Academy and more corporate sponsorship.

Every week Ongar Ladies Netball has training sessions on Thursday that include a 30-minute warm up and fitness session, followed by practicing court training for an hour. Meanwhile, on Monday nights the club team plays matches in the Leventhorpe league and regular Back to Netball Rallys in Redbridge. Netball can be played by all ages and the member’s ages range from 15 to 63. It’s a welcoming club with family friendly atmosphere. There’s a big focus on netball events for families and a few of the members run lessons in local schools for children. Ongar Ladies Netball are hoping to organise a summer event where all the members’ families can enjoy a picnic and play sports, men v women, including netball. Fundraising is also important at the club and the members recently had a charity event, raising £1000, donating some of what they raised to Macmillan Nurses with the rest going to help support the club. Kelly says that there is a great atmosphere and she has made many really good friends at the club. They enjoy the netball, the social life and also the support network they get from the club. New players are always made welcome and we hope the club goes from strength to strength. Tel: 07767607194 netball @ongarladies

We can host small intimate Weddings through to large 260 Banquet style. Woolston Manor has a fantastic team of in-house caterers. In addition we also welcome Venue Hire Only.

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