Hunting for foreign words

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Group: 4th ESO Author: MÂŞ Esther Castro Busto

Objectives: - To communicate effectively in French using the listening, speaking, viewing, reading and writing modes. Communication. - To demonstrate a better understanding of other cultural heritage and identity. Citizen-ship. - To demonstrate preparedness for further learning, particularly in the context where French is used as a language. Personal development. - To work and learn purposefully, both independently and in groups. Cooperative work. - To solve problems individually and collaboratively. Problem solving. - To express their ideas and feelings using all the resources. Research and practice.

Topics: French word in the English language: - Food - Clothes - Name of the shops and restaurants - French family names - Others Some history

Menu in a restaurant in Kells with some French dishes

Development: Group work according to the following guidelines: • Choice of a topic • Work-planning • Information search • Pooling and choice of the information that will be used • Preparation and presentation to the class • Final product: Newspaper

Activities: The activities would have two levels of difficulty depending on the language skills of our students and intended to deal with the diversity of abilities. In groups, students will do research work in Dublin looking for French names and words in restaurants, shops, clothes, menus, French dishes etc... and taking photographs and collecting documents

A restaurant in Saint Stephen’s Green shopping centre (Dublin)

Restaurant in Dublin

In Dunnes Store

Others groups will work on historical research, looking for historical characters and events involving France and Ireland Students will put all of this research in a final product that will be a newspaper where there will be: • Some news about, for instance, a new French restaurant ; the interview to the chef and the menus they are offering • News about a French fashion store and their fashion show • News about something happening in the past but introduced as a present event: “The Normans in Ireland” • Some interviews to historical characters: Antoine Nompar de Caumont (Officer in the battle of Boyne); William d’Orange (Dinastie Orange –Nassau coming from French Burgundy) or James II (exiled in France after being deposed)

Antoine Nompar de Caumont (Strongbow)

William III

James II

Dermot MacMurrough

There will be some anachronisms in the newspaper, but it doesn’t matter because the final target is to get the students to practise the language in all levels and to communicate.

Thank you very much to the people who look at this work and especially those who have helped me to develop it. Ester Castro Busto

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