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For those who love design.

estefani Mauro

effects achieved by a good design


good design, Attracts, captivates, and even dazzles it’s target. In some specific context it’s vital no to be unnoticed.


Baking flour.

Tienda De Conveniencia

It’s the skin dressing the product in accordance to the impression that wants to be given.


News magazine, fast reading thanks to high visual content. Information about main trends in several topics.

Kinna is a modern woman. True to her style but still openminded.

Visual language refers to art direction in Los abrazos rotos (2009), filmed by Pedro Almodรณvar. This movie is actual but looking back into the 70s lifestyle.

If a brand works its image in a constant and consciously way, in a long term it will obtain a solid and prestigious identity. And people will notice it.

(earn status)

A walk into Montevideo’s oldest neighbourhood in order to meet the most astonishing buildings of the city.

A walk through cultural and gastronomic exhibitions.

Perez Castellanos, Pedestrian street


Road signs will guide your path. Those signs are located on the floor and along the buildings.

Remate Bavastro

Peatonal Bacacay

Galería de la Ciudadela

Louvre Antigüedades

Las Bovedas

Palacio Piria

Hot points are pointed out by banners on their front (buildings), for further information you can use the app.

Good design provides an extra value to the product/service. It is the main cause of the costumer-brand engagement.


Brand refresh for a famous bookshop of Montevideo.

Design is word turned into image.

(brand’s voice)

Housing open for students and tourists coming to experience Uruguay.

¿How to incorporate design to student’s life?

This restyled-vintage house is the best place for sharing and living in a harmonic way.

Annual calendar - a present for the guest

Responsive web

Each piece of design is conceived for a unique purpouse.


, you will not find it on the Internet.

Anger - Collage


Ort’s Canteen

Chinese Ink

Nowadays, the most desirable thing for a brand, is to have devotees and not only costumers.

(generates loyalty)


Social media desig n: Strategy to attrac t new clients in order to lead traffic to the web site.

e design New web sit sion + mobile ver


(Stands out)

When a brand bets for design its effect its instantly noticed.

Target: young people who enjoy reading.


A good and creative idea may work independently of the media.

Aesthetics is based on the event’s mood: curiosity. The main goal is to attract young culture-lover people.


Sooner or later, positive effects of design show up in monetary remuneration.


Coffeeshop focused on creative industry professionals. A good choice to make a break.

Tomatoe and Cheese Bocatta

Vegetable Pie

Crunchy cheese!

good design,


Estefani Mauro BA Graphic Design Montevideo, Uruguay estefani.mauro@gmail.com +598 99451613


good design seduces dresses earn status convinces is the brand’s voice is unique generates loyalty stands out media-independient sells

Screenshot “Los abrazos rotos” (2009) “Ort’s canteen” concept co-work with Amparo Bengochea 3 Photography by Mercedes L. 1


Mercato Traiano Revista Kinna 1 Ciudad Vieja Panorámica Puro Verso Bookshop MVD Urban Housing Ilustrations 2 MOD 3 El corte Editorial Pecha Kucha Rojochicha

Universidad ORT May 2016

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