Dive in Spain, the best 28th resorts

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The 23 BEST destinations to dive in Spain



Can you imagine holidays in which you could do all kinds of nautical activities and, furthermore, enjoy nature, deals on accommodation and recreational tourism of its surroundings? This is how the Nautical Stations are defined, created as a touristic and recreational space, that will allow you to enjoy a range of active holidays in more than 23 of the best destinations on our coast.

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Spectacular Cap de Creus

few areas. The wall, covered with beautiful gorgonias, exhibits numerous crevices containing see-eels, moray eels, and lobster. And if we raise our gaze towards the blue, it isn´t strange to discover sunfish, shoals of spit fish, etc.

Bau del Cap Trencat

This reef forms an underwater extension of the geology of Cap Trencat. The sea beds, that permit us many different paths to follow, are situated between 4 and 30 m of depth, although this can surpass 40 m not far away. One of the charms of this immersion are the numerous grottos and underwater tunnels that can be visited without difficulty, and in this way we can discover the rich fauna that is hidden in these environments(sea-eels, lobsters, etc.).

El Gat

This is one of the most attractive diving points of the coast. It is the most eastern point of Cap Norfeu and owes its name to its interesting form of a rock, that brings to mind the appearance of a cat lying on top of the water. Here, the sea bed presents various platforms at moderate depths, suitable for all types of diver, close to which some impressive underwater walls plunge down almost vertically from – 20 m of depth reaching greater than – 40 m in a


The peninsula of Cap de Creus is the most eastern point of the Iberian Peninsula, a setting where the Pyrenees plunge abruptly downwards into the Mediterranean, penetrating about 10 km into the sea in relation to the general line of the Catalan coastline. The Cap de Creus Natural Park, created in 1998, is the first marine natural park on land in Catalonia, and it covers a total surface area of 13. 843 hectares, of which 3.064 correspond with the marine zone (which in turn contains varying grades of protection). The geology of Cap de Creus is unique on a worldwide level, with an extraordinary scenic value capable of amazing the visitor, that often sees itself accompanied by the presence of a wind from the north, the renowned ¨tramontana¨(north wind). Traditionally this coast has been divided into two sectors, the stretch from Roses to the tip of Cap de Creus (Mar d’Avall), and that which extends from the tip of Cap de Creus to Port de la Selva (known as Mar d’Amunt). Navigating in these waters is an absolute privilege. The coastline displays an attractive secession of coves, bays, rocky cliffs, tips, islets, and reef. Under the surface, the

barely contaminated water and the complex underwater geology favor the existence of a great number of different inhabitants. Consequently, a high biodiversity is exhibited, where the coral beds and the prairies of marine flowers stand out. In his underwater travels, the diver discovers impressive slopes that fall vertically even more than – 50 m of depth, only a small distance from the shore, remains of sunken boats, mysterious underwater caves, etc. The polluck, red reef, red gorgonias, large sized lobsters and lobsters are but a few of the most striking of species of these waters. The options afforded to the diver are very diverse, with zones suitable for all levels, although there are many deep immersions and, with the frequent presence of currents, at times more experience may be needed. Included among the points of immersion of Mar d’Avall we can mention, for example, Punta Falconera, Bau del Cap Trencat, Cala Rustella, Cala Montjoi, Punta del Traire, Gat, etc.



From the Catalan nautical stations, an immense range of options is open to sea lovers, including the Medes Islands, an obligatory destination for the European diver.



ROSES - CAP DE CREUS Estació Nàutica

Puerto Deportivo - Edificio Dirección Avinguda de Rhode, s/n - 17480 - Roses Telf. +34 972 154 412 / Fax +34 972 153 768

enrosescapdecreus@gmail.com - www.enroses.com


The archipelago is made up of seven islands and a few islets, barely a mile from the coast of L`Estartit. Beneath the surface we observe fascinating caverns full of red coral, spectacular walls covered by gorgonias and a wealth of fish that remind us how the Mediterranean was in the past. Ever since their sea beds were protected in 1893, the fauna has thrived, especially in a few species of fish that reach great sizes and surprise the diver in allowing him reach a proximity that is otherwise impossible out of the reserve(the trusting polluck of the Medes are the famous protagonists of innumerable underwater photos). The proximity to the mouth of the River


Ter, the currents from the north, bringing nutrients from the River Ródano, and the complex geography ensure that the reserve contains almost all underwater communities of the west Mediterranean; meadows of posidonias, coraligenic, caves, detritus floors, large walls, rocky blocks, tunnels of karstic origin etc.

Pirate hideout

The Medes Islands have always attracted the interest of navigators, as evidenced by the remains found from Greek and Roman shipwrecks (in Roman times plaster was extracted from the tip of Guix, in the Meda Gran). During the Middle Ages, the strategic positioning of the archipelago allowed the control of maritime trade of Palamos and Barcelona, and their proximity to land facilitated their use as a base for pirates, who took refuge in them to in order to attack the coast and make a swift retreat.

A few of the most well-known points of immersion are Tascons, the Cova del Defi,

Túnel de la Vaca, Pedra de Déu, Carall Bernat etc. La Estación Náutica de L’Estartit contains numerous diving centers that make daily visits to these sites. Each zone contains fixed anchors and it is necessary to solicit permission to dive, which can be obtained from the office of Direcció General del Medi Natural de la Generalitat, in the port of L’Estartit, and pay the corresponding fee.

Túnel de la Vaca

This underground tunnel is one the most photogenic of the islands. It features a wide underwater corridor, ideal for firsttime cave dives due to its dimensions and brightness. Its name comes from the sea cows (Mediterranean seals), that populated these waters long ago. The Tunel de la Vaca crosses through Punta de la Galera (to the east of the Meda Gran). It measures 30 m in length and more than 5 m in width. Its south end features various broad entry points, between 10 and 17 m, that offer beautiful back lighting for the photo subs; at the opposite end, the mouth of the tunnel has a depth of 25 m and measures more than 10 m in diameter. A peaceful visit to these depths allows us to look upon red gorgonias (as much outside as inside the tunnel), red coral, sea bream, pollock, moray eels, lobsters and even a few large lobsters.


The Medes Islands


C/ de la Platja, 10-12 - 17258 L’Estartit (Girona) - Tel. +34 972 750 699 Fax +34 972 750 985 info@enestartit.com - www.enestartit.com

COSTA BRAVA A great battle



In the waters of this small archipelago, on the 3rd and 4th of September 1285, the naval battle of the Formigues Islands took place, which meant a great victory for the Admiral Roger de Llúria (representing the King Pere the Great), whose fleet managed to sink more than 16 french galleys (under the service of the King of France Felipie III). There exists a commemorative plaque at the side of the lighthouse in memory of this victory.

The winding coast of the province of Girona has become known to us by this name, ever since 1958. Here the mountains and the forests reach the very edges of the cliffs and beaches. The scenery, the gastronomy, and the history are excellent reasons to visit this coast, but there is one more: it´s incredible underwater landscape, which include hundreds of sites of undeniable beauty, such as Cañones de Tamariu, Formigues Islands, the Ullastres, Furió Fitó, Cap de Begur, Furió dÀigua Xelida, the wreck of Boreas, etc.

The Ullastres

The Ullastres form three underwater mountains that rise up from the sea bed, less than 1 km from the coast of Llafranc. All deserve our attention, although the most exterior is the most spectacular. The Ullaste de Fora or Ullastre 3 consists of a steeply sloped underwater mountain with the base at 55 m and the summit 8 m deep. In the more shallow levels there are frequently banks of sea pikes hunting large bream, meanwhile, in between 25 to 35 m, where there is a maximum density of yellow gorgonias, large sea-eels and

polluck can be observed. Even deeper, the dark landscape is inhabited by gorgonias, red coral, lobsters, large lobsters, and fleeting polluck. It is possible to observe moon fish from midMay until August. PHOTO: ANDREU LLAMAS

The Costa Brava

The Formigues Islands

The Formigues Islands are a group of small red and grayish granite islands, situated one mile from the coast, with a long history of shipwrecks (they now have an automatic lighthouse). This tiny archipelago includes, in addition to the bigger islets, a series of tiny reefs that together make up an ideal place for diving and free-diving. Furthermore, as it is removed from the mouth of the rivers, the water of the Formigues Islands usually exhibits a great degree of transparency. There are numerous possible routes in these sea beds, and would be essential to visit the islands a number of times to even begin to get to know them. In short, our underwater excursion took place between rocky slabs, precoraligenic and coraligenic, surrounded by walls covered with red and yellow gorgonias, tiny branches of red coral, banks of castanets, seabreams, three tails, bream, cantaras, numerous large sized breams, scorpion fishes, morays and, maybe, an odd sea horse or occasional anglerfish in Spring.

Platja De Les Dunes s/n / 08398 – Santa Susanna (Barcelona) / Tel. +34 667 699 433 info@nauticasantasusanna.com www.enauticasantasusanna.com


Is it possible to dive close to the big cities? The coast of Maresme, scarcely kilometers from the capital of Catalonia, is characterized by long fine sandy beaches and a marked human presence, thus resulting even more surprising that there exists a rich underwater life. The sea beds show a secession of underwater slabs of rock, parallel to


The South coast of the province of Barcelona rises sharply in the massive karstic of Garraf, a paradise for speleologists, containing a beautiful and wild natural park that collapses into the sea with cliffs of more than


the coast, that rise up a few meters between the sand and posidonia meadows, creating refuges that exhibit a great richness of fauna. The heights augment with increased distance from the shore (the first are situated between 6 to 12 m, while the farthest at more than 30 m). These rocks, located between sand traps and posidonia meadows, provide us with multiple surprises, such as the abundance of conger eels and morays. The dives are simple, and it would be difficult to finish them without seeing scorpion fish, breams, corvas, sea-breams, nudibranchs, lobsters and, with luck, a large lobster. Occasionally, the odd moon fish can be observed. And in summer it is not uncommon to find a few eagle rays, whose underwater flight is the perfect compliment to any immersion.

200 m in height. However, these spectacular walls give way to a peaceful underwater platform that barely surpasses the ten meters of depth close to the shore. Nevertheless, at a certain distance from the coast, the sea bed greets us with unknown sites for the majority of divers, sites that combine blocks of rock, meadows of posidonia and the remains of sunken ships. Of special interest are the immersions accessible from the Port of Vilanova, those such as the underwater prairie of El brut, the fragments of Padruell and Domingo, the rocks of Mas del Escarre, the underwater mountain of El Montañazo, etc.




Parc de Ribes Roges, Passeig del Carme s/n 08800 - Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona) Tel. +34 682 278 481 info@envilanova.cat www.envilanova.cat

Plaça Comunitats Autònomes(Passeig Jaume I), s/n 43840 - Salou (Tarragona) Tel. 902 361 724 / Fax +34 977 353 592 reservas@estacionautica.info www.estacionautica.info

Avda. dels Alfacs, s/n (Pavelló Firal) 43540 - Sant Carles de la Ràpita (Tarragona) Tel. +34 977 101 010 info@enlarapita.com www.enlarapita.com

The Cavour, an unforgettable wreckage

Probably, the most well-known wreckage of this coastline is the Cavour (also called the Correo), a steamship that lies at a depth of 52 m since 1917, the year in which it was sunk by a German submarine at 4 miles to the north-east of the Port of l’Ametlla de Mar. The sensation of mystery adds suspense to its exploration, one which requires a suitable level of experience, and one which brings together an explosion of underwater life; after so many years the sea has come to make this boat its own. Various immersions are needed to even begin to get to know this unique shipwreck, due to the depth and large dimensions of the wreckage.

Costa Dorada

The seemingly endless beaches of the Tarragona province finish in the south, at the shores of the Delta del Ebro, where life thrives both inside and outside the water. This coastline, a magnet for sun and beach tourism, seems more suited for snorkeling, but there are great incentives for those who wish to go a little bit deeper. The meadows of posidonia and the rock formations , both chocked full of life, are joined by the numerous remains of shipwrecks, a few of great grandeur, which comprise a paradise for the lover of wreckages.



What more can be said about Menorca? International Biosphere Reserve, a wind swept island, throughout the centuries its coasts have been the refuge place for navigators experiencing difficulties, who not always managed to safely dock their vessels, as evidenced by the numerous wreckages from times gone by. However, the Menorca beneath the surface especially stands out for its underwater caverns, that have achieved international fame, as we can see from the spectacular cave of Es Pont d’en Gil.

El Pont d’en Gil

From Ciutadella towards the north, the coast is wild, frequently whipped by the north

wind, and is raised by cliffs containing numerous caves. El Pont d’en Gil is a large tongue of land, at the south of the Cap de Menorca, under whose tip a beautiful natural bridge opens up, allowing the passage of vessels. Just below the rocky cave, a large cavity drives the underwater cave of Es Pont d’en Gil, which penetrates more than 200 m towards the ground. The initial opening gives way to an underwater chamber that, after about 40 m but without passing 12 m of depth, gets to the first aerial camera. There are many ways to visit this site. One option consists of following the silhouette of the bottom without emerging until getting to the end of the cave, resisting the temptation to peep out to the surface, in which our dive lights show the breaking of bubbles. As such, we advance more than a hundred of meters until going beyond a second underwater chamber (6 m), that leads to a wide aerial camera which makes up the end of the cave. Here we come up to the surface for the first time and we marvel at the geology of the zone;


A paradise for the navigator, with infinite diving. From the nautical stations of Mallorca, Menorca and Ibiza it is possible to enjoy the Mediterranean in all its glory.

but the best is yet to come. We return to the second cavern and we emerge. The sight of stalactites, stalagmites, and columns captivates us, while we allow ourselves to slowly float towards the entrance. Close to the first cavern, the dark aerial camera contrasts with the beautiful blue-colored light of the water that comes from the distant entrance. In this zone of the cave it is possible to get out of the water to walk a little between the columns, stalactites and stalagmites.

Discovering the Pont d’en Gil

In the summer of 1952, three divers (the famous Eduard Admetlla and his brother Enrique, together with Roberto Díaz), swam these cliffs together when they made out the dark entry of an underwater cave.


Estació Nàutica

c/ Camí dés Castell, 28 - 07702 – Maó Tel. 971 594 827 coordinacio@enmenorca.org www.enmenorca.org

However, upon coming up in search of the expected aerial camera, they found an unexpected thermocline that gave way to a water of glacial temperatures. We have to remember that not one of the three wore a wetsuit, so the thermic shock prevented Roberto Díaz and Enrique Admetlla from continuing on. In any case, Eduardo Admetlla decided to continue advancing. His reward was in finding the extraordinary cavern that has granted worldwide fame to the Pont d’en Gil. Of course, after his discovery this explorer emerged in search of his companions and convinced them to share the find.



Upon descending to the bottom, they came upon an opening of an underwater cavern that they began to explore with the aid of their torches. After crossing about 40 m, they reached a zone in which the bubbles, instead of beating against the cavern roof, were instead lost in the darkness.

MENORCA The North Coast and the Marine Reserve



The coast that extends from Ciutadella towards the north forms a wild coastline, exposed to the north wind, in whose waters the diver has the privilege of exploring sea-beds rarely visited. In the center of this coast, the town of Fornells offers a charming ambiance, with narrow streets and a fishing port surrounded by an impressive rocky coast and virgin beaches. Its emblematic natural bay proves perfect for the practice of watersports. The Marine Reserve of the North of Menorca is a maritime area that enjoys a wide biodiversity and an enormous scenic value. In 1999 the Reserve was created in order to guarantee the conservation of marine species and the sustainable development of the zone. With an area of 5.119 hundred marine acres, it is the largest reserve of the Balearic Islands. The biological value of these lands is undeniable, emphasizing the presence of red coral, lobster and polluck, and the occasional sighting of such unique species such as the hammer fish, etc. Recent Studies have recorded up to 628 species of algae, fish and mollusks, in addition to 35 different biological groups.

La illa de l’Aire. Cagaires

The coast that extends to the south of the port of Maó is full of incentives for the diver. A good example of this is the Illa de l’Aire, in the southeast of Menorca, in front of the Punta Prima, that constitutes an obligatory step in order to take shelter in the port of Maó. The sea beds that surround Illa de l’Aire can be considered a paradise for the diver, as they offer a perfect representation of what was, at one point, the Mediterranean. Under the water, rich meadows of posidonia are alternated with underwater beaches consisting of white sand and rocky joints that contain arches and tunnels that are the site for an abundant fauna. The islet of Cagaires is found a hundred meters to the northeast of the Illa de l’Aire. Its interesting name makes reference to the waterfowls that usually relax on top of the rocks. In the dive zone under the islet of Cagaires, the diver can discover the beautiful back lighting of an amplious cave with

various exits, whose floor is found at about 19 m. This islet, of about 15 m in diameter, and hardy jutting one meter out of the water, receives, with certain frequency, the visit of marine species possessing deep sea habits due to the proximity of depths that exceed 100, 200 and 300 m. The cave of Cagaires forms a tunnel which crosses the base of the islet from east to west. Its exploration doesn´t present much difficulty as it is possible to appreciate the light of the opening from the other extreme of this spacious corridor from its threshold.

Remains of shipwrecks

The Illa de l’Aire has the questionable honor of having been the scene of a great number of shipwrecks throughout centuries of navigation. Around the Isla del Aire antique pieces of artillery can be found, along with musket ammunition and numerous rivets of copper that were used to keep the vessels together. The wood quickly disappeared due to the water and marine organisms, thus only these remains of the boats are left, along with the anchors and canons.

Islet Es Vedrà, Es Vedranell and Sa Galera


Treated as one of the most popular images of these islands among divers. The group, formed by one bigger island (Es Vedrà), a smaller (Es Vedranell) and the islet of Sa Galera provide a photogenic scene for whoever gets close to this coastline. However, furthermore, what lies below the surface can have no reason to be envious of what lies above. It is, quite simply, amazing. Underwater walls that plunge down to 60 m, in a landscape covered by gorgonias through which an enormous amount of life moves.

This island, famed worldwide, has other values otherwise unknown by the general public. It is necessary to visit Ibiza with a diving mask in order to comprehend the extraordinary biodiversity of its sea-beds. For the diver, the menu is unexpectedly complete and varied: spectacular underwater walls covered by gorgonias, mysterious light-filled caverns, fascinating ship wreckages, etc.

Llosa de Santa Eulàlia

Torres de Hércules


This is a great rocky formation, at the southeast of the island of Santa Eulària, that rises from a base of sand and posidonia between 30 and 36 m of profundity until a little more than 1 m from the surface. The rock is barely visible, and long ago the steamship Barcelona collided with her and sunk; the inhabitants of the land came to their assistance, and nowadays a plaque commemorates this event. The mollusks in the bed of sand and posidonia, the sea-eels and crayfish in between the cracks, and the morays glimpsed from their refuges are a few of the habitual inhabitants. And, in addition, spit fish, catheads, sea bream, polluck and mucho more are seen.

In the zone of Cala Aubarca, at a depth of about 21 m, two enormous stones that support the roof of a cave by means of columns are found. A few orifices in the upper part of the cave allow two rays of sun to enter, producing a magnificent play of light. At a small distance (it is possible to visit both places in the same immersion) we have the Cueva de la luz, in whose roof a spectacular cenital is displayed, through which an intense column of light enters. An unforgettable dive, a true show of light and color.



Islet de Las Margalidas

This is made up of two islets that rise up close to the east coast of Eivissa. The bigger of the two (the island of Balandres) has a natural photogenic tunnel through which tiny vessels can pass. Under the surface, the sea beds comprise a very complex zone which includes caves, tunnels, arches, and spectacular walls that plunge down to great depths, in successive falls of 25, 40 and 60 m, covered by a rich representation of Mediterranean coraligenic that includes red gorgonias, lobsters, moray eels, polluck, congers, three tails, deep sea urchins, etc. And in the blue, amberjack, sea pikes, and groupers move freely about.

Islas Bledes

The islas Bledas are a group of five islets, at 1.4 miles to the northeast of the Island S’Espartar, that offer many alternatives to the diver. Long ago they were a place of passage for whales, therefore the fishermen of Ibiza came close to here to hunt them with harpoons. Today, these islands fulfill an important function as a refuge for marine birds and species endemic to lizards. The beautiful sea beds present spectacular underwater walls that reach 60 m, and are accentuated by a rich carpet of gorgonias that cover them. Lobsters, polluck, tuna fish and other deep-sea specimens are common in their crystal waters.

- IBIZA Puerto Deportivo de de Santa Eulàlia Edif. del Club Náutico - 07840 Santa Eulalia del Río - (Ibiza) Tel. +34 971 330 555 / Fax +34 971 330 136 info@ensantaeulalia.com www.ensantaeulalia.com

Passeig de ses Fonts, 1 07820 - Sant Antoni (Ibiza) Tel. + 34 666 508 717 enautica.sasj@gmail.com www.ibiza-alive.com


MAJORCA The greatest of the Balearic Islands is full of incentives for navigators and divers. Its coastline is a succession of steep cliffs and welcoming coves that offer a safe haven, especially in summer, inviting us to come out and cast a look under the surface of the water…

Caves and Walls

tuated between 20 and 35 m of profundity.

Cova d’en Jeroni PHOTO: JORDI CHIAS

waters are not too deep, and don´t exceed -40 m of profundity. All of this sector is very rich in aerial caves(one of them used long ago for smuggling), and so it is not strange that in their sea beds an undetermined number of underwater caves open up. The Cap de Menorca is a headland that hangs abruptly over the sea, constituting a

Situated in the peninsula of Formentor, rich in caves and underwater tunnels, the Cova dén Jeroni was discovered in the seventies by Jeroni Puigcerver, to whom the name is due. In that time, he overcame the underground chamber access with his own lungs, admired for some instants the spacious aerial camera and then returned to the top without breathing, as he feared that the air of the interior of the cavern was unbreathable. These days the cave has become popular. Its underwater access is easy, including in the case of free diving, as it is enough to pass through submerged at a distance of about ten meters at a profundity of hardly 3



In general, the waters of Majorca are profound and clean close to the shore, which facilitates navigation close to the cliffs when the sea is calm. Furthermore, being an island, it proves easy to move from one coast to the other depending on the meteorological forecast, which allows us to always enjoy the best conditions of the water. Given that the island lacks big rivers that carry sediment, the water usually exhibits an exceptional transparency. There are hundreds of points of diving in the seabeds of Majorca. From the Estación Náutica de Es Port d’Alcúdia, the diver has convenient access to the bottom of the amplious bay of Alcúdia, from the Cap de Menorca to the Cap de Ferrutx, as well as the peninsula of Formentor.

Cap de Menorca

The stretch of coast from the Port d’Alcúdia to the Cap de Menorca and the Cap des Pinar is the only steep incline of all the amplious bay of Alcúdia, which is the second largest of all the island of Majorca after the bay of Palma. In the interior of the bay the

reference point for navigation and fishing. In its depths there are an abundance of different species of fish, especially polluck. The immersion allows an interesting wall dive due to the transparency of the water, and the desired depth is reached depending on the individual experience of each diver, given that the most interesting zone is si-

m. Upon emerging at the spectacular aerial camera, the diver finds himself swimming about in pools of water with the appearance of an indoor swimming pool. The air of the interior is perfectly breathable, therefore it is no longer necessary to make the considerable effort of its discoverer. The fame of its spectacular dimensions (60 m of longitude, 30 m of width and 20 to 24 m in height) has converted it into an almost obligatory visit for the scuba divers that travel around Majorca.

ALCÚDIA - MALLORCA Estació Nàutica

Passeig Pere Ventanyol. Edifici Can Ramis Oficina de turisme d’Alcudia - 07400 - Alcúdia Telf. +34 971 549 022 enalcudia@alcudia.net / www.enalcudia.net


Spanish Mediterranean. The archipelago of Cabrera is the natural habitat of important colonies of marine birds and of endemic species such as the astragalus of the Balearic Islands (Astragalus balearicus), the blond (Rubia Angustifolia ssp. cespitosa), the flycatcher (Dracunculus muscivorum) or the Balearic hypericon (Hypericum balearicum). Its marine floors are another of its most important facets, with more than 200 species of fish and numerous endemic invertebraPHOTO: XAVIER


This zone of the Balearic Islands brings together the best of Mediterranean diving in its crystalline and serene waters. Through the Estació Náutica de Llucmajo-Bahía de Palma we can submerge ourselves in distinct diving points distributed throughout the south of Majorca, among which we can include sunken boats of Palma, spectacular caves and their back lights like those in Porto Pi, beautiful coves, walls of islets such as the Dragonera or the Isla del Sec, various points that provide a window to a sea full of life and the lush floors of the Natural Park of Cabrera. In these dives we can observe a large representation of the marine fauna of this sea, with large polluck, shoals of barracudas, sea-roaches, sea bass, congers, octopus, and with a very observant eye, sea horses. All this contained in waters whose average visibility usually sits at about 30 meters and features a temperature that ranges between 16 and 26 º C, so that it is never ¨too¨cold for our favorite sport.



The Nautical Station Llucmajor-Bahía de Palma is located in the very same Bay of Palma, to the south of Majorca, without a doubt one of the best sites of the Mediterranean for diving and the practice of many other nautical activities that offer the visitor 300 days of sun per year with moderate and pleasant temperatures. For the diving passionate, this destination provides a good variety of dive sites, including those in the National Park of Cabrera.

Cabrera Natural Park

The National Park of the Archipelago of Cabrera is made up of a group of calcareous islands and islets, declared the National Maritime Land Park in 1991. It is found a little more than one hour by boat from Majorca and represents one of the best examples of unaltered island ecosystem of the

te. Diving in Cabrera is like going back in time, where we discover how the Mediterranean must have been submerged decades ago.


Estació Nàutica c/ Roses, s/n - 07600 S’Arenal de Llucmajor Telf. +34 971 440 142 info@enllucmajor.com / www.enllucmajor.com




The nautical stations of the Spanish east coast brings us close to a radiant coastline, with clean horizons and high mountains close to the sea. The sandy beaches alternate with rocky coves, allowing immersions for all tastes and styles. of the Columbrete Islands are full of life. The fish don´t beg for food, yet nor do they flee terrified, in such a way that the diver feels that he is in a ¨sanctuary¨ of the western Mediterranean.

Ferrera SE

This immersion is centered in the zone between La Ferrera and the Valdés Islet. Although it is a sector of little profundity, it is one of the richest of the Columbretes. The underwater landscape is covered with great blocks of stone through which banks of sea bream and the odd polluck slide in, and the channel is a zone of passage for great shoals of pelagic fish, especially during summer. In general it is not necessary to descend further than 25 m, because it is there that the majority of life is concentrated, life which includes moray eels, scorpion fish, lobsters, and spit fish (they often form very numerous shoals during the hottest months).

El Bajo Piedra Joaquín


La Piedra Joaquín is a small reef that, under the water, expands until it forms an underwater mountain range which joins beneath Don Jorge Juan. The walls to the east of the Piedra Joaquín plummet vertically until 40 m, but the rocky ground that unites both formations barely has a depth of about 8 m. If the ground is extended towards the north, upon arriving at 25 m, we discover great slabs that shelter scorpion fish, lobsters, and numerous polluck, a few of great size. Close to us, moreover, sea-roaches, shellfish, three tails, spit fish and lemon fish that will charm us with their pursuit of the shoals of anchovies.


The natural park of the Columbrete Islands is one of the most paradisaical and virgin enclaves of the Spanish coast. It is found at about 28 miles opposite the coasts of Castellón, in such a way that it is essential to arrange a good boat to gain access to them, and the crossing is long. Without a doubt it is one of the small archipelagos of most ecological interest in the Mediterranean. Settled above a bed of close to 80 m of profundity, it is an example of volcanism. Its attraction increases inside the water due to its complex topography, and its great diversity of species that seek protection here. The transparent waters of the Natural Park

zone where the current can be quite strong. Periwinkle and wrasses swim here close to the stone covered with anemones and false coral. In addition, we can observe shoals of spit fish. In the part beneath the ledge (20 m) there are an abundance of large sized polluck, shoals of snapper, dentals, scorpion fish, etc.


Columbrete Islands

Columbrete Grande

At the farthest point of the open sea of Columbrete Grande, the underwater walls fall vertically towards the bottom, surrounded by large shoals of sea-roaches. It is the most exterior and closest point to the open sea, a

Explanada del puerto pesquero, s/n - 12598 Peñíscola - (Castellón) Telf. +34 964 465 206 / +34 654 904 917 info@benicarlopeniscola.com www.enbenicarlopeniscola.com





At the north of the Alicante Costa Blanca, the Marina Alta region sets itself up in a unique crossroads of senses, with a bright Mediterranean coastline in which the pines come into the sea, stemming from the steep mountainous formations of the western slope.


It is the coastline that extends from Denia until Calpe, encompassing the areas of Jávea, Moraira- Teulada and Benissa. According to Rafael Martos, author of the immersion guide, ¨Dive in the North Costa Blanca¨, the possibilities to dive are innumerable, although they highlight the sea beds of the Marine Reserve of the Cap de Sant Antoni that, shared by Denia and Jávea, welcome a multitude of life of considerable size (polluck, sea bass, moray eels, lobsters etc.).

The Tabarca Reserve

The underwater topography is varied, with zones of small slopes and others of cliff, that create the best natural theme park, with attractions in the form of submerged landscape, arches, shores, coves, sunken boats, prairies, sand traps…

Les Bassetes remains protected and shielded from the surf, and its maximum depth of 4 m makes it ideal for taking a dip, and dives with the handicapped.


The coast between Jávea and Calpe provides infinite diving points of grand quality, with small rocky coves and fine sandy beaches, until reaching the impressive cliffs of Peñón de Ifach and later, Mascarat, that offer rich sea beds often times outlined by large detached rocks that create narrow passages, arches and contrasts of light. In the coast of Benissa, for example, the cove of

The small archipelago of Tabarca is formed by a main island (named Plana of Santa Pola or Nueva Tabarca) and the islets of the Cantera, the Galera and the Nao, close to numerous reefs.

Puerto Deportivo Marina de Denia, Edificio Capitanía - 03700 - Denia (Alicante) Telf. +34 600 508 489 / +34 685 921 783 info@estacionnauticamarinaalta.org www.estacionnauticamarinaalta.org

Above the Plana island lies a small walled village in the west side, called San Pedro and San Pablo, that are highly advisable to visit. In 1986 it was declared the Marina Reserve, comprising a space of about 1.000 hundred acres of the marine floor that surrounds the island, and since then the fauna have done nothing else but thrive. The entire island is surrounded by a lush meadow of posidonia that makes for an excellent breeding ground for numerous species, such as polluck or false codfish. We also discover amber jacks and often, large tortoises. The great visibility and presence of polluck, rays and barracudas, will be a constant in our visits. Often, the gorgonias compete in color with the nudibranchs, together with the sea bass, dentals, shoals of spit fish, large shoals of sea-roaches, and numerous morays and see-eels of great size.




This enclave of the coastline of Cabo de Palos represents a compendium of all the possible dives in the Mediterranean, including the greatest concentration of historically diveable sunken boats in Spain. From the Nautical Station we will enjoy the best climatic conditions and the sea of the Iberian Peninsula.


The Cabo de Palos is found on the Costa Cálida, at about 30 km from Cartagena, in the opening of the Manga del Mar Menor. Its sea beds offer a wealth of posibilities, as the numerous historical wreckages that splash its shores demonstrate. In the case of Bajo de Dentro and Las Agujas (sometimes called the Roca Partida), the landscape combines posidonia, rocky blocks, sand and coraligenic with fluctuating heights of between 3 m and 50 m. We will discover a cave (22 m) in which shelly marine life take refuge, and in whose vicinity the diver will be surrounded by polluck, abbots and false codfish. If we skirt the bottom towards the north sector, upon reaching 35 m we will discover beautiful gorgonias covering the rock, like an other base of lesser dimensions: it is an immense rock split in two (the Roca Partida), whose most shallow part reaches 15 to 20 m, meanwhile the base, full of gorgonias, descends in search of 40 m. In between the large blocks of the floor, pollucks of notable size move freely, and in the upper part, morays, scorpion fish, congers and spit fish accompany us. We will also see lobsters, true sea-roaches, sea bream, sea-bass, and occasionally an odd marine eagle. The Bajo


Bajo de Dentro

de Dentro is one of the most popular dive sites of the Cabo de Palos, given that its different heights allow a dive for all levels.

S.S. Standfield

The S.S. Standfield is the most impressive wreckage of those that dot the floors of Cabo de Palos. It is the wreckage of a steel merchant ship of 116 m in length and 14 m in breadth, with four cargo holds, that lie upright above the bottom at a maximum depth of 60 m, with the most superficial zone of the decks at about 48 m. In fact, not much reliable data is known about this steamship. For all intents and purposes, its sinking could be due to an attack by a German submarine during the first World War, as the damages that are detected on the side of the starboard could have been caused by a torpedo. Today, the structure of the wreckage is well preserved, with exception to the zone of the deck and chimney. It is advisable to proceed with caution, as the presence of nets make access to certain parts of the wreckage difficult and dangerous. It proves impossible to pass through all of the structure with only one visit. If one desires to visit the deepest zone, the rudder plate and the large four plate propeller lie above

El Sirio

Grounded on August 4 1906, it is the most famous wreckage in the zone. Its sunking shocked public opinion when 442 people out of the 645 passengers that it transported died, on a peaceful summers day in which the sea was as calm as a millpond and where the ship remained beached for more than 30 days. Its remains can be found in the north face of the Bajo de Fuera, between 25 and 47 m.

the sand at 60 m. The abundance of shoals of three tails and the odd large sized conger eels stand out, together with the beautiful gorgonias that cover large surfaces of the hull. La Estación Náutica de Mar Menor offers the best deals on quality services for an unforgettable dive.

C/ Fuster , 63 Ed. Pintor Hernández Carpe 30710 - Los Alcázares (Murcia) Tel. +34 968 574 994 / Fax +34 968 171 901 estacionnautica@enmarmenor.com www.enmarmenor.com



The visibility is usually reduced to due the contribution of silt and organic materials from the Rivers Guadiana and Guadalquivir, and the sea beds are of mostly sand, but in the rocks where life thrives, the diver can marvel before the great diversity of species and of the size they achieve. A few of the most well-known points of immersion are the Piedras Negras (flagstone situated at about 12 m of profundity, suitable for beginners, in which sea bass and false coral are found in abundance), the wreckages of Ayamone and Mazagón, el Gato, the Castillas (a slated sea bed between 8 and 14 meters), etc.

Fish lovers have an incentive to explore these depths. At about 2.5 miles along the coast of Ayamonte, opposite the mouth of the Guadiana, and at 7 miles from the athletic port of the Cristina island, the remains of a merchant vessel above a bed of sand of about 15-18 m of depth are found. This cargo boat of British banner sank in the year 1941, upon being attacked by the German aviation when it came out of the River Guadiana, during the Second World War. Its state of conservation is good, and remains of the artillery can still be seen, along with gorgonias and fish typical of stony precipice such as morays, sea-roaches, and large shoals of grunts and sea bass. The visibility is not usually good.


Piedra Dorada

Opposite the lighthouse of El Rompido, a mile from the coast a sea bed is found, characterized by a rocky reef that extends a hundred meters perpendicular to the coast, reaching about 3 m of height above the floor of sand. The depth doesn´t exceed 12 m, so that it is a suitable dove for all sorts of divers. Its


The coast of Huelva is dominated by the presence of long beaches of the Doñona National Park. The dive here is very special… Huelva Pecio Empire Warrior

name is derived from the great quantity of gilt heads that congregate in these waters, hiding in the rocks. Moreover, in certain periods of the year, we can be surprised by the presence of small stingrays and torpedo rays that come close to his area to spawn.

Empresa Municipal de Isla Cristina c/ Pescadores, 32, bajos - 21410 - Isla Cristina (Huelva) / Telf. +34 959 344 483 esosa@emicsa.es www.en-islacristina.com

Do you want to enjoy the sea? It doesn’t matter what level (beginner, improver, or even a simple¨dipper ¨), if you have at one time felt the desire to try scuba diving, sailing, windsurfing, fishing in the high sea, charter sailing, kayaking, jet skiing, or water skiing, among others, a nautical station is the ideal option. The sea is within everyones reach. The Nautical stations are touristic destinations specialized in open water sports and activities. Currently, the Asociación Española is compiled of 23 nautical stations that offer, moreover, complimentary activities ideal for free time in between immersions, or for your companions or children that may not dive. The NET of 23 Nautical stations, that are distributed along the entire coast, operates year round. There you will find everything necessary in order to provide you with an unfor-

gettable experience. Navigating in Menorca or Ibiza? Diving in the marine reserve of L’Estartit? Discovering the salt marshes of the Island of Cristina? Enjoying a sighting of cetaceans in Lanzarote? The offer is limitless. Furthermore, the clubs are equipped with services that compliment nautical activities, such as accommodation or dry land activities(golf, BTT, biking etc.), which ensures a complete, easy, accessible and economical holiday experience. And always with the stamp of quality that guarantees the professionalism of the monitors and the equipment. The Asociación Española de Estaciones Náuticas audits the candidates in order to guarantee quality standards.  With a simple click on www.disfrutarelmar.com you can book your activity and pick your accommodation from among a wide range of posibilities(camping, hotels, apartments…).

Do you dare?


Here the coast combines salt marshes, dunes, cliffs, rocky bases and long sandy beaches. Furthermore, beneath the surface, the number of wreckages and other archaeological remains can not be classified as small, and lay testament to the passage of ancient civilizations over three thousand years. The dozens of diving points in this province are grouped together in three large areas, that correspond to the waters of the Tarifa(up until Punta Camarinal), the coastline from Barbate al Cabo Roche, and, lastly, the sea beds close to the Bahía de Cadiz. One of the main attractions of the dive sites surrounding the Bahía de Cádiz is the presence of archaeological remains (ceramics, canons, ammunition, etc) from antique shipwrecks. However, the conditions of visibility are not generally very good (oftentimes, less at 5 m) due to the fine suspended substratum, contributions from the nearby rivers Guadalete and San Pedro in the bay and the daily drainage of the salt marshes. Fuentebravía, Los Cochinos, Las Cabezuelas, La Caleta, Hazte Fuera or the Castillo de Sancti-Petri all deserve to be mentioned among the diving points in the area.


Situated opposite the Fuentebravía Beach, the floor of the sea alternates between areas of sand with a cord of rocks, which

reach a maximum depth of about 9 m. This proves ideal for a night dive and also for beginners.

La Caleta

An interesting dive, especially for lovers of underwater archaeological ruins. Along with the passing of time, La Caleta was used as a port ever since Phoenician Times. This explains why, therefore, that in their rocky bottoms we can, without passing 15 m of depth, localize numerous PHOTO: SERGIO LÓPEZ

A privileged enclave


The province of Cádiz enjoys a strategic geographical position from all points of view, that have converted it into an ancient meeting point of towns and cultures. The same occurs opposite the coast, where the waters of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean are to be found.

ceramic remains, Roman anchor-stocks, canons from the 18th Century, remains of copper lining belonging to a gallean, etc. All a luxury in taking a dive into history.

Hazte Afuera

At 1.9 miles to the southeast of the Castillo de Sancti-Petri, a bed of large rocky slabs covered by an abundant fauna is situated (between 5 and 15 m of profundity). Close to the rock we discover, among others, sea-roaches, bream, and gilt heads. The underwater formation continues towards the southeast combining rocks and sand, until reaching the Cabezo de la Pasada, where a few canons in the sand are discovered, the last trace of a shipwreck. This represents a complete immersion in every sense of the word.

BAHÍA DE CÁDIZ Estación Náutica

Apartado de correos 106 11500 El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz) Telf. +34 956 870 103 / Fax +34 956 873 902 info@estacionnauticabahiadecadiz.com www.estacionnauticabahiadecadiz.com



ge pintos, sea bass, shoals of sea-roaches, beautiful gorgonias and a countless number of nudibranchs, sea urchins, spirographs, etc. Around Ribadeo, for example, the Pancha Island is the most popular diving zone (weather permitting) and its sea beds of rock and sand attract a lot of life. Ribadeo contains a beautiful natural heritage and landscape between the Cantábrico Sea and the

Ribadeo river. It contains a coast marked by rocky areas with an endless number of of entries and exits. Standing out for its appeal, the River of Ribadeo, included in the RED NATURA 2000, Red Europe of protected spaces of the Red Natura 2000 as ¨A site of community Importance L.I.C.¨. And in the Rías Baixas, there are numerous sites that offer the diver the chance to enjoy covered areas of laminarias and gorgonias, through which everything ranging from rockcods, serranids, to sea-eels move, including a large quantity of crustaceans (probably one of the distinguishing points of the immersions in Galician waters). Whatever the case, the list of diving zones is long: Cabo Udra (here it’s possible to take many different routes, close to a ledge which extends up to 33 m), el Bajo Zacarías (a base in the exterior part of the Ons Island, it is a large stone with deep wells in its interior, one of which is more than 40 m deep), Baterías de Costa and Bajo Paxariña (in the peninsula of the Grove, it is a very amplious zone in which there are many different immersions fit for all levels; from 5 to 35 m, the rocks alternate with sand and we find all the typical fauna of the Rías Bajas), etc.

Plaza del Consello, s/n 36630 - Cambados Telf. +34 986 520 786 turismo@cambados.es www.cambados.es


The unique conditions of the Galician coastline have protected and created a natural ambiance whose fauna and plant life are truly special and surprise the diver. When the sea shows its friendly side, slipping beneath these waters proves to be an authentic privilege. One of the incentives of the immersions is to pass between the lush vegetation of laminarias, although we can also find a rich and diverse fauna, which includes lar-


The Atlantic Ocean shows us its power along a difficult coast, with seabeds of cold waters, often unexplored and scattered with remains of shipwrecks. The nautical stations of the Galician coast place within our reach an entire world full of charm and mystery.

Avda. de Asturias, 21-23 1 J 27700 - Ribadeo (Lugo) Telf. +34 982 131 476 / +34 620 622 447 Fax +34 982 120 566 ribadeoen@gmail.com www.ribadeoestacionnautica.com


The “Lucky Islands”? How do we deny the cliché? Of course, to go out to sea from one of the nautical stations of the Canaries is a sheer luxury. And if we wish to dive, there is no doubt that it is the most “tropical” destination in all Europe. It has to be enjoyed.

The attractions of Lanzarote are uncountable, as much inside as outside the water. The island of the thousand volcanos was declared a World Biosphere Reserve in 1993. It’s rough landscape of black lava follows along the coasts, that then continue on under the surface on a bed of great richness. On all the coastline of the island, sandy floors that descend into smooth slopes are commonplace, although in a few cases the slope gives way to a bay shore that plunges down until notable depths very close to the shore. This is what occurs, for example, in Puerto del Carmen, which classifies itself as a reference point for the divers of the island. In the north zone of the island, the most remarkable is the Chinijo Archipelago, La Playa de Famara and the Costa Teguise. It is necessary to remember the Marina Reserve

accompanying the aforementioned species, we also find angel sharks, rays, torpedoes, polluck and much, much more. The number of chuchos (stingrays) and angel sharks increase during their reproductive period, in the months of spring and summer. Definitely an ideal environment for peaceful immersions, suitable for all kinds of divers.

C/ Fuencaliente, 2 semisótano 35500 - Arrecife - (Lanzarote) Telf. +34 928 811 340 / Fax +34 928 811 340 info@en-lanzarote.com www.turismolanzarote.com



Conversely, in the far south of the island, the area of Playa Blanca is characterized by its immersions above beds that combine sand and rock, without surpassing 25 m. For example, opposite the Playa de Coloradas (in Playa Blanca), the immersion point known as Risco Negro is found, a reef of volcanic origin that passes parallel to the coast at a maximum depth of about 17 m, raising itself from 3 to 5 m above the floor. Its fanciful forms illustrate a multitude of orifices and plates of stone on top of which lie black chuchos. The reef contains a large opening which can be crossed through by means of two cavities with access from the roof and a lot of light. Hundreds of alfonsitos inhabit the caves and in their immediate surroundings we find moray eels and the odd polluck. If we lift our gaze we will see spit fish and horse mackerel. Furthermore,



of the Island of La Graciosa and Islets of the north are found here, which make up the biggest marine reserve in Europe.




Gran Canaria

The coast of Mogán, in the southeast of the Gran Canaria island offers a landscape dripping with fanciful rocky formations carved by the wind and large strips of gold sandy beaches of organic origin with hints of coves. It is an authentic paradise for sea lovers and for the diver in particular, who finds clean waters with temperatures ranging between 18 and 22 º C. Visiting a wreckage always provokes a range of emotions in the scuba diver. Sometimes we ask ourselves about its history, its cargo, or the conditions that caused it to be shipwrecked. However, the fate of the wreckage is not always associated with a tragic ending and many of them came to rest on the sea bed without any intention other than to offer an excellent refuge for the fauna and an attractive environment for the diver. The dive known as Pecios de Mogán consists of the visit to a couple fishing boats that lie at a half mile to the south of the port of Mogán. Both wreckages are separated by a distance of about 50 meters and the maximum depth of the zone is 20 m, thus both can be visited in the same immersion (in any case, each one deserves and requires a visit in order to be explored in detail). The first is known as ¨Pecio de Mogán¨: it

is a fishing boat with a steel hull which sank thirteen years ago, and is found scattered in various pieces, and although the fauna is similar in both wreckages, this is the one that shelters more life due to its longer period at rest. Conversely, the Ceremona II came to rest at the bottom in May of 2002 and, as a result, is found in a good state of conser-

vation: it is the other steel boat displaying similar dimensions to that which was previously mentioned (about 35 m in length). The fauna surrounding the wreckage are samples of what we find in the Canary Islands: grunting fish, sea-roaches, trumpet fish, polluck, bigeyes, moray eels, breams, spit fish, red mullets, rays, lizard fish, octopus, cuttlefish, spider crab, etc. The sea conditions are usually favorable year round and the absence of current makes this zone fit for divers of all levels.

Avenida de Mogán, 1 - 35130 - Puerto Rico, Mogán (Gran Canaria) Telf. +34 928 158 804 ext. 4118 mogan@estacionesnauticas.info www.estacionesnauticas.info


The sea beds that surround the Gran Canaria contain fascinating sunken ships. Many are found in the sea port area of Las Palmas, but others are distributed all over the coastline, awaiting our arrival...




FUERTEVENTURA Separated from Africa by barely 100 kilometers, the proximity of the continent also influences its landscape. Fuerteventura offers the visitor a setting that combines steep solidified lava (volcanic) and long white sandy beaches brimming with bright, clear waters. Furthermore, the constant presence of east winds has endowed this island with a deserved international fame among lovers of windsurf. The most African

Islet of Lobos

This is found at the Northeast of Fuerteventura and receives the visits of boats setting sail from Corralejo. Its name is derived from the fact that it is the last place of the Canary archipelago that was visited by specimens of sea wolves, or monk seals. Its sea beds are characterized by basalt structures of great cornices and caves, that contain many fish. Spectacular.

Bajón del Río


The Island of Lobos is separated from Fuerteventura by a channel of 1.5 miles in width and waters of little depth (5 m on average), that gets its name from El Río. The dive consists of visiting a reef situated in the channel (16 m, maximum), formed by volcanic rock, whose upper part reaches 10 m of depth. The rocks are bored through and allow the sunlight to pass through them, beneath whose cornices we encounter many fish seeking refuge. During the rise and fall of the tide, an intense funnel effect is produced by the presence of straits, which renders the dive impossible, but, if


Fuerteventura has the best coastal platform in all the archipelago. It is thanks to this that there are a countless number of diving zones fit for all levels, that don’t tend to go over 20 m of depth. We can mention the sea beds of the Islet of Lobos, el Bajón del Ró, el Calamareo, el Castillo, la Catedral, el Veril Grande, el Veril Chico, etc. as the most visited diving points.

we choose the time of day well, we will be granted a calm passing close to fire worms, Norway lobsters, sea-roaches, imperial fish, polluck, horse mackerel, pollock, megrim, moray eels, stingrays, etc.

El Castillo

This is a rocky bay shore situated at about 400 m to the southeast of the breakwater of the port of the touristic urbanization of the Castillo. The water gains depth towards the east until reaching 15 m and, further ahead, 22 m. The shore contains caves, cervices, and fallen rocks close to a wall that provides refuge to various large polluck, while the sand traces the silhouette of the stingray. Nor is it lacking bream, sea-roaches, bicudas, etc.

The Big Shore

Situated in the south, in the Jandía Peninsula, just opposite Morro Jable, this can be visited by land or by boat. It is a bay shore with a platform superior to 20 m (in which a colony of flowerbed eels is featured) that falls in a staggered manner until farther than 35 m. It is a sea bed that brings together black moray eels, alfonsitos, polluck, bream, sea-roaches, stingrays, bicudas, yellow tail, angel sharks in the sand, which, on occasion, has observed the passing of large manta rays. What more could one ask for?


Estación Náutica Almirante Lallermand, 1 35600 - Puerto del Rosario (Fuerteventura) Telf. +34 652 492 537 / Fax +34 928 851 695 estacionesnauticas@fuerteventuraturismo.com www.fuerteventuraturismo.com


Estación Náutica Almirante Lallermand, 1 35600 - Puerto del Rosario (Fuerteventura) Telf. +34 652 492 537 / Fax +34 928 851 695 estacionesnauticas@fuerteventuraturismo.com www.fuerteventuraturismo.com



Along the African coast at the eastern entrance of the Straits of Gibraltar, this walled city rises, surrounded by the waters of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean. The options are very broad for all levels, although many immersions are deep (between 25 and 50 m), and oftentimes there are strong currents (it is advisable to dive during the breaks in the tide), which makes the dives more appropriate for divers with a certain level of experience. Included among the points of immersion are: el Ciclón de Tierra, el Ciclón de Fuera, la Cueva del

Ciclón de Fuera

Coral, la Plataforma, el Coto, Benzu, Rompecala, Santa Teresa, las Preciadas, la Telefónica, los Callejones, la Piedra Gorda, etc.

Cueva del Coral

Spectacular wall pointing in the direction of the north, covered by gorgonias between 20 to 37 m deep. This rock is full of orifices packed with life. Polluck, pollock, lemon fish, fork beard, lobsters, large lobsters, and the presence of the odd sea urchin, centrostephanus longispinus, are but a few of its inhabitants.


Estación Náutica Edrissis s/n, Baluarte de los Mallorquines 51001 - Ceuta Telf. 856 200 560 / Fax 856 200 565 info@enceuta.com www.enceuta.com

Ciclón de Tierra

This is a rocky base with an elongated appearance, very close to the coast, with an upper part greater than 15 m. The immersion takes place between 10 and 30 m of depth, close to the walls exposed to a current that brings us an abundance of white and red gorgonias. Serranids, sea-roaches, moray eels, sea-eels, etc. are common. Archeological remains can also be found.

This is a cavernous formation with openings at different levels. The depth and the habitual presence of currents make it suitable for experienced divers. The upper access is at the ceiling, at 32 m deep, and the other opening is on the floor, at 43 m, close to a large anchor that conserves a piece of chain. Inside the cave, the sheer abundance of red coral that covers the rock almost completely, stands out. The roof of the cave provides various exits in the form of chimneys, which help avoid a feeling of claustrophobia. An unforgettable immersion. Textos: ANDREU LLAMAS Fotos Portada, pág. 2 y 3: XAVIER SAFONT


The sea beds of Ceuta, still relatively unknown by many divers, spread out along its coast of 20 km, which demonstrates an excellent representation of underwater life, favored in the Ceutian Waters for its nutrient content which is carried by the constant currents. Here, the diver can discover in the same dive the typical representatives of the Mediterranean (for example, the gorgonias Paramuricea clavata) along with others more unique to the Atlantic waters (such as the enormous laminarias, a few green algae of various meters in height). If one observes, the visitor will notice that the fauna in these waters presents itself more virgin and wilder. Furthermore, the Strait of Gibrater is the point of entry and departure for a few fascinating species during their migration, such as tortoises, tuna fish dolphins, killer whales, whales, etc. The coastline surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, in the northeastern direction, brings cold waters and frequent currents, in a setting of large shores occupied by fauna and plant life typical of the strait. Conversely, the southeastern coastline, more in contact with the Mediterranean, provides fine sandy beaches that continue on with sandy beds covered by warmer waters. One great advantage is that in a few minutes we can decide to dive in one zone or the other, depending on the conditions of the sea.


Sea beds to discover

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