Auto Cad: Week 12 Review: Dimensioning, Line Weights, CAD shortcut, HOTGRIPS and Photoshop. Dimensioning To change the settings of the dimension use the DIMSTYLE command to bring up dimension style manager. * Remember to click on Annotative then click on modify to view ‘Modify Dimension Style: Annotative’.
Modify Dimension Style: Annotative
Continued dimensions This tool enable you to draw multiple dimensions placed end to end but you must create a linear, aligned, or angular dimension before you can do this.
Linear dimension
After drawing one dimension click continue to draw out the rest.
Linear dimensions
Continued dimensions
Setting up Line Weights LA - keyboard shortcut ‘Layer Properties Manager’ displays all layers and layer properties
Click on the line weight to choose the size. It ranges from 0.00mm to 2.11mm.
Line Weights
CAD shortcuts we should know REC – Rectangle Drawing window – H 200 / W 200 1. Specify first corner – Enter your distance > 200,
2. Specify other corner – Enter your distance > 200 3. Enter or spacebar
AR – Array 4. Select rectangle
5. AR > Enter 6. Choose rectangular array
To add more columns or rows use HOTGRIPS.
Using HOTGRIPS HOTGRIPS enable the user to move the endpoints of lines/objects. • • •
Hold shift for multiple selections The end point will go RED Then you can move the point
7. To change the spcaing > type spacing
8. Enter distance from both columns and rows 9. Exit array
215 Spacing
Exporting to Photoshop
I saved a PDF of the windows from Auto Cad and opened it in Photoshop. Cropping educational stamp
Using tools like gradient, magic wand I was able to add some colour to the windows. Â
Final outcome